
Special Characters

_ATDATETIME_ audit trail variable 680

_ATMESSAGE_ audit trail variable 680

_ATOBSNO_ audit trail variable 680

_ATOPCODE_ audit trail variable 680, 681

_ATRETURNCODE_ audit trail variable 680

_ATUSERID_ audit trail variable 680

DSEMTR mnemonic 668

DSENMR mnemonic 668

DSENOM mnemonic 668

_IORC_ automatic variable 565, 668

SOK mnemonic 668

TEMPO RARY_ keyword 581

_TYPE_ variable 890, 891

; (semicolon) 394

? conditional operator 36, 37

. (period) 334

& (ampersand) 307

% (percent sign)

macro programs and 394

specifying directives 632

tokens and 321

%a directive 632

%A directive 632

%b directive 632

%B directive 632

%BQUOTE function 321

%CMPRES statement 451

%COPY statement 457

%d directive 632

%DATATYP statement 451

%DO-%END statement 416, 426, 429

%EVAL function 430

%GLOBAL statement 406

%H directive 632

%I directive 632

%IF-%THEN/%ELSE macro statement 415, 416, 419, 422, 425

%INCLUDE statement 443

%INDEX function 327

%j directive 632

%LEFT statement 451

%LENGTH function 325

%LET statement

macro parameter support 400

processing 348

user-defined macro variables and 310

%LOCAL statement 408

%LOWCASE statement 451

%m directive 632

%M directive 632

%MACRO statement

creating stored compiled macros 454

general form 391

macro parameter support 401, 402, 404

PARMBUFF option 405

SOURCE option 455, 457

STORE option 454

%MEND statement 391

%NRSTR function 321

%p directive 632

%PUT statement 316

%QLOWCASE statement 451

%QSCAN function 329

%QSUBSTR function 326

%QSYSFUNC function 331

%QUPCASE function 324

%S directive 632

%SCAN function 328

%STR function 319

%SUBSTR function 325

%SYSEVALF function 432

%SYSFUNC function 330

%SYSRC autocall macro 668

%TRIM statement 451

%U directive 632

%UPCASE function 323

%w directive 632

%y directive 632

%Y directive 632

=* conditional

operator description 36

general form 42

WHERE conditions and 870


access methods, selecting 865

accumulator variables 559

ADD clause, ALTER TABLE statement (SQL) 218

ADD method 606


column 9, 43, 92

in-line views 112

table 94

ALL conditional operator 36, 71

ALL keyword

DELETE statement (DATASETS) 690

EXCEPT set operator and 142, 143

INTERSECT set operator and 147, 149

set operations and 138

UNION set operator and 153, 155

ALTER TABLE statement, SQL procedure

ADD clause 218

DROP clause 220

functionality 76

general form 218

MODIFY clause 221

ALTER= data set option 679

ampersand (&) 307

ANY conditional operator

comparison operator and 69

description 36

APPEND procedure

BASE= data set option 514

DATA= data set option 514

FORCE option 516, 517, 519

general form 514

handling large data set sorts 830

arguments, summary functions and 51, 53, 54

arithmetic expressions in macro programs 430, 432

ARRAY statement

combining data with 540

creating arrays 585

general form 581

loading array elements 586

lookup values and 540

stored array values and 584


combining data in 540

creating 585

defined 540

loading elements 586

multidimensional 581

reading values 589

stored values 584, 585, 586, 589

AS keyword, CREATE TABLE statement (SQL) 186

ATTRIB statement 540

attributes 602, 785

AUDIT statement, DATASETS procedure 678, 683

audit trails

controlling 683

controlling data in 680, 681

initiating 678

overview 677

reading files 679

USERVAR statement 682

variables 680, 681

autocall libraries

accessing macros 452

creating 450

default 451

defined 450

automatic macro variables

defined 306

functionality 308

global symbol table and 306, 406

automatic variables 816, 848

AVG function 58


base table 535

BASE= data set option 514

BEFOREIMAGE option, LOG statement 681

benchmark guidelines 707

best practices

conditional logic 770

creating multiple output data sets 782

DO groups 777

eliminating data passes 781, 782, 784, 785

executing only necessary statements 767

reading/writing essential data 786, 788, 789, 792

subsetting variables 792, 793, 794

BETWEEN-AND conditional operator

description 36

general form 36

identifying conditions to optimize 869

binary search 540


controlling number of 713, 715, 716

controlling page size 713, 714

BUFNO= data set option 716

BUFNO= system option 716

BUFSIZE= system option 715

BY statement, DATA step

GROUPFORMAT option 817

handling duplicate values 662

handling large data set sorts 830

indexes and 812

MODIFY statement and 660, 668

NOTSORTED option 814, 816

TRANSPOSE procedure 595

BY variable

DATA step match-merge 541, 550

joining tables 105, 106, 107


CALCULATED keyword 43

CALL MISSING routine 605

Cartesian product 87, 551

CASE expression

general form 211

INSERT statement (SQL) 215

SELECT statement (SQL) 215

UPDATE statement (SQL) 210, 212, 214

case operand

CASE expression, UPDATE statement (SQL) 212, 214

defined 212

case sensitivity in macro comparisons 425

CATALOG access method, FILENAME statement 447

CATALOG procedure

general form 446, 636

managing formats 635

catalogs, storing macro definitions 446, 447

CEIL function 475

CENTILES option, CONTENTS procedure 872

CHANGE statement, DATASETS procedure 490, 689

character constants 48

character data types

column widths and 180

defined 179

flowing characters in columns 283

character strings

%INDEX function 327

%LENGTH function 325

%QSCAN function 329

%QSUBSTR function 326

%QUPCASE function 324

%SCAN function 328

% SUBSTR function 325

%UPCASE function 323

macro character functions 322

character variables, storing 732

CHART procedure 334

CHECK constraint type

functionality 196, 197, 670

in column specification 197

CLASS statement

MEANS procedure 819

SUMMARY procedure 819

TABULATE procedure 629, 819

UNIVARIATE procedure 819

class variables

_TYPE_ values 889, 891

combining 894

summary statistics and 886, 888

CNTLESN option, FORMAT procedure 641

CNTLOUT= option, FORMAT procedure 645

COALESCE function 107, 108

column alias

CALCULATED keyword and 43

defined 9

renaming columns with 92

column constraints 197

column modifiers 181

column widths 180


adding to tables 218

altering in tables 218

as multiple arguments for summary functions 54

combining 137

counting non-missing values 59

counting unique values 60

creating constraints 197

creating new 9

creating tables by defining 177

deleting from tables 220

eliminating duplicate 91

flowing characters within 283

key 238, 241

modifying in tables 221

ordering by multiple 12

outside summary functions 55

overlaying 137

processing calculated 42

renaming with column aliases 92

rows numbers in output 282

selecting 9

specifying formats and labels 46

specifying in multiple tables 14

specifying subsets in tables 184

summary functions and 53, 54

viewing all 31

comments in macro programs 399

COMPARE procedure 736

comparison operators

ALL conditional operator and 71

ANY conditional operator and 69

identifying conditions to optimize 869

subqueries and 68

compiling macro programs 392, 393

composite indexes

creating 244, 245

defined 240, 470, 480

COMPRESS function 509

COMPRESS= data set option 743

COMPRESS= system option 743

compressing data files

costs of 876

storage considerations 741, 742, 743, 746, 747, 748

concatenating data

appending data sets 514, 516, 517, 519

creating delimiting list of values 376

defined 502

FILENAME statement 503

INFILE statement 506, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512

conditional operators 35

conditional processing

best practices 770

case sensitivity in macro programs 425

for macro programs 415, 416, 419, 422, 425

constants 48, 318

CONTAINS conditional operator

description 36

general form 37

identifying conditions to optimize 869

CONTENTS procedure

CENTILES option 872

displaying index specifications 247

maintaining indexes 486

reporting buffer information 714

CONTENTS statement

CATALOG procedure 446

DATASETS procedure 486, 675, 714, 872

conventional join 89

COPY procedure 489

COPY statement, DATASETS procedure 489


data sets 489, 674

tables 187

CORR keyword

EXCEPT set operator and 142, 143

INTERSECT operator and 148, 149

OUTER UNION set operator and 160, 163

set operations and 138

UNION set operator and 154, 155

correlated subqueries

defined 65

EXISTS conditional operator 73

indexes and 241

NOT EXISTS conditional operator 73

subsetting data 73

COUNT function 58

CPUCOUNT= system option 826

CREATE INDEX statement, SQL procedure

creating composite indexes 244, 245

creating multiple indexes 244

creating simple indexes 245

displaying index specifications 246

functionality 238

general form 244, 485

CREATE statement, SQL procedure 76

CREATE TABLE statement, SQL procedure

AS keyword 186

copying tables 187

creating constraints 197

creating constraints outside column specifications 199

creating empty tables 177

creating like other tables 183

creating output tables 19

creating tables from query results 186

displaying table structure 182

FORMAT= option 181

FROM clause 187

general form for creating output tables 19

general form with column specifications 177

general form with constrain specification 200

general form with constraint specification 198

general form with LIKE clause 183

general form with query clauses 186

INFORMAT= option 181

LABEL= option 181

LIKE clause 183

MESSAGE= option 198, 200

MSGTYPE= option 198, 200

SELECT clause 187

specifying column modifiers 181

specifying column widths 181

specifying data types 179

specifying empty tables like other tables 183

specifying subsets of columns 184

CREATE VIEW statement, SQL procedure

FROM clause 266

general form 261

USING clause 266


DATA_IMAGE option, LOG statement 681

data files

accessing observations directly 746

COMPRESS= data set option 743

COMPRESS= system option 743

compressed structure 742

compression process 741, 748

number of pages 875

POINTOBS= data set option 746

reasons for compressing 743

REUSE= data set option 747

REUSE= system option 747

uncompressed structure 741

data sets

accessing observations directly 746

appending 514, 516, 517, 519

audit trail overview 677

audit trails, controlling 683

audit trails, controlling data in 680, 681

audit trails, initiating 678

audit trails, reading files 679

controlling update process 667, 668

copying 489, 674

creating formats from 641, 644

creating from formats 645

creating multiple output 782

duplicate values in 662, 665

generation 685, 686, 687, 688

handling large sorts 830

hash objects and 607

integrity constraint overview 669, 670, 673, 674

integrity constraints, documenting 675

integrity constraints, placing in 671, 673, 674

integrity constraints, removing 676

listing variables 642

lookup values outside 539, 540

missing values in 663

modifying 657, 659, 660

modifying observations located by indexes 663

renaming 490

storing data 797

storing raw data file names 522

transaction 566, 567, 660

transposed 595, 596, 597, 598, 599

DATA step

ATTRIB statement 540

best practices 781, 782

BY statement 660, 662, 668, 812, 817, 830

comparing joins and 105, 106, 107

COMPRESS= data set option 743

conserving storage space 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758

creating indexes in 480

creating macro variables in 345

creating multiple macro variables in 360

DESCRIBE statement 755

DROP statement 792, 793, 794

FIRST, automatic variable 848

FORMAT procedure 540

hash objects and 602

IF-THEN/ELSE statement 416

INDEX= option 480

KEEP statement 643, 792, 793, 794

LAST, automatic variable 848

LENGTH statement 732, 734

match-merges 105, 106, 107, 541, 542, 546, 550, 551, 554

MERGE statement 541, 542

obtaining macro variable values 369

OUTPUT statement 667

PUT function 331, 356

REMOVE statement 667

RENAME statement 643

REPLACE statement 667

RETAIN statement 643

REUSE= data set option 747

SET statement 746

subsetting IF statement 768

sum statement 559

SYMGET function 369

SYMPUT routine and 349, 350, 351, 353, 360

SYMPUTX routine and 358

table lookups and 545

tools for summarizing data 883

UNIQUE option 481

UPDATE statement 567

VIEW= option 755

WHERE statement 786, 788, 862, 864, 865, 867

data types

appending variables with different 519

character 179, 180, 283

creating tables by defining columns 179

numeric 179, 180

DATA= data set option 514

DATALINES statement 306, 394

DATASETS procedure

AUDIT statement 678, 683

best practices 785, 800, 801

CHANGE statement 490, 689

CONTENTS statement 486, 675, 714, 872

COPY statement 489

creating tables with integrity constraints 196

DELETE statement 689, 690

displaying index specifications 247

general form 637

IC CREATE statement 671

IC DELETE statement 676

INDEX CREATE statement 483

INDEX DELETE statement 483

INITIATE statement 678

LIBRARY= option 487

managing indexes 483

MODIFY statement 483, 686

permanently assigning formats 637

RENAME statement 490

DATATYPE= option, PICTURE statement (FORMAT) 632

DATE function 511


FEEDBACK option, SQL procedure 32

macro programs 397, 398, 399

DECLARE statement 608

DEFAULT= option, LENGTH statement (DATA) 734

DEFINEDATA method 605, 608

DEFINEDONE method 605

DEFINEKEY method 605, 608

DELETE statement, DATASETS procedure 689, 690

DELETE statement, SQL procedure

audit trails 677

functionality 76

general form 216

updating views 268


columns from tables 220

indexes 252

rows in tables 216

tables 225

views 270


in macro programs 394

in macro variable names 334

dense match 538

DESCRIBE statement

DATA step 755

SQL procedure 76

DESCRIBE TABLE CONSTRAINTS statement, SQL procedure 205

DESCRIBE TABLE statement, SQL procedure

displaying Dictionary table definitions 290

displaying index specifications 246

displaying indexes 238

displaying table structure 182

general form 182, 246

DESCRIBE VIEW statement, SQL procedure 264

detail reports 880

Dictionary tables

functionality 278, 289

querying 290

digit selectors 630

direct access 472, 864

directives, specifying pictures 630, 632

DISTINCT keyword 33

DO loops 586, 777

DO UNTIL loops 559

DO WHILE loops 477

dot notation method 604

DOUBLE option, SQL procedure 282

DROP clause, ALTER TABLE statement (SQL) 220

DROP INDEX statement, SQL procedure 252, 485

DROP statement

DATA step 792, 793, 794

SQL procedure 76

DROP statement, SQL procedure 793, 794

DROP TABLE statement, SQL procedure 225

DROP VIEW statement, SQL procedure 270

DROP= data set option

general form 184

subsetting variables 792, 793, 794

duplicate columns, eliminating 91

duplicate rows

eliminating from output 33

processing unique vs. 137

removing efficiently 841, 842, 844, 846, 848

duplicate values in data sets 662, 665



assessing needs 703, 704, 705

benchmark guidelines 707

comparing resource usage 874, 875, 876

computer resources 702

detail reports 880

estimating observations 871

identifying available indexes 865, 867

identifying conditions to optimize 869, 870, 871

indexes and WHERE processing 862, 864

removing duplicate observations 841, 842, 844, 846, 848

tools for summarizing data 883, 884, 889

tracking resources 706

trade-offs in 705

empty tables 177, 183

END= option, INFILE statement 510

EQUALS option, SORT procedure 846

ERRORIMAGE option, LOG statement 681

error handling

for row insertions 202

monitoring I/O error conditions 668

stopping SQL procedure 293

ERRORSTOP option, SQL procedure 293

evaluating performance 285

EXCEPT set operator

ALL keyword and 142, 143

CORR keyword and 142, 143

functionality 136, 139

EXCLUDE statement, FORMAT procedure 634, 645

EXEC option, SQL procedure 293

EXISTS conditional operator

correlated queries and 73

description 36

external files

selecting observations from 789

storing macro definitions in 443

storing raw data filenames in 522


FEEDBACK option, SQL procedure 31

FILENAME statement 447, 503

FILEVAR= option, INFILE statement 506

FIND method 606, 609, 610

FIRST, automatic variable 816, 848

FIRSTOBS= data set option 830

FIRSTOBS= option, WHERE statement (PRINT) 789

FLOW option, SQL procedure 283

FMTERR system option 639

FMTLIB keyword, FORMAT procedure 634

FMTSEARCH= system option 638

FOOTNOTE statement, SQL procedure 47

FORCE option, APPEND procedure 516, 517, 519

FOREIGN KEY constraint type

constraint specification 200

functionality 196, 197, 670

in column specification 197

FORMAT procedure

binary search 540

CNTLESN option 641

CNTLOUT= option 645

EXCLUDE statement 634, 645

FMTLIB keyword 634

general form 634

LIB= option 638

PICTURE statement 630, 632

SELECT statement 634, 645

VALUE statement 540, 541, 626, 628

FORMAT statement, TABULATE procedure 629

FORMAT= option

CREATE TABLE statement (SQL) 181

SELECT statement, SQL procedure 46

TABULATE procedure 629


associating with variables 540

creating data sets from 645

creating from data sets 641, 644

creating with PICTURE statement 630, 632

creating with VALUE statement 626, 628

FMTERR system option 639

FMTSEARCH= system option 638

managing 634, 635

multilabel 629

NOFMTERR system option 639

permanently assigning 637, 638, 639

specifying for columns 46

substituting to avoid errors 639

with overlapping ranges 628

Forward Re-Scan rule 364

FREQ procedure 770, 883

FROM clause


CREATE VIEW statement (SQL) 266

INSERT statement (SQL) 194

SELECT statement (SQL) 10, 15, 87, 110

FSEDIT procedure 746

FSLIST procedure 503

full outer join 98, 102

FULLSTIMER system option 706


%QSYSFUNC function 331

%SYSFUNC function 330

macro variable support 330


GCHART procedure 334, 771

general integrity constraints 197, 670

generation data sets

creating 686

defined 685

initiating 686

processing 687, 688

GENMAX= option, MODIFY statement (DATASETS) 686

GENNUM= data set option 687, 688, 690

global symbol table

%GLOBAL statement 406

defined 306

macro variables and 306, 406

GPLOT procedure 334, 771

GROUP BY clause, SELECT statement (SQL)

selecting groups 61

summarizing groups of data 17, 51, 52

summary functions and 54, 57

GROUPFORMAT option, BY statement (DATA) 817

groups, selecting 61


hash objects

CALL MISSING routine 605

creating from data sets 607

DATA step component objects 602

declaring 603, 604

defined 600

defining keys and data 604

instantiating 603, 604

loading key/data values 606

multiple data variables 608

processing 606

retrieving matching data 606

retrieving multiple data values 609

return codes with FIND method 610

SET statement and 608

structure 601

HAVING clause, SELECT statement (SQL) 20, 61

HIST keyword 690

host sort utilities 851


I/O processing

comparing resource usage 874, 875, 876

measuring 713

IC CREATE statement, DATASETS procedure 671

IC DELETE statement, DATASETS procedure 676

IDXNAME= data set option

controlling index usage 879

functionality 249

general form 250

IDXWHERE= data set option

controlling index usage 879

functionality 249

general form 250

IF-THEN/ELSE statement

%IF -%THEN comparison 416

best practices 770, 777

large data set sorts 830

lookup values outside data sets 539, 540

IN conditional operator

description 36

general form 38

identifying conditions to optimize 869

in-line views

assigning aliases 112

functionality 110

multiple tables and 111

INDEX CREATE statement, DATASETS procedure 483

INDEX DELETE statement, DATASETS procedure 483

INDEX= option, DATA step 480


accessing rows in tables 239

benefits 241, 242, 865

BY statement and 812

combining data with 561, 562, 565

composite 240, 244, 245, 470, 480

controlling usage 879

copying data sets 489

costs of using 243, 865

creating 244

creating in DATA step 480

creating multiple 244

creation guidelines 243, 876

defined 238, 470, 479

displaying specifications 246

documenting 486

dropping 252

identifying available 865, 867

maintaining 486

managing usage 247, 249

managing with DATASETS procedure 483

managing with SQL procedure 485

modifying observations located by 663

querying 241, 862, 864, 865

reasons for not using 482

renaming data sets 490

renaming variables 490

simple 240, 245, 470, 480

subsetting data 243

types of 240, 480

unique 240, 245

INFILE statement

assigning names of files to be read 508

COMPRESS function 509

date functions 511

END= option 510

FILEVAR= option 506

general form 506

INTNX function 512

INFORMAT= option, CREATE TABLE statement (SQL) 181

INITIATE statement, DATASETS procedure 678

inner joins

combining data horizontally 546, 550, 551, 554

defined 14, 89

general form with outer join 105

INOBS= option, SQL procedure 280

input data sources 537

INPUT function 331, 589

INPUTC function 331

INPUTN function 331

INSERT statement, SQL procedure

audit trails 677

CASE expression 215

controlling UNDO processing 203

FROM clause 194

functionality 76

general form 190, 191, 194

handling errors in row insertions 202

inserting rows from query results 194

inserting rows of data in tables 189, 190, 191

SELECT clause 194

SET clause 189, 190

updating views 268

VALUES clause 189, 191, 202

instantiating hash objects 603, 604

integrity constraints

creating outside of column specifications 199

creating tables with 196

displaying for tables 205

documenting 675

enforcing 673

functionality 669, 670

general 197, 670

general form with specifications 200

in column specifications 197

placing in data sets 671, 673, 674

referential 197, 670

removing 676

INTERSECT set operator

ALL keyword and 147, 149

CORR keyword and 148, 149

functionality 136, 146

INTNX function 512

INTO clause, SELECT statement (SQL) 371, 373, 376

IS MISSING conditional operator 36, 39, 869

IS NULL conditional operator 36, 39, 869


joining data sets

combining summary/detail data 555, 556, 559

DATA step match-merge 541, 542

defined 534

indexes and 561, 562, 565

lookup values and 539, 540

multiple SET statements 554

relationships between input data sources 537

SQL procedure support 545, 546, 550, 551, 554

terminology 535

transactional data sets 566, 567

transposed data sets 595, 596, 597, 598, 599

joining tables

advantages 109

COALESCE function 107, 108

comparing with DATA step match-merges 105, 106, 107

defined 13, 87

EXCEPT set operator 139

for rows with matching values 93

in-line views and 110, 111

indexes and 241

inner joins 14, 89

inner joins with outer-join general form 105

INTERSECT set operator 146

outer joins 98

OUTER UNION set operator 158, 163

processes defined 91

set operations 133

UNION set operator 152

with views 114


KEEP statement, DATA step 643, 792, 793, 794

KEEP= data set option

general form 184

subsetting variables 792, 793, 794

key columns 238, 241

key values

defined 535, 580

return codes with FIND method 610

key variables 535

KEY= option

MODIFY statement (DATA) 578, 663, 666, 668

SET statement (DATA) 562

keyword parameters 402, 404

keywords, modifying set operations 138


LABEL= option

CREATE TABLE statement (SQL) 181

SELECT statement, SQL procedure 46

labels, column 46

LAST, automatic variable 816, 848

LEFT function 332

left outer join 98, 99

LENGTH statement, DATA step 732, 734

LIB= option, FORMAT procedure 638

LIBNAME statement 266

LIBRARY= option, DATASETS procedure 487

librefs, views and 266

LIKE clause, CREATE TABLE statement (SQL) 183

LIKE conditional operator

description 36

general form 40

identifying conditions to optimize 869

specifying patterns 40

literal tokens 314

local symbol table 407, 408, 410

LOG statement

BEFOREIMAGE option 681

controlling data in audit trails 681

DATA_IMAGE option 681

ERROR_IMAGE option 681

logical expressions in macro programs 430, 432

lookup tables

defined 535, 580

hash objects as 600

multidimensional arrays and 581

multiple 542

stored array values 584, 585, 586, 589

TRANSPOSE function 590, 593

transposed data sets 595, 596, 597, 598, 599

LOOPS= option, SQL procedure 293


macro character functions

%INDEX function 327

%LENGTH function 325

%QSCAN function 329

%QSUBSTR function 326

%QUPCASE function 324

%SCAN function 328

%SUBSTR function 325

%UPCASE function 323

manipulating character strings 322

macro definitions 443

macro facility 306, 315

macro language 315

macro processor

functionality 347

macro facility and 315

macro variables rules 409

referencing macro variables 307

macro programs

%DO-%END statement 416

%EVAL function 430

%GLOBAL statement 406

%IF-%THEN/%ELSE macro statement 415, 416, 419, 422, 425

%LOCAL statement 408

%SYSEVALF function 432

arithmetic/logical expressions 430, 432

automatic evaluation 432

calling 393

case sensitivity and 425

comments in 399

compiling 392, 393

conditionally processing statements 415, 416, 419, 422, 425

debugging 397, 398, 399

defined 391

developing 397, 398, 399

executing 395

functionality 390

iterative processing for 426, 429

monitoring execution 397, 398, 399

nested 410, 412

parameters and 400, 401, 402, 404, 405

Stored Compiled Macro Facility 454, 455, 456, 457

storing definitions in catalog SOURCE entries 446, 447

storing in autocall libraries 446, 450, 451, 452

storing macro in external files 443

storing session-compiled macros 442

symbol tables 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 412, 414

macro quoting functions

%BQUOTE function 321

%NRSTR function 321

%STR function 319

masking special characters 318

macro triggers 315

macro variables

%PUT statement 316

automatic 306, 308, 406

combining references with text 332

creating delimited list of values 376

creating during DATA step 345

creating during PROC SQL execution 371

creating multiple during DATA step 360

creating with INTO clause 373

DATALINES statement and 306

delimiters in names 334

displaying values in SAS log 315, 316

Forward Re-Scan rule 364

functionality 304, 305

in symbol tables 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 412, 414

macro facility and 306

macro parameters and 400, 401, 402, 404, 405

macro processor rules 409

obtaining values during DATA step 369

processing 312

PUT function 331, 356

referencing 307, 332

referencing indirectly 363

SAS function support 330

SCL program support 379, 380

SYMBOLGEN system option 315

SYMGET function 369

SYMGETN function 380

SYMPUT routine 349, 350, 351, 353, 360

SYMPUTN routine 380

SYMPUTX routine 358

tokenization 313

triggers for 315

user-defined 306, 310, 406

many-to-many match 537, 548

masking special characters

%BQUOTE function 321

%NRSTR function 321

%STR function 319

macro function support 318

MAUTOLOCDISPLAY system option 453

MAUTOSOURCE system option 452

MCOMPILENOTE= system option 393

MEANS procedure

CLASS statement 819

general form 556

multilabel formats 629

NOPRINT option 556

NWAY option 894

OUTPUT statement 556, 896

tools for summarizing data 883, 886, 887

TYPES statement 891

WAYS statement 900

WHERE= data set option 896


controlling number of buffers 713, 715, 716

controlling page size 713, 714

MEMRPT system option 706

MERGE statement, DATA step 541, 542

message characters 630

MESSAGE= option, CREATE TABLE statement (SQL) 198, 200

metadata 278

methods 602

missing values in data sets 663

MLF option, TABULATE procedure 629

MLOGIC system option 398

MLOGICNEST system option 414

MODIFY clause, ALTER TABLE statement (SQL) 221

MODIFY statement, DATA step

audit trails and 677

BY statement 660, 662, 668

functionality 656, 658

general form 659

KEY= option 578, 663, 666, 668

POINT= option 746

UNIQUE option 666

UPDATEMODE= option 663

MODIFY statement, DATASETS procedure 483, 686

MONTH function 511

MPRINT system option 397

MPRINTNEST system option 412

MSGLEVEL= system option 248, 481, 879

MSGTYPE= option, CREATE TABLE statement (SQL) 198, 200

MSTORED system option 454, 456

multidimensional arrays 581

multilabel formats 629

MULTILABEL option, VALUE statement (FORMAT) 628

multiple columns 12, 54

multiple indexes 244

multiple tables

querying 13

specifying columns in 14

specifying names 15

views and 111, 114


name tokens 314, 315

NAME= option, TRANSPOSE procedure 593

nested macros 410, 412

NMISS function 58

NOBS= option, SET statement 473

NODOUBLE option, SQL procedure 282

NODUPKEY option, SORT procedure 842

NODUPRECS option, SORT procedure 844

NOEQUALS option, SORT procedure 846

NOERRORSTOP option, SQL procedure 293

NOEXEC option, SQL procedure 75, 293

NOFLOW option, SQL procedure 283

NOFMTERR system option 639

NOFULLSTIMER system option 707

NOMEMRPT system option 707

noncorrelated subqueries

defined 65

multiple-value 67

single-value 66

subsetting data 66

nonmatching data 538, 549

NONUMBER option, SQL procedure 282

NOPRINT option

MEANS procedure 556

SELECT statement (SQL) 371

NOPROMPT option, SQL procedure 281, 293

NOSTATS system option 707

NOSTIMER option, SQL procedure 285

NOSTIMER system option 707

NOT EXISTS conditional operator 73

NOT NULL constraint type

constraint specification 200

functionality 196, 197, 670

in column specification 197

NOTHREADS option, SORT procedure 825

NOTHREADS system option 825


BY statement (DATA) 814, 816

TRANSPOSE procedure 596

NUMBER option, SQL procedure 282

number tokens 314

numeric data types 179, 180

numeric variables, storing 733, 734, 735, 736

NWAY option, MEANS procedure 894


OBS= data set option 830

OBS= option, WHERE statement (PRINT) 789

OBSBUF= data set option 756

one-to-many match 537, 548

one-to-one match 537, 547

OPTIONS statement, SQL procedure

BUFNO= option 716

BUFSIZE= option 715

COMPRESS= option 743

CPUCOUNT= option 826

FMTERR option 639

FMTSEARCH= option 638

FULLSTIMER option 706


MAUTOSOURCE option 452

MCOMPILENOTE= option 393

MEMRPT option 706

MLOGIC option 398

MLOGIC system option 398

MLOGICNEST option 414

MLOGICNEST system option 414

MPRINT option 397

MPRINT system option 397

MPRINTNEST option 412

MPRINTNEST system option 412

MSGLEVEL= option 248, 481

MSGLEVEL= system option 481

MSTORED option 454, 456

NOFMTERR option 639


NOMEMRPT option 707

NOSTATS option 707

NOSTIMER option 707

NOTHREADS option 825

REUSE= option 747

SASAUTOS option 452

SASAUTOS= option 452

SASMSTORE option 456

SASMSTORE= option 454

SORTCUT= system option 852

SORTCUTP= system option 852

SORTNAME= system option 853

SORTPGM= system option 851

SORTSIZE= system option 828

STATS option 706

STIMER option 285, 706

SYMBOLGEN option 315

THREADS option 825

ORDER BY clause, SELECT statement (SQL)

ordering by multiple columns 12

ordering rows 11, 16

OUT= option, SORT procedure 830

outer joins

functionality 98

general form 99

inner joins and 105

OUTER UNION set operator

CORR keyword and 160, 163

functionality 136, 158, 159

OUTOBS= option, SQL procedure

general form 32

restricting row processing 280

summary functions and 57


adding character constants 48

controlling 282

detail reports 880

double-spacing 282

eliminating duplicate rows from 33

enhancing for queries 45

flowing characters in columns 283

including row numbers 282

SYMPUT routine support 353

OUTPUT statement

DATA step 667

MEANS procedure 556, 896

output tables, creating 19



in macro programs 400, 401, 402, 404, 405

keyword 402, 404

PARMBUFF option 405

positional 401, 404

PARMBUFF option, %MACRO statement 405

patterns 40

percent sign (%)

macro programs and 394

specifying directives 632

tokens and 321


testing and evaluating 285

period (.) 334

PICTURE statement, FORMAT procedure

DATATYPE= option 632

general form 630

specifying directives 632

specifying pictures 630

PLOT procedure 334

POINT= option

MODIFY statement (DATA) 746

SET statement (DATA) 471, 746

POINTOBS= data set option 746

positional parameters 401, 404

PREFIX= option, TRANSPOSE procedure 593

PRIMARY KEY constraint type

constraint specification 200

functionality 196, 197, 670

in column specification 197

PRINT procedure

detail reports 880

UNIFORM option 757

WHERE statement 789

process management

best practices 800, 801

conditional processing for macro programs 415, 416, 419, 422, 425

controlling execution 280

controlling output 282

controlling updates 667, 668

creating macro variables in DATA step 345

creating macro variables in PROC SQL 371, 373, 376

creating multiple macro variables in DATA step 360

Dictionary tables 278, 289

error handling 293

for macro programs 397, 398, 399

Forward Re-Scan rule 364

hash objects 606

iterative processing for macro programs 426, 429

macro variables 312, 409

macro variables in SCL programs 379, 380

obtaining macro variable values in DATA step 369

PUT function 331, 356

referencing macro variables indirectly 363

resetting options 287

restricting number of loops 293

specifying SQL options 279

SYMGET function 369

SYMGETN function 380

SYMPUT routine 349, 350, 351, 353, 360

SYMPUTN routine 380

SYMPUTX routine 358

testing and evaluating performance 285

working with views 378

PROMPT option, SQL procedure 281, 293

PUT function 331, 356, 540

PUTC function 331

PUTN function 331



comparing resource usage 874, 875, 876

creating output tables 19

creating tables from 186

detail reports 880

Dictionary tables and 290

displaying all columns 31

eliminating duplicate rows from output 33

enhancing output 45

estimating observations 871

identifying available indexes 865, 867

identifying conditions to optimize 869, 870, 871

in-line views 110

indexes and 241, 862, 864, 865

inserting rows from 194

joining multiple tables and views 114

limiting number of rows displayed 32

ordering rows 11, 16

querying multiple tables 13

selecting columns 9

specifying subsetting criteria 10

specifying tables 10

subqueries for subsetting data 64

subsetting data using correlated subqueries 73

subsetting data using noncorrelated subqueries 66

subsetting rows using calculated values 42

subsetting rows with conditional operators 35

summarizing groups of data 17, 51

tools for summarizing data 883, 884, 889

validating general form 75

viewing all columns 31

viewing SELECT statement general form 30

views in 260, 261

writing SQL procedure steps 7

quotation marks

literal tokens 314

macro quoting functions and 318

macro triggers and 315

referencing macro variables 307


random numbers, generating 474, 475

random samples

creating with replacements 474, 475

creating without replacements 477

defined 470

RANUNI function 474, 475

raw data filenames, storing 522

referential integrity constraints 197, 670

REMOVE statement, DATA step 667

RENAME statement

DATA step 643

DATASETS procedure 490

RENAME= data set option 594

REPLACE statement, DATA step 667

REPORT procedure 883

RESET statement, SQL procedure 76, 287

resource management

assessing needs 703, 704, 705

benchmark guidelines 707

comparing probable usage 874, 875, 876

comparing summarization tools 884, 887

computer resources 702

efficiency trade-offs 705

for sorts 826, 828

system options for 706

RETAIN statement, DATA step 643

return codes (FIND method) 610

REUSE= data set option 747

REUSE= system option 747

right outer join 98, 101


accessing in tables 239

counting all 58

counting number of 58

deleting in tables 216

duplicate 33, 137

eliminating duplicates from output 33

estimating number of 871

handling insertion errors 202

inserting in tables 189, 190, 191

joining tables with matching values 93

limiting number displayed 32

ordering 11, 16

ordering by multiple columns 12

processing unique vs. duplicate 137

restricting processing 280

row numbers in output 282

updating based on CASE expression 212, 214, 215

updating values 207

updating with different expressions 210

updating with same expression 207

RUN statement 800, 801

RUN-group processing 800, 801



defined 470

random 470, 474, 475, 477

systematic 470, 471, 473

SAS log

%PUT statement 316

displaying macro variable values 315, 316

MCOMPILENOTE= option 393

SYMBOLGEN system option 315

SASAUTOS= system option 452

SASMSTORE system option 456

SASMSTORE= system option 454

SCL programs

macro variables in 379, 380

SYMGETN function 380

SYMPUTN routine 380

security, table views 267

SELECT clause

CREATE TABLE statement (SQL) 187

INSERT statement (SQL) 194

SELECT statement (SQL) 9, 14, 31, 33, 51, 52

SELECT statement, FORMAT procedure

best practices 770

managing formats 634, 645

SELECT statement, SQL procedure

best practices 770

CASE expression 215

creating new columns 9

DISTINCT keyword 33

FEEDBACK option 31

FROM clause 10, 15, 87, 110

functionality 7, 29

general form 30

general form for inner join 89, 105

general form for outer join 99

general form for set operations 133

GROUP BY clause 17, 51, 52, 54, 57, 61

HAVING clause 20, 61

INTO clause 371, 373, 376

LABEL= option 46

NOPRINT option 371

ORDER BY clause 11, 12, 16

ordering by multiple columns 12

ordering rows 11

querying multiple tables 13

SELECT clause 9, 14, 31, 33, 51, 52

selecting columns 9

specifying columns in multiple tables 14

specifying multiple table names 15

specifying subset criteria 10

specifying tables 10

summarizing groups of data 51, 52

VALIDATE keyword 76

viewing all columns 31

WHERE clause 10, 15, 35, 42, 43

SELECT/WHEN statement 777, 830

semicolon (;) in macro programs 394

sequential access 864

session-compiled macros 442

SET clause

INSERT statement (SQL) 189, 190

UPDATE statement (SQL) 207

set operations

combining and overlaying columns 137

defined 133

EXCEPT set operator 136, 139, 142, 143

INTERSECT set operator 136, 146, 147, 148, 149

modifying results via keywords 138

OUTER UNION set operator 136, 158, 163

processing multiple operations 135

processing single operations 134

processing unique vs. duplicate rows 137

UNION set operator 136, 152, 153, 154, 155

SET statement, DATA step

handling large data set sorts 830

hash objects and 608

KEY= option 562

multiple 554

NOBS= option 473

POINT= option 471, 746

simple indexes

creating 245

defined 240, 470, 480

SORT procedure

calculating space requirements 826

EQUALS option 846

NODUPKEY option 842

NODUPRECS option 844

NOEQUALS option 846

NOTHREADS option 825

OUT= option 830

SORTSIZE= option 828

TAGSORT option 840

THREADS option 825

WHERE statement 781, 784, 830

SORTCUT= system option 852

SORTCUTP= system option 852

SORTEDBY= data set option 823


allocating resources 828

avoiding unnecessary 812, 814, 816, 817, 819, 823

calculating resources 826

host sort utilities 851

large data sets 830

ordering by multiple columns 12

ordering rows 11

SORTCUT= system option 852

SORTCUTP= system option 852

SORTNAME= system option 853

SORTPGM= system option 851

threaded 825

SORTNAME= system option 853

SORTPGM= system option 851

SORTSIZE= option, SORT procedure 828

SORTSIZE= system option 828

sounds-like conditional operator

description 36

general form 42

WHERE conditions and 870

SOURCE entries, storing 446, 447

SOURCE option, %MACRO statement 455, 457

sparse match 538

special characters, masking

%BQUOTE function 321

%NRSTR function 321

%STR function 319

macro function support 318

special tokens 314

spelling variations 42

SQL procedure

accessing metadata 278

combining data horizontally 546, 550, 551, 554

creating macro variables 371, 373, 376

detail reports 880

DOUBLE option 282

ERRORSTOP option 293

EXEC option 293

FEEDBACK option 31

FLOW option 283

functionality 5

general form 7, 107

INOBS= option 280

INSERT statement 189

joining data 545

LOOPS= option 293

managing indexes 485

NODOUBLE option 282

NOERRORSTOP option 293

NOEXEC option 75, 293

NOFLOW option 283

NONUMBER option 282

NOPROMPT option 281, 293

NOSTIMER option 285

NUMBER option 282

OUTOBS= option 32, 280

PROMPT option 281, 293

specifying options 279

STIMER option 285

tools for summarizing data 883

UNDO_POLICY option 203

unique features 5

writing steps 7

SQLOOPS macro variable 293

STATS system option 706

STIMER option, SQL procedure 285

STIMER system option 285, 706

STOP statement 472


array values 584, 585, 586, 589

best practices 797

compressing data files 741, 742, 743, 746, 747, 748

conserving with DATA step views 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758

in autocall libraries 446, 450, 451, 452

macro definitions in catalog SOURCE entries 446, 447

macro definitions in external files 443

permanent locations for formats 638

raw data filenames in data sets 522

raw data filenames in external files 522

reducing for character variables 732

reducing for numeric variables 733, 734, 735, 736

session-compiled macros 442

Stored Compiled Macro Facility 454, 455, 456, 457

STORE option, %MACRO statement 454

Stored Compiled Macro Facility 454, 455, 456, 457

SUBMIT block 379


comparison operator in 68

correlated 65, 241

noncorrelated 65

subsetting data 64

subsetting columns in tables 184

subsetting data

correlated subqueries and 73

indexes and 243

noncorrelated subqueries and 66

subqueries and 64

subsetting IF statement 768, 786, 788

subsetting rows

functionality 15

specifying criteria 10

using calculated values 42

using conditional operators 35

subsetting variables 792, 793, 794

SUBSTR function 589, 869, 870

sum statement 559

summarizing data

comparing tools 883, 884, 887, 889

GROUP BY clause, SELECT statement (SQL) 17, 51, 52

SELECT clause and 52

summary functions

functionality 18, 51

GROUP BY clause and 54, 57

number of arguments 51

on groups of data 52

SELECT clause and 52

with columns outside function 55

with multiple arguments 54

with single arguments 53

SUMMARY procedure

CLASS statement 819

multilabel formats 629

tools for summarizing data 883

summary statistics

class variables and 886, 888

combining data and 555, 556, 559

MEANS procedure 556, 886

sum statement 559

symbol tables

%GLOBAL statement 406

%LOCAL statement 408

defined 306

global 306, 406

local 407, 408, 410

SYMBOLGEN system option 315

SYMGET function 369, 380

SYMGETN function 380

SYMPUT routine

creating multiple macro variables 360

DATA step expressions and 353

DATA step variables and 351

general form 349, 361

SCL program support 380

SYMPUTN routine 380

SYMPUTX routine 358

SYSDATE automatic macro variable 308

SYSDATE9 automatic macro variable 308, 326, 330

SYSDAY automatic macro variable 308

SYSERR automatic macro variable 308

SYSJOBID automatic macro variable 308

SYSLAST automatic macro variable 308, 328

SYSPARM automatic macro variable 308

SYSSCP automatic macro variable 308

system options, tracking resources 706

systematic samples

defined 470

from known number of observations 471

from unknown number of observations 473

SYSTENV automatic macro variable 308

SYSTIME automatic macro variable 308, 330

SYSVER automatic macro variable 308


table aliases, specifying 94

TABLE statement, TABULATE procedure 629


base 535

copying 187

creating from query results 186

creating like others 183

creating output tables 19

creating with integrity constraints 196, 197

displaying integrity constraints 205

displaying structure 182

dropping 225

empty 177, 183

generating Cartesian products 87

joining with SQL procedure 545

methods of creating 176

querying multiple 13

specifying 10

specifying data types 179

specifying multiple table names 15

symbol 306

updating values 207

views and 111, 114, 260, 267

virtual 261

TABULATE procedure

CLASS statement 629, 819

FORMAT statement 629

FORMAT= option 629

MLF option 629

multilabel formats 629

TABLE statement 629

tools for summarizing data 883

TAGSORT option, SORT procedure 840

testing performance 285

text, macro variable references and 332

threaded sorts 825

THREADS option, SORT procedure 825

THREADS system option 825

TITLE statement, SQL procedure 47

titles, specifying 47


literal 314

macro triggers and 315

macro variables and 313

name 314, 315

number 314

percent sign and 321

special 314

transaction data sets 566, 567, 660

TRANSPOSE procedure

adding variable names 593

BY statement 595

general form 590

NAME= option 593

NOTSORTED option 596

PREFIX= option 593

RENAME= data set option 594

VAR statement 591

transposed data sets 595, 596, 597, 598, 599

TRIM function 869

TYPE= data set option 679

TYPES statement, MEANS procedure 891


UNDO_POLICY option, SQL procedure 203

UNIFORM option, PRINT procedure 757

UNION set operator

ALL keyword and 153, 155

CORR keyword and 154, 155

functionality 136, 152

UNIQUE constraint type

constraint specification 200

functionality 196, 197, 670

in column specification 197

unique indexes 240, 245

UNIQUE option

DATA step 481

MODIFY statement (DATA) 666

UNIVARIATE procedure 771, 819, 883

update process

controlling 667, 668

for views 268

UPDATE statement, DATA step 567

UPDATE statement, SQL procedure

audit trails and 677

CASE expression 210, 212

controlling UNDO processing 203

functionality 76

general form 207

SET clause 207

updating table row values 207

updating views 268

WHERE clause 207, 210, 268

UPDATEMODE= option, MODIFY statement (DATA) 663

USERVAR statement 682

user variables 682

user-defined macro variables

%LET statement and 310

defined 306

global symbol table and 406

USING clause, CREATE VIEW statement (SQL) 266


VALIDATE keyword 76

VALUE statement, FORMAT procedure

combining data 541

creating formats 540, 626

creating formats with overlapping ranges 628

MULTILABEL option 628

value/identifier pairs 479

VALUES clause, INSERT statement (SQL)

functionality 189, 191

handling errors for row insertions 202

VAR statement, TRANSPOSE function 591


accumulator 559

adding descriptive names 593

appending with different lengths 517

appending with different types 519

associating formats with 540

audit trail 680, 681

automatic 816, 848

best practices 785

character 732

class 886, 888, 889, 891, 894

hash objects and 608

key 535

listing in data sets 642

numeric 733, 734, 735, 736

renaming 490

subsetting 792, 793, 794

summary statistics and 886, 888

user 682

WHERE conditions and 870

VIEW= option, DATA step 755


benefits 261

conserving storage space 753, 754, 755, 756, 757, 758

creating 261

deleting 270

displaying definitions 264

dropping 270

enhancing table security 267

functionality 263, 378

in queries 260

in-line 110, 111, 112

librefs and 266

managing 265

tables and 111, 114, 260, 267

updating 268

VIEWTABLE window 677

virtual tables 261


WAYS statement, MEANS procedure 900

WHERE clause

SELECT statement (SQL) 10, 15, 35, 43

UPDATE statement (SQL) 207, 210, 268

WHERE condition

compound optimization and 871

controlling index usage 879

not optimized 870

optimizing 869

printing centile information 872

WHERE statement

DATA step 786, 788, 862, 864, 865, 867

PRINT procedure 789

SORT procedure 781, 784, 830

WHERE= data set option 896

word scanner

macro triggers and 315

tokenization and 313

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