
  • 4‐Hour Work Week, The (Ferriss), 189
  • A
  • Abilities, examination, 8–11
  • Action steps, 186
  • Adobe Premier Rush (social media tool), 69
  • Adroll, usage, 78
  • Advice, 60–61
  • Affirmation, 15–16, 18
    • usage, 144–145
  • A MAID PLAN, full script, 53–57
  • Annual client events, usage, 39
  • Area, Motivation, Agent, Identify, Dwelling, Price, Loan, Appointment, Notes (A MAID PLAN), full script, 53–57
  • AscentVA, usage, 191–192
  • At Home, Online, in Person (HOP) method, 33, 37, 40
  • B
  • Baldwin, Nick, 5
  • Ballin, Blair, 167
  • Behavior, beliefs (impact), 9
  • Blogs
    • community, connection, 49–50
    • creation, 3, 72
    • usage, 98
  • Body language, examination, 193
  • BombBomb, usage, 125
  • Bow‐tie funnel, 31
  • Brand, boosting, 131
  • Brilliant Thoughts, future (consideration), 16
  • Brilliant Tribe, A, 5–6
    • future, consideration, 16
    • newsletters, usage, 20
  • Budget, defining, 191
  • Business
    • attraction, 3
    • checklist, 215–216
    • development, 76
    • focus, 177
    • operating account, opening, 215
    • operation, 216
    • plan
    • savings account, opening, 215
    • tax account, opening, 215
  • Buyer agent (BA), role, 204
  • Buyer leads, 101, 103–104
    • follow‐up, 102
    • staleness, response, 102–103
  • Buyers
    • list removal request, 104–105
    • purchase, agent usage/assistance (percentage), 34
  • BuzzSumo (social media tool), 69
  • C
  • CallAction, usage, 87
  • Canva (social media tool), 68
  • Chamber of Commerce, joining, 168
  • Chartered Public Accountant (CPA), usage, 215
  • Chime, usage, 44–45, 78, 85, 125, 148, 194
  • Circle dialing/prospecting, 149
  • Circle prospecting dialogue, 163–164
  • Client events, 107
    • checkin, 115–116
    • checklist, usage, 109
    • hands‐on, proactive approach, 111
    • handwritten notes, usage, 113–114
    • ideas, 111–112
    • initiation, 109–110
    • invites, determination, 108, 114–115
    • marketing, 112–113
    • referrals, request, 116–117
    • social media posting, 110
    • timeline, 112
    • type, 110–111
    • vendors, usage, 115
  • Client Giant, gifting ideas/execution, 38
  • Clients
    • connecting process, 80–82
    • offering, 147
  • Cold calling, 141
    • affirmations, impact, 144–145
    • business plan/goals, review, 143
    • circle prospecting dialogue, 163–164
    • confidence boost, mindset strategy (usage), 144–146
    • expired scripts, 156–158
    • FSBO dialogue scripts, 158–162
    • just expired scripts, 150–152
    • numbers, review, 142–143
    • objection handler script, 153–157
    • preparation, 141–142
    • prospecting, initiation process, 146–150
    • role‐play, usage, 143–144
    • scripts, 150
      • follow‐up, value (supply), 162–163
    • tracking, 148
    • visualization, usage, 146
  • Community
    • branding, 171
    • defining, 171
    • events, hosting, 99–101
    • investment, 165–166
  • Comparative Market Analysis (CMA), 133
  • Confidence boost, mindset strategy (usage), 144–146
  • Contact information, update/correct (ensuring), 78–79
  • Content creation, 72
    • STAY process, usage, 71
  • Conversation, usage, 130
  • Cordiner, Dawn, 63–64
  • Customer relationship management (CRM), 44–45, 57, 99
    • attendees, uploading, 125
    • email addresses, addition, 133–134
    • finding, 41
    • people, addition, 85
    • system, 75
  • D
  • Daily Stoic, The (Holiday), 19
  • Database, 75
    • buyer/seller leads, 103–104
    • communication, maintenance, 78
    • creation, 76
    • pipeline, addition, 76–77
    • sphere of influence (SOI), inclusion, 78
  • Davis, Darryl, 87
  • DayOne (app), 18
  • Dialogue scripts, 158–162
  • Dinners, usage, 39
  • Directive, selection, 23
  • Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness (DISC)
    • assessment, function, 207–208
    • usage, 207
  • Door knocking, 85–86, 121–122, 129
    • approaches, 137–139
    • brand, boosting, 131
    • competition, excelling, 131
    • content, supply, 86
    • conversation, usage, 130
    • inefficiency, 7
    • leads, increase, 131
    • package, 134
    • rejection, handling, 132
    • script, 135–137
    • tips/tricks, 132–134
  • Drucker, Peter, 9
  • Drunk on Social, 5–6
  • E
  • Education, priority, 221
  • Emails
    • checking, 45
    • usage, 38
  • Embrace, 16
  • Emotions
    • awareness, 22
    • impact, 21–22
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN), obtaining, 215
  • Energy level, understanding, 22–23
  • Environment, change, 212–214
  • Exercise, 15, 19
  • Expenses, tracking, 216
  • Expired leads (expireds), calling, 148–149
  • F
  • Facebook
    • communities, 134
    • short video, creation/posting, 120–121
  • Failing forward, 212
  • Family, focus, 177
  • Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams (FORD), usage, 170
  • Farming, 83
    • focus, 100
    • outline, 87–88
    • strategy, 85
  • Feelings, 36–37
    • addressing, 25–26
  • Feelings, Facts, Fun (3 Fs), usage, 66
  • Ferriss, Tim, 189
  • Final Cut Pro (social media tool), 69
  • Financial statements, compilation, 215–216
  • First call, goal, 46
  • Fiverr, usage, 191
  • FiveStreet, usage, 41
  • Fixed mindset, 36
  • Follow‐up
    • automation, 46–47
    • mastery, 168–169
    • networking, 168–169
    • process, 147
    • requirement, 205
  • Follow Up Boss, usage, 44–45, 148, 194
  • For Rent By Owner (FRBO) leads, calling, 149–150
  • For Sale By Owner (FSBO)
    • dialogue scripts, 158–162
    • leads, calling, 149
  • For sale signs, posting, 123
  • Foust, Zachary, 168
  • Funnel/Facebook, 52
  • Funnel/Google PPC, 48
  • G
  • Godin, Seth, 30
  • Good actions, decision, 23
  • Google 5, 47–52
  • Google Ad Words, 49
  • Google Local Service Ads (Google LSA), 49
  • Google Pay Per Click (Google PPC), 48, 49, 51
  • Google Reviews, 48–49
  • Google Search Engine Optimization (Google SEO), 49–50
  • Gratitude, practice, 15
  • Gross commission income (GCI), doubling, 205
  • H
  • Handwritten note, usage/impact, 98–99, 113–114
  • Handwrytten, usage, 99
  • Havre, Justin, 205
  • Home inspector, usage, 124
  • Home Ownership Associations (HOAs), hatred, 56
  • Homes
    • sales, reason, 84
    • searches, usage, 38
    • showcasing, 122
    • value, increase (steps), 97
  • Home sellers, referral/real estate agent usage, 35
  • Hootsuite (social media tool), 69
  • HOP. See At Home, Online, in Person
  • How to Become a Power Agent in Real Estate (Davis), 87
  • I
  • Incantations, 18
  • Indeed, usage, 204
  • Industry talks/events, attendance (importance), 9–10
  • Information, search (locations), 147–148
  • Inside sales agent (ISA), prospecting, 81, 142, 192, 204–206
  • Instagram, short video (creation/posting), 120–121
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS), interaction, 216
  • J
  • Job description, writing, 191–192
  • Just listed/sold leads, calling, 149
  • K
  • Keller, Gary, 207
  • L
  • Lab Coat Agents
    • future, consideration, 16
    • initiation, 4
  • Leads. See Online leads
    • calling types, 148–150
    • expense, 51
    • follow‐up, 79–82
    • increase, 131
    • why question, usage, 210–211
  • Learn, 19
  • Lender, usage, 124
  • Life, enjoyment/pleasure, 20–21, 23
  • Like, Comment, Message (LCM), 59, 80
    • usage, 82
  • LinkedIn, usage, 204
  • Listing agent (LA), role, 206
  • Local market statistics, 89
  • Local parks, listing, 95
  • Local Service Ads (LSA), 49
  • Local vendor/business, selection, 123–124
  • M
  • Maher, Michael, 35, 117
  • Mailers
    • descriptions, inclusion, 89–92
    • farming outline, 87–88
    • handwritten note, usage, 98–99
    • local market statistics, inclusion, 89
    • local parks, listing, 95
    • local restaurants, listing, 92–94
    • neighborhoods, description, 94–95
    • places to visit, listing, 97
    • self‐identification, 92
    • stories/quotes, inclusion, 96–97
    • usage, 86
  • Mailings, 86–88
  • Mailout, usage, 122–123
  • Mantra, 18
  • Marketing campaign, customer completion, 79
  • MCBackUp Pro, usage, 77
  • Meditation (prayer), 17–18
  • Meditation, Affirmation, Record, Visualize, Exercise, Learn (MARVEL), 13, 17–20
  • Millionaire Real Estate Agent (MREA) model, usage, 207
  • Millionaire Real Estate Agent, The (Keller), 207
  • Mind, clarity, 17–18
  • Mindset
    • challenge, 24
    • defining, 202
  • Mission statement, creation, 215
  • Mortgage meltdown (2008), 219
  • N
  • National Association of Realtors (NAR)
    • farming statistics, 83
    • real estate agents, numbers, 219
  • Negative emotions, impact, 21
  • Neighborhoods, listing, 94–95
  • Networking, 165
    • event, checklist, 169–171
    • team, building, 172
  • Newsletters, usage, 38, 51
  • Notice of Defaults (NOD) leads, calling, 150
  • Nurturing
    • absence, problem, 30
    • follow‐up, 46
  • Nurturing leads, 29
  • O
  • Objection handler script, 153–157
  • Obligations, completion, 84
  • Online community (communities)
    • networking, 167–168
      • checklist, 171–172
    • usage, blogs/social media (usage), 98
  • Online leads
    • calling, 45–46
    • conversion, 41, 43
    • flow chart, 42
    • generation, 41
    • script, 53
    • texting, 45
    • understanding, 47–52
  • Online meetings, 38
  • Online net, widening, 29
  • Open houses, 119
    • attendees, uploading, 125
    • BombBomb, usage, 125
    • lender/title company/home inspector, usage, 124
    • listings, absence (actions), 119–120
    • local vendor/business, selection, 123–124
    • mailout, usage, 122–123
    • neighborhood, door knocking, 121–122
    • people, greeting, 125
    • for sale signs, posting, 123
    • scripts, 125–127
    • short form video, creation, 120
    • sign ins, usage, 124, 125
    • signs, posting, 123
  • P
  • Pacinnelli, Steve, 3
  • Past clients, 34–40
    • calling, 114–117
    • categorization, 37–39
    • vertical targeting, 37
  • Pay Per Click (PPC), 49
  • Pfitzer, Jeff, 6
  • Phone calls, usage, 38, 75
  • Places to visit, listing, 97
  • Plan, 14–15
  • Plan, Review, Exercise, Practice, Affirmations, Reflect, and Embrace (PREPARE), 13
  • Podcasts, watching (priority), 10–11
  • Portal buyer leads, usage, 102
  • Positive emotions, impact, 21–22
  • Postponements, addressing, 25
  • Post‐sale referrals, sources (development), 221
  • PowerISA, usage, 192, 205
  • Pre‐prospecting routine, 141
  • Priorities, 175, 176, 178–179
    • discuss, 181
    • focus, 181–182
  • Problems, concentration, 176
  • Process, The, 181
    • actions, specificity, 184, 185
    • defining, 182
    • function, 182–184
    • time, blocking, 184–185
    • transition, importance, 184, 185
  • Proctor, Craig, 41
  • Prospecting
    • continuation, 220–221
    • initiation process, 146–150
  • Prospects, support/service, 79
  • Public relations, usage, 99–101
  • Q
  • Questionnaires
    • information, collection, 44
    • usage, 43–44
  • R
  • Raving fan, 30
  • Real estate
    • career, open‐mindedness, 222–223
    • coach, obtaining, 222
    • conferences/events, attendance, 166–167
    • environment, change, 212–214
    • future, 219
    • leader, responsibility, 210
    • prospecting, continuation, 220–221
    • research market statistics, 220
    • trends, 219–220
  • Real estate agent
    • interviews, number, 34–35
    • recommendation, 35
    • solo agent, impact, 200
  •, 52, 125, 147
  • Real estate team
    • building, 199
      • timing, 199–200
    • hires, 203
    • hiring
      • DISC, usage, 207
      • process, 209
      • speed, 209–210
    • leader, role, 201
    • leading, 200–201
    • motivation, continuation, 211–212
    • order/control, 201–202
    • roles, 206–207
  • Record, 18
  • REDX, usage, 87, 101, 147–148
  • Referral companies, 51
  • Referrals
    • leads, 104
    • post‐sale referrals, sources (development), 221
    • real estate agent discovery, 34
    • request, 116–117
  • Reflect, 16
  • Rejection, handling, 132
  • Relationships
    • building
      • commitment, 98
      • social media, usage, 63
    • development, 85
  • Relisting, avoidance (script), 155–156
  • Remarketing, usage, 38
  • Research market statistics, 220
  • Return on investment (ROI), 108
    • checking, 216
    • tracking, 87
  • Revenue targets, setting, 201
  • Review, 15
  • Role‐play, usage, 143–144
  • Routine, importance, 13–14
  • S
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO), 49–50
  • Self, appearance, 177
  • Sell, 60
  • Seller leads, 103–104
    • follow‐up, 103
    • website origin, 103
  • Sell Teach Advice You (STAY) method, 59–61, 67, 71
  • Short form video, creation, 120
  • Short video, creation/posting, 120–121
  • Skills, application, 8–11
  • Smith, Chris, 3
  • Social media, 59
    • client event posting, 110
    • delegation ability, 69–70
    • growth, LCM (usage), 62–65
    • messages, usage, 38
    • platforms, usage (learning), 65
    • short video, creation/posting, 120–121
    • success, steps, 65
    • tools, 68–69
    • usage, 98
    • videos, editing, 69–70
  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time‐bound (SMART) goals, usage, 183
  • Sphere of influence (SOI), 34–40
    • categorization, 37–39
    • examination, 114–117
    • inclusion, 78
    • integration, 77
    • vertical targeting, 37
  • Storytelling, 65–66
    • audience, determination, 66–68
    • Feelings, Facts, Fun (3 Fs), usage, 66
  • Strength, finding, 7
  • Struggle, reaction, 24–25
  • Subconscious reaction, 16
  • Success, talks, 10
  • T
  • Taylor, Donnelll, 202
  • Taylor, Leisel, 202, 216
  • Teach, 60
  • Texting, usage, 101–105, 186
  • Texts, usage, 38
  • Thoughts, focus, 17–18
  • TikTok, videos
    • creation/usage, 67–68
    • posting, 120–121
  • Time, blocking, 184–185
  • Title company, usage, 124
  • Top of mind, 107
  • Transaction, customer completion, 79
  • Trello, usage, 148
  • Tristan and Associates, future (consideration), 16
  • U
  • Unique selling proposition (USP), 147
  • Upwork, usage, 191
  • V
  • Vertical targeting, 37
  • Videos
    • content, creation, 70
    • editing
      • team, usage, 71–72
    • editing, delegation (ability), 69–70
    • interviews, usage, 193
    • niche, selection, 70
    • outlet, selection, 73
    • outlining, 71
    • shooting day, selection, 71
  • Videos, creation/usage, 67–68
  • VIP Program, 57
  • Viral content, problems, 67–68
  • Virtual assistant (VA)
  • Virtual staff
    • building, 189
    • candidates, filtering, 193–194
    • hiring, clarity, 190–191
    • hiring/communicating, 194–196
    • job description, writing, 191–192
    • members
      • location, 192–193
      • understanding, 189–190
    • organization chart, 215
    • team, expansion/delegation, 196–197
  • Vision statement, creation, 215
  • Visualization ability, 177
  • Visualization process, 146
    • thoughts, 18–19
  • Visualize, 18–19
  • Viva Video (social media tool), 69
  • W
  • Williams, Keller, 10
  • WizeHire, usage, 191, 204
  • Work, deliberateness, 14
  • Workflow (streamlining), social media tools (usage), 69
  • Workout, 25
  • Y
  • Ylopo, usage, 78, 194
  • You, 61
  • YouTube
    • usage, 50, 194
    • video, creation/posting, 120–121
  • Z
  • Ziglar, Zig, 51
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