The Emerging SOAP Standard

Understanding SOAP helps you better use SOAP implementations, and more importantly allows you to adopt SOAP as a general XML messaging medium. SOAP is a work in progress but is slated to become a W3C recommendation. As of this writing, the latest SOAP specification is the W3C Note available from W3C members from various companies, including DevelopMentor, IBM, UserLand, Lotus Development, and Microsoft, develop SOAP.

SOAP is an XML-based protocol, and defines three basic concepts:

  1. An envelope that describes a message and how to process it.

  2. Encoding requirements that describe message data types.

  3. Remote Procedure Call conventions that allow for distributed method invocations.

SOAP Messages

In its most basic form, SOAP is used over HTTP to send a message to a SOAP server. In turn, the server implements some specific functionality and returns a SOAP response message back to the caller. This type of interaction uses HTTP’s inherent request/response design. The original SOAP message may be a method invocation and parameters; the response may be the return values.

A SOAP request may take the form of:

        <m:GetLocalTemperature xmlns:m="http://localhost/temperApp">

This message is sent over HTTP, and can be posted to a specific URI capable of interpreting and responding to the SOAP message. The return SOAP unit contains the response to the query GetLocalTemperature.


In this return example, the result of the method invocation is returned to the caller in a SOAP packet.

Exchanging SOAP Messages

The current SOAP specification places no constraints on how a SOAP message is sent across the network. SOAP implementations are allowed to take advantage of any special features of their communications medium, be it HTTP, SMTP, or something yet to be imagined.

However, SOAP does define the concept of a Message Path. This critical concept allows a SOAP packet to be dealt with at intermediate steps along the way to its final destination. While it’s simple to think of the message delivery process as one that simply hops a message to its end-point, in reality this powerful concept mimics that of routing. It’s possible to add intelligence to a network to deal with SOAP packets, and distribute them where they need to go. This addition of intelligence to the network allows for a much greater level of scalability and traffic management by allowing multiple, distributed systems to route packets where they need to go, as opposed to forcing them through a central server.

SOAP requires intermediate processors to perform three steps in exact order:

  1. The SOAP processor identifies any part of the SOAP message that’s intended for itself; that is, the application must understand which parts of the SOAP message relate to its own operation, and which parts do not.

  2. The application must make a decision as to whether it can support all of the required processing that the message expects of it. If the application cannot, it must discard the message.

  3. The application must remove the portions of the message that it has processed if it isn’t the end-point of the message, and is in fact just an intermediary or routing point. The removal must occur prior to the application forwarding the message to the next location.

For some middleware and routing applications, no parts of the SOAP message will be intended for them specifically. In these cases, the application may just look at the target URI or SoapAction value, and route the SOAP packet accordingly without modifying it.

Encoding SOAP Messages

The SOAP specification requires that all SOAP messages are encoded using XML. In addition, namespaces are used on elements and attributes, and any SOAP application must understand these concepts. The specification also dictates that messages with incorrect namespaces must be discarded—it defines two namespaces for use in SOAP. For envelopes, the correct namespace is serialization, the correct namespace is:

These namespaces are associated with local names and inserted into element and attribute names per the W3C’s Namespaces in XML document. Interestingly enough, given their native development in XML, SOAP messages are not allowed to contain either a Document Type Declaration or a Processing Instruction.

Constructing SOAP Envelopes

A composite SOAP message contains three broad parts. The first and outermost part is the envelope. Beneath the envelope is the header. The header is the place where routing information or other nonapplication metadata may be stored. It is permissible in the eyes of the specification to temporarily modify SOAP headers during a routing or transport period, leaving the message in its original state when it finally reaches the destination. The SOAP body is the place where the application-specific payload resides.

SOAP packet requirements

Let’s consider the analogy of a physical package delivery. The envelope is obviously the shipping container, and the header data may be added and removed by transport stations regarding check-ins and checkouts. The body is the goods and materials nicely secured inside the box, not to be touched by anyone but the recipient.

From these constructs, the envelope and body are mandatory, whereas the header is optional. Furthermore, the specification requires that these additional constraints are minded when constructing packets:

  1. For envelopes, SOAP requires that the element names be Envelope, with no exceptions. The Envelope element can optionally contain namespace declarations and additional, informative attributes. However, if any of these exist, they must be namespace-qualified. The specification requires that SOAP messages have an Envelope element marked with the namespace. If not within this namespace context, the specification requires that the message is discarded.

  2. For headers, SOAP requires element names to always be Header. The header is allowed to have immediate child elements. Any child element must be namespace-qualified.

  3. For SOAP bodies, the element name must always be Body. The Body element must be an immediate descendant of the Envelope element, and if a Header element is present, it must immediately follow the header.

SOAP encoding style

SOAP allows for different serialization rules for SOAP messages. To that end, the encodingStyle attribute is used to indicate which serialization techniques are used in the message. The SOAP specification defines serialization rules within the document, and utilizes the URI to indicate that this encoding style is in use.

Using SOAP Headers

SOAP allows for the extension of messages through optional header data. The header data may never actually be seen by sending and receiving end-point applications, but may actually only be used and seen by intermediary and middleware applications along the message’s path. However, there is no requirement that forbids the use of headers by applications.

According to the SOAP specification, headers must follow a few rules. First, a header entry must utilize a fully qualified element name within a namespace URI context. Second, the SOAP encodingStyle attribute may be used to denote the encoding style for header members. Third, the SOAP mustUnderstand attribute and actor attribute may also be used to indicate processing directions.

SOAP actor Attribute

The SOAP actor attribute names the recipient of a header element. The recipient is identified by URI.

SOAP mustUnderstand Attribute

The mustUnderstand attribute tells an application whether it is required to process the information contained within the element. The mustUnderstand element can have a value of either 1 or 0, with 1 indicating a positive condition requiring the application to understand the element. A nonexistent mustUnderstand attribute is the same has having it set to 0, or otherwise represents a false condition.

SOAP Body Elements

The Body element is the primary piece of a SOAP packet with which an end-point application is concerned. The Body element represents the SOAP packet’s payload.

Child elements of the Body element are called body entries. Each body entry is encoded as an independent element within the SOAP body element. A body entry requires a namespace URI and local name. The encodingStyle attribute can be used within body entries to indicate their encoding style.

Error Message and SOAP Fault

The SOAP Fault element is used to communicate error conditions back to a calling application. The SOAP Fault may be used to communicate any type of failure relevant to your application.

Fault element

A Fault element may have the following four children elements:


The faultcode element is required to appear within Fault elements, and provides a numeric code to applications for easier management of error messages. The SOAP specification defines a few fault codes automatically, covered in the Section section.


The faultstring element is required within Fault elements, and can be any type of description appropriate for the error.


The faultactor element is used to pinpoint which actor caused the fault if the message followed along a message path. If present, this element indicates the origin of the fault. If an intermediary application causes a fault, the specification requires that the intermediary shows itself in the faultactor element. The value of a faultactor element is a URI.


The detail element allows for application-specific information associated with the XML payload in the Body element. For example, if a business logic error occurs in your distributed SOAP-powered application, the business error detail rides in the detail element. On the other hand, if an intermediary causes a problem during the routing process, the detail element is not used to communicate the information. Like the Body element, the detail element allows for detail entries to be present as immediate children of the detail element.

Fault codes

The fault codes defined by the SOAP specification list four different error conditions. If one of these conditions occurs, the following fault codes must be used. These fault codes are in the space defined by the URI prefix The SOAP specification hopes the fault codes are extensible and will be used by developers. By default, the specification includes:


Used when an invalid namespace is used for the SOAP Envelope.


Used when an element is not understood or processed by an application, but its mustUnderstand attribute is set to 1.


Used when the message is not well formed, or did not contain required information for success.


Used when the message cannot be processed by the server for reasons other than physical makeup. That is, you may have formatted your GetLocalTemperature call correctly, however the server could be offline momentarily. When this error comes up, it is possible that the application may try again at a later time.

The Client and Server classes of errors are meant to be extensible, so that a programmer could define a fault such as Client.AccessDenied or Server.Unavailable. The complete URI for Client.AccessDenied is

For faults that are not described by the SOAP specification, it is legal to use URIs that begin with a different prefix.

SOAP Encoding Techniques

SOAP encoding defines a format for data types communicated in SOAP packets. If SOAP is to be used for Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) between applications, then application-specific data must be marshaled to and from the involved parties. These applications must be able to understand the types of data—to be able to distinguish, for example, arrays from strings and numbers from letters.

In the world of SOAP encoding, the SOAP specification sees two types of data. Simple scalar types (dog = "foo") and compound types (dog = {"foo" : "bar", "bar" : "foo"}). SOAP encoding uses the namespace URI

SOAP does acknowledge that other types of encoding schemes may be used, but for applications to be interoperable, it’s easiest if they use the same encoding.

SOAP Encoding Rules

There are nine golden rules for data serialization using SOAP. These rules establish guidelines for both simple and complex data types and data representation. These nine rules are explored and illustrated in practice following these simple guidelines.

  1. All data values must be represented as element content. This means that data is inside elements, not inside attributes as in:


    and not:

    <specialSymbols symbol1="DataValue1" symbol2="DataValue2"/>
  2. When an element contains a data value, the value must have one of the following features:

    • Have an xsi:type attribute

    • Be contained within an element with a SOAP-ENC:arrayType attribute

    • Have a type determinable from a schema

  3. Simple values are represented as character data without any child elements. Simple values must have a type referenced in the XML Schemas Specification.

  4. Compound values are represented as a sequence of elements. Access methods are represented by an element with a matching name. Qualified names must be used unless the access names are local to their containing types.

  5. Multireference simple or compound values are represented as independent elements with a local attribute ID of type ID (the ID type listed in the XML Specification, which must be unique within any XML document instance). Any access to this simple or compound value must have an attribute named href that points to a URI fragment identifier referencing the element.

  6. Strings and byte arrays should be multireference simple types, but rules exist for efficient representation in common cases. See the specification at for details.

  7. Multiple references to a value can all be encoded separately, but only if the meaning of the XML instance is unaltered as a result.

  8. Arrays are compound values. Arrays must have a type of SOAP-ENC:Array or a derived type. SOAP arrays may be multidimensional, with the rightmost index advancing first. SOAP arrays need a SOAP-ENC:arrayType attribute that indicates the contained element’s type and dimensions. In its simplest form, the attribute may appear as:

    array-type array-size

    where <array-type> is an XML Schema-defined type, and <array-size> is an integer indicating the size of the array. Things get trickier when encoding a multidimensional array. In the case of multidimensionality, <array-size> is a comma-separated list of integers.

  9. A null value doesn’t require an accessor element. However, a null value may be present and represented with an accessor with an xsi:null attribute set to 1.

While these rules may seem quite complicated, learning more about types helps demystify them. When working with some SOAP APIs (and hopefully all SOAP APIs), such strict data typing is not manually required, and is taken care of by the API.

Simple Types

The SOAP specification declares that it adopts the types found in the XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes specification. In other words, the SOAP drafters are not reinventing the wheel, but utilizing the work done for the XML Schema effort.

Using established data typing makes data encoding far simpler to understand than the list of nine rules presented in the previous section. For example:

<element name="FirstName" type="xsd:string"/>
<element name="LastName" type="xsd:string"/>
<element name="Address1" type="xsd:string"/>
<element name="City" type="xsd:string"/>
<element name="State" type="xsd:string"/>
<element name="Zip" type="int"/>
<element name="BalanceDue" type="float"/>

Compound Types

The SOAP specification recognizes two primary types of compound data: structs and arrays. A struct is a compound type in which members are given names, and the names are used to access the values. An array, on the other hand, is an ordered list in which an integer index is used to access the values.


SOAP fits naturally over HTTP. SOAP’s request/response RPC-style transactions are perfect for HTTP’s request/response protocol. When sending SOAP over HTTP, the content-type must be text/xml.

The SOAPAction header

The SOAPAction HTTP request header field is used to indicate the “intent” of the SOAP request. A client is required to supply this header in a request. The value of the header is a URI, but the specification places no restrictions on what the URI represents.

SOAP HTTP responses

SOAP over HTTP uses a hybrid combination of traditional HTTP response codes coupled with their equivalent meanings for the fate of the SOAP packet. That is, even if the HTTP request itself is okay, if for some reason there is an error on the server side while processing the request, the server must send back an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error. This is a slightly different process than that of HTTP, which only gives such a response when a CGI or ASP page ungracefully bails out of its execution. With SOAP, the execution of the SOAP server may proceed just fine, but if the logical execution of the SOAP message fails, the HTTP 500 error is returned.


Using SOAP for RPC-style development is really nothing different from using SOAP for any other purpose. The semantics of request/response are still present. A SOAP method invocation is just a SOAP envelope with a method name as payload, accompanied by any data parameters. The response is either the return value or the error status, also within a SOAP envelope.

When performing RPC with SOAP, the method calls and return values are stored in the SOAP body.

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