Technical requirements

Although there are several ways to install AWX, we are going to use the suggested AWX installation, which is container-based. For this reason, the following software needs to be installed on your machine:

  • Ansible 2.4+.
  • Docker.
  • The docker Python module.
  • The docker-compose Python module.
  • If your system uses Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux), you also need the libselinux Python module.

This chapter assumes that you have set up your control host with Ansible, as detailed in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Ansible, and that you are using the most recent version available—the examples in this chapter were tested with Ansible 2.9. Although we will give specific examples of hostnames in this chapter, you are free to substitute them with your own hostname and/or IP addresses, and details of how to do this will be provided at the appropriate places. The installation of Docker is beyond the scope of this book, but you can either install the version that ships with your Linux operating system or Docker CE. The requisite Python modules can be installed either by using pip or through operating system packages if they are available.

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