Chapter 7

Learning to write tests is one of the foundations that leads to a reliable and maintainable code base. With frameworks like ScalaTest, Spec2 and other mature frameworks, this chapter examines some of the most popular ways to create tests that can provide value to the longevity of your code.

Let's quickly review the common terminology for the categories of tests that are covered:

  • Unit Tests: Single pieces of code that you want to test, which are usually best for identifying failures in functions and algorithms.
  • Integration Tests: Shows the major system components working together properly. There are no mock objects, and everything is real as it would be in the live system.
  • Acceptance Tests: Basically these are “your feature stories,” asking yourself if you built the right thing based on the business requirements.
  • Property Tests: Tests the behavior of a function using generated inputs to “stress test” the validity of a piece of code.
  • Test-Driven Development (TDD): writing tests ahead of the feature (that's it!), which is handy when you want to describe the actions of a feature before you start implementing. You then rely on refactoring to create a suite of tests at a low level of regression.
  • BDD (Business-Driven Development): writing tests in a more natural semantic way. Really it's the same as TDD, with the test descriptions being as human readable as possible, as well as a stronger focus on the “feature” rather than the function.
  • DDD (Domain-Driven Development): Is a software development approach that attempts to bridge a project's core domain and logic with collaboration between technical and domain experts.
  • ATDD (Acceptance Test-Driven Development: A methodology similar to TDD, but different.

These glossary terms are now out of the way. The world of testing in Scala is fairly large and it takes a good deal of time to understand what frameworks your code base may benefit from. Even if you don't end up using all of the techniques, it's always beneficial to give them a try. Each test you write for yourself and your team will help you learn the functionality and limitations of your code base. At the end of the day this will help you and your team grow. So don't get frustrated!


ScalaTest ( is a flexible and popular testing framework for both Java and Scala. It takes the best parts of Cucumber, while integrating with a rich feature set of tools to extend SBT, Maven, scalaCheck, Intellij, and the list goes on to accommodate almost any testing requirement. It even provides extensions to write in all of the popular testing methodologies for you or your team, no matter what the previous background. Are you used to writing tests from Ruby's Rspec tool? You can use FunSpec and experience the same advantages. Coming from testing in Play using specs2? You can use WordSpec to simulate the same advantageous testing style.

The biggest bonus of using ScalaTest is that you have freedom to work out what standard you want to start writing your tests in without having to download a ton of different libraries and testing each individually. With ScalaTest it's as easy as plugging in the dependency and getting to work writing tests to verify your code base. To get started, add the following dependencies to your build.sbt file or Dependencies.scala file:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.scalactic" %% "scalactic" % "2.2.6",
  "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.6" % "test")

It's recommended to include the “SuperSafe Community Edition” Scala compiler plugin, which “will flag errors in your ScalaTest (and Scalactic) code at compile time.” It's worth noting that scala 2.11.7 does have some of that functionality included, which can be added to the file ˜/.sbt/0.13/global.sbt:

resolvers += "Artima Maven Repository" at ""

Finally, add the autoplugin to your project's plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("com.artima.supersafe" % "sbtplugin" % "1.1.0-RC6")

That's it for the setup. Be sure to read from their website about the subject:


Unit tests are the zerg of the testing world. They are to be used as much as possible for testing individual chunks of code with little variance between input and output. As such, if bugs are found from quality assurance, it's usually a good idea to write down the bug as a unit test and solve it so that in the future you can be sure that any new features don't end up breaking a previously found issue. For example, you can setup a simple unit test using the funSpec like the following:

class ExampleSpec extends FunSpec {
  describe("Adding 1 to 1") {
    it("should equals 2"){
      assert(1+1 == 2)

This asserts that 1 plus 1 equals 2, but with matchers you can use should be instead of assert:

class ExampleSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers{
  describe("Adding 1 to 1") {
    it("should equals 2"){
      1+1 should be(2)

Or you can test for an error being thrown:

"A number error" should "throw a divide by zero" in {
    a[java.lang.ArithmeticException] should be thrownBy {
      1 / 0

You can also test for type inheritance:

sealed trait Animal
sealed trait Mineral
object Cat extends Animal
"An object" should "be inherit properly" in {
  val cat = Cat
  cat shouldBe a [Animal
  cat should not be a [Mineral

There are a plethora of other small tests you can perform, but the main thing to get out of unit tests is that they are a fantastic way to get one-to-one matches for expected outputs of a function.


Integration testing is an umbrella term that can encompass data-driven tests, performance tests (benchmarking like ScalaMeter:, and acceptance tests that use Selenium DSL. Each one gives you a better understanding of your system at sub production levels, and can be insightful given certain criteria.

Data-Driven Tests

As stated earlier, these are tests that hook into data to throw them against a system in your codebase. Consider the object HorseOfCourse:

object HorseOfCourse{

  def isHorseOrMrEd: Animal => String = {
    case PaintHorse => "horse"
    case MrEd => "mr ed"
    case _ => "not a horse or mr ed"

  def apply(x: Animal) = isHorseOrMrEd(x)


You can set up a few tests that ensure the proper test validation for horses and Mr. Ed:

val allHorses = Array(PaintHorse, PaintHorse, MrEd)

"A Horse" should "always be a horse" in {
  for(horse <- allHorses.filter(_ == PaintHorse)){
    horse should be (PaintHorse)

it should "unless its the famous Mr. Ed" in {
  val mrEd = allHorses contains MrEd
  mrEd should be (true)

it should "understand the difference between horses" in {
  for(horse <- allHorses){
    val isItAHorse = HorseOfCourse(horse)
    horse match {
      case PaintHorse => isItAHorse should be("horse")
      case MrEd => isItAHorse should be("mr ed")
      case _ => isItAHorse should be("not a horse or mr ed")

These sorts of tests can be bit cumbersome, since you build up more input from end users. However, that's part of the benefit, since you're using all that user input to then drive the tests in your suite. Along those same lines, property testing has huge value when creating data-driven tests in lieu of real data from logs or QA, since property tests can generate the inputs, leaving you only having to worry about the tests and underlying code (and possibly tweaking the generator). Let's take a quick look over property testing in ScalaTest. Given a simple class that generates the sum of a series:

import scala.language.postfixOps

object MathFun {
  def sumOfSeries(range: Int): Double = {
    1 to range map (x => 1.0 / (x * x)) sum

Using this simple sum, you can then create a property test to determine if there are any holes in the logic.

import org.scalatest._
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks

class MathFunSpec extends WordSpec with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
  with Matchers {

  implicit override val generatorDrivenConfig = PropertyCheckConfig
   (minSuccessful = 3)

  "A series of numbers" should {
    forAll { (n: Int) =>
      whenever (n > 1) { MathFun.sumOfSeries(n) should be > 0.0 }

You'll note that the minSuccessful is set to a small value for a successful threshold, but this test should quickly fail. The sum of ranges has no protection for an extremely large number or a zero, neither of which we prepared for, which is the beauty of using property-based checking (this can also give your CPU a run for its money).

def sumOfSeries(range: Int): Double = {
  if(range <= 0) 0.0
  else if (range >= 32767) 0.0
  else {
    1 to range map (x => 1.0 / (x * x)) sum

While these are not the best defaults, they will accommodate the edge cases that property checking has found.

Performance Testing

Usually, when it comes to micro benchmarking you shouldn't try to over optimize your code until the system/application has been completed. When it comes to all of the different libraries and approaches for getting something done in Scala, there should be no fundamental issue getting an idea of what the performance of each approach produces, even if those results vary to some degree based on hardware. To those ends, a micro benchmarking framework such as ScalaMeter ( can be incredibly useful in finding inefficiencies in code, and help you start taking a granular approach to the logic you build in your systems.

To get started, add the following to your build.sbt:

resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at

libraryDependencies += "com.storm-enroute" %% "scalameter" % "0.8-SNAPSHOT"

testFrameworks += new TestFramework("org.scalameter.ScalaMeterFramework")

logBuffered := false

You can use the 0.7 ScalaMeter version if you prefer a stable version, but always check Maven, because these versions may have changed. You will also want to disable parallel execution in tests, which we usually disable in the SBT console before running benchmarking tests. You can also have the build.sbt file set to disable this by default using the following setting:

parallelExecution in Test := false

After that setup you can begin writing some inline benchmarking. A good feature that has been introduced in 0.7 is to wrap any function or method with the measure method and instantly get feedback on the performance of that code. This feature can be a great asset while writing code that can be executed. For a quick example, let's borrow for the ScalaMeter examples:

import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalameter._

class InlineBenchmarkTest extends FunSuite {
  test("Should correctly execute an inline benchmark") {
    val time = measure {
      for (i <- 0 until 100000) yield i
    println(s"Total time: $time")

Hopefully this gives you a small look into how to integrate ScalaMeter into your project, because that integration can give you some fantastic looks into bottlenecks and other performance-based issues early on in your coding.

Acceptance Testing

Acceptance testing is a methodology that also has concrete support in ScalaTest. Usually, the best way to think about acceptance testing is the same way you would think about black box testing, where you need to test an external API, a web page, or really anywhere you want to simulate actions in your system as if it were in production. Using a tool like Selenium is one way you can create a phantom user to interact with your application or external API—collect results and then provide feedback in terms of a real user running through the acceptance criteria of your application.

To start, you may want to take a look at the Selenium documentation from ScalaTest that is available ( To get started using Selenium we'll need to modify the library dependencies in the build.sbt file.

libraryDependencies += "org.seleniumhq.selenium" % "selenium-java"
  % "2.35.0" % "test"

You can then reload SBT and compile it to fetch that dependency. Next, you can simulate an API to then test with Selenium. Let's use http4s with the blaze server to set up a quick API.

import org.http4s.HttpService
import org.http4s.dsl._
import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeBuilder

object Api extends App{
  val service = HttpService {
    case GET -> Root / "testRoute" =>
      Ok("This is a test route")
    .mountService(service, "/")

Go ahead and start that up in SBT and check it out in your browser by going to http://localhost:8080/testRoute, where you should see the phrase “This is a test route.” You can automate this test by creating the Selenium Test as follows:

import org.scalatest.{ShouldMatchers, FlatSpec}
import org.scalatest.selenium.HtmlUnit

class ApiSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers with HtmlUnit {

  val host = "http://localhost:8080/"

  "This is a test route" should "should have the test content" in {
    go to (host + "testRoute")
    pageSource should be ("This is a test route")

The DSL for Selenium makes it incredibly easy to read the logic within this test. Basically “go to” a URL, then check that the source is the proper phrase. While this is somewhat simplistic, you can do some fairly impressive testing. In the next example, you will do a search on Google for the rotten tomatoes score for Groundhog Day, use the cssSelector to find the rating field from the search results, and make sure it's about a 90% rating.

"This is a google search for Groundhog Day" should "should be greater than 90%"
  in {
  go to ""
  click on "q"
  textField("q").value = "Groundhog Day Rotten Tomatoes"
  eventually {
    val rawRating = find(cssSelector("div.f.slp")).get.underlying.getText
    val rating = rawRating.replaceAll("
","").replaceAll(" Rating:
    rating should be > 90

You'll need to add the Eventually trait, since the search takes a moment for HtmlUnit to complete.

import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually

You should now have an idea of just how easy it is to get some feedback for the internal and external APIs within your system, and you can start using Selenium to make sure the results you see are within normal working parameters.


Given how common they are in testing, let's examine stubs and mocks. Stubs are a simulation of an object's behavior, and mocks are an expectation of what a stub will produce. With ScalaTest and a mockito dependency, you can achieve simple testing of traits, classes, and objects by “training” those asserts to see what expectations you can get out of them.

In terms of how stub/mock testing works in Scala, let's use the mockito library and implement some basic tests for a bowling league service.

First, add the following library dependency to the build.sbt:

"org.mockito" % "mockito-all" % "1.10.19"

Then, let's add the trait for the bowling league service:

trait BowlingLeague {
  val leagueName: String
  val leagueRules: LeagueRules

  def addTeamToLeague(team: Team): Future[Boolean
  def removeTeamFromLeague(team: Team): Future[Boolean

  def teamStandings() : Future[Standings

You can start “mocking” out the adding and removing of leagues from the service:

class BowlingLeagueSpec
  extends FunSuite
    with ShouldMatchers
    with MockitoSugar
    with ScalaFutures {

  val players: Seq[Player] = Seq(
    Player("Charlie", "Brown", 100),
    Player("Linus", "Pelt", 105),
    Player("Lucy", "Pelt", 125),
    Player("Sally", "Brown", 85)

  val testTeam = Team(
    "Pea Shooters",

  test("Adding a team") {
    val bowlingLeague = mock[BowlingLeague


    val addTeam = bowlingLeague.addTeamToLeague(testTeam)

    addTeam.futureValue should equal(true)

  test("Removing a team") {
    val bowlingLeague = mock[BowlingLeague


    val remTeam = bowlingLeague.removeTeamFromLeague(testTeam)

    remTeam.futureValue should equal(true)

By creating a mock of the bowling service, you can create an expectation of what adding and removing a team from league methods does. In the above code, you add an expectation that adding a team will return a future of true. This is a great way to skip having a hermetic server that is actually connecting to a database for a bowling league service, and just ensures that your interface is working properly.


Using load testing within your application can find memory leaks and slow code paths, and can help you find issues in your application before launching in production. Performance testing provides insight into how your application will perform under a controlled amount of stress. For load testing in Scala, let's examine the fantastic Gaitling project.

Gaitling is a load testing tool that allows you to write scenarios in Scala to stress test your application. While this product is typically used for testing the speed and efficiency of internal APIs, you can customize Gaitling for other protocols as well. To get started you'll need to add the Gaitling dependency to your SBT build:

"io.gatling.highcharts" % "gatling-charts-highcharts" % "2.1.7" % "test",
"io.gatling"            % "gatling-test-framework"    % "2.1.7" % "test"

Also, add the SBT plugin, by placing the following in project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("io.gatling" % "gatling-sbt" % "2.1.5")

Then, much as we coded up the tests for Selenium, begin by creating the scenario for the load test:

import io.gatling.core.scenario.Simulation
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class ApiSim extends Simulation {
  val numUsers = 100
  val host = ""

  val httpConf = http.baseURL(host)

  val scn = {
    scenario(s"testing the testResource ( $host )")

  setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(numUsers) over 10.seconds)).protocols(httpConf)

The above code is attempting to check the /testRoute for a 200 status code 100 times, and then reporting back the request time metrics along with other helpful information. This includes response time distribution, response time percentiles, the number of requests per second, and the path to the report that displays at the end of the simulations run. While expanding your own simulations, this provides a result similar to when we used ScalaMeter, which provides a benchmark for how much traffic your application can handle at a small level.

Load testing also helps you manage production levels of traffic in a simulated stage environment where you can set up “clusters” of gatling boxes to test the infrastructure. The only downside is that currently there is no way to correlate that information other than SCP'n the results to a central box or to your laptop, and then running the report against all of the logs generated by gatling.


You now have a better understanding of the tools necessary to test your Scala code. This chapter covered the many benefits of using ScalaTest, and also examined the benefits of using unit testing, integration testing, data-driven testing, and performance and acceptance testing. We also examined stubs, which are a simulation of an object's behavior; and mocks, which are an expectation of what a stub will produce. Load testing allows you to hunt down memory leaks and slow code paths prior to launching your app in production, and the Gaitling project is used in load testing. As with all other languages, it is important to test out all of your Scala code, and the tools described in this chapter will help.

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