1. Abbreviations and acronyms for chemical ingredients of solid propellants
  2. Ablative cooling and materials
  3. Acceleration of vehicle, terminal
  4. Acoustic velocity, see velocity of sound
  5. Acoustic absorbers, cavities
  6. Action time, see Burning time and action time
  7. Additive manufacturing
  8. Aerodynamic forces, see Drag; Lift
  9. AJ -10- 118I rocket engine, for Delta 2 launch vehicle upper stage
  10. Aerospike engine, see Nozzle, aerospike
  11. Aging of solid propellant
  12. Air launched rocket
  13. Altitude
    1. test facilities
    2. variation of atmospheric air
    3. properties (Appendix 2)
    4. variation of thrust with
  14. Aluminum or aluminum powder
  15. Ammonium nitrate (AN), Tab. 13–19
  16. Ammonium perchlorate (AP), see Particle size.
  17. Apogee, definition
  18. Applications of plume technology
  19. Applications of rocket propulsion
  20. Apsidal drift, Fig. 4–12
  21. Arcjet, see Electric propulsion
  22. Area ratio of nozzle, see Nozzle
  23. Atlas space launch vehicle, Fig. 12–2
  24. Atmospheric properties (see Appendix 2)
  25. Attitude control, see Reaction control
  26. Attitude control rocket propulsion or attitude control systems (ACS), see Auxiliary rockets
  27. Automatic engine controls
  28. Auxiliary rocket propulsion systems
    1. also called: Reaction Control Systems
    2. or Attitude Control Systems, see also
    3. thrusters
    4. for electric propulsion
    5. with liquid propellants
    6. with pulsing
    7. with solid propellants
    8. for orbital maintenance

  29. Back-flow barrier see Thermal shield
  30. Baffles, injector
  31. Ballistic missile (ICBM), Fig. 4–10
  32. Battery, see electric power
  33. Bearings (turbopump)
  34. Bell-shaped nozzle, see Nozzle
  35. Beryllium
  36. Binder, see Solid propellants; Grain
  37. Bipropellant, Fig. 6–6
  38. Blast tube, see Nozzle
  39. Blow-back gas barrier, see thermal shield
  40. Blow-down pressurized gas feed system
  41. Bonding of solid propellant grains, see Grain, solid propellant
  42. Booster pump, see Pump
  43. Boron
  44. Boundary layer
  45. Budget for liquid propellants
  46. Burning rate or burn rate, solid propellant; see also grain; solid propellant rocket motors
    1. burning surface contour
    2. with catalyst or burning rate modifier
    3. with acceleration effect
    4. as function of chamber pressure, Fig. 12–6, Fig. 12–7
    5. with erosive burning
    6. exponent or pressure exponent
    7. temperature sensitivity of
  47. Burning time and action time, Fig. 12–13
  48. Burning surface of grain

  49. c* see characteristic velocity
  50. Carbon-carbon
  51. Carbon deposit in cooling jackets
  52. c" (cee star), see Characteristic velocity
  53. Carbon-carbon
  54. Carbon phenolic
  55. Case or solid rocket motor case; see also Nozzle; Solid propellant rocket motor
    1. case of filament-wound fiber reinforced plastic
    2. loads or forces on case
    3. materials for case, Tab. 15–2
    4. metals of
    5. stresses and elongation of
  56. Cathode, Fig. 17–5
  57. Catalyst, Fig. 8–14, Fig. 17–4, Fig. 17–6
  58. Cavitation, see Pump
  59. Chamber (combustion). see heat transfer; thrust chamber,
  60. chamber pressure, Fig. 2–1 of combustion gas
    1. geometry/volume of
    2. pressure loss in narrow chamber, see Table 3–2
    3. wall loads and stresses of
  61. Characteristic chamber length, (L*)
  62. Characteristic speed (electric propulsion)
  63. Characteristic velocity or characteristic exhaust velocity or c*
  64. c* efficiency
  65. Chemical equilibrium
  66. Chemical reaction:
    1. in chamber or in motor case
    2. free energy or chemical potential
  67. Chemical propellant combustion
  68. Chemical rocket propellant performance analysis
  69. Chemical rocket propulsion systems
  70. Choked flow condition
  71. Chugging combustion instability
  72. Classification of:
    1. electric thrusters
    2. hazards,
    3. liquid propellant feed systems
    4. liquid propellants
    5. rocket propulsion systems,
    6. of solid propellants
    7. turbines (turbopumps)
    8. thrust vector controls
    9. valves
  73. Cold gas propellants and thrusters
  74. Combustion; see also Temperature; Solid propellant rocket motors; thrust chambers, analysis /simulation of
    1. efficiency of
    2. gas processes during,
    3. instability of,
    4. control of instabilities
    5. rating techniques
    6. remedy and design
    7. of hybrid propulsion
    8. of liquid propellants
    9. process of; see Stay time
    10. with solid propellants
    11. stability assessment or rating technique
    12. vibration: longitudinal, radial or tangential
    13. vibration frequency of
  75. Communication signal attenuation
  76. Composite propellant, see Solid propellant(s)
  77. Computers programs for:
    1. combustion analysis
    2. exhaust plume analysis
    3. grain strain analysis
    4. heat transfer
    5. nozzle contour
    6. rocket engine control
  78. Conical/bell shaped nozzle, see also Nozzle
  79. Continuum flow regime
  80. Controls for rocket engines
  81. Conversion factors and constants, (Appendix 1)
  82. Cooling with liquid propellant see also radiation cooling, regenerative cooling, thrust chamber, in cooling jackets
    1. heat transfer
  83. Copper alloy, Table 8–3
  84. Correction factors:
    1. for exhaust velocity
    2. for thrust
  85. Cost savings or reduction
  86. Cracks in grain, see Failure modes
  87. Criteria for selection of optimum propulsion system
  88. Cryogenic liquid propellants
  89. Cumulative damage of solid propellants
  90. Curing agents for solid propellant
  91. Cut-off, see thrust termination

  92. Deep space flight
  93. Deflagration
  94. Delivered performance parameters, four sets of
  95. Delta space launch vehicle, see also RS-68
  96. Density of air at altitude; see Appendix 2, Specific gravity of atmosphere
  97. Density specific impulse see also specific impulse
  98. Desaturation of flywheels (gyroscopes)
  99. Design calculation examples for:
    1. hybrid propellant rocket
    2. liquid propellant thrust chamber
    3. solid propellant motor
  100. Detonation, see Solid propellant, detonation
  101. Discharge:
    1. coefficients for injectors
    2. correction factor for propulsion system
  102. Double base propellant
  103. Drag coefficient
  104. Drag force
  105. Ducted rocket
  106. Duty cycle, see also pulsing

  107. Earth's atmosphere, Appendix 2
  108. Earth's parameters
  109. Effective exhaust velocity: see Exhaust velocity
  110. Electric propulsion, Fig. 2–5, Tab. 2–1, Tab. 17–1. 17–2. 17–7.
    1. applications and missions of, Fig. 17–1
    2. arcjet, Fig. 1–8, Tab. 17–7,
    3. electromagnetic or magnetoplasmadynamic thruster, Tab.2–1, Tab.17–1, Tab 17–7
    4. electrostatic or ion thruster, Fig. 1–9, Tab. 2–1, Tab. 17–1
    5. ionization schemes, Tab. 17–5
    6. electrothermal
    7. flight performance
    8. Hall effects thrusters
    9. performance data
    10. power (magnitude)
    11. power conditioning/conversion
    12. power supply and power sources
    13. pulsed plasma
    14. resistojet
    15. thruster types.
    16. typical propellants for, Tab. 17–1
  111. Electrostatic discharge
  112. Elliptical orbit
  113. Energy and Efficiencies
    1. energy balance, Fig. 2–2
    2. of orbiting satellite
    3. combustion efficiency
  114. Engine, see Liquid Propellant Rocket engine
  115. Engine cycles
  116. Enthalpy, chemical reaction
  117. Environment see Hazards; Rocket exhaust plumes
  118. Equation summary, (Appendix 3)
  119. Erosive burning, see Burning rate
  120. Escape from solar system
  121. Escape velocity from earth
  122. Exhaust gas, exhaust jet, flame, see Rocket
  123. exhaust plume, Chapter 20
  124. Exhaust nozzle, see Nozzle
  125. Exhaust velocity, see Nozzle, effective
  126. exhaust velocity; Nozzle, exit velocity
  127. Expander engine cycle
  128. Expansion-deflection nozzle
  129. Explosive ingredients of solid propellants, see also HMX, Nitrocellulose, Nitroglycerine
  130. Expulsion efficiency
  131. Extendible nozzle

  132. Failure modes of solid rocket motors (cracks and debonding)
  133. Failure sensing
  134. Failures, post-accident procedures
  135. Falcon space launch vehicle, propulsion system see front cover
  136. Feed systems, liquid propellants, see also tanks electric propulsion
    1. gas pressurized, with pressure
    2. regulator; see also blow-down
    3. feed system
    4. turbopump feed system
  137. Filaments for motor cases
  138. Filament wound cases
  139. Film coefficient (heat transfer):
    1. gas
    2. liquid
  140. Film cooling with liquid propellants
  141. Finite element analysis
  142. Flame, see Combustion; Rocket exhaust plume
  143. Flap in liner (also called boot); see also Grain, Solid propellant rocket motors
  144. Flexible nozzle bearing, see Thrust vector control
  145. Flexible pipe joint
  146. Flight; see also Application; Drag; Lift; Spacecraft; Vehicle velocity
    1. ballistic missiles
    2. forces acting on the vehicle
    3. interplanetary
    4. maneuvers
    5. motions
    6. performance, chemical propulsion
    7. performance, electrical propulsion
    8. perturbations to space flight path
    9. propulsion effect on vehicle.
    10. rotation maneuvers
    11. in space
    12. stability of
    13. testing
    14. vehicles
    15. velocity and acceleration at burn-out, Fig. 4–7
  147. Flow, see Flow mass below
  148. Flow diagram or flow sheet: see
    1. of manufacturing process for
    2. composite propellants
    3. preliminary design
    4. propulsion system selection
  149. Flow, see also nozzle gas flow isentropic
    1. fuel mass flow (hybrid)
    2. mass (or weight) flow parameters
    3. multiphase flow (gas with liquid drops and/or solid particles)
    4. supersonic, sonic, subsonic flow, Fig. 3–1, Tab. 3–1
  150. Flywheels
  151. Force; see also Thrust
    1. acting on flight vehicle
    2. measurement of
    3. of solar radiation pressure
  152. Free energy or chemical potential
  153. Free molecular flow
  154. Frozen and shifting chemical equilibrium, Fig. 5–1
  155. Fuel cells
  156. Fuel, hybrid rocket
  157. Fuel, liquid propellants
  158. Fuel pumps
  159. Fuel, solid propellants

  160. Gas constant, Tab. 5–10
  161. Gaseous propellant rocket engine, Fig. 2–5
  162. Gas generator; see also Preburner
    1. in engine cycles
    2. with liquid propellant
    3. with solid propellant
  163. Gas pressurized feed system, see Feed system
  164. Gas propellants (cold)
  165. Geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO), see Orbits
  166. Gibbs free energy, see Free energy
  167. Gimbal, bearing
  168. Grain, solid propellant, see also Solid propellant rocket motor
    1. aging of
    2. binder, propellant
    3. bond strength
    4. burning surface area to nozzle throat
    5. area ratio (K) of
    6. cartridge loaded grain, Fig. 12–14
    7. case-bonded grain, Fig. 12–14
    8. configuration and design of–472
    9. definitions/terminology
    10. design
    11. end burning grain
    12. hybrid fuel grain
    13. inhibitor for
    14. insulator, internal, thermal
    15. liner
    16. multiple grains (restartable), Fig. 12–20
    17. perforation, port, or internal cavity, Fig. 12–16
    18. regressive, neutral, or progressive
    19. burning
    20. requirements for
    21. sagging/slumping of large grains, Tab. 12–6
    22. sliver
    23. stress and strain
    24. cumulative damage
    25. stress relief flap or boot
    26. structural design.
    27. surface cracks
    28. tensile strength
    29. thermal cycling, Tab. 12–6
    30. unbonded area
    31. volumetric loading fraction
  169. Graphite
  170. Gravitational attraction
  171. Gravity gradients

  172. Hall thruster
  173. Hazards:
    1. classification
    2. solid propellant explosion,
    3. detonation
    4. solid propellant, fire, deflagration
    5. health
    6. insensitive munitions
    7. liquid propellants and engines
    8. solid propellant
    9. toxic gas exposure limits
    10. toxicity
  174. Health monitoring system
  175. Heat of formation
  176. Heat of reaction
  177. Heat transfer
    1. analysis of
    2. boundary layer
    3. cooling techniques; see also insulation-thermal; radiation cooling; regenerative cooling, film coefficient, liquid propellant thrust chamber cooling,
    4. film cooling: see RD-191
    5. thrust chamber, Fig. 8–11
    6. radiation from exhaust plume
    7. heat transfer to coolant
    8. to liquid propellants
    9. steady state
    10. transient
  178. Helium
  179. Helmholtz resonator.
  180. Hexanitrohexaasaisowurtzitane or CL-20 explosive
  181. HMX (Cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine)
  182. Hohmann transfer orbit
  183. HTPB or Hydroxyl terminated polybutadeine, Fig. 16–2, Tab.16–1
  184. Hybrid propellant rocket propulsion,
    1. advantages/disadvantages
    2. applications and propellants of
    3. combustion instability of
    4. design example of
    5. fuel regression rate
    6. performance analysis and grain configuration
  185. Hydrazine
  186. Hydrocarbon fuels, liquid; see also RP-l fuel, RP-2, see solid propellant binder, plasticizer
  187. Hydrogen.
  188. Hydrogen, peroxide
  189. Hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene, abbreviated as HTPB; see also Polybutadiene
  190. Hypergolic ignition, see Ignition

  191. Ideal rocket propulsion system
  192. Ignition/igniter: analysis and design
    1. of, Fig. 15–16
    2. starting and ignition
    3. hardware
    4. hypergolic (spontaneous)
    5. inadvertent ignition for liquid propellants
    6. propellants for igniters
    7. pyrotechnic, pyrogen for solid propellants
  193. Impulse, see specific impulse; total impulse
  194. Impulse to weight ratio
  195. Inducer (impeller), see pump
  196. Ingredients of solid propellants
  197. Inhibitor for grain
  198. Injector, liquid propellants; see also thrust chamber
    1. baffles of
    2. effect on heat transfer
    3. platelet injector
    4. pintle injector
    5. pressure drop and flow
    6. factors influencing injector behavior
    7. types of
  199. Insensitive munitions
  200. Instability of combustion, see Combustion Instrumentation
  201. Insulation thermal, external
  202. Insulation thermal, internal
  203. Interfaces between propulsion system and vehicle
  204. Internal ballistics
  205. International rocket effort; see also LE-7; RD-120, RD-170, Vulcain
  206. Interplanetary missions, data on planets, propulsion systems for space maneuvers
  207. Ion propulsion, see Electric propulsion
  208. Isentropic flow through nozzles; see also Flow
  209. IUS (Interim Upper Stage) rocket motor (UTC)

  210. Jet, see Rocket exhaust plume
  211. Jetavator, see Thrust vector control
  212. Jet fuel
  213. Jet power of gas plume
  214. Jet vane, see Thrust vector control

  215. Kerosene; see also RP-1, RP-2 fuels
  216. Kinetic energy rate of exhaust

  217. Launch vehicle, see Space launch vehicle LE-7 and LE-5A rocket engines (Japan)
  218. Latch valve, see footnote on page 209, see diagram on page 210
  219. Life time of propulsion system in space
  220. Life limits for liquid propellant rocket engine feed system
  221. Life of thrust chambers/thrusters
  222. Life limits of solid grain/motor see also aging
  223. Life time of electric propulsion
  224. Lift, aerodynamic, see lift force
  225. Liner, see grain
  226. Liquid oxygen, see Oxygen
  227. Liquid propellants, see also fuels: hydrazine, hydrogen; RP-1, kerosene, methane, see also: oxidizers: nitrogen tetroxide,
    1. oxygen, nitric acid
    2. bipropellant,
    3. budget for,
    4. combustion of,
    5. cryogenic propellant
    6. gelled propellant,
    7. hazards of,
    8. heat transfer of,
    9. ignition/start of
    10. mixture ratio of
    11. monopropellant
    12. performance of several bi-propellant combinations, Fig. 5–1 until Fig. 5–6
    13. properties of
    14. storable propellant
    15. topping off, cryogenic propellants
  228. Liquid propellant rocket engines, see also auxiliary rockets, controls, engine cycles, feed systems, heat transfer, tanks: thrust chambers, turbopumps advantages/disadvantages of boost propulsion
    1. calibration of
    2. chamber pressure of
    3. control of
    4. engine cycles of
    5. engine design
    6. engine design, optimization
    7. engines: multiple systems
    8. engine families
    9. engine support structure
    10. gas generators and preburners of
    11. inert mass and center of gravity
    12. with pressurized gas or pump feed
    13. starting, ignition, and thrust build-up of
    14. shut down or termination of
    15. system integration and engine
    16. optimization of
    17. system performance of
    18. thrust chamber or thrusters of
    19. variable thrust of
  229. Lorentz force, electrical propulsion
  230. Low Earth orbit (LEO)

  231. Mach number
  232. Magnetic field flight perturbation
  233. Mandrel for casting solid propellant grain
  234. Maraging steel
  235. Masses of vehicle, definitions
  236. Mass flow; see also flow of gas; flow of liquid propellant
  237. Mass fraction, see propellant mass fraction
  238. Mass ratio, vehicle
  239. Materials and materials properties
  240. MESSENGER space probe, liquid propellant flow diagram
    1. Metals; see also Niobium; Rhenium; Stainless steel; Titanium
  241. Measurement/sensing of data
  242. Methane
  243. Micrometeorology
  244. Migration in solid propellant grain
  245. Minimum smoke solid propellants
  246. Minuteman rocket motor
  247. Missiles, military
  248. Missions, see also requirements
  249. Mission velocity
  250. Mixing of solid propellant
  251. Mixture ratio, see liquid propellant rocket engine; hybrid propulsion
  252. Molecular mass (or weight), Fig. 3–2
  253. Monomethyl hydrazine (MMH)
  254. Monopropellant, see also Thrust chamber, monopropellant
  255. Motor, see Solid Propellant Rocket Motor
  256. Movable nozzle, see Nozzle, extendible or movable
  257. Multistage or multistep rocket vehicles
  258. Multiple propulsion systems

  259. Net positive suction head
  260. Niobium
  261. Nitric acid, and inhibited red fuming nitric acid (IRFNA)
  262. Nitrocellulose (NC)
  263. Nitrogen tetroxide, N2 O4
  264. Nitrous oxide
  265. Nitroglycerine (NG)
  266. Noise of exhaust plume
  267. Nozzle; see also Flow; Mass flow; Liquid
  268. propellant rocket engine; Solid .propellant rocket motor; Specific impulse
    1. aerospike
    2. alignment of
    3. analysis, thermochemical of
    4. nozzle exit area ratio, Fig. 3–1, Fig. 3–3
    5. with bell shape or contour exit
    6. blast tube of, Fig. 12–4
    7. boundary layer of
    8. change in gas composition of, Fig. 5–2, until Fig. 5–5
    9. classification or type of
    10. cone angle correction factor of
    11. critical pressure, temperature, or velocity of
    12. effective exhaust velocity of
    13. energy and efficiency of
    14. energy losses in
    15. erosion of
    16. exit or exhaust velocity,
    17. exit gas composition
    18. extendible nozzle
    19. flow analysis with computers
    20. flow separation within
    21. Gibb's free energy
    22. gimbal or hinge mounted
    23. illustrations of nozzles, Fig. 12–1
    24. insert in nozzle throat, Fig. 15–7, Fig. 15–9
    25. losses
    26. materials, Fig. 8–13, Tab. 8–3, Fig. 8–16; see also ablative materials
    27. multi-phase flow in
    28. multiple nozzles
    29. optimum expansion thrust
    30. coefficient of
    31. over-expanded nozzle
    32. performance correction of
    33. performance parameters/specified
    34. conditions
    35. effect of altitude
    36. pressure drop or pressure ratio
    37. scarfed nozzle
    38. separation of flow in
    39. shape, length, and configuration of
    40. submerged nozzle
    41. throat condition or diameter of
    42. under-expanded nozzle
    43. supersonic, sonic, and subsonic
    44. flow, Tab. 3–1.
    45. theory
  269. Nuclear power generation
  270. Nuclear rocket propulsion
  271. Nucleate boiling heat transfer

  272. Ohm's law
  273. Optimum expansion, see Nozzle, optimum expansion
  274. Optimization studies
  275. Orbits of satellites and spacecraft:
  276. circular
    1. deorbit
    2. elliptical
    3. energy
    4. low earth orbit (LEO)
    5. orbit maintenance
    6. geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO)
    7. injection into orbit, orbit transfer,
    8. space maneuvers, Tab. 17–8.
    9. Hohmann transfer path
    10. low earth orbit (LEO)
    11. orbit maintenance, station keeping
    12. payloads for different orbits, or
    13. flight paths, Tab. 4–5, Fig. 4–16
    14. period of orbit revolution
    15. perturbations of orbits
    16. raising orbit altitude
  277. Oxidizer(s):
    1. liquid
    2. pump for
    3. solid
    4. particles or particulates, size parameters
    5. vibration damping
  278. Oxygen, Fig. 5–6
    1. performance data with LOX-RP-1, Fig. 5–1 to Fig. 5–6
    2. performance data with hydrogen

  279. Payload, payload mass fraction
  280. Pegasus space launch vehicle, Fig. 4–16
  281. Perfect gas law
  282. Performance; see nozzle, effective exhaust velocity; nozzle exit or exhaust velocity; propellant mass fraction; specific impulse:
  283. theoretical, delivered, standard, and
  284. guaranteed performance
  285. correction factors
  286. Perigee, Fig. 4–8
  287. Perturbation of flight path
  288. Pipes or flow lines
  289. Piston expulsion
  290. Pitch, yaw, and roll maneuvers
  291. Planets, sun and moon data
  292. Plasticizers, for solid propellants, Tab. 13–6 and 13–7
  293. Plume, see Chapter 20
  294. Plume shape versus altitude, Table 20–2
  295. Pogo pulsations or feed system instability
  296. Polybutadiene (various), see HTPB, Tab. 13–7, Tab. 13–8,
  297. Polyether, polyester, polyurethane
  298. Port area or cavity, see Grain
  299. Positive expulsion devices
  300. Power conditioning/conversion, see Electric propulsion
  301. Power of jet or plume.
  302. Preburner, see Liquid propellant rocket
  303. engines, gas generators
  304. Pressure, atmosphere
  305. Pressure balance (turbopump), and (calibration)
  306. Pressure exponent, see burning rate
  307. Pressure oscillations, see Combustion instability
  308. Pressure regulators, Fig. 1–3, Fig. 6–3.
  309. Pressurized gas feed system
  310. Propellant, see Liquid propellant; Solid
  311. propellant; for Ignition; Gaseous propellant
  312. Propellant budget
  313. Propellant mass fraction
  314. Propellant tanks, see Tanks
  315. Propellant utilization
  316. Propulsive efficiency
  317. Pulse modulation or pulsing thruster
  318. Pump, see turbopump, ooster pump
    1. cavitation
    2. desirable propellant properties
    3. dual pump inlet
    4. efficiency of
    5. head and suction head of
    6. inducer pump, impeller of
    7. shrouded impeller of
    8. specific speed of
    9. suction specific speed
    10. type or configuration of
  319. Pyrolytic graphite and other high temperature materials

  320. Qualification of rocket propulsion system:
    1. preliminary flight rating test
    2. qualification test

  321. Radiation heat transfer and cooling, Fig. 8–13, Fig. 8–16
  322. Ramjet
  323. Radiation cooled thrusters
  324. Reaction control system (RCS), see also auxiliary rocket engine, Attitude Control System (ACS)
  325. Reduced smoke solid propellant
  326. Rendezvous or docking in space
  327. Reinforced plastics case, Tab. 15–2, see also Carbon-carbon
  328. Reentry and landing of vehicle
  329. Regenerative cooling; see also Thrust chamber
  330. Requirements and constraints for solid propellant rocket motors
  331. Requirements for mission
  332. Residual propellant:
    1. liquid, item 6 on page 400
    2. solid (see slivers)
  333. Resistojet, Fig. 2–4; see Electric propulsion
  334. Retro firing of Falcon SLV, see front cover story
  335. Reusability of propulsion system
  336. Rhenium, Fig. 8–16
  337. RL 10 rocket engine
  338. Rocket engine, see Liquid propellant rocket engine
  339. Rocket exhaust plume
    1. color, luminosity, and spectral
    2. distribution of
    3. appearance and shape
    4. noise
    5. radio signal attenuation of
    6. smoke of
  340. Rocket motor, see Solid propellant rocket motor
  341. Rocket-assisted gun-launched projectiles
  342. Rocket propulsion:
    1. applications, Fig. 17–1, Tab. 17–1, Fig. 17–2
    2. definition
    3. exhaust gas or flame, see Rocket exhaust
    4. plume, Chapter 20
    5. for certain flight maneuvers
    6. testing
    7. types of
  343. Roll or roll maneuver
  344. RP-l fuel (kerosene), Fig. 5–1 to 5–6
  345. RP-2 fuel (more refined kerosene)
  346. RS-27 rocket engine (Aerojet Rocketdyne)
  347. RS-68 rocket engine, for Delta 4 Space
  348. Launch Vehicle (Aerojet Rocketdyne)
  349. Russian engines RD-120, RD-170,
  350. RD-253, see Tab. 11–3; for RD-191 see; for RD-0124 see

  351. Safe and arm device
  352. Safety, see also Hazards, Insensitive
  353. Munitions
  354. Satellite;
    1. orbits/payloads of
    2. period of revolution of
    3. perturbing forces on
    4. velocity of
  355. Seals of turbopumps
  356. Selection of rocket propulsion systems; see also Interfaces of, criteria for
  357. Separation of nozzle flow
  358. Shrouded pump impeller
  359. Shock wave
  360. Silica phenolic
  361. Single stage to orbit
  362. Sliver, residual solid propellant
  363. Sloshing of liquid in tank
  364. Smoke of plume, see rocket exhaust plume
  365. Solar cells
  366. Solar heating propulsion or solar thermal propulsion, Fig. 2–5
  367. Solar propulsion (by radiation pressure) or solar sail
  368. Solid propellant(s), see burning rate;
    1. combustion of
    2. cumulative damage of, see aging
    3. grain
    4. ignition of, see igniter
    5. abbreviations and acronyms for
    6. grain ingredients
    7. aging of
    8. aluminum in
    9. binder for grain
    10. characteristics and behavior of
    11. chemical gas reaction products,
    12. exhaust plume
    13. with small solid particulates
    14. comparison of different types of
    15. composite and composite modified double base
    16. detonation of; see also
    17. deflagration, explosives
    18. double base propellant
    19. gas generator
    20. hazards of
    21. high energy propellant
    22. ammonium nitrate
    23. ammonium perchlorate
    24. explosives; see HMX, RDX, nitrocellulose; nitroglycerine plateau propellants
    25. material characterization, of
    26. migration of certain ingredients
    27. particle size parameters of
    28. plasticizer for
    29. processing or manufacturing of, cast or extruded
    30. representative formulations
    31. safety
    32. rating
    33. smoky, smokeless, or low smoke
    34. stress relaxation modulus of
    35. testing of
    36. thermal cycling of
    37. typical data regions of propellant
    38. categories, Fig. 13–1, Fig. 13–2, and Tab
    39. upper pressure limit of
  369. Solid propellant rocket motors see burning rate; case; grain; ignition; insulation; liner; nozzle; solid propellants action time and burn time
    1. advantages and disadvantages
    2. basic performance relations and data for, Table 12–3
    3. booster motor, strap-on
    4. chamber pressure
    5. combustion of
    6. combustion instability
    7. components of, Figs. 12–1
    8. design approach for
    9. extinction, thrust termination
    10. insulators, liners, and inhibitors of
    11. loads and failure modes of
    12. materials
    13. nozzles of
    14. performance data of
    15. requirements and constraints of
    16. tactical missile rocket motors
    17. temperature limits of
    18. two-pulse motor (restartable)
    19. vortex shedding instability.
    20. weights/masses (typical)
  370. Spacecraft; see also Orbits, Flight, Satellite, Mission velocity
    1. attitude control of, see reaction control
    2. system
    3. maneuvers of
    4. perturbing forces on spacecraft
    5. surface contamination
  371. Space flight, see Flight, Orbits
    1. Space launch vehicles
    2. boostersst stage.
    3. upper stages
  372. Space Shuttle
    1. flight velocity breakdown
    2. main engine
    3. space shuttle start sequence
    4. nozzle, of strap-on solid propellant
    5. booster
    6. reaction control and orbit maneuver system
    7. solid rocket motor/nozzle of
  373. Specifications for rocket propulsion
    1. system,
    2. for propellants
  374. Specific gravity/density
  375. Specific heat ratio
  376. Specific impulse
    1. density specific impulse
    2. theoretical, actual, reference, and
    3. guaranteed values of
  377. Specific power
  378. Specific speed (pump)
  379. Stability:
    1. of combustion
    2. of flight
    3. liquid propellant storage (chemical stability)
  380. Staged combustion cycle, see RD-191
  381. Stage separation during flight
  382. Staging configurations of vehicles
  383. Stagnation pressure and temperature
  384. Standard atmosphere
  385. Starting, see also Controls for rocket engines, Feed systems, Ignition, Thrust chamber
  386. Static rocket system tests, see Testing
  387. Station keeping, see Auxiliary rocket
  388. Systems, Orbits
  389. Stay time or residence time
  390. Stoichiometric mixture of bipropellant
  391. Stop operations, see Thrust termination
  392. Storable liquid propellants
  393. Strand burner for solid propellants
  394. Strap-on motor/engine
  395. Stresses and strains; see also Case; Grain;
  396. Liquid propellant rocket thrust chamber, Solid
  397. propellant rocket motor, Tanks
  398. Structure; see also Interfaces, rocket engine support structure
  399. Suction specific speed, see pumps
  400. Summary of key equations
  401. Sun, data
  402. Supersonic, sonic, and subsonic nozzles
  403. Surface contamination by exhaust plume
  404. Surface tension screens
  405. Sweat cooling
  406. Synchronous satellite
  407. System Engineering, Ch. 18

  408. Tactical missile rocket motor
  409. Tank(s)
    1. expulsion efficiency
    2. positive expulsion during zero g
    3. pressurization
  410. Tank head start
  411. T-burner, solid propellant
  412. Temperature, combustion
    1. chamber temperature
    2. limits for solid propellant grain
    3. storage
    4. sensitivity of solid propellant
    5. (coefficient)
    6. stagnation
    7. variation of physical properties with
  413. Tensile tests on propellant specimen
  414. Testing of rocket propulsion systems, see Chapter 21
    1. facilities and safeguards
    2. flight testing
    3. instrumentation and data management
    4. post-accident procedures
    5. types of tests
  415. Thermal shield, also called Blow-back Gas Barrier
  416. Thermochemical data for carbon monoxide
  417. Thermodynamic properties of chemical constituents
  418. Thermodynamic relations and nozzle flow
  419. Throttling, see Variable thrust
  420. Thrust
    1. acting on vehicle aerospike, see 8th edition
    2. altitude variation of thrust coefficient
    3. correction factor of
    4. equations termination, see Solid propellant rocket
    5. motors, extinction
    6. thrust level control
    7. theoretical, actual, reference, and guaranteed values of variable thrust
  421. Thrust chamber (small ones are called thrusters), see also Combustion, Heat transfer; Injection; Fig. 1–3, Fig. 1–4
    1. Chamber contraction area ratio of, (A1/At), see also cooling, film cooling Fig. 2–1, Regenerative cooling of
    2. Design of
    3. Equations for ideal
    4. Ignition and start up of
    5. Life of
    6. Low thrust (called thrusters); see also Auxiliary rockets; Electric propulsion Materials and fabrication of
    7. Monopropellant, Fig. 2–4
    8. Pulsed or intermittent operation; see also Duty cycle Sample design analysis of
    9. With cooling jacket, with tubes or milled
    10. channels, Fig. 8–15
    11. Volume and shape of
    12. Wall loads and stresses of
  422. Thruster
    1. divert force and thruster
    2. modules of thrusters
    3. Thrust vector control (TVC)
    4. alignment accuracy of
    5. flexible nozzle bearing for
    6. gimbal or hinge of see RD-0124, SSME with injection of secondary fluid
    7. integration with vehicle
    8. jet tabs, Fig. 18–7
    9. side injection
    10. jet vanes
    11. with multiple thrust chambers or nozzles
  423. Thrust to weight ratio
  424. Time to target
  425. Total impulse
  426. Toxicity, see also Hazards, health
    1. health monitoring
    2. toxic gas exposure limits
  427. Toxic propellants
  428. Turbine(s); see turbopump, turbojet
  429. Turbopump, see Pumps; Turbines
    1. booster pump of
    2. design configurations of
    3. feed system of
  430. Two-phase flow

  431. Ullage, definition
  432. Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine
  433. (UDMH)
  434. Useful life of thrust chamber

  435. Valves
  436. Variable thrust applications
  437. Vehicle; see also Missile; Satellite; spacecraft; space launch vehicle,
    1. military rockets, base
    2. geometry, recirculation of,
    3. plume gas
    4. Earth escape velocity
    5. flight performance
    6. forces on
    7. integration with thrust vector
    8. control
    9. satellite velocity
    10. masses of vehicle, definition
    11. multistage
    12. velocity of flight
  438. Velocity (hot gas); see also Nozzle, exit or exhaust velocity; characteristic velocity; specific impulse.
    1. correction factor for
    2. effective exhaust velocity
    3. at nozzle exist
    4. of sound or acoustic velocity
    5. throat velocity
  439. Venturi in pipe line
  440. Vertical flight, such as sounding rocket
  441. Vibration energy absorption
  442. Vibration frequency (of chamber gas), see Combustion
  443. Volume impulse
  444. Volumetric loading fraction
  445. Vortexing of liquid propellants
  446. Vulcain rocket engine (France)

  447. Warm gas propellant
  448. Water hammer
  449. Web thickness and web fraction of grain, Fig. 12–16

  450. Xenon (Xe)

  451. Yaw maneuver
  452. YF-73, YF-75 rocket engines (China)
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