Actual cost, 59, 6869

in estimate at completion, 6061

graphical display of, 10, 12, 7071

in work performance information, 5657

of work performed, 7

Allocating indirect costs method, 5152

Alternatives analysis, 14

Analyze project performance


communication with earned value data, 6768

management by exception, 6667


forecasting, 6063

percentage comparisons, 64

performance analysis, 5760

trend analysis, 64


project management plan, 55

work performance information, 5657

introduction, 55

outputs, 55

corrective and preventive actions, 66

funding forecasts and trends, 6566

performance measurement methods, 6465

summary, 76

Analyzing data, 6869

See also specific types of analysis

ANSI-748 compliance, 8, 4647, 52

Apportioned effort, 40, 43

Assign responsibility


level of detail, 23

maintenance, 23


create organizational structure, 21


scope baseline, 21

integrate work breakdown structure and organizational structure, 2122

introduction, 21


organizational breakdown structure, 22

responsibility assignment matrix, 2223

summary, 23

Assumptions, 3

At-complete tracking, 7273

At completion data and forecasts, 7071

Authorize work, 31



See also Performance measurement baseline

earned value management, 5

over-target baseline, 80

project budget baseline, 8, 9

schedule baseline, 29

scope baseline, 18, 21, 25, 35, 45

subcontractor baselines integration, 5253

Baseline development iterative process, 48

Bicycle project examples

analyzing data, 6869

change request and budget, 8384

data and graphical analysis summary, 75

graphical data analysis, 7074

management by exception and variance analysis, 7576

performance measurement baseline establishment for, 5354

project summary, 69

responsibility assignment matrix, 22

threaded example change request, 8284

WBS and schedule relationships

example, 27

work breakdown structure, 1516, 68

dictionary, 18

Braking system variance explanation, 76

Budget, 3, 911

See also Establish budget; Project

funding versus, 34

schedule relationship with, 2627

structure of, 30

undistributed budget, 8, 4649

Budget at completion, 8, 49, 68

graphical display of, 10, 71

in to-complete performance index, 6263

in work performance information, 5657


Change control board meetings, 79

Change requests, 78

Change request status updates, 81

Communication, earned value data

bar charts, 67

curves, 68

tables, 67

Contingency reserves, 8, 4647, 52

Contract budget base, 9

Contract decisions, 47, 5051

Control account, 33

Control account budgets, 49

Control account manager, 9

Control account plans, 3233, 78

Control account plan updates, 41

Corporate knowledge base, 23

Corrective action plan, 76

Corrective and preventive actions, 66

Cost, 30, 5152, 5960

See also Actual cost

Cost and schedule

with at-complete variances tracking, 7273

rebaselining, 8081

variances and, 5758, 7273, 7576

Cost estimate development, 30

Cost performance index, 57, 6465, 6869, 7374

Cost variance, 5758, 7576

Create organizational structure, 21


Decomposition, 1416

Determine measurement methods


measurement rules, 42

method selection, 4243

description, 35

apportioned effort, 40, 43

discrete effort, 3539, 43

level of effort, 4041, 43

fixed formula, 3738, 43


integrated master schedule, 36

project budget, 36

requirements documentation, 35

scope baseline, 35

statement of work, 35

introduction, 35


control account plan updates, 41

performance measurement methods, 41

percent complete, 3839

key points on, 43

physical measurement, 39, 43

summary, 43

weighted milestone, 38

key points on, 43

Develop cost estimate, 30

Develop schedule


schedule evolution, 28


schedule and budget relationship, 2627

schedule structure, 26

schedule tool, 26


resource breakdown structure, 26

scope baseline, 25

introduction, 25

outputs, 25

integrated master schedule, 27

schedule evolution, 28

summary, 28

Discrete effort

measurement methods determination, 3536

fixed formula, 3738, 43

percent complete, 3839, 43

physical measurement, 39, 43

weighted milestone, 38, 43

Distributed budget, 8

Drill-down of contributing variances, 75


Earned value, 8, 12, 39, 6769

actual cost compared to, 59

in fixed formula, 37

graphical display of, 10, 7071

level of effort and, 4041

in work performance information, 5657

Earned value data, 6768

Earned value management (EVM), 1

in ANSI-748, 52

assumptions, 3

baseline, 5

basic concepts, 1112

chart, 10

performance measurement baseline, 11

planning process, 11

practices, 1112

project changes, 11

project control process, 11

project execution process, 11

basic terminology, 79

budget elements, 10

data graphic, 57

definition, 5

PMBOK* Guide and, 67

practice standard structure, 3

project management process and, 67

in project management situations, 63

project scope, 56

scale and, 12

system diagram, 12

work performance information for, 5660

End deliverables, 1415

Enterprise environmental factors, 2

Establish budget

budget versus funding, 34


budget vs. funding, 34


authorize work, 31

develop cost estimate, 30

establish budget structure, 30

update project budget log, 30


project charter, 29

responsibility assignment matrix, 29

schedule baseline, 29

introduction, 29

outputs, 29

control account plans, 3233

project budget log, 32

project funding requirements, 32

summary, 34

Establish budget structure, 30

Establish performance measurement baseline


allocating indirect costs method, 5152

contingency reserves and PMB incorporation, 52

resources and costs impact, 52

scheduling level of effort work method, 51

subcontractor baselines integration, 5253

contingency reserves incorporation into, 52


management reserve, 48

performance measurement baseline, 4849

project budget base, 47

project management plan integration, 47, 48

rolling wave planning, 49


integrated master schedule, 46

project budget, 46

risk register, 4647

scope baseline, 45

introduction, 45

outputs, 45

contract decisions (revised), 5051

formal acceptance, 51

performance measurement baseline, 4950

project document updates, 50

project funding requirements updates, 50

summary, 54

Estimate at completion, 8, 6566, 68, 71, 76

in forecasting, 6063

Estimate to complete, 8, 10, 58, 6869


Fixed formula, 3738, 43


at completion data and, 7071

estimate at completion in, 6063

funding forecasts and trends, 6566

to-complete performance index, 6263

variance at completion in, 6162

Formal acceptance, 51

Funding, 32, 34, 50, 6566


Graphical analysis, 7075

Graphical display, 10, 12, 57, 7071

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 13, 67

Chapter 6, 25


Independent estimates at completion, 7071

Indirect costs, 5152

Integrate WBS and organizational structure, 21

Integrated change control system, 79

Integrated master schedule, 27, 36, 46


Level of detail, 23

Level of effort, 4041, 43, 51


Maintain performance measurement baseline

bicycle construction threaded example, 8284

considerations, 82


change control board meetings, 79

cost and schedule rebaselining, 8081

scope change analysis, 7980


change requests, 78

integrated change control system, 79

performance measurement baseline, 7778

project management plan, 77

introduction, 77

outputs, 77

change request status updates, 81

performance measurement baseline updates, 81

project management plan updates, 81

summary, 84

Maintenance, 23

See also Performance measurement baseline maintenance

Management by exception, 6667, 7576

Management reserve, 8, 48, 78

Measurement rules, 42

Method selection, 4243


Not to exceed amount, 80


Organizational process assets, 23

Organizational breakdown structure, 2122

Organize project


constructed with technical expertise, 19


alternatives analysis, 14

decomposition, 1416

product analysis, 14


project charter, 13

requirements documentation, 14

stakeholder management strategy, 14

introduction, 13

outputs, 13

project scope statement, 17

scope baseline, 18

scope management plan, 16

work breakdown structure, 1718

work breakdown structure dictionary, 18

summary, 19

Overheads. See Indirect costs

Over-target baseline, 80

Over-target schedule, 8081


Percentage comparisons, 64

Percent complete, 38, 39, 43

Performance analysis, 5760

Performance measurement baseline (PMB), 811, 36, 55, 78

contingency reserves in, 4647

in performance measurement baseline establishment, 4950

undistributed budget in, 4849

Performance measurement baseline updates, 81

Physical measurement, 39, 43

Planned value, 910, 12, 7071

in schedule analysis, 5859

in work performance information, 5657

Planning package, 9, 78

Problem analysis, 76

Processes and procedures, 23, 67, 11, 48

Procurements measurement, 42

Product analysis, 14


budget, 3, 32, 36, 46

budget base, 47

budget baseline, 8, 9

budget log, 30, 31, 32

charter, 13, 29

complex, 78

control, 7, 11

documents updates, 50

funding requirements, 32, 50

indices graphical analysis, 7374

management plan, 4748, 55, 77, 81

scope, 56, 15, 17

summary, 69

Project budget log, 32

Project charter, 13

Project funding requirements, 32

Project management plan, 79

Project management plan updates, 81

Project scope statement, 17


Requirements, 1415, 32, 35, 50

requirements documentation, 14, 35

Resource breakdown structure, 26

Resources and costs impact, 52

Responsibility assignment matrix, 2223, 29

Risk register, 4647

Rolling wave planning, 49


Schedule, 12, 28, 65

analysis, 5859

baseline, 29

bicycle construction change request and, 83

budget relationship and, 2627

cost and, 7273, 8081

integrated master schedule, 27, 36, 46

over-target schedule, 8081

variance, 5758, 7273, 7576

Schedule and budget relationship, 26

Schedule performance index, 57, 64, 6869, 7374

Schedule structure, 26

Schedule tool, 26

Scheduling level of effort work method, 51

Scope, 56, 1517

baseline, 18, 21, 25, 35, 45

change analysis, 7980

Scope baseline, 18, 21, 25

Scope management plan, 16

Stakeholder management strategy, 14

Statement of work, 35

Subcontractor baselines integration, 5253

Subsidiary management plans, 55

Summary level planning budget, 9, 49

Summary level planning package, 9


To-complete performance index, 5758, 6869, 7374

forecasting, 6263

Trend analysis, 64


Undistributed budget, 8, 4649

Update project budget log, 30


Variances, 55

analysis report, 7576

at completion, 58, 6162, 6869, 75

cost and schedule, 5758, 7576

at-complete tracking and, 7273

history, 7273


Weighted milestone, 38, 43

Work activities, 15

Work authorization, 31

Work breakdown structure, 8, 9, 17, 2122, 27

bicycle construction, 15, 68

decomposition, 1516

outputs, 1718

parent/child relationship in, 1516

Work breakdown structure dictionary, 9, 12, 18

Work package, 9, 33, 37, 78

Work performance information

actual cost in, 5657

budget at completion, 5657

earned value, 5657

for earned value management, 5660

planned value, 5657

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