5.10. Assertions

Assertions in Java can be used to document and validate assumptions made about the state of the program at designated locations in the code. Each assertion contains a boolean expression that is expected to be true when the assertion is executed. If this assumption is false, the system throws a special assertion error. The assertion facility uses the exception handling mechanism to propagate the error. The assertion facility can be enabled or disabled at runtime.

The assertion facility is an invaluable aid in implementing correct programs (i.e., programs that adhere to their specification). It should not be confused with the exception handling mechanism that aids in developing robust programs (i.e., programs that handle unexpected conditions gracefully). Used judiciously, the two mechanisms facilitate programs that are reliable.

assert Statement and AssertionError Class

The following two forms of the assert statement can be used to specify assertions:

assert <boolean expression> ;                      // the simple form
assert <boolean expression> : <message expression> ;     // the augmented form

If assertions are enabled (see p. 212), the execution of an assert statement proceeds as shown in Figure 5.13. The two forms are essentially equivalent to the following code, respectively:

if (<assertions enabled> && !<boolean expression>)   // the simple form
    throw new AssertionError();

if (<assertions enabled> && !<boolean expression>)   // the augmented form
    throw new AssertionError(<message expression>);

Figure 5.13. Execution of the Simple assert Statement (When Assertions Are Enabled)

If assertions are enabled, then <boolean expression> is evaluated. If its value is true, execution continues normally after the assert statement. However, if it is false, an AssertionError is thrown and propagated. In the simple form, the AssertionError does not provide any detailed message about the assertion failure.

The augmented form provides a <message expression> that can be used to provide a detailed error message. In the augmented form, if the assertion is false, the <message expression> is evaluated and its value passed to the appropriate AssertionError constructor. The <message expression> must evaluate to a value (i.e., either a primitive or a reference value). The AssertionError constructor invoked converts the value to a textual representation. In particular, the <message expression> cannot call a method that is declared void. The compiler will flag this as an error.

Lines (2), (3), and (4) in class Speed (see Example 5.17) are assertion statements. In this particular context of calculating the speed, it is required that the values fulfill the criteria in lines (2), (3) and (4) in the private method calcSpeed(). Lines (2) and (4) use the simple form.

assert distance >= 0.0;                                      // (2)
assert speed >= 0.0;                                         // (4)

Line (3) uses the augmented form.

assert time > 0.0 : "Time is not a positive value: " + time;  // (3)

Line (3) is equivalent to the following line of code, assuming assertions have been enabled at runtime:

if (time <= 0.0) throw new AssertionError("Time is not a positive value: " + time);

The java.lang.AssertionError class is a subclass of java.lang.Error (see Figure 5.8). This makes AssertionError exceptions unchecked. They could be explicitly caught and handled using the try-catch construct. The execution would then continue normally, as one would expect. However, since Error exceptions are seldom caught and handled by the program, the same applies to AssertionError exceptions. Catching these exceptions would defeat the whole purpose of the assertion facility.

In addition to the default constructor (invoked by the simple assert form), the AssertionError class provides seven single-parameter constructors: six for the primitive data types (byte and short being promoted to int) and one for object references. The type of the <message expression> used in the augmented assertion statement determines which of the overloaded constructors is invoked. It is not possible to query the AssertionError object for the actual value passed to the constructor. However, the method getMessage() will return the textual representation of the value.

Example 5.17. Assertions
public class Speed {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Speed objRef = new Speed();
        double speed = objRef.calcSpeed(-12.0, 3.0);                // (1a)
        // double speed = objRef.calcSpeed(12.0, -3.0);             // (1b)
        // double speed = objRef.calcSpeed(12.0, 2.0);              // (1c)
        // double speed = objRef.calcSpeed(12.0, 0.0);              // (1d)
        System.out.println("Speed (km/h): " + speed);

    /** Requires distance >= 0.0 and time > 0.0 */
    private double calcSpeed(double distance, double time) {
        assert distance >= 0.0;                                      // (2)
        assert time >0.0 : "Time is not a positive value: " + time;  // (3)
        double speed = distance / time;
        assert speed >= 0.0;                                         // (4)
        return speed;

Compiling Assertions

The assertion facility was introduced in J2SE 1.4. At the same time, two new options for the javac compiler were introduced for dealing with assertions in the source code.

Option -source 1.4

The javac compiler distributed with the Java SDK v1.4 will only compile assertions if the option -source 1.4 is used on the command-line:

>javac -source 1.4 Speed.java

This also means that incorrect use of the keyword assert will be flagged as an error, for example, if assert is used as an identifier. The following program

public class Legacy {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int assert = 2003;
        System.out.println("The year is: " + assert);

when compiled, results in two errors:

>javac -source 1.4 Legacy.java
Legacy.java:4: as of release 1.4, assert is a keyword, and may not be used as an
        int assert = 2003;
Legacy.java:5: as of release 1.4, assert is a keyword, and may not be used as an
        System.out.println("The year is: " + assert);
2 errors

Option -source 1.3

The default behavior of the javac compiler is equivalent to using the option -source 1.3 on the command-line.

>javac -speed 1.3 Speed.java
Speed.java:14: warning: as of release 1.4, assert is a keyword, and may not be used as an
        assert distance >= 0.0;                                     // (2)
Speed.java:15: ';' expected
        assert distance >= 0.0;                                     // (2)
9 errors
3 warnings

The compiler will reject assert statements. It will also warn about the use of the keyword assert as an identifier. In other words, source code that contains the keyword assert as an identifier will compile (barring any other errors), but it will also result in a warning. Compiling and running the Legacy class above gives the following results:

>javac -source 1.3 Legacy.java
Legacy.java:4: as of release 1.4, assert is a keyword, and may not be used as an
        int assert = 2003;
Legacy.java:5: as of release 1.4, assert is a keyword, and may not be used as an
        System.out.println("The year is: " + assert);
2 warnings
>java Legacy
The year is: 2003

Runtime Enabling and Disabling of Assertions

Enabling assertions means they will be executed at runtime. By default, assertions are disabled. Their execution is then effectively equivalent to empty statements. This means that disabled assertions carry an insignificant performance penalty, although they add storage overhead to the byte code of a class. Typically, assertions are enabled during development and left disabled once the program is deployed.

Two command switches are provided by the java tool to enable and disable assertions with various granularities. The switch -enableassertions, or its short form -ea, enables assertions, and the switch -disableassertions, or its short form -da, disables assertions at various granularities. The granularities that can be specified are shown in Table 5.2.

Table 5.2. Granularities for Enabling and Disabling Assertions at Runtime

Applies to all non-system classes.
-ea:<package name>...
-da:<package name>...

Applies to the named package and its subpackages.

Applies to the unnamed package in the current working directory.
-ea:<class name>
-da:<class name>

Applies to the named class.

Assertion Execution for All Non-system Classes

The -ea option means that all non-system classes loaded during the execution of the program have their assertions enabled. A system class is a class that is in the Java platform libraries. For example, classes in the java.* packages are system classes. A system class is loaded directly by the JVM.

Note that class files not compiled with a J2SE 1.4-compatible compiler are not affected, whether assertions are enabled or disabled. Also, once a class has been loaded and initialized at runtime, its assertion status cannot be changed.

Assuming that the file Speed.java has been compiled with the -source 1.4 option, all assertions in non-system classes required for execution (of which Speed class is one) can be enabled, and the program run as follows:

>java -ea Speed
      at Speed.calcSpeed(Speed.java:14)
      at Speed.main(Speed.java:6)
Exception in thread "main"

Since the distance is negative in line (1a), the assertion in line (2) fails in Example 5.17. An AssertionError is thrown, which is propagated, being finally caught by the default exception handler and resulting in the stack trace being printed on the terminal.

All assertions (in all non-system classes) can be disabled during the execution of the Speed class.

>java -da Speed
Speed (km/h): -4.0

In this case, this is effectively equivalent to running the program with neither the -ea nor the -da options.

>java Speed
Speed (km/h): -4.0

If we comment-out line (1a) and uncomment line (1b) in Example 5.17 and run the program with the options enabled, we get the following behavior from the program.

>java -ea Speed
java.lang.AssertionError: Time is not a positive value: -3.0
      at Speed.calcSpeed(Speed.java:15)
      at Speed.main(Speed.java:7)
Exception in thread "main"

We see that the value of the <message expression> in the augmented assertion in line (3) is written on the terminal, together with the stack trace, because this assertion failed. The augmented form is recommended, as it allows a detailed error message to be included in reporting the assertion failure.

Assertion Execution at the Package Level

Assume that we have a program called Trickster in the unnamed package, that uses the package hierarchy for the wizard package shown in Figure 4.3 on page 127.

The following command-line will only enable assertions for all classes in the package wizard.pandorasBox and its subpackage wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts. The assertions in the class Trickster are not enabled.

>java -ea:wizard.pandorasBox... Trickster

Without the ... notation, the package name will be interpreted as a class name. Non-existent package names specified in the command line are silently accepted, but simply have no consequences under execution.

The following command-line will only enable assertions in the unnamed package, and, thereby, the assertions in the class Trickster since this class resides in the unnamed package.

>java -ea:... Trickster

Note that the package switch applies to the package specified and all its subpackages, recursively.

Assertion Execution at the Class Level

The following command line will only enable assertions in the Trickster class.

>java -ea:Trickster Trickster

The following command line will only enable assertions in the named class wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts.Ailment and no other class.

>java -ea:wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts.Ailment Trickster

A java command can contain multiple instances of the switches, each specifying its own granularity. The switches are then processed in order of their specification from left to right, before any classes are loaded. The latter switches take priority over former switches. This allows a fine-grained control of what assertions are enabled at runtime. The following command line will enable assertions for all classes in the package wizard.pandorasBox and its subpackage wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts, but disable them in the class wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts.Ailment.

>java -ea:wizard.pandorasBox... -da:wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts.Ailment Trickster

The following switches all enable assertions in the class wizard.spells.Baldness.

>java -eaTrickster
>java -ea:wizard...Trickster
>java -ea:wizard.spells...Trickster
>java -ea:wizard.spells.BaldnessTrickster

It is worth noting that inheritance (see Section 6.1, p. 226) has no affect on the execution of assertions. Assertions are enabled or disabled on per-class basis. Whether assertions in the superclass will be executed through code inherited by the subclass, depends entirely on the superclass. In the following command line, assertions from the superclass wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts.Ailment will not be executed, although assertions for the subclass wizard.spells.Baldness are enabled:

>java -ea -da:wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts.Ailment Trickster

Assertion Execution for All System Classes

In order to enable or disable assertions in all system classes, we can use the switches shown in Table 5.3. Enabling assertions in system classes can be useful to shed light on internal errors reported by the JVM. In the following command line, the first switch will enable assertions for all system classes. The second switch will enable assertions in the package wizard and its subpackages wizard.pandorasBox, wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts and wizard.spells, but the third switch will disable them in the package wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts.

>java -esa -ea:wizard... -da:wizard.pandorasBox.artifacts... Trickster

Table 5.3. Enabling and Disabling Assertions in All System Classes at Runtime
OptionShort FormDescription
-enablesystemassertions-esaEnable assertions in all system classes.
-disablesystemassertions-dsaDisable assertions in all system classes.

Using Assertions

Assertions should have no side effects that can produce adverse behavior in the code, whether enabled or not. The assertion facility is a defensive mechanism, meaning that it should only be used to test the code, and should not be employed after the code is delivered. The program should exhibit the same behavior whether assertions are enabled or disabled. The program should not rely on any computations done within an assertion statement. With assertions enabled, the following statement would be executed, but if assertions were disabled, it could have dire consequences.

assert reactor.controlCoreTemperature();

Assertions should also not be used to validate information supplied by a client. A typical example is argument checking in public methods. Argument checking is part of such a method's contract, which could be violated if the assertions were disabled. Another drawback is that assertion failures can only provide limited information, in the form of an AssertionError, about the cause of any failure. Appropriate argument checking can provide more suitable information about erroneous arguments, in the form of specific exceptions such as IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, or NullPointerException.

The rest of this section illustrates useful idioms that employ assertions.

Internal Invariants

Very often assumptions about the program are documented as comments in the code. The following code makes the assumption in line (1) that variable status must be negative for the else clause to be executed.

int status = ref1.compareTo(ref2);
if (status == 0) {
} else if (status > 0) {
} else { // (1) status must be negative.

This assumption is an internal invariant and can be verified using an assertion, as shown in line (2) below.

int status = ref1.compareTo(ref2);
if (status == 0) {
} else if (status > 0) {
} else {
    assert status < 0 : status; // (2)

Often an alternative action is chosen, based on a value that is guaranteed to be one of a small set of predefined values. A switch statement with no default clause is a typical example. The value of the switch expression is guaranteed to be one of the case labels and the default case is omitted, as the following code shows.

switch (trinityMember) {
    case Housefather:
    case THE_SON:
    case THE_HOLY_GHOST:

A default clause that executes an assertion can be used to formulate this invariant.

    assert false : trinityMember;

If assertions are enabled, an AssertionError will signal the failure in case the trinity no longer holds.

However, the previous code causes a compile-time error in a non-void method if all case labels return a value and no return statement follows the switch statement.

switch (trinityMember) {
    case THE_FATHER:
        return psalm101;
    case THE_SON:
        return psalm102;
    case THE_HOLY_GHOST:
        return psalm103;
        assert false: trinityMember;
return psalm100;        // (3) Compile time error if commented out.

Without line (3) and with assertions disabled, the method could return without a value, violating the fact that it is a non-void method. Explicitly throwing an AssertionError rather than using an assert statement in the default clause, would be a better option in this case.

    throw new AssertionError(trinityMember);

Control Flow Invariants

Control flow invariants can be used to test assumptions about the flow of control in the program. The following idiom can be employed to explicitly test that certain locations in the code will never be reached.

assert false : "This line should never be reached.";

If program control does reach this statement, assertion failure will detect it.

In the following code, the assumption is that execution never reaches the end of the method declaration indicated by line (1).

private void securityMonitor() {
    // ...
    while (alwaysOnDuty) {
        // ...
        if (needMaintenance)
        // ...
    // (1) This line should never be reached.

The previous assertion can be inserted after the comment at line (1) to check the assumption.

Care should be taken in using this idiom, as the compiler can flag the assert statement at this location as being unreachable. For example, if the compiler can deduce that the while condition will always be true, it will flag the assert statement as being unreachable.

Preconditions and Postconditions

The assertion facility can be used to practice a limited form of programming-by-contract. For example, the assertion facility can be used to check that methods comply with their contract.

Preconditions define assumptions for the proper execution of a method when it is invoked. As discussed earlier, assertions should not be used to check arguments in public methods. For non-public methods, preconditions can be checked at the start of method execution.

private void adjustReactorThroughput(int increment) {
    // Precondition:
    assert isValid(increment) : "Throughput increment invalid.";
    // Proceed with the adjustment.
    // ...

Section 9.4 (p. 359) provides an example of a lock-status precondition in a non-synchronized method, where an assertion is used to check whether the current thread holds a lock on a certain object.

Postconditions define assumptions about the successful completion of a method. Postconditions in any method can be checked by assertions executed just before returning from the method. For example, if the method adjustReactorThroughPut() guarantees that the reactor core is in a stable state after its completion, we can check this postcondition using an assertion.

private void adjustReactorThroughput(int increment) {
    // Precondition:
    assert isValid(increment) : "Throughput increment invalid.";
    // Proceed with the adjustment.
    // ...
    // Postcondition -- the last action performed before returning.
    assert isCoreStable() : "Reactor core not stable.";

Section 7.4 (p. 302) provides an example using a local class where data can be saved before doing a computation, so that it can later be used to check a postcondition.

Other Uses

If minimizing the size of the class file is crucial, then the following conditional compilation idiom should be used to insert assertions in the source code:

final static boolean COMPILE_ASSERTS = false;
    assert whatEverYouWant;      // Not compiled if COMPILE_ASSERTS is false.

It is possible to enforce that a class be loaded and initialized only if its assertions are enabled. The idiom for this purpose uses a static initializer (see Section 8.2, p. 331).

static {  // Static initializer
    boolean assertsAreEnabled = false;  // (1)
    assert assertsAreEnabled = true;    // (2) utilizing side effect
    if (!assertsAreEnabled)             // (3)
        throw new AssertionError("Enable assertions!");

Line (1) sets the local variable assertsAreEnabled to false. If assertions are enabled, line (2) is executed. The assignment operator sets the variable assertsAreEnabled to true as a side effect of evaluating the boolean expression that has the value true. The assertion in line (2) is, of course, true. No exception is thrown by the if statement in line (3). However, if assertions are disabled, line (2) is never executed. As the variable assertsAreEnabled is false, the if statement in line (3) throws an exception. The static initializer is placed first in the class declaration, so that it is executed first during class initialization.

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