Chapter 10

Leveraging Blob Storage

What’s In This Chapter?

  • How blobs and Blob storage works
  • How to program Blob storage
  • How to create, list, and delete a container
  • How to manage blobs
  • How to manage access to blobs

Storage is important for applications, and understanding how to put information into storage and retrieve it is the backbone of applications. The Azure Storage System provides storage for all your cloud-based storage needs including tabular, blobs, and queues. This chapter explains how to leverage Blob storage to effectively store, retrieve, and manage your large binary files.

Understanding Blobs and Blob Storage

Binary Large Objects (blobs) have been in IT vocabulary for quite a while. Blobs are simply binary files and are commonly but not exclusively multimedia files; they can be any type of file from images, videos, audio, and to documents. Many of the files you may access on a day-to-day basis could be consider a blob. Consider the video you watch online, the file that contains the data viewed in Microsoft Excel, or even this book if you are reading it on a computer or mobile device. These files are large binary files that can be considered a blob. Microsoft SQL Server has supported the storage of them within a database for some time. With Azure Storage you now have a support to Blob storage in the cloud.

As part of its Storage services, Azure supports the storage and retrieval of large unstructured files using Blob storage. Therefore to understand blobs and Blob storage, you must have a basic understanding Azure Storage.

What Is Azure Storage?

Azure Storage is simple—it’s storage in the cloud. In line with Azure’s ability to host applications in the cloud, Azure Storage makes cloud data available as a service. Azure Storage provides the features and services to store and retrieve data in the cloud where it is available anywhere, anytime.

Four unique storage options are available in Azure Storage. Each one provides a solution for different application requirements. The four storage options are as follows:

  • Table storage: Designed to store and retrieve structured data in row set form. The table itself does not define a singular data schema, but it may contain multiple schemas for different entities stored in the table. The entity schemas associated with the tables define the fields for a particular item. This is quite unlike a table schema seen in relational databases. Items saved to Table storage must correspond to one of the defined schemas. Table storage, unlike a relation database, does not support relations and indexing common to relational databases.
  • Blob storage: Provides storage for large amounts of unstructured data such as documents, videos, images, or audio files as well as associated meta data. The primary emphasis is on the storage of the binary file and not the meta data storage. Blob storage can handle large files—up to one terabyte—and give support for random access read and writes It also provides version support (through snapshots), exclusive locks (leases), and streaming media.
  • Queues: Provides reliable message routing between Azure applications and components of an Azure application. Queues are asynchronous, reliable, and durable. Each defined queue contains zero or more messages placed into and processed from the queue by one or more applications. When processed, the message is removed from the queue.
Azure recently introduced a new form of queue mechanism in the Azure AppFabric range of products. For more information on both types of queues, please refer to Chapter 13.
  • Azure Drives: Gives an application a mounted NTFS storage volume that appears as a local volume. Access to the mounted volume is via a mapped drive letter, which is configured via your Azure application. For example, a mounted drive may be associated with “Z:drive.” This local storage is persisted outside of an Azure role application and persists even during an Azure role recycle. Azure drives are actually based around Azure Blob storage via an implementation of a Page blob, which supports random reads and writes. The drive blob is formatted as a Virtual Hard Drive.

Understanding the Blob Hierarchy

Blob storage has a hierarchy of objects that define a resource URI and security. The hierarchy is a series of “containers” that have zero or more items. To understand how to leverage Blob storage, you must first understand how it uses these containers to define resource URIs and manage access. Figure 10-1 shows an example of the basic Blob storage container hierarchy starting with the Storage account, which is the top most container.

Objects contained in Blob storage are uniquely addressable using a REST API. Each object has a universe resource identifier (URI), which uniquely identifies the object.

How Do Storage Accounts Work?

Storage accounts are associated with an Azure subscription and provide a security and access boundary separating the contained storage objects from other Storage account objects. The name given to a specific Storage account is also part of the root URI for the various entry points into the Azure Storage Service. Storage accounts are not specific for Blob storage; a single Storage account provides services for all storage types: Blobs, Tables, and Queues.

Azure Storage Service is exposed using a REST API. Items contained in the Storage Service are identified using a URI. The base URI for Blob storage is http://<accountName>

An Azure subscription can contain zero or more Storage accounts. These accounts are created and managed using the Azure Management Portal located at Creating a new Storage account provisions the required storage components in Azure and the required entry points to the services in DNS. These entry points are the resource URIs that access blobs stored in Blob storage. A new Storage account requires a unique account name, which becomes part of the resource URI. The account name must be unique from all other Storage account names, have a length of 3–24 characters, and use lowercase letters and numbers. As an example, Figure 10-1 uses a generic name of “school” for the account name, which will result in a Blob storage resource URI of This URL requests service from our Blob storage service.

The Storage account is also a security boundary. Each Storage account has two generated keys called Access Keys. These keys generate a signed Authorization header for use in the web request to validate and authorize the request. Without knowledge of the keys, a request is not signed and cannot be validated. Two keys are provided to allow one to be in use, whereas the second key can be regenerated resulting in no loss in service when changing access keys. Keys are managed from the Azure Management Portal.

How Do Containers Work?

Similar to the Storage account, containers provide namespace and security boundaries functionality to Blob storage and contain zero or more containers. Figure 10-1 includes two containers: math101 and chem260. Container names create a unique namespace and logical organization of contained blobs, and they give the appearance of a path-like structure similar to a file system. Containers also define the security for the contained blobs, but they exist only within a Storage account and cannot exist beyond the scope of the Storage account.

The Azure Management Portal does not provide an interface to create containers, therefore you create them programmatically with a name and optional meta data information. Containers cannot be nested; therefore, each container within a Storage account must be unique. Container names must follow the following guidelines:

  • Start with a letter or number.
  • Must be lowercase.
  • Dashes are allowed, but must be preceded and followed by a letter or number.
  • Must be 3–64 characters in length.
Attempting to create a container with a name that does not follow the naming guidelines results in an Authentication Failure exception. Pay close attention to container names to avoid ambiguous error messages.

The container name is included as part of the resource URI. For example, in the container math101 displayed in Figure 10-1 the resource URI would be

Blob Storage accounts have a root container and you can place blobs there. A root container would be represented as a forward slash or $root. Example:$root or

Containers may have associated meta data stored as a name-value pair. Meta data is added and retrieved from Blob storage as header values in the web request and response. The name of the meta data item must start with x-ms-meta-. For this example use meta data to identify the primary responsible party for a container using a custom metadata tag such as x-ms-meta-responsibleparty.

Containers allow the controlling of access to the container as a whole and to its contained blobs. There are only two access scenarios in Blob storage:

  • Owner: Are identified by the presence of a properly encrypted Authorization header value in the web request. By default, only the Owner can access Blob storage objects. Access can be changed to allow anonymous read access using the APIs.
  • Anonymous:. This access does not require the Authorization header value. Table 10-1 shows two levels of anonymous access.

Table 10-1: Anonymous Access

Access Permissions
Full Public Read Access Can view container and contained blob information; can enumerate blobs in the container.
Public Read Access for Blobs Only Can view only blobs; cannot view container information or enumerate blobs

Basic access control is not granular. Either you have access to the Storage account Access Keys and can properly sign the Authorization header value in the web request or you are anonymous.


Blobs themselves are unstructured text or binary files up to 1 terabyte in length depending on the blob type. Similar to containers blobs are created programmatically. The Azure Management Portal does not provide a user interface to create blobs. Blobs do not have a specific security setting; security is determined by the container. The type of blob, Block or Page (discussed later in this section), is determined at the time of creation and cannot be changed.

The blob name is used as part of the resource URI and must be unique within a container. It can contain any character and must have a length of 1 to 1,024 characters. Reserved URL characters in the name must be properly escaped. It is legal to include path separators such as the forward slash (/) as part of the blob name. As noted in the previous “Working with Containers” section, the storage schema is flat. There are no subcontainers to create a hierarchical path similar to a file system path. You can create a virtual path when you use the forward slash in the blob name. For example, consider the math101 container in the school Storage account. A blob named additive.avi would have a resource URI of

If the blob were named /videos/additive.avi, the resource URL of the blob would be

Although it appears there is a nested hierarchy, that’s not the case. The container remains math101, and the name of the blob is /videos/additive.avi, as shown in Figure 10-2.

Like containers, blobs support associated meta data as name-value pairs. These are added and retrieved from Blob storage as header values associated with the web request and response. The name of the meta data must start with x-ms-meta-. For this example, consider meta data that identifies the content owner. This meta data field may be named x-ms-meta-owner and have a value of Bob.

Blobs have two means of support for managing concurrency: ETags and leases.

  • ETag: This is an HTTP construct. Modification of a blob changes the value of the ETag. Applications can compare ETags to determine if the blob has been modified. The optional conditional headers If-Match and If-None-Match will compare the ETag with the header value to determine the appropriate response.
  • Leases: These are a distributed system lock. Programmatically an application can obtain a lease on a blob. This is a 1-minute exclusive server-side lock on the blob. While the blob is locked, it cannot be edited by another user. Leases can be acquired, renewed, and released. There is also an option to release the lease but have it remain locked until the lease expires.

Block Blobs

Block blobs are commonly used for data such as videos and documents with each blob being a single piece of content. Block blobs support a maximum size of 200 GB. Uploading large files in an HTTP-based system can be problematic because they can cause timeouts, network issues, and can become corrupted; in fact, it’s not uncommon to upload a large file only to have network connectivity issues and need to restart the upload. Block blobs avoid these common issues by managing smaller pieces of the complete file. Block blobs are composed of one or more uploaded blocks of different sizes, which are then committed to the system as a single blob (see Figure 10-3). The current maximum block size is 4 MB. To upload large blobs to Blob storage, the file is chunked into multiple blocks, and each block is uploaded to Blob storage. When all the blocks are in Blob storage, the blocks are committed and the blob is available for use. Until the blocks are committed, the blob is not available.

The process of uploading blocks and ultimately committing multiple blocks is the responsibility of the programmer or application. You can upload files smaller than 64 MB as a single operation. You must partition files larger than 64 MB into blocks and commit them in Blob storage.

Page Blobs

Page blobs support random access read and writes in Blob storage. They allow the application to start a read or write operation at an offset location in the file. This means faster access to the data and does not require the application to re-upload a large file due to a write operation. Blob storage uses Page files to support Windows Azure Drives and logging operations.

Consider the difference between a common Block blob (image) and a Page blob (log file). When the image file is modified, the complete image file is manipulated and must be reloaded to Blob storage. Most image formats do not allow for an isolated byte change in the file. Log files are commonly sequential files where you target an isolated change based on an offset. There is little need to rewrite the complete file for a byte level change.

Page blobs consist of an array or indexed collection of pages. Each page is 512 bytes in size. The total size of a Page blob cannot exceed 1 terabyte and must be a multiple of 512 bytes. Applications can write to pages in the Page blob based on the 512 byte offset, and a single write request can write up to 4 MB of data. The Page blob can grow by adding pages. Unlike the Block blob, Page blobs do not require a commit request. Data written to a Page blob is immediately available at the end of the write request.

Currently, empty pages are not calculated in the charge model.

Programming Blob Storage

Armed with a basic understanding of Azure Storage and Blob storage, you can now leverage Blob storage as a cloud-based data store. This section focuses on how to programmatically work with Blob storage using the Windows Azure Storage Services REST APIs.

You can find the code download for this chapter at To run the example code, you need an Azure subscription, a Storage account, and Visual Studio 2010. The example code demonstrates all the methods discussed in this section. You need to provide the Storage account name, access key, paths to your image, and videos to upload.

Creating a Storage Account

Before you power up your favorite code editor and start programing the Blob storage, you need to create a Windows Azure Storage account. The Storage account is the top-level container that provides configuration and access to the Azure storage services. As mentioned previously, creating a Storage account generates the necessary namespaces in Azure as well as the required access keys needed to create and manage content.

To create a Storage account, you need to have an active Azure subscription. For more information on how to create one, see Chapter 8.

To create a Storage account for Windows Azure, follow these steps:

1. Log in to the Windows Azure Platform Management Portal. This is where you manage your Azure subscription.
2. Click the Hosted Services, Storage & CDN button located in the bottom left column, as shown in Figure 10-4.
3. To view any existing Storage accounts, click the Storage accounts link located in the left column, as shown in Figure 10-5. Figure 10-5 displays a 3-Month Free Trial subscription, which is used in this chapter to create the Storage account.
4. To create the new Storage account, click the New Storage Account ribbon button located at the top-left corner of the screen. This opens the Create a New Storage Account dialog box.
5. Enter your Storage account information, as shown in Figure 10-6. You must enter a value to complete the URL. This value is used later in the chapter as the Account Name value. The URL along with the service type (Table, Blob, or Queue) will be the entry point to the specific storage service. In this example the blob service endpoint is Next, select the Create or Choose an Affinity group radio button and then be sure to select “Create or choose an affinity group” from the drop down menu. Select Create a New Affinity Group item to open the Create a New Affinity Group dialog box show in 10-7.
Affinity groups are used by Azure to attempt to colocate services together. For example, if you have a Web Role that consumes blobs from the Blob storage service, you can select the same affinity group, and Azure attempts to provision the services in the same datacenter or at least one in the same region, thereby reducing latency between services.
6. Enter an Affinity Group Name and select a Location. Click OK to exit the Create a New Affinity Group dialog box.
Using affinity groups to colocate services does not guarantee Azure will provision the services in the same data center. Although this may occur, it only guarantees the same geographical region.
You are not required to create a new affinity group to work with blobs. Selecting a region is acceptable.
7. After the affinity group has been created, click OK on the Create a New Storage Account dialog box to start the provisioning of the Storage account. The provisioning of the account takes a few minutes. During the provisioning process the Storage account page provides a status on the provisioning process. After the provisioning has completed, the Storage account is ready for use and has a status of Created. Figure 10-8 shows the provisioned Storage account.
Each Storage account provides two 256-byte access keys: primary and secondary. These keys create the encrypted authorization header, which the Storage service uses to authenticate requests to the storage system. You can use either key to create an authorization header. Two are included so you can use one key while regenerating the other key and still maintain service.
8. Click the View Access Keys button, shown in Figure 10-8, to view the account’s access keys. Figure 10-9 shows the dialog box. These keys are long, and you should use the Copy button located to the right of the key to copy it completely.

Overview of the Rest APIs

Windows Azure Storage Services provides REST APIs to access the item contained in Azure Storage. This API supports programmability via common HTTP methods for Blob, Table, and Queue storage. This chapter focuses on blob access using the REST APIs. You can find these APIs documented at

The Blob service REST API works on three basic types of objects:

  • Blob service
  • Container
  • Blobs

By working with the Blob service using the REST API, an application can:

  • Manage Blob service properties
  • List containers

The REST API provides the following Container functionality:

  • Create containers
  • Manage container properties
  • Manage container meta data
  • Manage container access
  • Delete containers
  • List blobs

Finally, the REST API functionally for blobs includes the following:

  • Create blobs
  • Manage blob properties
  • Manage blob meta data
  • Lease a blob (enforcing exclusive access)
  • Manage blob snapshots (accessing read-only prior versions)
  • Copy blobs
  • Delete blobs

REST APIs are web-based APIs and they require a request to the service endpoint using HTTP. REST APIs rely on the basic request methods defined in HTTP including PUT, GET, HEAD and DELETE. The URL of the request is a resource URI for a specific resource such as a container or blob. Some requests require additional action information, and those items can be included as a URI parameter, request header, or in the body of the request.

For example, to create a container named math101 in a Storage account named school, the URI would be The request would also need to include a URI parameter named restype with a value of the container. The Blob service also requires a few headers in the requests. The headers required to create the container include the x-ms-date, x-ms-version, authorization, and content-length header. Finally the request is created using the PUT HTTP verb.

Many of the requests are similar in format, and most of the example code is repetitive. The example C# code provided with this chapter follows the same basic format:

1. Create a HTTPWebRequest object.
2. Set the request method (GET, PUT, HEAD, or DELETE).
3. Set the x-ms-date and x-ms-version headers.
4. Set any additional headers.
5. Create and set the Authorization header (see next section for more information).
6. Start the request.
7. Process the response.

The example code included with the chapter has abstracted some of the repetitive code into helper methods including GetWebRequest, CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader, GetCanonicalizedHeaders, and GetCanonicalizedResourceString. You should review these to understand some of the key pieces to formulating a web request with the proper headers and values. The example code does not handle exceptions outside of a basic try/catch block and does not provide parameter validation to minimize the amount of code. A production-ready application should include robust exception handling, logging, validation, and even retries of failed web requests.

This chapter focuses on using the Rest API. There are other APIs including a managed object model API and various community projects that can be used to access Blob storage.

Creating the Authorization Header

Access to a container or blob is controlled by the container itself. Unless the container’s access policy has been changed, only the Owner is allowed access. Recall from “How Do Containers Work” section that there are only two types of users with regard to access: Owner and anonymous. Blob storage uses a signed Authorization header value to authenticate an Owner. Blob storage supports two types of authentication schemes: Shared Key and Shared Key Lite. This chapter uses only Shared Key Lite because of its simplicity. For further understanding of the Shared Key authentication scheme, take a look at Authentication Schemes in the Azure API reference located at

When creating a request to Blob storage, the Authorization header value is one of the more challenging pieces. It must be constructed, converted to a byte array, encrypted, and finally encoded. Not following the rules to create the value will result in an Authentication Failure exception. The Authorization value is composed of a string calculated from key pieces of the request, including the HTTP method, the resource URI, the comp URI parameter (if available) and certain web request headers and values. These values in a certain well-defined order are concatenated into a string. The string is then converted to a byte array. This byte array is encrypted using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm, and the hash is Base64 encoded.

Listing 10-1 contains the three custom methods used to create the Authorization header value for the chapter’s sample code. The CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader method controls the creation of the value. It uses GetCanonicalizedHeaders method to filter out only headers that start with x-ms- and sorts the values. These values must be in alpha order before they are added to the signature string in a name:value format. The GetCanonicalizedResourceString method is responsible for creating the correctly formatted resource string. The sharedKey value is one of the two Storage account’s access keys. It is converted to a byte array for the signing process. The result of the CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader method is added to each web request as the Authorization header value. Any web request that requires Owner access needs to include the Authorization value. The only exception is for container policies and Shared Access Signatures, which are discussed later in the “Managing Permissions” section.

Listing 10-1: Creating the Shared Key Lite Authorization Value

private String CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(string method,
                                  WebHeaderCollection headers, 
                                   string accountName, 
                                   string encodedPath, 
                                   string container, 
                                   string contentType )

   byte[] sharedKey = Convert.FromBase64String("<YOUR ACCESS KEY>");

   string signature = "{0}
   string signatureString = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                method.ToUpper(),     //Uppercase HTTP Method  - 0
                "",                  //Content-MD5 - 1
                contentType,         //Content-Type - 2
                "",                   //Date - 3
                GetCanonicalizedHeaders(headers), //Canonicalized Headers - 4
                                               //Canonicalized Resource - 5

   byte[] signatureBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signatureString);
   HMACSHA256 crypto = new HMACSHA256(sharedKey);
   byte[] hashedSignature = crypto.ComputeHash(signatureBytes);
   return System.Convert.ToBase64String(hashedSignature);

//Select only values staring with x-ms- and sort collection
private string GetCanonicalizedHeaders(WebHeaderCollection headers)
   String result = "";
   List<string> requiredHeaders = new List<string>();

   foreach (string header in headers)
      if (header.StartsWith("x-ms-"))
         string tmpHeader = String.Format("{0}:{1}
         if (!requiredHeaders.Contains(tmpHeader))
         {  requiredHeaders.Add(tmpHeader); }

   requiredHeaders.ForEach((hdr) => result += hdr);

   return result;

//Create the correct resource string
private string GetCanonicalizedResourceString(string accountName, 
                                              string encodedUriPath, 
                                              string container)
   string containerParam = container == "" ? container : "?comp=" + container;
   return string.Format("/{0}/{1}{2}", accountName, 
                        encodedUriPath, containerParam);

Creating the correct Authorization value can be frustrating if you don’t know the intricacies of the process. Review Authentication Schemes in the Azure API reference located at for more details of the process.

An HTTP debugging tool such as Fiddler can help you quickly isolate issues with the Authorization value. Blob storage includes the string that it expected to be encoded and encrypted. Comparing the string to the string value before encoding and encryption can reveal any issues with concatenating the strings. Figure 10-10 displays a Fiddler capture of a failed request. A close review of the Raw response as shown in Figure 10-10 will review the values Blob storage expected in the encrypted Authentication header value.

Working with Containers

You saw earlier in the chapter that Storage accounts contain zero or more containers. There is no user interface provided in the Azure Management Portal to create or manage containers. You can create, modify, and delete containers using the Storage REST API. This section covers how to create a web request to create, modify, and delete containers in a Storage account.

The code included in the following sections is available in the chapter code on The code focuses on the specifics of a web request. Most common functionality, such as setting the x-ms-date value and formatting the Authorization value, has been refactored to helper functions.

Creating a Container

A newly created Storage account does not have any containers. To create a container the web request to the storage service must include the following:

  • The request method must be PUT.
  • Resource URI of the container.
  • URI parameter restype with a value of container.
  • ContentLength value.
  • x-ms-date header.
  • x-ms-version header.
  • Authorization header.

Optionally, you can include custom meta data during the creation of a container. Listing 10-2 demonstrates how to create a web request to generate a container. The containerName must be a valid name and the meta data parameter passes custom meta data using a name-value pair. The meta data parameter is required in this code, but passing in an empty dictionary object is allowed.

Listing 10-2: Creating a Blob Storage Container

 private void CreateContainer(string containerName, 
                              Dictionary<string, string> metadata )
   HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("PUT", 
                                          ROOT_URI + "/" +
                                           containerName.ToLowerInvariant() +

   //~DH~DH~DH Create Headers ~DH~DH~DH~DH-
   request.ContentLength = 0;
   // custom metadata x-ms-meta
   foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> nvp in metadata)
   {  request.Headers.Add(nvp.Key, nvp.Value); }
   string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(
                                      "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}", 
                                       STORAGE_ACCOUNT, encryptedHeader));

   //Process response
     using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
       if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created)
         Console.WriteLine("Created container: {0}",
   catch (WebException webEx)
      Console.WriteLine("Error creating: {0}. {1}", 

Successful creation of the container results in an HTTP status of Created. If the container already exists, an error is returned, which can be caught and handled. By default, the container permissions is set to Owner. To access the container a correctly signed Authorization header value must be supplied.

PUT requests require a ContentLength value. For a PUT request with no body use a value of 0.
Container names that do not meet the name requirements will result in an error. The error is commonly an Authentication failed error, which is confusing.

Listing Containers

Containers within a Storage account can be listed. Web requests created to list containers must include the following:

  • The request method must be GET.
  • Resource URI for the Storage account.
  • URI parameter comp with a value of list.
  • x-ms-date header.
  • x-ms-version header.
  • Authorization header.

Optionally, you can use the include-metadata URI parameter to return container meta data. This adds a meta data section to the results and returns any custom meta data associated with the container. A request for listing containers may also include the prefix URI parameter, which you use to limit the results to containers that start with the provided prefix parameter value. Listing 10-3 includes the example code to list all containers within a Storage account. The code defines two requests: one that lists all containers and one that uses the prefix URI parameter to limit the results. Also, notice in the CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader method call the value of list is passed in. The comp parameter value is required when building the Authorization header value. When there is no comp parameter, an empty string is used in the Authorization header value.

A successful web response includes an HTTP status of OK with XML including the results, as shown of Listing 10-3.

Listing 10-3: Creating a Blob Storage Container

private void ListContainers(bool includeMetadata)
  //List all containers
  HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("GET", 
                            ROOT_URI + "/?comp=list" + 
  //List only containers that start with math
  // HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("GET", 
                              ROOT_URI + 
                              "/?comp=list&prefix=math" +
  string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(

                       "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}",  
  //Process response
  using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
      StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
      XElement root = XElement.Parse(rdr.ReadToEnd());

      foreach (XElement c in root.Element("Containers").Elements("Container"))
        if (includeMetadata)
          foreach (XElement meta in c.Element("Metadata").Elements())
            Console.WriteLine("	Metadata {0} = {1}", 
                               meta.Name.ToString(), meta.Value); }
The resource URI for listing a container requires a forward slash before the parameter list.

Deleting a Container

Deleting a container requires a web request using the DELETE request method. The deletion process occurs in two steps: Containers are initially marked for delete, but this is a logical or “soft” delete. The container is not truly deleted until a garbage collection sweep occurs. During the time of the logical deletion and the sweep, you may receive an error if you attempt to create another container using the same container name. Web requests created to delete containers must include the following:

  • The request method must be DELETE.
  • Resource URI of the container.
  • URI parameter restype with a value of “container.”
  • Authorization header value.
  • x-ms-date header value.
  • x-ms-version.

The result of a successful delete is an HTTP status of Accepted. Listing 10-4 includes example code to delete a container.

Listing 10-4: Deleting Containers

 private void DeleteContainer(string containerName)
   HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("DELETE", 
                             ROOT_URI + "/" + 
                             containerName.ToLowerInvariant() +
   string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(

                        "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}", 

   //Process results
     using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
       if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Accepted)
          Console.WriteLine("Container {0} has been deleted", containerName);
   catch (WebException webEx)
     Console.WriteLine("Error deleting container: {0}. {1}", 

Working with Blobs

Blobs are the core of Blob storage. Blobs can be created, modified, copied, and deleted. This section focuses on Block blobs. Page blobs are similar in most requests with the exception of the upload process.

Creating Blobs

There are two different approaches for creating a blob in a container, depending on the size of the blob.

  • Blobs less than 64 MB in size: This involves making a simple single request to add a blob and passing just one binary stream.
  • Larger blobs: Must be partitioned to manageable chunks, uploaded in multiple requests, and finally committed.

Web requests for uploading a small binary as a blob in a single request require the following:

  • The request method must be PUT.
  • Resource URI of the blob.
  • Authorization header value.
  • x-ms-blob-type header value.
  • x-ms-date header value.
  • x-ms-version header value.

Listing 10-5 includes an example that creates a Block blob using a single request. The PUT request can include optional meta data. Meta data can also be added or modified as a separate request. Pay close attention to the blobName. The blob name must be a valid name. An invalid name results in Authorization error, which can lead your troubleshooting effort down the wrong path. The x-ms-blob-type header defines the type of blob created, page or block, and is required. This code sets the content type of the blob. You use the content type value to create the Authorization header and it’s therefore passed in as a parameter to the CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader method. The content type value is optional, but if you include it as a web request header, it must be included in the Authorization header, or you receive an authorization failure error. If successful the expected result is an HTTP status of Created.

Listing 10-5: Creating a Blob - Single Request

private void PutBLockBlob_Single(string blobName, 
                                 string contentType, 
                                 string filePath, 
                                 Dictionary<string, string> metadata)
  HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("PUT", 
                                          ROOT_URI + "/" +

  //~DH~DH- Create Headers ~DH~DH~DH~DH
  request.Headers.Add("x-ms-blob-type", "BlockBlob");
  request.ContentType = contentType;

  // custom metadata x-ms-meta
  foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> nvp in metadata)
  { request.Headers.Add(nvp.Key, nvp.Value); }

  string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(

                      "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}", 

  using (Stream vid1 = File.OpenRead(filePath))
    byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
    while (true)
      int bytesRead = vid1.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
      if (bytesRead == 0) break;
      request.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

  //Process response
  using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created)
    { Console.WriteLine("Blob: {0} created", blobName.ToLowerInvariant()); }

Files greater than 64 MB in size must be partitioned into smaller files called blocks. Each block along with its id is uploaded to Blob storage as an uncommitted block. After all blocks have been uploaded to Blob storage, the blocks can be committed and composed into the actual blob. Partitioning the file into smaller blocks of content allows for parallel upload of data and the potential to restart the upload of the remaining blocks after an error instead of restarting the file upload again. Listing 10-6 is an example of partitioning a file into smaller blocks, uploading the blocks to Blob storage, and committing the blocks to create the blob.

Multiple web requests are required to upload large files as multiple blocks. Listing 10-5 contains all the requests in one single method. The nature of committing multiple blocks into a blob does not require that all the web requests happen in a single method. There is no requirement that all the blocks must be uploaded in order or at the same time. The only requirement is that all the blocks have been uploaded successfully before the final list of blocks is uploaded to commit the blocks to a blob.

Uncommitted blocks exist in Blob storage for up to 1 week. If the blocks have not been committed within 1 week, the blocks will be garbage collected.

Two basic web request types are required to upload a multiblock blob. The type of web request is used to upload each block. There is one web request for each block. The web request to upload a block requires the following:

  • The request method must be PUT.
  • Resource URI of the blob.
  • comp header value of block.
  • URI parameter of blockid with a value of the unique ID.
  • Authorization header.
  • ContentLength value.
  • x-ms-date header.
  • x-ms-version header.
  • Base64 encoded block array for the body.

The second web request type is used to commit the blocks as a single blob to Blob storage. This is done by posting an XML request that contains the order and id of blocks that creates the blob. This web request requires the following:

  • The request method must be PUT.
  • Resource URI of the blob.
  • comp header value of blocklist.
  • x-ms-blob-content-type with a value of the content type of the blob.
  • URI parameter of blockid with a value of the unique ID.
  • x-ms-date header.
  • x-ms-version.
  • Base64 encoded XML list for the body.

There are a few items to point out with the code in Listing 10-6:

  • The first section is dedicated to retrieving the file from the file system and parsing the file into blocks. The maximum size for a block is 4 MBs. Blocks do not need to be the same size. The parsing routine stores the block content in a custom Block class. The content is stored as a byte array, and the ID is a string. Each block requires an ID that is scoped for the block and is a Base64, URL-encoded string. Block IDs do not have to be consecutive.
  • The second section creates a web request to upload each created block. For simplicity, this code is run in a serial fashion. In a real implementation, parallel processing should improve the block upload timings. The example code does not check for exceptions or retries. If any block does not upload to Blob storage correctly, the blob cannot be created.
  • The final section creates a simple Xml representation of the BlockList. This list contains the blocks that create the blob. This list is used in the final web request as the body of the request. The final web request PUTs the BlockList into Azure which then commits the appropriate blocks to the blob.

Listing 10-6: Using Blocks to Upload a Large File

private void PutBlockBlob_MultipleBlocks(string blobName, 
                                         string contentType, 
                                         string filePath, 
                                         Dictionary<string, string> metadata)
   List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>();

   //Get file content
   Byte[] fileAsBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath);
   int maxAllowedBlockSize = 4000000;
   int targetBlockSize = maxAllowedBlockSize;
   int currentPos = 0;
   int len = fileAsBytes.Length;
   int currentBlockId = 0;

   //Create partition the byte[] into smaller blocks
   while (targetBlockSize == maxAllowedBlockSize)
     if ((currentPos + targetBlockSize) > len)
        targetBlockSize = len - currentPos;
     byte[] blockContent = new byte[targetBlockSize];
     Array.Copy(fileAsBytes, currentPos, blockContent, 0, targetBlockSize);

     blocks.Add(new Block()
       Id = Convert.ToBase64String(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(currentBlockId++)),
       BlockArray = blockContent
     currentPos += targetBlockSize;
   //Put each block into Blob storage
   blocks.ForEach((blk) =>
     HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("PUT", 
                                            ROOT_URI + 
                                            "/" + blobName.ToLowerInvariant() +
                                            "?comp=block&blockid=" + blk.Id);

    //~DH~DH- Create Headers ~DH~DH~DH~DH
    request.ContentLength = blk.BlockArray.Length;
    string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(

                        "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}", 

    //getting the current block content
    request.GetRequestStream().Write(blk.BlockArray, 0, blk.BlockArray.Length);

    //Process response
    using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
      if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created)
        Console.WriteLine("Block: {0} created", blk.Id);

  //Create the BlockList as XML
  XElement root = new XElement("BlockList");
  blocks.ForEach((blk) =>
      { root.Add(new XElement("Uncommitted", blk.Id)); }

   //Put the block list into Blob stroage
   HttpWebRequest req = GetWebRequest("PUT", 
                                      ROOT_URI + "/" +
                                      blobName.ToLowerInvariant() +

//~DH~DH- Create Headers ~DH~DH~DH~DH
req.Headers.Add("x-ms-blob-content-type", contentType);

// custom metadata x-ms-meta
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> nvp in metadata)
{ req.Headers.Add(nvp.Key, nvp.Value); }

string encryptedHeader2 = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(

                "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}", 

 //getting block list
 byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(root.ToString());
 req.GetRequestStream().Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);

 //Processing resposne
 using (HttpWebResponse response = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
  if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created)
      Console.WriteLine("Blob: {0} created", blobName.ToLowerInvariant()

Retrieving Blobs

There are two ways to retrieve blobs from Blob storage, depending on what you need to do. The first way retrieves an XML list of the details of the blobs included in a container, and the second is to actually stream the blob out from storage, such as downloading the blob to a file system. Blobs are stored as binary files in Blob storage, and the latter approach retrieves this binary file stream.

Listing blobs is similar to listing containers. Web requests created to list blobs must include the following:

  • The request method must be GET.
  • Resource URI of the container.
  • URI parameter comp with a value of list.
  • Authorization header.
  • x-ms-date header.
  • x-ms-version header.

The web request to list blobs can also include a Prefix URL parameter to limit the results, and a parameter to determine what information is included in the results. The included URL parameter accepts values of snapshot, metadata, or uncommittedblobs. Listing 10-7 includes example code to list all blobs in a container. The comp parameter value is passed to the CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader method. Failure to pass the comp value into the custom CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader results in an authentication failure.

Listing 10-7: Listing Blobs in a Container

private void ListBlobs(string containerName, bool includeMetadata)
    //Show all blobs
  HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("GET",
                                         ROOT_URI + "/" +
                                         containerName.ToLowerInvariant() +
                                         "?restype=container&comp=list" +

  //show only blobs that start with instruments
  //HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("GET", 
                                           ROOT_URI + "/" +
                                           containerName.ToLowerInvariant() +
                                           Prefix=instruments" + 
                                           (includeMetadata ? 
                                           "&include=metadata" : ""));

 string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(

                      "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}", 

  using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
      StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
      XElement root = XElement.Parse(rdr.ReadToEnd());

      foreach (XElement c in root.Element("Blobs").Elements("Blob"))
        if (includeMetadata)
          foreach (XElement meta in c.Element("Metadata").Elements())
            Console.WriteLine("	Metadata {0} = {1}", 

A successful listing results in an HTTP status of OK and a stream of XML with the results of the list request. The example code retrieves the XML and displays the blob name and meta data to the console.

Recall that the Blob service is REST enabled and that, in this model, a simple GET request is sufficient to retrieve the resource directly if the resource allows for unauthenticated access. This means, for example, that simply typing the address of a blob into a regular Internet browser will retrieve the blob and render it according to the browser’s rendering rules for the file type. Programmatically, accessing the blob is a little more work. You need to programmatically create a web request using a GET request method and the blob’s resource URI and retrieve the blob as a stream and save to a local file. The section that follows covers this latter scenario—generating a web request programmatically and retrieving a blob to a local file.

Web requests created to retrieve a single blob must include the following:

  • The request method must be GET.
  • Resource URI of the blob.
  • Authorization header.
  • x-ms-date header.
  • x-ms-version header.

Listing 10-8 displays example code that downloads a blob and saves it to the file system. The majority of the code is simply for writing the response stream to the file.

Listing 10-8: Downloading a Blob

private void GetBlob(string containerName, string blobName, string outputPath)
  HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("GET", 
                                         ROOT_URI + "/" +
                                         containerName.ToLowerInvariant() + 
                                         "/" + 
  string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(
                                 containerName.ToLowerInvariant() + "/" +

                      "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}", 

  //Process response
    using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
      if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
        using (Stream strm = response.GetResponseStream())
          using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(outputPath))
            byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
            int len;
            while ((len = strm.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
            { file.Write(buffer, 0, len); }
       Console.Write("Blob: {0} downloaded to: {1}", 
                     containerName.ToLowerInvariant() + "/" +
                     blobName.ToLowerInvariant(), outputPath);
  catch (WebException webEx)
    Console.WriteLine("Error retrieving {0}. {1}", 
                      containerName.ToLowerInvariant() + "/" +
                       blobName.ToLowerInvariant(), webEx.Message);

Copying Blobs

Blobs can be copied in a Storage account without the need to download the binary to a file system and upload the binary again. Copying a blob from one container to another also copies the binary and the meta data.

Web requests created to copy a blob must include the following:

  • The request method must be PUT.
  • Resource URI of the blob copy to location.
  • Authorization header.
  • Content Length value.
  • x-ms-copy-source header.
  • x-ms-date header.
  • x-ms-version header.

Listing 10-9 shows example code used to copy a blob. The CopyBlob parameters define the location of the copy. The x-ms-copy-source header is the location of the blob to be copied. This value must include the Storage account name in the resource URI or the request will fail. In the example code provided, the x-ms-copy-source value is passed in as custom meta data and is appended as a web request header. The copy request can also add meta data during the copy. A successful copy results in an HTTP status of Created.

Listing 10-9: Copying a Blob

private void CopyBlob(string containerName, 
                      string blobName, 
                      Dictionary<string, string> metadata)
  HttpWebRequest request =GetWebRequest("PUT", 
                                        ROOT_URI + "/" +
                                        containerName.ToLowerInvariant() + "/" +
  //~DH~DH~DH Create Headers ~DH~DH~DH~DH-
  request.ContentLength = 0;

  // custom metadata x-ms-meta
  foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> nvp in metadata)
  { request.Headers.Add(nvp.Key, nvp.Value); }

   //Format of passed in copy-source metadata
   //"x-ms-copy-source", "/<STORAGE_ACCOUNT>/<container>/<Blob path>");
   string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(
                                  containerName.ToLowerInvariant() + "/" +

                         "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}", 

  //Process response
    using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
      if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created)
      { Console.WriteLine("Blob has been copied"); }
  catch (WebException webEx)
  { Console.WriteLine("Error copying Blob. {0}", webEx.Message); }

Deleting Blobs

Deleting a blob is similar to deleting a container. You use the DELETE request method with the URI of the blob. Like containers, blobs are initially marked for deletion. This is a logical delete. The container is not truly deleted until a garbage collection sweep occurs. During the time of the logical deletion and the sweep, you may receive an error if you attempt to create another blob using the same container name. Any snapshots created from the blob must be deleted before the blob can be deleted.

Web requests created to delete containers must include the following:

  • The request method must be DELETE.
  • Resource URI of the blob.
  • Authorization header.
  • x-ms-date header.
  • x-ms-version header.

The result of a successful delete is an HTTP status of Accepted. Listing 10-10 includes example code to delete a container.

Listing 10-10: Deleting a Blob

private void DeleteBlob(string containerName, string blobName)
  HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("DELETE", 
                                         ROOT_URI + "/" +
                                         containerName.ToLowerInvariant() + "/" +
  string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(
                                 containerName.ToLowerInvariant() + "/" +

                      "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}", 

            //Process response
    using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
      if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Accepted)
         Console.WriteLine("{0} has been deleted", 
                           containerName.ToLowerInvariant() + "/" +
   catch (WebException webEx)
    Console.WriteLine("Error deleting {0}. {1}", 
                      containerName.ToLowerInvariant() + "/" + 
                      blobName.ToLowerInvariant(), webEx.Message);

Managing Permissions

It was mentioned previously in this chapter that security is associated with a container and not a blob. There is no blob-level security in Azure. Access policies are associated with the container, and to set different access policies on different blobs require different containers. The default access setting for a container is Owner. Owner is defined as anyone with access to the Storage account’s access keys.

Two methods allow you to set anonymous access to containers and the contained blobs. Anonymous access is anyone without access to the Storage account’s access keys. The first and simplest method is to modify the container’s x-ms-blob-public-access header value. The second method is more challenging and too lengthy to cover in a single chapter. That method of access control is using Container Policies and Shared Access Signatures, which can provide more granular access control to users. It still applies only to containers and not to individual blobs. For more information on container policies and Shared Access Signatures, review the topics in the Azure SDK located at

Setting and managing the x-ms-blob-public-access header value allows the Owner to define one of three options:

  • No public read access
  • Public read access for blobs
  • Full public read access

No public read access is the default Owner setting. Any request to access the container or contained blobs require a correctly signed Authorization header value. The signed Authorization header value is what determines who can be considered as the Owner. Public read access for blobs allows anonymous users to access blobs, blob properties, blob meta data, and block lists and page regions (used in Page blobs). With public read access for blobs set as the access policy on a container, users must know the correct URL to access the resource. Finally, full public read access allows anonymous users to access the same items as public read access for blobs and includes the access to list blobs in containers and view container properties and meta data. At no time can an anonymous user create a list of containers located in a Storage account.

To manage public access for a container, a web request must have the following:

  • The request method must be PUT.
  • Resource URI of the container.
  • restype URI parameter set to container.
  • comp URI parameter set to acl.
  • Authorization header.
  • ContentLength value.
  • x-ms-date header.
  • x-ms-version header.
  • x-ms-blob-public-access header.

The x-ms-blob-public-access header value can be set to container for full public read access, or blob for public read access for blobs. To set remove public access to the container, you must exclude the x-ms-blob-public-access header in the web request. Listing 10-11 contains example code that sets the x-ms-blob-public-access header based on the parameter aclChoice, which is a custom enumeration used for the example.

Listing 10-11: Setting Public Access on a Container

private void SetContainerACLs(string containerName, containerACLs aclChoice)
  HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("PUT", 
                                          ROOT_URI + "/" +
                                         containerName.ToLowerInvariant() +
  //~DH~DH~DH~DH~DH Create Headers ~DH~DH~DH~DH~DH~DH~DH-
  request.ContentLength = 0;
  if(aclChoice == containerACLs.PublicContainer)
    request.Headers.Add("x-ms-blob-public-access", "container");
  else if(aclChoice == containerACLs.PublicBlob)
    request.Headers.Add("x-ms-blob-public-access", "blob");
  //no check necessary for owner. 
  //By default not setting the x-ms-blob-public-access 
  //header results in owner access.
  string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader
                     "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}",

  Console.WriteLine("Set ACLs for {0}", containerName.ToUpperInvariant());
  using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
      Console.WriteLine("	Container ACLs set to {0}", aclChoice.ToString());

With the container’s public access set to either container or blob access, anyomous users can access blobs by entering a URL into a browser. For example if the school Storage account has a blob located at URI, the user can copy this URL into Internet Explorer and view the video. If the container’s access is set to container, an anonymous user could list the blobs in the container using a browser. For example if the container with a URI of has the container access set to container, the user may use the URL to list blobs in the container.

Retrieving the container’s access policy is a simple web request. To manage public access for a container, a web request must have the following:

  • The request method must be GET or HEAD.
  • Resource URI of the container.
  • restype URI parameter set to container.
  • comp URI parameter set to acl.
  • Authorization header.
  • x-ms-date header.
  • x-ms-version header.

The result of a successful request is an HTTP status code of OK. The response is the x-ms-blob-public-access value for the container. Listing 10-12 contains example code to retrieve the public access settings for a container.

Listing 10-12: Retrieving the ACLs for a Container

private void GetContainerACLs(string containerName)
  HttpWebRequest request = GetWebRequest("GET", 
                                         ROOT_URI + "/" +
                                         containerName.ToLowerInvariant() +  

  string encryptedHeader = CreateSharedKeyLiteAuthorizationHeader(

                      "SharedKeyLite {0}:{1}", 

  Console.WriteLine("ACLs for {0}",containerName.ToLowerInvariant());
  using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
      string accessHeader = response.Headers["x-ms-blob-public-access"];
             if (accessHeader == null)
        Console.WriteLine("Access is private to account holder");

        using (Stream strm = response.GetResponseStream())
          StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
          string results = rdr.ReadToEnd();


Azure Storage provides applications with a cloud-based storage solution. Developers can select from one of many storage options depending on application requirements. Blob storage provides the features and functionality to store and manage large unstructured files in the cloud using a REST API. The nature of the REST API allows access to Blob storage from any language or platform that can create a web request; you are not limited to only .NET languages. Using the REST APIs you can easily create, manage and secure large binary objects and make them available to users and applications with access to the web.

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