Appendix A Complex Numbers

A.1 Arithmetic Operations and Properties

Introduction No one person “invented” complex numbers, but controversies surrounding the use of these numbers existed in the sixteenth century. In their quest to solve polynomial equations by formulas involving radicals early dabblers in mathematics were forced to admit that there were other kinds of numbers besides positive integers. Equations such as x2 − 2x + 2 = 0 and x3 + 6x2 + 11x = 0 that yielded “solutions” 1 + image and − 3 − image caused particular consternation within the community of fledgling mathematical scholars because everyone knew that there are no numbers such as image and image, numbers whose square is negative. Such “numbers” exist only in one’s imagination, or as one philosopher opined “the imaginary, the bosom child of complex mysticism.” Over time these “imaginary numbers” did not go away, mainly because mathematicians as a group are tenacious and some are even practical. A famous mathematician held that even though “they exist in our imagination … nothing prevents us from … employing them in calculations.” Mathematicians also hate to throw anything away. After all, a collective memory still lingered that negative numbers at first were branded “fictitious.” The concept of number evolved over centuries; gradually the set of numbers grew from just positive integers to include rational numbers, negative numbers, and irrational numbers. But in the eighteenth century the number concept took a gigantic evolutionary step forward when the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss put the so-called imaginary numbers, or as they were now beginning to be called complex numbers, on a logical and consistent footing by treating them as an extension of the real number system.

Our goal in this first appendix section is to examine some basic definitions and the arithmetic of complex numbers.

image The Imaginary Unit Even after gaining wide respectability, through the seminal works of Carl Friedrich Gauss and the French mathematician Augustin Louis Cauchy (1789–1857), the unfortunate name “imaginary” has survived down the centuries. The symbol i was originally used as a disguise for the embarrassing symbol image. We now say that i is the imaginary unit and define it by the property i2 = −1. Nevertheless, it is still common practice to write i = image. Indeed, using the last symbol we are able to define the principal square of a negative number as follows.

DEFINITION A.1.1 Principal Square Root

If c is a positive real number, then the principal square root of −c is defined by


EXAMPLE 1     Principal Square Roots

Find the principal square root of (a) image and (b) image.

Solution From (1) of Definition A.1.1,


image Terminology The complex number system contains the imaginary unit i, all real numbers, products such as bi, b real, and sums such as a + bi, where a and b are real numbers. In particular, a complex number is defined to be any expression of the form


    Be careful here, the imaginary part of a + bi, is not bi; it is the real number b. image

where a and b are real numbers and i2 = −1. The form given in (2) is called the standard form of a complex number. The numbers a and b are called the real and imaginary parts of z, respectively. A complex number of the form 0 + bi is said to be a pure imaginary number. Note that by choosing b = 0 in (2), we obtain a real number. Thus the set R of real numbers is a subset of the set C of complex numbers.

EXAMPLE 2      Real and Imaginary Parts

(a) The complex number z = 4 + (−5)i is written as z = 4 − 5i. The real part of z is 4 and its imaginary part is −5.

(b) z = 10i is a pure imaginary number.

(c) z = 6 + 0i = 6 is a real number.

EXAMPLE 3      Writing in the Standard Form a + bi

Express each of the following in the standard form a + bi.


Solution Using (1) of Definition A.1.1, we can write


In order to solve certain equations involving complex numbers, it is necessary to specify when two complex numbers are equal.

DEFINITION A.1.2 Equality of Complex Numbers

Two complex numbers are equal if and only if their real parts are equal and imaginary parts are equal. That is, if z1 = a + bi and z2 = c + di,

z1 = z2 if and only if a = c and b = d.

EXAMPLE 4       A Simple Equation

Solve for x and y:

(2x + 1) + (−2y + 3)i = 2 − 4i.

Solution By Definition A.1.2 we must have

2x + 1 = 2 and −2y + 3 = −4.

Solving each equation yields image and image.

Addition and multiplication for complex numbers are defined as follows.

DEFINITION A.1.3 Sum, Difference, and Product

If z1 + a + bi and z2 = c + di, then

(i) their sum is given by z1 + z2 = (a + c) + (b + d)i
(ii) their difference is given by z1z2 = (ac) + (bd)i
(iii) and their product is given by z1z2 = (acbd) + (bc + ad)i

image Properties of Complex Numbers Using the definition of addition and multiplication of complex numbers, it can be shown that many of the basic properties of the real number system also apply to the complex number system. In particular, the associative, commutative, and distributive laws hold for complex numbers. We further observe that in Definition A.1.3(i):

The sum of two complex numbers is obtained by adding their corresponding real and imaginary parts.

Similarly, Definition A.1.3(ii) shows that

The difference of two complex numbers is obtained by subtracting their corresponding real and imaginary parts.

Also, rather than memorizing (iii) of Definition A.1.3:

The product of two complex numbers can be obtained by using the associative, commutative, and distributive laws and the fact that i2 = −1.

Applying this approach, we find that


This is the same result as the product given by Definition A.1.3(iii). These techniques are illustrated in the following example.

EXAMPLE 5       Sum, Difference, and Product

If z1 = 5 − 6i and z2 = 2 + 4i, find (a) z1 + z2, (b) z1z2, and (c) z1z2.

Solution (a) The colors in the diagram below show how to add z1 and z2:


(b) Analogous to part (a) we now subtract the real and imaginary parts:

z1z2 = (5 − 6i) − (2 + 4i) = (5 - 2) + (−6 −4)i = 3 −10i.

(c) Using the distributive law, we write the product (5 − 6i)(2 + 4i) as


Note of Caution image

Not all the properties of the real number system hold for complex numbers. In particular, the property of radicals image is not true when both a and b are negative. To see this, consider that


Thus, image. However, if only one of a or b is negative, then we do have image.

In the set C of complex numbers, the additive identity is the number 0 = 0 + 0i, and the multiplicative identity is the number 1 = 1 + 0i. The number −z = −a − bi is called the additive inverse of z = a + bi because

z + (− z) = z − z = (a − a) + (b − b)i = 0 + 0i = 0.

In order to obtain the multiplicative inverse of a nonzero complex number z = a + bi, we introduce the concept of the conjugate of a complex number.

DEFINITION A.1.4 Conjugate

If z = a + bi is a complex number, then the number image = a − bi is called the conjugate of z.

In other words, the conjugate of a complex number z = a + bi is the complex number obtained by changing the sign of its imaginary part. For example, the conjugate of 8 + 13i is 8 − 3i, and the conjugate of −5 − 2i is −5 + 2i.

The following computations show that both the sum and the product of a complex number z and its conjugate image are real numbers:


The latter property makes conjugates very useful in finding the multiplicative inverse 1/z, z ≠ 0, and in dividing two complex numbers.

We summarize the procedure.

• To divide a complex number z1 by a complex number z2, multiply the numerator and denominator of z1/z2 by the conjugate of the denominator z2. That is,


   and then use the fact that the product image is the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of z2.

EXAMPLE 6       Division

For z1 = 3 − 2i and z2 = 4 + 5i, express the given complex number in the form a + bi.


Solution In each case, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the conjugate of the denominator and simplify.


From the definition of addition and subtraction of two complex numbers, it is readily shown that the conjugate of a sum and difference of two complex numbers is the sum and difference of the conjugates. This property, along with three other properties of the conjugate are summarized as a theorem.

THEOREM A.1.1 Properties of the Conjugate

Let z1 and z2 be any two complex numbers. Then


Of course, the conjugate of any finite sum (product) of complex numbers is the sum (product) of the conjugates.

image Quadratic Equations Complex numbers make it possible to solve quadratic equations ax2 + bx + c = 0 when the discriminant b2 − 4ac is negative. We now see that the solutions from the quadratic formula


represent complex numbers. Note that in fact the solutions are conjugates of each other. As the next example shows these solutions can be written in standard form.

EXAMPLE 7       Complex Solutions

Solve x2 − 8x + 25 = 0.

Solution From the quadratic formula, we obtain


Using image we obtain


Thus, the solution set of the equation is image.

image Conjugate Solutions As we already know from Theorem 3.3.4 on page 151, if a polynomial function f(x) has real coefficients, then complex roots of the polynomial equation f(x) = 0 appear in conjugate pairs. Observe in Example 7 that if x1 = 4 − 3i and x2 = 4 + 3i, then image = x1. Moreover, it is easily seen that image = x2.

A.1 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-31.

In Problems 1–10, find the indicated power of i.

  1. i3

  2. i4

  3. i5

  4. i6

  5. i7

  6. i8

  7. i−1

  8. i−2

  9. i−3

10. i−6

In Problems 11–56, perform the indicated operation. Write the answer in standard form a + bi.

11. image

12. image

13. image

14. image

15. (3 + i) − (4 − 3i)

16. (5 + 6i) + (−7 + 2i)

17. 2(4 − 5i) + 3(−2 −i)

18. −2(6 + 4i) + 5(4 − 8i)

19. i(−10 + 9i) − 5i

20. i(4 + 13i) − i(1 − 9i)

21. 3i(1 + i) − 4(2 − i)

22. i + i(1 − 2i) + (i4 + 3i)

23. (3 − 2i)(1 − i)

24. (4 + 6i)(−3 + 4i)

25. (7 + 14i)(2 + i)

26. image

27. (4 + 5i) − (2 − i)(1 + i)

28. (− 3 + 6i) + (2 + 4i)(−3 + 2i)

29. i(1 − 2i)(2 + 5i)

30. image

31. (1 + i)(1 + 2i)(1 + 3i)

32. (2 + i)(2 − i)(4 − 2i)

33. (1 − i)[2(2 − i) − 5(1 + 3i)]

34. (4 + i)[i(1 + 3i) − 2(−5 + 3i)]

35. (4 + i)2

36. (3 − 5i)2

37. (1 − i)2(1 + i)2

38. (2 + i)2(3 + 2i)2

39. image

40. image

41. image

42. image

43. image

44. image

45. image

46. image

47. image

48. image

49. image

50. image

51. image

52. image

53. image

54. image

55. image

56. image

In Problems 57–64, use Definition A.1.2 to solve for x and y.

57. 2(x + yi) = i(3 − 4i)

58. (x + yi) + 4(1 − i) = 5 − 7i

59. i(x + yi) = (1 − 6i)(2 + 3i)

60. 10 + 6yi = 5x + 24i

61. (1 + i)(xyi = i(14 + 7i) − (2 + 13i)

62. i2(1 − i)(1 + i) = 3x + yi + i(y + xi)

63. image

64. 25 − 49i = x2y2i

In Problems 65–76, solve the given equation.

65. x2 + 9 = 0

66. x2 + 8 = 0

67. 2x2 = −5

68. 3x2 = −1

69. 2x2x + 1 = 0

70. x2 − 2x + 10 = 0

71. x2 + 8x + 52 = 0

72. 3x2 + 2x + 5 = 0

73. 4x2x + 2 = 0

74. x2 + x + 2 = 0

75. x4 + 3x2 + 2 = 0

76. 2x4 + 9x2 + 4 = 0

77. The two square roots of the complex number i are the two numbers z1 and z2 that are solutions of the equation z2 = i. Let z = x + iy and find z2. Then use Definition A.1.2 to find z1 and z2.

78. Proceed as in Problem 77 to find two numbers z1 and z2 that satisfy the equation z2 = −3 + 4i.

For Discussion

In Problems 79–82, prove the given properties involving the conjugates of z1 = a + bi and z2 = c + di.

79. image if and only if z1 is a real number.

80. image

81. image

82. image

A.2 Trigonometric Form of Complex Numbers

Introduction A complex number z = a + bi is uniquely determined by an ordered pair of real numbers (a,b). The first and second entries of the ordered pairs correspond, in turn, with the real and imaginary parts of the complex number. For example, the ordered pair (2, −3) corresponds to the complex number z = 2 − 3i. Conversely, the complex number z = 2 − 3i determines the ordered pair (2, −3). The numbers 10, i, and −5i are equivalent to (10, 0), (0, 1), and (0, −5), respectively. In this manner we are able to associate a complex number z = a + bi with a point (a,b) in a rectangular coordinate system.

image Complex Plane Because of the correspondence between a complex number z = a + bi and one and only one point P(a, b) in a coordinate plane we shall use the terms complex number and point interchangeably. The coordinate plane illustrated in FIGURE A.2.1 is called the complex plane or simply the z-plane. The horizontal or x-axis is called the real axis because each point on that axis represents a real number. The vertical or y-axis is called the imaginary axis because a point on that axis represents a pure imaginary number.


FIGURE A.2.1 Complex plane


FIGURE A.2.2 The complex numbers in Example + interpreted as points

EXAMPLE 1      Graphing Complex Numbers

Graph the complex numbers

z1 = 5 + 4i, z2 = −2i, z3 = −2 − 3i and z4 = −4 + 2i

Solution We identify the complex numbers z1, z2,z3,z4 with the points (5, 4), (0, −2), (−2, −3), (−4, 2), respectively. These points are, in turn, the red, blue, green, and orange dots in FIGURE A.2.2.


FIGURE A.2.3 Modulus and argument of a complex number z

image Trigonometric Form If z = a + bi is a nonzero complex number and P(a, b) is its geometric representation, as shown in FIGURE A.2.3, then the distance from P to the origin is given by image. This distance is called the modulus, magnitude, or absolute value of z and is denoted by |z|,


For example, if z = i, then |i| = image; if z = 3 − 4i, then |3 − 4i| = image. From (4) of Section A.1, we know that if image = abi is the conjugate of z = a + bi, then image. Hence (1) can also be written as


If we let θ be the angle in standard position whose terminal side passes through P(a, b) and r = |z|, then cos θ = a/r and sin θ = b/r, from which we obtain a = r cos θ and b = r sin θ. Substituting these expressions for a and b in z = a + bi, we obtain z = a + bi = (r cosθ) + (r sin θ)i or


We say that (2) is the trigonometric form, or polar form, of the complex number z. The angle θ is called the argument of z and satisfies tan θ = b/a. However, θ is not necessarily arctan(b/a) since θ is not restricted to the interval (−π/2, π/2). See Examples 2 and 3 that follow. Also, the argument θ is not uniquely determined, since cos θ = cos(θ + 2kπ;) and sin θ = sin(θ + 2kπ) for any integer k. If z = a + bi = 0, then a = b = 0. In this case, r = 0 and we can take any angle θ as the argument.


FIGURE A.2.4 Complex number in part (a) of Example 2


FIGURE A.2.5 Complex number in part (b) of Example 2

EXAMPLE 2       Trigonometric Form

Write the complex numbers in trigonometric form: (a) 1 + i (b) 1 − image.

Solution (a) If we identify a = 1 and b = 1, then the modulus of 1 + i is


Because tan θ = b/a = 1 and the point (1, 1) lies in the first quadrant, we can take the argument of the complex number to be θ = π/4, as shown in FIGURE A.2.4. Thus,


(b) In this case,


From tan θ = image and the fact that image lies in the fourth quadrant, tan−1image, as shown in FIGURE A.2.5. Thus, we take


Following convention, in the remainder of the discussion as well as in Exercises A.2 we will take the argument θ of a complex number z either as an angle in measured radians in the interval [0, 2π) or an angle measured in degrees that satisfies 0 ≤ θ <, 360°. For example, the answer in part (b) of Example 2 can be written in the alternative form

Note image


The argument of 1 − image that lies in the interval [0, 2π) is θ = 5π/3, as is shown in Figure A.2.5.

EXAMPLE 3      Trigonometric Form

Express the complex number


in the standard form z = a + bi.

Solution By using the reference angle concept discussed in Section 4.2, we find cos(7π/4) = image and sin(7π/4) = image. Therefore,


EXAMPLE 4      Trigonometric Form

Find the trigonometric form of z = −4 + 5i.

Solution The modulus of z = −4 + 5i is


Because the point (−4, 5) lies in the second quadrant, we must take care to adjust the value of the angle obtained from tanθ = image and a calculator so that our final answer is a quadrant II angle. See FIGURE A.2.6. One approach is to use a calculator set in radian mode to obtain the reference angle θ′ = tanimage radian. The desired second-quadrant angle is then θ = π − θ′ ≈ = 2.2455. Thus,


Alternatively the foregoing trigonometric form can be written using a degree-measured angle. With the calculator set in degree mode, we would obtain θ′ ≈ 51.34° and θ = 180° − θ′ ≈ 128.66°, from which it follows that



FIGURE A.2.6 Complex number in Example 4

EXAMPLE 5      Modulus and Argument of a Product

Find the modulus and the argument of z1z2, where z1 = 2i and z2 = 1 + i.

Solution The product is

z1z2 = 2i(1 + i) = −2 + 2i,

and hence the modulus is


By identifying a = −2 and b = 2, we have tan θ = −1. Since θ is a second quadrant angle, we conclude that the argument of z1z2 is θ = 3π/4. See FIGURE A.2.7.


FIGURE A.2.7 The product in Example 5

image Multiplication and Division In Example = notice that the modulus r = 2image of the product z1z2 is the product of the modulus r1 = 2 of z1 and the modulus r2 = image of z2. Also, the argument θ = 3π/4 of z1z2 is the sum of the arguments θ1 = π/2 and θ2 = π/4 of z1 and z2, respectively. We have illustrated a particular case of the following theorem, which describes how to multiply and divide complex numbers when they are written in trigonometric form.

THEOREM A.2.1 Product and Quotient

If z1 = r1(cosθ1 + isinθ1) and z2 = r2(cos θ2 + isin θ2), then


PROOF: We will prove only (4) of Theorem A.2.1; the proof of (3) is very similar. If we multiply the numerator and the denominator of


by cos θ2isin θ2, we obtain


Performing the multiplication and then using the difference formulas from Section 4.6, we have


EXAMPLE 6      Product and Quotient

If z1 = 4(cos75° + isin 75°) and image, find (a) z1z2 (b) z1/z2. Express each answer in the standard form a + bi.

Solution (a) From (3) of Theorem A.2.1 we can write the product as


and so image

(b) Now from (4) of Theorem A.2.1 the quotient is


A.2 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems

In Problems 1–10, graph the given complex number(s) and evaluate and graph the indicated complex number.

1. image

2. image

3. z = 1 + i, z2 = 2 − 2i; z1 + z2

4. z1 = 4i, z2 = −4 + i; z1z2

5. image

6. image

7. z1 = −2i, z2 = −i; z1z2

8. z1 = + 1 i, z2 = 1 −i; z1z2

9. image

10. image

In Problems 11–22, find the modulus and an argument of the given complex number.

11. image

12. z = 4 + 3i

13. image

14. z = −5 + 2i

15. image

16. z = −8 −2i

17. z = 3 + 3i

18. z = −1 −i

19. image

20. image

21. z = 2 −i

22. z = 4 + 8i

In Problems 23–32, write the given complex number in trigonometric form.

23. z = −4i

24. z = 15i

25. image

26. z = 3 + i

27. z = −2 + 5i

28. image

29. z = 3 − 5i

30. z = −10 + 6i

31. z = −2 − 2i

32. z = 1 − i

In Problems 33–42, write the given complex number in the standard form z = a + bi. Do not use a calculator.

33. image

34. image

35. image

36. image

37. image

38. image

39. image

40. image

41. image

42. image

In Problems 43–48, find z1z2 and z1/z2 in trigonometric form by first writing z1 and z2 in trigonometric form.

43. z1 = 3i, z2 = 6 + 6i

44. z1 = 1 + i, z2 = −1 + i

45. image

46. z1 = 5i, z2 = −10i

47. image

48. image

In Problems 49–52, find z1z2 and z1/z2. Write the answer in the standard form z = a + bi.

49. image

50. image

51. image

52. image

A.3 Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers

Introduction The trigonometric form of a product z 1 z2 given in (3) of Theorem A.2.1 of the last section also gives a means of computing powers of a complex number, that is, zn, where n is a positive integer. In this section we also show how to find the n distinct nth roots of a complex number z.

We begin the discussion with an example.

image Powers of a Complex Number Suppose z = 1 + i and we wish to compute z3. Of course, there are several ways of proceeding. We can carry out the multiplications zz and (zz)z using the standard forms of the numbers or we can treat the number z = 1 + i as a binomial and use the binomial expansion

(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3

See (iii ) of Definition A.1.3 on page APP-3. image

with a = 1 and b = i.Alternatively, we can use the trigonometric form


With z = z1 = z2 in (3) of Theorem A.2.1, we obtain the square of z:


Then (3) of Theorem A.2.1 also gives


After simplifying the last expression we get z3 = −2 + 2i.

The result in (1),


illustrates a particular case of the following theorem named after the French mathematician Abraham DeMoivre (1667–1754). The formal proof of this theorem requires mathematical induction, which is discussed in Section 10.3.

THEOREM A.3.1 DeMoivre’s Theorem

If z = r (cos θ + i sin θ) and n is a positive integer, then


Inspection of (2) shows that the result is DeMoivre’s theorem with z = 1 + i, r = image, θ = π/4 in blue, and n = 3 in red.

EXAMPLE 1      Power of a Complex Number

Evaluate image.

Solution First, the modulus of image + i is image. Then from tan θ = 1/image, an argument of the number is θ = π/6 since (image, 1) lies in quadrant I. Hence from DeMoivre’s theorem,


image Roots of a Complex Number Recall from algebra that −2 and 2 are said to be square roots of the number 4 because (−2)2 = 4 and 22 = 4. In other words, the two square roots of 4 are distinct solutions of the equation w2 = 4. In like manner we say w = 3 is a cube root of −7 since w3 = 33 = 27. In general, we say that a number w = a + bi is a complex nth root of a nonzero complex number z if wn = (a + bi)n = z, where n is a positive integer. For example, you are urged to verify that image and image are the two square roots of the complex number z = i because image and image. See also Problem 77 in Exercises A.1.

We will now demonstrate that there are exactly n solutions of the equation wn = z.

Let the modulus and the argument of w be ρ and Φ;, respectively, so that w = ρ (cos Φ; + isin Φ;). If w is an nth root of the complex number z = r (cos θ + i sin θ), then wn = z. DeMoivre’s theorem enables us to write the last equation as

ρn(cosnΦ; + isinnΦ;) = r(cos θ + isin θ).

When two complex numbers are equal, their moduli are necessarily equal. Thus we have

ρn = r or ρ = r1/n

and cosnΦ; + isinnΦ; = cos θ + isinθ.

Equating the real and imaginary parts in this equation gives

cos nΦ; = cosθ, sin nΦ; = sin θ,

from which it follows that nΦ; = θ + 2kπ, or


where k is any integer. As k takes on the successive integer values 0, 1, 2, …, n − 1, we obtain n distinct roots of z. For kn, the values of sinΦ; and cosΦ; repeat the values obtained by letting k = 0, 1, 2, …, n − 1. To see this, suppose that k = n + m, where m = 0, 1, 2, …. Then


Since the sine and cosine each have period 2π, we have


and so no new roots are obtained for kn. Summarizing these results gives the following theorem.

THEOREM A.3.2 Complex Roots

If z = r (cos θ + i sin θ) and n is a positive integer, then n distinct complex nth roots of z are given by


where k = 0, 1, 2, …, n − 1.

We will denote the n roots by w0, w1, …, wn−1 corresponding to k = 0, 1,…, n − 1, respectively, in (4).

EXAMPLE 2      Three Cube Roots

Find the three cube roots of i.

Solution In the trigonometric form for i, r = 1 and θ = π/2, so that


With n = 3 we find from (4) of Theorem A.3.2 that


Now for


Therefore, in standard form the three cube roots of i are image. and w2 = −i.


FIGURE A.3.1 Three cube roots of i in Example 2

The three cube roots of i found in Example 2 are plotted in FIGURE A.3.1. We note that they are equally spaced around a circle of radius 1 centered at the origin. In general, the n distinct nth roots of a nonzero complex number z are equally spaced on the circumference of the circle of radius |z|1/n with center at the origin.

As the next example shows, the roots of a complex number do not have to be “nice” numbers as in Example 2.

EXAMPLE 3       Solving an Equation

Solve the equation z4 = 1 + i.

Solution Solving this equation is equivalent to finding the four complex fourth roots of the number 1 + i. In this case, the modulus and an argument of 1 + i are r = image and θ = π/4, respectively. From (4) with n = 4 and the symbol zk playing the part of wk we obtain



FIGURE A.3.2 Four fourth roots of 1 + i in Example 3

With the aid of a calculator we find the approximate standard forms,

z0 ≈ 1.0696 + 0.2127i

z1 ≈ −0.2127 + 1.0696i

z2 ≈ −1.0696 − 0.2127i

z3 ≈ 0.2127 − 1.0696i.

As shown in FIGURE A.3.2 the four roots lie on a circle centered at the origin of radius image and are spaced at equal angular intervals of 2π/4 = π/2 radians beginning with the root whose argument is π/16.

A.3 Exercises Answers to selected odd-numbered problems begin on page ANS-31.

In Problems 1–10, use DeMoivre’s theorem to calculate the given power. Write your answer in the standard form z = a + bi. If necessary, use a calculator.

1. image

2. image

3. image

4. image

5. image

6. image

7. image

8. image

9. image

10. image

In Problems 11 and 12, use (3) of this section and (4) of Section A.2 to simplify the given complex number. Write your answer in the standard form z = a + bi.

11. image

12. image

In Problems 13–24, use the trigonometric form of a complex number along with DeMoivre’s theorem to calculate the given power. Write your answer in the standard form z = a + bi.

13. i30

14. i15

15. (1 + i)6

16. (1 − i)9

17. (−2 + 2i)4

18. (−4 − 4i)3

19. image

20. image

21. image

22. image

23. image

24. image

In Problems 25–34, find the indicated roots. Write your answer in the standard form z = a + bi.

25. The three cube roots of −8

26. The three cube roots of 1

27. The four fourth roots of i

28. The two square roots of i

29. The four fourth roots of − 1 − imagei

30. The two square roots of − 1 + imagei

31. The two square roots of 1 + i

32. The three cube roots of image

33. The six sixth roots of 64(cos 54° + isin54°)

34. The two square roots of 81 image

In Problems 35 and 36, find the indicated roots. Proceed as in Example 3 and plot these roots on an appropriate circle.

35. The six sixth roots of 1

36. The eight eighth roots of 1

37. For what positive integers n will image be equal to 1? Equal to i? Equal to −image/2 — imagei/2? Equal to image/2 + imagei/2?

38. (a) Verify that (4 + 3i)2 = 7 + 24i.

      (b) Use part (a) to find the two values of (7 + 24i)1/2.

In Problems 39–42, solve the given equation. Write your answer in the standard form z = a + bi.

39. z4 + 1 = 0

40. z3 − 125i = 0

41. image

42. z2 − 8z + 18 = 8i

For Discussion

43. DeMoivre’s theorem implies

(cos θ + isinθ)2 = cos 2θ + isin2θ.

      Use this information to derive trigonometric identities for cos 2θ and sin 2θ by multiplying out the left-hand side of the equation and then equating real and imaginary parts.

44. Use a procedure analogous to that outlined in Problem 43 to find trigonometric identities of cos 3θ and sin 3θ.

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