
MSXML3.0 Node Object


The Node object is the fundamental object of the DOM and of MSXML3.0. This interface supports the common methods used throughout this book when working with the DOM.

MSXML3.0 Node Object Methods

appendChild( newChildElement )

Appends the supplied node to child NodeList for this element.

cloneNode( )

Creates a new node that is a complete copy of this particular node.

hasChildNodes( )

Returns true if the node has children.

insertBefore( newChild, referenceChild )

Takes the node supplied as newChild and inserts it in this node’s NodeList immediately prior to the supplied referenceChild node, which must be an existing child.

removeChild( oldChild )

Removes the supplied node from this element’s NodeList.

replaceChild( newChild, oldChild )

Places newChild in the same location where oldChild was residing.

selectNodes( pattern )

Returns a list of nodes matching the given pattern.

selectSingleNode( pattern )

Returns the first node matching the given pattern.

transformNode( stylesheet )

Takes a stylesheet that has been loaded into a DOM instance, and applies its rules against this node. The resulting transformation is returned to the caller of the method.

transformNodeToObject( stylesheet, outputObject )

Works as transformNode does, but sends the output to the specified object.

MSXML3.0 Node Object Properties


This read-only property contains the list of attributes attached to this node.


This read-only property contains the base name for the name qualified within the namespace.


This read-only property represents a NodeList of descendent children.


This read/write property indicates the data type for this node.


This read-only property contains the definition of the node in the DTD.


This read-only property represents the first immediate descendent element of the current node.


This read-only property is similar to firstChild, but is the last node in the NodeList.


This read-only property contains the URI for the namespace.


This read-only property returns the adjacent node in the list (in relation to this node and its parent).


The element name of the node.


The type of the node as defined in the DOM recommendation.


A read/write property specifying the node’s value as a defined data type.


This value is the node type in string format.


The data value of the node—for example, the text of a text node.


This read-only property indicates which document owns this node.


The node that is the parent of this one.


This Boolean value indicates whether the node and its descendants have been successfully parsed.


This read/write property is the namespace prefix of the node.


This read-only property returns the node immediately preceding this node in its parent’s list of children.


This read-only property represents whether an attribute node is explicitly specified, or if it is derived from a default value in the DTD or schema.


This read/write property contains the text of the node and its descendants.


This read-only property contains the node in XML format (including its children).

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