How to Use This Book

There are countless books on how to code HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There’s also no shortage of software development books on how to program in Java, .Net, PHP, Python, or Ruby on Rails. Looking for a book on using Flash, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, or Visio to design interfaces? Yup, we’ve got those in spades, too.

What we lack is a short, yet comprehensive book focused solely on prototyping for user experience practitioners. That is until now.

This book is a mix of foundational prototyping theory and practical how-tos. I’ve included a number of real-world case studies, some from my own work and some from other practitioners in the field. I’ve also packed the book with a number of tips that will help you prototype faster, easier, and with greater success.

Who Should Read This Book?

This book is written for anyone involved in the design or development of a product or service. If you’re a visual designer, interaction designer, information architect, developer, usability engineer, product manager, or business owner, this book will show you how to leverage prototyping to improve communication within your company and avoid costly mistakes.

What’s in This Book?

This book is organized into three main sections.

Section One. The first five chapters provide foundational theory and best practices for prototyping. You’ll even find a few guidelines for selecting a prototyping method best suited for your needs.

Section Two. The next six chapters discuss specific methods of prototyping—from paper prototyping to coded HTML. Each chapter starts with a matrix, showing how the specific method measures up, based on a number of important characteristics. Next, you’ll find a summary of the method’s strengths and weakness. Finally, each chapter provides a step-by-step guided how-to prototyping tutorial packed with tips and tricks.

Section Three. The last chapter in the book will guide you through the actual process of testing your prototype.

What Comes with This Book?

This book’s companion Web site (elephant logo green.jpg contains links to a number of prototyping resources, including articles, videos, tools, templates, and example files referenced in this book. You can also find a calendar of my upcoming talks on prototyping and a place to engage others in conversations about prototyping.

We’ve also made the book’s diagrams, screenshots, and other illustrations available under a Creative Common license for you to download and include in your own presentations. You’ll find the original illustrations and diagrams from this book at elephant logo green.jpg, or you can just double-click the pushpin next to the image to see them in high resolution.

Frequently Asked Questions

What prototyping method should I use?

When choosing a prototyping method, a number of deciding factors need to be considered. You should start by asking the following questions: What’s the goal of this prototype? Who is its audience? How comfortable am I with this method? Is it something I already know or can learn quickly? How effective will this method be at helping me communicate or test my design? The right prototyping method for your current situation depends on how you answer these questions. As your answers change, so might your selection of prototyping methods and tools. See Chapter 5.

Hi-fidelity or lo-fidelity?

Neither. Prototype fidelity is a sliding scale. Don’t be concerned with hi-level or lo-level fidelity. The level of fidelity that matters is whatever is needed to help you accomplish your goal with the audience for your prototype.

What are the differences between a wireframe, storyboard, and a prototype?

A prototype, regardless of its fidelity, functionality, or how it is made, captures the intent of a design and simulates multiple states of that design. Wireframes and storyboards are static representations of a design that on their own merit do not simulate multiple states of a design. It’s the simulation and multiple states part that creates the distinction.

Why isn’t “tool x” in your book?

I chose to include tools that were widely used in the field of user experience. When I started this book, I surveyed a few hundred practitioners to get a feel for the most common tools being used in the field of user experience. You can find the results of that survey in Chapter 5, “Picking the Right Tool.”

Some tools, like Flash, have entire books dedicated to them. Flash is a great prototyping tool, but because it is so popular, I felt other tools deserved more attention.

OmniGraffle and Balsamiq are great diagramming tools that can be used for prototyping, but at the time of this book, neither represented a large enough market share to warrant writing about them. That might change. I’ll be watching.

How do I convince my client or boss that we should prototype?

This is probably the toughest challenge faced by those who are new to prototyping. It’s not that you don’t want to, or that you’re scared of trying and failing. It’s that you can’t seem to get your boss or client to see the value in prototyping.

The first chapter in this book focuses on the value of prototyping. In that chapter, you’ll learn how to make the argument with your client or boss that you cannot afford not to prototype. In fact, not prototyping will cost you more in the end than the time and effort it takes to prototype. Additionally, I’ve included a number of case studies and insights throughout the book, which should give you additional ammunition to make the case for prototyping.

How do I get started?

You just jump in and do it. Don’t feel like you have to learn a new tool such as Fireworks or how to code HTML. Instead, start with something simple—prototype with paper or PowerPoint. You can always work your way up to something more advanced. See Chapters 6–11.


What’s the difference between theory and practice? Albert Einstein once said, “In theory they are the same. In practice, they are not.”

Practice makes perfect. Champion sports teams practice constantly. Zen masters will tell you that the only way to achieve enlightenment is practice. Practice is at the very root of learning. As you practice, you learn, and as you learn, you improve.

Prototyping is practice for people who design and make things. It’s not simply another tool for your design toolkit—it’s a design philosophy. When you prototype, you allow your design, product, or service to practice being itself. And as its maker, you learn more about your designs in this way than you ever could in any other way.

A prototype, quite simply, is different from other works of the imagination, because it’s real. It exists independently, outside the mind. This means that it can be tested—you can imagine various scenarios that might try to break your model, and you can design experiments that test your hypothesis.

Without a prototype, you can’t test your product until you have built it, and in today’s volatile business environment, where new companies can dominate markets in a few short years—for example, Google started in 1998, Facebook in 2004, Twitter in 2007—to build a product or service before you test it is insane. It’s like sending athletes onto the playing field without letting them practice beforehand. It’s a recipe for failure.

So make prototypes and break them, test them and learn from them, model your ideas when they are still in their infancy, and continue to make and break them throughout the design process. Trial and error and continuous refinement—this is the way we learn as children and continue to learn as adults. And if it’s good enough for us, shouldn’t it be good enough for our design children, our ideas, and our imagination?

A book on prototyping can never be more than a prototype itself, a snapshot of a moment in time, since prototyping is a continuing process that never ends, any more than learning ends.

And let’s not forget this: Prototyping is fun! It’s a playful, social way to develop your ideas. It’s in direct opposition to “design in a vacuum” or “design in an ivory tower.” It’s design with and for people. It’s play. And play, like practice, is a learning activity. Play is a rehearsal for life.

But prototyping is more than practice and play. It’s also a great leap for many people. It requires courage, passion, and commitment to do it well. You need to be fearless enough to look failure in the face and to listen when you want to defend yourself. Fearless enough to watch your design “baby” in the rough hands of strangers who don’t understand what it is or what it is for. Fearless enough to calmly throw out weeks of work and try a new approach. Prototyping is parenting—a way of bringing new things into the world and helping them grow.

Todd Zaki Warfel has written a book steeped in practice and deep personal experience. He shares his design philosophy, the tools of his trade, and the best methods that he knows for making things work. You can trust him. He prototypes and practices constantly. He’s fearless. He listens. He’s playful. And, God help him, he’s just become a parent twice over: not just of this book, but of a real biological prototype—a little boy named Elijah. So take a leap. Dive into this book. Try it, test it, break it. Prototype, practice, and play with the ideas yourself. Tell him what you love about it, where it’s gone wrong, and how it can be improved. He will love you for it.

—Dave Gray, Founder and Chairman of Xplane


This is the part where I tell you why I decided to write a book on prototyping and why I wanted to write it for Rosenfeld Media. The truth is that it was one of three topics I was passionate about. I don’t recall whether Lou initially approached me, or I approached him, but I do recall him saying something like, “A few people have been telling me I should talk to you about writing a book. Do you have something you’d like to write about?” And thus began the negotiation—I tried to sell Lou on a few subjects I was interested in, and he tried to sell me on writing for Rosenfeld Media.

Lou wasn’t as excited about the other two topics as I had hoped, but he was excited about prototyping and that was enough. He also believed I could write the book on prototyping.

Rosenfeld Media (RM) was fairly new at the time. They weren’t a publishing powerhouse (yet). I believed in what Lou was doing with RM—practitioner-focused, field-tested books. And as someone who runs a small design consultancy, a David in the sea of Goliaths, I was excited to support the little guy who was disrupting the field.

Why prototyping? Well, it was a timely subject. Turns out, there weren’t any books on prototyping focused on designers or user-experience practitioners. There were books on prototyping for industrial design and software engineering, but not for people who were designing the interactions and experiences of software systems. The only book that came close was Carolyn Snyder’s Paper Prototyping: The Fast and Easy Way to Design and Refine User Interfaces. It’s a great book. I own it. But while I’m a huge paper prototyping advocate—it continues to be one of my favorite methods to teach—I felt our field needed something that covered multiple methods and tools.

Competition was practically nonexistent.

Prototyping was also something that had become a larger part of our practice at my design firm, Messagefirst. At the time, we were designing more and more transaction-based systems that leveraged AJAX-style interactions. We had pushed the limits of what we could do with wireframes and weren’t getting the results we wanted. Wireframes were no longer effective for the kind of work we were doing. As good as our wireframe documentation model was, we were spending too much time explaining it. I don’t like having to explain my work. If I have to explain it, it’s broken.

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m continually looking for ways to evolve my craft, push my design process, and find solutions that are more efficient and effective. Our process was broken, and we needed to fix it. It was a design problem and I saw the solution—prototyping.

Prior to writing this book, my prototyping experience had been limited to paper, PowerPoint, Keynote, Flash, and HTML. I didn’t want to write a book that was bigger than my personal experiences. This book isn’t for me. This book is for you. So just like any design project, I decided to do a little research, which turned into nine months of research. I interviewed dozens of practitioners, ran a few surveys, played with more prototyping tools than I can remember, and then took a deep breath.

One of my first realizations was that I was going to have to learn to prototype with some new tools. I had used Visio and Fireworks before, but not to prototype. I had never used Axure RP Pro.

I learned and experienced a lot in writing this book. I learned new methods and tools. I learned a number of tips and techniques from fellow practitioners. I learned about prototyping successes and failures from fellow practitioners, and even experienced a number of successes and failures of my own.

I wrote this book so you can learn how prototyping will change your design process. I wrote this book to share my experiences and the experiences of others, to show you the value of prototyping, and to give you the tools you’ll need to convince your boss or client that you can’t afford not to prototype on your next project.

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