

actions, 37
active node, 272
adaptive production system, 84, 215
add list, 206
analogical reasoning, 245
AND goals, 173
annealing, 328
antecedents, 260
association graph, 164
assumption, 258
assumption-based truth maintenance system, 260
ATMS, 260
atom, 26, 30
atomic formula, 30
attribute complex, 197
attributes, 26
autoassociative Boltzmann machine, 324
axiom, 74


B-spline, 61
back constraint, 171
back propagation error learning, 302
backtracking, 70
bandlimited, 59
base domain, 248
Bayes’ theorem, 278
belief, 256
best-first search, 72
bigger, 248
binary tree, 25
bit, 15
bit pattern, 15
blackboard model, 169
blocking, 84
body, 35
Boltzmann machines, 323
bottom-up processing, 167
boxel, 16
breadth-first search, 71
bug, 227


chain code, 118
chain coding, 118
characterization, 281
checking part, 230
child node, 25
circumscription, 264
class, 84, 270
clause form, 34
clause, 34
cleartop, 36
clique, 23
closed world assumption, 254
common generalization, 221
compatibility coefficient, 156
competitive learning, 313
complete lattice, 195
composing rules, 219
concept description element, 281
conceptual clustering, 197
conditional proof justification, 257
conditions, 37
conflict resolution, 83
conjunction, 29
conjunctive concept, 179
conjunctive generalization, 183
connected graph, 23
consequent, 260
constant symbol, 29
constrained minimization problem, 109
constraint filtering, 135
constraint representation, 85
constraint, 85
constructive solid geometry, 131
constructive, 188
context, 220
contradiction node, 260
convex set, 128
convolution integral, 53
convolution theorem, 55
correction part, 230
cover, 198
cubic B-spline, 62


data-driven processing, 167
data-vector space, 286
decision tree, 266
declarative knowledge, 143
declarative representations, 35
deductive inference, 74
default inference rule, 253
default reasoning, 253
default value, 40
delete list, 206
delimiters, 29
delta function, 52
delta rule, 302
demon, 41
density, 14
dependent addition of rules, 216
dependent addition, 216
depth-first search, 70
directed edge, 18
directed graph, 18
directed tree, 24
discrete relaxation method, 155
discrimination tree, 63
disjunction, 29
disjunctive concept, 180
distributed representation, 45
domain theory, 237


edge prediction method, 98
edge tracing method, 96
edge, 18, 89
eigenfunction, 57
eigenvalue, 57
empty clause, 35
energy, 319
equilateral triangle, 146
equilibrium state, 313
evaluation function, 5, 72
example, 177
excitatory link, 299
existential quantifier, 29
expert vision, 173
explanation structure, 238
explanation-based generalization, 236
explanation-based learning, 236
extended Gaussian image, 127
extension, 253


false, 28
feedback connection, 24
feedback edge, 24
feedforward graph, 23
feedforward structure, 302
filler, 40
first-order predicate, 29
fixed increment correction method, 301
Fourier descriptor, 121
Fourier integral, 55
Fourier series expansion, 42
Fourier transform, 55
frame, 40
Frenet frame, 130
function symbols, 29
functions, 109


Gaussian sphere, 127
generalization, 183
generalization of rules, 216
generalized cylinder method, 128
generalized cylinder, 128
generalized delta rule, 304
generalized partial match, 247
generate, 3
generation part, 229
global minimum, 303
goal, 35, 227
goal concept, 236
goal regression, 229
goal state, 69
graph representation, 18
ground literal, 34


head, 35
Hebbian synapse, 326
heuristic rule, 146
heuristic search, 73
hidden unit, 299
Horn clause, 34
Horn clause logic, 34
Hough transformation method, 99
hypothesis, 253, 260


ill-posed problem, 114
implication, 29
impulse response, 53
In state, 256
incremental presentation, 184
independent addition of rules, 215
index, 222
induction, 184
inference mechanism, 142
inference rule, 74
inheritance, 40
inhibitory link, 299
initial state, 69
input unit, 299
instance, 84
intensity, 13
intermediate node, 25
interpretation, 32, 133
inverse Fourier transform, 55
isomorphic, 21
justification, 257


kth-order clique, 23
kth-order subgraph, 23
knowledge representation, 142


label, 20, 260
labeled directed graph, 20
Lagrange multiplier, 109
Lagrange multiplier method, 109
Lagrangian, 109
Laplacian, 87
leaf, 25
learned a concept, 184
learning by analogy, 246
learning by discovery, 286
left-hand side, 38
length, 23
line drawing, 133
linear skeletal representation, 123
linear skeletonization, 123
linear threshold unit, 299
linear transformation, 52
link, 298
list, 26
list representation, 26
literal, 34
local minimum, 303
local representation, 45
logical conjunction, 30
logical consequence, 74
logical disjunction, 30
logical operators, 29
loop, 23


m-place predicate (symbol), 31
m-variable function (symbol), 31
Mach band, 90
machine learning, 5
machine learning process, 7
macro-operator, 214
Markov process, 332
massively parallel computation, 333
maximal clique, 23
maximal common generalization, 221
maximal element, 194
maximal partial match, 248
maximally general specialization, 219
maximum clique, 23
median vector, 199
merging method, 103
metric representation, 18
mgu, 76
minimal element, 194
minimum spanning tree, 87
model semantics, 33
model-driven processing, 167
modus ponens, 74, 252
MSC generalization, 190
multilayer structure, 302
multiple concept, 180
multiple inheritance, 40
mutually associative Boltzmann machine, 324


n-queen problem, 329
n-tree, 25
negation, 29
negative instance, 182
network representation, 18
neural network, 298
nodes, 18
noise, 2
nonlinear plan, 173
nonmonotonic logic, 85, 252
normal default inference rule, 253
normal default theory, 253


octa-tree, 25
operationally criterion, 239
operator, 69
optical flow, 108
optimization problem, 320
OR goal, 175
orthogonal expansion, 43
Out state, 256
output function, 298
output unit, 299
overgeneralization, 218
overspecialization, 219


paired-associate learning, 222
parent node, 25
partial match, 247
partial order of generalizations, 194
partition, 102, 198
path, 21
pattern, 1
pattern classification, 301
pattern discrimination, 301
pattern element, 15
pattern function, 3, 13
pattern pyramid, 123
pattern recognition, 3
pattern representations, 43
pattern understanding, 141
perceptron, 300
perfect graph, 23
pixel, 16
plan generation, 172
point spread function, 53
positive instance, 182
preconditions, 206
predicate, 28
predicate logic, 28
predicate symbols, 29
premise, 257
problem, 69
problem solving, 69
problems of variations, 109
procedural attachment, 41
procedural knowledge, 143
procedural representation, 37
product, 286
production rule, 37
production system, 79
proportionality graph search method, 290
proportionality graph, 289
proved, 74


quad-tree, 25
quad-tree representation, 122
quantization, 16, 59


recognition-action cycle, 80
reference activation level, 319
refutation process, 78
region, 102
regularization, 115
regularization parameter, 115
reinforcement learning mechanism, 326
relaxation method, 86, 136, 332
representation, 3
resolution, 76
resolution principle, 76
resolvent, 76
right-hand side, 38
root, 24
root node, 24
rule, 37


sampling, 15, 59
sampling theorem, 59
satisfies, 74
scene, 132
scene analysis, 132
search, 65
search tree, 68
segmentation, 96
selective, 188
self-loop, 87
self-organizing feature map, 335
semantic network, 39
semantics, 29
semidecidable, 75
SEQUENCE goals, 173
shape grammar, 105
shift-invariant, 53
shortest path, 23
similarity relation, 246
simple concept, 179
simultaneous presentation, 184
skeletal representation, 123
skeletonization, 123
slot, 40
smoothing, 91
solid primitives, 131
solution, 69
sparseness, 197
spatial frequencies, 55
specialization, 183
specialization of rules, 218
spherical function method, 127
spine, 128
spline function approximation, 61
splitting method, 103
state, 69
state space, 69
state transition, 69
state transition function, 298
state transition rule, 69
steepest descent method, 303
stochastic relaxation method, 156
store, 36
strong generalization, 220
structure analysis, 107
subattribute, 148
subgoals, 228
subgraph isomorphic, 23
subgraph, 23
substitution, 76
supervised learning, 303
support list, 257
support list justification, 257
surface patch method, 127
suspended node, 290
suspension search method, 290
sweeping, 128
symbolic representations, 45
symbol, 29
syntax, 29
system of orthogonal functions, 43


target domain, 248
term, 30
test pattern, 310
texel, 104
texture, 104
texture analysis, 104
texture primitive, 104
theorem, 74
theorem proving, 75
time constant, 319
top-down processing, 167
topological representation, 18
training pattern, 310
transform, 3
traveling salesperson problem, 320
tree, 24
tree search, 68
true, 28
truth maintenance system, 256
truth values, 32


undecidable, 75
underconstrained problem, 5
undirected edge, 18
undirected graph, 18
unification, 76
unification algorithm, 77
unifier, 76
unit, 298
universal quantifier, 29
universe, 32
unsatisfiable, 74
unsupervised learning, 312


valid well-formed formula, 74
values, 26
variable symbol, 30
version space, 195
visible units, 324
(visual) image function, 3


weak relaxation method, 332
weight, 21
weighted directed graph, 21
well-formed formula, 30
well-posed problem, 114
winged-edge model method, 126
wire-frame representation, 16
working memory, 80


i-coordinate representation, 121


y-coordinate representation, 122


zero crossing, 91
zero-crossing method, 90
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