Manually installing PuppetDB

The puppetlabs/puppetdb module does a great job of installing PuppetDB and getting you running quickly. Unfortunately, it also obscures a lot of the configuration details. In the enterprise, you'll need to know how all the parts fit together. We will now install PuppetDB manually using the following five steps:

  1. Install Puppet and PuppetDB.
  2. Install and configure PostgreSQL.
  3. Configure PuppetDB to use PostgreSQL.
  4. Start PuppetDB and open firewall ports.
  5. Configure the Puppet master to use PuppetDB.

Installing Puppet and PuppetDB

To manually install PuppetDB, start with a fresh machine and install the puppetlabs-pc1 repository, as in previous examples. We'll call this new server to differentiate it from our automatically installed PuppetDB instance (

Install Puppet, do a Puppet agent run using the following command to generate certificates, and sign them on the master as we did when we used the puppetlabs/puppetdb module. Alternatively, use puppet certificate generate as we did in previous chapters:

[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# yum -y install
[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# yum install puppet-agent
[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# puppet agent -t

Sign the certificate on the master as follows:

[root@stand ~]# puppet cert list
  "" (SHA256) 90:5E:9B:D5:28:50:E0:43:82:F4:F5:D9:21:0D:C3:82:1B:7F:4D:BB:DC:C0:E5:ED:A1:EB:24:85:3C:01:F4:AC
[root@stand ~]# puppet cert sign
Notice: Signed certificate request for
Notice: Removing file at '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/'

Back on puppetdb-manual, install puppetdb as follows:

[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# yum -q -y install puppetdb

Installing and configuring PostgreSQL

If you already have an enterprise PostgreSQL server configured, you can simply point PuppetDB at that instance. PuppetDB 3.2 only supports PostgreSQL versions 9.4 and higher. To install PostgreSQL, install the postgresql-server package and initialize the database as follows:

[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# yum install -q -y
[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# yum -q -y install postgresql94-server
[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# postgresql-setup initdb
Initializing database ... OK
[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# systemctl start postgresql-9.4

Next create the puppetdb database (allowing the puppetdb user to access that database) as follows:

[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# sudo -iu postgres
$ createuser -DRSP puppetdb
Enter password for new role: PacktPub
Enter it again: PacktPub
$ createdb -E UTF8 -O puppetdb puppetdb

Allow PuppetDB to connect to the PostgreSQL server using md5 on the localhost since we'll keep PuppetDB and the PostgreSQL server on the same machine (


You will need to change the allowed address rules from to that of the PuppetDB server if PuppetDB is on a different server than the PostgreSQL server.

Edit /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/pg_hba.conf and add the following:

local puppetdb puppetdb    md5
host  puppetdb puppetdb  md5
host  puppetdb puppetdb    ::1/128       md5


The default configuration uses ident authentication; you must remove the following lines:

local   all         all                       ident
host    all         all  ident
host    all         all         ::1/128       ident

Restart PostgreSQL and test connectivity as follows:

[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# systemctl restart postgresql-9.4
[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# psql -h localhost puppetdb puppetdb
Password for user puppetdb: PacktPub
psql (9.4.5)
Type "help" for help.

puppetdb=> d
No relations found.
puppetdb=> q

Now that we've verified that PostgreSQL is working, we need to configure PuppetDB to use PostgreSQL.

Configuring puppetdb to use PostgreSQL

Locate the database.ini file in /etc/puppetlabs/puppetdb/conf.d and replace it with the following code snippet:

classname = org.postgresql.Driver
subprotocol = postgresql
subname = //localhost:5432/puppetdb
username = puppetdb
password = PacktPub

If it's not present in your file, configure automatic tasks of PuppetDB such as garbage collection (gc-interval), as shown in the following code. PuppetDB will remove stale nodes every 60 minutes. For more information on the other settings, refer to the Puppet Labs documentation at

gc-interval = 60
log-slow-statements = 10
report-ttl = 14d
syntax_pgs = true
conn-keep-alive = 45
node-ttl = 0s
conn-lifetime = 0
node-purge-ttl = 0s
conn-max-age = 60

Start PuppetDB using the following command:

[root@puppetdb_manual ~]# systemctl start puppetdb

Configuring Puppet to use PuppetDB

Perform the following steps to configure Puppet to use PuppetDB.

To use PuppetDB, the worker will need the puppetdb node terminus package; we'll install that first by using the following command:

# yum -y install puppetdb-termini

Create /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppetdb.conf and point PuppetDB at

server_urls =
soft_write_failure = false

Tell Puppet to use PuppetDB for storeconfigs by adding the following in the [master] section of /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf:

storeconfigs = true
storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb

Next, create a routes.yaml file in the /etc/puppetlabs/puppet directory that will make Puppet use PuppetDB for inventory purposes:

terminus: puppetdb
cache: yaml

Restart puppetserver and verify that PuppetDB is working by running puppet agent again on After the second puppet agent runs, you can inspect the PostgreSQL database for a new catalog as follows:

[root@puppetdb-manual ~]# psql -h localhostpuppetdbpuppetdb
Password for user puppetdb: 
psql (9.4.5)
Type "help" for help.

puppetdb=> x
Expanded display is on.
puppetdb=> SELECT * from catalogs;
-[ RECORD 1 ]------+-------------------------------------------
id| 1
hash               | x13980e07b72cf8e02ea247c3954efdc2cdabbbe0
transaction_uuid   | 9ce673db-6af2-49c7-b4c1-6eb83980ac57
certname           |
producer_timestamp | 2015-12-04 01:27:19.211-05
api_version        | 1
timestamp         | 2015-12-04 01:27:19.613-05
catalog_version    | 1449210436
environment_id     | 1
code_id            | 
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