Prototype Quick Reference

Scott Raymond

Sergio Pereira

This document covers Prototype 1.4. There will be a free upgrade to the Prototype 1.5 version of this document.

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Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Sebastopol • Tokyo

November 29, 2006


This short cut provides a complete quick reference to the Prototype JavaScript framework. Prototype is an open-source library that is particularly useful to developers of dynamic Ajax applications, and to other web developers who need to work with DOM elements.

If you’re a web developer building sophisticated, user-friendly applications, you should be using Prototype. This reference gives you everything you need to use Prototype to its fullest.

Introducing Prototype

The Prototype JavaScript framework by Sam Stephenson is designed to ease development of dynamic web applications. It extends core JavaScript classes and adds new ones to provide powerful features, especially for working with Ajax and manipulating DOM elements. In many ways, it also bridges part of the gap between the JavaScript and Ruby languages—particularly by borrowing ideas from Ruby’s Enumerable module.

Prototype can be downloaded from its web site,

This chapter organizes Prototype’s functionality into three major sections: Ajax Support (wrappers for the XMLHttpRequest object enabling easy two-way communication with remote servers), DOM Manipulation Support (a slew of methods for interacting with page elements), and Core Extensions (convenient tools for working with JavaScript data structures, through new classes and extensions of core classes).

All of the code examples in this chapter are JavaScript. But because so much of Prototype is designed to work with HTML and DOM objects, many examples also include some HTML markup at the beginning, formatted as a JavaScript comment:

// <p>Example Paragraph</p>

JavaScript comments are also used to denote the return value of methods. For example:

// => 'result'

Another example:

// <p id="one">One</p>
// => 'One'

Here the first line indicates a snippet of HTML that will be used in the example, the second line demonstrates a Prototype method, and the third line indicates the value that the method returns.

And now, on with the show.

Ajax Support

Base Objects

The Ajax object serves as the root and namespace for Prototype’s classes that provide Ajax functionality.


The number of Ajax requests in progress.


Returns a new XMLHttpRequest object

Ajax.Base is used as the base class for most of the other classes defined in the Ajax object.


Sets the desired options for the Ajax operation. See "Ajax.Request options,” later.


true if the Ajax operation succeeded, and false otherwise.


false if the Ajax operation succeeded, and true otherwise.

Ajax Requests

The Ajax.Request class (which inherits from Ajax.Base) encapsulates Ajax operations.

initialize(url, options)

Creates one instance of this object that will create an XMLHttpRequest object for the given url, using the given options (which may include callbacks to handle the response; see Ajax.Request Options). The onCreate event will be raised during the constructor call. Generally, only URLs from the same domain as the current page are allowed to be retrieved.


Called by the constructor; not typically called externally.


Evaluates the content of an eventual X-JSON HTTP header present in the Ajax response. Not typically called externally.


Evaluates the response body as JavaScript. Called internally if the response has a Content-type header of text/javascript. Not typically called externally.


Retrieves the contents of the HTTP header named name from the response (only available after the Ajax call is completed).


Called internally when the readyState changes. See the table "XMLHttpRequest readyState properties,” later, for a list of readyState properties. Not typically called externally.


Called by the object when the readyState changes See the table "XMLHttpRequest readyState properties,” later, for a list of readyState properties. Not typically called externally.


Assembles the HTTP header that will be sent during the HTTP request. Not typically called externally.


An array of possible events/statuses reported during an Ajax operation. The list contains: Uninitialized, Loading, Loaded, Interactive, and Complete.


The XMLHttpRequest object that carries the Ajax operation.


The URL targeted by the request.

Ajax.Request options

The options argument is an anonymous JavaScript object in literal notation. Any object can be passed as long as it has the expected properties, but it’s common to create anonymous objects just for the Ajax calls.




A string with the HTTP method for the request. Defaults to post.


A string with the URL-formatted list of values passed to the request. Defaults to empty.


A boolean indicating whether the Ajax call will be made asynchronously. Defaults to true.


A string with the content passed to in the request’s body in case of a HTTP POST. Defaults to undefined.


An array of HTTP headers to be passed with the request. This list must have an even number of items; any odd item is the name of a custom header, and the following even item is the string value of that header. Defaults to undefined. Example: ['my-header1', 'this is the value', 'my-other-header', 'another value']


Callback function to be called when the request’s readyState reaches 1 (see the table "XMLHttpRequest readyState properties,” later). The function will receive two arguments: the XMLHttpRequest request object, and the evaluated X-JSON response HTTP header.


Callback function to be called when the request’s readyState reaches 2 (see the table "XMLHttpRequest readyState properties,” later). The function will receive two arguments: the XMLHttpRequest request object, and the evaluated X-JSON response HTTP header.


Callback function to be called when the request’s readyState reaches 3 (see the table "XMLHttpRequest readyState properties,” later). The function will receive two arguments: the XMLHttpRequest request object, and the evaluated X-JSON response HTTP header.


Callback function to be called when the request’s readyState reaches 4 (see the table "XMLHttpRequest readyState properties,” later). The function will receive two arguments: the XMLHttpRequest request object, and the evaluated X-JSON response HTTP header.


Callback function to be called when the request’s readyState reaches 4 and the HTTP response status is in the 200 range. The function will receive two arguments: the XMLHttpRequest request object, and the evaluated X-JSON response HTTP header.


Callback function to be called when the request’s readyState reaches 4 and the HTTP response status is not in the 200 range. The function will receive two arguments: the XMLHttpRequest request object, and the evaluated X-JSON response HTTP header.

on404, etc?



Callback function to be called when an exceptional condition happens on the client side of the Ajax call, like an invalid response or invalid arguments. The function will receive two arguments: the Ajax.Request request object and the exception object.


Create an Ajax request for a remote file, with options to specify the HTTP request method, and a callback to handle the response:

new Ajax.Request('/data.html', {
  method: 'get',
  onComplete: showResponse

// alert the returned value
function showResponse(request) {

The callback could also be defined inline. For example, this is equivalent to the previous example:

new Ajax.Request(' /data.xml', {
  method: 'get',
  onComplete: function(request){ alert(request.responseText); }

Table 1. XMLHttpRequest readyState properties



Prototype callback


Request object has not yet been created.


0 (Uninitialized)

Request object’s open() method has not yet been called.


1 (Loading)

Request object’s send() method has not yet been called.


2 (Loaded)

The request has been initiated.


3 (Interactive)

The response is being received.



The response is ready and its status is in the 200 range.



The response is ready and its status is not in the 200 range.


4 (Complete)

The response is ready.


Ajax Updaters

The Ajax.Updater class (which inherits from Ajax.Request) is used when the requested URL returns content that you want to inject directly in a specific element of your page.

initialize(container, url, options)

Creates an Ajax.Updater instance that will call url using the given options. The container argument can be the id of an element, the element object itself, or an object with either or both of two properties: success, which is an element or id that will be updated when the Ajax call succeeds, and failure, which is the element (or id) that will be updated otherwise. The options argument provides the same options as Ajax.Request (see "Ajax.Request options,” earlier) and some options particular to updaters (see "Ajax.Updater options,” later).


Called internally when the response is received. It will update the appropriate element with the HTML or call the function passed in the insertion option. The function will be called with two arguments: the element to be updated and the response text. Not typically called externally.


Contains two properties: success, which is the element to be updated when the request succeeds, and failure, which is the element to be updated otherwise.

Ajax.Updater options

In addition to the options described in the section "Ajax.Request options,” Ajax.Updater classes can also take these options:


An Insertion class that will determine how the new content will be inserted. It can be Insertion.Before, Insertion.Top, Insertion.Bottom, or Insertion.After. Defaults to undefined.


A boolean that determines whether <script> blocks will be evaluated when the response arrives, instead of inserted into the page. Defaults to undefined (false).


Replace the contents of a DIV with the contents of a remote file:

// <div id="target">(To be replaced)</div>

new Ajax.Updater('target', '/data.html', {method: 'get'});

This next example is the same as above, but it updates the element only if the request was successful, and alerts the user if not:

// <div id="target"></div>

new Ajax.Updater({success: 'target'}, '/data.html', {
  method: 'get',
  onFailure: function(request) { alert('Sorry. There was an error.') }

Periodical Ajax Updaters

The Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater class repeatedly instantiates and uses an Ajax.Updater object to refresh an element on the page, or to perform any of the other tasks the Ajax.Updater can perform.

initialize(container, url, options)

Creates an instance that will update container with the result of a request to url. container can be the id of an element, the element object itself, or an object with one or both of two properties: success, which is an element (or id) that will be updated when the request succeeds, and failure, which is an element (or id) that will be updated otherwise. The available properties of the options argument are detailed in the section "Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater options.”


Start performing the periodical tasks. Not typically called externally.


Stop performing the periodical tasks. After stopping, the object will call the callback given in the onComplete option (if any).


Schedules the next refresh; called by the currently used Ajax.Updater after it completes the request. Not typically called externally.


Called internally when it is time for the next update. Not typically called externally.


An object that will be passed straight to the Ajax.Updater’s constructor.


A string that will be passed straight to the Ajax.Updater’s constructor.


Interval (not frequency) between refreshes, in seconds. Defaults to 2 seconds. This number will be multiplied by the current decay when invoking the Ajax.Updater object


A number that keeps the current decay level applied when re-executing the task.


The most recently used Ajax.Updater object.


The JavaScript timer being used to notify the object when it is time for the next refresh.

Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater options

In addition to the options described in the sections "Ajex.Request options" and "Ajax.Updater options,” Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater can also take these options:


A number determining the progressive slowdown in an Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater object refresh rate when the received response is the same as the last one. For example, if you use 2, after one of the refreshes produces the same result as the previous one, the object will wait twice as much time for the next refresh. If it repeats again, the object will wait four times as much, and so on. Leave it undefined or use 1 to avoid the slowdown.


Interval (not frequency) between refreshes, in seconds. Applies only to Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater objects. Defaults to 2.

Global Ajax Responders

The Ajax.Responders object maintains a list of callbacks that will be called when Ajax-related events occur, regardless of what object created them; for example, creating a global exception handler for Ajax operations. If you have code that should always be executed for a particular event, regardless of which Ajax call caused it to happen, then you can use the Ajax.Responders object.


The object passed in the responderToAdd argument should contain methods named like the Ajax events (e.g., onCreate, onComplete, onException). When the corresponding event occurs, all the registered objects that contain a method with the appropriate name will have that method called.


The object passed in the responderToRemove argument will be removed from the list of registered objects.

dispatch(callback, request, transport, json)

Runs through the list of registered objects looking for the ones that have the method determined in callback. Then each of these methods is called passing request, transport, and json. If the Ajax response contains an X-JSON HTTP header with some JSON content, then it will be evaluated and passed in the json argument. If the event is onException, the transport argument will have the exception instead and json will not be passed.


An array of objects registered for Ajax events notifications.

In addition to the methods listed here, Ajax.Responders is also extended by the Enumerable methods.


Suppose you want to show some visual indication that an Ajax call is in progress, like a spinning icon. You can use two global event handlers to help you, one to show the icon when the first call starts and another one to hide the icon when the last one finishes:

// <img src="spinner.gif" id="spinner" style="display: none">

  onCreate: function(){
  onComplete: function() {
    if(Ajax.activeRequestCount == 0)

Character Encoding

If you encounter odd characters—like question marks and squares where letters should be—the problem is character encoding. The solution is simple: serve what the browser is expecting you to serve. To update a page with text that contains Unicode characters, you have to tell the browser what format it is.

For example, suppose you have the following file named static.html on your server, saved in ASCII format:

       Hi there, José. Yo no hablo español.

Your main page then updates itself with Ajax.Updater:

<div id='target'>(To be replaced)</div>
<p><a href="#" onclick="
  new Ajax.Updater('target', '/static.html',
    {method: 'get'}); return false;"
>Update text</a></p>

When you click the link, the static file is retrieved, but the non-English characters are replaced by question marks or other symbols, like “Hi there, Jos?. Yo no hablo espa?ol.” In this case, the solution is straightforward: simply save the static file in an appropriate format, like UTF-8. Save it with the correct encoding and run the script again and you should see the correct text.

If the content you’re serving is dynamically generated by some application framework (like Rails), make sure the application generating the HTML uses the appropriate encoding and includes an HTTP response header to inform the browser of the encoding, such as:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

DOM Manipulation Support


The dollar function ($()) is a specialized wrapper to the standard document.getElementById() DOM method. Like that method, $() returns the element with the given id.

Unlike the DOM method, you can pass more than one argument and $() will return an array with all the requested elements. And if an argument is anything other than a string, it will be passed through directly. As a result, you can safely call $() on a value multiple times. Whether the argument is a string or already a DOM element, the output will be the same. For example:

// <p id="one">One</p>
// <p id="two">Two</p>

// => '[object HTMLParagraphElement]'

// => [object P],[object P]

// => [object HTMLParagraphElement]



document.getElementsByClassName(className [, parentElement])

Returns all the elements that are associated with the CSS class className. If no parentElement is given, the entire document body will be searched.

Element Methods

Provides methods for manipulating elements in the DOM.


Hides element by setting its style.display to 'none'.


Shows element by resetting its style.display to ''.


Toggles the visibility of element.


Returns a boolean value indicating if the element is visible.


Removes element from the document.

update(element, html)

Replaces the inner html of element with the html. If the html contains <script> blocks they will not be included, but they will be evaluated.


Returns an Element.ClassNames object representing the CSS class names associated with element.

hasClassName(element, className)

Returns true if element has className as one of its class names.

addClassName(element, className)

Adds className to the list of CSS class names associated with element.

removeClassName(element, className)

Removes className from the list of CSS class names associated with element.

getStyle(element, cssProperty)

Returns the value of the CSS property cssProperty (in either 'prop-name' or 'propName' format) in the element or null if not present.

setStyle(element, cssPropertyHash)

Sets the value of the CSS properties in element, according to the values in the cssPropertyHash hash.


Returns the dimensions of element. The returned value is an object with two properties: height and width.


Returns the offsetHeight of element.


Changes element’s style.position to relative.


Clears the element’s style.position to ''.


Scrolls the window to element’s position.


Removes any white space text node children of element.


Returns a boolean value indicating whether element’s tag is empty (or has only whitespaces).

Class Element.ClassNames

Inherits from Enumerable. Represents the collection of CSS class names associated with an element.


Creates an Element.ClassNames object representing the CSS class names of element.


Includes className in the list of class names associated with the element.


Removes className from the list of CSS class names associated with the element.


Associates the element with className, removing any other class names from the element.

In addition to the methods listed here, Element.ClassNames is also extended by the Enumerable methods.


The Form object provides some utility functions for working with data entry forms and their input fields. Note that_Form.*_is mixed into $() and $$() calls.


Returns a URL-formatted list of field names and their values, for example: 'field1=value1&field2=value2&field3=value3'.


Returns the first enabled field element in form.


Returns an array containing all the input fields in form.

getInputs(form [, typeName[, name]])

Returns an array containing all the <input> elements in form. Optionally, the list can be filtered by the typeName or name attributes of the elements.


Disables all the input fields in the form.


Enables all the input fields in the form.


Activates the first visible, enabled input field in the form.


Resets the form. The same as calling the reset() method of the form object.

Form Elements

The Form.Element object (aliased as Field) provides some utility functions for working with form inputs. Note that Form.Element.*_is mixed into $() and $$() calls.

$F(element) returns the value of any field input control, like a text box or a drop-down list. element can be either the id string or the element object itself:

// <input type="text" id="userName" value="Joe Doe">
// <select id="state">
//   <option value="NY">New York</option>
//   <option value="CA" selected="selected">California</option>
// </select>

// => "Joe Doe"

// => "CA"

Returns element’s name=value pair; for example: 'elementName=elementValue'.


Returns the value of element.

clear(field1 [, field2 [...]])

Clears the value of each passed field.

present(field1 [, field2 [...]])

Returns true only if all fields contain non-empty values.


Moves the input focus to field.


Selects the value in field that supports text selection.


Move the focus and selects the value in field that supports text selection

Timed Form Observers

The Abstract.TimedObserver class is used as the base class for the other classes that will monitor one element until its value (or whatever property the derived class defines) changes. This class is used like an abstract class.

Subclasses can be created to monitor things such as the input value of an element, one of the style properties, the number of rows in a table, or whatever else you may be interested in tracking changes to.

Derived classes have to implement this method to determine the current value being monitored in the element.

initialize(element, frequency, callback)

Creates an object that will monitor element every frequency in seconds and call callback when the element changes.


This method is typically not called externally. It is called by the object itself to start monitoring the element.


This method is typically not called externally. It is called by the object itself periodically to check the element.


The element object that is being monitored.


The interval in seconds between checks.


The function (conforming to Function(Object, String)) to be called whenever the element changes. It will receive the element object and the new value.


A string with the last value verified in the element.

Form.Element.Observer is an implementation of Abstract.TimedObserver that monitors the value of form input elements. Use this class when you want to monitor an element that does not expose an event that reports the value changes. In that case you can use the Form.Element.EventObserver class instead.

initialize(element, frequency, callback)

Inherited from Abstract.TimedObserver. Creates an object that will monitor element’s value property every frequency seconds and call callback with its changes.


Returns element’s value.

Form.Observer is an implementation of Abstract.TimedObserver that monitors any changes to any data entry element’s value in a form. Use this class when you want to monitor a form that contains elements that do not expose an event that reports the value changes. If the form exposes an event, use the Form.EventObserver class instead.

initialize(form, frequency, callback)

Inherited from Abstract.TimedObserver. Creates an object that will monitor form for changes every frequency seconds and call callback when any data entry element in the form changes.


Returns the serialization of all form’s data.

Event-Based Form Observers

The Abstract.EventObserver class is used as the base class for the other classes that execute a callback function whenever a value-changing event happens for an element.

Multiple objects of type Abstract.EventObserver can be bound to the same element, without one wiping out the other. The callbacks will be executed in the order they are assigned to the element.

The triggering event is onclick for radio buttons and checkboxes, and onchange for textboxes in general and list boxes/dropdowns.

Derived classes have to implement this method to determine the current value being monitored in the element.

initialize(element, callback)

Creates an object that will monitor element and call callback when the event happens.


This method is typically not called externally. It is called by the object to bind itself to the element’s event.


This method is typically not called externally. It is called by the object to bind itself to the events of each data entry element in the form.


This method is typically not called externally. It will be bound to the element’s event.


The element object that is being monitored.


The function (conforming to Function(Object, String)) to be called whenever the element changes. It will receive the element object and the new value.


A string with the last value verified in the element.

Form.Element.EventObserver is an implementation of Abstract.EventObserver that executes a callback function to the appropriate event of the form data entry element to detect value changes in the element. If the element does not expose any event that reports changes, then you can use the Form.Element.Observer class instead.

initialize(element, callback)

Inherited from Abstract.EventObserver. Creates an object that monitors element’s value property and calls callback when the event happens.


Returns the element’s value.

Form.EventObserver is an implementation of Abstract.EventObserver that monitors any changes to any data entry element contained in a form, using the elements’ events to detect when the value changes. If the form contains elements that do not expose any event that reports changes, then you can use the Form.Observer class instead.

initialize(form, callback)

Inherited from Abstract.EventObserver. Creates an object that will monitor form for changes and call callback when any data entry element in the form changes.


Returns the serialization of all form’s data.

class Abstract.Insertion

This class is used as the base class for the other classes that will provide dynamic content insertion. This class is used like an abstract class.

initialize(element, content)

Creates an object that will help with dynamic content insertion.


A string that specifies where the content will be placed relative to the given element. The possible values are: 'beforeBegin', 'afterBegin', 'beforeEnd', and 'afterEnd'.


The element object that the insertion will be made relative to.


The content to be inserted.

class Insertion.Before

Inherits from Abstract.Insertion. Inserts content before element.

The following code

<br>Hello, <span id="person" style="color:red;">Wiggum. How's it going?</span>

<script> new Insertion.Before('person', 'Chief '), </script>

changes the HTML to

<br>Hello, Chief <span id="person" style="color:red;">Wiggum. How's it going?</span>

class Insertion.Top

Inherits from Abstract.Insertion. Inserts content as the first child under element; i.e., after the opening tag of element.

The following code

<br>Hello, <span id="person" style="color:red;">Wiggum. How's it going?</span>

<script> new Insertion.Top('person', 'Mr. '), </script>

will change the HTML to

<br>Hello, <span id="person" style="color:red;">Mr. Wiggum. How's it going?</span>

class Insertion.Bottom

Inherits from Abstract.Insertion. Inserts content as the last child under element; i.e., before element’s closing tag.

The following code

<br>Hello, <span id="person" style="color:red;">Wiggum. How's it going?</span>

<script> new Insertion.Bottom('person', " What's up?"); </script>

will change the HTML to

<br>Hello, <span id="person" style="color:red;">Wiggum. How's it going? What's up?<

class Insertion.After

Inherits from Abstract.Insertion. Inserts content after element’s closing tag.

The following code

<br>Hello, <span id="person" style="color:red;">Wiggum. How's it going?</span>

<script> new Insertion.After('person', ' Are you there?'), </script>

will change the HTML to

<br>Hello, <span id="person" style="color:red;">Wiggum. How's it going?</span> Are
you there?

Element Positioning

The Position object provides a host of functions that help when working with element positioning.


Adjusts the deltaX and deltaY properties to accommodate changes in the scroll position. Remember to call this method before any calls to withinIncludingScrolloffset after the page scrolls.


Returns an Array with the correct scroll offsets of element, including any scroll offsets that affect element. The resulting array is similar to [total_scroll_left, total_scroll_top].


Returns an Array with the correct positioning offsets of element, including any offsets that are imposed by positioned parent elements. The resulting array is similar to [total_offset_left, total_offset_top].

within(element, x, y)

Tests if the given point coordinates x and y are inside the bounding rectangle of element.

withinIncludingScrolloffsets(element, x, y)
overlap(mode, element)

mode should be 'vertical' or 'horizontal'. within() needs to be called right before calling this method. This method will return a decimal number between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the fraction of the coordinate that overlaps on the element. As an example, if the element is a square DIV with a 100px side and positioned at (300, 300), then within(divSquare, 330, 330); overlap('vertical', divSquare); should return 0.70, meaning that the point is at the 70% (100px − 30px = 70px) mark from the bottom border of the DIV. The easiest way to understand it is to think of the given coordinate pair as the top-left corner of another rectangle, overlapping the first one. The number will be the percentage of the width or height that is overlapped (assuming that the second rectangle is large enough).

clone(source, target)

Resizes and repositions the element target identically to source.

Core Extensions

Array Extensions

The $A(object) method converts object into an array. Combined with the extensions for the Array class, this makes it easier to convert or copy any enumerable list into an array. One suggested use is to convert DOM NodeLists into regular arrays, which can be traversed more efficiently.

Instance methods


Empties the array and returns itself.


Returns the array without the elements that are null or undefined. This method does not change the array itself.


Returns the first element of the array.


Returns a flat, one-dimensional version of the array. This flattening happens by finding each of the array’s elements that are also arrays and including their elements in the returned array, recursively.


Returns the zero-based position of the given value if it is found in the array. Returns -1 if value is not found..


Overridden to return a nicely formatted string representation of the array with its elements.


Returns the array in reverse sequence. If applyToSelf is omitted or true, the array itself will also be reversed; otherwise, it remains unchanged.


Returns the first element and removes it from the array, reducing the array’s length by 1.

without(value1 [, value2 [, ...]])

Returns the array, excluding the elements that are included in the list of arguments.

In addition to the extensions listed here, Array is also extended by the Enumerable methods.


// <select id="state">
//   <option value="NY">New York</option>
//   <option value="CA">California</option>
// </select>

var nodeList = $('state').getElementsByTagName('option'),

  return node.nodeName + ': ' + node.innerHTML;
// => ['OPTION: New York', 'OPTION: California']


The Hash object implements a hash structure—a collection of key/value pairs. Each member in a Hash object is an array with two elements: the key and the value, which can be accessed via two properties, key and value. The $H(object) method converts object into a Hash object.


Returns an Array with the keys of all items.


Returns an Array with the values of all items.


Combines the hash with otherHash and returns the new resulting hash.


Returns all the items of the hash in a string formatted like a query string; e.g., 'key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3'.


Overridden to return a nicely formatted string representation of the hash with its key/value pairs.

In addition to the extensions listed here, Hash is also extended by the Enumerable methods.


hash = $H({
  first: 10,
  second: 20,
  third: 30

// => "first=10&second=20&third=30"


An instance of the ObjectRange class represents a range of values, with upper and lower bounds. The $R(start, end, exclusive) method creates a new ObjectRange instance.

initialize(start, end, exclusive)

Creates a range object, spanning from start to end. It is important to note that start and end have to be objects of the same type and they must have a succ() method. If exclusive is true, includes start and end in the range.


Checks if searchedValue is part of the range. Returns true or false.


An object of any type representing the lower bound of the range.


An object of any type representing the upper bound of the range.


A Boolean determining if the boundaries themselves are part of the range.

In addition to the extensions listed here, ObjectRange is also extended by the Enumerable methods.


var range = $R(10, 20, false);
range.each(function(value, index){


The Enumerable object contains methods for iterating over items in a list-like structure. The methods are added to other classes, such as Array, Hash, and ObjectRange. Most of the Enumerable methods accept an iterator argument—a function that will be applied to each member of the collection. In all methods, the argument interator is a function object conforming to Function(value, index).


Calls iterator passing each element in the list in the first argument and the index of the element in the second argument.


This function is a way to test the entire collection of values using a given function. all will return false if iterator returns false or null for any of the elements. It will return true otherwise. If iterator is not given, then the test will be if the element itself is different than false or null. You can simply read it as “check if all elements are not-false.”


This function is a way to test the entire collection of values using a given function. any will return true if iterator does not return false or null for any of the elements. It will return false otherwise. If iterator is not given, then the test will be if the element itself is different than false or null. You can simply read it as “check if any element is not-false.”


Calls iterator for each element in the collection and returns each result in an Array, one result element for each element in the collection, in the same sequence.


Calls iterator for each element in the collection and returns the first element that caused iterator to return true (or, more precisely, not-false). Returns null if no element returns true.


Same as toArray().


Same as detect().


Calls iterator for each element in the collection and returns an Array with all the elements that caused iterator to return a value that resolves to true. This function is the opposite of reject().

grep(pattern [, iterator])

Tests the string value of each element in the collection against the pattern (a RegExp object). The function will return an Array containing all the elements that matched pattern. If iterator is given, then the Array will contain the result of calling iterator with each element that was a match.


Tries to find obj (any object) in the collection. Returns true if the object is found, false otherwise.

inject(initialValue, iterator)

Unlike the other Enumerable methods, inject’s iterator argument should conform to Function(accumulator, value, index). Combines all the elements of the collection using iterator. The iterator is called passing the result of the previous iteration in the accumulator argument, except the first iteration, which gets initialValue (which can be any object). The last result is the final return value.

invoke(methodName [, arg1 [, arg2 [...]]])

Calls the method specified by methodName in each element of the collection, passing any given arguments (arg1 to argN), and returns the results in an Array object.


Same as collect().


Returns the element with the greatest value in the collection or the greatest result of calling iterator on each element in the collection, if iterator is given.


Same as include().


Returns the element with the lowest value in the collection or the lowest result of calling iterator on each element in the collection, if iterator is given.


Returns an Array containing two other arrays. The first array will contain all the elements that caused iterator to return true and the second array will contain the remaining elements. If iterator is not given, then the first array will contain the elements that resolve to true and the other array will contain the remaining elements.


Retrieves the value of the property specified by propertyName (which can also be the index of the element) in each element of the collection and returns the results in an Array object.


Calls iterator for each element in the collection and returns an Array with all the elements that caused iterator to return a value that resolves to false. This function is the opposite of findAll().


Same as findAll().


Returns an Array with all the elements sorted according to the result of the iterator call.


Returns an Array with all the elements of the collection.

zip(collection1[, collection2 [, ... collectionN [, transform]]])

Merges each given collection with the current collection. The merge operation returns a new array with the same number of elements as the current collection and each element is an array of the elements with the same index from each of the merged collections. If transform is given (a function object conforming to Function(value, index)), then each sub-array will be transformed by this function before being returned. Quick example: [1,2,3].zip([4,5,6], [7,8,9]).inspect() returns "[ [1,4,7],[2,5,8],[3,6,9] ]".


Consider a simple example of Enumerable’s each() method:

['Bart', 'Lisa', 'Maggie'].each(function(name) { alert(name); } );

Because the Enumerable methods are mixed into the Array class, each() can be used as an instance method on a normal array. The method takes one argument, an iterator function, which is called once for each element in the array.

Consider a more complex example. Here we’ll find an element according to some criteria, using Enumerable’s find() method.

// <select id="employees">
//   <option value="5">Buchanan, Steven</option>
//   <option value="8">Callahan, Laura</option>
//   <option value="1">Davolio, Nancy</option>
// </select>

function findEmployeeById(id){
  return $$('#employees option'). find( function(employee){
     return (employee.value == id);

// => "Callahan, Laura"

String Extensions


Returns the string with any HTML or XML tags removed.


Returns the string with any <script /> blocks removed.


Returns the string with any HTML markup characters properly escaped.


The reverse of escapeHTML().


Returns an Array object containing all the <script /> blocks found in the string.


Evaluates each <script /> block found in the string.


Splits a querystring into an associative Array indexed by parameter name (more like a hash).


Same as toQueryParams().


Splits the string into an Array of its characters.


Converts a hyphen-delimited-string into a camelCaseString. This function is useful when writing code that deals with style properties, for example.

Number Extensions


Returns the hexadecimal representation of the number. Useful when converting the RGB components of a color into its HTML representation.


Returns the next number. This function is used in scenarios that involve iteration.


Calls iterator (a function object conforming to Function(index)) repeatedly passing the current index.


The following example will display alert message boxes from 0 to 9.

var n = 10;
n.times(function(index){ alert(index); });

// Literal numbers may be used as well
(10).times(function(index){ alert(index); });

Event Extensions


Returns element that originated event.


Returns true if the left mouse button was clicked.


Returns the x coordinate of the mouse pointer on the page.


Returns the y coordinate of the mouse pointer on the page.


Use this function to abort the default behavior of event and to suspend its propagation.

findElement(event, tagName)

Traverses the DOM tree upwards, searching for the first element named tagName, starting from the element that originated event.

observe(element, name, observer, useCapture)

Adds an event handler function observer to element for the event named name (e.g., ‘click', ‘load', etc). If useCapture is true, it handles the event in the capture phase and if false in the bubbling phase.

stopObserving(element, name, observer, useCapture)

Removes an event handler named name from element. observer is the function that is handling the event. If useCapture is true, it handles the event in the capture phase and if false in the bubbling phase.


Code for the Backspace key (8).


Code for the Tab key (9).


Code for the Return key (13).


Code for the Esc key (27).


Code for the Left arrow key (37).


Code for the Up arrow key (38).


Code for the Right arrow key (39).


Code for the Down arrow key (30).


Code for the Delete key (46).


Array of cached observers.


Let’s see how to use this object to add an event handler to the load event of the window object.

Event.observe(window, 'load', showMessage, false);

function showMessage() {
  alert('Page loaded.'),

Function Extensions


Returns an instance of the function pre-bound to the function(=method) owner object. The returned function will have the same arguments as the original one.


Returns an instance of the function pre-bound to the function(=method) owner object. The returned function will have the current event object as its argument.


// <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" value="1">

var CheckboxWatcher = Class.create();
CheckboxWatcher.prototype = {

  initialize: function(chkBox, message) {
    this.chkBox = $(chkBox);
    this.message = message;
    this.chkBox.onclick =

  showMessage: function(evt) {
    alert(this.message + ' (' + evt.type + ')'),


new CheckboxWatcher('checkbox', 'Changed'),

Object Extensions

extend(destination, source)

Copies all properties and methods from source to destination, providing a way to implement inheritance.


Returns a human-readable string representation of targetObj. If targetObj doesn’t define an inspect() method, defaults to the return value of toString().


The Class object is used when declaring the other classes in the library. Using this object when declaring a class causes the new class to support an initialize() method, which serves as the constructor.


Defines a constructor for a new class.


var Cow = Class.create();
Cow.prototype = {

  initialize: function(name) { = name;

  vocalize: function(message) {
    return + ' says ' + message;


var bessy = new Cow('Bessy'),
// => 'Bessy says moo!'


The PeriodicalExecuter class provides the logic for calling a given function repeatedly, at a given interval.

initialize(callback, interval)

Creates a PeriodicalExecuter instance that will call callback every interval seconds.


The function to be called. No parameters will be passed to it.


This is actually the interval in seconds.


A boolean indicating if the function call is in progress.


Makes it easy to try different function calls until one of them works. Takes any number of functions as arguments and calls them one by one, in sequence, until one of them works, returning the result of that successful function call.

In the example below, the function xmlNode.text works in some browsers, and xmlNode.textContent works in the other browsers. Using the Try.these() function we can return the one that works.


return Try.these(
  function() {return xmlNode.text;},
  function() {return xmlNode.textContent;}


The Prototype object does not have any important role, other than declaring the version of the library being used.


A string containing the version of the library.


An empty function object.


A function object that just echoes back the given parameter.


A string describing a regular expression to identify scripts.

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