Chapter 4. Executing Credential Attacks with Python

There are multiple forms of credential attack, but all too often, they are considered as the last step in a penetration test, when all else has failed. This is because most new assessors approach it in the wrong manner. When discussing what brand new assessors use for credential attacks, the two most common attacks used are online dictionary and brute force attacks. They execute a credential attack by downloading a giant word list containing passwords and an extensive username list and run it against an interface. When the attack fails, the assessor follows up and executes a brute force attack.

This attack uses either the same username list or the super user (root) or the local administrator account. The majority of the time this will fail as well, so in the end dictionary attacks get a bad rap and get moved to the end of the engagement. This is ever so wrong, as on most engagements, especially on Internet facing postures a credential attack is going to get you access if done right. Chapter 1, Understanding the Penetration Testing Methodology and Chapter 3, Identifying Targets with Nmap, Scapy, and Python introduced you to do some basic dictionary attack concepts, this chapter will build on them, and help you understand how and when to use them. Before we get started with how you execute these attacks, you need to have a firm understanding of the attack types.

The types of credential attacks

When discussing credential attacks, there is an instant gravitation to password attacks. Remember authentication and authorization to a resource usually requires two components, the password and the username. Having the most well used password in the entire world does you no good, if you do not know the username it belongs to. As such, credential attacks are the manner we assess resources using both usernames and passwords. Targeted sourcing of usernames will be covered later, but for now we have to define the overarching types of password attacks, online and offline.

Defining the online credential attack

The online credential attack is what is done when you are targeting interfaces or resources to forcefully authenticate. What this means is you may not know the username, password, or both and are trying to determine the correct information that will grant you access. These attacks are executed when you have not gained access to a resource that would provide you hashes, clear text passwords, or other protected forms of data. Instead, you are trying to make educated guesses against a resource based on research you have done. Types of online attacks include dictionary, brute force and password spray attacks. Remember that resources can be part of a federated or centralized system like Active Directory (AD) or a local account on the host itself.


For you screaming what about hybrid? Most assessors consider it a form of dictionary attack as it is just a list of words permutated anyway. You rarely find a dictionary that does not contain hybrid words today anyway. In the 1990s, this was rarer, but with better education and more powerful systems with substantiated password requirements have changed this situation.

Defining the offline credential attack

An offline credential attack is when you have already cracked a resource and extracted the data such as the hashes and are now attempting to guess them. This can be done in a number of manners, depending on the type of hash and the resources available, some examples include offline dictionary, rule based attacks, brute force, or rainbow table attacks. One of the reasons we call this offline credential attacks instead of offline password attacks, is because you are trying to guess the clear text version of the password on a system it did not originate from.

Those password hashes may have been salted with random information or by known components such as the usernames to create the salt. Ergo, you may still need to know the username to crack the hash because the salt is a component of added randomness. Now, I have seen a few implementations that use the username as the salt for a hashing algorithm and this is a really bad idea. The argument you will hear that says this is a good idea comes from the fact that the salt is stored with the password anyway just like the username, so why does it matter? Known usernames that are used ubiquitously through systems such as root, administrator, and admin are known prior to compromising of the system, along with the known encryption method which opens up a major vulnerability.

This means the salt is based off a username, means it is known prior to getting access to the environment and before the engagement began. So that means, you have effectively defeated the mechanism put in place to making cracking passwords more difficult to include the use of rainbow tables. Making salts known prior to an engagement means that rainbow tables are again useful for salted passwords as well, if you have a tool that can process the data.


Poor salting methods and custom encryption methods can open an organization up to compromise.

Offline attacks hinge on the premise of taking a word and creating a hash in the same format as the protected password using the same method of protection. If the protected value is the same as the newly created value, then you have a word that will be equivalent and grant access. Most password protection methods use hashing to obscure the value, which is a one way function, or in other words, it cannot be, so the method cannot be reversed to produce the original value.

So when a system accepts a password through its authentication method, it hashes the password in the same method and compares the stored hash value to the newly computed one. If they equal each other, you have a reasonable level of assurance that the passwords are the same and access will be granted. The idea of a reasonable level assurance is dependent on how strong the hashing algorithm is. Some hashing algorithms are considered weak or broken, such as Message Digest 5 (MD5) and Secure Hashing Algorithm 1 (SHA-1). The reason for this is that they are susceptible to collisions.

A collision means that the mathematical possibility for the data it protects does not have enough entropy to guarantee that a different hashed value will not equal the same thing. The reality is that two completely different words hashed by the same broken algorithm could create the same hash value. As such, this directly affects systems authentication methods.

When someone accesses the system, the password input is hashed in the same method as the password that is stored on the system. If the two values match, that means the theoretically the password is the same, unless the hashing algorithm is weak. So, when assessing the system, you just have to find a value that creates the same hash as the original value. If that occurs, you will be granted access to the system, and this is where the weakness of hashes that have known collisions come in. You do not need to know the actual value that created the hash, just an equivalent value that will create the same hash.


At the time of writing, MD5 is used to verify integrity of file systems and data for forensics. Even though MD5 is considered a broken hash, it is still considered good enough for forensics and file system integrity. The reason for this is that it would take an infeasible amount of work to fool the algorithm with substantial data sets like files systems. To manipulate a file system after data had been adjusted or extracted to create the same integrity marker is unrealistic.

Now that you have an understanding of both offline and online credential attack differences, we need to start generating our data to be used for them. This starts with generating usernames, and then verifying them as part of the organization. This seems like a minor step, but it is very important as it trims your list of targets down, reduces the noise you generate, and improves your chances of compromising the organization.

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