List of Most Important Symbols and Abbreviations

[X] dimension dependent on property, [‐] dimensionless property, bold italic = vector

Φ potential energy [J]
Γ excess [mol m−2]
Π disjoining pressure [Pa]
Ψ electrical potential [J]

constant [X]

thermal expansion coefficient [K−1]

polarizability [C2 m2 J−1]

branching index [‐]

Dundurs parameter [‐]


constant [X]

1/kT [J−1]

Dundurs parameter [‐]


activity coefficient [‐]

interface energy [J m−2]

crosslinking index [‐]


solubility parameter [MPa1/2]

Dirac delta function [‐]


energy [J]

permittivity [C2 N−1 m−2]

strain [‐]

θ contact angle [°]
η (bulk) viscosity [Pa s]

inverse Debye length [m−1]

curvature [m−1]

compressibility [m2 N−1]


parameter [X]

wave length [m]

μ dipole moment [C m]

frequency [s−1]

Poisson's ratio

π spreading pressure [Pa]

number density [m−3]

mass density [kg m−3]

radius of curvature [m]


(hard sphere) diameter [m]

surface charge density [C m−2]

τ characteristic time [s]

(pair) potential energy [J]

electrical potential [V m−1]

volume fraction [‐]

χ Flory parameter [‐]
ψ electrical potential [J]
ω circular frequency [s−1]
E electric field [V m−1]
F force [N]
e unit vector [m]
f force [N]
r coordinate [m]
u displacement [m]
v velocity [m s−1]
x coordinate [m]

area [m2]

constant [X]

B constant [X]

constant [X]

characteristic ratio [‐]

concentration [mol l−1]

D diffusivity [m2 s−1]
Đ dispersity [‐]

energy [J]

electric field [V m−1]

Young's modulus [GPa]


Helmholtz energy [J]

force [N]

G Gibbs energy [J]

enthalpy [J]

Hamaker constant [J]

I intensity [X]
J flux [s−1 m−2]
K equilibrium constant [X]
L length [m]
M molar mass [g mol−1]
N number of particles [‐]
NA Avogadro's number [mol−1]
Nα number of particles of component α [‐]
P pressure [Pa]

charge [C]

heat [J]


gas constant [J K−1 mol−1]

radius of object [m]

distance between objects [m]

fracture energy [J m−2]

Rg radius of gyration [m]

entropy [J K−1]

spreading coefficient [J m−2]


kinetic energy [J]

temperature [K]

Tg glass transition temperature
U (internal) energy [J]

potential energy [J]

volume [m3]

W work [J]
X degree of polymerization
Y yield strength

capillary constant [m−1]

constant [X]

b constant [X]

constant [X]

inverse spring constant [m N−1]

concentration [mol l−1]

e unit charge [C]

(volume) fraction [‐]

specific Helmholtz energy [J kg−1]

force [N]

spring constant [N m−1]

functionality [‐]

g specific Gibbs energy [J kg−1]
j flux [s−1 m−2]

Boltzmann's constant [J K−1]

spring constant [N−1]

rate constant [X]

l length [m]
m mass [kg]
n material constant [X]
nα number of moles of component α [‐]
q charge [C]

distance [m]

rate [X]

s specific entropy [J K−1 kg−1]
t time [s]
u (pair) potential energy [J]
v volume [m3]

regular solution parameter [J]

potential [J]

xi mole fraction of component i [X]
x coordinate [X]
y coordinate [X]
z coordinate [X]
zi valency of particle i [‐]
identical to
approximately equal to
very approximately equal to
proportional to
corresponds with
풪(x) order of magnitude x


E excess
infinite dilution
° standard
* pure substance
activated complex
id ideal


f formation reaction
fus fusion
mix mixing
m molar
r reaction in general
sol solution
sub sublimation
trs transition
vap vaporization


AC alternative current
AF antifouling
AFAM atomic force acoustic microscopy
AFM atomic force microscopy
APTES aminopropyltriethoxysilane
AT associative thickener
ATO antimony‐doped tin oxide
ATR attenuated total reflection
ATRP atom transfer radical polymerization
BFA bis‐furyl‐acetone
BOPP biaxially oriented polypropylene
BPA bisphenol A
CA contact angle
CAFM conductive AFM
CB carbon black
CCC critical coagulation concentration
CMC critical micelle concentration
CNT carbon nanotube
CP cross‐polarization
CPVC critical pigment volume concentration
CT color temperature, charge transfer,
conventional thickener
DA Diels–Alder
DB degree of branching
DBTTABLE dibutyl tin laurate
DC direct current
DCPD dicyclopentadiene
DIPA diisopropanol amide
TABLEC diffusion‐limited coagulation
TABLEVO Derjaguin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek
DM(T)A differential mechanical (thermal) analysis
DMEA dimethylaminoethanol
DMPA dimethylpropionic acid
DMT Derjaguin–Muller–Toropov
DP degree of polymerization
DPD dissipative particle dynamics
DRCA dynamic recovery contact angle
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
EAK elastically active knots
EAN elastically active chain
ECH epichlorohydrin
ED electrodeposition
EDS energy dispersive spectrometry
EG ethylene glycol
EIS electrical impedance spectroscopy
EM electron microscopy
EMT effective medium theory
EO ethylene oxide
ESEM environmental SEM
FWHM full width at half maximum
GAE Gibbs adsorption equation
GC gas chromatography
GN generalized Newtonian
HAP hazardous air pollutant
HB hyperbranched
HEUR hydrophobically endcapped urethane
HLB hydrophilic–lipophilic balance
IEP isoelectric point
IMFP inelastic mean free path
IN iodine number
IR infrared
JKR Johnson–Kendall–Roberts
LCD liquid crystal display
LCST lower critical solution temperature
LED light‐emitting diode
LEFM linear elastic fracture mechanics
LEIS low energy electron scattering
lhs left‐hand side
MALDI matrix‐assisted laser desorption spectrometry
MAS magic angle spinning
MDSC modulated DSC
MEKO methyl ethyl ketoxime
MFFT minimum film formation temperature
MS mass spectrometry
MWD molecular weight distribution
NA numerical aperture
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
O/W oil‐in‐water
OM optical microscopy
OPS organo‐psycho syndrome
OPV organic photovoltaic
P3HT poly(3‐hexyl thiophene)
PA polyacetylene
PC polycarbonate
PCBM (6,6)‐phenyl‐C61‐butyric acid methyl ester
PCL polycaprolactam
PDMS poly(dimethyl siloxane)
PE polyethylene
PEG polyethylene glycol
PEN poly(ethylene naphthalate)
PEO poly(ethylene oxide)
PET poly(ethylene terephthalate)
PFPE perfluoro polyether
PMEA poly(methoxy ethylacrylate)
PMMA poly(methyl methacrylate)
POM polyoxymethylene
PP polypropylene
PS polystyrene
PTFE polytetrafluoroethylene
PUR polyurethane resin

polyvinyl chloride,

pigment volume concentration

PVDF polyvinyldifluoridene
QDA quantitative descriptive analysis
RF radio frequency
RH relative humidity
rhs right‐hand side
ROMP ring‐opening metathesis polymerization
SAM self‐assembled monolayers
SAN styrene‐co‐acrylonitrile
SB solventborne
SCF self‐consistent field
SDBS sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate
SDS sodium dodecyl sulfonate
SEC size exclusion chromatography
SECM scanning electrochemical microscopy
SEM scanning electron microscopy
SIMS secondary ion mass spectrometry
SMA styrene maleic anhydride
SPM surface probe microscopy
SRE self‐replenishing efficiency
SSH Su–Schrieffer–Heeger
STC surface tension components
STEM scanning TEM
SVET scanning vibrating electrode technique
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TEOS tetraethyl orthosilicate
TERS tip‐enhanced Raman spectroscopy
TGA thermogravimetric analysis
TGIC triglycidyl isocyanurate
TMA trimethylamine
TMP trimethylol propane

tetramethyl silane

trimellitic anhydride

TTT temperature–time transformation
UCST upper critical solution temperature
UV ultraviolet
VOC volatile organic component
vdW van der Waals
vOGC van Oss–Good–Chaudhury
W/O water‐in‐oil
WB waterborne
WDS wave length dispersive spectrometry
WLF Williams–Landel–Ferry
XPS X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy
XRD X‐ray diffraction
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