Sample Application and Flow Analysis

We will create a large sample application to illustrate many different concepts and show how they can be used together. An intelligent XML switch that knows how to move XML in the right direction holds the distributed application together. We also discuss how these switches can be daisy-chained together to form scalable networks of XML data. The components that are connected to the switch include a user input application, a customer profile SQL database, and an XML information store. Figure 10-1 shows a diagram of the application.

The sample distributed application
Figure 10-1. The sample distributed application

This application is meant to illustrate how several different applications that may have different purposes can utilize the same flow of XML traffic in the network by building intelligence between them, and not retrofitting them. The key to this application’s success is in the way the XML is moved between the applications in a decoupled fashion. From a high-level, the application appears as a portal web site to end-users. Backend systems of different types are integrated by exposing XML messaging APIs, allowing the portal to work. Other applications connect along the peripheral boundary of the main processing, to participate in the flow of XML information.

Decoupling Application Systems

Take for instance the Web/CGI application on the righthand side of Figure 10-1. Typically, it is connected directly to a database that contains the information it needs. However, in this scenario, the database is decoupled from the Web/CGI application by the XML switch. The Web/CGI application only submits an XML packet (a SOAP-like packet in this chapter) asking for relevant data. The switch interprets this packet and forwards it to the right location (in this particular case, a Python class that can perform the appropriate work). When the database responds, the information is “routed” back to the original caller. This allows for flexibility in the location or design of the database. In fact, it lets distributed systems commit to XML interfaces as they expose their functionality, instead of committing to the intricacies of table design or specific stored-procedure names.

Routing Adds Flexibility

This type of design is similar in architecture to message queuing designs, with some subtle and powerful differences. By decoupling different pieces of an enterprise, you’re able to share their functionality more broadly, and enjoy the independence of not being tightly bound to any specific application that consumes the data. In addition, by placing an intermediary between data sources and data consumers, you allow for business logic to exist at a level above and between applications, and not programmed directly into them. For example, in Figure 10-1, you could conceivably swap out the Profiles database, and instead use a third-party service on the Internet that contains customer data. That is, if you find that a web service provides better personalization and consumer data than you, you can connect with the service, develop an XML interface that is familiar to your network, and swap out the old database for the new service partner. The local applications as consumers of the information would be none the wiser, as the XML switch is still accepting their XML requests and results are still being routed back to the applications.

Routing Adds Scalability

In addition to flexibility in system components, routing also adds another degree of scalability to a system. By routing XML requests for information around your network, you enable the ability to manage them as you would other types of network traffic. For example, you can replace individual systems with system farms consisting of multiple servers, and load balance the XML packets that are sent between them. In another case, XML switches could be daisy-chained together, much like routers and hubs are chained together for TCP/IP traffic. This concept enables you to do things such as broadcasting and duplication of read-only signals. It also allows you to create redundancy and multiple network paths to the same location.

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