Upgrading Software

Linux is a fast-moving target. Because of the cooperative nature of the project, new software is always becoming available, and programs are constantly being updated with newer versions. This is especially true of the Linux kernel, which has many groups of people working on it. During the development process, it’s not uncommon for a new kernel patch to be released on a nightly basis. While other parts of the system may not be as dynamic, the same principles apply.

With this constant development, how can you possibly hope to stay on top of the most recent versions of your system software? The short answer is, you can’t. While there are people out there who have a need to stay current with, say, the nightly kernel patch release, for the most part, there’s no reason to bother upgrading your software this often. In this section, we’re going to talk about why and when to upgrade and show you how to upgrade several important parts of the system.

When should you upgrade? In general, you should consider upgrading a portion of your system only when you have a demonstrated need to upgrade. For example, if you hear of a new release of some application that fixes important bugs (that is, those bugs that actually affect your personal use of the application), you might want to consider upgrading that application. If the new version of the program provides new features you might find useful, or has a performance boost over your present version, it’s also a good idea to upgrade. When your machine is somehow connected to the Internet, another good reason for upgrading would be plugging a security hole that has been recently reported. However, upgrading just for the sake of having the newest version of a particular program is probably silly.

Upgrading can sometimes be a painful thing to do. For example, you might want to upgrade a program that requires the newest versions of the compiler, libraries, and other software in order to run. Upgrading this program will also require you to upgrade several other parts of the system, which can be a time-consuming process. On the other hand, this can be seen as an argument for keeping your software up to date; if your compiler and libraries are current, upgrading the program in question won’t be a problem.

How can you find out about new versions of Linux software? The best way is to watch the Usenet newsgroup comp.os.linux.announce (see the section Section 1.8.3) where announcements of new software releases and other important information are posted. If you have Internet access, you can then download the software via FTP and install it on your system. Another good source to learn about new Linux software is the web site http://www.freshmeat.net.

If you don’t have access to Usenet or the Internet, the best way to keep in touch with recent developments is to pay for a CD-ROM subscription. Here you receive an updated copy of the various Linux FTP sites, on CD-ROM, every couple of months. This service is available from a number of Linux vendors. It’s a good thing to have, even if you have Internet access.

This brings us to another issue: what’s the best upgrade method? Some people feel it’s easier to completely upgrade the system by reinstalling everything from scratch whenever a new version of their favorite distribution is released. This way you don’t have to worry about various versions of the software working together. For those without Internet access, this may indeed be the easiest method; if you receive a new CD-ROM only once every two months, a great deal of your software may be out of date.

It’s our opinion, however, that reinstallation is not a good upgrade plan at all. Most of the current Linux distributions are not meant to be upgraded in this way, and a complete reinstallation may be complex or time-consuming. Also, if you plan to upgrade in this manner, you generally lose all your modifications and customizations to the system, and you’ll have to make backups of your user’s home directories and any other important files that would be deleted during a reinstallation. Many novices choose this upgrade path because it’s the easiest to follow. In actuality, not much changes from release to release, so a complete reinstallation is usually unnecessary and can be avoided with a little upgrading know-how.

In the rest of this section, we’ll show you how to upgrade various pieces of your system individually. We’ll show you how to upgrade your system libraries and compiler, as well as give you a generic method for installing new software. In the following section, we’ll talk about building a new kernel.

Upgrading Libraries

Most of the programs on a Linux system are compiled to use shared libraries. These libraries contain useful functions common to many programs. Instead of storing a copy of these routines in each program that calls them, the libraries are contained in files on the system that are read by all programs at runtime. That is, when a program is executed, the code from the program file itself is read, followed by any routines from the shared library files. This saves a great deal of disk space; only one copy of the library routines is stored on disk.

In some instances, it’s necessary to compile a program to have its own copy of the library routines (usually for debugging) instead of using the routines from the shared libraries. We say that programs built in this way are statically linked, while programs built to use shared libraries are dynamically linked.

Therefore, dynamically linked executables depend upon the presence of the shared libraries on disk. Shared libraries are implemented in such a way that the programs compiled to use them generally don’t depend on the version of the available libraries. This means that you can upgrade your shared libraries, and all programs that are built to use those libraries will automatically use the new routines. (There is an exception: if major changes are made to a library, the old programs won’t work with the new library. You’ll know this is the case because the major version number is different; we’ll explain more later. In this case, you keep both the old and new libraries around. All your old executables will continue to use the old libraries, and any new programs that are compiled will use the new libraries.)

When you build a program to use shared libraries, a piece of code is added to the program that causes it to execute ld.so, the dynamic linker, when the program is started. ld.so is responsible for finding the shared libraries the program needs and loading the routines into memory. Dynamically linked programs are also linked against “stub” routines, which simply take the place of the actual shared library routines in the executable. ld.so replaces the stub routine with the code from the libraries when the program is executed.

The ldd command can be used to list the shared libraries on which a given executable depends. For example:

rutabaga% ldd /usr/bin/X11/xterm 
        libXft.so.1 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libXft.so.1 (0x40032000)
        libXrender.so.1 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libXrender.so.1 (0x40088000)
        libXaw.so.7 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libXaw.so.7 (0x4008d000)
        libXmu.so.6 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libXmu.so.6 (0x400e4000)
        libXt.so.6 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libXt.so.6 (0x400fa000)
        libSM.so.6 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libSM.so.6 (0x40148000)
        libICE.so.6 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libICE.so.6 (0x40152000)
        libXpm.so.4 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.so.4 (0x4016a000)
        libXext.so.6 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.so.6 (0x40179000)
        libX11.so.6 => /usr/X11R6/lib/libX11.so.6 (0x40188000)
        libncurses.so.5 => /lib/libncurses.so.5 (0x4026b000)
        libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x402b5000)
        /lib/ld-linux.so.2 => /lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x40000000)

Here, we see that the xterm program depends on a number of shared libraries, including libXaw, libXt, libX11, and libc. (The libraries starting with libX are all related to the X Window System; libc is the standard C library.) We also see the version numbers of the libraries for which the program was compiled (that is, the version of the stub routines used), and the name of the file which contains each shared library. This is the file that ld.so will find when the program is executed.

In order to use a shared library, the version of the stub routines (in the executable) must be compatible with the version of the shared libraries. Basically, a library is compatible if its major version number matches that of the stub routines. The major version number is the part right after the .so. In this case, libX11 (the most basic library used by the X Window System) is used with the major Version 6. The library file libX11.so.6 (which usually resides in /usr/X11R6/lib) might very well just be a symbolic link — e.g., to libX11.so.6.2. This means that the library has the major version number 6 and the minor version number 2. Library versions with the same major version number are supposed to be interchangeable. This way, if a program was compiled with Version 6.0 of the stub routines, shared library Versions 6.1, 6.2, and so forth could be used by the executable. If a new version with the major version number 6 and the minor version number 3 were released (and thus had the filename libX11.so.6.3), all you would need to do to use this new version is change the symbolic link libX11.so.6 to point to the new version. The xterm executable would then automatically benefit from any bug fixes or similar that are included in the new version. In Section 13.1.7 in Chapter 13, we describe how to use shared libraries with your own programs.

The file /etc/ld.so.conf contains a list of directories that ld.so searches to find shared library files. An example of such a file is:


ld.so always looks in /lib and /usr/lib, regardless of the contents of ld.so.conf. Usually, there’s no reason to modify this file, and the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH can add additional directories to this search path (e.g., if you have your own private shared libraries that shouldn’t be used systemwide). However, if you do add entries to /etc/ld.so.conf or upgrade or install additional libraries on your system, be sure to use the ldconfig command which will regenerate the shared library cache in /etc/ld.so.cache from the ld.so search path. This cache is used by ld.so to find libraries quickly at runtime without actually having to search the directories on its path. For more information, check the manual pages for ld.so and ldconfig.

Now that you understand how shared libraries are used, let’s move on to upgrading them. The two libraries that are most commonly updated are libc (the standard C library) and libm (the math library). Because naming is a little bit special for these, we will look at another library here, namely libncurses, which “emulates” a graphical windowing system on the text console.

For each shared library, there are two separate files:

library .a

This is the static version of the library. When a program is statically linked, routines are copied from this file directly into the executable, so the executable contains its own copy of the library routines.[23]

library .so. version

This is the shared library image itself. When a program is dynamically linked, the stub routines from this file are copied into the executable, allowing ld.so to locate the shared library at runtime. When the program is executed, ld.so copies routines from the shared library into memory for use by the program. If a program is dynamically linked, the library .a file is not used for this library.

For the libncurses library, you’ll have files, such as libncurses.a and libncurses.so.5.2. The .a files are generally kept in /usr/lib, while .so files are kept in /lib. When you compile a program, either the .a or the .so file is used for linking, and the compiler looks in /lib and /usr/lib (as well as a variety of other places) by default. If you have your own libraries, you can keep these files anywhere, and control where the linker looks with the -L option to the compiler. See Section 13.1.7 in Chapter 13 for details.

The shared library image, library .so. version, is kept in /lib for most systemwide libraries. Shared library images can be found in any of the directories that ld.so searches at runtime; these include /lib, /usr/lib, and the files listed in ld.so.conf. See the ld.so manual page for details.

If you look in /lib, you’ll see a collection of files such as the following:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           17 Jul 11 06:45 /lib/libncurses.so.5 
    -> libncurses.so.5.2
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       319472 Jul 11 06:45 /lib/libncurses.so.5.2
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           13 Jul 11 06:45 libz.so.1 -> libz.so.1.1.3
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        62606 Jul 11 06:45 libz.so.1.1.3

Here, we see the shared library images for two libraries — libncurses and libz. Note that each image has a symbolic link to it, named library .so. major, where major is the major version number of the library. The minor number is omitted because ld.so searches for a library only by its major version number. When ld.so sees a program that has been compiled with the stubs for Version 5.2 of libncurses, it looks for a file called libncurses.so.5 in its search path. Here, /lib/libncurses.so.5 is a symbolic link to /lib/libncurses.so.5.2, the actual version of the library we have installed.

When you upgrade a library, you must replace the .a and .so. version files corresponding to the library. Replacing the .a file is easy: just copy over it with the new versions. However, you must use some caution when replacing the shared library image, .so. version; many of the text-based programs on the system depend on shared library images, so you can’t simply delete them or rename them. To put this another way, the symbolic link library .so. major must always point to a valid library image. To accomplish this, first copy the new image file to /lib, and then change the symbolic link to point to the new file in one step, using ln -sf. This is demonstrated in the following example.

Let’s say you’re upgrading from Version 5.2 of the libncurses library to Version 5.4. You should have the files libncurses.a and libncurses.so.5.4. First, copy the .a file to the appropriate location, overwriting the old version:

rutabaga# cp libncurses.a /usr/lib

Now, copy the new image file to /lib (or wherever the library image should be):

rutabaga# cp libncurses.so.5.4 /lib

Now, if you use the command ls -l /lib/libncurses, you should see something like:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           17 Dec 10  1999 /lib/libncurses.so.5 -> libncurses.so.5.2
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       319472 May 11  2001 /lib/libncurses.so.5.2
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       321042 May 11  2001 /lib/libncurses.so.5.4

To update the symbolic link to point to the new library, use the command:

rutabaga# ln -sf /lib/libncurses.so.5.4 /lib/libncurses.so.5

This gives you:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root      14 Oct 23 13:25 libncurses.so.5 ->  
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root  623620 Oct 23 13:24 libncurses.so.5.2
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root  720310 Nov 16 11:02 libncurses.so.5.4

Now you can safely remove the old image file, libncurses.so.5.2. You must use ln -sf to replace the symbolic link in one step, especially when updating crucial libraries, such as libc. If you were to remove the symbolic link first, and then attempt to use ln -s to add it again, more than likely ln would not be able to execute because the symbolic link is gone, and as far as ld.so is concerned, the libc library can’t be found. Once the link is gone, nearly all the programs on your system will be unable to execute. Be very careful when updating shared library images. For libncurses, things are less critical because you will always have command-line programs left to clean up any mess you have made, but if you are used to using ncurses-based programs, such as Midnight Commander, this might still be an inconvenience for you.

Whenever you upgrade or add a library to the system, it’s not a bad idea to run ldconfig to regenerate the library cache used by ld.so. In some cases, a new library may not be recognized by ld.so until you run ldconfig.

One question remains: where can you obtain the new versions of libraries? Several of the basic system libraries (libc, libm, and so on) can be downloaded from the directory /pub/Linux/GCC on ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org. It contains the Linux versions of the gcc compiler, libraries, include files, and other utilities. Each file there should have a README or release file that describes what to do and how to install it. Other libraries are maintained and archived separately. At any rate, all libraries you install should include the .so. version files and possibly the .a files, as well as a set of include files for use with the compiler.

Upgrading the Compiler

One other important part of the system to keep up to date is the C compiler and related utilities. These include gcc (the GNU C and C++ compiler itself), the linker, the assembler, the C preprocessor, and various include files and libraries used by the compiler itself. All are included in the Linux gcc distribution. Usually, a new version of gcc is released along with new versions of the libc library and include files, and each requires the other.

You can find the current gcc release for Linux on the various FTP archives, including /pub/Linux/GCC on ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org. The release notes there should tell you what to do. Usually, upgrading the compiler is a simple matter of unpacking several tar files as root, and possibly removing some additional files. If you don’t have Internet access, you can obtain the newest compiler from CD-ROM archives of the FTP sites, as described earlier.

To find out what version of gcc you have, use the command:

gcc -v

This should tell you something like:

Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-suse-linux/2.95.3/specs
gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE)

Note that gcc itself is just a frontend to the actual compiler and code-generation tools found under:


gcc (usually in /usr/bin) can be used with multiple versions of the compiler proper, with the -V option. In Section 13.1 in Chapter 13, we describe the use of gcc in detail.

We would at this point like to warn you not to try newer compilers without knowing exactly what you are doing. Newer compilers might generate object files that are incompatible with the older ones; this can lead to all kinds of trouble. Version 2.95.3 of gcc is, at the time of this writing, considered the standard compiler for Linux that everybody expects to find available. When one distributor (Red Hat) started to ship a newer version instead (and even that newer version was not officially released), users ran into lots of trouble. Of course, by the time you read this, another compiler version might be considered the standard. And if you feel adventurous, by all means try newer versions, just be prepared for some serious tweaking.

[23] On some distributions, the static versions of the libraries are moved into a separate package and not necessarily installed by default. If this is the case, you won’t find the .a files unless you install them.

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