
Page numbers followed by “f” indicates figures and “t” indicates tables.


A* Search algorithm
abstract state, 140
applying constraints with, 138–142
goal state, 138–140, 141
Abox, 328
Access-pattern limitations, 68, 80
executable plans, generating, 81–84
modeling, 81
Accuracy challenge, 95
Acyclicity constraints, 166
Adaptive methods, 426
Adaptive query process, 225–226
Affine gap measure, 100–102, 100f, 102f
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC), 180, 200
Algorithm decide completeness, 91
Analysis time vs. execution time, 225
Annotations, 436
comments and discussions, 439–441
data provenance, 360
Answering queries, using views, 43–44
algorithms, comparison of, 57–58
Bucket algorithms, 48–51
closed-world assumption, 60–61
interpreted predicates with, 61–62
Inverse-rules algorithm, 56–57
MiniCon algorithm, 51–55
open-world assumption, 59–60
problem of, 44–46
relevant queries, 46–48
Archiving update logs, 444
Ashcraft, 109
Attribute correspondences, schema mappings, 351
Attribute names, mediated schema, 65–66
Attribute-level uncertainty, 347
Autonomous data sources, interfacing with, 223
Autonomy for data integration, 6


Backwards expansion, 403–404
Bag semantics, 41–43
Bayes’ rule, 190
Bayesian networks, 183–184, 190, 191f
as generative model, 189–190
learning, 186–189
modeling feature correlations, 192–193, 192f
representing and reasoning with, 184–185
Beam search, 151
Bidirectional expansion, 404
Bidirectional mappings, 322
Bioinformatics, 441–442
BioSQL, 443
Bipartite graph, 116
Blank nodes in RDF, 338–339
Block-independent-disjoint (BID) model, 349–350
Blocking solution, 111
Blogosphere, 456
Boolean expression, 226
Boolean formulas, 35
Bound filtering, 116–117
Bucket algorithm, 48–51
Build large-scale structured Web databases, 454–455
By-table semantics, 353–354, 355f
By-tuple semantics, 354–356


Caching, 283–284, 457
Candidate networks, 404
Candidate set, 155
Canonical database, 33
Canopies, 203
Cardinality constraint, 165–166
Cardinality estimation, 214
Cartesian product, 384
CDATA, see Character data
Centralized DBMS, 217
Character data (CDATA), 297
Chase procedure, 446
Chase rule, 86–87
Classifier techniques, 133
Closed-world assumptions, 60–61
Cloud-based parallel process, 457
Cluster-based parallel process, 457
collective matching based on, 200–201
data matching by, 180–182
Co-testing, 263
Collaboration in data integration
comments as, 439–441
mapping as, 438–439
challenges of, 435–436
corrections and feedback process, 436–437
user updates propagated, upstream/downstream, 437–438
Collaborative data sharing system (CDSS)
data provenance, 447–448
peer in, 442
properties of, 441
reconciliation process, 449
trust policies, 448–449
update exchange process, 445–447
warehouse services, 441–442
Collective matching, 174, 198–200, 204
based on clustering, 200–201
entity mentions in documents, 201–202
Commercial relational databases, 23
CommitteeType, 299
Compatible data values, discovering, 408
Complete orderings, query refinements and, 36–37
Complex query reformulation algorithms, 75
Composability, 29
Compose operator, 163
Composing scores, uncertainty, 347
Computational complexity, 356
Concordance table, 93
Condition variables, uncertainty, 347
Conditional probability table (CPT), 184f, 185, 187, 188f, 191–193, 191f
Conjunctive queries, 26–28
interpreted predicates, 35–37
negation, 37–41
query containment of, 32–34
unions of, 34–35
Consistent target instance, 352–353
Constraint enforcer, 128, 135
Containment mapping, 32
interpreted predicates with, 35
Content-free element, 295
Conventional query processor, modules in, 211f
Core universal solutions, 281–282
Corrective query processing (CQP), 232
cost-based reoptimization, 235–238
Cost-based backwards expansion, 404
Cost-based reoptimization, CQP, 235–238
Count queries, 42
Crowdsourcing, 454
Curation, scientific annotation and, 440
Cyclic mappings, 447
Cyclic PDMS, 420


Data, 345
annotation, 436
cleaning, 453–454
creation/editing, 435
governance, 274
graph, 399–401
placement and shipment in DBMS, 217–218
profiling tools, 275
annotations on, 360
graph of, 361–362, 361f
sources, 65, 67f, 68
transformation modules, 275
types, 390
warehousing, 9, 11
definition, 272
design, 274
Data exchanges, 272, 321
programs, 446
settings, 277–278
solutions, 278–279
core universal solutions, 281–282
materialized repository, 283
universal solutions, 279–281
Data integration
architecture, 9, 10f
challenges of, 6
logical, 7–8
setting expectations, 9
social and administrative, 8–9
systems, 6–7
components of, 10–12
examples of, 1–5
goal of, 6
keyword search for, 407–410
modules in, 220f
Data integration engine, 222
Data lineage, see Data provenance
Data matching, 174f
by clustering, 180–182
entity mentions in text, 193–198
learning based, 177–180
with Naive Bayes, 190
probabilistic approaches to, 182–183
Bayesian networks, 183–186
problem of, 173–174
rule-based, 175–177
scaling up, 203–205
Data pedigree, see Data provenance
Data provenance, 359, 447–448
annotations on, 360
applications of, 362–363
graph of relationships, 361–362, 361f
Data-level heterogeneity, 92–93
Data-level variations, 67
Database concepts, review of
conjunctive queries, 26–28
data model, 22–23
datalog program, 28–29
integrity constraints, 24–25
queries and answer, 25–26
Database instances, 23
Database management system (DBMS)
parallel vs. distributed, 216–217
performance of, 209
query process, 210–211
control flow, 216
cost and cardinality estimation, 214
enumeration, 212–213
execution, 211–212
granularity of process, 214–216
interesting orders, 213
Database reasoning vs. description logics, 333–334
Database schemas, 22, 122f
Database systems, queries, 25
Datalog programs, 28–29
Dataspace systems, 394–395
De-duplication, 275
Decision-support, 273
Declarative warehousing, data exchange, 276–277
Deep Web, 376–377, 379–380
surfacing, 383–385
vertical search engines, 380–383
Dependent join operator, 224
Description logics, 327–328
inference in, 331–333
semantics of, 329–331
syntax of, 328–329
vs. database reasoning, 333–334
Desiderata, 65
Distinguished variables, 26
Distributed query process, 216–219
Distributed vs. parallel DBMS, 216–217
Document object model (DOM), 300–301
Document root, 295
Document type definition (DTD), 296–298
Dom relation, 84
Domain integrity constraints, 135–137
Domain ontology, 325
Double pipelined join, see Pipelined hash join
Dynamic content, see Deep Web
Dynamic data, CDSS
architecture, 443–444
data provenance, 447–448
peer in, 442
properties of, 441
reconciliation process, 449
trust policies, 448–449
update exchange process, 445–447
warehouse services, 441–442
Dynamic-programming algorithm, 97


lottery scheduling routing, 234–235
queueing-based plan selection, 232–234
adjust weights on, 409–410
directed, 399, 400
Edit distance, 96–98, 97f, 98f
Efficient reformulation, 70
Enterprise information integration (EII), 283
Equality-generating dependencies (EGDs), 24, 80, 277
Eurocard database, 1–4, 3f, 7–8
Event-condition-action rule framework, 226
Event-driven adaptivity, 226
handling source failures and delays, 227–228
handling unexpected cardinalities, 228–231
Evidence, combining, 408
Executable plans, generating, 81–84
Executable query plans, 81–82
Execution time vs. analysis time, 225
Existential variables, 26
Expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, 187, 188f, 197, 198, 205
Explanation, provenance, 363
eXtensible Markup Language (XML), 292, 446
document order, 295–296
namespaces and qualified names, 294–295
output, 317
path matching, 313–316
query capabilities for, 306–312
query language
DOM and SAX, 300–301
XPath, 301–306
XQuery, 306–312
query processing for, 312–313
schema mapping for
nested mappings, query reformulation with, 321–322
nesting, mappings with, 318–321
structural and schema definitions
tags, elements, and attributes, 293–294
Extensional database (EDB) relations, 28
External data, direct analysis of, 284–287
Extract-transform-load (ETL)
operations, 275–276
tool, 11
Extraction program, 246
Extraction rules with Lixto, 267–269


Facebook, 456
FindCands method, 110, 111
FindMapping algorithm, 156
Flat-file-based data analysis, 287
FLWOR, 307–309
Foreign key constraints, 24
Fullserve company database, 1–4, 2f, 7–8
Functional dependencies, 24


Gap penalty, 98, 101f
Generalized Jaccard measure, 106–108, 107f
Generative model, 194–195, 194f, 201
Bayesian networks as, 189–190
learning, 196–198
matching entity mentions, 195
Generic operators, 162
Global alignments, 102
Global-and-Local-as-View (GLAV), 77–78
mappings, 427, 428
Global-as-View (GAV), 70–73, 415
approach, 123
mapping, 438
with integrity constraints, 88–89
Google Scholar, 454
Google’s MapReduce programming paradigm, 284
Granularity level, 66
Graph expansion algorithms, 403–404
Graph random-walk algorithms, 401
Graphical user interface, 153
Ground atom, 23


Handling limited access patterns, 224
Hash-based exchange scheme, 217
Hash-based operators for faster initial results, 223
Hashes effect, 110
Hashing, 203
Head homomorphisms, 52
Head variables, 26
Head-left-right-tail (HLRT) wrappers, 249–250
learning, 250–251
Heterogeneity, 375
semantic, 8
type of, 382
Higher-level similarity measure, 108
Homomorphism, 280
Horizontal partitioning, 217
Hybrid similarity measures
generalized Jaccard measure, 106–108, 107f
Monge-Elkan similarity measure, 109
soft TF/IDF, 108–109, 108f
HyperText Markup Language (HTML), 292
data, 375
tables, 376f


Immediate consequent, provenance, 361
Import filters, 275
Incremental update propagation, 447
Indexing, 203
Information-gathering query operators, 229
Informative inputs, 384
Input attributes, 381
Instance-based matchers, 132
Integrated data, visualization, 456
Integrity constraints, 22, 24–25, 78
on mediated schema, 85–89
Intensional database (IDB) relations, 28
Interactive wrapper construction, 263
creating extraction results with Lixto, 267–269
identifying extraction results with poly, 264–267
labeling of pages with stalker, 263–264
Internet data, query execution for, 222
Interpreted atoms, 27, 35
Interpreted predicates, 30, 61–62
Inverse document frequency (IDF) measure, 105–106, 105f
Inverse mapping, 169
Inverse rules, 79, 80, 86
advantage of, 57
algorithm, 56–57
Invert operator, 164, 168–170
Inverted index over strings, 111–112, 111f
Iterative probing, 385
Iterator model, 216


Jaccard measure, 104, 132
Jaccard similarity measures, 200
Jaro measure, 103
Jaro-Winkler measure, 104
Java model, 167


Key constraints, 24
Keyword matching, 401–403
Keyword search
for data integration, 407–410
over structured data, 399–403
Knowledge representation (KR) systems, 325–327


LAV, see Local-as-View
Learning algorithm, 177
Learning techniques, 410
Learning-based wrapper construction, 249
Left outer join operator, 317
Levenshtein distance, 96
Lightweight integration, 455–456
Linearly weighted matching rules, 176
Lixto system, creating extraction rules with, 267–269
Local completeness, 89–90
Local contributions table, 447
Local data, direct analysis of, 284–287
Local rejections table, 447
Local-as-View (LAV), 73, 415
approach, 123
reformulation in, 75–76
syntax and semantics, 74–75
with integrity constraints, 85–87
Local-completeness constraint, 89–90
Logical query plan, 65, 68–70, 212f
Logistic regression matching rules, 175–176
Lottery scheduling scheme for routing, 234–235


Machine learning techniques, 409
Manual wrapper construction, 247–249
Many-to-many matches, 124, 150–152, 150f
Many-to-one matches, 124
Mappings, 163
rule, 364, 365
MapReduce framework, 285
Margin-Infused Ranking Algorithm (MIRA), 410
Mashups, 388
Master data management (MDM), 273–274
Match combinations, 135, 144
searching the space of, 137–143
Match operator, 161, 163
Match predictions, combining, 134
Match selector, 143–144
Matchers, 128–134
Materialized repository, 283
Materialized view, 25
Max queries, 43
m-estimate method, 187
Mediated schema, 11–13, 65, 67f, 133, 145, 346, 381, 413
integrity constraints on
GAV, 88–89
LAV, 85–87
Mendota, 115
Merge operator, 161, 163–166
Message-passing systems, 162
Meta-learner, 146, 147, 149–150
Meta-meta-model, 168
Meta-model, 163
translations between, 166
Metadata, 274, 395
Mid-query reoptimization, 228, 238
Middle-tier caching, 284
MiniCon algorithm, 51–55, 424
MiniCon description (MCD), 51, 424
combining, 54–55
definition, 52–54
Model management operators, 162–164, 162f
developing goal of, 168
use of generic set of, 161
Model management systems, 163, 170
ModelGen operator, 163, 166–168, 167f
Models, 163
Modern database optimizers, 212
Monge-Elkan similarity measure, 109
Multi-set semantics, 23
Multi-strategy learning, 146


Naive Bayes
assumption, 190
classification technique, 134
data matching with, 190
learner, 148–149
Name-based matchers, 130–132
Namespaces, 294–295
Needleman-Wunch measure, 98–100, 99f
Negative log likelihood, 367
Nested mappings, query reformulation with, 321–322
Nested tuple schemas, 251–252
Nested tuple-generating dependency (Nested tgds), 320–321
Nodes, 400
adjust weights on, 409–410


Object-oriented database schemas vs. description logics, 334
ObjectRank, 401
One-to-many matches, 123
One-to-one matches, 123, 127
Online analytic processing (OLAP) queries, 273
Online learning, 409
Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) wrapper, 223
Open-world assumption, 59–60
Optimizer, runtime reinvocation of, 231
ORCHESTRA system, 366, 366f
Output attributes, 381
Overlap similarity measure, 104, 113


P-mappings, see Probabilistic mappings
PageRank, 401
Parallel vs. distributed DBMS, 216–217
data integration, 456
data management, 394–395
Peer data management systems (PDMSs), 413
complexity of query answering in, 419–421
for coordinating emergency response, 415
data instance for, 418, 419
with looser mappings
mapping table, 430–432
similarity-based mappings, 429–430
mapping composition, 426–429
peer mappings, 414, 417–418
query reformulation algorithm, 421–426
query to, 415
reformulation construction, 426
rule-goal tree for, 422f, 424f, 425
semantics of mappings in, 418–419
storage descriptions, 414, 417
structure of, 414
Peer mappings, 413, 414, 421
compositions of, 426, 429
definitional, 417, 422, 422f
inclusion and equality, 417
interpreted predicates in, 421
Peer relations, 413–415, 417, 418
Peer schema, 414, 414f, 415
Performance-driven adaptivity, 231–232
Phonetic similarity measures, 109–110
Physical database, 9
design, 274
Physical query plan for data integration, 223
Physical-level query operators, 217
Piazza-XML mappings language, 318–319
Pipelined hash join, 222–223, 224f
Position filtering, 115
Prefix filtering, 113–115, 113f
Probabilistic conditional table (Pc-table), 348–349
Probabilistic data representations
BID model, 349–350
c-table, 348
tuple-independent model, 349
Probabilistic generative model, 201
Probabilistic mappings (P-mappings), 350, 352
semantics of, 352–353
semi-automatic schema mapping tool, 351
Probabilistic matching method, 204, 205
distribution, 183, 183f
of perturbation types, 196, 197
smoothing of, 187
theory, 183
Procedural code, 273
Processing instruction, 293, 295
Prolog programming language, 29
Provenance, 453–454
annotations on data, 360
data, applications of, 362–363
graph of data relationships, 361–362, 361f
semiring formal model, 364–365
applications of, 366–368
storing, 368–369
token, 362, 362f, 364
trust policies and, 448–449
pSQL, 440
Publishing update logs, 444


Qualified names, 294–295
Quasi-inverses of mapping, 169–170
Queries, 346
Query annotations, 318
Query answer-based feedback, 401
Query answering inference in description logics, 332–333
Query capabilities and limited data statistics, 209–210
Query containment, conjunctive queries, 32–34
Query equivalence, 31
Query execution, 228
engine, 211, 214
for Internet data, 222
selection of, 211–212
Query optimization, 211
Query optimizer, 211
Query plans, generating initial, 221–222
Query process, 66f
adaptive, 225–226
for data integration, 219–221
execution, 14–15
optimization, 13–14
reformulation, 13
Query refinements, 36–37
Query rewrite stage, 211
Query tree, score as sum of weights in, 402–403
Query unfolding, 29–30
stage, 211


Real-world data matching systems, 177
Reconciliation process, CDSS, 449
Recurrence equation
for affine gap measure, 100f, 101
for Needleman-Wunch score, 99, 99f
Recursive query plan, 83–84, 86
GAV, 71–72
GLAV, 77–78
LAV, 75–76
Rehash operation, 217
Reification, RDF, 339–340
Relation names, mediated schema, 65–66
Relational schema, 22
mid-query, 228, 238
predetermined, 229–230
Resolving cycle constraints, 166
Resource Description Framework (RDF), 335–337
blank objects in, 338–339
literals in, 338
query of, 342–343
reification, 339–340
Resource Description Framework Schema (RDFS), 335, 340–341
Rewriting queries, length of, 47–48
Root element, 293
Root-leaf costs, score as sum of, 403
Rule-based learner, 147–148
Rule-based matching, 175–177
scaling up, 203–204
Runtime re-invocation of optimizer, 231


Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 274
Scalability challenge, 96
Scalable automatic edge inference, 407–408
Scalable query answering, 409
Scale, 375
Schema, 125
combined similarity matrix for, 138t
data instances of, 132
with integrity constraints, 137f
node, 142
propagating constraints, 142
standards of, 126
tree representation of, 143f
Schema mappings, 11, 65–68, 121, 124, 129, 168, 345, 351, 442
challenges of, 124–127
composing, 426
formalisms, 92
GAV, 70–73
GLAV, 77–78
LAV, 73–77
logical query plan, 68
principles, 69–70
tuple-generating dependencies, 78–80
matches into, 152
space of possible, 153, 154, 156–158
by-table semantics, 353–354, 355f
by-tuple semantics, 354–356
p-mappings, 350–353
Schema matching, 121, 124, 127–129
challenges of, 124–127
components of, 128
learners for, 147–150
learning techniques, 145
Scientific data sharing setting, 440–441
Score components, 409
Score matrix, 98, 99f
models, 401–403, 410
provenance, 363
Select-project-join (SPJ) expression, 211, 212
compatibility, considering, 408
cues, 375–376
GAV, 71
GLAV, 77
heterogeneity, 8, 67
reconciling, 125
LAV, 74–75
mappings, 11, 122–123
matches, 123–124
schema mappings, 69
Web, 325, 335
Semi-supervised learning, 409, 456
Semiautomatic techniques, 345
Semiring formal model, 364–365
applications of, 366–368
Sensors, 453
Sequence-based similarity measures
affine gap measure, 100–102, 100f, 102f
edit distance, 96–98, 97f, 98f
Jaro measure, 103
Jaro-Winkler measure, 104
Needleman-Wunch measure, 98–100, 99f
Smith-Waterman measure, 102–103, 103f
Sequential covering, 255
Set-based similarity measures
Jaccard measure, 104
overlap measure, 104
TF/IDF measure, 105–106, 105f
Similarity measures
generalized Jaccard measure, 106–108, 107f
Monge-Elkan similarity measure, 109
soft TF/IDF, 108–109, 108f
phonetic, 109–110
affine gap measure, 100–102, 100f, 102f
edit distance, 96–98, 97f, 98f
Jaro measure, 103
Jaro-Winkler measure, 104
Needleman-Wunch measure, 98–100, 99f
Smith-Waterman measure, 102–103, 103f
Jaccard measure, 104
TF/IDF measure, 105–106, 105f
Simple delete-insert update model, 449–450
Single-database context, 401
Size filtering, 112
Skolem function, 80
Skolem terms, 56
Skolem values, 446
Smith-Waterman measure, 102–103, 103f
Social media, integration of, 456
Soft TF/IDF similarity measure, 108–109, 108f
Softened overlap set, 107
Sorting, 203
Soundex code, 109
Source descriptions, vertical-search engine, 382
SparQL language, 342–343
SPJ expression, see Select-project-join expression
Spreading activation, 404
SQL queries, 25, 158
STAIRs, 235
Stalker extraction rules, 254
Stalker wrappers, 251–252
learning, 254–256
model, 252–253, 256
Standard data integration applications, 388
State modules (STeMs), 235
Statistics collection operators, 229
Steiner tree algorithms, 402, 403
STeMs, see State modules
Stitch-up plans, creating, 238–240
Storing provenance, 368–369
Streaming XPath evaluation, 312
String matching
problem description of, 95–96
scaling up
blocking solution, 111
bound filtering, 116–117
inverted index over strings, 111–112, 111f
position filtering, 115
prefix filtering, 113–115, 113f
size filtering, 112
techniques, 117
similarity measures
hybrid, 106–109
phonetic, 109–110
sequence-based, 96–104
set-based, 104–106
Structured data, keyword search, 399–403
Structured Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 292
Structured queries, 25
Sub-instances, 282
Suboperators for eddy, 233
Subsumption inference in description logics, 331–332
Super-model, 168
Support vector machines (SVM), 178
Surfacing, 383–385


Tabular organization, 66
Target data instance, 276
Tbox, 328
Term frequency (TF) measure, 105–106, 105f
Text content, 294
TF measure, see Term frequency measure
Threshold Algorithm (TA), 404, 405
Threshold value, 405
Threshold-based merging, 404–407
Top-$k$ query processing, 404
Topical portals, 378, 385–388
Training data, 177
Transactions, challenges of, 449–450
Transformations, 92
modelGen performing, 167
Transient data integration tasks, 378
Trust policies, 448–449
Tuple router, eddy, 233, 234
Tuple-generating dependencies (tgds), 24, 78–80, 277
Tuple-independent model, 349
Tuple-level uncertainty, 347
Tuples, 23
Twittersphere, 456
Two-way Bloomjoin operator, 218–219
Two-way semijoin operator, 218–219


Umbrella set, 111
Uncertainty, 453–454
and data provenance, 356
possible worlds, 346–347
probabilistic data representations, 348–350
to probabilities, 350
schema mappings, 351
by-table semantics, 353–354, 355f
by-tuple semantics, 354–356
p-mappings, 350–353
types of, 347
Uniform resource indicator (URI), 294, 338
Universal solutions, 279–281
Unstructured queries, 25
Update exchange process, 445–447
User-supervised techniques, 392


Variable mappings, 32
Variable network connectivity and source performance, 210
Vertical partitioning, 217
Vertical-search engines, 378, 385
Virtual data integration, 9, 10
Virtual integration system, caching, 284


Web data, 377–379
lightweight combination of
data types, 390
data, importing, 391–393
mashups, 388
multiple data sets, combining, 393
structured data, discovering, 391
Web end user information sharing, 440
Web Ontology Language (OWL), 335, 341–342
Web search, 378–379
Web Service Description Language (WSDL), 300
Web sites with databases of jobs, 4–5, 5f
Web-based applications, 284
Web-oriented data integration systems, 225
Weighted-sum combiners, 134
Wikipedia, 455
World-Wide Web, 375
categories of solutions, 246–247
challenges of, 245–246
learning-based, 249
manual, 247–249
problem, 244
generation tools, 162
HLRT, 249–250
learning, 250–251
learning, 245
inferring schema, 258–263
modeling schema, 257–258
without schema, 256–257
operator, 223–224
program, 10
stalker, see Stalker wrappers
task of, 243
vertical-search engine, 382–383


XML Schema (XSD), 298–300, 299f
XML Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), 300
XML wrapper, 223
XPath language, 301–306
XQuery, 306–312
optimization, 317
queries, 25
XSD, see XML Schema


Zipcode, 165
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