
The past three years have been an amazing journey for us here in the SharePoint group at Microsoft, and it’s been a humbling experience to have been part of the team that delivered SharePoint 2010 into the hands of customers and partners across the globe.

I’ve worked on the team since before the release of SharePoint Server 2007. I’ve been deeply involved with our attempts to learn how customers deploy and use the software, and been active in the efforts we make to get feedback from customers and partners on what really works, and most importantly, where we can improve.

I really believe that since the 2007 release we’ve listened and learned and made significant changes and investment across the platform to release a product that has been shaped by you, the people on the front line deploying, configuring, and managing SharePoint on a daily basis—and this release has your fingerprints all over it.

So why should you buy this book?

Well, the deployment and admin landscape of SharePoint 2010 has changed in several ways, from governance to service architecture to security, and anyone tasked with installing and managing SharePoint 2010 should have a great reference book on a shelf within reaching distance of their desk to get the most out of this new release.

Shane, Todd, and Steve cover these changes and updates in an easy-to-read style, but in the depth you’ll want to get your job done with confidence. They cover everything from architecture and planning, governance, how to use Windows PowerShell with SharePoint, security, taxonomy, Enterprise Content Management, and the list goes on. It’s 800+ pages packed full of SharePoint 2010 IT professional guidance and advice that I’m sure will become a well-thumbed trusted advisor.

I’ve known Shane, Todd, and Steve for as long as I’ve worked in the SharePoint team. Shane and Todd are MVPs (Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals), and all three have been deeply involved in pre-release programs for SharePoint 2010 for at least 18 months prior to its release, so they certainly have the credentials to put their names on the front of this book.

Reading this book will give you the advice and guidance to plan, deploy, and manage SharePoint 2010, whether you’re a seasoned SharePoint Server 2007 admin or fresh out of school with SharePoint 2010. I know that I’ve learned a few things myself by reading it, and I’m sure you’ll learn a lot as well.

Richard Riley

Group Product Manager, SharePoint

Redmond, WA

May 2010

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