Chapter 1. Introduction

If you grabbed this report, it means that you have at least curiosity about C++ metaprogramming, a topic that often generates outright rejection.

Before we talk about template metaprogramming, let’s ask ourselves a question: why do we violently reject some techniques, even before studying them?

There are, of course, many valid reasons to reject something new, because, let’s be frank, sometimes concepts are just plain nonsense or totally irrelevant to the task at hand.

However, there is also a lot to be said about managing your own psychology when accepting novelty, and recognizing our own mental barriers is the best way to prevent them from growing.

The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that understanding C++ metaprogramming will make you a better C++ programmer, as well as a better software engineer in general.

A Misunderstood Technique

Like every technique, we can overuse and misunderstand metaprogramming. The most common reproaches are that it makes code more difficult to read and understand and that it has no real benefit.

As you progress along the path of software engineering, the techniques you learn are more and more advanced. You could opt to rely solely on simple techniques and solve complex problems via a composition of these techniques, but you will be missing an opportunity to be more concise, more productive, and sometimes more efficient.

Imagine that you are given an array and that you need to fill it with increasing integers. You could write the following function:

void f(int * p, size_t l)
    for(size_t i = 0; i < l; ++i)
        p[i] = i;

// ...

int my_array[5];

f(my_array, 5);

Or you could use the Standard Template Library (STL):

int my_array[5];

std::iota(my_array, my_array + 5, 0);

The generated assembly code may be equivalent, if not identical, yet in the latter case, because you learned about an STL function, you gained both in productivity and in information density. A programmer who doesn’t know about the iota function just needs to look it up.

What makes a good software engineer is not only the size of his toolbox, but, most importantly, his ability to choose the right tool at the right time.

C++ metaprogramming has, indeed, an unusual syntax, although it has significantly improved in the past few years with the release of C++11 and C++14.

The concepts behind C++ metaprogramming, on the other hand, are extremely coherent and logical: it’s functional programming! That’s why on the surface it might look arcane, but after you are taught the underlying concepts it all makes sense. This is something we will see in more depth in Chapter 3.

In this report, we want to expose you to C++ metaprogramming in a way that is intelligible and practical.

When you are finished, we hope that you that will agree with us that it is both useful and accessible.

What Is Metaprogramming?

By definition, metaprogramming is the design of programs whose input and output are programs themselves. Put another way, it’s writing code whose job is to write code itself. It can be seen as the ultimate level of abstraction, as code fragments are actually seen as data and handled as such.

It might sound esoteric, but it’s actually a well-known practice. If you’ve ever written a Bash script generating C files from a boilerplate file, you’ve done metaprogramming. If you’ve ever written C macros, you’ve done metaprogramming. In another sphere, you could debate whether generating Java classes from a UML schema is not actually just another form of metaprogramming.

In some way, you’ve probably done metaprogramming at various points in your career without even knowing it.

The Early History of Metaprogramming

Throughout the history of computer science, various languages have evolved to support different forms of metaprogramming. One of the most ancient is the LISP family of languages, in which the program itself was considered a piece of data and well-known LISP macros were able to be used to extend the languages from within. Other languages relied on deep reflection capabilities to handle such tasks either during compile time or during runtime.

Outside of the LISP family, C and its preprocessor became a tool of choice to generate code from a boilerplate template. Beyond classical function-like macros, the technique known as X-macros was a very interesting one. An X-macro is, in fact, a header file containing a list of similar macro invocations—often called the components—which can be included multiple times. Each inclusion is prefixed by the redefinition of said macro to generate different code fragments for the same list of components. A classic example is structure serialization, wherein the X-macros will enumerate structure members, first during definition and then during serialization:

// in components.h
PROCESS(float, x      )
PROCESS(float, y      )
PROCESS(float, z      )
PROCESS(float, weight )

// in particle.c
typedef struct
  #define PROCESS(type, member) type member;
  #include "components.h"
  #undef PROCESS
} particle_t;

void save(particle_t const* p, unsigned char* data)
  #define PROCESS(type, member)                   
  memmove(data, &(p->member), sizeof(p->member)); 
  data += sizeof(p->member);                      

  #include "components.h"

  #undef PROCESS

X-macros are a well-tested, pure C-style solution. Like a lot of C-based solutions, they work quite well and deliver the performance we expect. We could debate the elegance of this solution, but consider that a very similar yet more automated system is available through the Boost.Preprocessor vertical repetition mechanism, based on self-referencing macros.1

Enter C++ Templates

Then came C++ and its generic types and functions implemented through the template mechanism. Templates were originally a very simple feature, allowing code to be parameterized by types and integral constants in such a way that more generic code can emerge from a collection of existing variants of a given piece of code. It was quickly discovered that by supporting partial specialization, compile-time equivalents of recursion or conditional statements were feasible. After a short while, Erwin Unruh came up with a very interesting program2 that builds the list of every prime number between 1 and an arbitrary limit. Quite mundane, isn’t it? Except that this enumeration was done through warnings at compile time.

Let’s take a moment to ponder the scope of this discovery. It meant that we could turn templates into a very crude and syntactically impractical functional language, which later would actually be proven by Todd Veldhuizen to be Turing-complete. If your computer science courses need to be refreshed, this basically meant that, given the necessary effort, any functions computable by a Turing machine (i.e., a computer) could be turned into a compile-time equivalent by using C++ templates. The era of C++ template metaprogramming was coming.

C++ template metaprogramming is a technique based on the use (and abuse) of C++ template properties to perform arbitrary computations at compile time. Even if templates are Turing-complete, we barely need a fraction of this computational power. A classic roster of applications of C++ template metaprogramming includes the following:

  • Complex constant computations
  • Programmatic type constructions
  • Code fragment generation and replication

Those applications are usually backed up by some libraries, like Boost.MPL or Boost.Fusion, and a set of patterns including tag dispatching, recursive inheritance, and SFINAE.3 All of those components thrived in the C++03 ecosystem and have been used by a large number of other libraries and applications.

The main goal of those components was to provide compile-time constructs with an STL look and feel. Boost.MPL is designed around compile-time containers, algorithms, and iterators. In the same way, Boost.Fusion provides algorithms to work both at compile time and at runtime on tuple-like structures.

For some reason, even with those familiar interfaces, metaprogramming tools continued to be used by experts and were often overlooked and considered unnecessarily complex. The compilation time of metaprograms was also often criticized as hindering a normal, runtime-based development process.

Most of the critiques you may have heard about template metaprogramming stem from this limitation—which no longer applies, as we will see in the rest of this report.

How to Get Started with Metaprogramming

When making your first forays into metaprogramming, our advice is to experiment on the side with algorithms and type manipulations, as we show in Chapters 2 and 3, and in actual projects, beginning with the simplest thing: static assertions.

Writing metaprograms to do compile-time checks is the safest and simplest thing you can do when getting started. When you are wrong, you will get a compilation-time error or a check will incorrectly pass, but this will not affect the reliability or correctness of your program in any way.

This will also get your mind ready for the day when concepts land in C++.

Checking Integer Type

Some programs or libraries obfuscate the underlying integer type of a variable. Having a compilation error if your assumption is wrong is a great way to prevent difficult-to-track errors:

              "invalid integer detected!");

If your obfuscated integer isn’t an unsigned 32-bit integer, your program will not compile and the message “invalid integer detected” will be printed.

You might not care about the precise type of the integer—maybe just the size is important. This check is very easy to write:

static_assert(sizeof(obfuscated_int) == 4, 
    "invalid integer size detected!");

Checking the Memory Model

Is an integer the size of a pointer? Are you compiling on a 32-bit or 64-bit platform? You can have a compile-time check for this:

static_assert(sizeof(void *) == 8, "expected 64-bit platform");

In this case, the program will not compile if the targeted platform isn’t 64-bit. This is a nice way to detect invalid compiler/platform usage.

We can, however, do better than that and build a value based on the platform without using macros. Why not use macros? A metaprogram can be much more advanced than a macro, and the error output is generally more precise (i.e., you will get the line where you have the error, whereas with preprocessor macros this is often not the case).

Let’s assume that your program has a read buffer. You might want the value of this read buffer to be different if you are compiling on a 32-bit platform or a 64-bit platform because on 32-bit platforms you have less than 3 GB of user space available.

The following program will define a 100 MB buffer value on 32-bit platforms and 1 GB on 64-bit platforms:

static const std::uint64_t default_buffer_size = 
  std::conditional<sizeof(void *) == 8,
    std::integral_constant<std::uint64_t, 100 * 1024 * 1024>,
    std::integral_constant<std::uint64_t, 1024 * 1024 * 1024>

Here’s what the equivalent in macros would be:

#ifdef IS_MY_PLATFORM_64
static const std::uint64_t default_buffer_size
    = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
static const std::uint64_t default_buffer_size
    = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;

The macros will silently set the wrong value if you have a typo in the macro value, if you forget a header, or if an exotic platform on which you compile doesn’t have the value properly defined.

Also, it is often very difficult to come up with good macros to detect the correct platform (although Boost.Predef has now greatly reduced the complexity of the task).


Things changed with the advent of C++11 and later C++14, where new language features like variadic lambdas, constexpr functions, and many more made the design of metaprograms easier. This report will go over such changes and show you how you can now build a metaprogramming toolbox, understand it, and use it with far greater efficiency and elegance.

So, let’s dive in headfirst—we’ll start with a short story that demonstrates what you can do.

1 See the documentation for details.

2 The original code is available (in German) at

3 Substitution failure is not an error.

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