
American Finance Association, 25

“Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder” (Taleb), 10

Asch effect, 53

Axioms, 13

Banker’s Trust, 91

The Big Bang Theory, 26

Black, Fischer, 25

The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, 84

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), 58–60, 66–67


complicated thinking, 34–37

description of, 29–30

managing problems, 37–40

systems theory. See Systems theory

VUCA and, 41

Complex system, 34

Complicated system, 32–34

Complicated thinking, 29, 34–37

Connected systems, 31

Culture, 92–95

Delphi Method, 52–54

Drucker, Peter, 4, 23, 73

Ecological systems, 31

“Ecology for Bankers” (May, Levin and Sugihara), 30–32

Emergence, phenomenon of, 39

Empathy, 50–52

Enterprise risk management (ERM), 117

ERM. See Enterprise risk management

Fair Housing Act, 47

“Five by Five Why” analysis, 45–48

Fraser, John, 65

Frequentist statistics, 14–18

Gardner, Dan, 107

Gawande, Atul, 38, 84

Group risks, 50

Hiring strategy, 88–89

Hoffer, Eric, 42

ISO 31000, 58–60

James, William, 12

Keyes, John Maynard, 108

Levin, Simon, 30

“Masters of the Universe” (Wolfe), 37

Materials failure, 48

May, Robert, 30

Measurement error, 18–21

Middle management, 92–95

“Noise” (Black), 25

Optimization, 21–23

Orgel, Leslie, 26

Plight of the Fortune Tellers (Rebonato), 15

Process-based risk management

hiring strategy, 88–89

playbooks, not rulebooks, 87–89

processes and obedience, 82–84

simple, complicated, complex, 84–87

Tomas Lopez, case study, 79–82

Rebonato, Riccardo, 15


causes of, 43–45

definition of, 1–2

fun and creative, 101–103

group, 50

happens, 97–99

importance of, 5–7

prioritizing people, 95–97

rethinking of, 2–5

revisiting of, 69–71

shutting down, 71–72

social activity, 73

training and culture, 99–101

Risk frameworks

about, 57

box-ticking leads, 65

competitive advantage, 63–64

COSO and, 58–60

enabling activities, 64–67

ISO 31000 and, 58–60

stifling abilities, 60–64

Risk homeostasis, 108–109

Risk management

attitude toward, 112–115

axioms, 13

complicated thinking, 34–37

corporate culture, 106 culture, 92–95

definition of, 7–10

Delphi Method, 52–54

design importance of, 52

empathy and, 50–52

“Five by Five Why” analysis, 45–48

frequentist statistics, 14–18

future of, 117–122

harmful effects of, 108–112

managing focus, 10–11

measurement error, 18–21

noise, 25–26

optimization, 21–23

people and, 48–50

potential developments, 120–122

sociological imagination, 50–52

trends in, 118–119

Risk mapping, 76–77

Risk metrics, 73–75

Risk: The Science and Politics of Fear (Gardner), 107

Robinson, Ken, 114

Rumsfeld, Donald, 20

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 94

Scientific management, 31–32

Simple system, 32–34

Sociological imagination, 50–52

Sugihara, George, 30

Systems theory

characteristics of, 32

complex system, 34

complicated system, 32–34

simple system, 32–34

Taleb, Nassim, 10

Taylor, Frederick, 21, 31, 33

Twain, Mark, 18

Value at risk (VAR), 9

VAR. See Value at risk

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity (VUCA), 41

VUCA. See Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity

Wiseman, Richard, 11

Wolfe, Tom, 37

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