

10MQC, rate limiting, 173

3DES (Triple DES), 378

802.1Q (IEEE)

double encapsulation attacks, 92

headers, 543–550


AAA (authentication, authorization, and accounting), 326–329, 422, 439

IPsec VPN case study, 462

MPLS VPN case study, 479


aaa accounting command, 328

aaa authentication command, 328

aaa authorization command, 328

aaa command, 579

aaa new-model command, 322, 328

aaa new-model configuration, 422, 439


case studies, 406

HTTPS, 439

Internet case study, 444–455

intranets, 465

IPsec VPN control, 391–393

MPLS VPNs, 426

passwords, 303–306

remote terminal access security, 309–311

role-based CLI, 320–324

access control entries.See ACE

access control lists.See ACLs

access mode, 210

access-class {access-list} in command, 309

access-group command, 576

accounting policies, BGP, 331

ACEs (access control entries), 235

ACK flags, 513

acknowledgment numbers, 512

ACLs (access control lists), 558, 563

antispoofing, 419

commands, 558

community strings (SNMP), 307

crypto, 392

filters, 75, 277–279

iACLs, 40, 366

interfaces, 222, 418, 435

CsC, 373

data plane security, 147–156

IKE, 387

IPsec VPN access control, 393

MPLS VPN case study, 481

IP options, filtering, 177

packets, defining classification, 244–247

PACLs, 212

rACLs, 230, 366–367, 563

control plane security, 230–232

deploying, 232–241

IPsec VPN case study, 459

MPLS VPN case study, 475

types of, 148

uRPF, applying, 157

VACLs, 211

aCoPP (aggregate CoPP) deployment, 260–261, 564

activation of rACLs, 233–234

Address Resolution Protocol.See ARP

addresses, 545, 548

attacks, 76

bogon, 161

broadcast, 231

destination, 508

limiting, 239–240

trigger routers, 196

feasible uRPF, 167

loose mode uRPF, 161–163

MAC, 545

dynamically, 208

static, 208

sticky, 208

traffic blocking, 209

Martian, 76, 162

NAT, data plane security, 201–203

networks, 231

next-hop Layer 2, 39

private networks, 76, 162

reflectors, 74

source, 507, 545, 548

limiting, 237–239

strict mode uRPF, 157–161

VRF, 163–166

adjacency tables, 45–46

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 378

Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA), 319

advertise passive-only command, 571


attacks, 84


prefix filters, 280–282

prefix limits, 282–283

advertise-passive-only command, 188

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 378

AFNOG (African Network Operators’ Group), 605

Agarwal, P., 554


DHCP, 312

SNMP, 306

aggregate CoPP (aCoPP) deployment.See aCoPP

aggressive mode

IKE, 378

SPD, 225

Akyol, B., 554

alerts, Router Alert Label, 371

algorithms, queuing, 170

allow-default keyword, 158, 419, 421

allow-self-ping keyword, 159

alternate reachability, 29

Alvarez, S., 400

analysis of attacks, 602

Andersson, L., 554

Andreasen, F., 400


ACLs, 150, 156, 419

Protection, 310, 313, 329, 601

uRPF, 157

Antoine, V., 295

any parameter, 163

APOPS (Asia Pacific Operators Forum), 605

applications, 15, 87

Cisco IOS XR Software, 59

data plane security, 200–207

layers, 13

management, NAT, 203

NBAR, 156

routers, 35

services plane

CE routers, 364–365

deploying QoS, 361–362

Inter-AS, 372–376

IPsec, 376–394

mechanisms (QoS), 351–361

MPLS VPN, 362–363

overview of, 347–350

P routers, 370–372

PE routers, 365–370

QoS, 350–351

SSL VPN, 395–396

video services, 397–398

VoIP, 396–397

applying interface ACLs, 148

APRICOT (Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies), 605


ACLs, 152

centralized ASIC-based, 52–54

centralized CPU-based, 50–51

distributed ASIC-based, 56–62

distributed CPU-based, 54–56

enterprise networks, 8

in-band, 300–301

IP router types, 50–62

MPLS VPN, 335–341

out-of-band, 300–301

security, enabling, 122

service provider networks, 10

area {area} authentication message-digest command, 572

area authentication message-digest command, 272

area sham-link ttl-security command, 277

area virtual-link ttl-security command, 277

arguments, warn-threshold, 367

Arkin, O., 529

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 24, 220

DAI, 288–291

proxy, 220

sticky, 291–292

arp timeout command, 291

AS path limits, 283

ASIC, 52–62

as-path-set command, 568

asymmetric bandwidth, 7

Asynchronous Transfer Mode.See ATM

ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment), 319

ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), 5

attachments, dCoPP policy, 262


brute force, 520

business data, 103

cyber, 86


breadth and depth, 117–123

core security, 138–141

edge security, 133–138

interfaces, 127–132

IP traffic planes, 123–127

direct, 508

DoS, 66

double 802.1Q encapsulation, 92

double tagging, 92

eBGP, 280

expiry, 101, 150

ICMP, 528–538

incident handling procedures, 597–602

invalid checksums, 516

IP networks, 65–66

control plane, 83–85

malicious network reconnaissance, 88–89

management plane, 85–86

resource exhaustion, 66–75

routing protocol, 81–83

software vulnerability, 87–88

spoofing, 75–76

transport protocol, 76–81

IP Options, 102

IP unreachable, 71

LAND, 512

Layer 2 networks, 89

CAM table overflow, 89–90

MAC spoofing, 90–91

PVLAN, 93–94

STP, 94–95

VLAN hopping, 92–93

VTP, 95

MD5 authentication, 273

MiTM, 75

packet flood, 68

ping of death, 503

PoD, 87

real-time, 102

reconnaissance, 528, 532, 542

reflection, 507–508

RST, 511

SLAs, 102

smurf (ICMP), 528

SNMP, mitigating risk of, 307

spoofing, 519

Stacheldraht v1.666, 502

STP, 292–294

SYN flood, 200–201

TCP, 512

TTL expiry, 71


Echo/Chargen, 519

Snork, 519

VPN networks, 96

CE, 98–99

Inter-AS, 103–107

IPsec, 108–111

MPLS, 96–98

P , 101–103

PE, 99, 101

WinNuke, 515

authentication, 421


IPsec VPN case study, 460

MPLS VPN case study, 477


IPsec VPN case study, 460

MPLS VPN case study, 476

neighbor, 269–270

MD5, 270–273

TTL, 273–277

VTP, 285–286

authentication command, 574

Authentication Header.See AH

authentication key-chain command, 571

authentication mode md5 command, 272

authentication, authorization, and accounting. See AAA

auto secure command, 330

auto trunking, disabling, 210–211

autodiscovery, 311

AutoSecure, 329–330

AUX (auxiliary port), 301

availability, IP networks, 6


B channel (bearer channel), 12

backscatter, 533

Baker, F., 215


networks, 68

percent keyword, 358

queuing, 170–171

types of, 7

bandwidth-delay product, 515

banner exec command, 316, 586

banner incoming command, 316–317, 586

banner login command, 317, 586

banner motd command, 317, 586

banner prompt-timeout command, 586

banner slip-ppp command, 318

banners, customizing, 316–318

BCP (best common practice), 597

configuring, 440

IPsec VPN case study, 463

MPLS VPN case study, 480

router security configurations, 424

services, disabling, 220

bearer channel (B channel), 12

BEEP (Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol), 324


CoPP, 257

PHB, 502

Behringer, M. H., 400

best common practice.See BCP

between traffic planes, 32

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 10, 15

commands, 564

bgp graceful-restart command, 285, 567

bgp log-neighbor-changes command, 331, 582

bgp maxas-limit command, 283, 565


external link protection, 191

trigger router configuration, 197

IPsec VPN case study, 458

MD5, 272

IPsec VPN case study, 460

MPLS VPN case study, 477

MPLS VPN case study, 474


accounting, 331

enforcement using QPPB, 183–187

rACL policies, 237

reachability, 139

security, 279–285, 438

binding tables, DHCP snooping, 287


DF, 504

DSCP, 502

IP headers, 502. See also IP

MF, 504

patterns, 168

black hole filtering, remote triggers, 193–200

black list mode, 163


traffic, 209

UUFB, 214

blocks, CIDR, 238

Blocks Extensible Exchange Protocol (BEEP), 324

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), 515

bogon addresses, 76, 161, 507

Bollapragada, V. , 400

Bonica, R., 554

boot system flash command, 589

BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol), 311

Border Gateway Protocol.See BGP

Bottom of Stack (S) field, 553

BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit)

messages, 95

Guard, 292

breadth, principles of defense, 117–118

core security, 138–141

defensive layers, 119–122

edge security, 133–138

interfaces, 127–132

IP traffic planes, 123–127

operational envelope of networks, 122–123

organizational operation, 123

protection, determining need for, 119

Bridge Protocol Data Unit.See BPDU

bridging loops, 213


addresses, 231

CoPP, 265

MPLS VPN case study, 482

storms, 213

brute force attacks, 520

BSOD (Blue Screen of Death), 515


memory, 512

packets, 68

retransmission, 512

BugToolkit, 602

business data attacks, 103


ACL filtering rules, 75

filtering policies, 507


CAC (Call Admission Control), 387


CEF, 44–50

fast switching, viewing, 42

Call Admission Control.See CAC

call admission limit command, 387

CAM (content-addressable memory), 89–90


internal traffic, 9

transit traffic, 9

CapEx (capital expenditure), 6

CAR (committed access rate), 173

Carrier Routing System (CRS-1), 57

Carrier Supporting Carrier.See CsC

carrier-class requirements, 5

case studies

IPsec VPN and Internet access, 406

network topology and requirements, 407–409

router configuration, 409–417


network topology and requirements, 426–428

router configuration, 428–441

SP networks, 443–444

IPsec VPN and Internet access, 444–455

MPLS VPN, 463–474

CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol), 23, 311

CE (Customer Edge) routers

link reachability, 190

security, 364–365

threats, 98–99

CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding), 21, 35, 44–50, 156

dCEF, 58

centralized ASIC-based architectures, 52–54

centralized CPU-based architectures, 50–51

CERT/CC (Computer Emergency Readiness Team/ Coordination Center), 604


covert, 503, 516

IP operations, 12

traffic segmentation, 6


headers, 507

ICMP, 531–541

TCP, 516

UDP headers, 520

Cheng, G, 509

CIA (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), 6

CIDR (classless interdomain routing), 69, 238

Cisco 12000, CoPP implementation, 260–264

Cisco Catalyst 6500/Cisco 7600 CoPP implementation, 264–269

Cisco Discovery Protocol.See CDP

Cisco Express Forwarding.See CEF

Cisco IOS XR Software, 59

Cisco NetFlow.See NetFlow

Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT), 602–604

Cisco Security Center, 603

Cisco Security IntelliShield Alert Manager Service, 603

Cisco Security Vulnerability Policy, 603

Cisco Software Center, 604

Cisco Technical Assistance Center, 602

class of service.See CoS

Class-Based WFQ, 170


maps, defining packet classification MQC, 247

traffic, 170–171, 244


ACLs, 150, 244–247

of attacks, 600

packets, defining MQC class maps, 247

QoS, 171–173, 353

rACLs, 235

SPD, 224. See also SPD

traffic, 148

classless interdomain routing (CIDR), 69, 238

class-map command, 245

class-map construct, 355

clear counters command, 359

clear ip bgp command, 282

CLI (command-line interface), role-based access, 320–324

CLNP (Connectionless Network Protocol), 188

CLNS (Connectionless Network Service), 187

CNNOG (China Network Operators’ Group), 605

Code field (ICMP), 527, 531, 535, 540

codes, ICMP, 522

collateral damage, 66

coloring packets, 171–173

combinations, flags, 514

commands, 273, 315, 558–566, 573, 583, 587

aaa, 579

aaa accounting, 328

aaa authentication, 328

aaa authorization, 328

aaa new-model, 322, 328

access-class {access-list} in, 309

access-group, 576

advertise-passive-only, 188, 571

area {area} authentication message-digest, 572

area authentication message-digest, 272

area sham-link ttl-security, 277

area virtual-link ttl-security, 277

arp timeout, 291

as-path-set, 568

authentication, 574

authentication key-chain, 571

authentication mode md5, 272

auto secure, 330

banner exec, 316, 586

banner incoming, 316–317, 586

banner login, 317, 586

banner motd, 317, 586

banner prompt-timeout, 586

banner slip-ppp, 318

bgo log-neighbor-changes, 582

BGP, 564

bgp graceful-restart, 285, 567

bgp log-neighbor-changes, 331

bgp maxas-limit, 283, 565

boot system flash, 589

call admission limit, 387

clear counters, 359

class-map, 245

clear ip bgp, 282

community-set, 568

control plane security, 562–578

control-plane, 261

control-plane slot {slot-number}, 262

copy, 320

copy running-config startup-config, 208

crypto call admission limit ike sa, 387

crypto ipsec df-bit clear, 391

crypto ipsec fragmentation before-encryption, 391

crypto key generate rsa, 310

data plane security, 558–562

dialer-list, 148

domain lookup disable, 592

drop, 248

ebgp-multihop {hop-count}, 277

enable password, 304, 580

enable secret, 304

enable view, 322

errdisable recovery arp-inspection, 290

errdisable recovery bpduguard, 293

errdisable recovery cause shutdown, 209

errdisable recovery dhcp-rate-limit, 289

event manager, 588

exec-banner, 316

extcommunity, 568

fault manager, 588

file verify auto, 320

flow, 587

ftp, 584

hello-password hmac-md5, 572

hold-queue {length} in, 228

icmp ipv4 rate-limit unreachable, 576

interact, 330

ip access-group, 148

ip address, 231

ip arp inspection filter, 290

ip arp inspection limit rate {pps}, 290

ip arp inspection log-buffer entries {number}, 291

ip arp inspection log-buffer logs {number_of_messages} interval {length_in_seconds}, 291

ip arp inspection trust, 290

ip arp inspection validate dst-mac, 290

ip arp inspection validate dst-mac src-mac, 290

ip arp inspection validate src-mac, 290

ip arp inspection validate ip, 290

ip arp inspection vlan, 289

ip arp inspection vlan {vlan_range} logging {acl-match {matchlog | none} | dhcp- bindings {all | none | permit}}, 291

ip as-path access-list, 568

ip authentication mode eigrp, 572

ip authentication mode eigrp md5, 273

ip bgp-community new-format, 564

ip cef, 46

ip community-list, 568

ip dhcp bootp ignore, 312

ip dhcp snooping, 286

ip dhcp snooping information option allowed-untrusted, 288

ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted, 287

ip dhcp snooping limit rate {rate}, 288

ip dhcp snooping trust, 288

ip dhcp snooping verify mac-address, 287

ip dhcp snooping vlan, 287

ip directed-broadcast, 420

ip domain-name, 310

ip extcommunity-list, 568

ip ftp, 584

ip http access-class, 313

ip http port, 313

ip http secure-server, 311

ip http timeout-policy idle, 315

ip icmp rate-limit unreachable, 179

ip icmp rate-limit unreachables, 576

ip igmp access-group, 278, 576

ip msdp filter-sa-request, 279

ip msdp sa-filter in, 279

ip msdp sa-filter out, 279

ip mtu, 390, 594

ip mtu <value>, 369

ip name-server, 313

ip options, 176

ip options drop, 176–177, 561

ip options ignore, 176

ip ospf message-digest-key key-id encryption-type md5, 572

ip ospf message-digest-key md5, 272

ip ospf ttl-security, 277

ip pim neighbor-filter, 278, 576

ip prefix-list, 282, 567

ip rcmd source-interface, 585

ip receive access-list, 233, 563

ip receive access-list {number}, 233

ip rip authentication key-chain, 272

ip rip authentication mode md5, 272, 573

ip route {prefix} {netmask} Null0, 570

ip route Null0, 198

ip route-cache, 40

ip route-cache cef, 46

ip rsvp authentication, 575

ip rsvp authentication challenge, 574

ip rsvp authentication key, 574

ip rsvp authentication type, 574

ip rsvp authentication window-size, 575

ip scp server enable, 320, 584

ip source-track, 332, 588

ip spd mode aggressive, 225, 421

ip spd queue max-threshold, 226

ip spd queue min-threshold, 226

ip ssh, 310

ip ssh port, 310

ip ssh version, 310

ip sticky-arp, 292

ip tcp, 583

ip tcp adjust-mss, 390

ip tcp intercept list, 201

ip tcp intercept mode {intercept | watch}, 201

ip tftp source-interface, 584

ip unreachables, 178

ip verify unicast source reachable-via {rx|any}, 148

ip vrf forwarding, 163

ip vrf select source, 148

ipssh, 583 ipv4 mtu, 594

ipv4 unreachables disable, 576

key chain, 272, 577

key-source key-chain, 574–575

label accept for {prefix-acl} from {ip-address}, 594

label advertise, 594

life-time, 574–575

line aux 0, 585

line con 0, 585

line console, 585

line default, 585

line template, 585

line vty, 302

line vty 0 4, 585

log-adjacency-changes, 582

logging, 582

logging buffered, 334

logging console disable, 592

logging correlator, 582

logging host, 334

login, 303

lsp-password hmac-md5, 571

mac-address-table static, 209

management plane security, 578–592

management-interface allow, 324

match acccess-group, 148

match input-interface, 245

match ip address, 148

match protocol arp, 245

match protocol ipv6, 245

maximum prefix, 593

maximum routes, 367, 593

maximum routes {warn-threshold | warn-only}, 367

maximum-prefix, 566

memory free low-watermark processor, 589

message-digest-key, 572

mls qos, 264

mls rate-limit all mtu, 267

mls rate-limit all ttl-failure, 265

mls rate-limit layer2 pdu, 267

mls rate-limit layer2 l2pt, 267

mls rate-limit multicast ipv4, 268

mls rate-limit multicast ipv4 igmp, 267

mls rate-limit multicast ipv6, 268

mls rate-limit unicast acl, 265

mls rate-limit unicast acl vacl-log, 267

mls rate-limit unicast cef glean, 266

mls rate-limit unicast cef receive, 266

mls rate-limit unicast ip features, 266

mls rate-limit unicast ip icmp redirect, 266

mls rate-limit unicast ip icmp unreachable, 265

mls rate-limit unicast ip errors, 267

mls rate-limit unicast ip rpf-failure, 265

mpls ip-ttl-propagate disable, 593

mpls ldp advertise-labels, 278, 594

mpls ldp neighbor {ip-address} password {password}, 574

mpls ldp neighbor labels accept, 278, 594

mpls ldp neighbor password, 272

mpls ldp session protection, 573

mtu, 594

mtu <value>, 369

neighbor {peer address} disable-connected-check, 276

neighbor {peer address} ebgp-multihop 2, 276

neighbor disable-connected-check, 566

neighbor distribute-list, 566

neighbor ebgp-multihop, 276

neighbor password, 272

neighbor password clear, 565

neighbor prefix-list, 282, 566

neighbor remote-as, 237

neighbor route-map, 566

neighbor route-policy, 566

neighbor ttl-security hops, 565

neighbor ttl-security hops {hop-count}, 276

neighbor-filter, 576

neighbor-group ttl-security, 565

neighbor password, 565

neighbor update-source Loopback0, 276

no banner exec, 316

no banner incoming, 317

no banner login, 317

no cdp, 592

no cdp enable, 311

no cdp run, 311, 592

no exec, 313

no exec-banner, 316

no ip bootp server, 312, 592

no ip directed-broadcast, 181, 436, 561

no ip domain lookup, 312

no ip domain-lookup, 313, 592

no ip finger, 313, 424, 440, 591

no ip http server, 311

no ip information-reply, 221, 420, 437, 577

[no] isis advertise prefix, 571

no ip mask-reply, 221, 420, 437, 577

no ip proxy-arp, 220, 422, 438, 577

no ip receive access-list, 233

no ip redirects, 179, 266, 437, 576

no ip source-route, 175, 220, 561

no ip sticky-arp, 292

no ip unreachables, 178–179, 420, 437, 576

no ipv4 directed-broadcast, 561

no ipv4 mask-reply, 577

no ipv4 redirects, 576

no isis advertise prefix, 188

no logging console, 592

no mop enabled, 314, 422

no mpls ip propagate-ttl, 593

no mpls ip propagate-ttl forwarded, 370, 374, 554

no peer neighbor-route, 191

no proxy-arp, 577

no service dhcp, 312

no service finger, 313, 424, 440, 591

no service ipv4 tcp-small-servers, 590

no service pad, 314, 590

no service tcp-small-servers, 314, 590

no service udp-small-servers, 314

no shut down, 209

no shutdown, 289–290, 293

no snmp-server, 309

no spd enable, 229

ntp, 580

ntp disable, 314

parser view, 322

passive, 570

passive-interface, 421, 570–571

password, 303

police, 248

policy-map, 570

policy-map CoPP, 249

prefix-set, 567

privilege, 303, 581

privilege level, 304

process cpu threshold, 589

radius-server, 328

reload, 320

route-map, 569

route-policy, 569

router static, 570

rsvp authentication, 574

rsvp neighbor {IP address} authentication, 575

rsvp interface, 574

scheduler allocate, 589

secret 5, 322

secure boot-config restore {filename}, 319

secure boot-image, 319

secure-boot-config, 319

security authentication failure rate, 305

security passwords min-length, 305

service compress-config, 590

service dhcp com, 312

service password-encryption, 305, 590

service tcp-keepalive, 583

service tcp-keepalives-in, 316

service tcp-keepalives-out, 316

service timestamps debug, 591

service timestamps log datetime msec localtime, 334

services plane security, 592–594

session protection for {acl} duration, 573

set vtp primary, 286

show, 256, 321

show access-list, 254, 256, 264, 358

show adjacency, 45

show auto secure config, 330

show cdp interface, 312

show cef interface policy-statistics, 331

show configuration, 285

show interface, 227

show interface Null0, 194

show interface Null0 accounting, 195

show interface Null0 stats, 195

show ip cef, 45, 231

show ip cef detail, 186

show ip dhcp snooping binding, 287

show ip http server, 313

show ip interface, 161

show ip route, 321

show ip sockets detail, 314

show ip spd, 228–229

show ip ssh, 310

show ip traffic, 161

show line, 302

show logging, 334

show management-interface, 326

show mls qos ip, 264

show policy interface, 155

show policy map control-plane, 255

show policy-map, 252, 359

show policy-map control-plane, 256, 264

show policy-map control-plane input, 253

show port-security, 209

show route-map, 153

show secure bootset, 319

show spd, 228–229

show tcam utilization, 264

show tcp brief all, 315

show version, 319

shutdown, 209, 289–290, 293

snmp-server, 309, 578

snmp-server community, 307

snmp-server packetsize, 308

snmpwalk, 255

spanning-tree bpduguard enable, 293

spanning-tree guard root, 294

spanning-tree portfast bpduguard, 293

spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default, 293

spd extended, 229

spd headroom, 228

ssh, 583

suppressed, 571

switchport, 214

switchport block unicast, 214

switchport port-security, 208

switchport port-security mac-address, 208

switchport port-security mac-address sticky, 208

switchport port-security violation, 209

switchport trunk encapsulation negotiate, 210

tacacs-server, 328, 579

taskgroup, 581

tcp, 583, 585

tftp, 584

transport input, 310

ttl-security all-interfaces, 277

tunnel path-mtu-discovery, 389

usergroup, 581

username, 304, 581

username view, 322

/verify, 320

vtp passwd, 285

window-size, 574–575

write memory, 208

committed access rate (CAR), 173

common pipes, 6, 300–301


ACLs, 307

BGP, 191

triggers, 197–198

community-set command, 568

components, QoS

classification, 353

marking, 353–354

policing, 354

queuing, 354–355

confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA), 6


AAA, 328

ACLs, antispoofing, 156

BGP, 185

AutoSecure, 329–330

BCP, 440

CoPP, 243–260

default routes, 421

DNS, 423, 440

FPM, 169

GRE, 425

IOS BGP prefix filters, 282

IP header precedence, 356–358

IPsec, 425

key chain, 273

management VPN, 337

MD5, 285

MQC, QPPB, 186–187

NetFlow, 333

network exploitation, 497

no ip redirects command, 180

no ip unreachables command, 179

NTP, 423, 440

packet-matching criteria, 168

passwords, 306

PBR ACL modularization, 152–153


classification, 353

marking, 353–354

policing, 354

queuing, 354–355

rACLs, 234–240


IPsec VPN case study, 448–455

MPLS VPN case study, 467–474

trigger, 195

SNMP, 307, 439

SPD, 225, 229

SSH, 423, 439

strict mode uRPF, 158

syslog, 439

TACACS+, 423, 440

uRPF, VRF, 165

conform drop exceed drop MQC policer actions, 154

conform transmit exceed transmit, 252, 257

conform-action drop exceed-action drop, 257, 259

conform-action transmit exceed-action transmit, 249

congestion, 6

Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP), 188

Connectionless Network Service (CLNS), 187

connections, RST attacks, 80

console port (CTY), 301


class-map, 355

policy-map, 355

service-policy, 355

Conta, A., 554

content-addressable me.See CAM

control packets, 6, 11, 18

control plane, 27–28, 124

ACL filters, 277–279

attacks, 83–85

BGP, 279–285

case study

IPsec VPN and Internet access, 420–422

MPLS VPN, 437–438

CEF, 49

control-plane command, 261

CoPP, 241–242

configuring, 243–260

implementing, 260–269

fast switching, 42

ICMP, 220–222

IPsec VPN case study, 458–460

Layer 2 Ethernet, 285–294

MPLS VPN case study, 474–477

neighbor authentication, 269–270

MD5, 270–273

TTL, 273–277

process switching, 38

rACLs, 230–232

deploying, 232–241

security commands, 562–578

services, disabling, 220

SPD, 222

input queue check, 226

monitoring and tuning, 226–229

state check, 223–226

Control Plane Policing.See CoPP

control-plane slot {slot-number} command, 262

convergence, IS-IS protocols, 188

CoPP (Control Plane Policing), 241–242, 420, 563

configuring, 243–260

CsC, 374

data plane security, 178

IKE, 387

implementing, 260–269


access control, 393

case study, 459


case study, 476

policies, 367

copy command, 320

copy running-config startup-config command, 208

core routers, rACls, 234

core security, 138–141

IP, 139–140

MPLS VPN, 140–141

CoS (class of service), 32

counters, 352

hardware, viewing, 264

interfaces, resetting, 359

monitoring, 358

coupling, 538

covert channels, 503, 516

CPE routers, IPsec VPN case study, 446


centralized CPU-based architectures, 50–51

distributed CPU-based architectures, 54–56

packet flood attacks, 68

cracking passwords, 86

CRC (cyclic redundancy check), 546

CRS-1 (Carrier Routing System), 57

crypto ACLs, 392

crypto call admission limit ike sa command, 387

crypto ipsec df-bit clear command, 391

crypto ipsec fragmentation before-encryption command, 391

crypto ipsec transform-set configuration, 383

crypto key generate rsa command, 310

crypto map elements, 383

CsC (Carrier Supporting Carrier), 103, 373–374, 551

CTY (console port), 301

CU (currently unused) field, 502

Customer Edge.See CE routers

Custom Queuing, 170

customizing banners, 316–318

cyber attacks, 86

cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 546


D channel (delta channel), 12

DA (Destination Address) field, 545, 548

DAI (Dynamic ARP Inspection), 288–291

Data Encryption Standard (DES), 378

Data field (ICMP), 528, 532

data link layer (Layer 2), 14

data offset, 513

data packets, 6, 11

data place, CEF, 49

data plane, 25–27, 124–125

case study

IPsec VPN and Internet access, 418–420

MPLS VPN, 435–437

CEF, 48

fast switching, 42

IPsec VPN case study, 455–458

MPLS VPN case study, 474

process switching, 37


BGP policy enforcement using QPPB, 183–187

commands, 558–562

disabling IP directed broadcasts, 181

FPM, 168–169

ICMP, 178–181

integrity checks, 182

interface ACLs, 147–156

IP layers, 200–207

IP options, 174–178

IP routing, 187–200

Layer 2 Ethernet, 208–214

QoS, 170–174

uRPF, 156–167

Data/Payload field, 550

dCEF (Distributed CEF), 58

dCoPP (distributed CoPP), 262–264, 563

DDR (dial-on-demand routing), 148

de Weger, B., 296

deaggregation, IP prefix, 281

deep packet inspection (DPI), 205–207

Deering, S., 539

default gateways, ICMP Redirects, 179

default routes, 6

configuring, 421

default values, MTU, 369

defense, breadth and depth, 117–118

core security, 138–141

defensive layers, 119–122

determining need for protection, 119

edge security, 133–138

interfaces, 127–132

IP traffic planes, 123–127

operational envelope of networks, 122–123

organizational operation, 123

defining CoPP policies, 243–252

delay, 6–7

Deleskie, J., 295

delta channel (D channel), 12

demilitarized zone.See DMZ

denial-of-service attacks.See DoS attacks

DENOG (German Network Operators Group), 605

deny entry, 245

deny ip any any statement, 151

deny statements, 150, 246, 259

dependencies, 32



defining policies, 243–252

tuning policies, 252–260

QoS, 350, 361–362

rACLs, 232–241

depth, principles of defense, 117–118

core security, 138–141

defensive layers, 119–122

edge security, 133–138

interfaces, 127–132

IP traffic planes, 123–127

operational envelope of, 122–123

organizational operation, 123


determining need, 119

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 378

destination, 545, 548

Destination Address (DA) field, 545, 548

destination addresses, 508

limiting, 239–240

trigger routers, 196

destination network reachability, 39

destination ports, 512, 519

Destination Unreachable message (ICMP), 533–543


identification of attacks, 600

IDS, 117

IOS IPS, 205–206

SDFs, 205


adjacency tables, 45–46

services, disabling, 220

DF (Don’t Fragment) bit, 504

DH (Diffie Hellman), 377

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

servers, DoS attacks, 84

snooping, 286–289

DHCPDECLINE messages, 287

DHCPRELEASE messages, 287

diagnostics, ping, 525

dialer-list command, 148

dial-on-demand routing (DDR), 148

Differentiated Services.See DiffServ

Diffie Hellman (DH), 377

DiffServ (Differentiated Services), 351

direct attacks, 67–70, 508

directed broadcasts

IP, disabling, 181

MPLS VPN case study, 482

disable TTL propagation, MPLS VPN case study, 482

disabling, 175

auto trunking, 210–211

fast switching, 41

HTTP servers, 313

ICMP Redirects, 179

idle user sessions, 315–316


directed broadcasts, 181

DNS-based host name-to-address translation, 312

services, 220

management plane, 311–315

SNMP, 307

SPD, 229

TTL, 370–371

unused services, 422–440

discontiguous network masks, 192–193

discovery, PMTUD, 389

disrupting peering sessions, 83

distributed ASIC-based architectures, 56–62

Distributed CEF (dCEF), 58

distributed CoPP.See dCoPP

distributed CPU-based architectures, 54–56

distribution, labels, 374

DMZ (demilitarized zone)., 149

DNS (Domain Name Service), 15

configuring, 423, 440

servers, DoS attacks, 84

Dobbins, R., 606

domain lookup disable command, 592

Domain Name Service.See DNS

Don’t Fragment (DF) bit, 504

Doolan, P., 554

DoS (denial-of-service) attacks, 66–75

direct attacks, 67–70

ICMP, 178–181, 528–538

reflection attacks, 74–75

servers, 84

transit attacks, 70–74

ICMP, 71–72

IP Option, 72–73

multicast, 73–74

TTL expiry attacks, 150

double 802.1Q encapsulation attacks, 92

double tagging attacks, 92

downstream service providers (DSP), 372

DPI (deep packet inspection), 205–207

Drop mode, 176


commands, 248

IP options selective, 175–177

uRPF reports, 161

DSCP bits, 502

DSP (downstream service providers), 372

Dynamic ARP Inspection.See DAI

dynamic auto mode, 210

dynamic desirable mode, 210

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. See DHCP

dynamically learned MAC addresses, 208


earthquakes, 65

eBGP (external BGP), 437

attacks, 280

peers, external link protection, 190

ebgp-multihop {hop-count} command, 277

Echo Request/Echo Reply query messages (ICMP), 525–529

Eckert, T., 295


recoloring, 561

security, 133–138

Internet, 133–134

MPLS VPN, 136–138

Edge routers

BGP Community-based RTBH Configuration, 198

external link protection, 189–193

IPsec VPN case study, 457

rACLs, 234

EEM (Embedded Event Manager), 331

egress interfaces, 39

EIGRP (Enhanced IGRP)

commands, 572

MD5 authentication, 273

elements, crypto map, 383

Embedded Event Manager (EEM), 331

enable password command, 304, 580

enable secret command, 304

enable view command, 322


MD5 authentication, 273

password security on lines, 303

rACLs, 234

rate limiters, 268

SCP, 439

security, 122

SPD, 229

uRPF, 156

Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), 378


adjacency tables, 45–46

double 802.1Q attacks, 92


AES, 378

layers of defense concept, 117

NULL, 378

tunnels, 31

enterprise networks

case studies

IPsec VPN and Internet access, 406–417

MPLS VPN, 426–441

IP, 7–8


ACEs, 235

deny, 245

permit, 245

EOF (European Operators Forum), 606

ephemeral port numbers, 511

equal-cost best paths, 157

errdisable recovery bpduguard command, 293

errdisable recovery dhcp-rate-limit command, 289

errors, checksums, 516

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 378


control plane security, 285–294

headers, 543–550

port management, 302

threats, 89

CAM table overflow, 89–90

MAC spoofing, 90–91

PVLAN, 93–94

STP, 94–95

VLAN hopping, 92–93

VTP, 95

European Operators Forum (EOF), 606

Evans, J., 215

event manager command, 588

exception packets, 22–24, 178

EXEC banner, 316

EXEC mode, 313

exec-banner command, 316

Experimental Use (EXP) field, 553

expiry attacks,101

TTL, 71

TTL DoS, 150


network configuration, 497

protocols, 525

extcommunity-set command, 568

extended headroom region, SPD, 226, 229

extended translation, 202

external access to web services, 407

external BGP (eBGP), 437

external interfaces, 128–130

interfaces, 409, 428

IPsec VPN case study, 447

MPLS VPN case study, 465

rACLs, 234

external links, 189–193

external to external traffic, 455

external to internal traffic, 418, 455


Fabric Interface, 58

Farinacci, D., 554

fast path, 122

fast switching, 35, 39–44

fault manager command, 588

FCS (Frame Check Sequence), 546

feasible uRPF, 167

features, order of operations, 120

FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class), 552

Fedorkow, G., 554

Feldman, N., 554

Feng, D., 296

Ferguson, P., 215

FIB (Forwarding Information Base), 44–45

CEF receive cases, 266

glean, 266

uRPF, 156

fields, 545

Bottom of Stack (S), 553

Code (ICMP), 527, 531–540

CU, 502

Data (ICMP), 528, 532

Data/Payload, 550

Destination Address (DA), 545, 548

Experimental Use (EXP), 553

Fragment Offset, 503–504

Identification, 503

kind, 516

Label (MPLS), 552

Preamble (PRE), 544, 547

reserved, 513

Start Frame Delimiter), 544, 548

TTL, 505

Type (ICMP), 526, 530, 534, 540

Type/Length, 550

Unused (ICMP), 531, 541

file system security, 319–320

File Transport Protocol.See FTP

file verify auto command, 320


PDHFs, 168

SDFs, 205

Filsfils, C., 215

filters, 235–237

ACLs, 277–279

bypassing, 75

support for IP options, 177

black hole, remote triggers, 193–200

MQC, 154, 241

packets, 148

PBR, 153

policies, bypassing, 507

port numbers, 235–237

prefix, BGP, 280–282

protocols, 235–237

remote traffic, 192–193

RTBH, 157, 458

fin scan mode, 514

finger service, 313

Firestone, S., 400

firewalls, 117

IOS Firewall, 203–205

NAT, 202

FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams), 604

flags, 504, 514

ACK, 513

combinations, 514

SYN, 512

URG, 516

Flexible Packet Matching (FPM), 155

data plane security, 168–169


attacks, 68

packets, SPD, 229

SYN flood attacks, 80

TCP intercepts, 200–201

UUFB, 214

flow, 8, 587

force-multipliers, 7

formatting passwords, 306

forwarding, 35

AutoSecure, 330

CEF, 21

data plane traffic, 26

in-band management interfaces, 301

IP, 18, 35

LFIB, 140

multicast tables, 74

NSF, 284

URPF, data plane security, 156–167

VRF, 31, 136

MPLS VPN case study, 481

uRPF, 163–166

Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC), 552

Forwarding Information Base.See FIB

Foster, B., 400

FPM (Flexible Packet Matching), 155

data plane security, 168–169

Fragment Offset field, 503–504

fragmentation, 101, 387–389

IP, 236, 246, 368–371

look ahead, 391

offset fragments, 503

packets, 503

Frame Check Sequence (FCS), 546

Frame Relay, 5

frames, jumbo, 546

Fredette, A., 554

Fries, S., 400

FRnOG (FRench Network Operators Group), 605

Fry, S., 400

FTP (File Transport Protocol), 15

ftp command, 584

FULL DROP SPD state, 225

Fuller, V. , 295

functions, rACLs, 232.See also commands


Gan, D., 554


default, ICMP Redirects, 179

IGP, 188. See also IGP

Gemberling, B., 606

Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM), 274–277

Gill, V. , 295, 509

global Internet routing, IPsec VPN case study, 446

Gont, F., 539

graceful restart, BGP, 283–285

gratuitous ARP, 220

Greene, B., 606

GTSM (Generalized TTL Security Mechanism), 274–277


hackers, 66.See also attacks

hard edge, 10


counters, viewing, 264

QoS, CoPP, 264

hash processing, MD5, 273


802.1Q, 543–550

AH, 379

checksum, 507

Ethernets, 543–550

ICMP, 521–525

Destination Unreachable message, 533–543

Echo Request/Echo Reply query messages, 525–529

Time to Live Exceeded in Transit error message, 529–533

IP, 16, 497–499

IPv4, 499–510

precedence, 356–358

MPLS, 551–555

PDHFs, 168


TCP, 510–518

UDP, 518, 521

headroom region, SPD, 226–228

Heasley, J., 295, 509

Heffernan, A., 518

hello-password hmac-md5 command, 572

help, 602

hidden keyword, 285


IP network core infrastructure, 187–188

passwords, VTP, 286

hijacking sessions, 78–80

Hoffman, P., 295

hold-queue {length} in command, 228

hopping attacks, VLAN, 92–93


MPLS, 554

next-hop MTU values, 536

horizontal scans, 508

MSS modification, 389

PMTUD, 389

HSRP (Hot Standby Routing Protocol), 28

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 15, 313

HTTPS (Secure HTTPS), 311, 439

hub-and-spoke topology, 407

human errors, 65

hundreds of millions of packets per second (Mpps), 35

hurricanes, 65

Hypertext Transfer Protocol.See HTTP


iACLs (infrastructure ACLs), 40, 148, 366

remote traffic, filtering, 192–193

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 231, 506

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)

attacks against TCP, 81

commands, 576

control plane security, 220–222

data plane security, 178–181

headers, 521–525

Destination Unreachable message, 533–543

Echo Request/Echo Reply query messages, 525–529

Time to Live Exceeded in Transit error message, 529–533

IPsec VPN case study, 457


case study, 482

Parameter Problem messages, 180

rACL policies, 237

redirects, 266

replies, 69

request packets, 69

Time Exceeded (Type 11) messages, 180, 370

transit attacks, 71–72

unreachable rate limiter, 265

icmp ipv4 rate-limit unreachable command, 576

identification, 235

of attacks, 600

values, 503

Identification field, 503

idle user sessions, disabling, 315–316

IDS (intrusion detection systems), 117

IDSM2 (Intrusion Detection Service Module), 206

IE-NOG (Irish Network Operators Group), 605

IETF OPSEC (Operational Security Capabilities for IP Network Infrastructure), 604

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)

ACL filters, 278

commands, 576

Ignore mode, 176

IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol), 8, 139, 188

MPLS VPN case study, 475

rACL policies, 238

traffic, 420

IPsec VPN case study, 458

IHL (IP Header length), 501

IKE (Internet Key Exchange), 32, 520

IPsec, 377–378

security, 386–387


CoPP, 260–269

QoS, 355–356

in-band architecture, 300–301

in-band packets, 6

in-band VTY access, 423, 439

incident handling procedures, 597

phases of, 597–602

incoming banners, 317

incoming packets, filtering, 148

industry organizations, 604

industry security organizations, 604

Information Sharing and Analysis Center, 604


DPI, 205–207

enterprise networks, 7–8

IP, 187–188

overview of, 5–7

service provider, 9–11

infrastructure ACLs.See iACLs

ingress packets

SPD, 222

state check, 223–226

initial sequence number (ISN), 512

input queue check, SPD, 226

Integrated Services.See IntServ

integrity checks, IP, 182

intention of attacks, 66


security, 372–376

threats, 103–107

intercepts, TCP, 200–201


ACLs, 222, 418, 435

CsC, 373

data plane security, 147–156

IKE, 387

IPsec VPN access control, 393

IPsec VPN case study, 456

MPLS VPN case study, 481

counters, resetting, 359

CTY, 301

egress, 39

Ethernets, management ports, 302


IPsec VPN case study, 447

MPLS VPN case study, 465

rACLs, 234

Fabric Interface, 58

in-band management, 301

internal, 427

IPsec VPN case study, 448

MPLS VPN case study, 465

loopback, 21, 409

IPsec VPN case study, 448

MPLS VPN case study, 466

Loopback0, 422, 439

management plane, 300–303

MPP, 324–326


modification, 390–391

MPLS VPN case study, 482

Null0, 438

static routes, 421

statistics, 194

receive, 409, 428

IPsec VPN case study, 448

MPLS VPN case study, 466

TCP MSS modification, 390

tunnel, 21, 409

types of, 127–132

logical, 131–132

physical, 128–131

uRPF, 156

Interior Gateway Protocol.See IGP

Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System.See IS-IS

internal interfaces, 130, 427

IPsec VPN case study, 448

MPLS VPN case study, 465

internal Internet access, 407

internal to external traffic, 418, 455

internal to internal traffic, 418, 455

internal traffic capacity, 9

International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 396


access, 444–455

case studies, 406

router configuration, 409–417

edge, 133–134

peering policy violations, 183

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 231, 506

Internet Control Message Protocol.See ICMP

Internet Group Management Protocol.See IGMP

Internet Key Exchange.See IKE

Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), 520

Internet Protocol.See IP

intranet access, 465

Intrusion Detection Service Module (IDSM2), 206

intrusion detection systems.See IDS

Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), 32, 205–206

IntServ (Integrated Services), 350

invalid flag combinations, 514


file system security, 319–320

process level, 175

IOS Firewall (IOS FW), 203–205

IOS IPS (IOS Intrusion Prevention System), 205–206

IP (Internet Protocol)

control plane, 219

destination addresses

limiting, 239–240

trigger routers, 196

directed broadcasts, 436

disabling, 181

IPsec VPN case study, 457

enterprise networks, 7–8

errors, 267

forwarding, 18, 35

fragmentation, 101, 368–371

fragments, 236

noninitial, 246

headers, 16, 497–499

IPv4, 499–510

integrity checks, 182

layers, data plane security, 200–207

management plane, 299

MPLS VPN case study, 482


control plane attacks, 83–85

core infrastructure hiding, 187–188

edge router external link protection, 189–193

malicious network reconnaissance, 88–89

management plane attacks, 85–86

resource exhaustion attacks, 66–75

routing protocol attacks, 81–83

software vulnerability attacks, 87–88

spoofing attacks, 75–76

threats against, 65–66

transport protocol attacks, 76–81

operations, 11–19


ACL support for filtering, 177

data plane security, 174–178

IPsec VPN case study, 457

MPLS VPN case study, 482

selective drop, 175–177

values, 508

overview of, 5–7

policies, queuing, 170

rACls, 366–367

reachability, 67, 86

preventing, 184

reassembly, 368–370


architecture types, 50–62

packet processing, 32–50

routing, data plane security, 187–200

security, 6

core, 139–140

service provider networks, 11

service provider networks, 9–11

services plane, 347

source addresses, limiting, 237–239

source guard, 212

source routing, disabling, 175, 220

Source Tracker, 331

spoofing, source guard, 212

static default, IPsec VPN case study, 446

ToS, 236

traffic, 19–24, 123–127

control planes, 27–28

data planes, 25–27

exception/non-IP packets, 22–24

management planes, 29–30

planes, 24–32

receive-adjacency packets, 21–22

services planes, 30–32

transit packets, 20–21

Traffic Export, 332

unreachable attacks, 71

VoIP, 396–397


CE threats, 98–99

Inter-AS threats, 103–107

IPsec threats, 108–111

MPLS threats, 96–98

P threats, 101–103

PE threats, 99, 101

threats, 96

ip access-group command, 148

ip address command, 231

ip arp inspection filter command, 290

ip arp inspection limit rate {pps} command, 290

ip arp inspection log-buffer entries {number} command, 291

ip arp inspection log-buffer logs {number_of_messages} interval {length_in_seconds} command, 291

ip arp inspection trust command, 290

ip arp inspection validate dst-mac command, 290

ip arp inspection validate dst-mac src-mac command, 290

ip arp inspection validate src-mac command, 290

ip arp inspection vlan {vlan_range} logging {acl-match {matchlog | none} | dhcp-bindings {all | none | permit}} command, 291

ip arp inspection vlan command, 289

ip as-path access-list command, 568

ip authentication mode eigrp command, 572

ip authentication mode eigrp md5 command, 273

ip bgp-community new-format commands, 564

ip cef command, 46

ip community-list command, 568

ip dhcp bootp ignore command, 312

ip dhcp snooping command, 286

ip dhcp snooping information option allowed-untrusted command, 288

ip dhcp snooping information option allow-untrusted command, 287

ip dhcp snooping trust command, 288

ip dhcp snooping verify mac-address command, 287

ip dhcp snooping vlan command, 287

ip directed-broadcast command, 420

IP DNS-based host name-to-address translation, disabling, 312

ip domain-name command, 310

ip extcommunity-list command, 568

ip ftp command, 584

IP Header Length (IHL), 501

ip http access-class command, 313

ip http port command, 313

ip http secure-server command, 311

ip http timeout-policy idle command, 315

ip icmp rate-limit unreachable command, 179

ip icmp rate-limit unreachables command, 576

ip igmp access-group command, 278, 576

ip msdp filter-sa-request command, 279

ip msdp sa-filter in command, 279

ip msdp sa-filter out command, 279

ip mtu command, 369, 390, 594

ip name-server command, 313

IP network Edge protection, 189–193

IP Options

attacks, 102

transit attacks, 72–73

attacks, 102

ip options drop command, 176–177, 561

ip options drop configuration, 419, 436

ip options ignore command, 176, 560

ip ospf message-digest-key key-id encryption-type md5 command, 572

ip ospf message-digest-key md5 command, 272

ip ospf ttl-security command, 277

ip pim neighbor-filter command, 278, 576

ip prefix-list command, 282, 567

ip rcmd source-interface command, 585

ip receive access-list {number} command, 233

ip receive access-list command, 233, 563

ip rip authentication key-chain command, 272

ip rip authentication mode md5 command, 272, 573

ip route {prefix} {netmask} Null0 command, 570

ip route Null0 command, 198

ip route-cache cef command, 46

ip route-cache command, 40

ip rsvp authentication challenge command, 574

ip rsvp authentication command, 575

ip rsvp authentication key command, 574

ip rsvp authentication lifetime command, 575

ip rsvp authentication type command, 574

ip rsvp authentication window-size command, 575

ip scp server enable command, 320, 584

ip source-track command, 332, 588

ip spd mode aggressive command, 225, 421

ip spd queue max-threshold command, 226

ip spd queue min-threshold command, 226

ip ssh command, 310, 583

ip ssh port command, 310

ip ssh version command, 310

ip sticky-arp command, 292

ip tcp adjust-mss command, 390

ip tcp command, 583

ip tcp intercept list command, 201

ip tcp intercept mode {intercept | watch} command, 201

ip tftp source-interface command, 584

ip unreachables command, 178

ip verify unicast source reachable-via {rx|any} command, 148

ip vrf forwarding command, 163

ip vrf select source command, 148

IP/Multiprotocol Label Switching.See MPLS

IPP (Internet Printing Protocol), 520

IPS (Intrusion Prevention System), 32, 205–206

Active Update Bulletins, 603

IPsec (IP Security), 425

case studies, 406

network topology and requirements, 407–409

router configuration, 409–417

threats, 108–111

VPNs, 376–394

case study, 444–455

hub-and-spoke topology, 407

IPv4, multicast rate limiters, 267

ipv4 mt command, 594

ipv4 unreachables disable command, 576

IPv6, multicast rate limiters, 268

IS-IS (Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System), 24

advertise-passive-only, 187

MD5 authentication, 272

ISN (initial sequence number), 512

isolation, bandwidth queuing, 170–171

ITU (International Telecommunication Union), 396

Cybersecurity Gateway, 604


JANOG (Japan Network Operators’ Group), 605

jitter, 7

Jones, S., 517

jumbo frames, 546


Kaeo, M., 606

kamikaze, 515

keepalives, 23, 420, 437

IPsec VPN case study, 459

MPLS VPN case study, 475



commands, 272, 577

configurations, 273


IPsec, 377–378

security, 386–387

key-source key-chain command, 574–575


allow-default, 158, 419, 421

allow-self-ping, 159

bandwidth percent, 358

hidden, 285

log, 150

match access-group, 245

match ip dscp, 245

match ip precedence, 245

match mpls experimental, 245

match qos-group, 245

match-all, 247

match-any, 247

priority percent, 358

restart, 283

secret, 286

warning-only, 283

warn-only, 367

Khalid, M., 400

kind values, 516

Kpps (thousands of packets per second), 35

Kuhn, D. R., 400

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