
Affordable housing, 137142

construction, 70

Agricultural land, 13, 3135

property tax assessment of, 32

values for, 33

Airports, 145146

activity, 148149

growth of, 148

ALTIKA database, 78

American Housing Survey (AHS), 102, 130

Asset investment, irreversible, 3

Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, 78

Baldi, Francesco, 67

Beachfront property values, 25

Beta coefficients, effectiveness of, 117

Bid Rent Curve, 33

Binomial trees, 7

Biodiversity, 34

Boom-and-bust cycles, 4

British Columbia Assessment Authority (BCAA), 10

Budgetary framework, Solomon’s, 40

Builders delay development, 6


descriptions of, 14

tax rate, 78

Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), 133

Burge and Ihlanfeldt’s model of housing, 71

Business fixed investments (BFIs), 94

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 34

traditional, 4

Capital costs, 124

Capital investment, realms of, 3

CAPM mode, 7

Cash-flow growth, 116

City, creation of, 13

Civil Rights Movement, 49, 52

Coastal communities, 23

Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL), 2324

costs and benefits of, 26

implementing, 27

installment of, 27

program, 2627

on property values, 25

Coastline development, 23

Columbia Assessment Authority (BCAA), 4

Commercial redevelopment, 123

Community development, 42

programs, 4243

Community health, 139

Competition, 38

vs. hazard rate, 6

volatility vs., 6

Condo, volatility of, 5

Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act of 1974, 39

Congressional budgetary requirements, 40

Constraints, 57


categories of, 86

sectors, 94

taxes on, 8588

value of, 86

Construction cost, 103104

and growth, 130

house prices and, 106

and prices, 110

types of, 112

Construction cycles, 9397

comprehensive study of, 93

Construction planning, 56

Construction projects, 96, 105

failed, 71

Contamination cleanup, 125

Contamination probability, 123

Contamination risk, 123126

of average parcel, 125

defined, 123

eliminating, 125126

of property, 123

Cunningham, Christopher R., 1314

Current-use value, 124

Damage reduction benefits, 24

Data, 14

Data-supported theories, 117

Demand volatility, 116

importance of, 116


patterns, systems model of, 24

projects, urban and suburban, 69

restrictions, 35

rights acquisition, 34

traditional neighborhood, 6164

urban-oriented, 15

Economic environment, 123

Economic growth, 1317, 31, 77, 146, 148

population and, 145

Economy, 93, 126

Ecosystems, 34

Elastic housing supply, 132


growth, 5558

level of, 57

Endogeneity, 103, 104

of income, 139

Environmental protection, 35

Erber’s analysis, 52

Failed construction projects, 71

Fair Housing Act, 49

Federal Aviation Administration, 145

Federal government, 42

Federal Reserve, 93

Filtered units, 50

Financial crisis of 2008, 77

Finnish property tax system, 78

Finnish taxation, 8081

Finnish tax reform, 77

FIRE sector jobs, 147

First American Real Estate Solutions (FARES), 62

Fiscal Austerity and Urban Innovation project, 56

Fixed-effects Poisson (FEP) model, 79

Fixed effect (FE) variable models, 71

Flat tax, 85

Freddie Mac index, 111

GARCH models, 4

GDP, 39, 129

George, Henry, 77

Green, Richard K., 145

Green’s model, 146148

Gross national product (GNP) cycles, 9394

macroeconomic variable of, 96

Growth boundary, 14

Growth management, 1317

boundary and price uncertainty, 14

and real options, 14

urban planners, 13

Growth Management Acts (GMAs), 1316


conservation, 3136

subsequent destruction of, 31

Hazard rate, competition vs., 6

Hedonic analysis, 63

Hedonic model, 33, 36, 138

effectiveness in long run, 36

Hedonic price model, 62

Hedonic regression, 33

Heterogeneity of industry, 94

Homebuyers, 63

Homeless, 139

probability of, 139140

risk of, 140

without housing, 141

Homelessness, 137, 139

causes of, 137

determinants of, 137

NSHAPC gathered data on, 141

one-point prevalence of, 141

probability of, 138

samples of, 138

Home prices, 103, 104

appreciation, 130

construction costs and growth in, 130

declining, 104

value of, 130


medium-sized, 72

price levels, 111

value, defined, 132133

Home value, 104, 129

components of, 130

by geographic region, 130

land’s share of, 133

House. See Homes

Households, 139

characteristics of, 141

low-income, 138

markets, variables of, 138

observations of, 138

renovation expenditures, 102

renovation spending, 102103

sample of, 138

spending, 140

House of Debt (Mian and Sufi), 81, 96, 117, 140, 147

House prices

changes in, 111

and construction costs, 106

elasticity of, 55

function of changes in, 109

impact on, 129

House pricing, 55

House unit, structural characteristics of, 138


affordability, 137142

Burge and Ihlanfeldt’s model of, 71

census of, 145

construction, 40, 50

consumption problems, 41

data, 102

demand of, 58

inadequacies, 43

investment, incremental returns of, 7879

low-cost, 140

model for, 110

property tax incentives on, 7778

renting, 138

slums or dilapidated, 43

supply of, 77, 110

Housing and Mortgage Credit Programs, 42

Housing Assistance Programs, 42

Housing development

budgetary framework for, 3944

tool on, 56

Housing market, 101

scholarship, 62

Housing prices, 55

on labor migration, 55

rise in, 57

Housing programs, 141

Housing stock, 71

reinvestment in, 101106

Housing supply, 109113

Idiosyncratic risk, 3

Impact fees, 6973

benefits of, 73

data types, 70

stipulation of, 69

study of, 73

view of, 72

Impact of New Housing Construction on Racial Patterns, 49

Incentives, tax, 78

Income eligibility, 140

Inequality, stage of, 77

Infrastructures, public, 145149

Interest rate

changes in, 111

risk-free, 5

International City Managers Association, 56

Investment, 38

behavior, 115

capital, 3

delays in, 4

vs. idiosyncratic risk, 4

irreversibility in, 3, 117

real estate development and, 67

in volatile markets, 4

Investor, 116, 124125

behavior, 115

effects on, 116

to invest in office-commercial space, 118

responsiveness, 117

Irreversible asset investment, 3

Irreversible investment, 3

theories, 115117

Job training programs, 140

Labor demand, 57

causes, 57

Labor market, 96

Labor migration, 55

dynamics of, 55

housing prices on, 55

Lagged dependent (LD) variable models, 71

Land, 123

agricultural, 32

market value of, 132133

prices and uncertainty, 129133

private, 32

residential, 129

restrictions on, 33

share of home value, 132

share of housing, 132

share of new homes, 130

use regulation, 2327

use regulations, 23

value of, 129

Landowners, 15, 71

extra charge on, 34

Landowner value, Turnbull’s definition of, 78

Land prices, 130

growth rate of, 133

Level of employment, 57

Low-cost housing, 140

Low-income consumers, 70

Low-income households, 138, 139

Mac, Freddie, 110

Macroeconomic analysis, real estate development in, 8

Market conditions, extensive analysis of, 7

Market contractions, 94

Markets, household, 138

Market volatility

across neighborhoods, 5

vs. irreversible investment, 3

Mayer, Christopher, 109

Medium-sized homes, 72

Metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), 102, 133

Missouri Law Review, 34

Mortgage credit market, 42

National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing (NCDH), 51

National Flood Insurance Program, 24

National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), 56

National Survey of Homelessness Assistance Providers and Clients (NSHAPC), 138

Natural habitats, 31

Neighborhood price-level, 5

New Urbanist movement, 61, 6364

Nonwater/sewer fees (NWSIF), 71

Office-commercial construction, 115118

de-incentivized, 116

demand volatility on, 116

factors and triggers of, 117

Office-commercial market

change in, 117

Optimal redevelopment rule, 124


construction data from, 86

two-rate taxes in, 85

Poisson distribution, 8687

Policy instruments, 43

Policy makers, 16


census of, 145

and economic growth, 145

growth, 146, 148

Postdevelopment tax rates, 81

Potential contamination, 125

Predevelopment tax rates, 81

Prices to construction cost (P/CC), 103

Price uncertainty, 14

annual average of, 15

Primary economic model, 124

Private land

protect habitats on, 32

use of, 32

Private property, government/entities on, 32


characteristics of, 125

contamination, 123

data, 123

overcrowded, 41

tax assessment, 36

tax assessment of, 32

Property taxation, 70, 7781

Property taxes, 78

incentives, 7778

rates, 78

relationship of, 77

Property values

in area, 14

CCCL on, 25

impacts on, 25

Prosperity, 1317

Public housing, 94

Public infrastructures, 145149

Public policy, 101

initiatives, 104

Quality-adjusted housing prices, 1415

Racial discrimination, 49

Racial distribution, 52

impact on, 51

Racial patterns, 4953

Racial segregation, 49

Random trend (RT) variable models, 71

Real estate development

competition in, 89

in macroeconomic analysis, 8

market volatility and irreversible investment in, 3

Real estate industry, 115

Real estate investment, 34

“Real Estate Principles: A Value Approach,” 112

Real house prices, 131

Real options model, 35

components of, 4

description of, 7

flexibility and availability of, 7

irreversible investment, 6

longitudinal study using, 8

markets using, 8

Redeveloped property data, 124


contamination risk and, 123

financial effects of, 125126

of industrial properties, 124

probability of, 125

value of, 124

Regional Council of Governments, 56

Regression analysis, 124, 126

models of, 71

Regression model, 139, 140


expenditures, 104

in housing stock, 101106


expenditures, 104

spending, 103

Rent units, vacancy rates for, 139

Residential construction, 109

Residential land

appreciation in, 131

price and value of, 129

real terms of, 131

value of, 130


contamination. See Contamination risk

idiosyncratic, 3

Risk-free interest rate, 5

Role policy, 137

RS Means Company, 102

Sacramento County Assessor’s Office, 32

Sales index, 4

Single-family developments, 4

Single-family homebuyers, 6162

Single-family homes, 80

nonurbanist, 62

prices of, 63

value, 129

Somerville, Tsuriel, 109

Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSAs), 50

Standard regression techniques, 87

State’s Beach and Shore Preservation Act, 23

Strata development in Vancouver, 4, 7, 910

Structural contamination, 123

Suburban development projects, 69

Survey compliance tests, Erber’s review of, 52

Sustainable neighborhoods

development of, 4243


on construction, 8588

expenditure, 42

incentives, 78


power of, 77

reform, 81

Taxpayers, extra charge on, 34

Theoretical mathematical model, 78

Three-rate tax system, 79

implementation of, 78

for single-family homes, 80

Tobit model, 102

Traditional neighborhood development (TNDs), 6164

attributes and benefits of, 64

prices for homes in, 63

value of homes in, 64

Transit-oriented neighborhood design principles, 61

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations, 149

Two-rate property taxes on construction, 8588

used standard regression techniques, 87

Two-rate property tax system, 79

United States

budget, 39

economy, 39

GDP for, 39

Urban Consumer Price Index (CPI-U), 102

Urban development, 123

projects, 69

Urban growth boundaries (UGBs), 1317

defined, 14

description of, 13

implementation of, 1315

Seattle area’s enactment of, 16

timing inside and outside of, 15

Urban housing markets, 101, 102

deterioration of, 104

Urbanism, 63

planning, 63

Urbanist community, 63

price premium, 63

Urbanist developments, 62

Urbanist home prices, 64

Urbanization process, 13, 31, 51

Urban land, 33

Urban market, construction cost for, 105

Urban-oriented development, 15

Urban planners, 16

Urban rent prices, 78

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 137

U.S. Geological survey (USGS) topography maps, 32

Vital protection dune systems, 23

Volatility, 38, 117

vs. competition, 6

of condo, 5

demand, 116

hazard rate of construction, 6

market, 3

source of, 95

Wages, 57

Water/sewer impact fees (WSIF), 71

Wharton Urban Decentralization Project, 56

Williamson Act, 34

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