

1099 forms

independent contractors, setting up, 59

preferences, setting, 61

printing, 62-64



contributed reports, 415

Income Tracker feature, 142

pre-closing date transactions, 334


closing dates, setting, 333

QuickBooks Accountant, 279

rights, assigning, 331

accountant’s copy file, 323


assets, 362

bad debts, 151-152

bank account transfers, 363

bank deposits, 136

bills, 169

bounced checks, 153-154

cash sales, 135

credit card charges, 386

credit card payments, 365

deposits as assets, 366

deposits/retainers, 390

depreciation, 370

distribution account withdrawals, 378

equity, 376

fixed asset sales

on invoices, 371

in journal entries, 372

foreign purchase transactions, 162-163

foreign sales transactions, 160-161

income, 114

income taxes, 314

inventory, 339

jobs, 227

liabilities, 382

loan payments, 395

loans, 391

manufacturing inventory, 339

payroll in company file, 65

payroll tax accruals, 384

prior period adjustments, 379

purchases, 169

sales, 114

sales receipts, 135

sales tax, 210

accounting preferences, configuring, 74-75

Account Listing report, 311

account numbers

sorting, 78

turning on/off, 74, 78

in QuickBooks Online, 76


adding, 76-77

administrator account password, 328

bank accounts

setting up, 19

transfers, 363

capital accounts, defined, 373

checking accounts, selecting, 189

color-coding, 425-426

credit cards

configuring, 385

default payment accounts, 365

reconciling, 387-389

recording charges, 386

currencies, assigning, 158

discount accounts, 209

distribution accounts

configuring, 377

defined, 377

recording withdrawals, 378

expense accounts, setting up, 20

income accounts, setting up, 20

income taxes, liabilities versus expenses, 315

liabilities, types of, 381

online bank accounts

transferring between, 304

opening balance equity account, 373

explained, 374

zeroing out, 375

recommended accounts, 20

Retained Earnings account, viewing, 380

tax lines, assigning, 310

vendor settings, entering, 90-91

accounts payable, 381

managing, 383

accounts receivable accounts, transferring from Quicken, 10

accounts receivable reports, creating, 141


bank feeds, 286-287

currencies, 157

inventory, 338

activities menu on lists, 105

activities, timer

creating, 248

editing, 255

invoicing, 256

viewing, 254


accounts, 76-77

customers, 82-85

multiple, 97

on-the-fly, 98-99

details to online transactions, 294-295

entries to drop-down lists, 93

to inventory, 343

items, 92-94

multiple, 97

on-the-fly, 98-99

memorized transactions to icon bar, 218

online transactions

batch adding, 296

quick adding, 292-293

passwords, administrator account, 328

reports to icon bar, 218

sales tax agency, 201

transactions to memorized groups, 214

users, 329

vendors, 88-91, 173

multiple, 97

on-the-fly, 98-99


customers, changing, 91

email, saving, 124

employees, entering, 29


changing, 91

entering, 88-89

administrator account, passwords, 328


receiving, 137

recording, 390

all rights, assigning, 330

A/R Aging Detail report, creating, 141

A/R Aging Summary report, creating, 141

assemblies, classifying, 344


defined, 359

deposits as, 366


calculating, 369

recording, 370

fixed assets

in Chart of Accounts, 367

defined, 359

in Fixed Asset Item List, 368

selling, 371-372

naming, 368

recording, 362

selling, taxes on, 362


classes, payroll, 265


to account types, 158

to customers/vendors, 156

online transactions to open vendor bills, 299

reports to report groups, 410


all rights, 330

selected rights, 331-332

sales tax rates to customers, 203

tax lines to accounts, 310

associating customers with purchases, 128

attaching documents to transactions, 176, 423-424

authorizing petty cash expenditures, 364

auto-matched transactions, 299


backing up company file, 8, 320-322

online backup service, 326-327

restoring from backup, 324-325

types of backup, 323

bad debts, recording, 151-152

balance due from customers, entering, 82

balances, reconciling bank statements, 361

bank accounts

for checks, selecting, 189

setting up, 19

transfers, recording, 363

bank deposits, recording, 136

bank feeds

activating, 286-287

preferences, configuring, 284

renaming rules, 298

types of, 285


changing, 285

online banking. See online banking

bank statements, reconciling, 360-361

Basic Payroll, 25

batch adding online transactions, 296

batch invoicing, 117-120

printing invoices, 122

benefits, configuring

sick benefits, 33

vacation benefits, 34

billable expenses

customers, charging, 127-129

preferences, configuring, 127

billing groups

batch invoicing, 119

creating, 118-119

managing, 120

billing rates, setting, 29

bills. See also purchase orders

checks, writing, 191-192

discounts, 184

due dates, 170

foreign purchase transactions, recording, 162

Intuit QuickBooks Bill Pay Service, 301

online payments

canceling, 302-303

making, 301

open vendor bills, assigning online transactions, 299


deleting, 188

editing, 186-187

making, 183

preferences, configuring, 170

recording, 169

recurring, 216

unpaid bills, viewing, 182

vendors, entering, 175

bounced checks, recording, 153-154


creating, 259-262

in first year, 263

reports, preparing, 263-264

saving, 261


calculating depreciation, 369


check printing, 194

online bill payments, 302-303

capital accounts, defined, 373

Carousel View (Report Center), 400

cash, tracking petty cash, 364

cash sales, recording, 135


banks, 285

invoice preferences, 116

start date, 18

charging customers

billable expenses, 127-129

sales tax, 203

Chart of Accounts List, 105

fixed assets, 367

in foreign currencies, adding, 158

tax lines, assigning, 310


creating company files, 16-17

transactions, 325

check register, explained, 185


bounced checks, recording, 153-154

preferences, configuring, 189-190

printing, 193-194


in current year, 195-196

in previous year, 196-197

writing, 191-192


configuring, 266-267

defined, 265

forms, 268

payroll, 265

reports, preparing, 269

Classic (Register) Mode (bank feeds), 284

classifying parts and assemblies, 344

clearing opening balance equity account, 375

closed periods, voiding checks, 197

closing date, company file

exception report, 335

setting, 333

user access, 334

closing entries, year-end, 380

collapsing report details, 418

collection letters, creating, 148-150

Collections Center, enabling, 146-147

color-coding accounts, 425-426

color schemes, configuring, 73

company file

backing up, 8, 320-322

online backup service, 326-327

restoring from backup, 324-325

types of backup, 323

changing company data, 14

closing date

exception report, 335

setting, 333

user access, 334

creating new, 12-14

checklist of information needed, 16-17

questions in EasyStep Interview, 15

definition of, 12

Favorites menu, creating, 419-420

historical data, entering, 22

incompatibility with Quicken, 9

payroll, recording, 65

sample files, practicing with, 11

saving options, 320

start date

changing, 18

selecting, 18

storing in multiuser office, 6


from older QuickBooks versions, 7-8

from Quicken, 9-10

company preferences

configuring, 70-71

reminders, configuring, 223

reports, 404-405

Company Snapshot

customizing, 421-423

viewing, 398-399

compound interest, calculating, 393


classes, 266-267

color schemes, 73

credit cards, 385

direct deposit, 44

distribution accounts, 377


address information, 29

payroll information, 30

payroll tax information, 31-32

personal information, 28

preferences, 26-27

inventory items, 340-342


preferences, 24

sick benefits, 33

vacation benefits, 34

payroll deductions, 36-38


1099 form, 61

accounting, 74-75

bank feeds, 284

billable expenses, 127

bills, 170

checks, 189-190

company general preferences, 70-71

desktop view, 72-73

email, 123

employees, 26-27

estimates, 226

finance charges, 130

inventory, 168-169, 338

jobs, 226

job status, 232

payments, 112, 133

payroll, 24

personal general preferences, 68-69

purchase orders, 168-169

sales & customers, 113

sales tax, 200, 207

spelling, 258

time tracking, 242


company preferences, 223

personal preferences, 222


company preferences, 404-405

personal preferences, 403

special payroll, 41-42

contact information in timer, 254

contractors. See independent contractors

contributed reports, accessing, 415

converting. See transferring

corporations, tax forms, 309

cost, inventory items, 343

counting inventory, 354

credit cards, 381


downloading, 385

recording, 386

configuring, 385

payments, recording, 365

reconciling, 387-389

transactions, downloading, 287

credit limits, 229

credits, issuing, 134

.csv format, exporting reports to, 417


accounts, assigning, 158

chart of accounts, adding, 158

customers, assigning, 156

exchange rates, updating, 159

home currency adjustment, 165

multiple currencies, enabling, 155

purchase transactions, recording, 162-163

Realized Gains & Losses report, viewing, 164

sales transactions, recording, 160-161

selecting, 157

Unrealized Gains & Losses report, viewing, 163

vendors, assigning, 156

current liabilities, defined, 391

current year, voiding checks, 195-196

Customer Center, 86-87, 105

customer information

overriding, 68

updating, 71

customer invoices. See invoices


adding, 82-85

multiple, 97

on-the-fly, 98-99

addresses, changing, 91

bad debts, recording, 151-152

balance due, entering, 82

billable expenses, charging, 127-129

bounced checks, recording, 153-154

collection letters, creating, 148-150

contact information in timer, 254

credits/refunds, issuing, 134

currencies, assigning, 156

Customer Center, 86-87

Income Tracker feature, 142

invoicing, timer activities, 256

jobs, creating, 228

messages, saving, 134

payments, receiving, 133

preferences, configuring, 113

purchases, designating, 128

sales tax, charging, 203

specific job information, entering, 231

tax-exempt customers, 206

Customer Snapshot, 143-144

custom invoices, 114


Company Snapshot, 421-423

employee information, 29

Favorites menu, 419-420

form data layout, 274-277

form design, 271-273

forms, 116


data layout, customizing forms, 274-277

date of deposit, date of receipt versus, 139

date of eligibility on invoices, 140

date of receipt, date of deposit versus, 139


closing date

exception report, 335

setting, 333

user access, 334

income taxes, troubleshooting, 313

on invoices, importance of, 115

jobs, tracking, 234

keyboard shortcuts, 70

reports, troubleshooting, 410

debts. See liabilities

deductions (payroll), configuring, 36-38

default accounts, credit card payments, 365

default price on inventory, editing, 356-357

default sort order of lists, 79

default views, Company Snapshot as, 399


bill payments, 188

list items, 103, 106

memorized transactions, 221

online transactions, 300

users, 329


as assets, 366

recording, 136, 390


calculating, 369

recording, 370

descriptions, jobs

listing, 234

tracking, 234


forms, customizing, 271-273

logos, 273

designating sales reps, 38


saving, 73

view preferences, configuring, 72-73


adding to online transactions, 294-295

reports, collapsing, 418

Direct Connect (bank feeds), 285-287

direct deposit

configuring, 44

explained, 45

direct processing credit cards, 365

discount accounts, 209

Discount items, 95


on bills, 184

early payment discounts, entering, 139-140

sales discounts, entering, 138

sales tax, 209

display options, reports, 406

distribution accounts

configuring, 377

defined, 377

recording withdrawals, 378

document management, 423-424

documents, attaching to transactions, 176, 423-424


credit card transactions, 287, 385


federal taxes, 316

state taxes, 317

down payments

on customer invoices, 390

receiving, 137

drop-down lists, adding entries, 93

due dates

bills, 170

payroll taxes, editing, 46-47

sales tax, 200


early payment discounts

entering, 139-140

sales tax, 209

EasyStep Interview

checklist of information needed, 16-17

creating new company file, 12-14

questions in, 15

stopping/restarting, 21


bill payments, 186-187

due dates on payroll taxes, 46-47

inventory default price, 356-357

inventory items, 344

inventory quantities, 355

list items, 102

memorized transactions, 215, 219

passwords on administrator account, 328

recurring transactions, 220


display options, 406

filter options, 407

fonts & numbers options, 408

header/footer options, 408

timer activities, 255

transactions, 110

user preferences, 330

users, 329


addresses, saving, 124

preferences, configuring, 123


invoice reminders, 147

invoices, 123-126

multiple invoices, 126

reports, 416-417

Employee Center, 105

employee labor, estimating, 227

employees. See also payroll

address information, entering, 29

direct deposit

configuring, 44

explained, 45

independent contractors versus, 60

payroll deductions, configuring, 36-38

payroll information, configuring, 30

payroll tax information, configuring, 31-32

personal information, entering, 28

preferences, configuring, 26-27

sales reps, designating, 38

scheduling payroll, 39-42

sick benefits, configuring, 33

special payroll, configuring, 41-42

timer, training, 244

vacation benefits, configuring, 34


Collections Center, 146-147

multiple currencies, 155

Enhanced Payroll, 25


early payment discounts, 139-140

expenses on invoices, 129

sales discounts, 138

entries in Reminders List, creating, 87

e-Pay, 48


defined, 373

opening balance equity account

explained, 374

zeroing out, 375

recording, 376

escrow payments, 392

estimated tax payments, 314-315


advantages, 227

creating, 235

defined, 225

invoicing, 237-238

preferences, configuring, 226

reporting, 239

revising, 236

Excel, exporting reports to, 354, 417

exceptions, closing date exception report, 335

exchange rates

Realized Gains & Losses report, viewing, 164

Unrealized Gains & Losses report, viewing, 163

updating, 159

expense accounts, setting up, 20


billable expenses

charging to customers, 127-129

configuring preferences, 127

income taxes, accounts, 315

invoices, entering, 129

payroll, recording in company file, 65


reports to Excel, 354, 417

report templates, 413

to timer, 245

timer data to QuickBooks, 250-251

Express Mode (bank feeds), 284


Favorites menu, creating, 419-420

federal taxes. See also taxes

forms, downloading, 316

payroll information, configuring, 31

W-2/W-3 forms, 56-58

federal unemployment compensation taxes, paying, 54-55

fees for services, 280

FIFO (first in, first out) accounting, 337, 345

files (timer), creating, 246-247

filter options (reports), 407

finance charges preferences, configuring, 130

financial statements

prior period adjustments, recording, 379

prior year financial statement, creating budgets, 260, 262

first in, first out (FIFO) accounting, 337, 345

first-year budgets, 263

Fixed Asset Item List, 368

fixed assets

in Chart of Accounts, 367

defined, 359

in Fixed Asset Item List, 368

selling, 371-372

FOB (Free on Board), 113

fonts options (reports), 408

foreign currencies. See currencies

Form 940, 54-55

Form 941, 51-53

Form 990, 309

Form 990-PF, 309

Form 990-T, 309

Form 1040, 309

Form 1065, 309

Form 1120, 309

Form 1120S, 309


classes, 267-268

customizing, 116

data layout, customizing, 274-277

design, customizing, 271-273

federal taxes, downloading, 316

income taxes

selecting, 308

types of, 309

items, 96

adding on-the-fly, 98-99

lists, viewing, 80-81

previewing, 277

spelling preferences, configuring, 258

state taxes, downloading, 317

Free on Board (FOB), 113

Full Service Payroll, 25, 47


General Journal, 278

general preferences, configuring

company, 70-71

personal, 68-69

goods. See items

graphs, preferences

company, 404-405

personal, 403

Graphs class report, 269

Grid View (Report Center), 401-402

Group items, 95


billing groups

batch invoicing, 119

creating, 118-119

managing, 120

inventory, creating, 346-347

reports, creating, 409-410

sales tax, creating, 202


adding, 214

memorizing, 213


hardware requirements, 4

header/footer options (reports), 408

headers (reports), hiding, 418

hidden list items, viewing, 104


list items, 103

report headers, 418

historical information

checklist, 16-17

entering, 22

payroll, entering, 35

home currency adjustment, 165


icon bar

memorized transactions on, 218

reports, adding, 218


lists, 97

multiple leads, 430

online transactions, 290-291

report templates, 412-413

from timer, 252-253


changing to active, 104


marking, 103

viewing, 103

income, recording, 114. See also invoices

income accounts, setting up, 20

Income Tax Detail report, 313

income taxes

estimated payments, 314-315

federal taxes

forms, downloading, 316

payroll information, configuring, 31

W-2/W-3 forms, 56-58


selecting, 308

types of, 309

payroll taxes versus, 315

recording, 314


Account Listing report, 311

Income Tax Detail report, 313

Income Tax Summary report, 312

state taxes

forms, downloading, 317

payroll information, configuring, 32

tax lines, assigning to accounts, 310

transactions, non-tax-related, 318

TurboTax, 318

Income Tax Summary report, 312

Income Tracker feature, 142

independent contractors. See also vendors

1099 preferences, setting, 61

employees versus, 60

printing 1099 forms, 62-64

setting up, 59


QuickBooks, 2-3

in multiuser office, 6

timer, 243

interest, calculating, 393

interval in accounts receivable, changing, 141

Intuit QuickBooks Bill Pay Service, 301


activating, 338

adding to, 343

counting, 354

default price, editing, 356-357

defined, 337

groups, creating, 346-347


configuring, 340-342

cost, 343

editing, 344

receiving, 343

sales tax, 204

journal entries, 342

manufacturing inventory

classifying parts and assemblies, 344

recording, 339

preferences, configuring, 168-169

purchasing, 342

quantities, editing, 355

recording, 339


creating reminders, 350

viewing reminders, 351


preparing, 352

types of, 353

sales orders, managing, 348-349

units of measure, 94

valuing, 345

Inventory Assembly items, 95

Inventory Part items, 95

Inventory Stock Status by Item report, 353

Inventory Stock Status by Vendor report, 353

Inventory Valuation Detail report, 353

Inventory Valuation Summary report, 353


batch invoicing, 117-120

printing invoices, 122

collection letters, creating, 148-150

Collections Center, enabling, 146-147

creating, 116

customer invoices, down payments on, 390

dates, importance of, 115

down payments, 390

early payment discounts, entering, 139-140

emailing, 123-126

for estimates, 237-238

expenses, entering, 129

fixed asset sales, recording, 371

items, sales tax status, 204

markup amounts, removing, 128

memo field, printing, 122

monthly statements, creating, 131-132

opening, 98

Open Invoices report, viewing, 145

payments, receiving, 133

payment terms, creating, 270

preferences, changing, 116

previewing/printing, 121

printing zero-balance items, 238

reminders, emailing, 147

sales discounts, entering, 138

sales receipts versus, 116

for timer activities, 256

types of, 114

issuing credits/refunds, 134


adding, 92-94

multiple, 97

on-the-fly, 98-99

defined, 92

Fixed Asset Item List, 368

on forms, 96


configuring, 340-342

cost, 343

editing, 344

entering sales tax, 204

receiving, 343

units of measure, 94


creating subitems, 101

deleting, 106

editing, 102

hiding, 103

merging, 107-108

sorting, 100

viewing hidden, 104

ordering on purchase orders, 174

partial orders, receiving, 180-181

receiving, 178-179

sales tax, creating, 201

specific items on estimates, invoicing, 238

tax-exempt items, 205

types, 95

selecting, 92

zero-balance items on printed invoices, 238

Items List, 105



creating, 228-231

additional information, 230

job information, 228

payment information, 229

specific job information, 231

dates, tracking, 234


listing, 234

tracking, 234


advantages, 227

creating, 235

defined, 225

invoicing, 237-238

reporting, 239

revising, 236

preferences, configuring, 226

recording, 227

status, tracking, 232

types, tracking, 233

journal entries. See also recording

creating, 278

fixed asset sales, recording, 372

inventory, 342

names in, 390

purpose, 278

reversing, 278

jumping in lists, 81

keyboard shortcuts for dates, 70


labels, creating mailing labels, 281-282

last in, first out (LIFO) accounting, 345

late payments, configuring finance charges preferences, 130

Lead Center, 429-431

letters, creating collection letters, 148-150

liabilities. See also debts

accounting for, 382

accounts payable, managing, 383

credit cards

configuring, 385

reconciling, 387-389

recording charges, 386

defined, 381

deposits/retainers, recording, 390

income taxes, accounts, 315


interest, calculating, 393

payments, recording, 395

QuickBooks Loan Manager, 392, 394

recording, 391

long-term liabilities, 381, 391

payroll, recording in company file, 65

payroll tax accruals, recording, 384

payroll taxes

editing due dates, 46-47

paying, 48

year-to-date, 34

types of accounts, 381

year-to-date payroll liabilities report, 50

license numbers in multiuser QuickBooks, 6

LIFO (last in, first out) accounting, 345

listing job descriptions, 234


accounts, adding, 76-77

activities menu, 105

drop-down lists, adding entries, 93

entries, adding

multiple, 97

on-the-fly, 98-99

forms, viewing, 80-81

importing, 97


creating subitems, 101

deleting, 106

editing, 102

hiding, 103

merging, 107-108

sorting, 100

viewing hidden, 104

jumping in, 81

printing, 109

in QuickBooks Online, 79

sorting, 79

standalone lists, viewing inactive items, 103

List View (Report Center), 401


interest, calculating, 393

payments, recording, 395

QuickBooks Loan Manager, 392, 394

recording, 391

local taxes, configuring payroll information, 32. See also taxes

location tracking in QuickBooks Online Plus, 267

logo design, 273

long-term liabilities, 381, 391. See also loans


MACRS (Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System), 369

mailing labels, creating, 281-282

managing billing groups, 120

manufacturing inventory

classifying parts and assemblies, 344

recording, 339

markup amounts, removing from invoices, 128

materials, estimating, 227

measurement units. See units of measure

memo field on invoices, printing, 122


groups of transactions, 213

reports, 411

transactions, 212

adding to icon bar, 218

advantages, 211

deleting, 221

editing, 219

as recurring, 217

usage, 215

menus, creating Favorites, 419-420

merging list items, 107-108

messages, saving customer messages, 134

Microsoft Excel, exporting reports to, 354, 417

Microsoft Office Accounting, transferring data from, 10

Microsoft Outlook, troubleshooting emailing reports, 416

Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS), 369

monthly statements, creating, 131-132

mortgages, escrow payments, 392

moving list items, 100

multiple currencies, enabling, 155

multiple customers/vendors/items, adding, 97

multiple invoices

emailing, 126

printing, 122

multiple items

discounting, 138

sales tax items, 201

multiple leads, importing, 430

multiple users of QuickBooks, 3, 6


names in journal entries, 390

naming assets, 368

net worth, defined, 373

non-inventory items, changing to inventory items, 344

Noninventory Part items, 95

non-taxable items, 205

non-tax-related transactions, 318

numbers options (reports), 408


older versions of QuickBooks, transferring company file from, 7-8

online backup service, 326-327

online banking

accounts, transferring between, 304

advantages, 288

bank feeds

activating, 286-287

preferences, 284

types of, 285

bill payments

canceling, 302-303

making, 301

signing up, 285


adding details, 294-295

assigning to open vendor bills, 299

batch adding to QuickBooks, 296

deleting, 300

manually importing, 290-291

quick adding to QuickBooks, 292-293

renaming rules, 297-298

reports, 305

retrieving, 289

on-the-fly, adding list entries, 98-99

opening invoices, 98

opening balance equity account, 373

explained, 374

zeroing out, 375

Open Invoices report, viewing, 145

open purchase orders, reporting, 177

open vendor bills, assigning online transactions, 299

ordering items on purchase orders, 174

orders. See purchase orders

Other Charge items, 95

Outlook, troubleshooting emailing reports, 416

out-of-state sales, sales tax on, 202

outsourcing payroll, 65

overhead, estimating, 227

overriding customer/vendor information, 68


partial bill payments, 183

partial orders, receiving, 180-181

partnerships, tax forms, 309

parts, classifying, 344

par value, defined, 373

password protection, 14

passwords for administrator account, 328

paychecks, printing, 43

payment information

jobs, creating, 229

vendors, entering, 88-89

Payment items, 95

payments. See also checks

advance payments, receiving, 137

bills, 183

deleting, 188

editing, 186-187

bounced checks, recording, 153-154

collection letters, creating, 148-150

Collections Center, enabling, 146-147

credit cards, recording, 365

date of receipt versus date of deposit, 139

estimated tax payments, 314-315

for federal unemployment compensation taxes, 54-55

Intuit QuickBooks Bill Pay Service, 301

for invoices, receiving, 133

loans, recording, 395

online bill payments

canceling, 302-303

making, 301

for payroll taxes, 48

preferences, configuring, 112, 133

sales tax, 208

Payments Snapshot, 143-144

payment terms, creating, 270

PayPal, 363

payroll. See also employees

classes, 265

deductions, configuring, 36-38

direct deposit

configuring, 44

explained, 45

employee information, configuring, 30

employee tax information, configuring, 31-32

historical information, entering, 35

outsourcing, 65

preferences, configuring, 24

printing paychecks, 43


payroll summary report, 49

year-to-date payroll liabilities report, 50

scheduling, 27, 39-42

sick benefits, configuring, 33

special payroll, configuring, 41-42

subscription services, 25


editing due dates/methods, 46-47

federal unemployment compensation, 54-55

income taxes versus, 315

paying, 48

recording accruals, 384

reporting with Form 941, 51-53

W-2/W-3 forms, 56-58

year-to-date liabilities, 34

vacation benefits, configuring, 34

Peachtree, transferring data from, 10

Pending Builds report, 353

percentage of estimates, invoicing, 237

personal general preferences, configuring, 68-69

personal information of employees, entering, 28

personal preferences

reminders, configuring, 222

reports, 403

spelling, configuring, 258

personal reminders in To Do Notes, 428

petty cash, tracking, 364

physical inventory counts, 354

Physical Inventory Worksheet report, 353

portable company file, 323

practicing with sample company files, 11

pre-closing date transactions, accessing, 334


accounting preferences, configuring, 74-75

bank feeds, configuring, 284

billable expenses, configuring, 127

bills, configuring, 170

checks, configuring, 189-190

Collections Center, enabling, 146-147

company general preferences, configuring, 70-71

credit cards, default accounts, 365

desktop view preferences, configuring, 72-73

email, configuring, 123

employees, configuring, 26-27

estimates, configuring, 226

finance charges, configuring, 130

inventory, configuring, 168-169, 338

invoices, changing, 116

jobs, configuring, 226

job status, configuring, 232

multiple currencies, enabling, 155

payments, configuring, 112, 133

payroll, configuring, 24

personal general preferences, configuring, 68-69

purchase orders

configuring, 168-169

turning on/off, 212


company preferences, 223

personal preferences, 222


company preferences, 404-405

personal preferences, 403

sales & customers, configuring, 113

sales tax, configuring, 200, 207

saving, 71

spelling, configuring, 258

time tracking, configuring, 242

users, editing, 330


budget reports, 263-264

class reports, 269

inventory reports, 352


forms, 277

invoices, 121

previous year, voiding checks, 196-197

price, default price of inventory, 356-357

print elements on forms, 275


1099 forms, 62-64

checks, 193-194

invoices, 121

multiple, 122

zero-balance items, 238

lists, 109

mailing labels, 281-282

paychecks, 43

prior period adjustments, recording, 379

prior year financial statement, creating budgets, 260, 262

private foundations, tax forms, 309

product invoices, 114

professional invoices, 114

Profit & Loss by Class report, 269

Profit & Loss Unclassified report, 269

progress invoicing, 237

purchase forms, classes, 268

purchase orders. See also bills

advantages, 173

creating, 173


ordering, 174

receiving, 178-179

open purchase orders, reporting, 177

partial orders, receiving, 180-181


configuring, 168-169

turning on/off, 212

vendor bills, entering, 175


customers, designating, 128

foreign purchases, recording, 162-163

recording, 169


fixed assets, 367-368

inventory, 342


QBB file type, 323

QBM file type, 323

QBX file type, 323

QSW (QuickBooks Statement Writer), 418

quantity, inventory items, 342

editing, 355

questions in EasyStep Interview, 15

quick adding online transactions, 292-293


importing timer data, 252-253

installing, 2-3

in multiuser office, 6

older versions, transferring company file from, 7-8

registering, 5

system requirements, 4

TurboTax integration, 318

upgrading, 3

QuickBooks Accountant, 279

QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions

inventory, 345

security, 332

QuickBooks Loan Manager, 392, 394

QuickBooks Online

account numbers, turning on/off, 76

adding items on-the-fly, 99

bank feeds, 284

deleting list items, 103

document attachments, 176


invoice reminders, 147

invoices, 124

general preferences, configuring, 70

Income Tracker feature, 142

lists, 79

importing, 97

purchase orders and bills, 175

recurring transactions, 216

sales tax, 202

sales transactions, 116

searching transactions, 110

QuickBooks Online Plus

inventory, 337, 345

location tracking, 267

QuickBooks Price Level feature, 112

QuickBooks Remote Access, 280

QuickBooks Statement Writer (QSW), 418

Quicken, transferring company file from, 9-10

QuickFill, 187

QuickReport, 269


Realized Gains & Losses report, viewing, 164


advances, 137

down payments, 137

inventory items, 343

items, 178-179

partial orders, 180-181

payments for invoices, 133

retainers, 137

recommended accounts, 20

reconciliation reports, 361


bank statements, 360-361

credit cards, 387-389

petty cash accounts, 364


assets, 362

bad debts, 151-152

bank account transfers, 363

bank deposits, 136

bills, 169

bounced checks, 153-154

cash sales, 135

credit card charges, 386

credit card payments, 365

deposits as assets, 366

deposits/retainers, 390

depreciation, 370

distribution account withdrawals, 378

equity, 376

fixed asset sales

on invoices, 371

in journal entries, 372

foreign purchase transactions, 162-163

foreign sales transactions, 160-161

income, 114

income taxes, 314

inventory, 339

jobs, 227

liabilities, 382

loan payments, 395

loans, 391

manufacturing inventory, 339

payroll in company file, 65

payroll tax accruals, 384

prior period adjustments, 379

purchases, 169

sales, 114

sales receipts, 135

sales tax, 210

with timer, 249

recurring transactions

editing, 220

scheduling, 216-217

refunds, issuing, 134

registering QuickBooks, 5


inventory reorders

creating, 350

viewing, 351

invoices, emailing, 147


company preferences, 223

personal preferences, 222

usage, 224

Reminders list (To Do Notes), 426-429

entries, creating, 87

remote access, 280

removing markup amounts from invoices, 128

renaming rules (online transactions), 297-298

reorders, inventory

creating reminders, 350

viewing reminders, 351

Report Center

Carousel View, 400

Grid View, 401-402

List View, 401

reporting payroll taxes with Form 941, 51-53


accounts receivable, creating, 141

adding to icon bar, 218

assigning to report groups, 410

budgets, preparing, 263-264

classes, preparing, 269

closing date exception report, 335

Company Snapshot, viewing, 398-399

contributed reports, accessing, 415

Customer Snapshot, 143-144

dates, troubleshooting, 410

details, collapsing, 418


display options, 406

filter options, 407

fonts & numbers options, 408

header/footer options, 408

emailing, 416-417

estimates versus actuals, 239

exporting to Excel, 354, 417

groups, creating, 409-410

headers, hiding, 418

income taxes

Account Listing report, 311

Income Tax Detail report, 313

Income Tax Summary report, 312


preparing, 352

types of, 353

job types, 233

memorizing, 411

monthly statements, creating, 131-132

online transactions, 305

Open Invoices report, viewing, 145

open purchase orders, 177

Payments Snapshot, 143-144


payroll summary report, 49

year-to-date payroll liabilities report, 50


company preferences, 404-405

personal preferences, 403

Realized Gains & Losses report, viewing, 164

reconciliation reports, 361

Report Center

Carousel View, 400

Grid View, 401-402

List View, 401

sales tax, 207

sharing, 414-415


exporting, 413

importing, 412-413

unpaid bills, viewing, 182

Unrealized Gains & Losses report, viewing, 163

year-end closing entries, 380

resolution, changing, 72

restarting EasyStep Interview, 21

restoring company file from backup, 324-325

Retained Earnings account transactions, viewing, 380


receiving, 137

recording, 390

retrieving online transactions, 289

reversing journal entries, 278

revising estimates, 236

rights, users

assigning all, 330

assigning selected, 331-332

rules, renaming online transactions, 297-298



discounts, entering, 138

foreign sales, recording, 160-161

orders, managing, 348-349

preferences, configuring, 113

prospects, tracking, 429-431

QuickBooks Online, 116


invoices versus, 116

recording, 135

recording, 114

sales forms, classes, 268

Sales Order Fulfillment Worksheet, 353

sales reps, designating, 38

sales tax

customers, charging, 203

discounts for early payment, 209

due dates, 200

groups, creating, 202

of inventory items, 204

items, creating, 201

out-of-state sales, 202

payments, 208

preferences, configuring, 200, 207

recording, 210

reports, 207

tax-exempt customers, 206

tax-exempt items, 205

sales tax agency, adding to vendor list, 201

Sales Tax Group items, 95

Sales Tax items, 95

sample company files, practicing with, 11


budgets, 261

company file, options, 320

customer messages, 134

desktops, 73

email addresses, 124

preferences, 71

templates, 126


payroll, 27, 39-42

recurring transactions, 216-217

editing, 220

screen elements (forms), 275

screen resolution, changing, 72


job types, 233

transactions, 110


administrator account passwords, 328

password protection, 14


assigning all, 330

assigning selected, 331-332

selected rights, assigning, 331-332


checking accounts, 189

currencies, 157

income tax forms, 308

item types, 92

start date, 18


assets, taxes on, 362

fixed assets, 371-372

service invoices, 114

Service items, 95

services, fees, 280

sharing reports, 414-415

shipping costs, FOB (Free on Board), 113

sick benefits, configuring, 33

signing up for online banking, 285

simple interest, calculating, 393


Customer Snapshot, 143-144

Payments Snapshot, 143-144

software requirements, 4

sole proprietorships, tax forms, 309


account numbers, 78

list items, 100

lists, 79

special payroll, configuring, 41-42

specific identification method (inventory valuation), 345

specific items on estimates, invoicing, 238

spelling preferences, configuring, 258

standalone lists, viewing inactive items, 103

start date

changing, 18

selecting, 18

statements, reconciling, 360-361

state taxes. See also taxes

forms, downloading, 317

payroll information, configuring, 32

status of jobs, tracking, 232

stopping EasyStep Interview, 21

storing company file in multiuser office, 6

Subchapter S corporations, tax forms, 309

subcontracted labor, estimating, 227

subitems, creating, 101

subscription services for payroll, 25

Subtotal items, 95

system requirements, 4


taxable corporations, tax forms, 309

taxes. See also federal taxes; local taxes; state taxes

1099 forms

printing, 62-64

setting preferences, 61

setting up independent contractors, 59

federal taxes

forms, downloading, 316

payroll information, configuring, 31

W-2/W-3 forms, 56-58

income taxes

Account Listing report, 311

assigning tax lines to accounts, 310

estimated payments, 314-315

Income Tax Detail report, 313

Income Tax Summary report, 312

recording, 314

selecting forms, 308

TurboTax, 318

types of forms, 309


configuring information, 31-32

editing due dates/methods, 46-47

federal unemployment compensation, 54-55

income taxes versus, 315

paying, 48

recording accruals, 384

reporting with Form 941, 51-53

W-2/W-3 forms, 56-58

year-to-date liabilities, 34

sales tax

charging to customers, 203

creating groups, 202

creating items, 201

discounts for early payment, 209

due dates, 200

of inventory items, 204

out-of-state sales, 202

payments, 208

preferences, 200, 207

recording, 210

reports, 207

tax-exempt customers, 206

tax-exempt items, 205

selling assets, 362

state taxes

forms, downloading, 317

payroll information, configuring, 32

transactions, non-tax-related, 318

vendor settings, entering, 90-91

W-4 forms, 31-32

year-to-date payroll liabilities report, 50

tax-exempt customers, 206

tax-exempt items, 205

tax-exempt organizations, 309

telephone registration, 5


invoices, 114


exporting, 413

importing, 412-413

saving, 126

terms of payment, creating, 270

time and expenses, creating invoices, 129



creating, 248

editing, 255

invoicing, 256

viewing, 254

employees, training, 244


to QuickBooks, 250-251

to timer, 245

files, creating, 246-247

importing from, 252-253

installing, 243

recording time, 249

time tracking. See also timer

preferences, configuring, 242

reasons for, 244

to-do lists. See reminders

To Do Notes, 426-429

tools, estimating, 227


job dates, 234

job descriptions, 234

job status, 232

job types, 233

locations in QuickBooks Online Plus, 267

petty cash, 364

sales prospects, 429-431

time. See also timer

preferences, configuring, 242

reasons for, 244

training employees on timer, 244

transaction information, remembering, 69

transactions. See also activities

checklist system, 325

check register, explained, 185

checks, writing, 192

classes, configuring, 266-267

credit cards, downloading, 287

documents, attaching, 176, 423-424

editing, 110

foreign purchases, recording, 162-163

foreign sales, recording, 160-161


adding, 214

memorizing, 213

Income Tracker feature, 142

memorizing, 212

adding to icon bar, 218

advantages, 211

deleting, 221

editing, 219

as recurring, 217

usage, 215

non-tax-related, 318

online banking

adding details, 294-295

assigning to open vendor bills, 299

batch adding to QuickBooks, 296

deleting, 300

manually importing, 290-291

quick adding to QuickBooks, 292-293

renaming rules, 297-298

reports, 305

retrieving, 289

pre-closing date transactions, 334


editing, 220

scheduling, 216-217

Retained Earnings account, viewing, 380

sales transactions in QuickBooks Online, 116

searching, 110


between online bank accounts, 304

company files

from older QuickBooks versions, 7-8

from Quicken, 9-10

transfers in bank accounts, recording, 363


adding users, 329

assigning rights, 330

classes on forms, 268

creating budgets, 259

customer contact information in timer, 254

customer information, creating jobs, 228

deleting list items, 107

editing transactions, 110

emailing reports, 416

exporting report templates, 413

exporting timer information, 245

form design, 275

importing online transactions, 290

income tax dates, 313

incompatibility with Quicken, 9

installation process, 3

item types, 92

merging list items, 108

monthly statements, 131

older versions of QuickBooks, 7

payroll tax information, 32

reconciling bank statements, 361

registration process, 5

report dates, 410

saving desktops, 73

saving preferences, 71

tax-exempt customers, 206

timer activities, 248

transferring between online bank accounts, 304

writing checks, 191

TurboTax, 318

turning on/off

account numbers, 74, 78

in QuickBooks Online, 76

purchase order preferences, 212


items, 95

selecting, 92

jobs, tracking, 233


unemployment compensation taxes, paying, 54-55

Unit of Measurement feature, 342

units of measure, 94

unpaid bills, viewing, 182

Unrealized Gains & Losses report, viewing, 163

updating. See also transferring

customer/vendor information, 71

exchange rates, 159

job status, 232

upgrading QuickBooks, 3


access to pre-closing date transactions, 334

adding, 329

administrator account passwords, 328

deleting, 329

editing, 329

Favorites menu, creating, 419-420

preferences, editing, 330


assigning all, 330

assigning selected, 331-332


vacation benefits, configuring, 34

validation codes, 5

valuing inventory, 345

Vendor Center, 105, 171-172

vendor information

addresses and payment information, entering, 88-89

overriding, 68

tax and account settings, entering, 90-91

updating, 71

vendors. See also independent contractors

adding, 88-91, 173

multiple, 97

on-the-fly, 98-99

addresses, changing, 91


discounts, 184

entering, 175

paying, 183

currencies, assigning, 156

inactive vendors, viewing, 103


as active, 104

as inactive, 103

open vendor bills, assigning online transactions, 299

purchase orders, creating, 173

sales tax agency, adding, 201

Vendor Center, 171-172

verifying user rights, 330


Company Snapshot, 398-399

hidden list items, 104

inactive vendors, 103

inventory reorder reminders, 351

lists on forms, 80-81

Open Invoices report, 145

payroll summary report, 49

Realized Gains & Losses report, 164

Report Center

Carousel View, 400

Grid View, 401-402

List View, 401

Retained Earnings account transactions, 380

timer activities, 254

unpaid bills, 182

Unrealized Gains & Losses report, 163

year-to-date payroll liabilities report, 50

voiding checks

in current year, 195-196

in previous year, 196-197


W-2 forms, preparing, 56-58

W-3 forms, preparing, 56-58

W-4 forms, 31-32

Web Connect (bank feeds), 285, 290-291

websites, state income taxes, 317

withdrawals from distribution accounts, recording, 378

writing checks, 191-192


year-end closing entries, 380

year-to-date payroll information, entering, 35

year-to-date payroll tax liabilities, 34

zero-balance items on printed invoices, 238

zeroing out opening balance equity account, 375

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