Chapter 12
Key Lesson #1: A Powerful Mindset

In 2004, Adidas used the slogan “Impossible is Nothing,”1 excerpted from the following ad copy, to launch a celebrated campaign:

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.

Although the campaign was targeted at athletes, the slogan and the ad copy apply to every person in every arena of life. Some people identify this slogan with resolution, others with grit. Whatever you decide to call it, a powerful mindset is the most fundamental trait shared by the world’s great—whether they are business leaders, athletes, or Real Estate Titans.

A person with a powerful mindset breaks through the darkest hours on the path to success, a path that was originally thought by others to be too difficult. A powerful mindset keeps the Real Estate Titans from giving up. It gives them the personal vision to pursue their vision, their dream. It’s what drives their relentless pursuit to carry out their mission and make an impact on the world.

For Rohit Ravi, a powerful mindset is being able to develop an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean—no matter what extreme challenges arise. From having to ship in all the construction materials, to experiencing delays caused by stormy weather, to training a world-class staff. This requires enormous self-belief.

For Elie Horn, a powerful mindset means gaining knowledge and seeking inspiration. It means never becoming contented and taking life for granted, but always being prepared for the unexpected, for the coming downturn, for the inevitable cycles of the economy.

In Richard Mack’s case, his mindset is powerful because he believes in himself and in his vision for what’s possible. For him that means finding deals in Eastern Europe that very few others identified and having the courage to pursue this opportunity.

For Carlos Betancourt, a powerful mindset comes from powering through the many difficulties that arise when carrying out land assemblages and looking to redevelop the entire block and help thousands of people with jobs, taxes, new infrastructure and more. It is not giving up when the local government does not supporting the development and eve the neighbors resist. It is doing the impossible and ensuring your vision comes to fruition.

Gina Diez Barroso´s mindset is powered by having reasons that push the limits of the status quo. She is striving to change the way things have always been done to find the way it can be done exponentially better. No matter what others say about the difficulties, none of their noise dissuades her.

All these Titans have, at different points in their careers, been told it cannot be done: It’s too hard; it’s too competitive. They did not listen to these small voices, but persevered and found a way. If they believe they are going to succeed by pursuing an opportunity, “no” is not an acceptable answer to them. The moment that you acknowledge that a problem is unconquerable, you will fail. If you understand that there must be a solution, you will usually find it. Remember that the impossible can only be achieved by those who believe anything is possible.

Perfection in California

Disneyland (in Anaheim, California) occupies approximately 100 acres (400,000 square meters) of land and receives around 18 million visitors per year. Did you know that not too far away from Disneyland, in Los Angeles, there is a shopping center called The Grove that occupies approximately 25 acres (100,000 square meters) of land and receives over 19 million visitors per year? When I first heard these numbers, I was mystified.

How could a little shopping center attract more visitors than the “happiest place on earth?” I soon made a point to get familiar with the owner of The Grove, Rick Caruso,2 to understand what he and his team did to create the second most successful shopping center in the United States (and the world) in terms of sales per square foot.3

Before developing The Grove in the early 2000s, Caruso was told by numerous other market players, consultants, and close colleagues that he should not pursue this opportunity because he would fail. Some said it was on the wrong side of the street. Others said that he was too close to Beverly Center in L.A., which at that time was one of the most dominant shopping centers in California. Others added that there was no need for more retail in the area; L.A. had enough shopping centers.

Instead of listening to so many limiting beliefs, he went to study high shopping streets around the world. Why? Because he knew history. He knew that the Champs Elysees in Paris became a high street, by definition, in the late 1700s, and it has been around— blossoming—since then. That means it has endured the world’s greatest wars, famines, plagues, the Great Depression, civil clashes, global recessions, and more. That could also mean it will endure Amazon, e-commerce, social commerce, virtual reality, 3-D printing, and all other future technologies.

Caruso worked with talented architects to extrapolate the most attractive and comforting elements from other beautiful streets such as King Street in Charleston and Newbury Street in Boston. He knew that there was enough retail in Los Angeles but he also knew that there were not enough fun experiences. He therefore focused on creating a shopping center with memorable features, a higher level of customer service, and great operations. He invested in dancing fountains, old-fashioned street trolleys, a concierge service, impeccable bathrooms, and much more.

He never listened to competitors who continually criticized him during the construction period; he knew that it was possible. Massive success was the only option for him.

The Power of the Mind

Think about Richard Ziman starting off his career in the legal practice. There were lots of other real estate lawyers working in Los Angeles and in the state of California. Many graduated from the same law school (University of Southern California) that he did. They had access to similar people; the law was the same for all of them. They each had similar technical skillsets. So why did he succeed in real estate by leaps over all of his peers? One of the main reasons is that he had the mindset to go past the basic expectations.

As you study Richard Ziman you can see that after years of preparing and working for massive success in real estate, he was ready for whatever was thrown at him. He embraced the many different variables that could change because he knew he had no option but to get the end result he was pursuing.

Every other Real Estate Titan has a similar mindset—an insatiable hunger to achieve, to succeed, to keep learning, to change the lives of millions, and to give more.

Many of these individuals—began to develop a mindset at an early age, when it was deeply engrained in their core that one day they would be successful. They were convinced that their eventual success was as real as their need to breathe. They envisioned their success already happening.

They have also learned to control their emotions. This is especially relevant on days when there are big negotiations and closings. They maintain their cool. They don’t allow themselves to become emotionally attached to projects. They have a deep understanding of who they are and what they want. They are aware that emotions can cloud their judgment and cause them to overlook or even ignore important data that could derail a deal. They understand that negative thoughts are simply thoughts with no intrinsic power. While negative thoughts and emotions can cause most people to make mistakes and use poor judgment, the Real Estate Titans have learned how to deal with them in a productive way.

Food for Thought

According to research by Dr. Fred Luskin of Stanford University, a human being has approximately 60,000 thoughts per day. And, 90 percent of these thoughts are repetitive. That means we have around 42 thoughts per minute. Most of our thoughts are inaccurate and negative. Most of our thoughts are about tomorrow or yesterday. We masticate on what has happened or meditate on what might happen. We are continually processing ideas, opinions, facts, and choices, and this overwhelming flow of information can be exhausting.

In addition, the average number of decisions the average adult makes each day, according to Stanford, is about 35,000. The steady flow of thoughts often prevents us from listening, seeing, feeling and reacting in ideal ways. Our mind is like a computer, constantly analyzing, reviewing, and replaying information.

According to Dr. Joseph Dispenza, an internationally recognized lecturer on neurosciences, our brain processes 400 billion bits of information a second; but, we are only aware of 2,000 of these. The brain does what it is told, and one of the biggest obstacles to success is a confession of being “less than” what is required to achieve our goals. How many times have you heard someone say, “I don’t have the ability to do that” or “I am not smart enough.” How many times have you said this throughout your life?

We all feel that our mind sometimes plays tricks on us. Take a look at Figure 12.1. Most real estate entrepreneurs who saw this drawing agreed with it. How could there be so much volatility in one day? Because of our mind. If we develop powerful mindsets we will develop a powerful business and a powerful life.

The figure shows the ups and downs of an entrepreneur’s day. The entrepreneur is excited in the beginning of the day, the second phase is down when the entrepreneur is angry and thinks this is really hard, the third phase is up when the entrepreneur is doing good, the fourth phase is down when the entrepreneur is wrong, the fifth phase is up when the entrepreneur is doing great, the sixth phase is down  when the entrepreneur is going bankrupt, the seventh phase is up  when the entrepreneur is a rockstar! Don’t know why is so upset, the eighth phase is down when an entrepreneur is wrong and going back to the corporate world, and the ninth phase is up  when the entrepreneur’s life is amazing.

Figure 12.1 The ups and downs of an entrepreneur’s day.

All the Titans I know have taught themselves to stop overthinking and move forward. Doing so allows them to assess any situation faster and make key decisions in a smarter and more well-balanced manner.

Habits That Help the Mind

We all know so many people who are extraordinary talents, very smart individuals with strong technical skills, yet they are not successful in business. How come? When it comes to rising to the top, talent, smarts, and skills are a part of the formula, but the powerful mindset is essential. But this mindset does not come naturally for most people for diverse reasons. Therefore, it is important to learn some of the things that these Real Estate Titans do to stay at the top.

Several of the Titans shared with me that they meditate. Meditation helps to calm your mind so that you can become aware of your emotions, ideas, and thoughts. There are several different types of meditation but they all help reduce stress and anxiety while giving you time alone to get to know yourself a little better. Guided meditation apps have become a popular for the novice who wants to learn about technique and for the experienced practitioner as well.

Most of the Titans have an exercise regimen. We all know exercise has benefits, but let’s review some of them to see how they affect brain chemistry and attitude. Exercise increases heart rate and improves the lungs’ ability to expel toxins and take in more oxygen. This promotes the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain. It can improve brain function and protect memory and thinking skills.4 It has also been shown to cause the hippocampus, a part of the brain that’s vital for memory and learning, to grow in size.5 This serves to increase mental function in older adults. Exercise can also stimulate the production of hormones that enhance the growth of brain cells.

The Titans implement digital detox. A study by Qualtrics and Accel found that Millennials check their phones over 150 times per day. These Titans check their phones and emails significantly less than this and they have numerous hours where they block cell phones, tablets, and computers. This helps them concentrate and experience less stress.

They have also made reading quality newspapers, books, magazines, and industry newsletters an important part of their daily routine. Taking time to read offline can also be a way to relax and yet stimulate your capacity for learning; it can actually improve your mind’s ability to receive and optimally process information, making it easier to retrieve when needed.

Many start their day with gratitude and prayer. When they wake up they look in the mirror and acknowledge the many blessings that have manifested in their lives. They realize they have abundance not just in terms of comfort for themselves and their families, but also as a result of making the world a better place for others. They thank God. Titans share the primary mission of leaving a legacy for the benefit of humanity. Many of them will make positive affirmations aloud while preparing for the day. Going forth with this attitude, they find they don’t complain about the little things or victimize themselves. This notion of gratitude equips them with a great optimistic attitude.

Every Titan possesses a strong self-belief. You need to believe you can succeed before success can manifest in your life. When you do, your thoughts influence your behavior and actions.

Key Takeaways

  • Embrace the mindset that “impossible is nothing.”
  • Next time you face what seems an insurmountable challenge, ask yourself what would need to happen for this to become possible. What can I do to make this happen? What would one of these Real Estate Titans do? You will surprise yourself if you try and follow their mindset.
  • If you are a real estate entrepreneur looking to be successful, you must have a strong mind that can handle the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial pilgrimage. A weak mind is vulnerable to making bad decisions if fear sets in, or when too much information becomes overwhelming. Adopt these habits that Titans have to experience professional growth.



Try to think of three people you know who you believe have a powerful mindset. Invite them for lunch or a coffee and ask them to tell you how they have grown to develop such a powerful mindset. Listen to what they tell you and take notes. Once they realize that you truly respect what they have to say and are serious about learning from them, people will often open up and share their experiences and the lessons they have learned from their unique journey. Learn from them. Make a list of the key points and commit them to memory.

Realize that your mentor has added value to your life and be grateful. Look for ways to repay them by adding value to their lives. Pay it forward when you are asked the same.


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