© Armstrong Subero 2018

Armstrong Subero, Programming PIC Microcontrollers with XC8, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3273-6_13

13. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Armstrong Subero

(1)Moruga, Trinidad and Tobago

Low-Cost Wireless Connectivity

In this chapter, we look at the basics of Bluetooth with the low-cost HC05 Bluetooth module. The chapter also discusses using Wi-Fi and the device that took the embedded market by storm, the ESP8266.

Integrating Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is a type of protocol used for wireless networking. Wi-Fi allows a device to communicate over TCP/IP wirelessly. The most important parts of the Wi-Fi network are the Wireless Access Point (AP) , which is the epicenter of the communications, and a station, which is a device that has the ability to connect to an access point. In your home or office, this access point usually allows you to connect to the Internet.

Each device on your Wi-Fi network is assigned a MAC address, which is a unique 48-bit value that allows a particular node on a network to distinguish itself from another node.

One of the benefits of Wi-Fi is that it allows you to set up a network more cheaply and easily than when using a wired network. In the embedded systems context, it is easier to integrate Wi-Fi into your systems versus Ethernet since the Wi-Fi module we will examine is readily available. Writing your own TCP/IP tasks takes a lot of work.

In this section, we examine one of the simplest ways to integrate networking into your embedded systems.

Using the ESP8266

The ESP8266 is a little device that can be used for Wi-Fi communication. This little part is very inexpensive and is ridiculously inexpensive on the Chinese market. The ESP8266 can act as an access point or as a station within a Wi-Fi network. The ESP8266 was revolutionary in that it allowed embedded designers and makers to add wireless connectivity to their devices at a very low cost, with nothing else in that price range existing at the time it appeared.

Testing the ESP8266

The ESP8266 has a built-in processor that allows you to communicate with it via AT commands. Let’s look at some of these commands, which can be used to control the ESP8266.

Table 13-1 lists some commands that you can use to test your ESP8266.

Table 13-1 Some ESP8266 AT Commands




Tests if the AT system works OK.


Resets the module.


Prints the version of the firmware installed on the ESP8266.


Wi-Fi mode of the ESP8266.


Connects to SSID with the password specified.


Lists all available access points.

Project: Wi-Fi Data Logger

In this project, we use the PIC16F1717 to send wireless data over Wi-Fi, which can be viewed in any web browser. We will set up the ESP8266 in server mode for a single connection. The PIC16F1717 does not have the RAM, ROM, or processing power to build a full web page. Since it only uses a baud rate of 9600 to communicate with the ESP8266, it would take too long to send a full web page and perform all the necessary checks to ensure that the ESP8266 is receiving commands. A web page would also use a good portion of the onboard storage of the microcontroller.

To compensate for this limitation, we will send the minimum commands necessary to set up the ESP8266 as a web server. We will also use the watchdog timer. The WDT will be used initially at a timeout of 4 seconds to ensure that the server starts up properly. Parsing all the required strings sent by the ESP8266 would add extra overhead. After the server is set up, the watchdog timer will be set to have a higher timeout of 128 seconds, up from the original 4 seconds.

The output of the ESP8266 can be viewed in any web browser once you get the IP address via your router. In your web address bar, type the IP of the device followed by :80/ and wait for it to load.

The schematics are shown in Figure 13-1.

Figure 13-1 Wi-Fi logger schematics

Take a look at the code in Listing 13-1.

Listing 13-1 Wi-Fi Logger Source
* File: Main.c
* Author: Armstrong Subero
* PIC: 16F1717 w/Int OSC @ 16MHz, 5v
* Program: P03_IoT_WiFi
* Compiler: XC8 (v1.41, MPLAX X v3.55)
* Program Version: 1.0
* Program Description: This Program gives a reading in Celsius based on the
* output of a LM34 temperature sensor which is then sent
* via WiFi using the ESP8266 ESP-12-F the output of which
* can be read in a web browser. The program uses the
* watchdog timer initially with a timeout of 4s then
* once the server is operational has a timeout of 128s
* after which the server will reboot.
* Hardware Description: A LM34 is connected to PIN E0 and a SSD1306 OLED is
* connected to the I2C bus. The ESP8266 is connected as
* follows:
* TX-> RB3
* RD-> RB2
* GPI015-> GND
* GPI02-> VCC
* EN-> VCC
* VC-> VCC
* External interrupt is connected to PINB0
* Created March 31st, 2017, 10:57 AM

*Includes and defines

#include "16F1717_Internal.h"
#include "I2C.h"
#include "oled.h"
#include "EUSART.h"
#include <string.h>

// Buffer for UART transactions
char buf[50];

// Function prototypes
float Read_Temperature();
void server_Initialize();

* Function: void initMain()
* Returns: Nothing
* Description: Contains initializations for main
* Usage: initMain()

void initMain(){
// Run at 16 MHz

// Set up All Serial

// Set up pins for I2C
ANSELCbits.ANSC4 = 0;
ANSELCbits.ANSC5 = 0;

TRISCbits.TRISC4 = 1;
TRISCbits.TRISC5 = 1;

PPSLOCK = 0x55;
PPSLOCKbits.PPSLOCKED = 0x00; // unlock PPS

RC4PPSbits.RC4PPS =0x0011; //RC4->MSSP:SDA;
RC5PPSbits.RC5PPS =0x0010; //RC5->MSSP:SCL;

// Set up pins for EUSART
RB2PPSbits.RB2PPS = 0x14; //RB2->EUSART:TX;

PPSLOCK = 0x55;
PPSLOCKbits.PPSLOCKED = 0x01; // lock PPS

// Configure ADC

// Fosc/32 ADC conversion time is 2.0 us
ADCON1bits.ADCS = 0b010;

// Right justified
ADCON1bits.ADFM = 1;

// Vref- is Vss
ADCON1bits.ADNREF = 0;

// Vref+ is Vdd
ADCON1bits.ADPREF = 0b00;

// Set input channel to AN0
ADCON0bits.CHS = 0x05;


// Set E0 as ADC input channel5
ANSELEbits.ANSE0 = 1;

// Set up EUSART Pins

// Set up PINS
TRISBbits.TRISB3 = 1;
ANSELBbits.ANSB3 = 0;

TRISBbits.TRISB2 = 0;
ANSELBbits.ANSB2 = 0;

// Configure watchdog timer

// Set watchdog timeout for 4 seconds
WDTCONbits.WDTPS = 0b01100;

TRISDbits.TRISD1 = 1;
ANSELDbits.ANSD1 = 1;

// Set PIN B0 as input
TRISBbits.TRISB0 = 1;

// Configure ANSELB0
ANSELBbits.ANSB0 = 0;

/// Configure Interrupts

// unlock PPS
PPSLOCK = 0x55;
PPSLOCK = 0x00;

// Set Interrupt pin to pin B0
INTPPSbits.INTPPS = 0b01000;

// lock   PPS
PPSLOCK = 0x55;
PPSLOCK = 0x01;

// Trigger on falling edge

// Clear external interrupt flag
INTCONbits.INTF = 0;

//  Enable external interrupt
INTCONbits.INTE = 1;

// Enable global interrupt


* Function: Main
* Returns: Nothing
* Description: Program entry point

void main(void) {

// Initialize I2C

// Initialize OLED

// clear OLED



// Initialize EUSART

// Indicate start of server
OLED_YX(0, 0);
OLED_Write_String("START SERVER");


// Initialize the sever

// temperature variable
float temp;


// Clear OLED

// Read and Display temperature
temp = Read_Temperature();

OLED_YX(0, 0);
OLED_YX(1, 0);

// Convert temperature to string
char* buff11;
int status;

buff11 = itoa(&status, temp, 10);
strcat(buff11, " ");

// Wait for connection request
EUSART_Read_Text(buf, 20);

// Display some of the received data
OLED_YX(1, 0);

// Send the temperature as 2 bytes of data
OLED_YX(0, 0);
OLED_Write_String("Sending Data");
EUSART_Write_Text("AT+CIPSEND=0,2 ");


EUSART_Read_Text(buf, 10);
OLED_YX(1, 0);

// Close connection

EUSART_Write_Text("AT+CIPCLOSE=0 ");

EUSART_Read_Text(buf, 10);
OLED_YX(1, 0);

// Reset EUSART
RC1STAbits.SPEN = 0;
RC1STAbits.SPEN = 1;

// one this is complete clear watchdog


* Function: void interrupt isr(void)
* Returns: Nothing
* Description: Interrupt triggered on pushbutton press

void interrupt isr(void){
// Clear interrupt flag
INTCONbits.INTF = 0;

// Set watchdog timeout for 4 seconds
WDTCONbits.WDTPS = 0b01100;

// Re-initialize server

* Function: void server_Initialize(void)
* Returns: Nothing
* Description: Sets up ESP8266 as single connection server on port 80
float Read_Temperature()
float conversion10;
float farenheit;
float celsius;
float result;

// Turn ADC on
ADCON0bits.ADON = 1;

// Sample CH0
ADCON0bits.GO = 1;
while (ADCON0bits.GO_nDONE);

// Store ADC result
result = ((ADRESH<<8)+ADRESL);

// 10 bit conversion
conversion10 = (result * 5000)/1024 ;

// to Fahrenheit
farenheit = conversion10 / 10;

// to Celsius
celsius = (farenheit - 32) * 5/9;

return celsius;

* Function: void server_Initialize(void)
* Returns: Nothing
* Description: Sets up ESP8266 as single connection server on port 80

void server_Initialize()

// Send AT Command
OLED_YX(0, 0);
OLED_Write_String("Sending AT");
EUSART_Write_Text("AT ");
EUSART_Read_Text(buf, 11);

OLED_YX(1, 0);

// Enable Single Connection

OLED_YX(0, 0);
OLED_Write_String("Sending CIPMUX");
EUSART_Write_Text("AT+CIPMUX=0 ");
EUSART_Read_Text(buf, 15);

OLED_YX(1, 0);


// Configure as server on port 80
OLED_YX(0, 0);
OLED_Write_String("Sending CIPSERVER");
EUSART_Write_Text("AT+CIPSERVER=1,80 ");

EUSART_Read_Text(buf, 15);

OLED_YX(1, 0);



// Set watchdog timeout for 128 seconds
WDTCONbits.WDTPS = 0b10001;

The output to the web browser is shown in Figure 13-2.

Figure 13-2 Output to the web browser

Integrating Bluetooth

Bluetooth is another wireless protocol we will examine. Bluetooth can replace wired communication between electronic devices with the attributes of low-power consumption and low cost. These traits make it lucrative for the embedded systems designer, since they go hand in hand with general embedded development.

A few years ago, it would have been very expensive to add Bluetooth connectivity to your system, because the modules available to the average developer were relatively expensive. Thanks to its popularity, the cost of adding Bluetooth connectivity to a project has rapidly declined.

The primary reason for this is due to the creation of low-cost Bluetooth modules by companies and manufacturers in the Chinese market. One such low-cost module is the HC05 Bluetooth module, shown in Figure 13-3.

Figure 13-3 HC05 Bluetooth module

Using the HC05 Bluetooth Module

Using the HC05 is very simple. You simply connect the RX and TX pins of the module to the microcontroller through a logic-level converter. The Vcc and GND pins of the HC05 are connected to 5v and GND, respectively.

AT Mode

It is possible to place the HC05 in AT mode by pressing the small button on the module while it is powering on. Older versions of the modules enter the AT mode in a different way; therefore, I recommend you check the method that works for your particular module. Note that the baud rate for AT mode is 38400. Table 13-2 shows some AT commands for your module.

Table 13-2 Some HC05 AT Commands




Checks to ensure module is working.


Gets version.


Restores to original state.


Sets device name.


Gets UART configuration.


Sets password.

Communicating via Bluetooth

The code for receiving commands for the HC05 is very simple. We will use this code to toggle an LED. When the ONPR command is sent to the module, the microcontroller turns the LED on. When OFFPR is sent to the module, the microcontroller turns the LED off. We will use the C needle in a haystack command, called strstr, to search the received command for ON or OFF.

The commands can be sent from a PC or a mobile device. On a PC or Android, when pairing the device, enter the default passcode 1234. On a PC, the device shows up as a COM port. I recommend the Termite program by CompuPhase to communicate via Bluetooth. On Android, there are a lot of Bluetooth terminals; however, I recommend an app named Bluetooth Terminal HC05, which works quite well and has preset buttons to make things simple. This module does not work with iOS.

Listing 13-2 provides the code.

Listing 13-2 Bluetooth Control Source
* File: Main.c
* Author: Armstrong Subero
* PIC: 16F1717 w/Int OSC @ 16MHz, 5v
* Program: I19_Bluetooth_HC05
* Compiler: XC8 (v1.41, MPLAX X v3.61)
* Program Version: 1.0
* Program Description: This Program Allows PIC16F1717 to communicate via
* Hardware Description: A HC-06 is connected to the PIC16F1717 as follows:
* RX->RB3
* TX->RB2
* Created May 15th, 2017, 5:00 PM

*Includes and defines

#include "16F1717_Internal.h"
#include "EUSART.h"
#include <string.h>

#define LED LATDbits.LATD1

* Function: void initMain()
* Returns: Nothing
* Description: Contains initializations for main
* Usage: initMain()

void initMain(){
// Run at 16 MHz

// Set PIN D1 as output
TRISDbits.TRISD1 = 0;

// Turn off LED
LATDbits.LATD1 = 0;

// Set up PORTD
TRISD = 0;

// Set up pins for EUSART
TRISBbits.TRISB2 = 0;
ANSELBbits.ANSB2 = 0;

TRISBbits.TRISB3 = 1;
ANSELBbits.ANSB3 = 0;

// Set up EUSART
PPSLOCK = 0x55;
PPSLOCKbits.PPSLOCKED = 0x00; // unlock PPS

RB2PPSbits.RB2PPS = 0x14; //RB2->EUSART:TX;

PPSLOCK = 0x55;
PPSLOCKbits.PPSLOCKED = 0x01; // lock PPS


* Function: Main
* Returns: Nothing
* Description: Program entry point

void main(void) {

// Initialize EUSART module with 9600 baud

char buf[20];
char* ON;
char* OFF;


// Send start so we'll know it's working

// Read UART messages
EUSART_Read_Text(buf, 4);

// Test received string
ON =  strstr(buf, "ON");
OFF = strstr(buf, "OFF");

// If ON string, turn LED on
if (ON)
EUSART_Write_Text("LED ON");
LED = 1;

// If OFF string, turn LED off
else if(OFF)
EUSART_Write_Text("LED OFF");
LED = 0;




This chapter looked at using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi and using the PIC® microcontroller with the ESP8266. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are arguably two of the most important wireless protocols available today. The information presented in this chapter was just enough so that you will be able to add these protocols to your own systems.

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