

accounts, priming, 80

action plan, creating, 106

actionable intelligence, 139

active notification, 87

actors, incident response, 9495

adversary(ies), 6, 19, 151

amateur, 143

business mindset, 164165

communication content analysis, 142143

decreasing their revenue, 273274

decryption tools, 230

identification techniques, 140143

increasing risk for, 272273

initial response, 178179

masquerading, 141

persistence, 74

pressure tactics, 173175

reducing leverage, 271272

tactics, techniques and procedures, 146


protections, 5253

ransomware, 40

recruitment methods, 52

AIDS Information Diskette, 2829

Akamai, 125

algorithm, 32, 35

antianalysis, 47

antivirus, 7778, 175, 215

appraisal, 7677

asymmetric encryption, 30, 3233, 3435, 38, 51

Athens Orthopedic Clinic, 41

ATT&CK framework, 65


anatomy, 6365

appraisal, 7677

broadening, 7576

credential stuffing, 253

DDoS, 124125

entry methods, 6572. See also entry methods

expansion, 7274. See also expansion

leverage, 80. See also leverage

no-malware, 133

notification methods, 85. See also notification

priming, 77. See also priming


logs, 158

multifactor, 127128, 253

password managers, 253254

automation, 27

exfiltration, 83

extortion portals, 49, 50

AvosLocker, 255256

awareness, cybersecurity, 246


backing up important data, 210211

backups, 226

disaster recovery, 264

immutable, 266

key services and data, 265

offsite, 266

restoring data from, 226

testing, 265266

Bates, J., 29

BCP (business continuity plan), 262263

Bitcoin, 3536, 124

negotiating in, 186

as ransom payment, 198

Bitcoin Fog, 4647

BitDefender, 51

BitPaymer, 9798

Blackbaud attack, 2225, 72, 145

blockchain, 35, 36

Bloomberg, M., 42

branded data leak sites, 5556

breach(es), 150

Blackbaud attack, 2325

moving forward with the investigation, 152

outcomes of an investigation, 152

broadening, 7576

budget, negotiation, 166167

building your recovery environment, 211

improving technology, 213

network devices, 212213

network segments, 212


C2 (command-and-control) server, 74

Chainalysis, 11, 45

chat application, as method of communication, 173


containment, 280281

cybersecurity program, 293295

incident response, 291292

investigation, 281

negotiation, 282

payment, 283

recovery, 283284

choosing your negotiator, 171

CIA Triad, 5

Cisco Talos, 21

closing the deal, 189190

cloud providers, 2325

cloud-based evidence, 158159

Coalition, 11

Colonial Pipeline, 1415, 19, 194, 196

communication, 107108. See also negotiation(s)

with affected parties, 110111

confidentiality, 111

content analysis, 142143

email, 172

listening, 108

perimeter, 128

public relations, 111

template, 287

using a chat application, 173

using a web portal, 172173


ransom payment, 199200

regulatory, 242, 270

confidentiality, 111

contact information, incident response team member, 287

containment, 115116

checklist, 280281

disable persistence mechanisms, 121122. See also persistence mechanisms

effective, 116

gain access to the environment, 117

halting data exfiltration, 123124

halting encryption/deletion, 118. See also halting encryption/deletion

lock out the hackers, 125129. See also locking out hackers

mistakes, consequences of, 116

resolve denial-of-service attacks, 124125

taking stock, 133

threat hunting, 129133. See also threat hunting

content analysis, 142143

Conti, 5960, 82, 130, 255, 272

continuous monitoring, 261

counteroffers, 187188

Coveware, 10

credential stuffing attacks, 253

crisis. See also incident response, phases, 9293

cryptocurrency, 35

antianalysis, 47

Bitcoin, 3536

blockchain, 36

cyber extortion and, 36

KYC (“know your customer”), 200

negotiating in, 186

payment intermediaries, 201202

price fluctuations, 203204

as ransom payment, 197198, 199200

cryptography, 32

CryptoLocker, 3839

cryptoviral extortion, 2930

Cuckoo, 232

curated theft, 8485

cyber extortion, 34, 2526. See also incident response; investigation(s); negotiation(s); payment

active notification, 87

adversary, 6

amateur, 143

automated portals, 49, 50

Blackbaud attack, 2325

crisis management, 92

cryptocurrency, 36

cryptoviral extortion, 2930

Dark Overlord group, 20

definition, 4

detection, 9394

double extortion, 6, 4344

early, 42

early malware, 3031

early signs, 9394

franchising, 4954

hybrid attacks, 19

impacts. See impacts of modern cyber extortion

notification methods, 85

opportunistic attacks, 17

paid staff, 4749

passive notification, 86

public relations programs, 54

published notification, 87

ransom note, 94

refusal of payment, 54

scaling up, 19

shutting down computers, 120

specialized roles, 4547

standardized playbooks and toolkits, 5960

statistics, 1312

targeted attacks, 1819

third-party outreach, 87

triple extortion, 44

types of, 56

victim selection, 17

cyber insurance, 2, 151, 174, 246248

payment approval process, 203

payment intermediaries, 202

response services, 95, 103104

role in ransom payment, 197

vendor selection, 9697

Cybereason, 8

cybersecurity program, 240. See also preventing entry

checklist, 293295

controls assessment, 249

framework, 243244

funding your program, 246

incident tracking, 249

monitor your risk, 248249

performing an inventory, 241

risk assessment, 249

risk management, 242248. See also risk management

technical security testing, 249

training, 246

understand your obligations, 242


Dark Overlord group, 20, 4042, 87

dark web, 3738

antianalysis, 47

onion routing, 37

Darkside cartel, 14, 53, 56, 57

Darwich, A., 15


-loss prevention systems, 268269

re-creating, 227

reduction, 267268

sensitivity, assessing, 101

transferring, 225

transferring to production network, 234

DCs (domain controllers), restoring, 219220

DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks, resolving, 124125

decryption, 227228, 233

adversary tools, 230

check for malware, 234

free tools, 229230

overview, 228229

risks, 230231

transferring data to production network, 234

verifying integrity of decrypted data, 233

decryptor, 8, 22, 119, 231

checking for malicious or unexpected behavior, 232

FBI, 9798

purchasing, 169170

risks, 230231

test functionality in an isolated environment, 232233

denial cyber extortion, 6, 78

halting encryption/deletion, 118

proof of life, 184185


cyber extortion, 9394

incentivizing, 270

threat, 258261

detonation phase, 8182

Dharma ransomware, 71

digital coin, 36

digital signature, 32, 3435

DigitalMint, 199, 200

disaster recovery, 263264

DLP (data-loss prevention), 268269

documentation, 105, 107. See also scoping

cybersecurity program, 244

file permission changes, 119

network, 224

updating, 235

double extortion, 6, 4344

downtime, 8


EDR (endpoint detection and response) software, 117118, 216, 258259

Egregor, 179180


as method of communication, 172

spam filtering, 251

Emotet group, 19

encryption, 32

asymmetric, 33, 38

decryptor, 8, 22

file extensions, 155156

GandCrab software, 123

halting, 118

hash function, 34

hybrid, 34, 38

identifying, 120121

symmetric, 33

entry methods

phishing, 6668

remote logon, 6870

software vulnerability, 70

technology supplier attack, 7172

EternalBlue vulnerability, 17, 21

event logging, priming, 79. See also logs

evidence, 104

authentication logs, 158

cloud-based, 158159

encrypted file extensions, 155156

firewall logs, 157

flow records, 157

order of volatility, 159160

preservation, 152153, 217218, 221

ransom note metadata, 155

security software and devices, 154

sources of, 154159

storing, 160

system artifacts, 156157

volatile, 156

exfiltration, 8283

automated RAT, 83

curated theft, 8485

guidance, 5960

halting, 123124

indicators, 85

mass repository theft, 84


network reconnaissance, 7475

persistence, 74

exposure extortion, 5, 4042, 185, 196, 241

extortion, 4. See also cyber extortion

cryptoviral, 2930

double, 6, 4344

exposure, 5, 4042, 185, 196, 241

portals, 50

triple, 44

EZ Mart, 15


faux cyber extortion, 6

FBI decryptor, 9798

file extensions, 155156

Fin7, 4849

finance team, incident response role, 95

financial loss

ransom payments, 1011

remediation costs, 10

revenue disruption, 910

financial resource assessment, 103105

firewall logs, 157

flow records, 157, 215

forensic investigation, phases, 148


cybersecurity controls, 243244

Mitre ATT&CK, 65

triage, 99100

franchise model, 4950

affiliate protections, 5253

affiliate recruitment methods, 52

evolving technology, 50

reputational damage, 5354

funding your cybersecurity program, 246


GandCrab, 4950

loader, 17, 123

ransomware-as-a-service model, 3940

recruitment methods, 52

Gemini Advisory, 49

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 1516

Globe ransomware, 141

GlobeImposter group, 259

golden image, 223

Gostev, A., 30

Gpcode, 30

Grens, M., 198, 200

Group Policy, ransomware detonation, 81


“hacker court”, 53

haggling, 186

discounts, 186187

making your counteroffer, 187188

setting the price, 187

tradeoffs, 188189

halting encryption/deletion, 118

change file access permissions, 119

documentation, 119

kill the malicious processes, 120121

remove power, 120

Harty, S., 205

hash function, 34

Hayes, D., Practical Guide to Digital Forensics Investigations, 150

high-value servers, restoring, 221

Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center, 39, 196

Honda Motor Company, ransomware attack, 145

hostage negotiations, learning from, 177. See also negotiation(s)

human resources, incident response role, 95

hybrid attacks, 19, 34


IBM, 10, 29

identifying the adversary, 140

communication content analysis, 142143

malware strain, 144

ransom note, 140141

IDS/IPS (intrusion detection/intrusion prevention system), 215

impacts of modern cyber extortion

financial loss, 912. See also financial loss

lawsuits, 1517

operational disruption, 78

operational impact, 100101

reputational damage, 1314

ripple effects, 1415

incentivizing detection and monitoring, 270271

incident response. See also investigation(s)

actors, 9495

assess your resources, 102105

assign responsibilities, 106

checklist, 291292

communicate, 107108

containment, 115116. See also containment

create an action plan, 106

documentation, 105, 107

establish goals, 105106

estimate timing, work effort, and costs, 107

gaining access to the environment, 117

informing affected parties, 110111

public relations, 111

pulse check, 109, 133

supporting technology, 288

team member responsibilities, 108109

team members, contact information, 287

template, 287

triage, 98100. See also triage


appraisal, 77

broadening, 7576

compromised service and network application, 78

detonation, 82

exfiltration, 85

logging and monitoring software priming, 79

network reconnaissance, 75

phishing, 6768

security software attack, 78

software vulnerability, 70

technology manufacturer attacks, 72

unauthorized accounts and permissions, 80

information sharing, 179

what not to share, 180181

what to hold back for later use, 182

what to share, 182

infrastructure, restoring, 221223

initial access brokers, 19, 46

insurance. See cyber insurance

inventory, performing, 241

investigation(s), 137138. See also evidence

adversary research, 138146

checklist, 281

decide whether to investigate further, 151

determine legal, regulatory, and contractual obligations, 150151

evidence preservation, 152153

forensic, 148

scoping, 146150. See also scoping

sources of evidence, 154159

IT, incident response role, 95


Johnson Community School District, 41, 87

Kaseya ransomware attacks, 22, 5051, 245

Kaspersky, 30

key, 32

kill chain, 65

Kriuschkov, E. I., 17, 186

KYC (“know your customer”), 200


lateral movement, 75

law enforcement, incident response role, 97

lawsuits, 1517, 2325

Lazarus Bear Armada, 124

leadership, incident response role, 95

legal counsel, 96, 235

leverage, 80

exfiltration, 8283. See also exfiltration

ransomware detonation, 8182

reducing, 271272

Lockbit cartel, 47, 84

lockerware, 31

locking out hackers

audit accounts, 127

minimize third-party access, 128129

mitigate risks of compromised software, 129

multifactor authentication, 127128

remote connection services, 125126

reset passwords for local and cloud accounts, 126127

restrict perimeter communications, 128

logging and monitoring software, priming, 79

logs, 216. See also monitoring

authentication, 158

firewall, 157

time zone, 158

web proxy, 251

long-term storage, 216


Maersk, 9


CryptoLocker, 3839

decryption and, 234

Gpcode, 30

lockerware, 31

NotPetya, 9

Reveton, 31

strains, 144

managed service providers (MSPs), 2021

manual detonation, 8182

Marketo, 58

mass repository theft, 84

Mathewson, N., 38

Maze group, 6, 13, 45, 55

press program, 5657

Southwire attack, 4344

metadata, ransom note, 155

methodology, threat hunting, 130

MFA (multifactor authentication), 127128

Microsoft Exchange, 2123, 255256

mining, Bitcoin, 36

MITRE, ATT&CK framework, 65

modification, 5

Monero, 198

money laundering, 4647

monitoring, 214. See also incident response

components, 215216

continuous, 261

detection and response processes, 216217

goals of, 214

incentivizing, 270271

timing, 215

Motkowicz, S., 17

MSPs (managed service providers), 128129

multifactor authentication, 253


NDR (network detection and response), 260

negotiation(s), 163164, 181. See also payment

adversary pressure tactics, 173175

budget, 166167

business mindset of adversaries, 164165

checklist, 282

choosing your negotiator, 171

closing the deal, 189190

common mistakes, 182183

cryptocurrency, 186

discounts, 186187

establish goals, 165166

first contact, 178179

haggling, 186189

information security goals, 168169

learning from hostage negotiations, 177

making a counteroffer, 187188

outcomes, 169171

preventing publication or sale of data, 170171

proof of life, 183185. See also proof of life

setting the price, 187

sharing information, 179. See also information sharing

time frame, 167168

timeliness, 176177

tone, 176

trust and, 177

using a chat application, 173

using a web portal, 172173

using email, 172

network reconnaissance, 7475

NIST (U.S. National Institute for Security and Technology), 244

no-malware attacks, 133

notification, 85

active, 87

passive, 86

publication, 87

third-party outreach, 87

NotPetya, 9, 21, 141


OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control), 199, 201

offsite backups, 266

one-way hash function, 32

onion routing, 37

operational disruption, 78

operational impact assessment, 100101

operational resilience, 261262

backups, 264266

BCP (business continuity plan), 262263

disaster recovery, 263264

operators, ransomware, 40

opportunistic attacks, cyber extortion, 17

order of volatility, 159160


paid staff, cyber extortion group, 4749

passive notification, 86


managers, 253254

resetting, 126127

patch management, 255257

patient zero, 149

payment, 193

argument against, 194195

argument for, 195197

checklist, 283

compliance, 199200

cryptocurrency, 197198, 199200, 204205

exceptions, 200

fluctuating cryptocurrency prices, 203204

forms of, 197198

funds transfer delays, 203

insurance approval process, 203

intermediaries, 201202

legality of, 194

mitigating factors, 200201

nonreversible transactions, 198

role of cyber insurers, 197

sanctions nexus, 198199, 201

tax deductions, 205

timing issues, 202

transaction and processing fees, 202

penetration test reports, 175


auditing, 127

documentation, 119

priming, 80

persistence mechanisms

automatic startup, 122

monitoring process, 122

scheduled tasks, 122

Petya ransomware, 141

phishing, 16, 17, 19, 6668

defenses, 250252

opportunities for detection, 6768

RATs (remote access Trojans), 67

playbooks, 5960

Popp, J., 28, 29

postmortem analysis, 235

power, removing, 120-

preserving evidence, 152153, 217218, 221

order of volatility, 159160

third-party evidence, 160

press programs, 5657

pressure tactics, 173175

preventing entry, 250

detecting and blocking threats, 258261

EDR (endpoint detection and response), 258259

NDR (network detection and response), 260

patch management, 255257

phishing defenses, 250252

secure remote access solutions, 254255

strong authentication, 252254

threat hunting, 260

priming, 77

accounts and permissions, 80

antivirus and security software, 7778

logging and monitoring software, 79

running processes and applications, 78

private key, 32, 33

privilege escalation, 75

proactive prevention, 271

procedures, 286

production systems, restoring, 227

proof of life, 183

denial extortion cases, 184185

exposure extortion cases, 185

goals and limitations, 184

refusal to provide, 185

PsExec toolkit, 81, 217

public key, 3233

public relations, 54, 96, 111, 235

branded data leak sites, 5556

press programs, 5657

social media, 5455

third-party exposure extortion services, 58

published data, preventing, 170

published notification, 87

pulse check, 109, 133

purchasing a decryptor, 169170


ransom note, 94, 140141, 155

ransomware, 3, 9. See also impacts of modern cyber extortion

AIDS Information Diskette, 2829

amateur, 143

asymmetric encryption, 33

BitPaymer, 9798

Conti, 130

CryptoLocker, 3839

cryptoviral extortion, 2930

decryptor, 8

detonation phase, 8182

Dharma, 71

Egregor strain, 179180

GandCrab loader, 17

Globe, 141

GlobeImposter, 259

hybrid attacks, 19, 34

Kaseya attacks, 5051, 245

mainstream, 3839

operators, 40

opportunistic attacks, 17

payment systems, 31

payments, 1011

refusal of payment, 54

REvil, 2021

Ryuk, 203204, 226

scaling up, 19

-as-a-service, 17, 3940, 50, 84, 140

SNAKE, 145

symmetric encryption, 33

targeted attacks, 1819

Zorab, 119

RATs (remote access Trojans), 67, 83

RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), 6869, 71

reconnaissance, 7475

recovery, 101102, 209210. See also restoring devices and data

adapt phase, 235236

backing up your important data, 210211

build your recovery environment, 211213. See also building your recovery environment

checklist, 283284

decryption, 227234. See also decryption

disaster, 263264

postmortem analysis, 235

restore based on order of operations, 219

restoring individual computers, 217218

set up monitoring and logging, 214217. See also monitoring

time frame, 167168

re-creating data, 227

recruitment methods, 52

refusal of payment, 54

regulatory compliance, 235, 242, 270

ransom payment, 199200

SBOM (“software bill of materials”), 257

remediation costs, 10

remote access, 117

locking down, 125126

secure solutions, 254255

reputational damage, 1314

resetting passwords, 126127


documentation, 105

evidence, 104

financial, 103105

insurance, 103104

response plans, 285286

staff, 104

technology, 104

restoring devices and data, 219, 224225

from backups, 226

DCs (domain controllers), 219220

high-value servers, 221

network infrastructure, 221223

production systems, 227

re-creating data, 227

transferring data, 225

workstations, 223224

revenue disruption, 910

Reveton, 31

REvil, 2021, 5051, 54, 273

risk management, 242243, 249

assign roles and responsibilities, 243

building your cybersecurity program, 244

choose and use a cybersecurity controls framework, 243244

cyber insurance, 246248

developing a plan, 244245

supply chain, 245

training and awareness, 246

RobbinHood, 51

RPO (recovery point objective), 101

RTO (recovery time objective), 101

Ryuk ransomware, 203204, 226


sale of data, preventing, 170171

SBOM (“software bill of materials”), 257

scaling up

cloud providers, 2325

managed service providers (MSPs), 2021

software vulnerabilities, 2223

technology manufacturers, 2122

scoping, 146147

deliverables, 149150

process, 148

questions to answer, 147148

timing and results, 149

Scripps Health, 78, 10, 17

security control, 244, 249

servers, restoring, 221

shutting down power, 120

“smash-and-grab” data exfiltration, 84

SNAKE ransomware, 145

social media, 5455, 174

software vulnerabilities, 2223, 70

mitigate risks of, 129-

opportunities for detection, 70

VPN, 71

SolarWinds, 2122, 214

Sophos, 8

Southwire, 4344

spam filtering, 251


incident response role, 104

threat hunting, 131

standardized playbooks and toolkits, 5960

statistical bias, cyber extortion reports, 1312

storing preserved evidence, 160

supply-chain risk management, 245

Swiss Army knives, 67

symmetric encryption, 33

system artifacts, 156157

Syverson, P., 38


targeted attacks, 1819

tax deductions, for ransom payments, 205

technology manufacturers, 2122, 7172, 97

templates, 287

Tesla, 17


backups, 265266

technical security, 249


evidence, preserving, 160

exposure extortion services, 58, 87

threat hunting, 129130, 260

methodology, 130

results, 132133

sources of evidence, 131

staffing, 131132

tools and techniques, 131

timeliness, negotiation, 176177

timestamps, as evidence, 158

TOCRP (Transnational Organized Crime Rewards Program), 273

tone, negotiation, 176

toolkits, 5960

Cuckoo, 232

PsExec, 81, 217

Windows Sysinternals, 121

tools, 59. See also decryptor

decryption, 119, 229230

EDR (endpoint detection and response), 118

threat hunting, 131

TOR (The Onion Routing project), 38


cybersecurity, 246

phishing defenses, 252

triage, 9899

assess the current state, 100101

assessment of data sensitivity, 101

backing up important data, 211

determine next steps, 102

framework, 99100

importance of, 99

recovery objectives, 101102

triple extortion, 44

Trojan horse

AIDS Information Diskette, 2829

Dridex, 259

trust, negotiations and, 177

TTPs (tactics, techniques, and procedures), 146

Twitter, 55


underreporting, cyber extortion, 13

United States

Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act (2022), 12

Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH), 1516

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 1516

TOCRP (Transnational Organized Crime Rewards Program), 273

user accounts, auditing, 127


victim selection

hybrid attacks, 19

opportunistic, 17

targeted, 1819

VirusTotal, 17, 144

visibility, 270

volatile evidence, 156, 159160

VPN (virtual private network), vulnerability, 71


wallet, private and public key, 36

web portal, as method of communication, 172173, 179180

web proxy, 251

William, C., 21

Williamson, D., 205

Wood Ranch Medical, 8

workstations, restoring, 223224

Wyatt, N., 42


Yandex, 31

Young, A., 2930

Young, B.C.J., 195

Yung, M., 2930


zero-day vulnerabilities, 2223

zero-trust approach, 223

Zezev, O., 42

Zorab, 119

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