Appendix 3
Between Process and Environmental Engineering

As for engineers, can they still be legitimized in their previous status as project and object (objective) leaders when they are unable to formalize the uncertainty and risks to which they expose the installed society without having the rational discourse to value the opportunities opened up in parallel by these same risks. (Le Méhauté et al. 2007)

University training is the great ordinary means to a great but ordinary end; it aims at raising the intellectual tone of society, at cultivating the public mind, at purifying the national taste, at supplying true principles to popular enthusiasm and fixed aims to popular aspiration, at giving enlargement and sobriety to the ideas of the age, at facilitating the exercise of political power, and refining the intercourse of private life. (Newman, cited in Ministry of Education and Research 2017)

It’s just warming up: even more disruptive technologies such as autonomous vehicles, block-chain cryptometers and the Internet of Things are beginning to arrive and are expected to pose even more challenging regulatory issues. The full impact of many of these new developments is not yet understood and will continue to evolve – a reality that will require governments to be able to constantly adjust and adapt over time. In addition, the challenges posed by these new developments will be further complicated by the fact that governments and regulators will often be unable to respond from basic principles or with a blacklist. The structures, behaviors, techniques and capacities that have evolved over time within governments to manage past challenges – or in some cases simply by chance – can add to the legacy of policy makers and regulators, making it difficult to pivot and confront these new challenges in a flexible way. (Economist Intelligence Unit 2011)

Innovations and even progress are within reach. It will soon be possible to replace rare and expensive materials. Scientists tell us that polymers, metals and ceramics can be substituted. Even better, in the automotive industry, the emergence of new catalyzes made possible by nanos will improve the filtering of so-called catalytic converters. Hydrocarbon, nitrogen oxide or carbon molecules will be trapped and neutralized. (Perri 2017)

It’s that taking advantage of human ingenuity posed a risk. You thus need to buy “social peace”, to buy the human being. But that’s not enough to neutralize the human being. You have to be even more regressive, spread some Nutella on him if you have to. The pretext is clear! To be creative, we must rediscover our childlike minds by using a shortcut to create a link between the imagination and creativity. You have to wrap them up and sing a lullaby, and so send to sleep this engineering genius that you want to bring out. As if an adult can’t be creative! Ask the GIGN [French police tactical unit] if they need their teddy bears to prepare for an operation and adjust their operation in real time. But dealing with an adult is scary. An adult in business is just as dangerous as people in a democracy. (Andami 2017)

Pursuit of sustainable development requires a systems approach to the design of industrial product and service systems. Although many business enterprises have adopted sustainability goals, the actual development of sustainable systems remains challenging because of the broad range of economic, environmental and social factors that need to be considered across the system lifecycle. Traditional systems engineering practices try to anticipate and resist disruption but may be vulnerable to unforeseen factors. An alternative is to design systems with inherent ‘resilience’ by taking advantage of fundamental properties such as diversity, efficiency, adaptability, and cohesion. (Fiksel 2003)

In cases […], the information needed to understand or predict problems was actually present in the machine design lab, but, again, its relevance was not seen until made clear by field failure. This was often understandable: ‘having all the information’ did not mean that it was easy to predict the often subtle chain of cause and effect that eventually resulted in an unanticipated field problem. (von Hippel, Tyre 1995)

A3.1. Introduction

“The idea of sustainable development is based on a clear recognition of the social, economic and environmental dysfunction of the second half of the 20th century, which, despite advances in science and technology, has seen an increase in inequality and local armed conflicts. This idea of sustainability is at first sight sympathetic and generous, but the candor that underlies it has unfortunately led most to forget about highlighting the paradoxes and shortcomings” (Da Lage et al. 2008). That ecology (more or less political) opposes economics means that pursuing the goals of progress (more technoscientific) in one field would inevitably take us away from our objectives in the other. It is this tension between potentially incompatible options that engineers must reduce.

The global population explosion, with a target of 9–10 billion inhabitants in 2050 is based, for Martin (2017), on three major “industrial revolutions” characterized by discoveries that have each produced anthropological changes. The third, which began in the 1970s, is “that of the computer and the digital with new technologies, the cybereconomy, globalization, the triumph of the liberal economy, the individualization of morals, but also a planetary ecological situation of extreme gravity, also inherited in large part from the second, is an example that reflects a profound change in society, resulting in an anthropological mutation radically different from the previous ones in the Western world”. With the rapid development of new artificial intelligence (4th Industrial Revolution, see Appendix 2), a new anthropological mutation is expected. It is accompanied by a considerable loss of biodiversity and the continuation of a growing population associated with a projected and continuous increase in all citizens of the world. “Political authorities generally focus only on the global aspect of what they consider to be positive for certain short-term economic interests, leaving technoscience alone ‘in control’ of everything…” (Martin 2017).

Technological trends reveal mature opportunities while making existing business models increasingly obsolete. “Just as quickly, customers are adapting their expectations to new channels, products and modes of engagement. Companies that do not anticipate and embrace change can quickly find themselves overwhelmed and sink” (Deloitte 2017). In the current unquestioned consumerist system, “the kinetic enterprise” is a concept that refers to “companies that develop the dexterity and vision required not only to overcome operational inertia, but to thrive in a business environment that is and will remain in constant evolution: the dynamism of the kinetic enterprise allows it to benefit from movement, to feed itself with the energy generated by this perpetual evolution” (Deloitte 2017).

Under such conditions, the most conservative systems of thought and decision-making will not be able to resist. “Only flexible, open, minimum or variable determination systems or systems with a weak identity, i.e. systems that themselves contain a significant level of uncertainty and instability, are adaptable and can claim relative efficiency. In other words, vague categories of reasoning are needed to be able to think or act in or on conditions that have become uncertain, overly turbulent or paradoxical” (Foucart 2017; see also Phelps 2013).

But, at the same time, Lepeltier (2013) reminds us that: “We must now think about our obligations towards nature and our responsibility towards the future, since the efforts of technology can have an impact in the long, even very long term.” The trends towards perpetual growth are losing credibility, even if they continue to satisfy most consumers. The notion of sustainable development has therefore emerged since the Club of Rome in the 1950s and is omnipresent in our speeches with a sword of Damocles, called global warming (according to Le Treut and Jancovici (2004); in 1903, the Swedish researcher Svante Arrhenius obtained the Nobel Prize in Chemistry by formulating the theory of the greenhouse effect; the question of global warming, not perceived at the time, is therefore not new).

“The environment is a biocultural concept. Environmental objects are therefore composite, systemic, scalable and under stress. Thus, whatever their scale and apparent simplicity (why reserve interdisciplinarity for problems, given at the outset as complex and inherently trivially refractory, to a single discipline such as the global climate, for example?), they are probably permanently inaccessible to monodisciplinary approaches (even if it were ecology…), contingent structuring produced by a particular historical process of fragmentation of science and which could also have to evolve under their influence” (Legrand 2001). But, whatever the nature of this silent entity that is the environment, the facts are there, the reserves are running out, the planet is warming. The discourse of ecologists is reinforced by using Inneray’s (2008) remark: “There is a colonization of the future that consists of living at its own expense, an imperialism of the present absorbs and parasitizes future time…which substitutes the short term for the long term, immediacy for duration”.

Today, the environmental issue is on the agenda of most developed countries (NAP 2016). There is therefore no question of continuing to think that tomorrow will be as before (see Volume 3) with minor adjustments. However, as mentioned in Volume 1, chemistry is one of the largest industrial consumers of energy. It is therefore already a question of trying to reduce this consumption through process engineering (PE). However, it seems unrealistic that this improvement alone could change anything in the major problems at our doorstep. This is the reason that forces us to go further than just the transformation of matter and to encompass the environmental question in its entirety.

But, as Viveret (2012) reminds us, “the more we progress in ecological destruction, the more we need beauty promised to us; the more we live in stress and competition, the more we need serenity, friendship, peace, etc. But this consolation is totally fictitious, because it is very ephemeral. In addition, it creates a situation where more and more is demanded, leading to increased frustration”. This research under time pressure does not predispose us to serenity and credible solutions for the future within the current consumerist system, especially if the standard of living of a growing population is to increase its standard of living. Nevertheless, in the current paradigm (Volume 1 will show that there are alternatives with more or less fortunate decline targets – “any rapid review of the literature reveals that beyond the narrow economic framework of this issue, there are several strongly competing visions of prosperity” according to (Jackson, 2010)), it is, at least for a transition, to examine (again) how technology can try to solve the problems it has created (in the hope that it will not create new ones by delaying the nuisances it produces).

Thus, this appendix analyzes in a reductive manner, the technological aspects related to the environment in which process engineering has a role to play. It should be recalled that according to principle 4 of the Rio Declaration quoted by De Lassus Saint Genies in 2015, “To achieve sustainable development, environmental protection must be an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation”. We are then witnessing a paradoxical form of injunction between a system that is playing on continuous technological progress relying on a sort of “fossil” addiction relative to an environmental brake, associated with loss of desirability.

But, “ecological business is profitable; it legitimizes Western technological progress by encouraging people to turn away from goods from southern countries, produced in social and environmental conditions that are necessarily less virtuous” (Brunel 2008). It is even possible to be cynical. Indeed, New Public Management, consumer society, continuous information methods, etc., have almost taken the place of tangible reality. And then, in the steps, often close to ecological aspects, the work is always thankless, the economic success unlikely, unless we are in a position to integrate the desire of the world above, interested in “clean and healthy” food and who agrees to pay the real price for true professional work. Essentially, what Dupin’s book (2016) shows well is that for the majority of the cases he studies and analyses, the people visited engage in real field ecology, there is little or no generalizable political will.

A3.2. Environmental engineering – framing

Environmental engineers work on systems that are global and complex, including the technical aspects as presented above in principle, as well as social, environmental and economic aspects. These complex systems are difficult to predict in that they are potentially non-linear, subject to feedback mechanisms, are more or less adaptive and have emerging behavior (Sterman 1994). It is only recently that computing power has increased sufficiently to allow quantitative assessments of technological progress in the context of potential changes in underlying social and economic systems (Boccara 2010). Through these tools, environmental engineers can help design appropriate, effective and sustainable solutions.

Does this general definition not include the one corresponding to process engineering? In Médiachimie (2019), the process or chemical engineer “designs and adapts facilities on the basis of manufacturing processes most often described by product process teams. They are involved in the establishment and validation of the installations. They must take into account, among other things, all aspects of reliability, safety and ergonomics of the systems. They work on both manufacturing equipment itself and automation and control equipment. Modeling and simulation tools enable the move from a design office scale to an industrial scale. The control of health, safety and environmental elements is part of the requirements as well as that of the evolution of regulations. The economic consequences of their activity are decisive and they are generally assisted by specialists in cost calculations”.

It is basically enough (almost) to replace a plant that transforms matter into an environment with some complementary complexities: the size of the installation (the world), its interdependencies (it is a closed system), humans live in it (and not in proximity to its employees and neighbors). But the principles of action are very similar, with possible divergences on the capitalist notion of direct profit.

A3.3. Major challenges in environmental engineering

To illustrate the point, presenting the technical search for environmental solutions, an example can be used from the NAP report (2019) (see also Miles 2018; Lozano et al. 2018): an innovative concept proposes to maximize agricultural production while simultaneously producing electricity and providing water treatment by selecting for each activity a part of the solar spectrum reaching agricultural land (Gençer et al. 2017). Reflective parabolic mirrors can be placed above the field to capture solar energy from near- and far-infrared light, while the solar spectrum needed for food production can reach the cultivable soil. In the near-infrared, light can be used to produce energy. Far-infrared can be used to feed water treatment processes by distillation or reverse osmosis. The production of electricity to power a solar battery can be used directly or delayed for agricultural production or exported to consumption centers. NAP (2019) considers that for both food and energy production, population growth will have to be taken into account, which will require creative ideas to enable innovation for cost-effective solutions. In principle, this approach that maximizes energy production, food and water quality, while reducing negative impacts, can be collected with benevolence.

It is then necessary to take into consideration the realization of equipment, to take into account its maintenance, to optimize the processes and their interrelationships; in short, to engage in a rather classic process engineering work, which also combines economic aspects.

Nevertheless, this type of generous concern cannot be separated from knowledge of all the environmental nuisances it produces from its conception to its dismantling. For example, Figure A3.1 from NRC (2007, 2010) illustrates the production of nitrogen oxides as a function of the selected power generation technologies.


Figure A3.1. Production of nitrogen oxides (NOx) according to electricity generation technology (blue: medium; red: maximum; gray: minimum). For a color version of this figure, see

Another example is “biosourced”, which includes all non-food materials and molecules produced from plant or animal biomass, in principle renewable. Materials (wood, cork, straw, vegetable fibers, hair and feathers, etc.) are mainly used in the construction, automotive, packaging and leisure sectors; the molecules are used in the cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, hygiene, glue, paint, lubrication and energy sectors. The case of Miscanthus, a perennial reed species of Chinese origin, is interesting because 60% of its uses are for combustion for heating or processing, but horticultural mulching with Miscanthus chips spread on the ground – which it does not acidify, unlike pine chips and which it keeps moist – is progressing, as is its use as animal bedding.

Once implanted, Miscanthus requires no pesticides or fertilizers or very low levels. The crop weeds itself by its habitual leaf-fall which gives a weed-resistant leaf ‘mulch’. It does not require tillage and does not disturb birds during nesting. It has even been noted that it creates ecological corridors to increase the population of arthropods, small mammals and birds. A Miscanthus-based support block is carried by Altern, a major producer of concrete blocks and Calcia cements. This carrier block has a strength 3 megapascals and a much better thermal resistance than the concrete block, with soundproofing properties and good fire resistance. (Perrier 2018)

But, apart from the exemplary value of this production, with prices coming from countries where labour is cheaper, the environmental regulations that are applied unequally, including within the European Union, raise questions for increased development. In addition, the price of land is disconnected from the value of production, even in France: “land costs and capital assets are disproportionate to the profitability of land and the value of the resource” (Perrier 2018).

A3.3.1. Producing less CO2 or NO

Today, in most developed countries, there is an energy mix such as that shown in Figure A3.1. The shift from one production mode to another is likely to change the situation in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing Western emissions sufficiently to stay within the limit envisaged in the Paris Agreement requires substantial changes so that 70 to 85% of electricity is generated from non-carbon or methane-emitting sources. Economic restructuring in industry has already reduced CO2 emissions from coal consumption per unit of production. This trend continues and is further reinforced by the establishment of a carbon cap and trade system (however, by not taking into account other greenhouse gases; see (IEA 2017)). China is among the leaders in the development of renewable energy with 45% of the world’s solar installations in 2016 (Rueter and Kuebler 2017).

In line with the pursuit of a technological system at the service of citizens, progress is needed to improve the efficiency and reduce the costs of these renewable energy sources, in order to make them competitive with traditional fossil fuel-based sources that exploit highly concentrated energy. In addition, since many renewable energies produce energy intermittently, energy storage systems with increased capacity, scalability, reliability and cost are required. The stakes are therefore high with risks of consumption of rare materials, as illustrated in the prospective section of Volume 3.

Nuclear energy is a low-emission energy source that already accounts for a significant share of electricity production. Increasing the use of nuclear energy could help reduce the production of greenhouse gases, but there are significant barriers, including cost, public concerns about safety and waste disposal, high costs of managing the commercial and regulatory risks associated with the design and construction of nuclear power plants, and lack of progress in the development of long-term waste repositories. The closure of existing nuclear power plants will only exacerbate the challenge of reducing CO2 emissions from the electricity grid, due to the significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions from renewable and other energy sources. Zero emission energy sources will be needed simply to replace nuclear energy sources. Some argue that maintaining nuclear capacity, conducted in collaboration with the field of renewable energy, should be accompanied by research on the new advanced nuclear technologies still needed in the coming years, provided that performance and safety are significantly improved (USDE 2019).

NOTE.– The issue of nuclear waste management in France is increasingly urgent because several tens of thousands of tons of highly radioactive substances must be managed, which could, if taken into account for a long time, have significant effects on environmental health. This commentary aims to illustrate the issue without prejudice on a complex subject where opposing reductive and generally, points of view would need to be discussed, shared in order to find harmonized decision-making solutions because this waste exists. But is it possible to fight against various ideologies and lobbies? Roqueplo wrote in 1997 the following about the Nuclear Gazette: “The idea was to provide, if not a counter-expertise, at least a critique of the official expertise. What happened? What happened? We were considered incompetent. Those who expressed themselves could well be at the Collège de France and be recognized as eminent physicists, they were not taken into consideration any more than if they had not received their certificate of studies.” However, we are not members of the Collège de France.

So, aware that we have nuclear scientists and environmentalists against us, we take the risk of expressing ourselves on this subject by asking ourselves (you) a few questions based on a few facts. The current and planned radioactive waste storage facilities are located in neglected sub-regions where the number of inhabitants is lower than that of their cattle, where the average age of the population is much higher than the French average, but with land purchases by ANDRA (in charge of waste management) on the one hand, houses made inexpensive by members of the other side at risk (?) of becoming a majority in villages near the sites, on the other hand. There is a possible accumulation of different types of cemeteries. So, what is the place of environmental health in this management?

When we talk about nuclear waste, in France we immediately think of the project to bury highly radioactive nuclear waste in Bure, between Meuse and Haute-Marne (CIGEO project for “industrial geological storage center”). The project is to concentrate all this waste on this dedicated site. The debates, including the one organized by the CNDP (National Commission for Public Debate) on CIGEO in 2013, revealed fears and rejections expressed by resolute opponents, by ambiguous opinions on the part of local populations, rarely expressed, associated with peremptory statements (with some lies and omissions) where everything is (or will be) under control.

This situation is worrying because it is increasingly essential for the industry to prove its ability to demonstrate its full control of the entire chain from mineral extraction to final management of radioactive waste. The (single!) option chosen is to bury the radioactive waste in clay, in a low-seismic area, but it is always necessary to convince people of the relevance of the project.

According to Burger and Gochfeld (2016), various “remediation” activities (digging and removal, containment, dismantling, demolition, pumping and further processing, in situ treatment), as well as the transport and final disposal of high-level radioactive waste, can have direct environmental effects, including the disruption or even acceleration of plant and animal deaths. Functional aspects of waste treatment must be taken into account (number and qualifications of operators, nature of vehicles and their possible contamination – and their treatment – industrial environment of waste treatment and storage, drilling and storage platforms), to control their interaction with the environment (natural and anthropogenic stress factors due to interactions between nuclear waste management and the environment).

In addition, the handling and disposal of highly toxic nuclear waste raises intergenerational justice issues of unprecedented duration. However, since there is not yet any high-risk radioactive waste buried less than 500 m underground, only the most complete models make it possible to estimate potential exposure of populations, over long but normal periods, to radionuclides from the depths. With storage that could take place over more than a century, with a (current) obligation to be able to remove radioactive drums for a long period of time (300 years) for various possible applications (energy) or to manage accidental radioactive risks, the possible human presence on site requires ventilation (also necessary, if only to eliminate the hydrogen produced by the effect of radioactivity on water, present in the clay used to contain hazardous waste, but also radioactive gases). There will therefore be communication between the deep storage and the surface.

Open debates concern the consideration of a number of elements such as:

  • – analysis of the risks and their probability of occurrence with respect to the process;
  • probability that a concern with significant consequences will go wrong? (not only from a technical point of view);
  • – consequences if an unforeseen problem arises (risk management);
  • – anticipatory measures to avoid or reduce consequences? Online? At what cost?
  • – managing the return to an “acceptable” situation after an unexpected effect;
  • – organization and local and citizen information and organization with expert staff to reduce risks and concerns and increase trust;
  • – sustainable effect of the presence of a multinational exogenous population on local populations;
  • – possible effects on these populations of noise, vibration and atmospheric nuisances related to the completion of the project;
  • – environmental effect of natural waste extracted to make way for highly radioactive products, etc.

There are pressures from various sources for people to accept a certain sacrifice of their tranquility for the benefit of those in cities who use nuclear electricity. It is perhaps for this reason that a subsidy of 500 euros per inhabitant per year goes to the town halls located less than 10 km from Bure, that the two departments concerned receive 60 million euros per year. It is a price to pay when there is no nuclear waste yet, but the idea is to pacify the territory with a financial manna (rejected locally by fierce opponents) from which the local populations do not ultimately take advantage to help create jobs.

Jean-Claude André with Barbara Redlingshofer and Ariane Métais wrote the following premonitory words in 2014: “Part of the complexity comes from the irrationality of the actors and their decisions as well as the multitude of impacts, as soon as we consider an open system. Specific difficulties appear: the identification of the entities that will play a role in the evolution of the system, their definitions, their roles, the rules that men apply to them, the authentication processes, the control of the specific risks associated. In exploring complexity, it is essential to control the effects of each parameter on the others. The concept of complex interdependence refers to the idea that any parameter is sensitive and vulnerable to the behaviors of other system parameters and vice versa.” But for that to happen, we have to trust each other and come out of role-playing that is too rigid. The operation is far from over because the technical aspects (some of which can be debated) are heavily polluted by irreconcilable ideological reactions. It will be up to environmental engineers to do a little social engineering.

A3.3.2. Adaptation to the impacts of climate change

Global warming is expected to be accompanied by rising sea-levels, a decrease in the amount of sea ice in the Arctic, a decrease in the volume of accumulated snow and other climate changes (droughts, storms, etc.). For example, many urban areas around the world have experienced a significant increase in the number of heat waves, it rains more and more during the rainy season; heavier rain causes flooding and further increases the fragility of low-lying coastal areas already vulnerable to storm surges and other causes of temporary coastal flooding. In other regions, prolonged periods of drought and seawater flooding have occurred. In addition, droughts increase the risk of destructive forest fires and water shortages (NASEM 2017).

Figure A3.2, from NAP (2019), highlights carbon dioxide emissions by sector in the United States. The industrial component, in which process engineering takes its full dimension, however, represents less than a quarter of these emissions, but as shown in Chapter 3, efforts can be made to try to reduce this value, which in figures remains very high.


Figure A3.2. Carbon dioxide emissions by major domain in the United States (USGCRP 2017). For a color version of this figure, see

Other technologies still under study aim to actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere, for example by sequestering it. One technology involves growing plants to be converted into fuel, coupled with CO2 capture and storage of all CO2 emissions from biofuel combustion (bioenergy, see Chapter 3). Another approach proposes the use of chemicals to capture CO2 directly from the air and concentrate it for storage (called direct air capture and sequestration). These technologies will be needed at least temporarily because many countries around the world will use fossil fuels for their electricity until 2050. They will also be needed to mitigate emissions in areas where electrification is not possible and for industrial installations that produce carbon dioxide (NAP 2019).

In the engineering challenges related to carbon removal, it will be necessary to consider low-cost technologies, to design facilities that are compatible with the problem to be addressed. Indeed, the available land, with an increase in the world population, is a key limiting factor for the elimination of CO2 by reforestation or by growing energy crops; the elimination of 10 gigatons of CO2 per year (about a quarter of global annual emissions) by 2050 would require the use of hundreds of millions of hectares of arable land (NASEM 2018a), which, on this scale, could threaten food security, given that food demands are expected to increase by 25% to 70% over the same period (USEPA 2016; Hunter et al. 2017; NASEM 2017).

Under such conditions, it is up to technology and process engineering to develop appropriate methods, which is a considerable challenge.

A3.3.3. A waste-free future?

In nature, waste is a resource with a set of interacting plants and animals; waste for one species can be a food source for another: waste from one organism is reused to support another. Since the Industrial Revolution, human society has adopted a more linear model: soil resources and energy are used to make products, materials that are then used and finally thrown away as waste when these products are no longer desired. Recycling remains modest, even if the circular economy is developing, due to still high costs and designs of industrial materials and devices that are not compatible with optimized recycling (Matthews et al. 2000; USEPA 2018).

The production-consumption-release model introduces large quantities of pollutants into water, soil and air. For most of the 20th Century, the large-scale production of chemicals, combined with their inappropriate handling and disposal, created an impressive number of existing hazardous waste sites worldwide. Technologies to characterize these sites and to contain and remove hazardous contaminants have progressed significantly over the past three decades and have been highly successful. Waste disposal is a major challenge for process engineering.

Organic waste that cannot be reused should be converted into other useful waste such as chemicals, materials or fuels in processes to be adapted or invented. Pollution prevention in the processing of the material must also be sought at each design stage in order to minimize negative impacts (notion of clean process). The use of materials and chemicals that are not harmful to humans and the environment (alternative processes) can also reduce risks. Improvements (such as effluent treatment) can be considered as in situ waste treatment. A significant workload for innovation in process engineering.

Once again, waste recovery must not only take into account scientific and technical aspects but also economic and behavioral factors (see the questions associated with nuclear waste and NIMBY syndrome). Financial considerations (including government incentives), viability and feasibility must be related to the cost of the recovery technology, water quality and quality of the potentially recovered product, the market for the product, possible negative environmental effects, and the measures needed to manage and prevent them (Deublein and Steinhauser 2011; McCarty et al. 2011; WERF 2012; Smith et al. 2014).

A3.4. In fact, the reality is that

The objectives of sustainable development are represented in Figure A3.3 from WEF (2018).


Figure A3.3. Sustainable development goals. For a color version of this figure, see

According to INSEE (2019), in 2017, 38% of industrial establishments employing 20 employees or more made investments or studies for the environment, representing an investment of €1.4 billion (-2% compared to 2016, after -13%). “These expenses are more frequent in large establishments: 84% of establishments with 500 employees or more have incurred such anti-pollution expenses compared to 27% of establishments with 20 to 49 employees. The latter represent 55% of the institutions studied and 11% of the expenses incurred. Investments constitute the bulk of expenditure (79%, or €1.1 billion) (Figure A3.1). They decreased by 3% in 2017 (after -17% in 2016 and –2% in 2015). On the other hand, the amount spent on studies increased by 4% compared to 2016; they reached 289 million euros, after 279 million in 2016.”

Figure A3.4, taken from the same source, illustrates the evolution of this expenditure and shows a certain lack of interest in France on the environmental issue, which is not a priority for many business leaders.


Figure A3.4. Evolution of French companies’ spending on the environment. For a color version of this figure, see

“Specific investments”, that is the purchase of equipment entirely dedicated to environmental protection, represent 85% of the amount invested, far ahead of “integrated investments” (15%). “The latter correspond to the additional costs associated with the integration into the production tool of products or processes that are less polluting than those available on the market as a standard” (INSEE 2019). They are distributed as shown in Figure A3.5 from the same source.


Figure A3.5. Anti-pollution investments by sector in 2017 (investments in € million)

Four sectors account for more than 67% of expenditure: energy (€423 million), chemicals (€210 million), agri-food industries (€186 million) and metallurgy/metal products (€98 million).

The mutations are slow and part of a progression controlled by the short term of human consciousness on the future of the planet which should involve a double cooperation, one with nature, the other between humans, only likely to avoid NIMBYism or equivalent effects. It will take desire and responsibility to transform our relationship with the planet, perhaps based on the foundations of emotional intelligence as proposed by Viveret (2012).

But if these emergencies are real, contingent, the most important is elsewhere. If we have become aware of our interdependencies, we are unable to act, to convert our modes of production and our lifestyles. The urgency is in our collective ability to imagine the world after, to put an end to cheating with resources. (Broadways 2018)

A3.5. Conclusion

It’s a bit like global warming, we accept the idea, but we continue to do as before. The reactive slowness of decision-makers reassures citizens in their cozy nonchalance (it is true that they vote and that they already have other reasons to complain). Our brain helps us to forget and return to our classic, ultimately very conservative mental patterns with just incremental transformations (except perhaps for early-consumers who initiate innovations as far as they are presented with them). All these elements lead to delays in a world that, in the current economic system, will continue to explore old paradigms. Despite substantial progress in understanding and quantifying the various impacts of human actions on the environment, important questions remain. For example:

  • – how do changes in policy and technology shape behavior in ways that affect the environment?
  • – how can knowledge in the natural, social and engineering sciences be better integrated to better understand how environmental changes affect our survival and the possible future prosperity of humanity?
  • – how can well-being and prosperity be measured in a rigorous and consistent way (as much as possible) and make it a credible communication that is easily understood by decision-makers and stakeholders?

From a conceptual point of view, what seems remarkable in this situation linked to the obligation to change is the emergence of cognitive dissonance based on the harsh reality of questioning benefits that seemed to have been acquired. When managers receive, by hypothesis, external information that is not compatible with their initial training, what do they do? In a mental storytelling, it is possible to imagine that their cognitive system continues to build a representation of the environment, which is a heuristic agreement between reality and what they perceive, with an abstract illusion of validity. To alleviate this feeling of cognitive dissonance, instead of recognizing an inappropriate judgment, an inability to move lines, one seeks to reformulate one’s views in a new way that is justified by old valid positions. But when the system does more than crack, how can a status quo be maintained? How should we react, apart from unnecessary adjustments to these disruptions? Temporary adaptation only saves time on the surface and probably wastes money that could have been spent on controlled evolution thanks to people trained differently, etc.

On a more technical level, “there is a great need to improve data collection to support robust analyses of ecosystem services, lifecycle assessments and other environmental analyses. This work should include examining differential impacts on communities and geographic areas that are vulnerable due to physical, social and economic factors. An important part of this challenge is learning to communicate with decision-makers and the community at large about the findings of environmental assessment studies and how the various stakeholders appreciate the different benefits and costs” (NAP 2019a). However, these operations may take a long time (see Volume 3).

Environmental engineers have the skills to assess the overall risks and benefits of technological approaches to meet major challenges and to work with other disciplines as information integrators. To develop effective and acceptable approaches – and therefore likely to succeed – it is essential to work in partnership with communities (particularly traditionally marginalized communities), businesses and governments, as well as with experts in the fields of social sciences, communication, environmental economics and ecology, informatics, politics and management, without exception. Given the complexity of the challenges ahead, it is to be expected that continuous iterations will be required to successfully engage cooperative approaches to develop credible and robust proposals.

In this brief presentation of the environmental setting with the challenges to which process engineering can make a clear contribution, the PE field seems to be a key player. But, “the normal ones are the only ones willing to leave things as they are, they limit themselves to the present and settle there without regret or hope” (Cioran 1987).

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