I’d like to dedicate this book to my wife, Jill. Without her support, strength, and tolerance for how crazy book writing makes me, this would have never been possible. Not only did she put up with the hours I spent writing this book, and taking care of our daughter, she was pregnant the whole time, giving birth a couple of days before I submitted my last content. Simply amazing. When our children grow up well adjusted and normal it will be because of her. Thanks Babe, love you so much.


This book is dedicated to Baby Grant. Hi buddy. You are nine months old as I write these words. I hope one day you will knock the dust off this book and read this, but since there is no cow that goes moo or ghost that says boo it might be a few years from now. When you do, realize you can be or do anything you want in life. It just takes hard work and dedication. Your mother and I love you.


To Rosemary; my wife, companion, and friend.


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