Tools and Tactics
There are numerous ways you can interact with an advanced or persistent threat. Most organizations will simply take the compromised machines offline and have them rebuilt for circulation back into the enterprise. This may suffice if you are dealing with an opportunistic criminal who has no direct interest in your enterprise’s data. However, this approach almost never works when you have a persistent threat that is willing to use advanced techniques to maintain a steadfast presence on your network for a specific motive or objective.
One of the most important things you need to remember is that you have physical control of your enterprise (in theory), while your attacker is likely far away without any direct physical access to your network. This is a serious advantage that most organizations overlook: you have the ability to choose where to battle or engage an adversary within the confines of your own enterprise. Some may not feel this is the best choice and we argue with that concept. In a perfect world threat would be external to your enterprise and we do not live in a perfect world. We know at this very moment your enterprise has at least one form of malicious code running through one of your systems or devices. The “not” knowing where a threat is within your network can be extremely damaging.
Throughout this book we have discussed many techniques and approaches for identifying the threat on your enterprise and how to lure them into systems of your choosing. These systems are the terrain you’re choosing to engage the threat on. Your entire enterprise can be looked at as your battleground and the locations you choose to engage are your terrain. Choosing the battle terrain is the single most important part in traditional combat. Evaluating and understanding your network (the battle terrain) is essential, as this will afford you the opportunity to limit the number of ingress (entry) and egress (exit) routes to and from your network. These are the points where you can concentrate your defenses against persistent threats. This will provide you a battlefield advantage and may stem the tide of information flowing out of your network. The key is to make your adversaries work harder for access to your network and the information it contains. Increase the cost per byte for your adversaries, and they may decide to pass you by.
Just sit back for a few more hours and keep reading. By the end of this chapter, you’ll know you are not so powerless. We’ll look at the tools and tactics you can use—the arrows in your quiver of tools, so to speak. We are going to discuss not only the tools (remaining vendor-agnostic) and where to best place them, but also some of the weaknesses of current solutions, such as host- and network-based systems.
You will also learn there are no silver bullets. No single company, product, or service can be an all-in-one solution. Traditional solutions have not been working as we all hoped. A decade ago, the threat was different, so security solutions were developed to address those vectors. Now the threats and their tools and techniques have evolved, and traditional security technologies have not been able to keep up, although they have been trying and continue to serve a purpose.
Detection Technologies
There are so many vendors that sell host-based and network-based security products that it is hard to tell which one is better than the other. Not every product or service is best for your environment, no matter what any vendor says. Sometimes a combination of a specific set of tools is all you need.
The larger your enterprise, the more tools you need due to the volume of data crossing your enterprise. A small firm of less than 100 users may need only one host-based solution and a few network-based security solutions. A network of more than 100,000 users could require a handful of host-based products (not all on the same machine) and several different types of network security solutions. An enterprise of a million or more users/subscribers would demand an array of host- and network-based solutions, as well as more complex information security protocols.
Hundreds of security products provide detection of malicious network activity. These technologies typically come in two flavors: host- or network-based security systems. Today, most solutions use a combination of signature, blacklist, behavior, and anomaly-based detection techniques. These tools all have their pros and cons. Tables 8-1 and 8-2 list some detection tools in alphabetical order (to not show any favoritism). These are the most prominent tools in the industry as of the second quarter of 2011. Most of these tools are complementary between the network and enterprise, and you will find that many have similar functionality at their own levels.
Table 8-1 Host-Based Detection Tools
Table 8-2 Network-Based Detection Tools
Host-Based Tools
In their simplest form, host-based security controls are the measures (applications) put in place to monitor the state of an individual host. They will monitor a system to determine if a malicious file is present, an application attempts to make changes to certain files, or any number of activities occur that may fall under the malicious category. More advanced implementations of host-based security controls include the use of an advanced application whitelist, which, in essence, tells the computer which applications it is allowed to run.
If planned and deployed properly, these tools can be used to take action against persistent threats. One major consideration is that host-based technologies are not the magical cure to what ails your network. They are just the first step in increasing your overall security posture, leaving you in a better position when facing persistent threats.
We’ll cover the following categories of tools that will help improve your host-based security posture:
imageDigital forensics
imageSecurity management
Antivirus Tools
Antivirus solutions have been around for well over a decade, and they have needed to evolve at a rapid pace in order to keep up with the ever-changing threat landscape. However, when it boils down to it, generally these solutions are easier to circumvent than network-based security systems. Although these solutions do catch and prevent a significant number of malicious activities from executing, when it comes to an advanced or organized threat, these systems will be circumvented.
Things to Think About
Here are some tips on how you could increase your antivirus system as a force multiplier:
imageWhat kind of data do you need from your antivirus clients? You need to know that it is enabled, it is detecting, and it is updated. You also need to know what is being detected and check the activity logs.
imageWhat is one way to identify when your antivirus may be disabled? When it stops its heartbeat. Most people don’t realize there are options and logs for this information.
imageWhat kind of malware is it detecting? You can trend this data. Are only droppers, adware, cookies, and so on being detected? If so, then what is not being detected?
Digital Forensics
Many client-based solutions provide host-based digital forensics. These come in hardware and software forms. They monitor system activities, such as hard drive activity, processes, memory monitors, hooking functions, VMs, sandboxes, and more.
These tools are only as good as the operating system’s security policy, as they can be detected and disabled just as quickly as antivirus solutions. However, they do play an important part in the defense-in-depth strategy.
At times, these systems can capture the information you need to identify a specific threat. You can develop patterns and behaviors exhibited during the crime if these tools haven’t been disabled.
Things to Think About
Here are some tips on how you could increase your digital forensics system as a force multiplier:
imageHow can you best use this technology? The best use of this technology is a hardware-based solution that resides outside the operating system and monitors hardware components. A great example is Tribble by Grand Idea Studios ( Another is Copilot by Komoku (, which was bought by Microsoft, and its functionality was added to the Microsoft line of security products.
imageHow can you hide your digital forensics processes from the host itself? This requires an out-of-band connection to the functionality of the forensics platform itself.
imageHow does your digital forensics solution work for you? What is the value of its data? Also, how often does your forensics team become bogged down with opportunistic threats versus collecting persistent threat information in near real time?
Security Management Tools
Security management tools have the largest market share. These include asset management tools, file monitoring, and corporate-based security solutions that monitor each client via a running agent.
These solutions have been receiving less and less attention over the past five or six years, but are still in use today. They are similar to other security agents you have running on your system (such as antivirus agents), but their value is in notifying you when unapproved applications or packages are installed. They can also monitor the attempted altering of specific files and perform regular integrity checking of known “benign” files for any changes that would infer alterations by unapproved actions.
In order for these tools to function properly, they must run with escalated or administrative privileges. While this provides the tool with the greatest ability to monitor the state of your systems, it also has a downside. If an attacker determined how to compromise the agent, or compromise the server to which it reports, the persistent threat just created another avenue of approach into your system. However, these tools can play a part in the attribution game and should not be overlooked as a tool to increase the security posture of your systems.
Things to Think About
Here are some tips on how you could increase your security management platform as a force multiplier:
imageWhat are some of the most important things to know about your host? What is currently installed? What was recently installed, and did that application lead to the disabling of the security monitor? Were there any changes made to system files? If so, which ones? (This can lead to identifying the threat’s level of intelligence.)
imageAre heartbeats set up for your monitors? They should be. They can generate noise in logs and network detection systems, but rather than tune the IDS and intrusion prevention system (IPS) for this communication or manage the logs properly, this feature is generally disabled.
imageWhat level of privileges do your users have? Ensure your users do not have administrative privileges or elevate their account permissions. This should be one of the initial indicators of unauthorized activity.
imageWhat are you monitoring with your security agent? There are many styles of employee handbooks. You should ensure that your employees understand and sign an employee agreement that states work computers are for work and work only, and any other use is subject to company scrutiny.
Network-Based Tools
Network-based tools are the more interesting of the two security focus areas and the most actionable. Over the past decade, crimeware has evolved into a kind of tsunami that just bears down on anyone connected to the Internet every day.
Two types of network-based tools are useful:
The firewall is one of the earliest technologies developed to protect organizations and network nodes connected to the Internet. Depending on the setup of your network, these may be your last line of network defense. Your demilitarized zone (DMZ) and routers are likely to see malicious traffic ahead of your firewalls.
Over the years, this family of technology has evolved into prolific systems that are quite expensive, depending on the vendor. However, firewalls can still allow criminals to get in and out of your system. Firewalls must know what to look for or have predefined access control lists in order to prevent specific threats. With most advanced cyber threats, there won’t ever be much of anything known to ensure protection beforehand.
Today, firewalls are basically great validation points when engaging active threats within your enterprise. If it’s properly configured, a firewall can be used to tell you more information about everything that has passed through it. However, you must keep in mind that the firewall is only as good as the policies, rules, and configuration a human sets for it to follow. And don’t forget to monitor the state and logs of the systems in your DMZ as well as your routers. They can provide you with more information to feed firewall rule sets.
Things to Think About
The following are some considerations for increasing the protection of firewalls:
imageBe prepared to put some work in initially. Until you get a good baseline of traffic entering and leaving your network, you may experience many false positives.
imageYou don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Firewall rules are readily available across the Internet. They’ve been created by those who face the same challenges as you do. In addition, your firewall of choice will likely include useful rules and may offer the ability to easily modify the rules provided by the vendor.
imageFirewalls can help protect you at different layers. Do you want your firewall to focus on the network layer (straight TCP/IP traffic) or the application layer (traffic to and from your database)?
Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems
Developed for enterprises initially in the late 1990s to detect malicious network activity, an IDS is a sensor that is placed on your network to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic to alert administrators if anything out of the ordinary is observed. An IPS is a sensor that can respond automatically to any anomalous events, thus working to prevent malicious traffic from entering or exiting your network.
Over the years, these systems have improved quite a bit, but they face a tremendous number of challenges in keeping up with the speed at which malware is currently distributed. This type of system may not be able to stop the advanced threats you face today, but it could be one more system to alert you that something is wrong.
Things to Think About
The following are some considerations when using an IDS/IPS:
imageWhat do you want your system to do? Do you want a system that will alert you when it thinks an intrusion has happened, or would you rather it also take some type of reactive action in order to stop the intrusion?
imageWhat type of system do you need? Do you require a system that is based on known malicious signatures, one that adapts to the environment and detects anomalies, or both?
imageIs your network configured so that these can actually be of use? Where are the choke points on your network where you can monitor all incoming and outgoing traffic?
Deception Technologies
Have you ever wanted to know just how in the world the infection on your network started? How did the intruders get in? How are they communicating? What did they use to compromise your system? What traffic are they sending or receiving? Are they stealing the crown jewels of your company, or simply using your computer as just one more spoke in the spam machine? Well, keep reading.
What you might want to do is set up a system that somewhat resembles your network, luring in potential attackers so you proactively (there’s that word again) learn from them instead of waiting for the aftermath. While much progress has been made over the years to facilitate your deception, it is not for the faint at heart, because you must dedicate yourself (or someone on your team) to monitoring and learning about threats and creative mitigation technologies. To accomplish this task, the following are your new friends:
imageHoneynet A system that resembles a real system as a decoy but serves no production (direct business) purpose, although it does act as an early warning indicator for malicious activity within an enterprise.
imageHoneyclient A client-based system that is configured to crawl websites for malicious content and/or client-side exploits and alert security professionals of potential malicious websites. These sources of data could be your own enterprise’s squid web logs, proxy web logs, known partner sites, and your own organization’s internal and external sites.
A honeynet is a grouping of honeypots. Honeynets are based around high-interaction sensors, which are simply real system servers, workstations, and network devices designed to look like legitimate production systems. Honeypots are customized with configurations that provide adversaries with interesting findings that could steer them to the honeypot versus an operational system. Through this high interaction, you can gain intelligence on threats, both internal and external to an organization.
Conceptually, honeynets are configured to host one or more honeypots integrated within production assets to serve as false targets to adversaries. Since honeypots are not production systems, the honeynet itself has no production activity and no authorized services. This state of the honeynet implies that any interaction within the honeynet/honeypot is unauthorized and malicious in nature. Through the use of honeynets, all unauthorized or malicious activity at the network and host/session level can be detected, analyzed, and acted upon, without risking production or critical system assets. This makes analyzing activity within your honeynet very simple.
With traditional security technologies, such as firewalls, IDSs, and IPSs, an analysis of the interaction needs to identify malicious activity hidden within normal and routine enterprise network traffic. This level of analysis can increase response times significantly to the point that it could take days or even weeks to identify potentially malicious activity. With a honeynet, all traffic inbound and outbound is considered malicious in nature, and can be quickly and cleanly analyzed. Honeynets increase an organization’s ability to identify and respond to malicious activity, and the clarity of information provides an extremely low number of false positives and false negatives.
Honeynets are an architecture operating within a tightly controlled network, which can be monitored and controlled locally or remotely. A honeynet is like a terrarium, where you can create a custom network environment and watch everything that is happening within the network. This clean view of the malicious activity is very helpful for prioritizing which events are higher level threats than others.
Honeypots can be made up of any type of networked system with applicable network services, user accounts, and content, which are used to interest adversaries and ensure they spend as much time on your honeypot as possible. Honeynets have a simple architecture by nature. However, when operating multiple honeynets across geographically dispersed locations, issues can arise due to the limitations of the currently available open source products. At this time, the available open source suites of honeynet technologies are in their third generation; the fourth generation is in the planning and limited development phases.
The sole purpose of a honeynet is to be compromised while keeping an adversary away from production or operational systems. This provides the honeynet operators with a full-impact analysis in a target-rich environment without threat to their operational systems. A honeynet’s main goal is to detect and monitor adversaries attempting to gain intelligence or extract critical information from a victim organization.
To successfully deploy a honeynet, you must correctly deploy the honeynet architecture. The key to the honeynet architecture is what we call a honeywall, which is the accreditation boundary for honeynets. This is a gateway device that separates your honeypots from the rest of your production network. Any traffic going to or from the honeypots must go through the honeywall. This gateway is traditionally a layer 2 bridging device, meaning the device should be invisible (on a TCP/IP level) to anyone interacting with the honeypots.
Figure 8-1 shows a diagram of the honeynet architecture. Our honeywall has three interfaces. The first two interfaces (eth0 and eth1) are what separate the honeypots from everything else; these are bridged interfaces that have no IP stack. The third interface (eth2, which is optional) has an IP stack allowing for remote administration.
Figure 8-1 Generic honeynet
There are several core requirements that a honeywall must implement:
imageData control This defines how activity is contained within the honeynet without an attacker knowing. Its purpose is to minimize risk to production systems.
imageData capture This refers to capturing all of the attacker’s activity without the attacker knowing it.
imageData analysis This is the ability to analyze this data.
imageData collection This is the ability to collect data from multiple honeynets to a single source.
Of all these requirements, data control is the most important. Data control always takes priority because its role is to mitigate the risk associated with implementing honeynets. The following sections describe each of these requirements in more detail.
Data Control
The data control component serves to control inbound and outbound flows to the honeynet to reduce risk. The risk assumed by the implementer is the possibility of an attacker or malicious code using a honeypot to attack or harm systems that are not part of the honeynet. It is critical to ensure that all flows between the honeynet and external IP addresses are controlled in the event that an attacker or malicious code attempts to abuse the resources of the honeynet. Data control is performed using several features within the honeywall that are implemented together in order to attempt to mitigate risk.
The following are the primary data control functions of the honeywall:
imageLayer 2 bridging At this layer, the honeywall bridges a honeynet to a production network, thereby obfuscating the extension of the production network to include the honeynet, as depicted in Figure 8-1.
imageInline IPS This module, better known as Snort inline, attempts to prevent malicious activity crossing the layer 2 bridge in and out of the honeynet. This IPS is an open source module and is only as good as the signature set it is currently running. It is implied that in order to provide the maximum amount of protection possible, the signatures need to be updated as regularly as possible.
imageInline IDS This module, better known as Snort, provides a passive data-control mechanism that enables implementers to simply identify and respond to malicious activity. This module also monitors the flows going through the layer 2 bridge, but it will not modify and/or prevent identified malicious activity
imageFence list This module is meant to provide implementers with a means to reduce risk to production systems or networks of a critical nature. The file /etc/fencelist.txt should contain IP addresses or network ranges that honeypots within the honeynet cannot communicate with at all.
imageWhitelist This feature is meant to provide implementers with a means to allow specific flows to enter or leave the honeynet without being logged or monitored by the honeywall. This is typically reserved for trusted applications and/or connections that have very little value here beyond presenting realism within the honeynet, while reducing the amount of traffic to be analyzed by the implementer’s analysis team. For example, the whitelist could include a network’s domain security services, such as antivirus, host monitoring, asset management software, and/or any other type of network service that could be used to increase the realism of a honeynet.
imageBlacklist This feature is meant to provide a network with the ability to implicitly deny access while logging all attempts made by a specific IP address or network range that is known to be malicious or poses a threat to the honeynet.
imageRate limiting This feature is meant to serve as a throttle for network traffic. Primarily, this was meant to prevent DOS attacks against systems external to the honeynet. It is capable of allowing traffic based on a period of time and/or a defined variable amount of traffic.
These features are typically configured during the initial setup of the honeywall and/or through the /etc/honeywall.conf file, which is where all of the honeynet environment variables are stored.
As we said earlier, the function of data control within a honeynet is by far the most critical component. If data cannot be controlled, data cannot be captured effectively. The most important item to remember is that you can never rely solely on data control to remove risk when implementing honeynets.
Data Capture
The data capture component of the honeynet logs all activity at the network and host level of the honeynet and honeypots. The honeywall is the primary network-based data capture component, and Sebek is the host-based (session-based) network capture component. These components combined are capable of providing implementers and analysts with in-depth information regarding specific flows and events within a honeynet. These components provide the ability to monitor and log all of the malicious activity within the honeynet.
It is the analysis of this captured data that provides details on specific tools, tactics, and motives of attackers. The most challenging effort when implementing honeynets is the ability to capture as much data about the activity without the attacker detecting the data capture components. The data is captured and presented in layers in order to simplify the data capture and analysis processes and procedures. Layering data also protects the overall data set by preventing any single point of failure of the honeynet. The more layers that are made available during the analysis processes, the more information an analyst can learn from the attacker.
The activities of attackers are hard enough to detect over operational networks due to the ability to obfuscate their methods within operational traffic. However, when these activities are captured within a honeynet, the analyst will have a clear picture of the attacker’s events and will be able to apply that information to the rest of the production network in order to quickly identify if that attacker has already penetrated protected assets.
It’s possible that attackers will be able to detect they are operating within a honeynet, so when implementing a honeynet for optimum data capture, there are several considerations that should be addressed. The following are critical items that must be addressed prior to implementing a honeynet’s data capture components:
imagePlacement The placement of a honeynet is important in order to ensure the data capture is done while allowing for optimum access by an attacker and also that it is completely perceptually consistent with the rest of the production network.
imageTypes The type of honeypot is important in order to maintain perceptual consistency from the attacker’s perspective. It is also critical to ensure that if your network is Microsoft-based, Linux-based honeypots are not deployed. In doing this, your “intelligence loss” is increased, as the data is not useful to network defenders.
imageModifications Planning prior to deployment must be holistic, as each time a honeynet is modified, this increases the possibility of attackers realizing their activities are occurring within a honeynet.
imageData storage When planning and configuring a honeynet, ensure the captured data is not stored locally on the honeypot and/or the local honeywall. Data will always be stored on the honeywall, but when implementing an operational-based honeynet, you should not perform analysis directly on a sensor. It should be performed offline to avoid increasing the likelihood of an attacker detecting the honeynet.
imageContent In order to entice an attacker to remain on a honeypot for any extended period of time, it is necessary to employ content staging and content filling within your honeynet, which will be discussed in greater detail later in this chapter. You must ensure accurate and appropriate content for your honeynet is put in place prior to deployment.
imagePatch levels If a honeypot’s patch level is too old, your honeynet will be filled with an increased level of junk data, such as older worms, botnets, and less skilled attackers. If your patch levels are up to date, you may miss a recent or ongoing attacker who might have already infected other owned networked systems and is attempting to infect your honeynet. Best practices recommend that honeypot patch levels remain generally 30 to 45 days behind the rest of the production network. This will increase the probability of capturing a robust data set.
Data Analysis
Honeynet analysis is typically a three-part approach made up of network, host, and binary analysis. In this section, we will discuss various methods that can be employed to analyze captured honeynet data.
The only difference between analyzing production systems and honeynets is the point of view of the analyst. When analyzing production networks, it is important to identify the proverbial needle in a haystack to identify the malicious or unauthorized activity. When analyzing honeynet data, it is critical that the analyst understands every network flow is a needle and must be properly categorized. The analyst must scrutinize all of the seemingly innocuous activity, as this activity can be the most rewarding in regard to identifying attackers within your network. An analyst can perform real-time or post-mortem analysis. However, the true values of honeynets are their ability to provide real-time intelligence of current threats when they cross the path of the honeynet (the honeywall) during an intrusion attempt or active exploitation.
Honeynet Layers   The layers or types of captured data come in three forms: network, host-based, and the data collected by your network devices between the network boundary and the honeynet. Each of the honeynet components has layers that can be analyzed to identify the full extent of attacker activity within your network. The external honeynet (production) has the following layers:
imageRouter logs These can be logs from any router in the path of the attacker into the honeynet, or other parts of the network, that could be affected by the attacker.
imageFirewall logs These can be logs from production network- or host-based firewalls that may have been touched by the attacker.
imageServer/workstation logs These are brought into use after the analysis of the honeypot has been performed and the analyst has identified a specific injection vector, methods, or means of an attack, and needs to validate this information against production assets in an attempt to identify if the attack has spread into the production network.
imageIDS/IPS logs These logs can validate any possible flows but are typically unreliable if the traffic has made it into the honeynet. An analyst will generally find traditional honeynets completely useless beyond analyzing IP-to-IP communications.
imageAntivirus logs These logs can help identify if previous malware alerts were due to current or ongoing attacker activities.
The network (honeynet) has the following layers:
imageTime/date stamps This layer provides a period or time frame for the analyst to review the events of the attacker.
imageArgus flow data This layer provides the analyst with common network flow information regarding IP-to-IP communications between attackers and honeypots.
imageSnort IDS This layer provides information based on the attackers’ ability to manipulate their activities in order to bypass traditional IDS signatures.
imageSnort IPS This layer will attempt to identify and prevent specific activity that moves across the honeywall.
imagePassive operating system fingerprinting (p0f) This layer will attempt to identify which platform the attacker is leveraging to interact or attack your honeypots or production assets.
imagePacket capture (PCAP) This layer is a full packet capture of the entire network session of events, which can be exported from the honeywall and be used for offline analysis by multiple third-party analysis tools.
The host (honeypot) has these layers:
imageTime/date stamps This layer provides the analyst with some knowledge of when specific events occurred, which should match up with the network time/date stamps.
imageAttacker IP addresses This layer records the IP address of the attacker in order to match up with the network flow data (in the event of two attackers being on a single honeypot).
imageUsed process This layer provides the analyst with insight into which exploit is being used and which methods the attacker favors when remotely interacting with a victim system.
imageUsed process identifier (PID) This layer will provide insight into the means by which attackers were able to enter the system and escalate their privileges. This information should match the process the attackers used during the session.
imageSession input/output (attacker keystrokes) This layer contains the literal commands, options, and arguments inserted by the attacker into the honeypot. These are usually entered at the DOS prompt shell or Unix terminal (via SSH, telnet, and so on). This layer also helps the analyst better understand what the attacker is thinking and the modus operandi of the attacker.
Upon identifying a specific event as being truly malicious, an analyst should validate the honeynet information against the captured data from external honeynet devices. However, the most powerful layer in the preceding list is the session input/output captured data. This layer is capable of providing the analyst with previously unforeseeable information about the attackers themselves. A behavioral, social, and criminal scientist/analyst may be able to discern specific observable information from the attacker’s tools, techniques, and procedures. The following are some of the traits an analyst can discern from attackers’ interactions with a honeynet for extended periods of time:
imageMotivation The level of intensity and degree of focus
imageObjectives Boasting rights, disruption, destruction, learn secrets, make money
imageTimeliness How quickly they work (years, months, days, hours)
imageResources Well funded to unfunded
imageRisk tolerance High (don’t care) to low (never want to be caught)
imageSkills and methods How sophisticated the exploits are (scripting to hardware life-cycle attacks)
imageActions Well rehearsed, ad hoc, random, controlled versus uncontrolled
imageAttack origination points Outside, inside, single point, diverse points
imageNumbers involved in attack Solo, small group, big group
imageKnowledge source Chat groups, web, oral, insider knowledge, espionage
It is legal to develop behavioral indicators of specific malicious IP addresses versus individuals. With respect to the preceding points of personality, it is very possible to observe malicious IP addresses with a standard operating procedure, method of entry, and goals or objectives. This information, when analyzed across large enterprises such as government networks, can show which areas of the production network need to be protected in order to increase defensive posture and protection levels.
Analyst Workflow   It is important for an analyst to adhere to a clearly documented workflow to completely cover every aspect of the operational, intelligence, and technical impact of an attack against a production network. The workflow looks like this:
imageEvent triage
imageValidation/threat assessment Confirmation of the event of threat
imageCase overview
imageHistory/hotspots Correlation of prior activity to this network segment
imageNature of information targeted The observable goal of the attacker
imageVictim system functionality Evaluation of the system that was affected
imageVulnerability/exploit Evaluation of the injection vector used by the attacker
imageDisclosure history Evaluation of the injection vector’s background
imageMO, signature, content, patterns Evaluation of attacker observables
imageTools Evaluation of tools used by the attacker (public or custom)
imageUtilization of access Evaluation of the access times by the attacker
imageData transfer technique Evaluation of how the attacker exfiltrated data
imageLogging alteration/deletion technique Did the attacker care enough to cover his steps?
When working with honeynets, analysts need to ensure their time is spent covering as much of the overall tasks required on a daily basis in order to continue positive forward movement. Analysts should spend their time in the following three areas, as shown in the chart in Figure 8-2:
Figure 8-2 Data analyst responsibilities
imageReal time This involves the active analysis of real-time events within minutes of the event occurring through some information management interface.
imageDaily This involves correlation of all flows in total across all customer nodes. Queries should be run every day and manually checked.
imageCases Analysts work on cases that require interaction and communication with external groups such as operations, customers, developers, and other stakeholders.
Analysis Environment   Most analysis environments work better on networked kernel-based VMs (KVMs) due to the ease of information sharing and system navigation.
The following are some common commercial off-the-shelf tools that can be used to perform analysis of honeynet data:
imageVMware Physical 2 Virtual
imageVMware Player or Workstation
imageVirtualBox VMM solution
imageIDA Pro
These are some open source/free analysis tools:
imageVirusTotal (site)
imageForensic Toolkit (FTK)
These lists are not comprehensive. Many comparable tools are available and useful for analyzing production-based honeynets.
Data Collection
The data collection component applies primarily to organizations that implement multiple honeynets that are centrally managed by a honeynet management server. Typically, the architecture will have numerous honeywalls (roo) reporting to a honeywall manager (kanga). Roo is the name for the third-generation honeywall, and kanga is the name of the honeywall manager server for enterprise ready and highly distributed honeynets. The honeywall itself collects data for the honeynet and sends it to a kanga, which can manage more than 100 roos. This theme was borrowed by the Honeynet Project.
Generally, most organizations simply deploy a single instance of a honeynet. However, larger enterprises sometimes require multiple honeynets with various locations and types to fully understand a network’s true defensive posture. Distributed honeynets, where all data is centrally stored and correlated for the purpose of network defense or counterintelligence purposes, also fall into this category.
To date, the open source Honeynet Project has not released any stable or scalable enterprise sensor to manager builds. Savid Corporation is the only firm in the United States that provides US government-certified honeynet solutions that are custom and focus on the niche requirements of implementing enterprise honeynets. Figure 8-3 shows a simple diagram of a data collection architecture that is commonly used by production-based honeynet implementations.
Figure 8-3 Generic data collection
Although they are more commonly found in larger enterprises, data collection methods are still applicable to single honeynet deployments where the management channel (eth2) of the honeywall requires the secure transfer between the honeywall and the actual systems where data is managed and analyzed. The following could be used as a simple approach to configure the basic open source honeywall to ship data between a sensor and a manager:
Honeynets as Part of Defense-in-Depth
The National Security Agency (NSA) generated a document titled Global Information Grid Information Assurance Capability/Technology Roadmap. This is meant to serve as a fundamental manual for implementing a complete defense-in-depth security architecture for any government organization operating and defending networks. On page 366 in Section, “Deception Technologies,” it clearly states that honeynet technologies are the only viable solution when attempting to quickly identify and acquire unauthorized or malicious activity within a government network.
This document contains more than 20 pages of material discussing honeynet technologies and their ability to dramatically augment and improve a network’s intrusion detection capabilities, while also providing security teams with the ability to quickly identify and act upon these unauthorized and/or malicious entities. This suite of technologies is accredited for NIPRNET and SIPRNET (names of the two major networks used by the US government cyber operations) use and has been researched as augmentations by various Department of Defense, Justice, and Energy organizations that are interested in learning more from cyber threats in order to enhance their network protection.
Research vs. Production Honeynets
In the early planning phases of a honeynet implementation, understanding what type your honeynet will be is critical. The two primary types of honeynets are research-based and production-based. The primary difference is in the goals of each type of honeynet. However, the following primary overall goals of honeynets are applicable to both types:
imageFidelity in small data sets of high value
imageReduction of false negatives
imageReduction of false positives
imageAbility to identify and learn new attacker tools and techniques
imageAbility to attribute new attacker activity to particular broader problem sets
The following sections briefly discuss the primary two types of honeynets and their advantages and disadvantages.
Research-Based Honeynets
Research-based honeynets are typically found in research institutes of academia or as nonrequirement-driven research projects for personnel within organizations as an educational tool. This type of honeynet is typically not managed regularly or held to any specific overall set of defined standards or reporting requirements. Due to the nature of research-driven honeynets, their goals are generally project or interest based. Research honeynets will generally not be used as an operational test bed unless you have finished reading this book and are planning on researching our recommended best practices, tools, and tactics we have passed onto you through this book.
Research-based honeypots are primarily used for the following purposes:
imageLearn what the bad guys are doing
imageStudy their methods
imageCapture their keystrokes
imageCapture their tools
imageMonitor their conversations
Maintaining individual research-based systems requires a lot of work.
Generation II honeynets were originally designed to suit research-based honeynet deployments. This was the second generation of honeynet technologies developed through the Honeynet Project. More important to note is that most of the organizations that donated resources to development of the GenII were computer science and security research groups within organizations or universities.
Production-Based Honeynets
Production-based honeynets are typically found in larger organizations or government entities that have definitive requirements for network defense, intelligence, or counterintelligence requirements. This type of honeynet is generally developed with a full development plan and reporting requirements. It is based on a strict configuration management plan in order to get the most out of the operational investment.
Production-based honeynets increase the capability of monitoring and analysis for a large enterprise or production network. The following are some of the primary goals of a production honeynet:
imageOrganization protection
imagePrevent attacks
imageDetect attacks
imageGather intelligence
imageHelp respond to attacks
imageOperational security
imageUse specific intrusion sets (operational missions)
imageApply lessons learned to computer network defense (CND) posture
imageGather intelligence about ongoing operations by adversaries within your network
imageIntelligence gathering
imageUse methodology fingerprinting
imageDiscover the unknown
imageReduce false positives
imageDevelop a watch list
Production-based honeynets are easier to hide, close, or mesh within production environments than research-based honeypots. They are also harder to manage than research-based honeynets.
Generation III honeynets were the beginning of the direction toward a more stable, and scalable enterprise-ready honeynet. However, the generation III (Gen III) was, according to some of the developers on the project, “never completed the way it was supposed to be in spirit.” The reason said being that some of the tools and modules for the backend data crunching of the roo and the initial lack of development for kanga had been missed due to resources and time. However, within three years of the initial deployment of Gen III, most of these modules and platforms had been developed as add-ons and are now available today, as they have been for years, on the Honeynet Project’s website
Honeynet Architectures
Designing enterprise frameworks is an important step when considering production-based honeynet implementations. When building a production honeynet or grid, you must ensure that important components have identified solutions to generate actionable information or have any value. This is due to the limitations of the system itself through the cumbersome processing and transmission, and the updating of one SQL database to another. Analysts need to have access to actionable data within enough time to act when a threat is active or the point of the solution is pointless. When you are engaging an active threat, you need to be presented with and understand observed data in real time. Data access to a honeynet in addition to other devices can help a trained counterintelligence analyst present data in a workflow, process each item, and generate any hypothesis or questions about suspicious observables. The more data available, the better, as it can help validate observed actions or activity. The placement of your honeynets is very important as to where on your enterprise that makes sense for your goals or requirements. Here is a short list of typical locations where honeynets can prove most effective:
imageInternet gateways
imageEnclave boundary
imageInside enclave
imageNext to critical assets
imageKey avenues of approach
The following architecture types are available for production-based honeynets:
imageCentralized All components are centrally housed in one physical location, as shown in Figure 8-4.
Figure 8-4 Centralized architecture
imageDistributed All components are geographically dispersed across multiple sites, as shown in Figure 8-5.
Figure 8-5 Distributed architecture
imageFederated All components are trusted and have direct access between the sensor and the manager, as shown in Figure 8-6.
Figure 8-6 Federated architecture
imageConfederated All components have varying levels of trust and have restricted access between the sensor and manager, as shown in Figure 8-7.
Figure 8-7 Confederated architecture
Centralized deployments are the most effective in small to large enterprises and easily scalable. In a centralized architecture, all of the data is local and can be easily accessed. However, when requirements mandate a distributed architecture in the event of network failure or latency, data can be lost or not received in a timely manner to ensure the focus believes in the perceptual consistency of your deception. This type of architecture can sometimes disrupt your ability to effectively respond to threats, which, in effect, reduces the value of a production honeynet.
Honeywall Accreditation
Currently, the honeywall is DoD Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation Process (DITSCAP) accredited through the Defense Information Systems Agency. The honeywall has specific versions available to operate on US government networks who still accept the DITSCAP certification standard.
Not every version of the honeywall operating system (roo) is accredited. Only specific versions with an accompanying Security Readiness Review (SRR) are available for use. However, the accreditation boundary of the honeywall allows for honeynets freely running and operating within production networks.
Content Staging
There are indicators on all machines that users regularly use any given system. The method of content staging is important when configuring your honeypots (sensors) prior to deployment.
Ensuring that the correct information is on your honeypots is critical from the beginning. Attackers will expect information to be on any organizational system. You must ensure the right data is on the honeypot to entice the attacker to interact with your honeypot for as long as possible.
The following are some items that need to be addressed when performing initial content staging of a honeypot.
When setting up files, make sure the following types of files are on a system and continue to be added to the system as a common computer user. So, whether you want to protect your files or generate a perceptually consistent deception, these files should be updated at least every 48 hours in order to ensure perceptual consistency of a light casual computer user. Remember, perceptual consistency to a remote attacker can be everything. These files are the files a remote Trojan, bot, or crimeware will look through for specific keywords and some will generate keywords based on certain data types. Here is a short list of the major file types that will be searched for. They are present everywhere.
imageTemporary folders
imageInternet cache
imageOrganizational documents
imageUser personal files and folders, including personal information, personal education information, and industry information
Numerous types of files should be on any given system within user folders:
Network or Organizational
The following are network or organizational considerations:
imageHow do you ensure your honeypot looks like the production asset one IP address over?
imageHow do you introduce bait systems on a network to entice an attacker into that area?
The following are of more concern when addressing government networks:
imageThey do not change often.
imageAll systems typically have a long paper trail.
imageRegular maintenance is required on every system.
The following are important to make your honeypot look real:
imageEnsure IP addressing matches participant/customer IP schema.
imageEnsure the honeypot computer names match the host system schema.
imageWork with customers/partners when setting up a honeynet and have them include broadcast e-mail messages across the administration team regarding some new backup or development servers coming online (not that they are honeypots). Remember that adversaries may be watching your e-mail.
imageUse classified channels to discuss project details.
Host and Applications
When setting up your host and applications, consider the following:
imageHow do you ensure your honeypot looks like the production asset one IP address over?
imageHow do you set up a honeypot to have the right amount of data to keep attackers interested once they are on the machine?
You can add realism as follows:
imageEnsure usernames match the schema.
imageEnsure all user accounts do not have similar associated login and creation dates.
imageGenerate traffic.
imageMatch host applications to network applications.
imageEnsure applications are reasonably updated and patched (typically no more than every 90 to 120 days).
Content Filling
Content filling is the act of regularly filling the honeynet with host and network content that is perceptually consistent with production network traffic, while allowing for additional pieces of information that could be used as bait to entice the attacker into interacting with your honeynet. Content filling is very important when adversaries compromise a honeypot and set up a host or network monitor. Again, you need to think like the attacker. You want the attacker to feel comfortable with the types of host and network activity on any given network segment.
The following are some of the high-level considerations regarding content filling:
imageUnusual or lack of network activity can be a huge indicator or outdated timestamps.
imageIt is important to set your mind to that of the attacker’s view: you have an objective or mission that requires you to enter an adversary’s perimeter and exfiltrate intelligence.
imageUnderstanding what may be seen as an indicator that an attacker is in a honeynet is very important. For example, do not leave honeynet tools on a CD in the CD-ROM drive. Never copy honeynet tools to a host or download honeynet tools from a honeypot. Always do these things from an out-of-band system and burn them to a CD, and then run the task from the CD-ROM in the honeypot.
Honeynet Training
A honeynet team must be properly trained in order to fully understand the possible components, scenarios, outcomes, goals/objectives, and missions that honeynets can provide an organization. Currently, the following training courses are available:
imageSANS offers honeynet workshops, which are generic courses based on the public honeynet tool suites.
imageSean Bodmer offers 100 Acre Wood Boot Camp, which is an operationally focused, five-day honeynet boot camp based on over eight years of production honeynet deployment support for various organizations. The boot camp can also be broken down into several individual courses.
Honeynet Objectives
An enterprise honeynet or grid project should provide the capabilities to observe the tools, tactics, procedures, and motives used by adversaries attacking the organization(s) you are protecting by monitoring, recording, and analyzing unauthorized traffic traversing simulated networks.
Based on information observed, the following are common honeynet objectives:
imageDevelop countermeasures to defend against attacks.
imageDeter potential attacks against operations, networks, and systems by providing a more target-rich environment.
imageAllow full compromise analysis without operational impacts.
imageCollect session-level intelligence of actors on live hosts to increase the understanding and intent of malicious activities.
Table 8-3 shows examples of types of Gen III honeynet solutions ranging from low interaction to high interaction based suites. As you can see, high interaction is more for the active engagement of a state-sponsored cyber threat or other highly organized group. Low-interaction honeynets are best to serve as an early warning or scanning detection engine. Honeyclients can be used to analyze websites your users are visiting to see if any of them have successfully exploited and modified settings of a system. In our years of practice, we strongly recommend the build you deploy for your Honeyclient should be your own organization’s system build.
Table 8-3 Honeynet Risk/Benefit Matrix
This will always let you know if your corporate build has exploitable vulnerabilities or if your build is missing a protection measure or setting. If your organization has a system build and you automate a honeyclient where you could pass all of your user local area network DNS traffic analysis engine, this honeyclient would then analyze and determine which of your users could have been or might be infected and could be sending information out of your network to organized opportunistic or targeted criminals.
Honeynet Risks and Issues
Honeynets can be a powerful tool. They allow you to collect extensive information on a variety of threats. To obtain this information, you need to allow attackers and malicious code access—potentially privileged access—to your honeypots. As a result, the price you pay for this capability is risk. Any technology developed by a human can also be defeated by a human.
Risk means different things to different organizations. You will need to identify which risks are important to you. Also, organizations have different thresholds for risk. We cannot determine what is right and wrong for you. Your organization must make those policy decisions for itself. All we can do is help make you aware of the risks.
We will not address legal issues of honeypots, or specifically honeynets. That is specific to your country and organization. It is recommended that you consult your organization’s legal counsel for more information, especially in reference to privacy or liability issues.
Four general areas are associated with risk:
imageHarm Harm is when a honeynet is used to attack or harm other, non-honeynet systems. For example, an attacker may break into a honeynet, and then launch an outbound attack never seen before, successfully harming or compromising its intended victim. Data control is the primary means of mitigating this risk. Multiple layers of data control are put in place to make it more difficult for the attacker to cause damage. However, there is no guaranteed method to ensure that a honeynet cannot be used to attack or harm someone else. No matter what mechanisms are put in place, an attacker can eventually bypass them. Your organization will need to decide how much risk it is willing to assume. For low-risk organizations, you may want to minimize the activity allowed outbound (to zero, perhaps). For organizations with greater risk thresholds, you may decide to allow greater outbound activity.
imageDetection Once the true identity of a honeynet has been identified, its value is dramatically reduced. Attackers can ignore or bypass the honeynet, eliminating its capability for capturing information. Perhaps even more dangerous is the threat that an attacker can introduce false or bogus information into a honeynet, misleading your data analysis. For example, with local access to the honeynet, an attacker armed with the proper skills and tools can potentially identify that a honeynet is in place, and may even identify the honeynet data control and/or data capture mechanisms themselves.
imageDisabling There is the risk of attackers disabling honeynet functionality. Attackers may want to not only detect a honeynet’s identity, but also disable its data control or data capture capabilities, potentially without the honeynet administrator knowing that functionality has been disabled. For example, an attacker may gain access to a honeypot within the honeynet, and then disable data capture functionality on the honeypot. The attacker could then feed the honeypot with bogus activity, making administrators think data capture is still functioning and recording activity when it is not. Having multiple layers of data control and data capture helps mitigate this risk, as there is no single point of failure.
imageViolation This is the catchall of the remaining risks. Attackers may attempt criminal activity from your compromised honeynet without actually attacking anyone outside your honeynet. An example is an attacker using a honeypot to upload and then distribute contraband or illegal material, such as illegal copies of movies, music, stolen credit cards, or child pornography. Remember that these individuals break into your system on their own initiative. You are not dealing with the most law-abiding cyber citizens. If detected, this illegal activity would be attributed (at least initially) to you by way of it being on your system. You may then need to prove that it was not you who was responsible for this activity.
There are several measures you can take to mitigate these risks beyond what we have discussed so far. Two measures are human monitoring and customization.
With human monitoring, a trained professional is analyzing your honeynet in real time. This gives you the ability to detect a failure in your system—a failure that automated mechanisms may fail to detect or react to. By having a human analyzing honeynet activity, instead of just depending on automated techniques, you help protect yourself against new or unknown attacks or honeynet countermeasures.
Customizing your honeynet can also help mitigate risks. This book and all honeynet technologies, including the Honeywall CD-ROM, are open source and publicly available. This means that anyone has access to this information, including members of the black hat community (who we assume are reading this book and developing counterattack methods). To help reduce risk, you want to modify your honeynet from any default settings or normal behavior. The more your honeynet differs from standard or default configurations, the more difficult it will be for others to detect or attack it. However, understand that no matter what measures you take, risk is not eliminated, but only mitigated.
Check Yourself Before You’re Wrecked
You can improve the security posture of your network by proactively monitoring your network and systems. It is critical to apply various tools that block, filter, and monitor traffic, but you must also think and act like those who wish to do your business harm. Discover what they use to find holes in your network, and use them yourself to test your defenses. Check yourself, discover the weaknesses, and then fix them.
There are complete books that are dedicated to this subject. Here, we’ll touch on some of the higher-level areas that should be checked. The tools mentioned in this section are just a small sampling of those that can be used to take proactive measures to keep you and your network safe.
What’s the Status of Your Physical Security?
An extraordinary number of measures can be applied to your computer systems to lock them down. Antivirus programs, firewalls, file-system security, disk encryption, policies, strong passwords, and so on are great (and necessary) for the overall health of your network, but do you know that they can all be bypassed with the touch of one keyboard button during the boot sequence?
The base state of your system’s security begins at the lowest level of your computer, moving up into the operating system, and then into the applications installed on the system. There are a few easy things you can do to shore up your security at this level, yielding a large return on the time investment.
What Are You Looking For?
Check the following:
imageDo you have passwords set to enter the computer’s Basic Input/Output System (BIOS)?
imageYou can set a user password, which requires the user to enter a password to successfully boot into the operating system.
imageYou can require a supervisor password to ensure that only the appropriate personnel can make changes to some of the basic boot items.
imageHave you disabled the ability to boot from anything other than the hard drive?
imageAllowing your users, or someone who may gain access to your user’s laptop, to boot from a USB thumb drive or a CD could render your security mechanisms useless.
imageDo you allow the operating system to automatically mount and run the default application on a CD or USB thumb drive?
imageWere you aware that one of the worst malware infections experienced by the DoD was caused by this simple configuration setting, costing millions of dollars to triage?
How Does Your Wireless Network Look?
You would be hard-pressed to find a company today that doesn’t have some type of wireless network. It’s cheaper than running cables to each workstation and easily allows for the addition of devices, all reducing the overall maintenance cost and overhead. However, if not configured properly, these wireless devices can leave a gaping hole in your network. In addition, if not careful, your business could find itself hosting one or more rogue access points, meaning that someone has placed an unauthorized wireless access point on your network. Don’t discount the usefulness of a wireless network, but make sure you test its security. Table 8-4 lists some free tools that can help you in this effort.
Table 8-4 Free Wireless Network Discovery Tools
These tools work as follows:
imageOS discovery tool This is the wireless network tool included with your operating system of choice. Some versions have limitations, such as failure to discover wireless networks that do not broadcast their SSID, so you may choose to use other tools.
imageKismet This is a console-based passive network discovery tool and sniffer that does not suffer from some of the limitations of your operating system’s network discovery tool. You can learn more about this tool and download it from
imageKisMAC This is a GUI-based wireless network discovery tool that also offers the capability to crack wireless encryption keys, which is another bonus in determining your wireless security posture. Figure 8-8 shows an example of KisMAC in action. You can find this tool at
Figure 8-8 KisMAC in action
imageNetStumbler This is a Windows-based tool used for discovering wireless access points. The author of the tool is supposedly working on updating the code so that it will work on Windows Vista and Windows 7. For more information or to download the tool, head over to
What Are You Looking for?
Check the following:
imageDo you have wireless routers/access points connected to your network?
imageAre the wireless routers/access points discovered during your scan authorized to be on your network?
imageHow are the configurations of the routers/access points authorized to be on your network?
imageDo they have administrative passwords set?
imageAre they using the appropriate level of encryption?
imageHas the default SSID been changed?
imageAre you broadcasting the SSID?
imageAre the latest firmware patches applied to the wireless device?
What’s Traveling on Your Network?
Whether your network is large or small, you likely have a lot of traffic entering and leaving it each and every day. While you are probably reluctant to believe any people you work with would maliciously transmit anything they shouldn’t, you don’t know unless you are an active participant in your network security. Plus, without checking, you may not know until it is too late that one of your coworkers mistakenly clicked on that malware-laden PDF, which caused one or more machines on your network to be recruited into a botnet. Keeping up with all the traffic on your network is a daunting task, but it is a necessary evil about which you must be diligent. Some of the tools listed in Table 8-5, which are available at no cost, may help you in this endeavor.
Table 8-5 Free Traffic Capture Tools
These tools work as follows:
imageWireshark This is one of the most widely used tools to capture traffic on your network. It allows you to view traffic in real time, as shown in the example in Figure 8-9. Find out more and download it at
Figure 8-9 Packet capturing with Wireshark
imageMicrosoft Network Monitor This is a tool developed and distributed by Microsoft for Windows platforms that allows the capture and analysis of traffic on your network. You can find it at
imagePort Scan Attack Detector This Linux-based tool is used to analyze specific network traffic logs to determine if any hosts on your network are being port-scanned, as well as search for other suspicious traffic. It ties in nicely with some visualization tools, giving you the ability to graphically view the traffic flow to and from some of your hosts. You can find this tool at
What Are You Looking For?
Check the following:
imageAre there any machines on your network displaying an unusual amount of traffic flow?
imageAre any machines on your network receiving or transmitting packets on ports outside the norm?
imageAre your machines running services that they are not authorized to run?
imageDo any of your machines communicate with a number of machines outside the local network, especially during nonworking hours?
What About Your Host/Server Security?
Testing the security of the hosts on your network is absolutely critical to ensure that your friendly hacker doesn’t find them for you. Patches are released frequently from multiple application and operating system vendors, and depending on your manpower to adequately push all of these patches, you may find yourself at risk.
What’s more important is that patches are not the panacea of host/server security. They may wind up modifying the security configuration you had to lock down your machines. In addition, unless you have the proper mechanisms in place, do you really know if the patches have made any changes that compromise the security of your network?
You need to take one step beyond the mindset of employing preventative host-based IDSs and IPSs. One small avenue of approach is all your adversaries need to find. It’s better to proactively find it yourself before they can. Table 8-6 lists some of the tools that can assist in these efforts. There are free and paid versions of each tool.
Table 8-6 Host/Server Vulnerability Testing Tools
These tools work as follows:
imageNessus Professionals have used this popular, proven tool for years. It scans specified hosts on a network and provides a detailed report on the vulnerabilities on those hosts. You can use it at home to scan a limited number of IP addresses for free, or purchase the paid version for commercial use. You can find it at
imageRetina This is a Windows-based vulnerability scanner, which also allows you to see the hosts on your network that could compromise your overall security. Retina offers a free version for limited use or commercial versions to check your full network. You can download it from
imageMetasploit This is a powerful, multiplatform penetration testing tool that provides an easy-to-use environment you can use to attempt to exploit any vulnerabilities you discover on your hosts. This is truly a proactive way for you to find out how an attacker can compromise your systems and security. Figure 8-10 shows an example of Metasploit in use. For more information, or to download the free or paid version, visit
Figure 8-10 Check yourself with Metasploit
imageCore Impact This is a comprehensive, Windows-based penetration testing tool that allows the wielder to attempt a wide range of possible threats against your network. The best way for you to find out how your systems can be exploited is to use a tool such as this. For more information, visit
What Are You Looking For?
Check the following:
imageWhat did the chosen application report as a flaw in your host or network?
imageHow did it get there?
imageHow can you fix it?
imageDo you recognize all the devices with flaws as being authorized for use on your network?
imageHow can you fix these flaws on the hosts?
imageDo you recognize the web-based applications possibly running on those hosts or servers?
imageAre they vulnerable to common attacks, such as cross-site scripting and SQL injection?
imageAre any of these applications “homegrown,” and are you confident that they were developed with security in mind?
imageDo the configurations of these applications lend themselves to being an easy target?
How Are Your Passwords?
While you may have a robust password enforcement policy on your hosts and network, some are not so fortunate. Your users’ passwords are the gateway into your network.
Usernames can be discovered pretty easily: just look at your e-mail addresses. With one half of the battle down, there’s only one more piece to complete that username/password combination to gain access to your network. As such, it is imperative that passwords be as secure as possible. While enforcing good passwords will not solve all of your problems, a password is one of those targets that your attacker will pine for. Table 8-7 lists some of the tools that can help you in your quest for password security.
Table 8-7 Password Checking Tools
These tools work as follows:
imageCain & Abel This is one of those tools you should definitely have in your toolbox. This Windows-based tool can crack passwords in Windows SAM files, sniff your network to recover passwords, and do a wide variety of other things. Figure 8-11 shows an example of Cain & Abel in use. Download this tool at
Figure 8-11 Cain & Abel revealing no password for the Guest account
imageJohn the Ripper This tool works on multiple platforms and also provides the ability to check the strength of your users’ passwords. For more information and to download this tool, visit
imageTHC-Hydra This is a tool designed for Unix-based (or emulated) platforms that can perform password cracking attacks against multiple network protocols. If you need to check the passwords used by users on services running across your network, give this one a shot. Find out more about this tool and download it at
imageRainbow tables This is not actually a tool, but a database of precomputed passwords that can be used to check your Windows-based passwords that are not calculated with a salt (random value). You can actually purchase very extensive rainbow tables to use as another asset in your toolbox. One site that can provide tools and tables is
What Are You Looking For?
Check the following:
imageAs obvious as it sounds, was the program able to crack any of your passwords?
imageDid you notice any accounts you don’t recognize?
imageThis is a common tactic for your attacker. Get in and create an inconspicuous account to facilitate persistent access.
imageDo your system accounts have the appropriate restrictions applied?
How’s Your Operational Security?
Well, you’ve made it this far. You are taking all the appropriate measures to protect your systems from compromise, but is it all for naught?
Many of your common and advanced threat actors begin their work by performing reconnaissance on you, your coworkers, your employees, and your company. They will learn as much about your company as possible in order to maximize their chances of success and reduce their risk of getting caught. What better way to gather intelligence on their target than to see what you or those who you work with post online? It’s not only the data contained within the documents that could do you harm, but the hidden data (such as metadata) that can reveal information about your network to the attacker.
One of the tools that can help you find out if you are your own worst enemy is FOCA. You simply point the program at a domain name, tell it what documents you want to check (such as Microsoft Word .doc files), tell it which files to download, and extract the metadata. Figures 8-12 and 8-13 illustrate FOCA in use.
Figure 8-12 Finding publicly accessible documents with FOCA
Figure 8-13 Pulling hidden information from documents
What Are You Looking for?
Check the following:
imageAre any documents posted that reveal information about your company that should not be available online for the world to see?
imageAre there any usernames in the metadata of the document that could reveal the username naming conventions used on your network?
imageAre there any document paths revealed in the metadata that could help provide a tip-off to the server and machine names located on your network?
imageDoes the metadata in the document reveal any printers used on your network?
imagePrinters are very vulnerable to compromise, as they are most often overlooked in the update and patching process to close any vulnerabilities.
imageDoes the metadata reveal the operating system used to create the document?
imageThis could provide your attacker very worthwhile information and reduce the chance of failure, since many enterprise networks use the same operating system.
Crimeware/Analysis Detection Systems
So, you’ve applied some of the preventative measures mentioned earlier in the chapter, and you’ve checked your protection on a regular basis as we just discussed, but they still got in. The people you spent so much time protecting yourself against were able to breach your defenses, muck with your best-laid plans, and take your valued information. Well, that is the nature of the beast. It happens, and it will probably happen again. What comes next and how you learn from the incident will help define the future state of your security.
To really learn from what has happened, you should take some time to evaluate the incident, study the tools used by your attackers to find out how they got in, and incorporate these into your lessons learned. In order to do that, you will need to grab some tools commonly used by digital forensic investigators. Here, we’ll provide a short introduction to some of those tools and concepts. The coverage is not exhaustive, as you can find complete books dedicated to these topics, but it will point you in the right direction.
What Happened on Your Box?
To discover exactly what happened, you can employ the skills of those well-versed in the art of digital forensics. This can involve taking an exact copy of the hard drive on the machine, copying what is currently in the machine’s memory, and analyzing it for artifacts left by your attacker. In addition to a thorough log file analysis, performing this activity can help you determine how attackers got on the machine and what they did once they occupied your space. Table 8-8 lists a couple of tools, one commercial and one open source, that can help you accomplish this task. These tools work as follows:
Table 8-8 Forensic Tools
imageEnCase This commercial, Windows-based tool is widely used throughout the digital forensics community. It allows you to gather data from the hard drive or memory, analyze data from numerous sources, automate some of the more mundane tasks, and produce robust reports based on what it finds. You can find more information about this tool at
imageThe Sleuth Kit This is a compilation of open source, multiplatform command-line tools that allow you to gather and analyze files taken from multiple file systems. Don’t let the “command line” part turn you off though; you can also download the Autopsy Browser, which provides a nice graphical interface to the data you are analyzing. To grab both of these tools, head over to
What Did That Malicious Software Do?
So now you’ve come to the moment of truth. You found a piece of malware that you think is responsible for the malicious gateway into your network. The digital forensic tools described in the previous section can help you find out how it got on the machine. However, now you want to know what it was doing while on the compromised host. Was it communicating with other machines external to your local area network? Was it siphoning information from your network? This is an art, and there are different ways to determine what you are looking for (such as static and dynamic binary analyses), but the small set of tools listed in Table 8-9 can help your team get started on this quest.
Table 8-9 Debugging Tools
These tools work as follows:
imageIDA Pro This widely used tool works on multiple platforms and offers older versions for free and the newest version for purchase. It is an interactive assistant that allows you to break down the malicious software, stepping through it line by line, to determine the exact purpose of the program. You can download this invaluable aid for your toolbox at
imageOllyDbg This is a Windows-based tool that also allows you to examine that nasty piece of software you found on your network. You can learn more about it and download this tool at
imageStrings Consider this a bonus tool to use for analyzing malware. It is not complicated and can’t step through the malware line by line like the previous tools. However, when you run this program against your malware, it will pull (mostly) human-readable strings out of the file. This may not seem very useful as you read this, but imagine if crimeware authors decided to put in their e-mail address, website, or URLs to which this software was designed to communicate. The tool is simple, but it can yield a wealth of information. Read your man pages for more information on this handy tool which can be found by typing -help, —help, /?, or the common help option which will show you how to access the man page documents.
There are many tools you can use to protect yourself and your organization. This chapter covered just a small sampling to point you in the right direction so that you can see how they fit into your enterprise security architecture.
Understanding the state of your network is key to implementing a good deception (honeynet) architecture. Likewise, understanding how your enemy operates via the honeynet affords you the opportunity to test your defenses based on the TTPs observed. We’ve covered preventative measures, actively capturing your enemies during the midst of their malicious activity, being proactive in checking your security posture, and taking measures to understand your enemies after your security has been compromised.
Your ability to fend off advanced threats depends on tools such as those mentioned in this chapter. If these are not a good fit for you, take the time to find out which ones are suitable. If you don’t employ tools such as these, it will be very difficult to determine your attacker’s techniques and determine attribution (guess what the next chapters are about).
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