Abhishek Nandy and Manisha Biswas
Reinforcement LearningWith Open AI, TensorFlow and Keras Using Python
Abhishek Nandy
Rm HIG L-2/4, Bldg Swaranika Co-Opt HSG, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Manisha Biswas
North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India
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ISBN 978-1-4842-3284-2e-ISBN 978-1-4842-3285-9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2017962867
© Abhishek Nandy and Manisha Biswas 2018
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This book is primarily based on a Machine Learning subset known as Reinforcement Learning. We cover the basics of Reinforcement Learning with the help of the Python programming language and touch on several aspects, such as Q learning, MDP, RL with Keras, and OpenAI Gym and OpenAI Environment, and also cover algorithms related to RL.
Users need a basic understanding of programming in Python to benefit from this book.
The book is meant for people who want to get into Machine Learning and learn more about Reinforcement Learning.
I want to dedicate this book to my parents.
—Abhishek Nandy
I want to dedicate this book to my mom and dad. Thank you to my teachers and my co-author, Abhishek Nandy. Thanks also to Abhishek Sur, who mentors me at work and helps me adapt to new technologies. I would also like to dedicate this book to my company, InSync Tech-Fin Solutions Ltd., where I started my career and have grown professionally.
—Manisha Biswas
About the Authors and About the Technical Reviewer
About the Authors
Abhishek Nandy
has a B.Tech. in information technology and considers himself a constant learner. He is a Microsoft MVP in the Windows platform, an Intel Black Belt Developer, as well as an Intel software innovator. Abhishek has a keen interest in artificial intelligence, IoT, and game development. He is currently serving as an application architect at an IT firm and consults in AI and IoT, as well does projects in AI, Machine Learning, and deep learning. He is also an AI trainer and drives the technical part of Intel AI student developer program. He was involved in the first Make in India initiative, where he was among the top 50 innovators and was trained in IIMA.
Manisha Biswas
has a B.Tech. in information technology and currently works as a software developer at InSync Tech-Fin Solutions Ltd in Kolkata, India. She is involved in several areas of technology, including web development, IoT, soft computing, and artificial intelligence. She is an Intel Software innovator and was awarded the Shri Dewang Mehta IT Awards 2016 by NASSCOM, a certificate of excellence for top academic scores. She very recently formed a “Women in Technology” community in Kolkata, India to empower women to learn and explore new technologies. She likes to invent things, create something new, and invent a new look for the old things. When not in front of her terminal, she is an explorer, a foodie, a doodler, and a dreamer. She is always very passionate to share her knowledge and ideas with others. She is following her passion currently by sharing her experiences with the community so that others can learn, which lead her to become Google Women Techmakers, Kolkata Chapter Lead.
About the Technical Reviewer
Avirup Basu
is an IoT application developer at Prescriber360 Solutions. He is a researcher in robotics and has published papers through the IEEE.
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