Retrieving and using Hiera values in manifests

Looking up a key value in Hiera is easy. Puppet comes with a very straightforward function for this:

$plugins = hiera('reporting::plugins')

Whenever the compiler encounters such a call in the manifest of the current agent node, it triggers a search in the hierarchy. The specific data sources are determined by the hierarchy in your hiera.yaml file. It will almost always rely on fact values provided by the agent to make flexible data source selections.

If the named key cannot be found in the agent's hierarchy, the master aborts the catalog compilation with an error. To prevent this, it is often sensible to supply a default value with the lookup:

$plugins = hiera('reporting::plugins', [])

In this case, Puppet uses an empty array if the hierarchy mentions no plugins. On the other hand, you can purposefully omit the default value. Just like with class and define parameters, this signals that the Hiera value is required. If the user fails to supply it, Puppet will abort the manifest compilation.

Working with simple values

You have seen how to invoke the hiera function for value retrieval. There is really not more to it than what you have seen in the previous section, except for an optional parameter. It allows you to include an additional layer at the top of your hierarchy. If the key is found in the named data source, it will override the result from the regular hierarchy:

$plugins = hiera('reporting::plugins', [], 'global-overrides')

If the reporting::plugins key is found in the global-overrides data source, the value is taken from there. Otherwise, the normal hierarchy is searched.

Generally, assigning the retrieved value to a manifest variable is quite common. However, you can also invoke the hiera function in other useful contexts, such as the following:

@@cacti_device { $::fqdn:
  ip => hiera('snmp_address', $::ipaddress),

The lookup result can be handed to a resource directly as a parameter value. This is an example of how to allow Hiera to define a specific IP address per machine that should be used for a specific service. It acts as a simple way to manually override Facter's assumptions.


It is generally safer to store Hiera lookup results in a variable first. This allows you to check their data type. In Puppet 3, you need to use an assert function from the stdlib module. Puppet 4 has an operator for this purpose:

$max_threads = hiera('max_threads')
if $max_threads !~ Integer {
    fail "The max_threads value must be an integer number"

Another frequent occurrence is a parameter default that is made dynamic through a Hiera lookup:

define logrotate::config(
  Integer $rotations = hiera('logrotate::rotations', 7)
) {
  # regular define code here

For logrotate::config resources that are declared with an explicit parameter value, the Hiera value is ignored:

logrotate::config { '/var/log/cacti.log': rotations => 12 }

This can be a little confusing. Still, the pattern adds some convenience. Most agents can rely on the default. The hierarchy allows you to tune this default on multiple levels of granularity.

Binding class parameter values automatically

The concept of parameterized classes might have gotten a somewhat tarnished reputation, judging from our coverage of it so far. It allegedly makes it difficult to include classes from multiple places in the manifest, or silently allows it under shifting circumstances. While that is true, you can avoid these issues by relying on Hiera for your class parameterization needs.

Since Puppet's Version 3.2, it has been possible to choose the values for any class's parameters right in the Hiera data. Whenever you include a class that has any parameters, Puppet will query Hiera to find a value for each of them. The keys must be named after the class and parameter names, joined by a double colon. Remember the cacti class from Chapter 5, Extending Your Puppet Infrastructure with Modules? It had a $redirect parameter. To define its value in Hiera, add the cacti::redirect key:

# node/
cacti::redirect: false

Some classes have very elaborate interfaces—the apache class from the Puppet Labs Apache module accepts 49 parameters at the time of writing this. If you need many of those, you can put them into the target machine's dedicated YAML file as one coherent block of keys with values. It will be quite readable, because the apache:: prefixes line up.

You don't save any lines compared to specifying the parameters right in the manifest, but at least the wall of options will not get in your way while you're programming in your manifests—you separated data from code.

The point that is perhaps the most redeeming for class parameterization is that each key is independent in your hierarchy. Many parameters can most likely be defined for many or all of your machines. Clusters of application servers can share some settings (if your hierarchy includes a layer on which they are grouped together), and you can override parameters for single machines as you see fit:

# common.yaml
apache::default_ssl_cert: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/%{::clientcert}.pem
apache::default_ssl_key: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/%{::clientcert}.pem
apache::purge_configs: false

The preceding example prepares your site to use the Puppet certificates for HTTPS. This is a good choice for internal services, because trust to the Puppet CA can be easily established, and the certificates are available on all agent machines. The third parameter, purge_configs, prevents the module from obliterating any existing Apache configuration that is not under Puppet's management.

Let's see an example of a more specific hierarchy layer which overrides this setting:

# role/httpsec.yaml
apache::purge_configs: true
apache::server_tokens: Minimal
apache::server_signature: off
apache::trace_enable: off

On machines that have the httpsec role, the Apache configuration should be purged so that it matches the managed configuration completely. The hierarchy of such machines also defines some additional values that are not defined in the common layer. The SSL settings from common remain untouched.

A specific machine's YAML can override keys from either layer if need be:

# node/sec02-sxf12.yaml
apache::default_ssl_cert: /opt/ssl/custom.pem
apache::default_ssl_key: /opt/ssl/custom.key
apache::trace_enable: extended

All these settings require no additional work. They take effect automatically, provided that the apache class from the puppetlabs-apache module is included.

For some users, this might be the only way in which Hiera is employed on their master, which is perfectly valid. You can even design your manifests specifically to expose all configurable items as class parameters. However, keep in mind that another advantage of Hiera is that any value can be retrieved from many different places in your manifest.

For example, if your firewalled servers are reachable through dedicated NAT ports, you will want to add this port to each machine's Hiera data. The manifest can export this value not only to the firewall server itself, but also to external servers that use it in scripts and configurations to reach the exporting machine:

$nat_port = hiera('site::net::nat_port')
@@firewall { "650 forward port ${nat_port} to ${::fqdn}":
  proto       => 'tcp',
  dport       => $nat_port, 
  destination => hiera('site::net::nat_ip'),
  jump   => 'DNAT',
  todest => $::ipaddress,
  tag    => hiera('site::net::firewall_segment'),

The values will most likely be defined on different hierarchical layers. nat_port is agent-specific and can only be defined in the %{::fqdn} (or %{::clientcert} for better security) derived data source. nat_ip is probably identical for all servers in the same cluster. They might share a server role. firewall_segment could well be identical for all servers that share the same location:

site::net::nat_port: 12020
# role/storage.yaml
# location/portland.yaml
site::net::firewall_segment: segment04

As previously mentioned, some of this data will be helpful in other contexts as well. Assume that you deploy a script through a defined type. The script sends messages to remote machines. The destination address and port are passed to the defined type as parameters. Each node that should be targeted can export this script resource:

@@site::maintenance_script {"/usr/local/bin/maint-${::fqdn}":
  address => hiera('site::net::nat_ip'),
  port    => hiera('site::net::nat_port'),

It would be impractical to do all this in one class that takes the port and address as parameters. You would want to retrieve the same value from within different classes or even modules, each taking care of the respective exports.

Handling hashes and arrays

Some examples in this chapter defined array values in Hiera. The good news is that retrieving arrays and hashes from Hiera is not at all different from simple strings, numbers, or Boolean values. The hiera function will return all these values, which are ready for use in the manifest.

There are two more functions that offer special handling for such values: the hiera_array and hiera_hash functions.


The presence of these functions can be somewhat confusing. New users might assume that these are required whenever retrieving hashes or arrays from the hierarchy. When inheriting Puppet code, it can be a good idea to double-check that these derived functions are actually used correctly in a given context.

When the hiera_array function is invoked, it gathers all named values from the whole hierarchy and merges them into one long array that comprises all elements that were found. Take the distributed firewall configuration once more, for example. Each node should be able to export a list of rules that open ports for public access. The manifest for this would be completely driven by Hiera:

if hiera('site::net::nat_ip', false) {
  @@firewall { "200 NAT ports for ${::fqdn}":
    port        => hiera_array('site::net::nat_ports'),
    proto       => 'tcp',
    destination => hiera('site::net::nat_ip'),
    jump        => 'DNAT',
    todest      => $::ipaddress,

Please note that the title "200 NAT ports" does not allude to the number of ports, but just adheres to the naming conventions for firewall resources. The numeric prefix makes it easy to maintain order. Also, note the seemingly nonsensical default value of false for the site::net::nat_ip key in the if clause. This forms a useful pattern, though—the resource should only be exported if public_ip is defined for the respective node.


Care must be taken if false or the empty string is a conceivable value for the key in question. In this case, the if clause will ignore that value. In such cases, you should use a well-defined comparison instead:

if hiera('feature_flag_A', undef) != undef { … }

The hierarchy can then hold ports on several layers:

# common.yaml
nat_ports: 22

The SSH port should be available for all nodes that get a public address. Note that this value is not an array itself. This is fine; Hiera will include scalar values in the resulting list without any complaint.

# role-webserver.yaml
nat_ports: [ 80, 443 ]

Standalone web application servers present their HTTP and HTTPS ports to the public:

  - 5973
  - 5974
  - 5975
  - 6630

The testing instance for your new cloud service should expose a range of ports for custom services. If it has the webserver role (somehow), it will lead to an export of ports 22, 80, and 443 as well as its individually chosen list.


When designing such a construct, keep in mind that the array merge is only ever-cumulative. There is no way to exclude values that were added in lower layers from the final result. In this example, you will have no opportunity to disable the SSH port 22 for any given machine. You should take good care when adding common values.

A similar alternative lookup function exists for hashes. The hiera_hash function also traverses the whole hierarchy and constructs a hash by merging all hashes it finds under the given Hiera key from all hierarchy layers. Hash keys in higher layers overwrite those from lower layers. All values must be hashes. Strings, arrays, or other data types are not allowed in this case:

# common.yaml
  log_socket: /dev/log
  log_level: info
  user: haproxy
  group: haproxy
  daemon: true

These are the default settings for haproxy at the lowest hierarchy level. On web servers, the daemon should run as the general web service user:

# role/webserver.yaml
  user: www-data
  group: www-data

When retrieved using hiera('haproxy_settings'), this will just evaluate to the hash, {'user'=>'www-data','group'=>'www-data'}. The hash at the role-specific layer completely overrides the default settings.

To get all values, create a merger using hiera_hash('haproxy_settings') instead. The result is likely to be more useful:

{ 'log_socket' =>'/dev/log', 'log_level' => 'info',
'user' => 'www-data', 'group' => 'www-data', 'daemon' => true }

The limitations are similar to those of hiera_array. Keys from any hierarchy level cannot be removed, they can only be overwritten with different values. The end result is quite similar to what you would get from replacing the hash with a group of keys:

# role/webserver.yaml
haproxy::user: www-data
haproxy::group: www-data

If you opt to do this, the data can also be easily fit to a class that can bind these values to parameters automatically. Preferring flat structures can, therefore, be beneficial. Defining hashes in Hiera is still generally worthwhile, as the next section explains.

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