Welcome to Real Calm – and let's start by breathing.

If there's one thing you want in your frantic life right now, it's to feel calm. And since you're reading this, it's probably fair to say you're taking the matter seriously. We're excited you've taken this step forward because we have the tools that can and will help you.

Our lives today are apparently busier than ever. What do most people moan about? ‘I'm so busy.' And what does that go hand in hand with? ‘I'm so stressed.' There may be significant reasons for you to be carrying more responsibility than you are able to deal with. In a climate of corporations making severe cutbacks, how can you be calm when your job pushes you to your physical and mental limits, which then affects your personal life? The paradox is that even when life is good, feeling calm can still be elusive. Whatever your circumstances, you wonder why you don't feel calm.

First, you're not alone. If there's one thing that unites everybody in modern life to one degree or another it's the umbrella of stress. Keeping on top of everything in a life driven by technology, chronic worry about finances in an uncertain economy, anxiety fuelled by uncertainty in life, and the stress of daily life from commuting to dealing with difficult people and situations are universal issues we are all familiar with.

Anxiety, an extreme form of stress, is a mass epidemic, a condition that has somehow crept up on our society. A recent government report1 revealed that teenage stress is at an all-time high, and significantly higher than the last investigation in 2005. According to Anxiety UK,2 one in ten adults in the UK has suffered from debilitating anxiety at some point in their lives. In the past 14 years diagnoses for an anxiety-related condition have increased by nearly 13%. Government figures3 show that in 2014/15, stress was the reason for a staggering 35% of all work-related sickness, and 43% of all working days lost due to ill health. In America,4 18% of the population suffers officially from anxiety. A 2015 poll5 found that one in four Americans were experiencing stress in their lives and had been through one stressful event in the previous year. And that's the official figures.

There's a need right now for global calm and a need for individual calm. The recession may be over officially, but buying a home and managing financially are huge concerns. Then there's the fact that terrorism is a real threat and we are on a mass alert. Travelling for business or pleasure now comes with added precautions imposed on us, like longer security checks at airports.

Is it possible to be calm in a world that is anything but calm? This is a real issue. There is nothing we can do about natural disasters, from tsunamis to earthquakes, but as individuals we can learn to ease the process of living and feeling as human beings.

We hope that this book will guide you out of stress into feeling calm whenever you need this.


We've divided this book into three parts:

  1. What Does Real Calm Mean To You?
  2. What's Stopping You From Feeling Calm?
  3. How Can You Be Calm?

In Part One you'll get to grips with the real reasons you don't feel calm and how this affects you on a daily and long-term basis. You may be surprised to learn that there are differences in why you want to be calm and why you need to be calm. You'll become clear about what exactly you're looking for so that the concept of calm is far from abstract.

In Part Two we'll dive into the complex reasons that have brought you to the point of feeling this stressed. You'll be able to unravel the different states of mind so that you can begin to find your unique calm way.

In Part Three we show you exactly what you need to learn and master so that first you can protect yourself from getting into a frazzled state, and second you can develop a sense of calm every day when you need it.

Throughout the book there are simple suggestions for small changes that will lead to noticeable differences in your daily life and help you accumulate a sense of calm. With every step of our analysis there is guidance on how to switch from allowing the process of stress to take over, to embracing calming processes.

At the end of the Chapters 1, 2, 4 and 5, there are tests that will help you assess yourself. There are also ‘Ask Yourself' questions to help you reflect and analyse how you feel, so that you can relate each chapter to your personal experience. In this way you can be your own coach.

You will also find case studies from real people who have found different ways to manage stress, harness it in a productive way, and additionally feel better in themselves. (All names and identifying circumstances have been changed.)

We are very excited about the selected panel of six leading experts we have interviewed for this book. Each expert has a particular expertise, knowledge, experience and perspective so that you can gain a thorough understanding of stress, and have a choice of what advice resonates most with you.

The advice in this book goes deep into the body, the brain, the mind – and the way forward requires commitment to change on your part. We do hope that the evidence we have will motivate you to make the commitment – and that you will be excited to do so.


Miriam Akhtar, positive psychologist

Miriam Akhtar is one of the UK's leading positive psychology practitioners. She has created a number of pioneering programmes based on the science of wellbeing, ranging from Positive Youth to Positive Ageing. She is one of 100 experts who contributed to the World Book of Happiness.

She is the author of four books including Positive Psychology for Overcoming Depression (Watkins). Her new book What is Post-Traumatic Growth? (Watkins) is published in 2017.

Ed Halliwell, mindfulness teacher and writer

Ed Halliwell is one of this country's most popular mindfulness teachers. As well as leading courses in London, Sussex and Surrey, he has introduced mindfulness to major organizations and is an advisor to an All-Party Parliamentary Group to develop mindfulness-based policies for the UK.

He has written the Be Mindful report for the Mental Health Foundation, co-authored one book and written two other books including his latest, Into The Heart of Mindfulness (Piatkus).

Professor Ian Robertson, psychologist and neuroscientist

Professor Robertson is one of world's leading researchers on neuropsychology. He is a clinical psychologist, neuroscientist and professor at Trinity College Dublin, and founding director of Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience and Co-Director of the Global Brain Health Institute.

He has written over 500 papers on the brain and behaviour and four internationally successful books. His latest book is The Stress Test – How Pressure Can Make You Stronger and Stronger (Bloomsbury)

Jeremy Stockwell, performance consultant and TV coach

Jeremy Stockwell is one the UK's leading performance consultants. His clients include high-profile presenters, actors, business leaders, pop stars and politicians. He is a long serving member of the teaching faculty at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

His on-screen credits include the BAFTA award-winning series Faking It, Strictly Come Dancing and How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria? His BBC2 series The Speaker was critically acclaimed.

Sandra Elsdon Vigon, Jungian psychotherapist

Sandra Elsdon Vigon has been a psychotherapist in private practice for 30 years, working in Los Angeles and London. She is a member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists.

She has six years post-graduate training at the Analyst Training Program of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles. Her special interests are dreamwork, the creative process and collage.

Charlie Walker-Wise, RADA in Business trainer

Charlie Walker-Wise trained as an actor at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and worked in TV, film and theatre. He moved from acting into directing theatre and simultaneously developing a parallel career as a trainer. He is a client director at RADA in Business.

RADA in Business offers specialist communications training. The company attracts clients from across the public and private sector, including finance, fashion, healthcare and central government.

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