

# (hash mark), Some Syntax Rules
# (hash mark), root account prompt, Maintaining the System
#include statements, More Fun with Libraries
& (ampersand), running commands in background, Putting a Command in the Background
- (hyphen), Multiple Commands
/ (slash character), directories, Directories
< (less than sign), input redirection, Saving Your Output
> (greater-than sign), redirecting output, Saving Your Output
@ (at sign), Multiple Commands
~ (tilde) directories, Directories
~ (tilde) in vi editor, Starting vi


a.out file, Basic gcc Usage
AbiWord, Word Processors
Abiword word processor, Abiword Word Processor
Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), A Working Example of Java
AccessFileName directive, httpd.conf
action field (inittab file), init, inittab, and rc Files
Ada language, Other Languages
AddIcon directive, httpd.conf
AddIconByEncoding directive, httpd.conf
AddIconByType directive, httpd.conf
address book (Evolution), Evolution contacts
address translation, Your network configuration
broadcast, Your network configuration, The networking rc files
host, TCP/IP Concepts
IP, TCP/IP Concepts, Your network configuration
loopback, TCP/IP Concepts, Your network configuration
network, TCP/IP Concepts, Your network configuration
networks file, /etc/networks
parallel port printer, troubleshooting, Printer System Troubleshooting
port, TCP/IP Concepts
registering, Registering an address
subnetwork, TCP/IP Concepts, Your network configuration
for variable storage, Getting Information
administration, Essential System Management
(see also system administration)
electronic mail, Other Email Administrative Issues
system shutdown, setting permissions for, Shutting Down the System
ADSL (Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line), ADSL
Advanced Power Management (APM), Laptop Support
afio utility, To compress, or not to compress?
agetty program, rc Files
aha152x= boot option, Booting Linux
aha1542= boot option, Booting Linux
aic7xxx= boot option, Booting Linux
alias command, Maintaining the System
Alias directive, httpd.conf
Alpha systems
booting, Setting Up the System Firmware to Start the Installation
firmware programs, Features and limitations of ARC Firmware
hardware, Preparing Hardware for Installation
requirements, Minimum Hardware
resources on, Chipsets
history and status, Alpha History and Status
identifying, Preparations and General Procedure for Installation
installing Linux, Installing Linux, General Procedure
preparing to install, Preparations and General Procedure for Installation
installing Milo utility, Firmware options
tuning Linux, Tuning and Post-Installation Considerations
AlphaBIOS firmware, Features and limitations of AlphaBIOS Firmware
AlphaLinux resources, AlphaLinux sites
amateur radio support, enabling, Building the Kernel
ampersand (&), running commands in background, Putting a Command in the Background
ANSI C standard, gcc Features
Anyware Office office suite, Word Processors
Apache web servers, Configuring Your Own Web Server
apachectl utility, Starting httpd
APM (Advanced Power Management), support for, Laptop Support
GNOME panel, The panel
Java, The Promise of Java, or Why You Might Want to Use Java
application classes, The X Resource Database
commercial, Commercial Applications, Commercial Applications
development, suitability of Linux, Programming Languages and Utilities
enterprise, suitability of Linux for, Who’s Using Linux?
KDE, KDE Applications
locating web directories for, Other Applications
scientific, Other Applications
X resources, The X Resource Database, The X Resource Database
X running on KDE, The KDE panel and the K menu
applications, Java, The Promise of Java, or Why You Might Want to Use Java
APSfilter package, Magic Filters: APSfilter and Alternatives
ar command, More Fun with Libraries
ARC firmware, Features and limitations of ARC Firmware
archiving files
tar utility, Using tar
examples, tar Tricks
gzip utility and, Using tar with gzip and bzip2
utilities, Archive and Compression Utilities, tar Tricks
ARPAnet and TCP/IP, TCP/IP Concepts
aRts package (KDE), Installing KDE
ASCII test files (printer tests), Checking Printer Hardware
assembly code, gcc Features
associative arrays, A Sample Program
Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), ADSL
at sign (@), Multiple Commands
ATAPI drives, Alpha system support, IDE/ATAPI Drive Support
Athena widget set, Interface Building Tools
attach command (gdb), Debugging a Running Program
ATZ signal, Writing a chat script
digital, A Whirlwind Tour of Digital Audio, A Whirlwind Tour of Digital Audio
overview, Configuring and Using Linux Audio
support for, Other Applications
changing methods, PAM and Other Authentication Methods
protocols for, PAP and CHAP
Autofill mode (Emacs), Tailoring Emacs
automounting devices, Automounting Devices, Automounting Devices
AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit), A Working Example of Java
aztcd= boot option, Booting Linux


Back button (Konqueror), Using Konqueror and Other Web Browsers
Emacs text editor, Emacs and Other Editors
KDE desktop, Configuring the background
xterm window, xinit
resource (X clients), The X Resource Database
Backspace key, Tailoring Emacs
backtrace command (gdb), Examining a Core File
compression, To compress, or not to compress?
creating, overview, Making Backups
cron and, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
floppy disks, Backing up to floppy
importance of, What to Do in an Emergency
incremental, Making Backups, Incremental Backups
restoring, Restoring Files from Backup
simple overview, Simple Backups
tape devices, Backing up to tape
bash shell, Basic Commands and Utilities, Shells
core files and, Examining a Core File
bashrc startup file, Startup Files
bash_profile startup file, Startup Files
Battery Charge Monitor (GNOME), The panel
baud rate (serial ports), The rest of the printcap variables
Berkeley Software Distribution (see BSD)
-bg option (xterm), xinit
bin directory, Important Directories
binary emulators, AlphaLinux, Binary Emulation
bindings for X resources, The X Resource Database
BIOS and booting limitations, Linux Partition Requirements
block groups, Repairing Filesystems
bmouse= boot option, Booting Linux
Bochs (Windows emulation software), Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux
bookmarks file, Using Konqueror and Other Web Browsers
books about Linux, Books and Other Published Works
boot directory, Important Directories
boot loaders, Creating the Boot Floppy or Installing LILO
boot managers, Windows and LILO, Using LILO
booting, Installation Overview
(see also multibooting)
Alpha systems, Setting Up the System Firmware to Start the Installation
boot disk, troubleshooting, Problems booting Linux from floppy
boot floppy, Using a Boot Floppy, Using a Boot Floppy
boot sequence, Running into Trouble
boot time options, Specifying boot time options, Specifying boot time options
filesystem, Using a Boot Floppy
init program, init, inittab, and rc Files
installation media, Installation Overview, Booting Linux
troubleshooting, Problems with Booting the Installation Medium, Problems with Booting the Installation Medium
kernel, boot messages, Kernel Boot Messages, Kernel Boot Messages
as secondary bootloader, Using LILO as a secondary bootloader
configuration, The /etc/lilo.conf file, The /etc/lilo.conf file
overview, Using LILO
removing, Removing LILO
options, Booting Linux
TCP/IP, testing configuration, Trying out your network
troubleshooting, Problems booting Linux from the hard drive
bootloader (see LILO)
Bourne Again Shell (see bash)
br variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
break command (gdb), Breakpoints and watchpoints
breakpoints, Tracing a Program, Breakpoints and watchpoints
broadcast address, Your network configuration
broadcast command, The networking rc files
browsers on AlphaLinux, Graphical Browser Considerations
BSD (Berkeley Unix)
print utilities, BSD Print System Elements: Files, Directories, and Utilities, Printing
troubleshooting, Printer System Troubleshooting
role in Linux development, A Brief History of Linux
buffers, Emacs, Simple Editing Commands
buslogic= boot option, Booting Linux
busmouse interface boot option, Booting Linux
bzip2 utility, Using gzip and bzip2


C language compiler, upgrading, Upgrading the Compiler
C mode (Emacs), Running Commands and Programming within Emacs
C programming language support, Programming Languages and Utilities
C++ programming language support, Programming Languages and Utilities
C, C++ languages, Programming with gcc, Using C++
compiler, shared libraries, Creating shared libraries
call stack, Examining a Core File
calls program, Profiling and Performance Tools
camers software, GNOME, gPhoto, the Digital Camera Tool
cancel command, Printing
Cannot Access Memory At Address...âerror, Examining a Core File
carriage-return characters, inserting, Print Filters
cat command, Viewing Files, More or Less
printing and, Checking Printer Hardware
cd command, Directories
CD-ROM drives
Alpha systems with, Installation Choices
boot options, Booting Linux
drivers, support, Building the Kernel
cdu31a= boot option, Booting Linux
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), PAP and CHAP
character devices, support, Building the Kernel
chat utility, Requirements, Writing a chat script
chipsets, Alpha systems, Chipsets
chipsets, X Window System and, Hardware Requirements
ci command, Revision Control Tools — RCS
CLASSPATH environment variable, A Working Example of Java
client, X, X Concepts
CLISP, Other Languages
clocks, Clocks
clustering, Other Applications
cm206= boot option, Booting Linux
co command, Revision Control Tools — RCS
code, optimizing, gcc Features, Optimizing, Tracing a Program
col text filter, Printing
Emacs and, Emacs and Other Editors
KDE desktop background, Configuring the background
KDE window contents, Configuring window styles and colors
combine utility (ImageMagick), ImageMagick
command languages, shells, Basic Commands and Utilities
command line
editing techniques
arrow keys and, Moving Around Among Commands
word completion, Word Completion
filename expansion, Filename Expansion
command mode (vi), Inserting Text and Moving Around
command prompt (see prompt)
commands, Directories
(see also utilities)
control key and, Useful Keys and How to Get Them to Work
Emacs, customizing, Simple Editing Commands
files, Listing Files
mounting filesystems, Mounting Filesystems
overview, Basic Commands and Utilities, What Is a Command?
pipes, Saving Your Output
running in background, Putting a Command in the Background
shell, vi and, Running Shell Commands
startup, rc Files, rc Files
in Emacs, Tailoring Emacs
Texinfo, Writing the Texinfo source
commercial software
copying, restrictions, Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media
web sites, Commercial Linux Software Companies
Common Unix Printer System (CUPS), CUPS
Compaq Portable Math Library (CPML), Performance and Library Tuning
CPUs, A Bag of Features
multibooting and, A Bag of Features
Java, A Working Example of Java
compilers, Programming Languages and Utilities
Java, Getting Java for Linux
compiling, Emacs and, Running Commands and Programming within Emacs
compressed partitions, accessing, Filesystem Types
backups, Backing up to floppy
bzip2 utility, Using gzip and bzip2
compress program, Using gzip and bzip2
files, utilities, Archive and Compression Utilities, tar Tricks
gzip utility, Using gzip and bzip2
tar utility and, Using tar with gzip and bzip2
log files, Managing System Logs
concept index, Writing the Texinfo source
Concurrent Version System (CVS), over Internet, CVS over the Internet
DNS, Configuring DNS
Ghostscript, Configuring Ghostscript
ISDN hardware, Configuring Your ISDN Hardware, Configuring Your ISDN Hardware
KDE desktop, The KDE Control Center
LILO, The /etc/lilo.conf file, The /etc/lilo.conf file
NET-4, Configuring TCP/IP with Ethernet
networks, checking, Your network configuration
NFS, Configuring NFS
NIS, Configuring NIS
PPP, Basic PPP Configuration for Modems
creating a chat script, Writing a chat script
requirements, Requirements
serial device names, Serial device names
printer directories, Setting up printer directories
record keeping and, What to Do in an Emergency
sound cards
collecting information, Collecting hardware information
ISA plug and play, Configuring ISA Plug and Play (optional)
kernel, Configuring the kernel (optional)
kernel modules, Configuring kernel modules
overview, Installation and Configuration
testing, Testing the installation
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting and common problems
startup files, Startup Files, Startup Files
TCP/IP, Configuring TCP/IP with Ethernet
configuration files, backups and, Simple Backups
NFS and NIS, NFS and NIS Configuration
World Wide Web server, Configuring Your Own Web Server
XFree86, Configuring XFree86
CONNECT signal, Writing a chat script
console drivers, support, Building the Kernel
console, kernel boot messages, Kernel Boot Messages
Alpha system software, Firmware options
setterm program, Setting Terminal Attributes
virtual, Virtual Consoles
continue command (gdb), Breakpoints and watchpoints
control key commands, Useful Keys and How to Get Them to Work
convert utility (ImageMagick), ImageMagick
directory hierarchies with tar, tar Tricks
text, Emacs, Deleting, Copying, and Moving Text
copying Linux distributions, restrictions, Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media
core files, Tracing a Program
debugging and, Kernel
examining, Examining a Core File, Examining a Core File
CorelDRAW, Commercial Applications
corrupt files, accessing, Accessing Damaged Files
corruption in compressed backup archives, To compress, or not to compress?
cpio utility, To compress, or not to compress?
CPML (Compaq Portable Math Library), Performance and Library Tuning
CPU Load (GNOME), The panel
CPU, Alpha systems, Chipsets
CPUs, compatibility with, A Bag of Features
cron and, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
cron directory, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
cron utility, Scheduling Jobs Using cron, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
csh (C shell), Shells
cshrc startup file, Startup Files
CUPS (Common Unix Printer System), CUPS
Emacs, Using Emacs with gdb
Konqueror, Using Konqueror and Other Web Browsers
cutting and pasting, Emacs and Other Editors
in konsole, Cutting and pasting selections
in vi, Moving Text and Using Registers
CVF-FAT extension (MS-DOS filesystem), Filesystem Types
CVS (Concurrent Version System)
over Internet, CVS over the Internet
CVSROOT environment variable, Setting up a CVS repository


daemons, Programs That Serve You
accounts, Managing User Accounts
automount, Automounting Devices
lpd, implementing, Exercising the Printer Daemon
print services, Managing Print Services
Samba, launching, Starting the Samba daemons
damaged files, accessing, Accessing Damaged Files
Data Display Debugger (DDD), Debuggers
[data] section (smb.conf file), Configuring Samba
data transfer rate, serial ports, determining, The rest of the printcap variables
database applications (commercial), Commercial Applications
databases, X resources, The X Resource Database, The X Resource Database
dd command, copying image files to disk, Getting Linux from the Internet
dd option, boot floppy, creating, Using a Boot Floppy
DDD (Data Display Debugger), Debuggers
Debian Linux, Alpha systems, The Linux Port and Distributions
debug boot options, Booting Linux
debuggers, gdb, Programming Languages and Utilities
debugging, Kernel, Examining a Core File
gdb debugger, gcc Features, Enabling Debugging Code
shared libraries and, Creating shared libraries
instruction-level, Instruction-level debugging
routing tables, Trying out your network
Valgrind package, Examining a Core File
DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), Alpha History and Status
DefaultIcon directive, httpd.conf
define-key function, Tailoring Emacs
Delete key (Emacs), Tailoring Emacs
directories, Directories
files, avoiding unintended deletions, Maintaining the System
text, Deleting, Copying, and Moving Text
vi editor, Deleting Text and Undoing Changes
dependency line, What make Does
dependency tracking, Installing the Software
desktop environments, Customizing Your X Environment
desktop environments (GUIs), KDE and GNOME
desktop, Nautilus (GNOME), Nautilus: your desktop and file manager, Nautilus: your desktop and file manager
detach command (gdb), Debugging a Running Program
dev directory, Important Directories, Serial device names
applications, suitability of Linux, Programming Languages and Utilities
open source model, Open Source and the Philosophy of Linux, Open Source and the Philosophy of Linux
development release, A Note on Linux Version Numbers
devfs filesystem, Filesystem Types
device drivers
Windows support, Windows Compatibility and Samba
device files, Device Files
location, Device Files
naming conventions, Device Files
security and, Maintaining the System
creating, Device Files
device files, Serial device names
drivers, loadable, Loadable Device Drivers, Loadable Device Drivers
interrupt handlers and kernel, Kernel
naming, Drives and Partitions Under Linux, Drives and Partitions Under Linux
virtual, linking to actual devices, Exercising the Printer Daemon
diff program, Patching Files
digital camera software, GNOME, gPhoto, the Digital Camera Tool
directories, Directories
deleting, Directories
device files, Device Files
man page locations, Formatting and installing the manual page
overview, Important Directories
printer configuration, Setting up printer directories
retaining structure with tar, tar Tricks
Samba, Installing Samba
disass command (gdb), Instruction-level debugging
display command (gdb), Instruction-level debugging
display scan and refresh rates, Configuring XFree86
display utility (ImageMagick), ImageMagick
Distribution HOWTO, Distributions of Linux
distribution, GPL software, About Linux’s Copyright
copying restrictions, Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media
dependency tracking, Installing the Software
Linux systems, Open Source and the Philosophy of Linux
rc files and, The networking rc files
selecting packages, Installing the Software
source, Upgrading Other Software
types of, Distributions of Linux
version numbering, A Note on Linux Version Numbers
web sites, Linux Distributions
DNS (Domain Name Service), TCP/IP Concepts, Registering an address
configuring, Configuring DNS
Docbook, Text Processing and Word Processing, SGML, XML, and Docbook, SGML, XML, and Docbook
document processing, Text and Document Processing
documentation, Why People Like Linux
configuring httpd, Configuring Your Own Web Server
Emacs, Tutorial and Online Help
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, Installation and Initial Configuration
LDP, Why People Like Linux, Linux Documentation Project
Perl, Using Perl
printer, Gathering Resources
Texinfo, Texinfo
vi editor, Extending vi
XFree86, Configuring XFree86
documents, format support, Other document formats
domain name registering, Registering an address
Domain Name Service (DNS), TCP/IP Concepts, Registering an address
configuring, Configuring DNS
domainname command, Configuring NIS
DOS compatibility, utilities for, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
DOSEMU, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
Dosemu (Windows emulation software), Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux
dotted quad notation, TCP/IP Concepts
doublesided printing, Checking Print Utilities
down command (lpc), Controlling Printer Services with lpc
drag-and-drop (KDE), General Features
du utility, Saving Your Output
dynamic IP addresses, TCP/IP Concepts


e2fsck program, troubleshooting superblock, Repairing Filesystems
echo command shell, Shells
edit mode (vi), Inserting Text and Moving Around
arrow keys and, Moving Around Among Commands
word completion, Word Completion
etc/fstab file, Editing /etc/fstab
electronic mail
adminstrative issues, Other Email Administrative Issues
Internet mail feed, Other Email Administrative Issues
mail queue, Mail system maintenance
advantages, Basic Commands and Utilities
customizing, Tailoring Emacs, Tailoring Emacs
launching, Firing It Up
macros, Macros
programming, Running Commands and Programming within Emacs
viewing files, Viewing Files, More or Less
yanking text, Deleting, Copying, and Moving Text
Emacs editor, The Emacs Editor, Emacs and Other Editors
customizing, Simple Editing Commands
as program interface, Interface Building Tools
saving files, Simple Editing Commands
emacs file, Tailoring Emacs
emacs startup file, Startup Files
email, Electronic Mail
Evoloution mail, Evolution mail
fetchmail package, Getting the Mail to Your Computer with Fetchmail
sending from Emacs, Running Commands and Programming within Emacs
system maintenance, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
embedded processor support, A Bag of Features
emergency disk, What to Do in an Emergency
emergency troubleshooting, What to Do in an Emergency
Enhanced IDE/MFM/RLL drive support, enabling, Building the Kernel
enscript utility, nenscript and enscript
enterprise applications
suitability of Linux for, Who’s Using Linux?
error messages
installation troubleshooting, Problems Installing the Software, Problems Installing the Software
make command, Interpreting make Messages
printer, The rest of the printcap variables
saving, Saving Your Output
kernel too big, Building the Kernel
mounting filesystems, Mounting Filesystems
symbols missing, Loadable Device Drivers
etc directory, Important Directories
backups and, Simple Backups
etc/, Upgrading Libraries
etc/, Upgrading Libraries
etc/fstab file editing, Editing /etc/fstab
etc/lilo.conf file, The /etc/lilo.conf file, The /etc/lilo.conf file
etc/printcap file, Managing Print Services, Setting Up the Printcap File, Printing
troubleshooting printing, Printer System Troubleshooting
etc/skel directory, Important Directories
etc/syslog.conf file, Managing System Logs
ether= boot option, Booting Linux
Ethernet cards, Hardware Requirements
troubleshooting, Trying out your network
Ethernet configuration, Configuring TCP/IP with Ethernet
Evolution calendar, Evolution calendar
Evolution contact manager, Evolution contacts
Evolution mail, Evolution mail
ex mode (vi), Saving Files and Quitting vi
executables, support for, Kernel
execute permission, What Permissions Mean
exrc startup file, Startup Files
ext2fs compared to reiserfs, Filesystem Types
ext2fs filesystem, Creating the Filesystems
Eyes (GNOME), The panel


f2c translator, Other Languages
fax devices, support, Checking Print Utilities
FBDev server, Hardware Requirements
LILO, removing, Removing LILO
Linux partitions, creating, Creating Linux Partitions, Creating Linux Partitions
options, Creating Linux Partitions
fdisk utility, Repartitioning Your Drives
features, overview, A Bag of Features
fetchmail package, Getting the Mail to Your Computer with Fetchmail
ff variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
-fg option (xterm), xinit
file manager, Nautilus (GNOME), Nautilus: your desktop and file manager
file sharing
with Windows computers, Mounting Windows Shares, Mounting Windows Shares
Windows translation utilities, File Translation Utilities
filename expansion, Filename Expansion
archiving, utilities for, Archive and Compression Utilities, tar Tricks
backing up, Making Backups
commands, Listing Files
compressing, utilities for, Archive and Compression Utilities, tar Tricks
corrupted, accessing, Accessing Damaged Files
deleting,avoiding unintended deletions, Maintaining the System
Emacs, saving, Simple Editing Commands
inittab, init, inittab, and rc Files
kernel boot messages, Kernel Boot Messages
lilo.config, The /etc/lilo.conf file, The /etc/lilo.conf file
locking (lpc), Controlling Printer Services with lpc
meminfo, The /proc Filesystem
preventing, Saving Your Output
recovering, Making Backups
passwd, The passwd File
permissions, printing, File, directory, and utility privileges, File, directory, and utility privileges
proc/filesystems, Filesystem Types
rc, rc Files, rc Files
restoring from backup, Restoring Files from Backup
revision control
RCS, Tools for Programmers
RCS utility, Revision Control Tools — RCS, Revision Control Tools — RCS
saving within vi, Saving Files and Quitting vi
sharing, Networking
startup files, Startup Files
viewing, Viewing Files, More or Less
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, Installation and Initial Configuration
automounting, Automounting Devices, Automounting Devices
boot options, Booting Linux
booting and, Using a Boot Floppy
checking and repairing, Checking and Repairing Filesystems
creating, Creating the Filesystems, Creating Filesystems, Creating Filesystems
installing Linux, Installation Overview
etc/fstab file, editing, Editing /etc/fstab
live, Installing the Software
management, Managing Filesystems
mounting, Mounting Filesystems, Mounting Filesystems
MS-DOS, Filesystem Types
multiple reasons for, Linux Partition Requirements
partitioning drives and, Linux Partition Requirements
platform compatibility, Filesystem Types
proc, The /proc Filesystem
repairing, Repairing Filesystems
support, A Bag of Features
building kernel and, Building the Kernel
types, Filesystem Types, Filesystem Types
filesystems (journalling), Filesystem Types
print, Print Filters, Print Filters
magic, Magic Filters: APSfilter and Alternatives
nenscript, The nenscript Filter
filters, printing, The rest of the printcap variables, How the Printing System Processes a Queued File
find command, Incremental Backups
finish command (gdb), Tracing a Program
firmware on Alpha systems, Features and limitations of ARC Firmware
floppy disks
backups, Backing up to floppy
filesystems, creating on, Creating Filesystems
support, enabling, Building the Kernel
floppy=0,thinkpad boot option, Booting Linux
floppy=thinkpad boot option, Booting Linux
FM synthesis (audio), A Whirlwind Tour of Digital Audio
FMU (flash-RAM management utility), Firmware options
-fn option (xterm), xinit
fo variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
font resource, The X Resource Database
foreground color (Emacs), Emacs and Other Editors
foreground resource, The X Resource Database
format, printcap file, Printcap file format rules
LaTeX, Formatting and printing
man pages, Formatting and installing the manual page
tape drives, Backing up to tape
Texinfo, Formatting Texinfo
formatting languages, text processing, Text Processing and Word Processing
FORTRAN language, Other Languages
Forward button (Konqueror), Using Konqueror and Other Web Browsers
fpic switch (gcc), Creating shared libraries
framebuffer device, Hardware Requirements
frames (Emacs), Emacs and Other Editors
free command, The /proc Filesystem
swap space, Managing Swap Space
Free Software Foundation, A Brief History of Linux
Free Software projects (web sites), Open Source Projects
fsck program
filesystem maintenance, Checking and Repairing Filesystems
superblock copies and, Repairing Filesystems
fstab file, configuring NFS, Configuring NFS
ftape driver, Loadable Device Drivers
ftformat utility, Backing up to tape
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
AlphaLinux reference sites, AlphaLinux FTP sites
obtaining Linux, Getting Linux from the Internet
software sites, FTP Sites
via World Wide Web, The World Wide Web
XFree86 via, Installing XFree86
FTP sites, Linux information resources, FTP Sites
functions, tar command, Using tar
Fundamental mode (Emacs), Firing It Up
fvwm2, The X Window System
window manager, xinit


g++ shell script, Using C++
gaming, support for, Other Applications
garbage collector/detector, Using Valgrind
gateways, TCP/IP Concepts, Your network configuration
gcc, Programming Languages and Utilities
gcc (GNU C compiler), Tracing a Program
shared libraries, Creating shared libraries
upgrading, Upgrading the Compiler
gdb (GNU debugger), Programming Languages and Utilities, gcc Features
Emacs and, Running Commands and Programming within Emacs
shared libraries and, Creating shared libraries
gecos field (passwd file), The passwd File
General Public License (see GPL)
-geometry option (xterm), xinit
geometry resource, The X Resource Database
getline library, Interface Building Tools
Ghostscript, Choosing Printer Software
configuration, Configuring Ghostscript
gid field (passwd file), The passwd File
GIDs (group IDs), NFS, NIS and, Configuring NFS
GIMP application, The GIMP
GIMP Toolkit (GTK), More Features, Interface Building Tools
[global] section (smb.conf file), Configuring Samba
globbing, Filename Expansion
GNAT interpreter, Other Languages
installation, Installing and Updating GNOME
interface features, Core Desktop Interface
panel, The panel
GNOME project, Customizing Your X Environment
gnome startup file, Startup Files
GNU Emacs text editor, The Emacs Editor
GNU getline library, Interface Building Tools
GNU Project, GPL (General Public License), A Brief History of Linux
GNU utilities, characteristics of, Basic Commands and Utilities
Gnumeric (spreadsheet application), Gnumeric Spreadsheet
GNUS reader, Running Commands and Programming within Emacs
gPhoto, gPhoto, the Digital Camera Tool
GPL (General Public License), A Brief History of Linux
overview, About Linux’s Copyright, About Linux’s Copyright
gprof, Programming Languages and Utilities
gradient background colors (KDE), Configuring the background
graphical browsers on AlphaLinux, Graphical Browser Considerations
GIMP application, The GIMP
ImageMagick package, Checking Print Utilities, ImageMagick
overview, Graphics
greater-than sign (>), redirecting output, Saving Your Output
groff, Printing
man pages, creating, Writing a manual page
text processing, groff
text processor, Text Processing and Word Processing
group accounts, The Group File, The Group File
permissions, Owners and Groups, Owners and Groups
changing, Changing the Owner, Group,and Permissions, Changing the Owner, Group,and Permissions
gscd= boot option, Booting Linux
GTK (GIMP Toolkit), More Features, Interface Building Tools
Gtk module (Perl), More Features
GUI (graphical user interface)
desktop environments, KDE and GNOME
X Window System, The X Window System
gunzip utility, Using gzip and bzip2, Using tar with gzip and bzip2
gzip utility, Using gzip and bzip2
tar utility and, Using tar with gzip and bzip2


suitability of Linux, Who’s Using Linux?
support, Building the Kernel
handshaking (PPP), Setting up PPP
hard drives
boot options, Booting Linux
detecting, troubleshooting, Problems recognizing hard drive or controller
overview, Repartitioning Concepts
requirements, Linux Partition Requirements, Linux Partition Requirements
resizing, Repartitioning Your Drives, Repartitioning Your Drives
preparing for Linux installation, Installation Overview
Alpha systems, Preparing Hardware for Installation
requirements, Minimum Hardware
resources on, Chipsets
boot options, Booting Linux
detecting during Linux installation, Booting Linux, Booting Linux
device naming, Drives and Partitions Under Linux, Drives and Partitions Under Linux
fax devices, Checking Print Utilities
hard drives, preparing for Linux installation, Installation Overview
I/O addresses, checking, The /proc Filesystem
interrupt handlers and kernel, Kernel
ISDN, configuring, Configuring Your ISDN Hardware, Configuring Your ISDN Hardware
printers, Checking Printer Hardware, Checking Printer Hardware
optimization, Printer Optimization
support and building kernel, Building the Kernel
tape drives, making backups, Backing up to tape
TCP/IP requirements, Hardware Requirements
troubleshooting, Hardware Problems, Isolating hardware problems
X Window System requirements, Hardware Requirements
hash mark (#), Some Syntax Rules
root account prompt, Maintaining the System
hd= boot option, Booting Linux
headers, Texinfo, Writing the Texinfo source
help, Why People Like Linux
Emacs, Tutorial and Online Help
man pages, Manual Pages, Manual Pages
online, Getting Online Help
sources of, Getting Help, Getting Help
help command, lpc utility, Controlling Printer Services with lpc
hidden files, Listing Files
HiSax driver (ISDN), Configuring Your ISDN Hardware
history of Linux, Preface, A Brief History of Linux, A Brief History of Linux
home directory and backups, Simple Backups
homedir field (passwd file), The passwd File
[homes] section (smb.conf file), Configuring Samba
host address, TCP/IP Concepts
hostname command, Setting your hostname
resolving, host.conf file, /etc/host.conf
setting, Setting your hostname
hosts file, /etc/hosts
hosts.conf file, /etc/host.conf
HOWTO (Linux Distribution), Distributions of Linux
htools, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
httpd daemon, Configuring Your Own Web Server
httpd.conf file, httpd.conf
hyphen (-), Multiple Commands


I/O addresses, checking, The /proc Filesystem
icons for Web documents, httpd.conf
IDE (Integrated Development Environments), Integrated Development Environments
IDE drives, Alpha system support, IDE/ATAPI Drive Support
identify utility (ImageMagick), ImageMagick
if variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
ifconfig command, The networking rc files
troubleshooting, Trying out your network
ImageMagick package, Checking Print Utilities, ImageMagick
import utility (ImageMagick), ImageMagick
include path, More Fun with Libraries
including files in vi, Including Other Files
incremental backups, Making Backups, Incremental Backups
incremental search (Emacs), Searching and Replacing
indent program, Indenting Code
Indented Text mode (Emacs), Tailoring Emacs
indexing, Texinfo, Writing the Texinfo source
inetd daemon, The networking rc files
Info system (Emacs), Tutorial and Online Help
init command, The networking rc files
init program, init, inittab, and rc Files
inittab file, init, inittab, and rc Files, The networking rc files
inserting text (vi editor), Inserting Text and Moving Around
insmod command, Loadable Device Drivers
installation, Linux Partition Requirements
(see also system requirements)
boot floppy, creating, Creating the Boot Floppy or Installing LILO
booting installation media, Booting Linux
detecting hardware, Booting Linux, Booting Linux
filesystems, creating, Creating the Filesystems
GNOME, Installing and Updating GNOME
kernel, rebuilding, Building a New Kernel, Building a New Kernel
LILO, Creating the Boot Floppy or Installing LILO
live filesystems, Installing the Software
loadable device drivers, Loadable Device Drivers, Loadable Device Drivers
man pages, Upgrading Other Software, Formatting and installing the manual page
methods of, Installing the Software
mount/submount utilities (Samba), Mounting Windows Shares
overview, Installation Overview, Installing the Linux Software
creating Linux partitions, Creating Linux Partitions, Creating Linux Partitions
resizing, Repartitioning Your Drives, Repartitioning Your Drives
recordkeeping, Installation Overview
RPM and, Using RPM, Using RPM
Samba, Installing Samba, Configuring Samba
sound cards
collecting information, Collecting hardware information
kernel, Configuring the kernel (optional)
kernel modules, Configuring kernel modules
overview, Installation and Configuration
plug and play, Configuring ISA Plug and Play (optional)
testing, Testing the installation
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting and common problems
swap space, creating, Creating Swap Space
troubleshooting, Problems Installing the Software, Problems Installing the Software
booting install media, Problems with Booting the Installation Medium, Problems with Booting the Installation Medium
hardware, Hardware Problems, Isolating hardware problems
overview, Running into Trouble
upgrading compared to reinstalling, Upgrading Software
KDE, Installing KDE
XFree86, Installing XFree86
installing Linux
Alpha systems, Firmware options, Installing Linux, General Procedure
preparing to install, Preparations and General Procedure for Installation
instruction-level debugging, Instruction-level debugging
Integrated Development Environments (IDE), Integrated Development Environments
Intel platforms, compatibility with, Kernel
interfaces, GNOME, Core Desktop Interface
panel, The panel
internationalization of KDE desktop, Internationalization
CVS utility over, CVS over the Internet
domain name, registering, Registering an address
mail feed, Other Email Administrative Issues
WWW (see World Wide Web)
Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Sources of Linux Information
interrupt handlers and kernel, Kernel
IP (Internet Protocol), TCP/IP Concepts, Your network configuration
IP addresses, TCP/IP Concepts
hosts file, /etc/hosts
IRC (Internet Relay Chat), Sources of Linux Information
ISDN subsystem, enabling support, Building the Kernel
ISDN, customizing, Where to Go from Here?
ISDN, PPP over, PPP over ISDN
configuring ISDN hardware, Configuring Your ISDN Hardware, Configuring Your ISDN Hardware
synchronous PPP, Setting Up Synchronous PPP
troubleshooting, And If It Does Not Work?
ISO 9660 filesystem, Filesystem Types


K Desktop Environment (see KDE)
K menu, The KDE panel and the K menu
KAppfinder application, The KDE panel and the K menu
KDE (K Desktop Environment), KDE and GNOME, Customizing Your X Environment, The K Desktop Environment
Alpha systems, Graphical Browser Considerations
configuring desktop, The KDE Control Center
installing, Installing KDE
KWord word processor, Word Processors
kde/share/config startup directory, Startup Files
kdeadmin package, Installing KDE
kdebase package, Installing KDE
kdeedu package, Installing KDE
kdegames package, Installing KDE
kdegraphics package, Installing KDE
kdelibs package, Installing KDE
kdemultimedia package, Installing KDE
kdenetwork package, Installing KDE
kdesupport package, Installing KDE
kdeutils package, Installing KDE
KDevelop IDE, Integrated Development Environments
backing up, Simple Backups
boot floppy and, Using a Boot Floppy
boot messages, Kernel Boot Messages, Kernel Boot Messages
booting multiple, The /etc/lilo.conf file
building, Building the Kernel, Building the Kernel
hardware support and, Building the Kernel
loadable device drivers, Loadable Device Drivers, Loadable Device Drivers
loading onto Alpha system, Loading the Linux Boot Kernel
location, Using a Boot Floppy
monolithic, Kernel
obtaining sources for, Obtaining Kernel Sources
overview, Kernel, Kernel
patches for, Obtaining Kernel Sources, Applying patches
rebuilding, Building a New Kernel, Building a New Kernel
sound drivers, Audio Under Linux
tuning on Alpha systems, Kernel Tuning
version numbers, Building a New Kernel
kernel image and boot floppy, Using a Boot Floppy
kernel module loader option, Building the Kernel
kernel too big error, Building the Kernel
keyboard shortcuts, key bindings (Emacs), Tailoring Emacs
keyword strings, Revision Control Tools — RCS
KGhostview utility, KGhostview: Displaying PostScript
kill ring, Emacs and Other Editors
koffice package (KDE), Installing KDE
Konqueror, Reading Documentation with Konqueror, Using Konqueror and Other Web Browsers
launching, Starting up konsole
overview, konsole: Your Home Base
korganizer package, Installing KDE
Korn shell, Shells
ksh (Korn shell), Shells
KWord, Word Processors


laddering (printing problems), Checking Printer Hardware
LAN (local area network), NFS and NIS, NFS and NIS Configuration
language for KDE, Internationalization
laptop computers, support for, Laptop Support
lastlog file, Managing System Logs
LaTeX text processing, TEX and LATEX, Learning the ropes
formatting and printing, Formatting and printing file, Upgrading Libraries file, Upgrading Libraries
ldconfig command, Upgrading Libraries
ldd command, Upgrading Libraries
ldd utility, Creating shared libraries
LDP (Linux Documentation Project), Why People Like Linux, Linux Documentation Project
legal issues (see GPL)
less command, Viewing Files, More or Less
less-than sign (<), input redirection, Saving Your Output
lf variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
libc library, upgrading, Upgrading Libraries
libm library, upgrading, Upgrading Libraries
libncurses library, Upgrading Libraries
programming, Quick Overview, More Fun with Libraries
shared, Creating shared libraries
corrupt links, Accessing Damaged Files
support for, Kernel
upgrading, Upgrading Libraries, Upgrading Libraries
LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, Creating shared libraries
licenses, X Window System, Installing the X Window System
boot time options, Specifying boot time options, Specifying boot time options
configuration, The /etc/lilo.conf file, The /etc/lilo.conf file
installing, Creating the Boot Floppy or Installing LILO
overview, Using LILO
removiong, Removing LILO
as secondary bootloader, Using LILO as a secondary bootloader
linefeed characters, inserting, Print Filters
linker, Quick Overview
application development
suitability for, Programming Languages and Utilities
copying distributions
restrictions, Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media
Documentation Project (see LDP)
feature overview, A Bag of Features
history of, Preface, A Brief History of Linux, A Brief History of Linux
installing Alpha systems, Firmware options, Installing Linux, General Procedure
Internet sources, Getting Linux from the Internet
mail order, Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media
Unix knowledge, necessary level of, Hints for Unix Novices, Hints for Unix Gurus
usefulness of, Introduction to Linux, Who’s Using Linux?
user groups and distribution packages, Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media
version numbers, Building a New Kernel
Linux Distribution HOWTO, Distributions of Linux
Linux Documentation Project (LDP), Linux Documentation Project
LISP language, Other Languages
live filesystems, installing Linux, Installing the Software
ln command, Upgrading Libraries
loadable device drivers, Loadable Device Drivers, Loadable Device Drivers
loadable module support, building kernel and, Building the Kernel
lock boot option, Booting Linux
locking files, Revision Control Tools — RCS
overview, Logging In
passwords, setting, Setting a Password
troubleshooting, Problems logging in
login startup file, Startup Files
Logitech mice, Configuring XFree86
printer error, The rest of the printcap variables
rotating, Managing System Logs
system management, Managing System Logs, Managing System Logs
loopback address, TCP/IP Concepts, Your network configuration
Lout package (printing), Checking Print Utilities
lp command, Printing
lp variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
lpadmin command, Printing
lpc utility, Print Filters, Exercising the Printer Daemon, Printing
implementing, Controlling Printer Services with lpc, Controlling Printer Services with lpc
lpd daemon, Managing Print Services
implementing, Exercising the Printer Daemon
troubleshooting, Printer System Troubleshooting
lpq command, Printing
lpr command, Printing
lprm command, Printing
lpstat command, Printing
lptest command, Exercising the Printer Daemon
lptest file, Checking Printer Hardware
ls command, Listing Files
lsmod command, listing loaded drivers, Loadable Device Drivers
Lynx browser, Using Konqueror and Other Web Browsers
LyX word processor, Word Processors


Emacs, Macros
make, Macros
magic filters (printing), Magic Filters: APSfilter and Alternatives
Magic-Filter, Magic Filters: APSfilter and Alternatives
mail order, obtaining Linux, Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media
mailing lists, Sources of Linux Information
AlphaLinux, AlphaLinux mailing lists
Linux resources, Internet Mailing Lists
main( ) method, A Working Example of Java
make bzImage command, Building the Kernel
make clean program, Building the Kernel
make command, error messages, Interpreting make Messages
make config program, Building the Kernel
make menuconfig program, Building the Kernel
make xconfig program, Building the Kernel
MAKEDEV utility, Device Files
Makefile file, Upgrading Other Software
shell commands in, Multiple Commands
syntax for, Some Syntax Rules
makeinfo command (Textinfo), Formatting Texinfo
man command, Getting Online Help
man pages, Manual Pages, Manual Pages
formatting with groff, groff
installing, Upgrading Other Software
locations, Formatting and installing the manual page
mount command, Mounting Filesystems
print services, preparing, Checking Print Utilities
writing with groff, Writing a manual page
marks, Global Searching and Replacing
marks (Emacs), manipulating text, Deleting, Copying, and Moving Text
masquerading IP addresses, TCP/IP Concepts
math emulation and building kernel, Building the Kernel
mattrib utility, mattrib
mbadblocks utility, mattrib
mc variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
mcd utility, mattrib
mcd= boot option, Booting Linux
mcopy command, Sharing Disks with MTools
mcopy utility, mattrib
mdel utility, mattrib
mdeltree utility, mattrib
mdir command, Sharing Disks with MTools
mdir utility, mattrib
mdu utility, mattrib
mem= boot option, Booting Linux
meminfo file, The /proc Filesystem
memory, Why People Like Linux, Making Backups
(see also storage space)
address, cannot access error, Examining a Core File
boot options, Booting Linux
checking proc/meminfo file, The /proc Filesystem
print jobs, The rest of the printcap variables
utilization, overview of, Kernel
variable storage address, Getting Information
violations, Examining a Core File, Using Valgrind
virtual memory, support for, Kernel
X Window System requirements, Hardware Requirements
menu bar (Emacs), Emacs and Other Editors
metric option (ifconfig command), The networking rc files
mformat command, Sharing Disks with MTools
mformat utility, mattrib
mice and Alpha systems, Mice and Serial Ports
microkernel architecture, Kernel
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), A Whirlwind Tour of Digital Audio
Milo utility, Firmware options
loading, Setting Up the System Firmware to Start the Installation
miniloader limitations, Features and limitations of Milo Miniloader
minfo utility, mattrib
minicom teminal emulator, Writing a chat script
Minix operating system, A Brief History of Linux
mixing audio, A Whirlwind Tour of Digital Audio
mkfs command, Creating Filesystems
mkmanifest utility, mattrib
mkswap command, Creating Swap Space
mlabel utility, mattrib
mmd utility, mattrib
mmount utiltiy, mattrib
mmove utility, mattrib
modems, configuring PPP for, Basic PPP Configuration for Modems
modprobe command, Loadable Device Drivers
device drivers, Loadable Device Drivers
loading automatically, Loading Modules Automatically
modules package, Loadable Device Drivers
mogrify utility (ImageMagick), ImageMagick
monitors, Configuring XFree86
monolithic kernels, Kernel
montage utility (ImageMagick), ImageMagick
more command, Viewing Files, More or Less
pipes and, Saving Your Output
Motif library, Interface Building Tools
mount command, Mounting Filesystems, Mounting Filesystems, Sharing Partitions, Mounting Windows Shares
mount-point busy error, Mounting Filesystems
mounting filesystems, Mounting Filesystems, Mounting Filesystems
mounting Windows-based partitions, Sharing Partitions
boot options, Booting Linux
Emacs and, Emacs and Other Editors
Mozilla browser, Using Konqueror and Other Web Browsers, Graphical Browser Considerations
MP3 players, MP3 Players
mrd utility, mattrib
mren utility, mattrib
MS-DOS, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
(see also DOS)
filesystem, Filesystem Types
mounting, Sharing Partitions
msmouse= boot option, Booting Linux
mt command, Backing up to tape
mtools, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
MTools package, Windows compatibility, Sharing Disks with MTools, mattrib
mtools.conf file, Sharing Disks with MTools
mtype utility, mattrib
multibooting, Installation Overview
(see also booting)
LILO, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
installing, Creating the Boot Floppy or Installing LILO
multibooting support, A Bag of Features
digital, A Whirlwind Tour of Digital Audio, A Whirlwind Tour of Digital Audio
overview, Configuring and Using Linux Audio
support for, Other Applications
MP3 players, MP3 Players
suitability of Linux, Who’s Using Linux?
multiprocessor support, A Bag of Features
multiuser support, A Bag of Features
Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), A Whirlwind Tour of Digital Audio
mx variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
MySQL, Commercial Applications


n command, fdisk, Creating Linux Partitions
name resolver, /etc/resolv.conf
name servers, Your network configuration
named daemon, TCP/IP Concepts, Your network configuration, The networking rc files
printer, Printer names
serial devices, Serial device names
naming conventions
devices, Drives and Partitions Under Linux, Drives and Partitions Under Linux
Nautilus (GNOME desktop and file manager), Nautilus: your desktop and file manager, Nautilus: your desktop and file manager
Emacs, Simple Editing Commands
within vi, Inserting Text and Moving Around, Moving Commands
nenscript utility, The nenscript Filter
NET-4, Networking with TCP/IP
NET-4 configuration files, Configuring TCP/IP with Ethernet
netmask option (ifconfig command), The networking rc files
Netscape Communicator, Graphical Browser Considerations
netstat command, TCP/IP Concepts
testing TCP/IP configuration, Trying out your network
network address, TCP/IP Concepts
daemons, Programs That Serve You
device support, Building the Kernel
enabling support and building kernel, Building the Kernel
installing Linux on Alpha systems, Installation Choices
rc files, The networking rc files
suitability of Linux, Who’s Using Linux?
support for, A Bag of Features, Networking
support options, Building the Kernel
support, X Window System, The X Window System
addresses, Your network configuration
configuration checking, Your network configuration
Ethernet configuration, Configuring TCP/IP with Ethernet
file sharing with Windows computers, Mounting Windows Shares, Mounting Windows Shares
gateways, TCP/IP Concepts
PPP, Networking with TCP/IP, Hardware Requirements
modems and, Dial-up PPP
over ISDN, PPP over ISDN
Samba, SMB shares, Using Samba to Serve SMB Shares
SLIP, Networking with TCP/IP, Hardware Requirements, Dial-up PPP
subnetworking, TCP/IP Concepts
TCP/IP overview, Networking with TCP/IP
troubleshooting routing tables, Trying out your network
X System and (see X Window System)
networks file, /etc/networks
readers, Running Commands and Programming within Emacs
X Window System, Running into Trouble
newsgroups, Sources of Linux Information
Linux resources, Usenet Newsgroups
newsrcstartup file, Startup Files
next command (gdb), Tracing a Program
nexti command (gdb), Instruction-level debugging
NFS, Networking
NFS (Network File System), NFS and NIS Configuration
NIS (Network Information Service), NFS and NIS Configuration, Configuring NIS
nmbd daemon (Samba), Starting the Samba daemons
No such file or directoryâ error, Debugging a Running Program
nodes, Textinfo, Writing the Texinfo source
nonrewinding tape devices, Backing up to tape
nosmp boot option, Booting Linux
notebook computers (see laptop computers)
nroff, groff
NTFS filesystems/partitions
mounting, Sharing Partitions
null file, redirecting standard output, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
NYS, Configuring NIS


object files, Quick Overview, Makefiles
of variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
offsets, superblock, Repairing Filesystems
online documents (Linux resources), Online Documents
online help, Getting Online Help
open source, Open Source and the Philosophy of Linux, Open Source and the Philosophy of Linux
Open Source web sites, Open Source Projects
OpenOffice, Word Processors
optcd= boot option, Booting Linux
optimization of code, gcc Features, Optimizing, Tracing a Program
fdisk, Creating Linux Partitions
tar command, Using tar
OSS/Free, Audio Under Linux
cron utility, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
redirection, Saving Your Output, Saving Your Output
output streams, Saving Your Output
overview, Kernel
Overwrite mode (Emacs), Tailoring Emacs
overwriting files
avoiding, Saving Your Output
recovery, Making Backups
owners (permissions), Owners and Groups, Owners and Groups
changing, Changing the Owner, Group,and Permissions, Changing the Owner, Group,and Permissions


p command, fdisk, Creating Linux Partitions
p2c translator, Other Languages
packages, installing with RPM, Using RPM, Using RPM
packages, Perl, More Features
packets, TCP/IP Concepts
packing files (see archiving files compression)
paging (memory), Kernel
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Methods), PAM and Other Authentication Methods
panel (GNOME), The panel
panic messages (kernel), Using a Boot Floppy
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), PAP and CHAP
parallel computing, Other Applications
parallel port support, enabling, Building the Kernel
parameters, lilo.config file, The /etc/lilo.conf file
compressed, accessing, Filesystem Types
creating Linux partitions, Installation Overview, Creating Linux Partitions, Creating Linux Partitions
detecting, troubleshooting, Problems recognizing hard drive or controller
naming, Drives and Partitions Under Linux
overview, Repartitioning Concepts
requirements, Linux Partition Requirements
resizing, Repartitioning Your Drives, Repartitioning Your Drives
swap partitions, Managing Swap Space
Windows compatibility, Sharing Partitions, Sharing Partitions
Windows partitions (shares)
mounting, Sharing Partitions
pas16= boot option, Booting Linux
Pascal language, Other Languages
passwd file, The passwd File, The passwd File
Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), PAP and CHAP
password field (group accounts), The Group File
password field (passwd file), The passwd File
creating user accounts, Creating a User Account
setting, Setting a Password
shadow, Shadow Passwords
Windows shares, Mounting Windows Shares
pasting text, Cutting and pasting selections, Emacs and Other Editors
patch program, Applying patches, Patching Files
patch-level version numbers, A Note on Linux Version Numbers
patches, Obtaining Kernel Sources
applying, Applying patches
patches, kernel, Obtaining Kernel Sources
path, include, More Fun with Libraries
rules for (make), Suffix Rules and Pattern Rules
search and replace (Emacs), Searching and Replacing
search and replace (vi), Global Searching and Replacing
PC cards. (see PCMCIA)
PCI bus
devices, support, enabling, Building the Kernel
kernel boot message, Kernel Boot Messages
PCMCIA, support for, Laptop Support
PDL (page description language), Choosing Printer Software
performance, Why People Like Linux
AlphaLinux installation, Performance and Library Tuning
Java programs, The Promise of Java, or Why You Might Want to Use Java
printer optimization, Printer Optimization
permissions, What Permissions Mean
owners and groups, Owners and Groups, Owners and Groups
changing, Changing the Owner, Group,and Permissions, Changing the Owner, Group,and Permissions
print services, File, directory, and utility privileges, File, directory, and utility privileges
troubleshooting, Printer System Troubleshooting
system administration and, Maintaining the System
system shutdown setting, Shutting Down the System
phony targets, What make Does
pipes, Saving Your Output
pl variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
platform independence, The Promise of Java, or Why You Might Want to Use Java
Plex86, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
plex86 project (Windows emulation software), Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux
Pluggable Authentication Methods (PAM), PAM and Other Authentication Methods
pointing devices and Alpha systems, Mice and Serial Ports
port address, TCP/IP Concepts
port numbers, httpd, httpd.conf
portability, A Bag of Features
PostScript, Choosing Printer Software
KGhostview and, KGhostview: Displaying PostScript
nenscript filter, The nenscript Filter
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), Networking with TCP/IP, Hardware Requirements
configuring DNS, Configuring DNS
modems and, Dial-up PPP
over ISDN, PPP over ISDN
configuring ISDN hardware, Configuring Your ISDN Hardware, Configuring Your ISDN Hardware
synchronous PPP, Setting Up Synchronous PPP
troubleshooting, And If It Does Not Work?
troubleshooting configuration, Troubleshooting PPP configuration
pppd daemon, Requirements
launching, Starting up pppd
prefix keys, rebinding, Tailoring Emacs
prerequisites, Makefiles
previewing LaTeX documents, Formatting and printing
print command (gdb), Tracing a Program, Changing and Examining Data
print filters, Print Filters, Print Filters
print preview, Text Processing and Word Processing
print spool, Printing
print utilities, Checking Print Utilities
printcap file, Managing Print Services, Setting Up the Printcap File, Printing
troubleshooting printing, Printer System Troubleshooting
PRINTER environment variable, Printing
printer ports, Managing Print Services
documentation, obtaining, Gathering Resources
sharing, Networking
[printers] section (smb.conf file), Configuring Samba
printing, Printing, Printing
BSD elements, BSD Print System Elements: Files, Directories, and Utilities
doublesided, Checking Print Utilities
enscript utility, nenscript and enscript
fax devices, Checking Print Utilities
filters, magic, Magic Filters: APSfilter and Alternatives
Ghostscript configuration, Configuring Ghostscript
hardware, Checking Printer Hardware, Checking Printer Hardware
from KGhostview, KGhostview: Displaying PostScript
LaTeX, Formatting and printing
lpc utility, implementing, Controlling Printer Services with lpc, Controlling Printer Services with lpc
lpd daemon, implementing, Exercising the Printer Daemon
managing, Managing Print Services
nenscript filter, The nenscript Filter
page length, specifying, The rest of the printcap variables
page width, specifying, The rest of the printcap variables
principles of operation, How the Printing System Processes a Queued File
printer names, Printer names
remotely, The rest of the printcap variables
software for, Choosing Printer Software
system maintenance, Printer Optimization
troubleshooting system, Printer System Troubleshooting, Printer System Troubleshooting
printing services (Windows), Adding users
proc directory, Important Directories
proc filesystem, The /proc Filesystem
proc/filesystems file, Filesystem Types
processes, Processes, Processes
processor-instruction level debugging, Instruction-level debugging
building kernel and, Building the Kernel
kernel boot messages, Kernel Boot Messages
multiprocessor support, A Bag of Features
SMP, nosmp boot option, Booting Linux
within Emacs, Running Commands and Programming within Emacs
suitability of Linux, Who’s Using Linux?
programming languages, Programming Languages and Utilities, Programming Languages and Utilities
Ada, Other Languages
C, C++, Programming with gcc, Using C++
FORTRAN, Other Languages
Java, Programming Languages
AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit), A Working Example of Java
obtaining for Linux (JDK), Getting Java for Linux
LISP, Other Languages
Pascal, Other Languages
Python, Other Languages
Scheme, Other Languages
Tcl, Interface Building Tools
Tk, Interface Building Tools
web resources, Programming Languages and Tools
project trees, CVS, Revision Control Tools — CVS
prompt, Logging In
root account, Maintaining the System
protected-mode processors (Intel), compatibility, Kernel
protocols, dial-up connection support, Networking
ps command, Processes
lpd process, killing, Exercising the Printer Daemon
pseudo-devices, Device Files
ptype command (gdb), Changing and Examining Data
published Linux resources, Books and Other Published Works
pw variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
pwd command, Directories
px variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
py variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
Python language, Other Languages


ramdisk= (boot time option), Specifying boot time options
ramdisk= boot option, Booting Linux
ranlib command, More Fun with Libraries
RAWRITE.EXE, copying image files to disk, Getting Linux from the Internet
ray-tracing program, POVRAY
rc files, rc Files, rc Files, The networking rc files
RCS (Revision Control System), Tools for Programmers, Revision Control Tools — RCS, Revision Control Tools — RCS
rdev command, Building the Kernel
rdev utility, creating boot floppy, Using a Boot Floppy
read permission, What Permissions Mean
mounting filesystems as, Mounting Filesystems
mounting root filesystem as, Checking and Repairing Filesystems
README files and installing Linux, Getting Linux from the Internet
recode utility, File Translation Utilities
recordkeeping, installing Linux, Installation Overview
recursive option, deleting directories, Directories
Red Hat Linux, Alpha systems, The Linux Port and Distributions
Red Hat Package Manager (RPM), Using RPM, Using RPM
redirecting standard output, null file, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
redirection, saving output, Saving Your Output, Saving Your Output
refresh rate, Configuring XFree86
registering domain names, Registering an address
registers, Moving Text and Using Registers
regular expressions, A Sample Program
compared to filename expansions, Filename Expansion
Emacs, Searching and Replacing
reinstalling compared to upgrading, Upgrading Software
reiserfs compared to ext2fs, Filesystem Types
remote printing, The rest of the printcap variables
repairing filesystems, Repairing Filesystems
replacing text (see search and replace)
report-generation mechanism, Perl, More Features
repository, CVS, Revision Control Tools — CVS, Setting up a CVS repository
resolv.conf file, /etc/resolv.conf
resource classes, The X Resource Database
applications, web directories for, Other Applications
audio information, References
books, Books and Other Published Works
network filesystems, Filesystem Types
Samba, Using Samba to Serve SMB Shares
SLIP, Hardware Requirements
system administration, Essential System Management
TCP/IP, Networking with TCP/IP, TCP/IP Concepts
TeX text processor, TEX and LATEX
DNS, TCP/IP Concepts
help, obtaining, Getting Help, Getting Help
LaTeX, Further reading
mailing lists, Internet Mailing Lists
newsgroups, Usenet Newsgroups
on-line, Sources of Linux Information, Miscellaneous
online documents, Online Documents
resources, X, The X Resource Database
restoring files from backup, Restoring Files from Backup
revision control
CVS (Concurrent Version System)
over Internet, CVS over the Internet
RCS (Revision Control System), Tools for Programmers, Revision Control Tools — RCS, Revision Control Tools — RCS
rg variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
rm variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
rmmod command, unloading modules, Loadable Device Drivers
ro (boot time option), Specifying boot time options
ro boot option, Booting Linux
RockLinux, Polish Linux Distribution and Kondara, The Linux Port and Distributions
ROM filesystem, Filesystem Types
root account, Maintaining the System
directory, The passwd File
prompt, Maintaining the System
root filesystem
maintenance, Checking and Repairing Filesystems
mounting read-only, Checking and Repairing Filesystems
root user
account, Creating a User Account
dangers, Maintaining the System
root= (boot time option), Specifying boot time options
root= boot option, Booting Linux
rotating log files, Managing System Logs
route command, The networking rc files
routed daemon, The networking rc files
routers, TCP/IP Concepts
routing tables, TCP/IP Concepts
debugging, Trying out your network
troubleshooting, Trying out your network
rp variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
RPM (Red Hat Package Manager), Using RPM, Using RPM
rs variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
rsh command, CVS over the Internet
run command (gdb), Tracing a Program, Breakpoints and watchpoints
runlevels, init, inittab, and rc Files
rw boot option, Booting Linux
rw variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables


Samba, Networking
daemons, launching, Starting the Samba daemons
installation, Installing Samba, Configuring Samba
mount/submount utilities, Mounting Windows Shares
sharing files, accessing Windows files, Mounting Windows Shares
SMB shares, Using Samba to Serve SMB Shares
users adding, Adding users
samples (audio), A Whirlwind Tour of Digital Audio
sandbox, Java, The Promise of Java, or Why You Might Want to Use Java
saving files within vi, Saving Files and Quitting vi
Savolainen, Hannu, Audio Under Linux
sbpcd= boot option, Booting Linux
sc variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
scheduling jobs with cron, Scheduling Jobs Using cron, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
scheduling, Evolution calendar, Evolution calendar
Scheme interpreters, Other Languages
scientific applications, Other Applications
ScriptAlias directive, httpd.conf
scrollbar (Emacs), Emacs and Other Editors
SCSI devices, Problems with SCSI controllers and devices
boot options, Booting Linux
naming conventions, Drives and Partitions Under Linux
support, enabling, Building the Kernel
SCSI HOWTO document, Problems with SCSI controllers and devices
sd variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
search and replace
Emacs, Searching and Replacing
vi, Changing Text, Global Searching and Replacing
search engines and Linux help, Getting Help
Second Extended Filesystem (see ext2fs)
authentication, changing methods, PAM and Other Authentication Methods
Java and, The Promise of Java, or Why You Might Want to Use Java
passwords, setting, Setting a Password
permissions, What Permissions Mean
revision control
RCS, Tools for Programmers
RCS utility, Revision Control Tools — RCS, Revision Control Tools — RCS
system administration, Maintaining the System
upgrading software and, Upgrading Other Software
serial device names, Serial device names
serial ports
Alpha systems and, Mice and Serial Ports
baud rate, determining, The rest of the printcap variables
World Wide Web, Configuring Your Own Web Server
X (see X Window System)
Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, Mounting Windows Shares
Server Resource Map file, srm.conf and access.conf
inetd, The networking rc files
name server, Your network configuration
ServerType directive, httpd.conf
services (Windows), supporting, Configuring Samba
session management, General Features
setterm program, Setting Terminal Attributes
seyon terminal emulator, Writing a chat script
sf variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
SGML, SGML, XML, and Docbook, SGML, XML, and Docbook
sh (Bourne shell), Shells
sh variable (printcap), The rest of the printcap variables
shadow passwords, Shadow Passwords
shared libraries, Quick Overview, Creating shared libraries
corrupt links, Accessing Damaged Files
distributing software, Upgrading Other Software
upgrading, Upgrading Libraries, Upgrading Libraries
shared switch (gcc), Creating shared libraries
shareware, About Linux’s Copyright
shell field (passwd file), The passwd File
shell mode (Emacs), Running Commands and Programming within Emacs
shell scripts, Basic Commands and Utilities, Shell Programming
shells, Shells, Shells
characteristics of, Basic Commands and Utilities
command-line editing
arrow keys and, Moving Around Among Commands
word completion, Word Completion
commands in makefile, Multiple Commands
popular shells, Basic Commands and Utilities
vi and shell commands, Running Shell Commands
shortcuts (desktop) (see symbolic links)
shutdown, Shutting Down the System
shutdown procedure, Shutting Down the System
signals, Examining a Core File
single (boot time option), Specifying boot time options
single-user mode, Single-User Mode
sjcd= boot option, Booting Linux
slash character (/) directories, Directories
SlashApp (GNOME), The panel
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), Networking with TCP/IP, Hardware Requirements, Dial-up PPP
SMB (Server Message Block) protocol, Mounting Windows Shares
SMB shares, serving overview, Using Samba to Serve SMB Shares
smb.conf file, Configuring Samba, Configuring Samba
smbclient utility, troubleshooting Windows shares, Mounting Windows Shares
smbd daemon (Samba), Starting the Samba daemons
smbmount command, Mounting Windows Shares
SMP (symmetric multiprocessing)
nosmp boot option, Booting Linux
SMTP daemon, More Features
copying, restrictions, Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media
quality assurance, Open Source and the Philosophy of Linux
web sites, Commercial Linux Software Companies
fax devices, Checking Print Utilities
FTP sites for, FTP Sites
GNOME, Ximian Evolution: Mail, Calendar, and Contacts, Additional Applications and Resources
installing on Alpha systems, Preparing Software for Installation
installing RPM and, Using RPM, Using RPM
open source, Open Source and the Philosophy of Linux, Open Source and the Philosophy of Linux
printing, Choosing Printer Software
shareware, About Linux’s Copyright
source distributions, Upgrading Other Software
upgrading, Upgrading Software
libraries, Upgrading Libraries, Upgrading Libraries
non-RPM, Upgrading Other Software, Upgrading Other Software
Windows emulation, Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux
soncd535= boot option, Booting Linux
sort command, Saving Your Output
sound cards
collecting information, Collecting hardware information
kernel, Configuring the kernel (optional)
kernel modules, Configuring kernel modules
overview, Installation and Configuration
plug and play, Configuring ISA Plug and Play (optional)
testing, Testing the installation
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting and common problems
sound cards, support, Building the Kernel, Audio Under Linux
sound drivers, Audio Under Linux
source code, Quick Overview
source files, Using Multiple Source Files
spool (print), Printing
spool directory (printing), The rest of the printcap variables
spooling and print directories, Setting up printer directories
spreadsheet (Gnumeric), Gnumeric Spreadsheet
src directory, Upgrading Other Software
SRM console firmware, Features and limitations of SRM
srm.conf file, srm.conf and access.conf
ssh program and IP addresses, TCP/IP Concepts
st0x= boot option, Booting Linux
stable release, A Note on Linux Version Numbers
stack frames, Examining a Core File
Stallman, Richard, A Brief History of Linux
standard error, Saving Your Output
standard output, Saving Your Output
redirecting to null file, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
compatibility with, A Bag of Features
web sites, Internet RFCs and Other Standards
StarOffice, Commercial Applications
StarOffice v6.0, Word Processors
start command (launching lpc), Controlling Printer Services with lpc
startkde shell script, Installing KDE
startup commands, rc Files, rc Files
startup files, Startup Files, Startup Files
startx command, xinit
static libraries, Quick Overview
step command (gdb), Tracing a Program
stepi command (gdb), Instruction-level debugging
stop command (lpc), Controlling Printer Services with lpc
storage space, Making Backups
(see also memory)
log files, Managing System Logs
requirements for backups, Making Backups
stty command, resetting function commands, Useful Keys and How to Get Them to Work
stub code, Quick Overview
stub routines, Upgrading Libraries
su command, Maintaining the System
subnetwork address, TCP/IP Concepts, Your network configuration
subnetwork mask, Your network configuration
suffix rules (make), Suffix Rules and Pattern Rules
superblock (filesystems), corrupted, Repairing Filesystems
SuperProbe program, Hardware Requirements
SuSE Linux, The Linux Port and Distributions
swap partitions, Managing Swap Space
swap space, Kernel
creating, Creating Swap Space, Creating Swap Space
installing Linux and, Installation Overview
disabling, Disabling Swap Space
enabling, Enabling the Swap Space
managment, Managing Swap Space, Managing Swap Space
partitioning drives and, Linux Partition Requirements
swapoff command, Disabling Swap Space
swapon command, Enabling the Swap Space
SWI-Prolog, Other Languages
Swing (Java), A Working Example of Java
symbolic links, Symbolic Links
symbols missing error, Loadable Device Drivers
symmetric multiprocessing, Booting Linux
(see also SMP)
support, Building the Kernel
synchronous PPP configuration, Setting Up Synchronous PPP
Sysctl support, enabling, Building the Kernel
syslog.conf file, Managing System Logs
syslogd daemon, Managing System Logs, Managing System Logs, The networking rc files
syslogd.conf file, The networking rc files
system administration
automounting devices, Automounting Devices, Automounting Devices
cron utility and dummy users, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
creating, Creating Filesystems
mounting, Mounting Filesystems, Mounting Filesystems
group accounts, The Group File, The Group File
overview, Essential System Management
rebuilding kernel, Building a New Kernel, Building a New Kernel
security, Maintaining the System
su command, Maintaining the System
swap space, Managing Swap Space, Managing Swap Space
system logs, Managing System Logs, Managing System Logs
user accounts, Managing User Accounts
creating, Creating Accounts
deleting, Deleting and Disabling Accounts
disabling, Deleting and Disabling Accounts
modifying, Modifying User Accounts
passwd file, The passwd File
shadow passwords, Shadow Passwords
system calls, Kernel
Perl and, More Features
security and, Maintaining the System
system disk, creating, Repartitioning Your Drives
system maintenance
filesystems, checking and repairing, Checking and Repairing Filesystems
printer optimization, Printer Optimization
system management
filesystems, Managing Filesystems
swap space
creating, Creating Swap Space
disabling, Disabling Swap Space
enabling, Enabling the Swap Space
system requirements, Linux Partition Requirements
(see also installation)
hard disk space, Linux Partition Requirements
system shutdown, Shutting Down the System
System V IPC support, enabling, Building the Kernel


t command, fdisk, Creating Linux Partitions
t128= boot option, Booting Linux
Tab character, Some Syntax Rules
Tanenbaum, Andrew, A Brief History of Linux
tape drives, backups, Backing up to tape
tar backups and compression, Backing up to floppy
tar utility, Using tar
backups, Simple Backups
examples, tar Tricks
gzip utility and, Using tar with gzip and bzip2
targets, Makefiles, What make Does
taskbar, KDE, The KDE panel and the K menu
Tcl language, Interface Building Tools
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), TCP/IP Concepts
configuration, Ethernet, Configuring TCP/IP with Ethernet
overview, Networking with TCP/IP
support for, Networking
tcsh (enhanced C shell), Shells
terminal window (KDE), The KDE panel and the K menu
terminal, emulating, Writing a chat script
terminals, setterm program, Setting Terminal Attributes
printer connections, Checking Printer Hardware
TCP/IP configuration, Trying out your network
testparm utility, Configuring Samba
TeX formatting package, Checking Print Utilities
TeX text processor, Text Processing and Word Processing, TEX and LATEX
Texinfo, Texinfo
Texinfo text processor, Text Processing and Word Processing
text cutting and pasting in konsole, Cutting and pasting selections
text editors, availability, Basic Commands and Utilities
text processing, Text and Document Processing
groff, groff
LaTeX, TEX and LATEX, Learning the ropes
formatting and printing, Formatting and printing
overview, Text Processing and Word Processing, Text Processing and Word Processing
SGML/XML/Docbook, SGML, XML, and Docbook, SGML, XML, and Docbook
threads, support for, Kernel
tilde (~) directories, Directories
tilde (~) in vi editor, Starting vi
Tk module (Perl), More Features
Tk programming extension, Interface Building Tools
tmc8xx= boot option, Booting Linux
tmp directory and cron, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
Torvalds, Linus, A Brief History of Linux
kernel releases and, Building a New Kernel
tracing programs, Tracing a Program, Tracing a Program
translation utilities (Windows shares), File Translation Utilities
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), TCP/IP Concepts
trigger command, launching automounter, Automounting Devices
troff, groff, Indenting Code
troubleshooting, Problems with SCSI controllers and devices, Examining a Core File
boot disk, Problems booting Linux from floppy
booting, Problems booting Linux from the hard drive
filesystems, Repairing Filesystems
hardware, Hardware Problems, Isolating hardware problems
installation, Problems Installing the Software
booting install media, Problems with Booting the Installation Medium, Problems with Booting the Installation Medium
overview, Running into Trouble
login, Problems logging in
mkfs command, Creating Filesystems
networks, Trying out your network
PPP configuration, Troubleshooting PPP configuration
printer system, Printer System Troubleshooting, Printer System Troubleshooting
printing, laddering, Checking Printer Hardware
SCSI devices, Problems with SCSI controllers and devices
sound installation, Troubleshooting and common problems
synchronous PPP, And If It Does Not Work?
system emergencies, What to Do in an Emergency
system functioning, Problems using the system
system log files and, Managing System Logs
Windows shares, Mounting Windows Shares
X Window Server, Running into Trouble
tunelp command, troubleshooting printing, Printer System Troubleshooting
tunelp utility, Printer Optimization
tutorials, Emacs, Tutorial and Online Help
typesetting languages, Text Processing and Word Processing
typing shortcuts, key bindings (Emacs), Tailoring Emacs


UDP (User Datagram Protocol), TCP/IP Concepts
uid field (passwd file), The passwd File
UIDs (user IDs), NFS, NIS and, Configuring NFS
umount command, Mounting Filesystems
UMSDOS filesystem, Filesystem Types
uname command, Building a New Kernel
uncompress program, Using gzip and bzip2
uncompressing files, Using gzip and bzip2
undo command (Emacs), Emacs and Other Editors
undoing edits (vi editor), Deleting Text and Undoing Changes
Unicode filesystem compatibility, Filesystem Types
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), The World Wide Web
Unix, history of, A Brief History of Linux
up command (lpc), Controlling Printer Services with lpc
update program, Shutting Down the System
compiler, Upgrading the Compiler
general procedure, General Upgrade Procedure
kernel patches, Applying patches
libraries, Upgrading Libraries, Upgrading Libraries
non-RPM, Upgrading Other Software, Upgrading Other Software
overview, Upgrading Software
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), The World Wide Web
USB devices, support, Windows Compatibility and Samba
user accounts
creating, Creating a User Account, Creating Accounts
deleting, Deleting and Disabling Accounts
disabling, Deleting and Disabling Accounts
management, Managing User Accounts
passwd file, The passwd File
shadow passwords, Shadow Passwords
modifying, Modifying User Accounts
user groups, The Group File, The Group File
User Datagram Protocol (UDP), TCP/IP Concepts
user groups and distribution packages, Getting Linux via Mail Order or Other Hard Media
user interfaces
desktop environments, KDE and GNOME
X Window System, The X Window System
UserDir directive, httpd.conf
username field (passwd file), The passwd File
dummy and cron, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
home directories, backups, Simple Backups
logged in, logs, Managing System Logs
Samba, adding, Adding users
/usr directory
/usr/lib directory, More Fun with Libraries
/usr/X11R6 directory, Installing XFree86
usr/bin directory, Important Directories
usr/include directory, Important Directories
usr/lib directory, Important Directories
backups and, Simple Backups
usr/lib/X11 directory, Important Directories
usr/local directory, Important Directories
usr/sbin directory, Important Directories
usr/src directory, Important Directories
source distributions, Upgrading Other Software
usr/src/linux directory, Building a New Kernel
kernel sources and backups, Simple Backups
utilities, Basic Commands and Utilities, Directories
(see also commands)
archiving and compressing files, Archive and Compression Utilities, tar Tricks
fdisk, Repartitioning Your Drives
laptop computer support, Laptop Support
MTools, Sharing Disks with MTools
networking, Networking
overview, Basic Commands and Utilities
printing, Checking Print Utilities
programming, Programming Languages and Utilities
text-processing, Text Processing and Word Processing
tunelp, Printer Optimization
user accounts, creating, Creating a User Account
Windows/MS-DOS compatibility, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
utmp file, Managing System Logs


Valgrind package, Examining a Core File
var directory, Important Directories
var/log/lastlog file, Managing System Logs
var/log/utmp file, Managing System Logs
var/log/wtmp file, Managing System Logs
var/spool directory, Important Directories, The rest of the printcap variables, Setting up printer directories
var/spool/cron/crontabs directory, Scheduling Jobs Using cron
var/spool/lpd directory, Printing
variable storage address, Getting Information
version numbers, Building a New Kernel
early version descriptions, A Brief History of Linux
Linux, researching, Upgrading Software
modules and building kernel, Building the Kernel
numbering system, A Note on Linux Version Numbers
VFAT filesystems/partitions, mounting, Sharing Partitions
vga= (boot time option), Specifying boot time options
vi editor
clones, Editing Files Using vi
extending, Extending vi
launching, Starting vi
overview, Editing Files Using vi
video cards, Hardware Requirements
virtual console support, A Bag of Features
virtual consoles, Virtual Consoles
setterm utility, Setting Terminal Attributes
virtual devices, linking to actual devices, Exercising the Printer Daemon
virtual machines and Windows compatibility, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
virtual memory, support for, Kernel
viruses, Upgrading Other Software
VMWare, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
VMware, Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux


w command, fdisk, Creating Linux Partitions
watch command (gdb), Tracing a Program, Breakpoints and watchpoints
watchpoints, Tracing a Program, Breakpoints and watchpoints
web sites
AbiWord, Word Processors
Abiword word processor, Abiword Word Processor
application directories, Other Applications
Blender, POVRAY
ftformat utility, Backing up to tape
GNOME, Installing and Updating GNOME
GNOME software, Additional Applications and Resources
GPL, About Linux’s Copyright
KDE documentation, The KDE panel and the K menu
kernel version history, Building a New Kernel
KWord, Word Processors
Linux Documentation Project, SGML, XML, and Docbook
Linux, obtaining, Getting Linux from the Internet
OpenOffice, Word Processors
PAM information, PAM and Other Authentication Methods
Plex86, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
print services information, Managing Print Services
RAWRITE.EXE, Getting Linux from the Internet
standards, Internet RFCs and Other Standards
USB devices, Windows Compatibility and Samba
VMWare, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
Windows emulation software, Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux
Wine project, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
Ximian Evolution, Ximian Evolution: Mail, Calendar, and Contacts
what command, Revision Control Tools — RCS
whitespace, Indenting Code
Win4Lin, Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux
history, Using Konqueror and Other Web Browsers
konsole (see konsole)
management, X Concepts
Window List (GNOME), The panel
window managers, The X Window System, xinit
compatibilities, utilities for, Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
document format support, Other document formats
MTools and, Sharing Disks with MTools, mattrib
partitions, Sharing Partitions, Sharing Partitions
device driver support, Windows Compatibility and Samba
emulation software, Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux
file and printer sharing, Networking
file sharing, Mounting Windows Shares, Mounting Windows Shares
translation utilities, File Translation Utilities
Windows operating systems
Windows 95, style for KDE, Configuring window styles and colors
Windows partitions (shares) mounting, Sharing Partitions
Wine (Windows emulation software), Running MS-DOS and Windows Applications on Linux
Wine project (Windows emulation), Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS
Winmodem modem, Requirements
word processing, Word Processors
overview, Text Processing and Word Processing, Text Processing and Word Processing
WordPerfect Office 2000, Commercial Applications
workspace switcher (GNOME), The panel
workspaces, KDE, The KDE panel and the K menu
World Wide Web, The World Wide Web
configuring server, Configuring Your Own Web Server
write permission, What Permissions Mean
wtmp file, Managing System Logs
WYSIWYG word processing, Text Processing and Word Processing
WYSIWYG word processors, Word Processors


x command (gdb), Changing and Examining Data
X resources, The X Resource Database, The X Resource Database
X Window System, Installing the X Window System
applications, KDE Applications
compatibility with KDE, The KDE panel and the K menu
clock, Clocks
Emacs and, The Emacs Editor, Emacs and Other Editors
make xconfig program, Building the Kernel
overview, The X Window System
previewing LaTeX documents, Formatting and printing
processes, Processes
resources, The X Resource Database
servers, X Concepts, Installing XFree86
troubleshooting, Running into Trouble
X11R6, Installing the X Window System
Xaw3D toolkit, Interface Building Tools
Xdefaults startup file, Startup Files
xdm, The X Window System
xdvi utility, Checking Print Utilities
XEmacs text editor, The Emacs Editor
xf86config program, Configuring XFree86
XF86Setup program, Configuring XFree86
XFree86, The X Window System, Installing the X Window System, Running XFree86
configuring, Configuring XFree86
installing, Installing XFree86
Ximian Evolution (GNOME software), Ximian Evolution: Mail, Calendar, and Contacts
xinit program, Running XFree86, xinit
.xinitrc file, Running XFree86
X resources, The X Resource Database
xinitrc startup file, Startup Files
xman, The X Window System
XML text processing, SGML, XML, and Docbook, SGML, XML, and Docbook
Xmms (MP3 players), MP3 Players
xmodmap command, Tailoring Emacs
XT bus system
parallel port printer addressing, troubleshooting, Printer System Troubleshooting
XT disk controllers, enabling support, Building the Kernel
xterm, The X Window System
xtp utility (ImageMagick), ImageMagick
xvidtune program, Configuring XFree86
XView interface, Interface Building Tools
xxgdb debugger, Debuggers


yanking text, Deleting, Copying, and Moving Text
yast2 program, The networking rc files
yp.conf file, Configuring NIS
ypwhich command, Configuring NIS


Z shell, Shells
zcat command, Using gzip and bzip2
zsh (Z shell), Shells
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