Chapter 12. Storing Macro Programs



One of the most useful aspects of macro programming is the ability to reuse your macro programs. In Chapter 11, "Creating and Using Macro Programs," on page 371, you learned that compiled macros are stored in a temporary SAS catalog by default and are available for execution anytime during the current SAS session. You also learned that macros stored in this temporary SAS catalog are deleted at the end of the SAS session.

You might want to store your macros permanently so that you can reuse them in later SAS sessions or share them with others. There are several ways of storing your macro programs permanently and of making them accessible during a SAS session. The methods that you will learn in this chapter are

  • the %INCLUDE statement

  • the autocall macro facility

  • permanently stored compiled macros.


In this chapter, you learn to

  • use the %INCLUDE statement to make macros available to a SAS program

  • use the autocall macro facility to make macros available to a SAS program

  • use SAS system options with the autocall facility

  • create and use permanently stored compiled macros.


Before beginning this chapter, you should complete the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1, "Performing Queries Using PROC SQL," on page 3

  • Chapter 9, "Introducing Macro Variables," on page 287

  • Chapter 10, "Processing Macro Variables at Execution Time," on page 325

  • Chapter 11, "Creating and Using Macro Programs," on page 371.

Understanding Session-Compiled Macros

In Chapter 11, "Creating and Using Macro Programs," on page 371, you learned that you can submit a macro definition in order to compile a macro. For example, when you submit the macro definition shown here, the macro processor compiles the macro Prtlast:

%macro prtlast;
   %if &syslast ne _NULL_ %then %do;
      proc print data=&syslast(obs=5);
         title "Listing of &syslast data set";
      %put No data set has been created yet.;

By default, the Prtlast macro is stored in a temporary SAS catalog as Work.Sasmacr.Prtlast.Macro. Macros that are stored in this temporary SAS catalog are known as session-compiled macros. Once a macro has been compiled, it can be invoked from a SAS program as shown here:

proc sort out=bydays;
      by days;


Session-compiled macros are available for execution during the SAS session in which they are compiled. They are deleted at the end of the session. But suppose you want to save your macros so that they are not deleted at the end of the SAS session. The rest of this chapter looks at methods of storing macros permanently.

Storing Macro Definitions in External Files

One way to store macro programs permanently is to save them to an external file. You can then use the %INCLUDE statement to insert the statements that are stored in the external file into a program. If the external file contains a macro definition, the macro is compiled when the %INCLUDE statement is submitted. Then the macro can be called again later in the same program, or anytime later in the current SAS session.

By storing your macro program externally and using the %INCLUDE statement, you gain several advantages over using session-compiled macros.

  • The source code for the macro definition does not need to be part of your program.

  • A single copy of a macro definition can be shared by many programs.

  • Macro definitions in external files are easily viewed and edited with any text editor.

  • No special SAS system options are required in order to access a macro definition that is stored in an external file.


You can compile a macro by using the %INCLUDE statement to insert its definition into a program. Then you can call the macro in order to execute it.

Suppose the following macro definition is stored in the external file

%macro prtlast;
   %if &syslast ne _NULL_ %then %do;
      proc print data=&syslast (obs=5);
         title "Listing of &syslast data set";
      %put No data set has been created yet.;

You could submit the following code to access, compile, and execute the Prtlast macro. The PROC SORT step is included in this example in order to create a data set that the Prtlast macro can print.

%include '' /source2; 

proc sort out=bydays;
      by days;



The location and names of external files will be specific to your operating environment. Δ

The following messages are written to the SAS log when this code is submitted. Notice that the macro definition is written to the log because SOURCE2 was specified in the %INCLUDE statement.

Table 12.1. SAS Log


Here is the output that the code generates.


Storing Macro Definitions in Catalog SOURCE Entries

Another way of permanently storing macros is to store a macro definition in a SOURCE entry in a SAS catalog. If you decide to store your macro programs in a SAS catalog, you must store each macro program in a separate SOURCE entry. It is a good idea to give each SOURCE entry the same name as the macro program that is stored within it. For example, a macro named Printit would be stored in a SOURCE entry that is also named Printit.


SAS catalogs are members of SAS libraries that store program source code and other types of content. Δ

To store a macro definition as a SOURCE entry in a SAS catalog, you use the Save As Object window.


To save the Printit macro definition to the Sasuser.Mymacs catalog, perform these steps:

  1. Select File

    Save As Object. In the Save As Object window, select the Sasuser library.

  2. If the Sasuser.Mymacs catalog does not already exist, you need to create it. You can either select the Create New Catalog icon or right-click the Save As Object window and select New in order to open the New Catalog window. Enter Mymacs as the name for the new catalog and click OK.

  3. Enter Printit in the Entry Name field. Make sure that the Entry Type is set to SOURCE entry (SOURCE), and click Save.


If you use the Program Editor, you could also use the SAVE command to save your macro definition as a catalog SOURCE entry. To use the SAVE command, you enter save libref.catalog.entry.source in the command line where libref.catalog.entry is the libref, the catalog name, and the entry name.

The CATALOG Procedure

If you store your macros in a SAS catalog, you might want to view the contents of a particular catalog to see the macros you have stored there. You can use the Explorer window to view the contents of a SAS catalog by navigating to the catalog and double clicking it. You can also use the CATALOG procedure to list the contents of a SAS catalog. The CONTENTS statement of the CATALOG procedure lists the contents of a catalog in the procedure output.


CAT= is an alias for CATALOG. Δ


You can use PROC CATALOG to view all of the macros that are stored in the temporary Work.Sasmacr catalog, as follows:

proc catalog cat=work.sasmacr;
      title "Default Storage of SAS Macros";

This PROC CATALOG step produces results that are similar to the output shown below. The macros that are actually listed will be the macros that have been compiled during the current SAS session.


The CATALOG Access Method

If you store a macro definition in a SOURCE entry of a SAS catalog, you can use the CATALOG access method in a FILENAME statement in conjunction with the %INCLUDE statement to insert the macro definition into a SAS program.


Suppose you have stored the following macro definition as a SOURCE entry in the SAS catalog Sasuser.Mymacs:

%macro prtlast;
   %if &syslast ne _NULL_ %then %do;
      proc print data=&syslast(obs=5);
         title "Listing of &syslast data set";
      %put No data set has been created yet.;

You can use the CATALOG access method along with the %INCLUDE statement to compile the macro Prtlast. Then you can reference the macro later in the program.

filename prtlast catalog 'sasuser.mymacs.prtlast.source'; 
%include prtlast; 
proc sort out=bydays;
      by days;

You can also use the CATALOG access method to reference multiple SOURCE entries as long as the entries are stored in the same SAS catalog.


Suppose you have two macros, named Prtlast and Sortlast, that are stored in a SAS catalog.

Catalog Entry: Sasuser.Mymacs.Prtlast.Source

%macro prtlast;
   %if &syslast ne _NULL_ %then %do;
      proc print data=&syslast(obs=5);
      title "Listing of &syslast data set";
     %put No data set has been created yet.;

Catalog Entry: Sasuser.Mymacs.Sortlast.Source

%macro sortlast(sortby);
   %if &syslast ne _NULL_ %then %do;
      proc sort data=&syslast out=sorted;
         by &sortby;
     %put No data set has been created yet.;

You can use the CATALOG access method in conjunction with the %INCLUDE statement to compile both macros. Then you can call the macros later in the program. In this example, assume that the macros have the same names as the SOURCE entries in which they are stored:

filename prtsort catalog 'sasuser.mymacs'; 
%include prtsort(prtlast) / source2; 
%include prtsort(sortlast) / source2; 

data current(keep=student_name course_title begin_date location);
   set sasuser.all;
   if year(begin_date)=2001;


This code produces the following output:


Using the Autocall Facility

You can make macros accessible to your SAS session or program by using the autocall facility to search predefined source libraries for macro definitions. These predefined source libraries are known as autocall libraries. You can store your macro definitions permanently in an autocall library, and you can set up multiple autocall libraries.

When you use this approach, you do not need to compile the macro in order to make it available for execution. That is, if the macro definition is stored in an autocall library, then you do not need to submit or include the macro definition before you submit a call to the macro.

Suppose you have stored a file that contains a macro definition in your autocall library. When you submit a call to that macro

  • the macro processor searches the autocall library for the macro

  • the macro is compiled and stored as it would be if you had submitted it (that is, the compiled macro is stored in the default location of Work.Sasmacr)

  • the macro is executed.

Once it has been compiled, the macro can be executed as needed throughout the same SAS session. At the end of the SAS session, the compiled macro is deleted from the Work.Sasmacr catalog, but the source code remains in the autocall library.

Creating an Autocall Library

An autocall library can be either

  • a directory that contains source files

  • a partitioned data set (PDS)

  • a SAS catalog.

The method for creating an autocall library depends on the operating environment that you are using.

To create an autocall library in a directory-based operating system such as Windows, UNIX, or OpenVMS, create a directory in which to store macro definitions. Each macro definition in this directory will be a separate file that has the extension .sas and that has the same name as the macro that it contains.


Suppose you want to save the macro Prtlast in an autocall library. In a directory-based operating system, the first step is to create a directory that will hold your macro source files. You can use the Save As window to create the directory, and to save the macro definition in that directory. With the Prtlast definition in an active code editing window, select File

Save As. In the Save As window, navigate to the location where you want to create your autocall library. Select New Folder, enter the directory name, and click OK. Then enter Prtlast as the filename, make sure the file type is .sas, and click Save.


You could also use the FILE command to save your macro definition in an autocall library. To use the FILE command, you enter file '<path>external-file-name' in the command line.

Default Autocall Library

SAS provides several macros in a default autocall library for you. Some of the macros in the autocall library that SAS provides are listed here.

Macro Syntax



converts letters in its argument from uppercase to lowercase


converts letters in its argument from uppercase to lowercase, and returns a result that masks special characters and mnemonic operators


removes leading blanks from the argument


removes trailing blanks from the argument


removes multiple blanks from the argument


returns the string NUMERIC or CHAR, depending on whether the argument is an integer or a character string

You might be familiar with SAS functions such as TRIM and LEFT. The macros that SAS supplies look like macro functions, but they are in fact macros. One of the useful things about these macros is that in addition to using them in your SAS programs, you can see their source code.


The macro definition for the Lowcase macro is shown below. Notice that the comments that are included in this macro provide information about using the macro. All of the macros that SAS provides in the autocall library include explanatory comments so that they will be easy for you to understand and use.

%macro lowcase(string);
%*                                                    *;
%* MACRO: LOWCASE                                     *;
%*                                                    *;
%* USAGE: 1) %lowcase(argument)                       *;
%*                                                    *;
%* DESCRIPTION:                                       *;
%*     This macro returns the argument passed to      *;
%*     it unchanged except that all upper-case        *;
%*     alphabetic characters are changed to their     *;
%*     lower-case equivalents.                        *;
%*                                                    *;
%* E.g.:   %let macvar=%lowcase(SAS Institute Inc.);     *;
%* The variable macvar gets the value                 *;
%*   "sas institute inc."                             *;
%* NOTES:                                             *;
%*     Although the argument to the %UPCASE macro     *;
%*     function may contain commas, the argument to   *;
%*     %LOWCASE may not, unless they are quoted.      *;
%*     Because %LOWCASE is a macro, not a function,   *;
%*     it interprets a comma as the end of a parameter. *;

Accessing Autocall Macros

Remember that an autocall library is either a SAS catalog, an external directory, or a partitioned data set. This is true both for the default autocall library that SAS supplies and for autocall libraries that you create.

In order to access a macro definition that is stored in an autocall library, you must use two SAS system options, as follows:

  • The MAUTOSOURCE system option must be specified.

  • The SASAUTOS system option must be set to identify the location of the autocall library or libraries.

Both the MAUTOSOURCE and SASAUTOS system options can be set either at SAS invocation or with an OPTIONS statement during program execution.

The MAUTOSOURCE system option controls whether the autocall facility is available.

The SASAUTOS system option controls where the macro facility looks for autocall macros.

Unless your system administrator has changed the default value for the SASAUTOS system option, its value is the fileref Sasautos, and that fileref points to the location where the default autocall library was created during installation. The Sasautos fileref can refer to multiple locations that are concatenated.

Generally, it is a good idea to concatenate any autocall libraries that you create yourself with the default autocall library in the value of the SASAUTOS system option. Otherwise, the new autocall library will replace the default or existing libraries in the value of SASAUTOS, and the autocall facility will have access to only the new autocall library.


Suppose you want to access the Prtlast macro, which is stored in the autocall library C:Mysasfiles. You also want to make sure that the default autocall library (which the fileref Sasautos points to) is still available to the autocall facility. You would submit the following code:

options mautosource sasautos=('c:mysasfiles',sasautos);


The MAUTOLOCDISPLAY option is a Boolean option that is available beginning in SAS 9. When set, MAUTOLOCDISPLAY will cause a note to be issued to the SAS log indicating where the source code was obtained to compile an autocall macro. The note is similar to the information displayed when using the MLOGIC option. The default setting of this option is NOMAUTOLOCDISPLAY. Δ

When the autocall facility is in effect, if you invoke a macro that has not been previously compiled, the macro facility automatically

  1. searches the autocall library (or each autocall library in turn if multiple libraries are identified in the SASAUTOS system option) for a member that has the same name as the invoked macro

  2. brings the source statements into the current SAS session if the member is found

  3. issues an error message if the member is not found

  4. submits all statements in the member in order to compile the macro

  5. stores the compiled macro in the temporary catalog Work.Sasmacr

  6. calls the macro.

The autocall facility does not search for a macro in the autocall library if the macro has already been compiled during the current SAS session. In that case, the session-compiled macro is executed.

Using Stored Compiled Macros

The Stored Compiled Macro Facility

Remember that when a macro is compiled, it is stored in the temporary SAS catalog Work.Sasmacr by default. You can also store compiled macros in a permanent SAS catalog. Then you can use the Stored Compiled Macro Facility to access permanent SAS catalogs that contain compiled macros.

There are several advantages to using stored compiled macros:

  • SAS does not need to compile a macro definition when a macro call is made.

  • Session-compiled macros and the autocall facility are also available in the same session.

  • Users cannot modify compiled macros.

Two SAS system options affect stored compiled macros: MSTORED and SASMSTORE. The MSTORED system option controls whether the Stored Compiled Macro Facility is available.

The SASMSTORE system option controls where the macro facility looks for stored compiled macros.

The MSTORED and SASMSTORE system options can be set either at SAS invocation or with an OPTIONS statement during program execution.

Creating a Stored Compiled Macro

To create a permanently stored compiled macro, you must

  1. assign a libref to the SAS library in which the compiled macro will be stored

  2. set the system options MSTORED and SASMSTORE=libref

  3. use the STORE option in the %MACRO statement when you submit the macro definition.

There are several restrictions on stored compiled macros.

  • Sasmacr is the only catalog in which compiled macros can be stored. You can create a catalog named Sasmacr in any SAS library. You should not rename this catalog or its entries.

  • You cannot copy stored compiled macros across operating systems. You must copy the source program and re-create the stored compiled macro.

  • The source cannot be re-created from the compiled macro. You should retain the original source program. For convenience, you can store the source program in an autocall library. Alternatively, you can store the source program as a source entry in the same catalog as the compiled macro.

Using the SOURCE Option

An alternative to saving your source program separately from the stored compiled macro is to use the SOURCE option in the %MACRO statement to combine and store the source of the compiled macro with the compiled macro code. The SOURCE option requires that the STORE option and the MSTORED option be set. The %MACRO statement below shows the correct syntax for using the SOURCE option.

%macro macro-name<(parameter list)> /STORE SOURCE; 

The source code that is saved by the SOURCE option begins with the %MACRO keyword and ends with the semicolon following the %MEND statement.


The SOURCE option cannot be used on nested macro definitions.


Suppose you want to store the Words macro in compiled form in a SAS library. This example shows the macro definition for Words. The macro takes a text string, divides it into words, and creates a series of macro variables to store each word.

Notice that both the STORE option and the SOURCE option are used in the macro definition so that Words will be permanently stored as a compiled macro and the macro source code will be stored with it, as follows:

libname macrolib 'c:storedlib';
options mstored sasmstore=macrolib;

%macro words(text,root=w,delim=%str( ))/store source; 
   %local i word;
   %let i=1;
   %let word=%scan(&text,&i,&delim);
   %do %while (&word ne );
      %global &root&i;
      %let &root&i=&word;
      %let i=%eval(&i+1);
      %let word=%scan(&text,&i,&delim);
   %global &root.num;
      %let &root.num=%eval(&i-1);
%mend words;

If the Sasmacr catalog does not exist in the Macrolib library, it is automatically created. You can list the contents of the Macrolib.Sasmacr catalog to verify that the compiled macro was created, as follows:

proc catalog cat=macrolib.sasmacr;
   title "Stored Compiled Macros";

Here is the output from the PROC CATALOG step if no other compiled macros are stored in Macrolib.Sasmacr.


Accessing Stored Compiled Macros

In order to access a stored compiled macro, you must

  1. assign a libref to the SAS library that contains a Sasmacr catalog in which the macro was stored

  2. set the system options MSTORED and SASMSTORE=libref

  3. call the macro.

Only one permanent catalog containing compiled macros can be accessed at any given time.


The following program calls the Words macro. Assume that the Words macro was compiled and stored in an earlier SAS session.

libname macrolib 'c:storedlib';
options mstored sasmstore=macrolib;

%words(This is a test)
%put Number of Words (wnum): &wnum;
%put Word Number 1 (w1): &w1;
%put Word Number 2 (w2): &w2;
%put Word Number 3 (w3): &w3;
%put Word Number 4 (w4): &w4;

Here is a portion of the messages that are written to the SAS log when this code is submitted.

Table 12.2. SAS Log


Accessing Stored Macro Code

If you use the SOURCE option of the %MACRO statement to store your macro source code along with the stored compiled macro, you can use the %COPY statement to access the stored source code.


Suppose you submitted the program below to create a stored compiled macro named Words.

libname macrolib 'c:storedlib';
options mstored sasmstore=macrolib;

%macro words(text,root=w,delim=%str( ))/store source;
   %local i word;
   %let i=1;
   %let word=%scan(&text,&i,&delim);
   %do %while (&word ne );
      %global &root&i;
      %let &root&i=&word;
      %let i=%eval(&i+1);
      %let word=%scan(&text,&i,&delim);
   %global &root.num;
       %let &root.num=%eval(&i-1);
%mend words;

The %COPY statement writes the source code for the Words macro to the SAS log, for example:

%copy words/source;

The partial SAS log below shows the source code of the Words macro.

Table 12.3. SAS Log


The Stored Compiled Macro Facility can be used in conjunction with the Autocall Facility and with session-compiled macros. When you submit a macro call such as %words, the macro processor searches for the macro Words as

  1. an entry named Words.Macro in the temporary Work.Sasmacr catalog.

  2. an entry named Words.Macro in the Libref.Sasmacr catalog. The MSTORED option must be specified, and the SASMSTORE option must have a value of Libref.

  3. an autocall library member named Words that contains the macro definition for the macro Words. The MAUTOSOURCE option must be specified, and the value of the SASAUTOS option must point to the autocall library.



This section contains the following:

  • a text summary of the material taught in this chapter

  • syntax for statements and options

  • sample programs

  • points to remember.

Text Summary

Understanding Session-Compiled Macros

You can make a macro available to your SAS session by submitting the macro definition before calling the macro. This creates a session-compiled macro. Session-compiled macros are deleted from the temporary SAS catalog Work.Sasmacr at the end of the session.

Storing Macro Definitions in External Files

One way to store your macro definitions permanently is to save them in external files. You can make a macro definition that is stored in an external file accessible to your SAS programs by using the %INCLUDE statement.

Storing Macro Definitions in Catalog SOURCE Entries

You can also store your macro definitions permanently as SOURCE entries in SAS catalogs. You can use the catalog access method to make these macros accessible to your SAS programs. The PROC CATALOG statement enables you to view a list of the contents of a SAS catalog.

Using the Autocall Facility

You can permanently store macro definitions in source libraries called autocall libraries. SAS provides several macro definitions for you in a default autocall library. You can concatenate multiple autocall libraries. To access macros that are stored in an autocall library, you specify the SASAUTOS and MAUTOSOURCE system options.

Using Stored Compiled Macros

Another efficient way to make macros available to a program is to store them in compiled form in a SAS library. To store a compiled macro permanently, you must set two system options, MSTORED and SASMSTORE. Then you submit one or more macro definitions, using the STORE option in the %MACRO statement. The compiled macro is stored as a catalog entry in Libref.Sasmacr. The source program is not stored as part of the compiled macro. You should always maintain the original source program for each macro definition in case you need to redefine the macro. You can use the SOURCE option in the %MACRO statement to store the macro source code with the compiled macro. If you use the SOURCE option in the %MACRO statement, you can use the %COPY statement to access the macro source code later.


%INCLUDE file-specification </SOURCE2>;

FILENAME fileref

     CATALOG 'libref.catalog.entry-name.entry-type';

%INCLUDE fileref;

FILENAME fileref CATALOG 'libref.catalog';

%INCLUDE fileref(entry-1);

%INCLUDE fileref(entry-2);

PROC CATALOG CATALOG=libref.catalog;





OPTIONS SASAUTOS=(library-1,…,library-n);



%MACRO macro-name<(parameters-list)> /STORE SOURCE



%MEND <macro-name>;

Sample Programs

Compiling an Externally Stored Macro Definition with the %INCLUDE Statement

%include '' / source2;

proc sort out=bydays;
   by days;


Listing the Contents of a Catalog

proc catalog cat=work.sasmacr;
   title "Default Storage of SAS Macros";

Using the Catalog Access Method

filename prtlast catalog 'sasuser.mymacs.prtlast.source';
%include prtlast;
proc sort out=bydays;
   by days;

Accessing an Autocall Macro

options mautosource sasautos=('c:mysasfiles',sasautos);

Creating a Stored Compiled Macro

libname macrolib 'c:storedlib';
options mstored sasmstore=macrolib;

%macro words(text,root=w,delim=%str( ))/store;
   %local i word;
   %let i=1;
   %let word=%scan(&text,&i,&delim);
   %do %while (&word ne );
      %global &root&i;
      %let &root&i=&word;
      %let i=%eval(&i+1);
      %let word=%scan(&text,&i,&delim);
   %global &root.num;
   %let &root.num=%eval(&i-1);
%mend words;

Points to Remember

  • You can make macros available to your programs in four ways: as session-compiled macros, with a %INCLUDE statement, through the autocall facility, or as stored compiled macros.

  • If you use the autocall facility, you must specify the MAUTOSOURCE and SASAUTOS system options.

  • If you use the stored compiled macro facility, you must specify the MSTORED and SASMSTORE system options.

  • The point at which macro compilation occurs depends on which method you use to access the macro.


Select the best answer for each question. After completing the quiz, check your answers using the answer key in the appendix.

  1. The %INCLUDE statement

    1. can be used to insert the contents of an external file into a program.

    2. will cause a macro definition that is stored in an external file to be compiled when the contents of that file are inserted into a program and submitted.

    3. can be specified with the SOURCE2 option in order to write the contents of the external file that is inserted into a program to the SAS log.

    4. all of the above

  2. If you store a macro definition in a SAS catalog SOURCE entry

    1. the macro definition can be submitted for compilation by using the FILENAME and %INCLUDE statements.

    2. you can use the PROC CATALOG statement to compile the macro.

    3. the SOURCE entry will be deleted at the end of the session.

    4. you do not need to compile the macro before you invoke it in a program.

  3. Which of the following programs correctly sets the appropriate system options and calls the macro Prtlast? Assume that Prtlast is stored in an autocall library as a text file and that it has not been compiled during the current SAS session.

    1. libname mylib 'c:mylib';
      filename macsrc 'mylib.macsrc';
      options mautosource sasautos=(macsrc, sasautos);
    2. libname mylib 'c:mylib';
      filename macsrc catalog 'mylib.macsrc';
    3. filename mylib 'c:mylib';
      options mautosource sasautos=(sasautos,mylib);
    4. libname mylib 'c:mylib';
      options mautosource sasautos=mylib;
  4. If you use the Stored Compiled Macro Facility,

    1. the macro processor does not compile a macro every time it is used.

    2. the only compiled macros that the Stored Compiled Macro Facility can access are those that are stored in the Sasmacr catalog.

    3. you need to specify the MSTORED and SASMSTORE system options.

    4. all of the above

  5. Which of the following correctly creates a permanently stored compiled macro?

    1. libname macrolib 'c:mylib';
      options sasmstore;
      %macro prtlast; / store
         proc print data=&syslast (obs=5);
            title "Listing of &syslast data set";
    2. libname macrolib 'c:mylib';
      options mstored sasmstore=macrolib;
      %macro prtlast / store;
         proc print data=&syslast (obs=5);
            title "Listing of &syslast data set";
    3. libname macrolib 'c:mylib';
      options mstored sasmstore=macrolib;
      %macro prtlast;
         proc print data=&syslast (obs=5);
            title "Listing of &syslast data set";
    4. libname macrolib 'c:mylib';
      %macro prtlast / store;
         proc print data=&syslast (obs=5);
            title "Listing of &syslast data set";
  6. When you submit the following code, what happens?

    %macro prtlast;
       proc print data=&syslast (obs=5);
          title "Listing of &syslast data set";
    1. A session-compiled macro named Prtlast is stored in Work.Sasmacr.

    2. A macro named Prtlast is stored in the autocall library.

    3. The Prtlast macro is stored as a stored compiled macro.

    4. The Prtlast macro is stored as a SOURCE entry in a permanent SAS catalog.

  7. Why would you want to store your macros in external files?

    1. You could easily share your macros with others.

    2. You could edit your macros with any text editor.

    3. Your macros would be available for use in later SAS sessions.

    4. all of the above

  8. What will the following PROC CATALOG step do?

    proc catalog cat=mylib.sasmacr;
    1. Copy the contents of the Sasmacr catalog to a temporary data set.

    2. List the contents of the Sasmacr catalog as output.

    3. Copy the contents of the output window to the Sasmacr catalog.

    4. none of the above

  9. Which of the following is not true about stored compiled macros?

    1. Because these stored macros are compiled, you should save and maintain the source for the macro definitions in a different location.

    2. The Stored Compiled Macro Facility compiles and saves compiled macros in a permanent catalog, in a library that you specify.

    3. You do not need to specify any system options in order to use the Stored Compiled Macro Facility.

    4. You cannot move a stored compiled macro to another operating system.

  10. Which of the following is not true?

    1. The autocall macro facility stores compiled SAS macros in a collection of external files called an autocall library.

    2. Autocall libraries can be concatenated together.

    3. One disadvantage of the autocall facility is that the first time you call an autocall macro in a SAS session, the macro processor must use system resources to compile it.

    4. The autocall facility can be used in conjunction with the Stored Compiled Macro Facility.

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