Chapter 2. The Basics of Python Scripting

Before diving into writing your first Python script, a few concepts should be understood. Learning these items now will help you develop code quicker in the future. This will improve your abilities as a penetration tester or in understanding what an assessor is doing when they are creating real-time custom code and what questions you should be asking. You should also understand how to create the scripts and the goal you are trying to achieve. You will often find out that your scripts will morph over time and the purpose may change. This may happen because you realize that the real need for the script may not be there or that there is an existing tool for the particular capability.

Many scripters find this discouraging, as a project that they may have been working on for a great deal of time you may find that the tool has duplicate features of more advanced tools. Instead of looking at this as a failed project, look at the activity as an experience wherein you learned new concepts and techniques that you did not initially know. Additionally, keep it at the back of your mind at all times when you are developing code snippets that can be used for other projects in the future.

To this end, try and build your code cleanly, comment it with what you are doing, and make it modular so that once you learn how to build functions, they can be cut and pasted into other scripts in the future. The first step in this journey is to describe the computer science glossary at a high level so that you can understand future chapters or other tutorials. Without understanding these basic concepts, you may misunderstand how to achieve your desired results.


Before running any of the scripts in this module, I recommend that you run the setup script on the git repository, which will configure your Kali instance with all the necessary libraries. The script can be found at

Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages

Python, like Ruby and Perl, is an interpreted language, which means that the code is turned into a machine language and run as the script is executed. A language that needs to be compiled prior to running, such as Cobol, C, or C++, can be more efficient and faster, as it is compiled prior to execution, but it also means that the code is typically less portable. As compiled code is generated for specific environments, it may not be as useful when you have to move through heterogeneous environments.


A heterogeneous environment is an environment that has multiple system types and different distributions. So, there may be multiple Unix/Linux distributions, Mac OS, and Windows systems.

Interpreted code usually has the benefit of being portable to different locations as long as the interpreter is available. So for Python scripts, as long as the script is not developed for an operating system, the interpreter is installed, and the libraries are natively available, the Python script should work. Always keep in mind that there will be idiosyncrasies in an environment, and before scripts are used, they should be thoroughly tested in similar test beds.

So why should you learn Python over other scripting languages? I am not making this argument here, and the reason is that the best assessors use the tools available in the environment that they are assessing. You will build scripts that are useful for assessing environments, and Python is fantastic for doing this, but when you gain access to a system, it is best to use what is available to you.

Highly secure environments may prevent you from using exploitation frameworks, or the assessment rules may do the same. When this happens, you have to look at what is available on the system to take advantage of and move forward. Today, newer generation Windows systems are compromised with PowerShell. Often in current Mac, Linux, Unix, and Windows Operating System (OS), you can find a version of Python, especially in development environments. On web servers, you will find Ruby, Python, or Perl. On all forms of operating systems, you will find native shell languages. They provide many capabilities, but typically, they have archaic language structures that require more lines of code than other scripting languages to accomplish the same task. Examples of these shell languages would include Bourne-again Shell (BASH), Korn Shell (KSH), Windows Command Shell, and equivalents.

In most exploitation systems, you will find all the languages, as most hacking laptops, or HackTops, use multiple Virtual Machines (VMs) with many operating systems. Older assessment tools were coded in Perl, as the language provided multiple capabilities that other interpreted languages could not provide at that time. Newer tools are typically created in Ruby and Python. In fact, many libraries that are being created today are for improving the capabilities of these languages, specifically for assessing the potential viability an organization has for being compromised by a malicious actor.


Keep in mind that your HackTop has multiple VMs to provide you with not only attack tools but also a test bed to test your scripts safely. Reverting to a snapshot of a VM on your HackTop is easy, but telling a customer why you damaged their business-critical component with an untested script is not.

Compiled languages are not without value; many tools have been created in C, C++, and Java. Examples of these types of tools include Burp Suite, Cain & Abel, DirBuster, Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), CSRFtester, and so on. You might notice that most of these tools were generated originally in the early days of assessing environments. As systems have gotten more powerful and interpreters have become more efficient, we have seen additional tools move to languages that are interpreted as against compiled.

So what is the lesson here? Learn as much as you can to operate in as many environments as possible. In this way, when you encounter an obstacle, you can return to the code and script your way to the level of access necessary.

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