Tampering with the client-side parameter with Python

The two most commonly used methods, POST and GET, are used to pass the parameters in the HTTP protocol. If the website uses the GET method, its passing parameter is shown in the URL, and you can change this parameter and pass it to a web server; this is in contrast to the POST method, where the parameters are not shown in the URL.

In this section, we will use a dummy website with simple JavaScript code, along with parameters passed by the POST method and hosted on the Apache web server.

Let's look at the index.php code:

<body background="wel.jpg">

  <h1>Leave your Comments </h1>
  <form Name="sample" action="submit.php" onsubmit="return validateForm()" method="POST">

    <table-cellpadding="3" cellspacing="4" border="0">
        <td> <font size= 4><b>Your name:</b></font></td>
        <td><input type="text" name="name" rows="10" cols="50"/></td>

      <tr valign= "top"> <th scope="row"  <p class="req">
        <b><font size= 4>Comments</font> </b> </p> </th>
        <td> <textarea class="formtext" tabindex="4" name="comment" rows="10" cols="50"></textarea></td>

        <td> <input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></td>

  <font size= 4 ><a href="dis.php"> Old comments </a> 
  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

    <!-- Hide code from non-js browsers

    function validateForm()
      formObj = document.sample;

      if((formObj.name.value.length<1) || (formObj.name.value=="HACKER"))
        alert("Enter your name");
        return false;
        alert("Enter your comment.");
        return false;
    // end hiding -->


I hope you can understand the HTML, JavaScript, and PHP code. The preceding code shows a sample form, which comprises two text-submitting fields, name and comment:

if((formObj.name.value.length<1) || (formObj.name.value=="HACKER"))
alert("Enter your name");
return false;
alert("Enter your comment.");
return false;

The preceding code shows validation. If the name field is empty or filled as HACKER, then it displays an alert box, and if the comment field is empty, it will show an alert message where you can enter your comment, as shown in the following screenshot:

Tampering with the client-side parameter with Python

Alert box of validation

So our challenge here is to bypass validation and submit the form. You may have done this earlier using the Burp suite. Now, we will do this using Python.

In the previous chapter, you saw the BeautifulSoup tool; now I am going to use a Python browser called mechanize. The mechanize web browser provides the facility to obtain forms in a web page and also facilitates the submission of input values. By using mechanize, we are going to bypass the validation, as shown in the following code:

import mechanize
br = mechanize.Browser()
br.set_handle_robots( False )
url = raw_input("Enter URL ")
for form in br.forms():
  print form

All our code snippets start with an import statement. So here, we are importing the mechanize module. The next line creates a br object of the mechanize class. The url = raw_input("Enter URL ") statement asks for the user input. The next five lines represent the browser option that helps in redirection and robots.txt handling. The br.open(url) statement opens the URL given by us. The next statement prints forms in the web pages. Now, let's check the output of the paratemp.py program:

Tampering with the client-side parameter with Python

The program output shows that two name values are present. The first is name and the second is comment, which will be passed to the action page. Now we have received the parameters. Let's see the rest of the code:

br.form['name'] = 'HACKER'
br.form['comment'] = ''

The first line is used to select the form. In our website, only one form is present. The br.form['name'] = 'HACKER' statement fills the value HACKER in the name field, the next line fills the empty comment, and the last line submits the values.

Now, let's see the output from both sides. The output of the code is as follows:

Tampering with the client-side parameter with Python

Form submission

The output of the website is shown in the following screenshot:

Tampering with the client-side parameter with Python

Validation bypass

The preceding screenshot shows that it has been successful.

Now, you must have got a fair idea of how to bypass the validations. Generally, people think that parameters sent by the POST method are safe. However, in the preceding experiment, you have seen that it is safe for normal users in an internal network. If the website is used only by internal users, then client-side validation a good choice. However, if you use client-side validation for e-commerce websites, then you are just inviting attackers to exploit your website. In the following topic, you will see some ill effects of client-side validation on business.

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