As described in the previous chapters of this book, most research on data integration has centered on the relational model. In many ways, the relational model and the datalog query language are the simplest and cleanest formalisms for data and query representation, so many of the fundamental issues were considered first in that setting.

However, as such techniques are adapted to meet real-world needs, they typically get adapted to incorporate XML (or its close cousin JSON1). For instance, IBM’s Rational Data Architect or Microsoft’s BizTalk Mapper both use XML-centric mappings.

The reason for this is straightforward. XML has become the default format for data export from both database and document sources, and many additional tools have been developed to export to XML from legacy sources (e.g., COBOL files, IMS hierarchical databases). Prior to XML’s adoption, data integration systems needed custom wrappers that did “screen scraping” (custom HTML parsing and content extraction) to extract content from the Web, and that translated to the proprietary wire formats of different legacy tools. Today, we can expect most sources to have an XML interface (URIs as the request mechanism and XML as the returned data format), and thus the data integrator can focus on the semantic mappings rather than the low-level format issues.

We note that XML brings standardization not only in the actual data format, but also in terms of an entire ecosystem of interfaces, standards, and tools. See Figure 11.1 for an illustration. XML serves as a common format over database, document, and even Web service data. It is typically accompanied by DTD and XML Schema for specifying schemas, and most commonly XML is requested via the HTTP protocol that underlies the Web. DOM and SAX provide language-neutral parser interfaces for XML data. If one wishes to query XML declaratively, this can be achieved with XPath and XQuery (which, in turn, are implemented over SAX or DOM interfaces). Finally, Web services use XML, XML Schema, and HTTP as core technologies within the WSDL and SOAP as well as the REST interfaces for remote procedure calls. Of course, there are also a wide variety of text editors, integrated development environments, and browsers with built-in support for XML creation, display, and validation. Any tool that produces and consumes XML automatically benefits from having these other components. While XML in itself is not meant to directly resolve semantic heterogeneity or introduce standard schemas in any domains, it enables domain experts to more easily focus on the semantic issues rather than on lower-level data encoding issues.


Figure 11.1 A diagram of the relationship among various XML-related technologies.

This book does not attempt to cover all of the details of XML, but rather to provide the core essentials. In this chapter, we focus first on the XML data model in Section 11.1 and the schema formalisms in Section 11.2. Section 11.3 presents several models for querying XML, culminating in the XQuery standard that is implemented in many XML database systems. Section 11.4 discusses XML query processing for data integration, and Section 11.5 discusses the subsets of XQuery typically used for XML schema mappings.

11.1 Data Model

Like HTML (HyperText Markup Language), XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is essentially a specialized derivative of an old standard called SGML (Structured Generalized Markup Language). As with these other markup standards, XML encodes document meta-information using tags (in angle brackets) and attributes (attribute-value pairs associated with specific tags).

XML distinguishes itself from its predecessors in that (if correctly structured, or well-formed) it is always parsable by an XML parser — regardless of whether the XML parser has any information that enables it to interpret the XML tags. To ensure this, XML has strict rules about how the document is structured. We briefly describe the essential components of an XML document.

Preamble: Processing Instructions to Aid the Parser

The first line of an XML file tells the XML parser information about the character set used for encoding the remainder of the document; this is critical since it determines how many bytes encode each character in the file. Character sets are specified using a processing-instruction, such as <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>, which we see at the top of the example XML fragment in Figure 11.2(an excerpt from the research paper bibliography Web site DBLP, at dblp.uni-trier.de). Other processing instructions may specify constraints on the content of the XML document, and we will discuss them later.


Figure 11.2 Sample XML data from the DBLP Web site.

Tags, Elements, and Attributes

The main content of the XML document consists of tags, attributes, and data. XML tags are indicated using angle brackets and must come in pairs: for each open tag <tag>, there must be a matching close tag </tag>. An open tag/close tag pair and its contents are said to be an XML element. An element may have one or more attributes, each with a unique name and a value specified within the open tag: <tag attrib1="value1" attrib2="value2">. An element may contain nested elements, nested text, and a variety of other types of content we will describe shortly. It is important to note that every XML document must contain a single root element, meaning that the element content can be thought of as a tree and not a forest.

Example 11.1

Figure 11.2 shows a detailed fragment of XML from DBLP. The first line is a processing instruction specifying the character set encoding. Next comes the single root element, dblp. Within the DBLP element we see two subelements, one describing a mastersthesis and the other an article. Additional elements are elided.

Both the MS thesis and article elements contain two attributes, mdate and key. Additionally, they contain subelements such as author or editor. Note that ee appears twice within the article. Within each of the subelements at this level is text content, each contiguous fragment of which is represented in the XML data model by a text node.

Namespaces and Qualified Names

Sometimes an XML document consists of content merged from multiple sources. In such situations, we may have the same tag names in several sources and may wish to differentiate among them. To do so, we can give each of the source documents a namespace: this is a globally unique name, specified in the form of a Uniform Resource Indicator (URI). (The URI is simply a unique name specified in the form of a qualified path and does not necessarily represent the address of any particular content. The more familiar Uniform Resource Locator, or URL, is a special case of a URI where there is a data item whose content can be retrieved according to the path in the URI.) Within an XML document, we can assign a much shorter name, the namespace prefix, to each of the namespace URIs. Then, within the XML document, we can “qualify” individual tag names with this prefix, followed by a colon, e.g., <ns:tag>. The default namespace is the one for all tags without qualified names.

Namespace prefixes (and the default namespace) are assigned to URLs using a reserved XML attribute (xmlns for the default namespace, xmlns: name for any namespace prefix). The namespace assignment takes effect with the parent element of the attribute.

Example 11.2

Consider the following XML fragment:

<root xmlns="http://www.first.com/aspace" xmlns:myns="http://www.fictitious.com/mypathY">


 <thistag>is in the default namespace (aspace)</thistag>

 <myns:thistag>is in myns</myns:thistag>

 <otherns:thistag xmlns:otherns="http://somewhere">is in otherns</otherns:thistag>



Here, the element root gets associated with the default namespace defined with the xmlns attribute; it also defines the namespace prefix myns. The descendant elements tag and thistag remain with the default namespace. However, myns:thistag is in the new namespace at pathY. Finally, otherns:thistag introduces the namespace prefix otherns, to which the element itself belongs.

Document Order

XML was designed to serve several different roles simultaneously: (1) extensible document format generalizing and replacing HTML, (2) general-purpose markup language, and (3) structured data export format. XML distinguishes itself from most database-related standards in that it is order-preserving and generally order-sensitive. More specifically, the order between XML elements is considered to be meaningful and is preserved and queriable through XML query languages. This enables ordering among paragraphs in a document to be maintained or tested. Perhaps surprisingly, XML attributes (which are treated as properties of elements) are not order-sensitive, although XML tools will typically preserve the original order.

At the logical level, we typically represent an XML document as a tree, where each XML node is represented by a node in the tree, and parent-child relationships are encoded as edges. There are seven node types, briefly alluded to above:

Document root: This node represents the entire XML document and generally has as its children at least one processing instruction representing the XML encoding information and a single root element. Observe that the document root represents the entire document, whereas the root element only contains the element structure.

Processing instruction: These nodes instruct the parser on character encodings, parse structure, etc.

Comment: As with HTML comments, these are human-readable notes.

Element: Most data structures are encoded as XML elements, which include open and close tags plus content. A content-free element may be represented as a single empty tag of the form <tag/>, which is considered equivalent to an open tag/close tag sequence.

Attribute: An attribute is a name-value pair associated with an element (and embedded in its open tag). Attributes are not order-sensitive, and no single tag may have more than one attribute with the same name.

Text: A text node represents contiguous data content within an element.

Namespace: A namespace node qualifies the name of an element within a particular URI. This creates a qualified name.

Each node in the document has a unique identity, as well as a relative ordering and (if a schema is associated with the document) a data type. A depth-first, left-to-right traversal of the tree representation corresponds to the node ordering within the associated XML document.

Example 11.3

Figure 11.3 shows an XML data model representation for the document of Figure 11.2. Here we see five of the seven node types (comment and namespace are not present in this document).


Figure 11.3 Example data model representation for the XML fragment of Figure 11.2. Note that the different node types are represented here using different shapes.

11.2 XML Structural and Schema Definitions

In general, XML can be thought of as a semistructured hierarchical data format, whose leaves are primarily string (text) nodes and attribute node values. To be most useful, we must add a schema describing the semantics and types of the attributes and elements — this enables us to encode nonstring datatypes as well as inter- and intra-document links (e.g., foreign keys, URLs).

11.2.1 Document Type Definitions (DTDs)

When the XML standard was introduced, the focus was on document markup, and hence the original “schema” specification was more focused on the legal structure of the markup than on specific datatypes and data semantics. The document type definition, or DTD, is expressed using processing instructions and tells the XML parser about the structure of a given element.

In DTD, we specify for each element which subelements and/or text nodes are allowed within an element, using EBNF notation to indicate alternation or nesting. A subelement is represented by its name, and a text node is designated as #PCDATA (“parsed character” data).

Example 11.4

Figure 11.4 shows a fragment of a DTD for our running example in this section. We focus in this portion of the example on the element definitions (ELEMENT processing instructions). The DBLP element may have a sequence of mastersthesis and article subelements, interleaved in any order. In turn the mastersthesis has mandatory author, title, year, and school subelements, followed by zero or more committeemembers. Each of these subelements contains text content.


Figure 11.4 Fragment of an example DTD for the XML of Figure 11.2. Note that each definition here is expressed using a processing instruction.

Attributes are specified in a series of rows within the ATTLIST processing instruction: each attribute specification includes a name, a special type, and an annotation indicating whether the attribute is optional (#IMPLIED) or mandatory (#REQUIRED). The types are as follows: text content is called CDATA (“character data”), which is somewhat more restricted than the PCDATA allowed in elements; ID designates that the attribute contains an identifier that is globally unique within the document; IDREF or IDREFS specifies that the attribute contains a reference or space-separated references, respectively, to ID-typed attributes within the document. IDs and IDREFs can be thought of as special cases of keys and foreign keys, or anchors and links.

Example 11.5

Figure 11.4 defines three attributes related to the mastersthesis. The mdate is mandatory and of text type. The key is also mandatory, but a unique identifier. Finally, the advisor string is optional.

Oddly enough, the DTD does not specify which element is the root within a document. The root element is instead specified within the processing instruction in the source XML that references the DTD. The DTD can be directly embedded within the document using a syntax like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<!DOCTYPE dblp [

 <!ELEMENT dblp((mastersthesis | article)*)>

<!ELEMENT mastersthesis(author,title,year,school, committeemember*)>



but more commonly, the DTD is in a separate file that must be referenced using the SYSTEM keyword:

<!DOCTYPE dblp SYSTEM "dblp.dtd">


In both cases, the first parameter after DOCTYPE is the name of the root element, and the XML parser will parse the DTD before continuing beyond that point.

Pros and Cons of DTD

DTD, as the first XML schema format, is very commonly used in practice. It is relatively simple to understand and concise (if syntactically awkward), it is supported by virtually every XML parser in existence, and it is sufficient for most document structural specifications. Unfortunately, it has many limitations for data interchange. One cannot directly map the database concepts of key and foreign key to ID and IDREFS (there is no support for compound keys, and the value of a key must be globally unique within a document, even to the exclusion of ID-typed attributes with other names). The concept of null values does not map to any aspect of DTD-based XML, meaning that relational database export is awkward. Primitive datatypes such as integers and dates are not possible to specify.

All of these limitations, as well as a variety of other desiderata, led to the development of a newer specification in the early 2000s, called XML Schema.

11.2.2 XML Schema (XSD)

XML Schema (commonly abbreviated to its standard three-letter file extension, XSD) is an extremely comprehensive standard designed to provide a superset of DTD’s capabilities, to address the limitations mentioned in the previous section, and to itself be an XML-encoded standard.

Since an XML Schema is itself specified in XML, we will always be dealing with (at least) two namespaces: the namespace for XML Schema itself (used for the built-in XSD definitions and datatypes) and the namespace being defined by the schema. Typically, we will use the default namespace for the tags defined in the schema and will use a prefix (commonly xs: or xsd:) associated with the URI www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema to refer to the XML Schema tags.

Beyond the use of XML tags, XML Schema differs significantly from DTD in two respects. First, the notion of an element type has been separated from the element name. Now we define an element type (either a complexType representing a structured element or a simpleType representing a scalar or text node) and later associate it with one or more element names. Second, the use of EBNF notation has been completely eliminated; instead, we group sequences of content using sequence or choice elements and specify a number of repetitions using minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes.

Example 11.6

Figure 11.5 shows an XML Schema fragment for our running example. We see first that the schema definition has a root tag schema within the XML Schema namespace (abbreviated here as xsd).


Figure 11.5 Example XML Schema fragment corresponding to the XML of Figure 11.2. This excerpt focuses on defining the structure of the mastersthesis.

The fragment shows the definition of a complex element type for a thesis. Associated with this element type are three attributes (mdate, key, and optional advisor). Observe that each of the attributes has a particular type (one of the built-in XML Schema simple types): date, string, and string, respectively. Within the ThesisType is a sequence of subelements: an author string, a title string, a year integer, a school string, and a sequence of zero or more committeemembers of a complex type called CommitteeType. The ThesisType can be used for more than one element; we finally associated it with the mastersthesis near the bottom of the figure.

XML Schema allows for the definition of both keys and foreign keys, which we shall discuss later in this chapter when we have introduced XPath. It also has many features that we do not discuss at all: it is possible to define simple types that restrict the built-in types (e.g., positive integers, dates from 2010 to 2020, strings starting with “S”), to make use of inheritance in defining types, and to create reusable structures. For more detail, we suggest consulting the many resources available on the Web.

XML Schema and its associated data model are the “modern” schema format for XML and are used by most XML-related Web standards. Examples include SOAP, the Simple Object Access Protocol used to pass parameters across systems; WSDL, the Web Service Description Language; the data type primitives of RDF Schema, the schema language for the Resource Description Framework used in the Semantic Web (see Section 12.3); and XQuery, the XML query language we describe later in this chapter.

11.3 Query Language

Given that XML represents documents and data in a standard way, it quickly became apparent that applications and developers would need standardized mechanisms for extracting and manipulating XML content.

Over the years, models emerged for parsing XML into objects (DOM) and messages (SAX), the XPath primitive, and ultimately the XQuery language. We discuss the parsing standards in Section 11.3.1, XPath in Section 11.3.2, and XQuery in Section 11.3.3. Another XML transformation language, XSLT (XML Stylesheet Language: Transformations), is used in many document and formatting scenarios, but is not well-suited to data manipulation, and hence we do not discuss it in this book.

11.3.1 Precursors: DOM and SAX

Prior to the creation of XML query primitives, the XML community established a series of language-independent APIs for parsing XML: the goal was that any parser would implement these APIs in a consistent way, making it easy to port code to a variety of platforms and libraries.

The first standard, the Document Object Model, or DOM, specifies a common object-oriented hierarchy for parsed HTML and XML. DOM actually emerged from the internal object models supported by HTML Web browsers, but it was generalized to XML as well. DOM establishes a common interface, the DOM node, to encompass all of the various XML node types; instances include the Document node, Element node, and Text node. A DOM parser typically builds an in-memory object tree representing a parsed document and returns the document root node to the calling program. From here, the application can traverse the entire document model. Every DOM node has methods for traversing to the node’s parent and children (if applicable), testing the node type, reading the text value of the node, and so on. An interface also exists to retrieve nodes directly by their name, rather than through the document hierarchy. Later versions of DOM also support updatesto the in-memory document model.

DOM is a fairly heavyweight representation of XML: each node in an XML document is instantiated as an object, which typically consumes significantly more space than the original source file. Moreover, early versions of DOM were not in any way incremental: no processing would happen until the entire document was parsed. To meet the needs of applications that only wanted to manipulate a small portion of an XML document — or to incrementally process the data — SAX, Simple API for XML, was created. SAX is not an object representation, but rather a standard parser API. As an XML parser reads through an input XML file, it calls back to user-supplied methods, notifying them when a new element is beginning, when an element is closing, when a text node is encountered, etc. The application can take the information provided in the callback and perform whatever behaviors it deems appropriate. The application might instantiate an object for each callback, or it might simply update progress information or discard the callback information entirely.

Both SAX and DOM are designed for developers in object-oriented languages to manipulate XML; they are not declarative means for extracting content. Of course, such declarative standards have also been developed, and we discuss them next.

11.3.2 XPath: A Primitive for XML Querying

XPath was originally developed to be a simple XML query language, whose role was to extract subtrees from an individual XML document. Over time it has become more commonly used as a building block for other XML standards. For example, XPath is used to specify keys and foreign keys in XML Schema, and it is used to specify collections of XML nodes to be assigned to variables in XQuery (described below).

XPath actually has two versions in active use, the original XPath 1.0 and the later XPath 2.0. The original version is limited to expressions that do not directly specify a source XML document (i.e., one needs to use a tool to apply the XPath to a specific XML file). Version 2.0 was created during the development of XQuery, in order to make XPath a fully integrated subset of that language. It adds a number of features, with the most notable being the ability to specify the source document for the expression and a data model and type system matching that of XQuery.

Path Expressions

The main construct in XPath is the path expression, which represents a sequence of steps from a context node. The context node is by default the root of the source document to which the XPath is being applied. The result of evaluating the path expression is a sequence of nodes (and their subtree descendants), with duplicates removed, returned in the order they appear in the source document. For historic reasons, this sequence is often termed a “node set.”

The Context Node

XPaths are specified using a Unix path-like syntax. As in Unix, the current context node is designated by “.” If we start the XPath with a leading “/”, then this node starts at the document root. In XPath 2.0, we can also specify a particular source document to use as the context node: the function doc("URL") parses the XML document at URL and returns its document root as the context node.

From the context node, an XPath typically includes a sequence of steps and optional predicates. If we follow the usual interpretation of an XML document as a tree, then a step in an XPath encodes a step type describing how to traverse from the context node, and a node restriction specifying which nodes to return. The step type is typically a delimiter like “/” or “//” and the node restriction is typically a label of an element to match; we specify these more precisely in a moment.

By default, traversal is downward in the tree from nodes to their descendants. We can start at the context node and traverse a single level to a child node (specified using the delimiter “/”) or through zero or more descendant subelements (specified using “//”). We can restrict the matching node in a variety of ways:

A step “…/label” or “…//label” will only return child or descendant elements, respectively, with the designated label. (Any intervening elements are unrestricted.)

A step with a “*” will match any label: “…/*” or “…//*,” will return the set of all child elements, or descendant elements, respectively.

A step “…/@label” will return attribute nodes (including both label and value) that are children of the current element, which match the specified label. The step or “…//@label” will return attribute nodes of the current or any descendant element, if they have the specified label.

A step “…/@*” or “…//@*” will return any attribute nodes associated with the current element, or the current and any descendant elements, respectively.

A step “/..” represents a step up the tree to the parent of each node matched by the previous step in the XPath.

A step with a node-test will restrict the type of node to a particular class: e.g., …/text() returns child nodes that are text nodes; …/comment() returns child nodes that are comments; …/processing-instruction() returns child nodes that are processing instructions; …/node() returns any type of node (not just elements, attributes, etc.).

Example 11.7

Given the data of Figure 11.2, the XPath ./dblp/article would begin with the document root as the context node, traverse downward to the dblp root element and any article sub-elements, and return an XML node sequence containing the article elements (which would still maintain all attachments to its subtree). Thus, if we were to serialize the node sequence back to XML, the result would be

<article mdate="2002-01-03" key="tr/dec/SRC1997-018">

 <editor>Paul R. McJones</editor>

 <title>The 1995 SQL Reunion</title>

 <journal>Digital System Research Center Report</journal>






Note that if there were more than one article, the result of the XPath would be a forest of XML trees, rather than a single tree. Hence the output of an XPath is often not a legal XML document since it does not have a single root element.

Example 11.8

Given the example data, the XPath //year would begin at the document root (due to the leading “/”), traverse any number of subelements downward, and return



where the first year comes from the mastersthesis and the second from the article.

Example 11.9

Given the example data, the XPath /dblp/*/editor would begin at the document root, traverse downward to match first the mastersthesis, and look for an editor. No such match is found, so the next traversal will occur in the article. From the article, an editor can be found, and the result would be

<editor>Paul R. McJones</editor>

where, of course, further results might be returned if there were matches among the elided content in the document.

More Complex Steps: Axes

While they are by far the most heavily used step specifiers, “/” and “//” are actually considered to be a special abbreviated syntax for a more general XML traversal model called axes. Axes allow an XPath author to specify a traversal to not only a descendant node, but also an ancestor, a predecessor, a successor, etc. The syntax for axes is somewhat cumbersome: instead of using “/” or “//” followed by a node restriction, we instead use “/” followed by an axis specifier followed by “::”, then the node restriction. The axes include:

child: traverses to a child node, identically to a plain “/

descendant: finds a descendant of the current node, identically to a plain “//

descendant-or-self: returns the current node or any descendant

parent: returns the parent of the current node, identically to “..

ancestor: finds any ancestor of the current node

ancestor-or-self: returns the current node or an ancestor

preceding-sibling: returns any sibling node that appeared earlier in the document order

following-sibling: returns any sibling node that appeared later in the document order

preceding: returns any node, at any level, appearing earlier in the document

following: returns any node, at any level, appearing later in the document

attribute: matches attributes, as with the “@”prefix

namespace: matches namespace nodes

Example 11.10

The XPath of Example 11.7 could be written as


and Example 11.8 as


An XPath to return every XML node in the document is



Often we want to further restrict the set of nodes to be returned, e.g., by specifying certain data values we seek. This is where XPath predicates come in. A predicate is a Boolean test that can be attached to a specific step in an XPath; the Boolean test is applied to each result that would ordinarily be returned by the XPath. The Boolean test may be as simple as the existence of a path (this enables us to express queries that test for specific tree patterns as opposed simply to paths), it could be a test for a particular value of a text or attribute node, etc.

Predicates appear in square brackets, [ and ]. The expression within the brackets has its context node set to the node matched by the previous step in the XPath.

Example 11.11

If we take the XPath expression /dblp/*[./year/text()="1992"] and evaluate it against Figure 11.2, then first mastersthesis is matched (the context node becomes the mastersthesis), and then the predicate expression is evaluated. Since it returns true, the mastersthesis node is returned. When the article node is matched (becoming the context node for the predicate), the predicate is again evaluated, but this time it fails to satisfy the conditions.

Predicates Referring to Position

Predicates can also be used to select only specific values from a node set, based on the index position of the nodes. If we use an integer value i as the position, e.g., p[5], this selects the ith node in the node sequence. We can also explicitly request the index of a node with the position() function and the index of the last node in the node sequence with the last() function. (The corresponding first() function also exists.)

Example 11.12

To select the last article in the XML file of Figure 11.2, we could use the following XPath:


Node Functions

Sometimes we wish to test or restrict the value of a particular node’s name or its namespace. The function name takes as an argument a (nontext) node and returns the node’s fully qualified name. local-name just returns the name without its namespace prefix; namespace-uri returns the URI of the associated namespace. (All of these functions will also take node collections as inputs and will merely return their results for the first element in the collection.)

Revisiting XML Schema: Keys and Keyrefs

Now that we have seen the basics of XPath, we revisit the notion of keys and foreign keys in XML Schema. Figure 11.6 shows an expanded version of Figure 11.5 where we have added a number of keys and foreign keys.


Figure 11.6 XML Schema excerpt with keys and keyrefs.

Let us begin with the notion of a key, as captured in line 31 (as well as 25). The first thing we note is that each key receives its own name: this name does not manifest itself within the structure of the XML document, but rather is used so a foreign key can link to this key. Most readers unfamiliar with XML Schema may also find it odd and unnatural that the keyref is defined not with respect to the complexType (mastersthesis or school), but in fact outside the place where an element of that complexType is introduced. Recall that a key is a special case of a functional dependency, where an attribute or set of attributes determines an entire element in a collection. In the relational world, this element was a tuple and the collection was a table. Here, the element determined by the key must be specified: this is the role of the xsd:selector. The set of all elements matching the selector is the collection over which the key is defined. Then, within the selected element, a set of attributes must be identified to form the key: this is the xsd:field.

Once we understand how a key is defined, the foreign key or keyref, in line 20, should be straightforward. keyrefs also have a name, but this is not as significant as the refer attribute, which names the key pointed to by the foreign key.

11.3.3 XQuery: Query Capabilities for XML

The XPath language is not expressive enough to capture the kinds of data transformations that are employed in a typical database query or schema mapping. For instance, XPath does not support cross-document joins, changing of labels, or restructuring. To address these needs, the XQuery language was developed. Intuitively, XQuery is the “SQL of XML”: the single standard language that is intended to be implemented by XML databases and document transformation engines.

XQuery currently consists of a core language plus a series of extensions: the core language provides exact-answers semantics and supports querying and transformation. There exist extensions for full-text querying with ranked answers (XQuery Full Text) and for XQuery updates (the XQuery Update Facility). In this book we focus on the “core” XQuery.

Basic XQuery Structure: “FLWOR” Expressions

SQL is well-known for its basic “SELECT…FROM…WHERE” pattern for describing query blocks (with an optional “ORDER BY” and “GROUP BY…HAVING”. XQuery similarly has a basic form for a query block, called a FLWOR (indeed, pronounced “flower”) expression. FLWOR is an acronym for “for … let … where …order by …return.” (Note that XQuery keywords must be in lowercase, in contrast to SQL, which is case-insensitive.) In reality, the different XQuery clauses can be interleaved in a variety of orders, and several clauses are optional, but the FLWOR ordering is by far the prevalent one.

Intuitively, the XQuery for and let clauses together correspond to the FROM clause in SQL; the XQuery where corresponds to its namesake in SQL; and the return clause corresponds to the SELECT clause in SQL. However, there are a number of key differences in the semantics of the clauses. The relational model consists of tables and tuples, with completely different operators that apply to each. In XML, a document or any subtree is represented as a node with a set of subtrees. Hence XQuery distinguishes between nodes, scalar types, and collections, and operators are defined in a relatively clean way over these. XQuery also allows for the outputs of multiple (possibly correlated) queries to be nested, in order to form nested output. We consider each FLWOR clause in turn.

for: Iteration and Binding Over Collections

The most common way of specifying an input operand for a query is to bind a variable to each node matching a pattern. The for clause allows us to define a variable that ranges over a node sequence returned by an XPath. The syntax is for $var in XPath-expression. To bind multiple variables, we can nest for clauses. For each possible valuation of the variables, the XQuery engine will evaluate the where condition(s) and optionally return content.

Example 11.13

Suppose we have a document called dblp.xml located on the my.org server. If we use the following sequence of nested for clauses:

for $docRoot in doc("http://my.org/dblp.xml")

 for $rootElement in $docRoot/dblp

  for $rootChild in $rootElement/article

then the variable $docRoot will take on a single value, that of the document root node of the XML source file. The variable $rootElement will iterate over the child elements of the document root — namely, the (single) root element of the XML file. Next, $rootChild will iterate over the child element nodes of the root element.

We can abbreviate nested for clauses using an alternate form, in which a comma is used to separate one expression from the next, and the second for clause is omitted.

Example 11.14

The above example can be rewritten as in lines 1–4 of Figure 11.7.


Figure 11.7 Simple XQuery example.

let: Assignment of Collections to Variables

Unlike SQL, XQuery has a notion of collection-valued variables, where the collection may be a sequence of nodes or of scalar values. The let clause allows us to assign the results of any collection-valued expression (e.g., an XPath) to a variable. The syntax is let $var := collection-expression.

Example 11.15

Continuing our example from above, the first 4 lines of Figure 11.7 will assign a different value to $textContent for each value of $rootChild, namely, the set of all text nodes that appear in the element’s subtree.

where: Evaluation of Conditions Against Bindings

For each possible valuation of the variables in the for and let clauses, the XQuery engine will attempt to evaluate the predicates in the where clause. If these are satisfied, then the return clause will be invoked to produce output. We can think of XQuery’s execution model as being one in which “tuples of bindings” (one value for each variable from each source) are joined, selected, and projected; the where clause performs the selection and join operations.

Example 11.16

We can restrict our example from above to only consider $rootChild elements that have editor subelements with value “Bob,” as seen in lines 1–5 of Figure 11.7.

return: Output of XML Trees

The return clause gets invoked each time the where conditions are satisfied, and in each case it returns a fragment of output that is typically an XML tree. The content output by the return clause may be literal XML, the results of evaluating some expression (even XPath expression) based on bound variables, or the results of evaluating a nested XQuery.

If a return clause begins with an angle bracket or a literal value, the XQuery engine assumes that it is to output whatever it reads as literal text. To instead force it to interpret the content as an expression, we use the escape characters { and } around the expression.

order by: Changing the Order of Returned Output

The order by clause allows us to change the order content is returned, according to one or more sort keys (specified as a list of XPaths relative to bound variables).

Example 11.17

The full query in Figure 11.7 completes our example, where we return an XML subtree each time “Bob” is matched. Within the subtree, we output the editor and title within the $rootChild subtree. Then we use a nested XQuery to iterate over all of the text nodes in $textContent, outputting each in an element labeled text.

Aggregation and Uniqueness

SQL allows the query author to specify duplicate removal using a special DISTINCT keyword in the SELECT clause or an aggregate function (e.g., COUNT DISTINCT). In XQuery, the notion of computing distinct values or items is handled as a collection-valued function, which essentially converts an ordered sequence into an ordered set. There are two functions in most XQuery implementations, fn:distinct-values and fn:distinct-nodes, which take node sequences, and remove items that match on value equality or node identity, respectively. These functions can be applied to the results of an XPath expression, to the output of an XQuery, etc.; fn:distinct-values can even be applied to a collection of scalar values.

As with computing unique values, aggregation in XQuery is accomplished in a way that is entirely different from SQL. In XQuery, there is no GROUP BY construct, and hence aggregate functions are not applied to attributes in grouped tables. Instead, an aggregate function simply takes a collection as a parameter and returns a scalar result representing the result of the function: fn:average, fn:max, fn:min, fn:count, fn:sum.

Example 11.18

Suppose we want to count the number of theses or articles written by each author (assuming author names are canonicalized) for a document of the form shown in Figure 11.2. Rather than using a GROUP BY construct, we express this by computing the set of all authors, then finding the papers for each author.

let $doc := doc("dblp.xml")

let $authors := fn:distinct-values($doc//author/text())

for $auth in $authors

return <author>

   { $auth }

   let $papersByAuth := $doc/*[author/text() =


    return <papers>


        { fn:count(papersByAuth) }



        { $papersByAuth/title }


      </papers> }


Here, the inner query computes the set of all papers by the author, then returns the count as well as the complete list of titles.

Data to and from Metadata

An extremely important aspect of XQuery for data integration — one that has no relational equivalent — is that of converting between data and element or attribute names. Recall from Section 11.3.2 that we can use XPath functions like name, local-name, and namespace-uri to retrieve the name and/or namespace information associated with an element or attribute node. In XQuery, such functions can be used not only within the XPaths associated with the for or let clauses, but as general predicates anywhere in the query.

Moreover, in the return clause we can use the computed constructors element (which takes a name and structured content) and attribute (which takes a name and a string value). By default, the name is treated as literal text, so expressions must be enclosed in braces.

Example 11.19

Consider the following XML:

for $x in doc ("dblp.xml")/dblp/*,

  $year in $x/year,

  $title in $x/title/text()

    where local-name($x) <> "university"


  element { name($x) } {

  attribute key { $x/key }

  attribute { "year-" + $year } { $title }


It makes use of several operations for querying and constructing metadata. Initially, we bind $x to any subelements of the root element but use a condition on the local-name to restrict our search to subelements that are not universities. In the return clause, we output a computed element whose name is the same as the initial $x but with different content. The new element has two computed attributes: one is key with the value of the original key attribute, and the other is an attribute whose name consists of the string “year-” concatenated with the value to which $year is bound.


XQuery does not expressly have the notion of a view, as in SQL. Rather, XQuery supports arbitrary functions that can return scalar values, nodes (as the roots of XML trees), or collections (of scalars or XML nodes/trees). Since a function can return an XML forest or tree, one can think of it as a view that might optionally be parameterized.

Note that XQuery allows for recursion as well as if/else and iteration within functions, hence the language is Turing-complete, unlike SQL. A function in XQuery is specified using the keywords declare function, followed by the function name, its parameters and their types, the keyword as, and the function return type. Note that the types for the parameters and return type are the XML Schema types. If there is no accompanying schema, a generic element can be specified using element(), and an untyped element with a particular name n can be specified using element(n).

Example 11.20

The following function returns all authors in the dblp.xml document. Note that we have placed the function into the namespace “my,” which is presumably defined elsewhere.

declare function my:paperAuthors() as element(author)* {

 return doc("dblp.xml")//author;


Note that the return type here is specified to be zero or more elements (hence the asterisk) called author, for which we may (or may not) have an accompanying XML Schema type.

Example 11.21

The following function returns the number of coauthors who wrote an article with the author whose name is specified as an input parameter $n. It does this by finding the sets of authors for each article authored by $n, then doing duplicate removal, and finally counting the number of entries and then subtracting 1 to avoid counting $n him- or herself.

let $authors := doc("dblp.xml")/article[author/text()=$n]/


return fn:count(fn:distinct-values($authors)) - 1


Note that the return type here is specified to be zero or more elements (hence the asterisk) called author, for which we may (or may not) have an accompanying XML Schema type.

11.4 Query Processing for XML

Now that we are familiar with the form of XML and its query languages, we consider the problem of processing queries expressed in XPath and XQuery over XML data. Inherently, XML is a tree-structured, non-first-normal-form data format. The bulk of work on large-scale XML query processing, especially in terms of matching XPaths over the input, has focused on settings in which the data are stored on disk, e.g., in a relational DBMS. Here the challenges are how to break up the XML trees and index them (if using a “native” XML storage system) or how to “shred” the XML into relational tuples.

For the latter case, intuitively the goal is to take each XML node and create a corresponding tuple in a relational table. Each such tuple is encoded in a way that enables it to be joined with its parent (and possibly ancestors) and children (and possibly descendants). A common approach is to annotate each tuple T with an interval code describing the position of the first and last item in the tree rooted at the node corresponding to T: then we can compare the intervals of tuples T1 and T2 for containment to see if one tree is a subtree of the other.

In data integration, the time-consuming portion of evaluation is often reading an XML source file and extracting subtrees that match particular XPath expressions. Rather than store the XML before extracting relevant trees, our goal is to, in a single pass, read, parse, and extract XPath matches from each source document. This is often referred to as “streaming XPath evaluation.”

Streaming XPath evaluation relies on two critical observations:

1. SAX-style XML parsing very efficiently matches against XML as it is read from an input stream (e.g., across a network) and uses a callback interface to trigger an event handler whenever specific content types, start tags, or end tags are encountered. This enables parsing as data are being pipelined into the query processor’s system.

2. A large subset of XPath expressions can be mapped to regular expressions, where the alphabet consists of the set of possible edge labels plus a wildcard character. In general, we end up with a set of nested regular expressions for each XPath (since, e.g., predicates must be separately matched).

These observations have led to a variety of XML streaming XPath matchers, based on event handlers and modified finite state machines. A streaming XPath matcher typically returns sets of nodes, or, if it matches multiple XPaths simultaneously as for XQuery, tuples of bindings to nodes (i.e., tuples in which there exists one attribute per variable, whose value is a reference to a node, or a set of references to nodes). These tuples of bindings are typically processed by an extended version of a relational-style query processor, which has the standard set of operators (e.g., select, project, join) as well as a few new ones, such as evaluating an XPath against a tree-valued attribute in a tuple, adding XML tags, and collecting sequences or sets of tuples into an XML tree. Finally, XML content is assembled at the end and output in the form of a tree, using a combination of tagging and grouping operators.

Example 11.22

We see an example of a typical query plan for XML data in Figure 11.8, corresponding to the query of Figure 11.7. Starting from the bottom, we see a streaming XPath operator that fetches dblp.xml and begins parsing it, looking for trees corresponding to the root element, its child, and any descendent text content. This operator returns tuples with values for rootElement, rootChild, and textContent, of which the first two are trees and the last is a forest. These tuples are then left outer joined with a nested expression. The nested expression matches an XPath against the forest in textContent and returns a sequence of tuples with values for txt. These tuples are tagged within text elements, then grouped into a single forest. The results of the left outer join are then fed into further XPath matching, which extracts the editor andtitle from the rootChild. After further projection, the element BobsResult is created for each tuple, and its children are set to be the editor, title, and results of the nested expression. The result is a sequence of BobsResult tuples that can be written to disk, a data stream, etc.


Figure 11.8 Sketch of a query plan for the query of Figure 11.7. Most of the engine remains a tuple processor, where tuples are no longer in first normal form, but rather binding tuples containing (references to) trees.

Let us now look at the specifics of how the operators are implemented.

11.4.1 XML Path Matching

The XML path matching operator appears in two guises, one based on streaming evaluation over incoming data and the other based on traversal of the tree representation within an attribute of a binding tuple. Both can be implemented using the same mechanisms, as handlers to an event-driven XML tree parser.

A variety of design points have been considered for XML path matchers.

Type of Automaton

In general, within a single XPath segment (series of steps separated by / or //), the presence of wildcards or the // step allows for multiple matches at each level. This introduces nondeterminism into the picture, and several schemes have been considered to process data in this context. The first involves building a single nondeterministic finite state machine (NFA) for the XPath and keeping track of multiple possible matches simultaneously. The second method is to convert the expression to a deterministic finite state machine (DFA). The third method builds on the previous ones by creating an NFA that is “lazily” expanded to a DFA as needed (where portions of the expansion are cached).

Example 11.23

We can see the NFAs for two of the example XPaths of Examples 11.7 and 11.8 in Figure 11.9. Depending on the specific style of XPath match, this NFA might be directly represented in memory and used to match against events from input, or it might be converted to a DFA (either eagerly or lazily) and used to match.


Figure 11.9 Nondeterministic finite automata for the XPaths /dblp/article and //year. Note that the ∑ on the edge label in the automata represents the alphabet of all possible labels, i.e., a wildcard.

Different Schemes for Evaluating Subpaths

Many XPaths have “subsidiary” segments — for instance, nested paths within predicates. One can create a single automaton with different final states indicating which XPaths have been matched, or one can create a series of nested automata, where matching one automaton activates the others.

Predicate Push-Down and Short-Circuiting

In any case, predicates may include operations beyond simple path-existence tests, which can often be “pushed” into the path-matching stage. Here the XPath matcher must invoke subsidiary logic to apply predicates such as testing for value equality of a text node. Any nonmatch must be discarded.

XPath Versus XQuery

If the query processor is computing XPath queries, then the XPath matcher’s goal is to return a node set for each query. Sometimes, however, the goal is to provide a set of input binding tuples for the for (or, in some cases, let) clauses of an XQuery. Here, we want the Cartesian product of the possible node matches to a set of XPaths. The x-scan operator combines XPath matching with an extension of the pipelined hash join, such that it can incrementally output tuples of bindings to be evaluated.

Example 11.24

In evaluating an XQuery within a streaming operator, the first stage simultaneously matches a hierarchy of XPaths corresponding to for and let expressions (see Figure 11.10, which corresponds to the leftmost leaf operator from Figure 11.8). For this streaming XPath matcher, reaching the final state in one NFA may trigger certain behaviors. One such behavior is that a match to the first NFA may activate other, nested NFAs, corresponding to nested XPaths. Moreover, upon matching a particular pattern we may need to test the match against a particular value (a predicate push-down, indicated in the test for author = “Bob”), and we may add matches to a set, rather than adding one binding per match (as is needed for the $rootElement//text() let clause, versus the other for clauses).


Figure 11.10 Hierarchy of nondeterministic finite automata for matching the set of XPaths in the XQuery of Figure 11.7. Note that upon reaching the final state of one machine, we may activate other (nested) XPaths, and we may need to test the match against a value or collect it within a set.

The output of the streaming operator for this collection of NFAs will be a sequence of binding tuples for the variables rootElement, rootChild, and (collection-typed) textContent. Example 11.22 describes in more detail how the output from the streaming XPath evaluator is propagated through the other operators in the query plan.

11.4.2 XML Output

The process of creating XML within a tuple is typically broken into two classes of operations.


Takes an attribute (which is already tree-valued) and “wraps” it within an XML element or attribute. In certain cases well-structured properties may need to be tested (e.g., certain kinds of content are illegal within an attribute).


Takes a set of tuples (with some common key attributes) and combines their results, typically within a single collection-valued attribute. It is analogous to SQL GROUP BY, except that instead of computing a scalar aggregate value over an attribute, it instead collects all of the different attribute values into a single XML forest.

Of course, another key component of XQuery processing tends to be nesting within the return clause. This is typically accomplished using the left outer join operator, as in Example 11.22.

The focus of this chapter has been on implementing the SQL-like “core” of XQuery. Support for recursive functions and some of XQuery’s more advanced features typically requires additional operators, for instance, some form of function invocation plus an if/else construct that helps determine when to terminate, the ability to query nodes for their XML Schema types, and support for calling library functions.

11.4.3 XML Query Optimization

For the core parts of the language, XQuery optimization is little different from conventional relational optimization: there is a process of enumeration and cost and cardinality estimation. The challenges tend to lie in the unique properties of XML. XQuery is much more expressive than SQL, and in general XQuery cost-based optimizers are most effective on subsets of the overall language. Even for subsets, there are often many more potential rewrites than in the normal SQL case.

Moreover, the cardinalities (and hence costs) of XPath matching tend to be more difficult to determine: it becomes essential to estimate “fan-outs” of different portions of an XML document. New metadata structures have been developed to try to help estimate branching factors.

With functions, XQuery is in fact Turing-complete — necessitating an approach to optimizing XQuery function calls that more closely resembles optimizing functional programming languages. All of these techniques are beyond the scope of this textbook.

11.5 Schema Mapping for XML

Not surprisingly, XML introduces new complexities in terms of schema mappings. The two main ones are as follows.

XML is semistructured, meaning that different XML elements (even of the same type) may have variations in structure. Moreover, XML queries contain multiple path expressions with optional wildcards and recursion. Hence the conditions for query containment are somewhat different.

XML contains nesting, and the specific nesting relationships may be different between a source instance and a target instance. Hence it becomes necessary to specify nesting relationships, and optionally merge operations on nodes, within XML mappings.

Moreover, under different conditions we may wish to output an XML element for each occurrence of a data value, and in others we may wish to output an XML element for each unique occurrence — roughly analogous to bag versus set semantics.

We discuss specific methods of specifying XML schema mappings, as well as for reformulating queries over them, in this section.

11.5.1 Mappings with Nesting

As a hierarchical data model with a complex schema language, XML makes the schema mapping problem significantly more complex than in the relational model. Even for the relational model, we did not seek to support arbitrary SQL as a mapping language. Rather, we focused on a subset, namely, conjunctive queries in LAV, GAV, or GLAV formulations (where the latter may be expressed using tgds rather than GLAV rules).

Similarly, for XML schema mappings, it is intractable to use the full power of XQuery. Rather, we use a simplified mapping language that has as its underpinnings the notion of nested tgds. In this section, we explain the basics of XML mapping using one such language, that of Piazza-XML, and then we explain the nested tgd formulation.

Piazza-XML Mappings

The Piazza-XML mapping language is derived from a subset of XQuery. It consists of a series of nested XML elements and attributes with optional query annotations enclosed in {::} escapes. Each query annotation may define variable bindings using XPath expressions, following the same semantics as the for clause in XQuery, as well as conditions, specified with a where clause as in XQuery. Within each instance of the parent element, each annotated element gets produced once per binding combination that satisfies the associated query annotation. Bound variables are scoped to be visible to any descendant elements and their query annotations. We illustrate with an example.

Example 11.25

Suppose we want to map between two sites: a target that contains books with nested authors and a source that contains authors with nested publications. We illustrate partial schemas for these sources in Figure 11.11, using a format in which indentation indicates nesting and a * suffix indicates “0 or more occurrences of…,” as in a BNF grammar.


Figure 11.11 Example of two schemas (target and source) for XML mapping.

Assume we know that the input pub-type must be book, and the publisher has a name that is not present in the input document. The corresponding Piazza-XML schema mapping is shown in Figure 11.12. Observe that the pubs element is unannotated as it appears only once. Then the book element is produced once per combination of $a, $t, and $type in the annotation. Nested within book, the verb—title— and author name have nested XPath/XQuery expressions within braces, whose output is directly embedded, XQuery style.


Figure 11.12 Piazza-XML mapping for Example 11.11.

It can be observed from the example that the Piazza-XML language allows for multiple nesting levels, with correlation among nested expressions. This language of nested queries can be connected to our prior mapping formalisms of Chapter 3.

One challenge with the above example is that if, say, a book has two publishers, we will actually produce two book elements. To get around this, the Piazza-XML language has a special reserved tag, piazza:id, which defines a set of grouping terms. One instance of the annotated element will be produced per parent element per combination of values in the piazza:id.

Example 11.26

Figure 11.13 shows a refined version of the mapping, this time generating a single book element and a single title for each unique book title. An author element will be generated for each book, for each author.


Figure 11.13 Improved Piazza-XML mapping with duplicate elimination.

Nested tgds

Recall from Section 3.2.5 that tuple-generating dependencies are one way of expressing Global-and-Local-as-View mappings. As we have described it to this point, the tgd is an assertion about relational instances. An interesting application of such constraints is discussed in Section 10.2. For this chapter, however, our interest is not in relational instances, but instances with hierarchical nesting, i.e., XML.

Definition 11.1 (Nested Tuple-Generating Dependency)

A nested tuple-generating dependency (nested tgd) is an assertion about the relationship between a source data instance and a target data instance, of the form


where image are variables representing attributes; ϕ and ψ are atomic formulas over source and target instances, respectively; image and image are set-valued variables representing nested relations; and image and image are sets of atomic formulas, one for each of the respective variables of image and image. Each set-valued variable in image must also have a grouping key, to which a variable-specific Skolem function is applied to uniquely specify the desired output set — such that multiple matches to the rhs of the tgd must use the same set.

The grouping key mentioned above is in effect the same as the piazza:id used in the Piazza-XML mapping language. We can express the schema mapping of Example 11.26 as follows.

Example 11.27

Define a nested tgd as follows, where we omit universally quantifiers (implicit for all variables that appear on the lhs), where boldface indicates a set-typed (relation) variable, and where an atom subscripted with a variable name specifies the grouping key:



In this formulation, we treat the output XML structure (expressed using the Piazza-XML language with different elements and their annotations) as a series of nested relations, reflecting the hierarchical structure.

The use of the grouping keys specifies when the same node in the target must be used to satisfy the rhs, as with piazza:id. In the output, we create a single pubs root element, then nest within it a book element for each unique title; within the book we add an author (created for each title-author combination) and a single “unknown” publisher entry (created separately for each title).

The example above hints at two constraints on the parameters for the grouping keys, which is also true in Piazza-XML, although often implicit. First, if a parent element (e.g., book) has a particular variable as a grouping key, then all descendant elements must also inherit this variable as a grouping key. This ensures a tree structure, as different parent elements will not share the same descendant. Second, as in publisher, existential variables are not included in the grouping keys.

A common use of nested tgds — like traditional tgds — is as constraints that are used to infer tuples in a target instance. In essence, we populate the target instance with any tuples that are needed to satisfy the constraint, using a procedure called the chase. This is called data exchange and is described in Section 10.2. However, we can also use nested tgds in query reformulation, as we describe next.

11.5.2 Query Reformulation with Nested Mappings

In query reformulation, we are given a query over the target schema and we need to use the semantic mappings to translate it to a query that refers to the sources. The XML mappings discussed in this section can be viewed as a version of GAV mappings, and hence we simply need to do view unfolding to rewrite a query Q posed over the target schema into a query Q′ posed over the source schema(s).

This is essentially the same process as the one used in a standard XQuery engine. It can get quite complex in the presence of grouping (e.g., due to piazza:id or Skolems) and in the presence of complex XPath expressions in the query Q. Thus we limit our discussion here to a simple setting.

Example 11.28

Suppose we are given the query

<results> {

for $b in doc("target.xml")/pubs/book

where $b/author/name="Jones"

return <match> { $b/title } </match>

} </results>

over our Example 11.25 mapping without grouping. Then the query processor will determine that variable $b corresponds to the book element output once by the mapping for each source author, that $b/author/name corresponds to the source full-name, and that $b/title corresponds exactly to the title element with value $t output by the mapping. We will get a rewritten query like the following:

<results> {

 for $b in doc("source.xml")/authors/author,

   $t in $b/publication/title/text(),

   $typ in $b/publication/pub-type

 where $typ = "book" and $b/full-name="Jones"

 return <match> <title> { $t } </title></match>

} </results>

Beyond GAV-style reformulation, some XML schema mapping systems have supported reformulation with bidirectional mappings, where a query over the target schema can be answered using source schema data. We leave this as a topic for advanced study and refer the reader to the bibliographic notes.

Bibliographic Notes

XML, XPath, and XQuery are discussed in great detail in the official W3C recommendations, at www.w3.org. For a more readable (though slightly dated) introduction to XQuery, consult [96]. XML’s relationship to semistructured data is discussed in significant detail in some of the early works on adapting semistructured languages and databases to XML, such as those from the Lore project [258] and the XML-QL [173] language derived from StruQL [225]. Such works tended to abstract away many of the details of XML’s data model (e.g., ordering) but laid the foundation for studying XML as a data model rather than a file format.

The properties of XPath and query containment for XPath have been extensively studied in the literature. A good survey appears in [516], with notable papers on the topic being [430] and [457], and with [517] showing how to validate that streaming XML conforms to a schema. Streaming XPath evaluation has also been the subject of a great deal of study, with early work being that of XFilter [26] (which supported Boolean XPath queries) and x-scan [325] (which supported evaluation of the for clause in an XQuery). Some other notable streaming evaluation schemes include [270], which espoused the use of lazy DFAs, and YFilter [177], which looked at distributing and coordinating XFilter-like computation. The work of [476] used a push-down transducer instead of a DFA. Another interesting alternative was to assume the use of multiple concurrent streams (as one might get if the document stored locally in partitioned form) that must be combined in evaluating an XPath. This has resulted in a strong body of work on “twig joins” [97, 131, 272]. This latter body of work is more applicable to conventional databases than to data integration; hence we do not discuss it in this chapter, but for that area the approach has been quite effective.

Of course, streaming XPath/XQuery evaluation is not appropriate for all settings. Commercial IBM DB2, which contains both relational and native XQuery engines, uses a construct very similar to x-scan called TurboXPath [335] to process hierarchical “native XML” data pages written to disk. Earlier efforts to incorporate XML into commercial database systems tended to use the “shredding” approach (normalizing the XML tree into multiple relations) espoused by [542]. A number of fully native XQuery engines have been studied in the research community, including MonetDB/XQuery [590] (based on the MonetDB column-store architecture), Natix [340], and TIMBER [20]. Active XML [3, 5] includes XML with embedded function calls to enable new kinds of data sharing and integration in distributed environments.

Schema mappings for XML have been proposed in a variety of settings. The Piazza-XML language is based on mappings for the Piazza PDMS [287], whose underpinnings are essentially the same as nested tgds, introduced for IBM’s Clio project [237]. Clio also used a “friendlier” language over the nested tgds, XQuery-like for/where syntax. Clio does not do query reformulation but rather data exchange (see Section 10.2). Piazza does XML-based query reformulation, and the discussion in this chapter is based on the Piazza work. Piazza also supports the use of mappings bidirectionally, where a query over the source could be reformulated in terms of the target. Other reformulation work for XML includes the chase-based reasoning used in the MARS (Mixed and Redundant Storage) project [174].

1 JSON, the JavaScript Object Notation, can be thought of as a “simplified XML,” although it also closely resembles previous semistructured data formats like the Object Exchange Model.

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