
accountability, 161

Acquired Rights Directive, 224


automating, 212213

centralizing, 211

lean out, 209210

moving, 211212

reducing frequency of, 210211

removing, 210

transferring, 209

activity drivers, 82

anxiety, 29, 141

appreciative inquiry, 126129

automation, 212213

behavior change, 52

benchmarking, 4850

best-practice models, 17, 18, 107, 110114, 116117

boards of directors, communicating with, 3334

Booz, 23

bottleneck risks, 61

bottom-up reorgs, 111, 112

BP, 28, 34, 47, 197

brainstorming, 135

Browne, John, 34, 52, 183

business as usual, return to, 182183, 189190

business partners, 211

business rationale, 1416

clarity in, 47

defining, 5660

measuring inputs and outputs and, 181182

business strategy, 207208

buy-in, 63

capability building, 192

capital efficiency, 5051, 64

case study, 4147

on design and implementation, 140143, 168170

on launches and course-corrections, 178180, 193197

on organizational design, 104106, 129131

on profit and loss construction, 6367

on strengths/weaknesses evaluation, 7576, 9295

top-down approach in, 114

centralization, 142143, 211

Centrica, 28, 47, 197

change, identifying the right 2030 percent for, 77, 165166

checklists, 7, 231238

collaboration, 191192

collective redundancies, 224226

communication, 2535, 203

based on audience needs, 6869

about collaboration, 191

human costs reduced by, 55

about launches and course-corrections, 178179, 194, 197198

about layoffs, 2829, 69, 140141

on organizational design, 132133

about planning and implementation, 157158, 170172

organizational design and, 116, 117

about strengths/weaknesses evaluation, 93, 9497

Q&A material for, 30

with stakeholders, 3134

in step 1, 6870

unified voice in, 158

compassion, 55

competitive distinctiveness, 207208

conformity, 156157

confusion, 157158

Conn, Iain, 28, 47, 197

consultants, 53, 113

Cooperrider, David, 126

cost cutting, 17, 18, 205213

activity drivers and, 82, 209213

case study on, 4247

defining benefits for, 4751

course-corrections. See launches and course-corrections

Court of Justice of the European Union, 222

cultural differences, 8789


changing, 191192

organizational design changes and, 102

customer journey, 3233

customers, communicating with, 3233

deadlines, immovable, 146, 174

decision making, 121, 130131, 135

decision rights, 166

deliverables, defining, 5556

depression, 29

design and implementation, 137174

case study on, 140143, 168170

communicating about, 157158, 170172

confusion during, 157158

documentation for, 166167

drawn-out planning and, 144151

evaluation of from previous reorgs, 137140

giving leaders a stake in, 163165

identifying the 80 percent to change in, 165166

making exceptions to change in, 155157

mergers and acquisitions and, 218219

parallel planning, revolutionary implementation in, 158162

people, processes, structure in, 147

De Smet, Aaron, 4

DHL Supply Chain, 115, 154155, 202

disruption, 1920, 56, 222

effort, underestimation of, 145

emotional reactions, 55, 144

employees, 202203

communicating with, 2631, 68, 9596

confusion among, 157158

layoffs of, 28

loss of, 154

making organizations more attractive to, 60

needs of, communication based on, 2829

nominating for new jobs, 148151

resistance by, 2022

in strengths/weaknesses evaluation, 7980

unions and workforce councils consultation and, 32, 222229

engagement, 8, 26, 142

Ernst & Young, 23, 80, 202

European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, 58, 102, 222

European Union, 32

communicating about reorgs in, 69

labor laws in, 149

legal context in, 221229

organizational design and, 120121

exceptions, 155157

Ferraro, John, 23, 80, 202

five-step process, 6

avoiding mistakes via, 56

bringing it all together in, 201204

detailed design and implementation in, 137174

launching and course-correction in, 175200

organizational design in, 101135

profit and loss construction, 3972

skipping steps in, 106107, 203

strengths/weaknesses evaluation in, 7399

summary of, 204

5,000-mile checks, 189190, 195196, 199200, 219, 238

Fortune magazine, 18

framework directives, 222


benchmarking costs/head counts for setting, 4850

clarity in, 17, 4546, 50

course-corrections and, 175200

differentiated versus one-size-fits-all, 49, 6364

leaders' alignment with reorg, 2324

quantitative versus qualitative, 1415, 5051

trade-offs and, 48

Gosden, Lawrence, 3031, 51, 107, 155

governance, 91

government, communicating with, 33

Hayward, Neil, 24, 79, 151, 207, 213

human costs, 5455, 6667, 9899, 131

human resources (HR), 140141, 151, 211

incentives, 191

inputs, measuring, 181182

interviews, in strengths/weaknesses evaluation, 88

issue cards, 83, 86

ivory-tower idealism, 26, 2728

job titles, standardizing, 151

launches and course-corrections, 175200

business as usual after, 182183, 189190

capturing lessons of, 186187, 192197, 200

case study on, 178180, 193197

changing the way of working and, 190192

communicating about, 178179, 194, 197198

evaluation of from previous reorgs, 176177

letting issues fester and, 183185

measuring inputs and outputs and, 181182, 187188

mergers and acquisitions and, 219


alternatives to, 206

communicating about, 2829, 69, 140141

in cost-driven reorgs, 206207

effects of on employees, 29

employee support for, 120121

in EU countries, 222226

HR and, 140141

transferring activities versus, 209


alignment of with reorg's objectives, 2324, 168169

buy-in by, 63

changes in, 121131

commitment to leading change, 5253, 7172

communication with, 68, 9596

confusion among, 157158

course-corrections by, 184

difficult, sidestepping, 114115

discomfort among, 103

giving a stake to in reorgs, 163165

metrics and, 188

moving from existing positions, 151155, 168169, 174

organizational design and, 103, 121131

resistance by, 21, 151155

role changes for, 151155, 168169, 174

skill requirements for, 163

in strengths/weaknesses evaluation, 76, 7880

strengths/weaknesses evaluation of, 78

unified voice in communication by, 158

walking the talk by, 202

learning, 180, 186187, 192197, 200. See also launches and course-corrections

legal context, 221229


cascading communication through, 2930

reporting by, 148

in strengths/weaknesses evaluation, 79, 80

mass-balance charts, 149, 150

McKinsey & Company, 34, 222

McKinstry, Nancy, 2324, 115, 183184

Meadley-Roberts, Hannah, 58, 102, 158, 222

mergers and acquisitions

metrics and, 188

as reasons for reorg, 1718

reorgs driven by, 215219

risk/cost identification for, 6061

methodology documentation, 166167

metrics, 174, 181182, 187188, 191, 199

case study on, 193194

early warning, 185

milestones, 6869

morale, 22

Musk, Elon, 17, 29, 157

openness, 3031

operating model designs, 4647

operational expenditure (opex) savings, 64, 66

operational improvements, 209210

organizational design, 5, 18, 101135

board involvement in creating, 3334

bottom-up options for, 111, 113, 119120, 130, 134

case study on, 42, 104106, 129131, 141142

change in actual work patterns and, 21

changing spans/layers in, 209

changing the way of working and, 190192

communicating about, 132133

communicating with employees and, 27

culture changes and, 102

evaluation of from previous reorgs, 102103

exploring options for, 118121

focus on lines/boxes in, 104106, 107110

imposing one solution on, 105106, 110114

mergers and acquisitions and, 218

nominating people for jobs and, 148151

people, processes, and structure in, 108110, 116118, 124125

skipping steps and, 106107

staff involvement in creating, 3031

strengths/weaknesses evaluation of current, 7576

top-down options for, 111, 112, 129, 134

outsourcing, 2

people. See also employees

changing the way of working and, 190192

mergers and acquisitions and, 218

organizational design and, 108110, 116118

in planning and implementation, 147


drivers of, understanding, 9899

management problems with, 90

understanding gaps in, 82, 9899


parallel, 158162

reverse engineering for, 146

time taken by, 144151

Post Office (UK), 24, 79, 151, 207, 213

prioritization, 146, 235


changing the way of working and, 190192

mergers and acquisitions and, 218

organizational design and, 108110, 116118

in planning and implementation, 147

productivity, decline in during reorgs, 2021, 54

profit and loss (P&L) construction, 3972

accelerated timelines and, 6168

assessment of previous, 4041

case study on, 4147

clearly defined benefits of reorgs and, 4751

mergers and acquisitions and, 217

project charters and, 4445

reporting and, 148

resources required for, 46, 5255

risk/cost identification and, 6061

template for, 233

timeline clarification and, 5559

project charters, 4445, 67, 234

project management skills, 16

qualitative goals, 1415

reconciliation of interests, 227228

regulators, communicating with, 33


benefit definition for, 4751

business rationale for, 1416

capturing lessons of, 186187

communicating on, 2535

consequences of bad, 2, 4

cost-driven, 205213

difficulty of, 203204

excuses for not participating in, 155157

failure rates of, 1516

5-step process for, 34

good and bad reasons for, 1618

leadership in, 2324

learning from previous, 2022

as people issue, 5859

planning, 71

project charters for, 4445

secrecy about, 22

questioning value of, 71

quiz evaluations of previous, 4041

redrawing organization design in, 5

research on, 78

specific purpose for, 51

staff involvement in designing, 3031

strengths and weaknesses evaluation for, 7399

teams for, 3435

templates and checklists for, 7, 231238

time required for, 1820, 22

value assessment of, 5759

what works/what doesn't in, 1424

resistance, 2022, 114115, 151155

resource allocation, 2021

case study on, 65

planning for accurate, 46, 5255

for reorg teams, 46

slow reorgs and, 143

for training, 60

revenue growth, 17

reverse engineering, 146, 173


evaluation of previous reorg, 4041

identifying, 6061, 65

managing, 145

regulators and, 33

role modeling, 192

role profiles, 142

role threat, 9596

rollout plans, 166167

Rosenberg, Rob, 115, 154155, 202

sales, drops in during reorgs, 54

social media, in strengths/weaknesses evaluation, 83

spans of control, 209

Srivastva, Suresh, 126

story telling, 170171

strategy, 207208

strengths and weaknesses evaluation, 7399

based on hearsay versus facts, 76, 8186

case study on, 7576, 9295

communicating about, 93, 9497

evaluation of from previous reorgs, 7475

focusing on weaknesses in, 76, 7778

hearing all views in, 8990

identifying what to preserve with, 8789

leadership changes and, 122123

listening only to leaders in, 76, 7880

mergers and acquisitions and, 217, 218219

outsider perspectives in, 80

triangulation and analysis of, 9091

what's broken versus what really matters in, 8182

suppliers, communicating with, 3233

support, building in strengths/weaknesses assessment, 83

surveys, 199

5,000-mile checks, 189190, 195196, 199200, 219, 238

in strengths/weaknesses evaluation, 8386, 88, 91

Swift, Alastair, 50, 146148


cost of reorg, 46, 5255

creating reorg, 71

preparing reorg, 3435

resource allocation for, 46

transition monitoring, 198

templates, 7, 231238

testing, 55

Thames Water, 3031, 51, 107, 155


case study on, 4647, 143

clarity on, 47

evaluation of previous reorg, 41

holidays and, 144

immovable deadlines in, 146

lack of agreed-on, 5559

for planning and implementation, 161162

reverse engineering for, 146

setting accelerated, 6168, 65

template for, 232

top-down reorgs, 111, 112

trade-offs, 48, 135

Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act, 225

transparency, 206

trust, 115

unions and workforce councils, 32, 222229


clear definition of, 5860

conformity and, 156157

drawn-out reorgs and delay in creating, 145

drivers of, 207208

evaluation of previous reorg, 40

loss of in bad reorgs, 4

from reorgs, 15

skipping definition of, 106107

value chains, 3233

wait and see approach, 2627

weaknesses. See strengths and weaknesses evaluation

Willis Transport, 50, 146148

Wolters Kluwer, 2324, 115, 183184

work plans, 152, 237

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