Chapter 24. Querying Data Efficiently



SAS provides a variety of techniques for querying data that enable you to create the results that you want in different ways. In this chapter, you learn to select the most efficient query techniques from those listed below, based on comparisons of resource usage.



selecting a subset

  • WHERE statement that references a data set that has been indexed

creating a detail report

  • PRINT procedure

  • SQL procedure

creating a summary report for one class variable or a combination of class variables

  • MEANS procedure (or SUMMARY procedure)

  • TABULATE procedure

  • REPORT procedure

  • SQL procedure

  • DATA step


This chapter does not cover the SAS Scalable Performance Data Engine (SAS SPD Engine), which is a SAS 9.1 technology for threaded processing. For details about using the SAS SPD Engine to improve performance, see the SAS documentation. Δ


In this chapter, you learn to

  • identify the costs and benefits of using an index

  • identify the factors that affect whether SAS uses an index for WHERE processing

  • determine whether SAS is likely to use an index to process a particular WHERE expression

  • identify the main features of compound optimization

  • identify the effect of indexing and order of data on WHERE processing

  • print centile information for a data file

  • identify the relative efficiency of the PRINT procedure and the SQL procedure for creating detail reports

  • identify the relative efficiency of five tools for summarizing data for one categorical variable

  • identify the relative efficiency of three ways of using the MEANS procedure to summarize data for selected combinations of categorical variables.


Before beginning this chapter, you should completethe following chapters:

Part 1: SQL Processing with SAS

  • Chapter 1, "Performing Queries Using PROC SQL," on page 3

  • Chapter 2, "Performing Advanced Queries Using PROC SQL," on page 25

  • Chapter 3, "Combining Tables Horizontally Using PROC SQL," on page 79

  • Chapter 4, "Combining Tables Vertically Using PROC SQL," on page 123

  • Chapter 5, "Creating and Managing Tables Using PROC SQL," on page 159

  • Chapter 6, "Creating and Managing Indexes Using PROC SQL," on page 221

  • Chapter 7, "Creating and Managing Views Using PROC SQL," on page 243

  • Chapter 8, "Managing Processing Using PROC SQL," on page 261.

Part 3: Advanced SAS Programming Techniques

  • Chapter 13, "Creating Samples and Indexes," on page 449

  • Chapter 14, "Combining Data Vertically," on page 479

  • Chapter 15, "Combining Data Horizontally," on page 511

  • Chapter 16, "Using Lookup Tables to Match Data," on page 557

  • Chapter 17, "Formatting Data," on page 601

  • Chapter 18, "Modifying SAS Data Sets and Tracking Changes," on page 631.

Part 4: Optimizing SAS Programs

  • Chapter 19, "Introduction to Efficient SAS Programming," on page 677

  • Chapter 20, "Controlling Memory Usage," on page 687

  • Chapter 21, "Controlling Data Storage Space," on page 705

  • Chapter 22, "Using Best Practices," on page 739.

Using an Index for Efficient WHERE Processing

When processing a WHERE expression, SAS determines which of the following access methods is likely to be most efficient:

Using an Index for Efficient WHERE Processing
Using an Index for Efficient WHERE Processing

Using an index to process a WHERE expression improves performance in some situations but not in others. For example, it is more efficient to use an index to select a small subset than a large subset. In addition, an index conserves some resources at the expense of others.

By deciding whether to create an index, you also play a role in determining which access method SAS can use. When your program contains a WHERE expression, you should determine which access method is likely to be more efficient. If direct access is likely to be more efficient, you can make sure that an index is available by creating a new index or by maintaining an existing index.

To help you make a more effective decision about whether to create an index, this topic and the next few topics provide you with a closer look at the following:

  • steps that SAS performs for sequential access and direct access

  • benefits and costs of index usage

  • steps that SAS performs to determine which access method is most efficient

  • factors affecting resource usage for indexed access

  • guidelines for deciding whether to create, use, and maintain an index.


You should already know how to create and maintain indexes by using the INDEX= data set option in the DATA statement, the DATASETS procedure, and the SQL procedure. To review these SAS elements, see Chapter 6, "Creating and Managing Indexes Using PROC SQL," on page 221 and Chapter 13, "Creating Samples and Indexes," on page 449. Δ


SAS can also use an index to process a BY statement. BY processing enables you to process observations in a specific order according to the values of one or more variables that are specified in a BY statement. Indexing a data file enables you to use a BY statement without sorting the data file. When you specify a BY statement, SAS checks the value of the Sorted flag. If the Sorted flag is set to NO, then SAS looks for an appropriate index. If an appropriate index exists, the software automatically retrieves the observations from the data file in indexed order. Using an index to process a BY statement might not always be more efficient than simply sorting the data file. Therefore, using an index for a BY statement is generally for convenience, not for performance. Δ

Accessing Data Sequentially

When accessing observations sequentially, SAS must search through all observations in the order in which they are stored in the data file.


Suppose you want to create a new data set, Company.D02jul2000, that contains a subset of observations from the data set Company.Dates. The following DATA step uses a WHERE statement to select all observations in which the value of Date_ID is 02JUL2000:

data company.d02jul2000;
   set company.dates;
   where date_id='02JUL2000'd; 

The data set Company.Dates does not have an index defined on the variable Date_ID, so SAS must use sequential access to process the WHERE statement.

Accessing Data Directly

When using an index for WHERE processing, SAS goes straight to each observation that contains the value without having to read every observation in the data set.


Suppose you have defined an index on the variable Date_ID in the Company.Dates data set. This time, when you submit the following DATA step, SAS uses the index to process the WHERE statement:

data company.d02jul2000;
   set company.dates;
   where date_id='02JUL2000'd; 

The process of retrieving data via an index (direct access) is more complicated than sequentially processing data, so direct access requires more CPU time per observation retrieved than sequential access. However, for a small subset, using an index can decrease the number of pages that SAS has to load into input buffers, which reduces the number of I/O operations.


When the values in the data set are sorted in the order in which they occur in the index, the qualified observations are adjacent to each other. In this situation, SAS loads fewer pages into the input buffer than if the data is randomly distributed throughout the data set. Therefore, fewer I/O operations are required when the data set is sorted. However, there is a greater chance that SAS will need to load the same page of data multiple times, and that more I/O operations will be required, when the data values are distributed randomly and more than one value needs to be selected to satisfy the WHERE statement (using an operator other than the equals operator). Δ

Benefits and Costs of Using an Index

As the preceding examples show, both benefits and costs are associated with using an index. Weighing these benefits and costs is an important part of deciding whether using an index is efficient.

The main benefits of using an index include the following:

  • provides fast access to a small subset of observations

  • returns values in sorted order

  • can enforce uniqueness.

The main costs of using an index include the following:

  • requires extra CPU cycles and I/O operations for creating and maintaining an index

  • requires increased CPU time and I/O activity for reading the data

  • requires extra disk space for storing the index file

  • requires extra memory for loading index pages and extra code for using the index.


SAS requires additional buffers when an index file is used. When a data file is opened, SAS opens the index file, but not the indexes. Buffers are not required unless SAS uses an index, but SAS allocates the buffers to prepare for using the index. The number of levels of an index determines the number of buffers that are allocated. The maximum number of buffers is three for data files that are open for input; the maximum number is four for data that is open for update. These buffers can be used for other processing if they are not used for indexes. Δ

How SAS Selects an Access Method

When SAS processes a WHERE expression, it first determines whether to use direct access or sequential access by performing the following steps:

  1. identifies available indexes

  2. identifies conditions that can be optimized

  3. estimates the number of observations that qualify

  4. compares probable resource usage for both methods.

In the next few sections, each step of this process is explained in detail.

Identifying Available Indexes

The first step for SAS is to determine whether there are any existing indexes that might be used to process the WHERE expression. Specifically, SAS checks the variable in each condition in the WHERE expression to determine whether the variable is a key variable in an index.

Identifying Available Indexes

SAS can use either a simple index or a composite index to optimize a WHERE expression. To be considered for use in optimizing a single WHERE condition, one of the following requirements must be met:

  • the variable in the WHERE condition is the key variable in a simple index

  • the variable in the WHERE condition is the first key variable in a composite index.

SAS identifies all indexes that are defined on any variable in the WHERE expression. However, no matter how many indexes are available, SAS can use only one index to process a WHERE expression. So, if multiple indexes are available, SAS must choose between them.

When SAS looks for available indexes, there are three possible outcomes:



there is no index defined on any variables in the WHERE expression

SAS does not continue with the decision process. SAS must use sequential access to process the WHERE expression.

there is one available index that is defined on one or more variables in the WHERE expression

SAS continues with the decision process and determines whether using the available index is more efficient than using sequential access.

there are multiple available indexes, each of which is defined on one or more of the variables in the WHERE expression

SAS continues with the decision process. SAS must choose between the available indexes in the next few steps. SAS tries to select the index that satisfies the most conditions and that selects the smallest subset of observations.


If a program specifies both a WHERE expression and a BY statement, SAS looks for one index that satisfies conditions for both. If such an index is not found, the BY statement takes precedence so that SAS can ensure that the data is returned in sorted order. With a BY statement, SAS cannot use an index to optimize a WHERE expression if the optimization invalidates the BY order. Δ

Example: Identifying One Available Index

Suppose you submit a program that contains the following WHERE statement, and suppose that the data set has one index, as shown below:

WHERE Statement

Available Index

where delivery_date='02jul2000'd

simple index defined on Delivery_Date

This WHERE expression has one condition, and the variable in that condition ( Delivery_Date) is the key variable in the simple index. If all other requirements for optimization are met in later steps, then SAS can use this index to optimize the WHERE expression.

Likewise, if the only available index is a composite index in which Delivery_Date is the first key variable, then SAS can use the index if all other requirements for optimization are met.

Even if a WHERE statement has multiple conditions, SAS can use either a simple index or a composite index to optimize just one of the conditions. For example, suppose your program contains a WHERE statement that has two conditions, and suppose that the data set has one index, as shown below:

WHERE Statement

Available Index

where order_date='01jan2000'd and delivery_date='02jul2000'd';

simple index defined on Delivery_Date

Assuming that all other requirements for optimization are met, SAS can use this index to optimize the second condition in this WHERE expression.

Example: Identifying Multiple Available Indexes

Suppose your program contains a WHERE statement with two conditions, and suppose that each condition references a key variable in a different index, as shown below:

WHERE Statement

Available Index

where order_date='01jan2000'd and delivery_date='02jul2000'd';

  • simple index defined on Order_Date

  • simple index defined onDelivery_Date.

Although two indexes are available, SAS can use only one index to optimize a WHERE statement. In a later step of the process, SAS will try to select the index that satisfies the most conditions and that selects the smallest subset of observations.

Compound Optimization

SAS usually uses an index to process just one condition, no matter how many conditions and variables a WHERE expression contains. However, in a process called compound optimization, SAS can use a composite index to optimize multiple conditions on multiple variables, which are joined with a logical operator such as AND. Constructing your WHERE expression to take advantage of multiple key variables in a single index can greatly improve performance.

In order for compound optimization to occur, at least the first two key variables in the composite index must be used in the WHERE conditions. Later in this chapter, you will learn about other requirements that must be met in order for compound optimization to occur.


The WHERE expression can also contain non-indexed variables, and the key variables and non-indexed variables can appear in any order in the expression. Δ

Example: Composite Index That Can Be Used to Optimize Multiple Conditions

Suppose your program contains a WHERE statement that has two conditions, and suppose that each condition references one of the first two key variables in a composite index:

WHERE Statement

Available Index

where order_date='01jan2000'd and delivery_date='02jul2000'd';

composite index defined on the following variables:

  • Order_Date (first key variable)

  • Delivery_Date (second key variable)

  • Product_ID (third key variable)

Because the two variables that are referenced in the WHERE expression are the first two key variables in the composite index, SAS can use the composite index for compound optimization if the WHERE conditions meet all other requirements for optimization.

Example: Composite Index That Can Be Used to Optimize One Condition

The following WHERE statement also contains two conditions, and each condition references one of the variables in the composite index:

WHERE Statement

Available Index

where order_date='01jan2000'd and product_id='220101400106';

composite index defined on the following variables:

  • Order_Date (first key variable)

  • Delivery_Date (second key variable)

  • Product_ID (third key variable)

As in the previous WHERE statement, Order_Date is the first key variable in the index. However, in this situation, the composite index can be used to optimize only the first condition. The second condition references the third key variable, Product_ID, but the WHERE expression does not reference the second key variable, Delivery_Date. Without a reference to both the first and second key variables, compound optimization cannot occur.

Example: Composite Index That Cannot Be Used for Optimizing

Now suppose your program contains a WHERE statement that references only the second and third key variables in the composite index, as shown below:

WHERE Statement

Available Index

where delivery_date='02jul2000'd' and product_id='220101400106';

composite index defined on the following variables:

  • Order_Date (first key variable)

  • Delivery_Date (second key variable)

  • Product_ID (third key variable)

In this situation, SAS cannot use the index for optimization at all because the WHERE statement does not reference the first key variable.

Identifying Conditions That Can Be Optimized

In addition to containing key variables, WHERE conditions must meet other requirements in order to be candidates for optimization. SAS considers using an index only for WHERE conditions that contain certain operators and functions. Therefore, the next step for SAS is to consider the operators and functions in the conditions that contain key variables.

Requirements for Optimizing a Single WHERE Condition

SAS considers using an index for a WHERE condition that contains any of the following operators and functions:


For all of the following examples, assume that the data set has simple indexes on the variables Quarter, Date_ID, and Region.




comparison operators and the IN operator

where quarter = '1998Q1'; 
where date_id < '03JUL2000'd; 
where quarter in ('1998Q2','1998Q3'), 

comparison operators with NOT

where quarter ne '1999Q1'; 
where quarter not in ('1999Q1','1999Q4'), 

comparison operators with the colon modifier You can add a colon modifier (:) to any comparison operator to compare only a specified prefix of a character string.

The colon modifier cannot be used with PROC SQL; use the LIKE operator instead.

where quarter =: '1998'; 

CONTAINS operator

where quarter contains 'Q4'; 

fully bounded range conditions that specify both an upper and lower limit, which includes the BETWEEN-AND operator

where '01Jan1999'd < date_id 
      < '31Dec1999'd; 
where date_id between '01Jan1999'd 
              and '31Dec1999'd 

pattern-matching operator LIKE

where quarter like '%Q%'; 

IS NULL or IS MISSING operator

where quarter is null; 
where quarter is missing; 



TRIM function

where trim(region) = 'Queensland'; 

SUBSTR function in the form of


(variable, position, length)= 'string';

with these conditions:

  • position=1

  • length is less than or equal to the length of variable

  • length is equal to the length of the string.

where substr(quarter,1,4) = '1998'; 


Most but not all of the requirements listed above also apply to compound optimization. Requirements for compound optimization are covered later in this chapter. Δ

WHERE Conditions That Cannot Be Optimized

SAS does not use an index to process a WHERE condition that contains any of the elements listed below.


For all of the following examples, assume that the data set has simple indexes on the variables Date_ID, Quarter, and Quantity.


Element in WHERE Condition


any function other than TRIM or SUBSTR

where weekday(date_id)=2; 

a SUBSTR function that searches a string beginning at any position after the first

where substr(quarter,6,1)='1'; 

the sounds-like operator ( =*)

where quarter=*'1900Q0'; 

arithmetic operators

where quantity=quantity+1; 

a variable-to-variable condition

where quantity gt threshold; 

Requirements for Compound Optimization

Most of the same operators that are acceptable for optimizing a single condition are also acceptable for compound optimization. However, compound optimization has special requirements for the operators that appear in the WHERE expression:

  • The WHERE conditions must be connected by using either the AND operator or, if all conditions refer to the same variable, the OR operator.

  • At least one of the WHERE conditions that contains a key variable must contain the EQ or IN operator.

Also, SAS cannot perform compound optimization for WHERE conditions that include any of the following:

  • the CONTAINS operator

  • the pattern-matching operators LIKE and NOT LIKE

  • the IS NULL and IS MISSING operators

  • any functions.

Example: Compound Optimization

Suppose your program contains the following WHERE statement, which selects all people whose name is John Smith. The WHERE statement contains two conditions, each of which references a different variable:

where lastname eq 'Smith' and 
      frstname eq 'John'; 

Suppose Lastname is the first key variable and Frstname is the second key variable in a compound index. This WHERE statement meets all requirements for compound optimization:

  • The WHERE expression references at least the first two key variables in one composite index.

  • The two WHERE conditions are connected by the AND operator.

  • At least one of the conditions contains the EQ operator.

If the two conditions in the WHERE statement are reversed, as shown below, the statement still meets all requirements for compound optimization. The order in which the key variables appear does not matter.

where frstname eq 'John' and 
      lastname eq 'Smith'

Now suppose that the conditions in the WHERE statement are joined by the operator OR instead of AND:

where frstname eq 'John' or 
      lastname eq 'Smith';

These conditions cannot be optimized because they are joined by OR but they do not reference the same variable.

Estimating the Number of Observations

It is more efficient to use indexed access for a small subset and to use sequential access for a large subset. Therefore, after identifying any available indexes and evaluating the conditions in the WHERE expression, SAS estimates the number of observations that will be qualified by the index. Whether SAS uses an index depends on the percentage of observations that are qualified (the size of the subset relative to the size of the data set), as shown below:

Estimating the Number of Observations
  • If the subset is less than 3% of the data set, direct access is almost certainly more efficient than sequential access, and SAS will use an index. In this situation, SAS does not go on to compare probable resource usage.

  • If the subset is between 3% and 33% of the data set, direct access is likely to be more efficient than sequential access, and SAS will probably use an index.

  • If the subset is greater than 33% of the data set, it is less likely that direct access is more efficient than sequential access, and SAS might or might not use an index.

When multiple indexes exist, SAS selects the one that appears to produce the fewest qualified observations (the smallest subset). SAS does this even when each index returns a subset that is less than 3% of the data set.

Printing Centile Information

To help SAS estimate the number of observations that would be selected by a WHERE expression, each index stores 21 statistics called cumulative percentiles, or centiles. Centiles provide information about the distribution of values for the indexed variable.

Understanding the distribution of values in a data set can help you improve the efficiency of WHERE processing in your programs. You can print centile information for an indexed data file by specifying the CENTILES option in either of these places:

  • the CONTENTS procedure

  • the CONTENTS statement in the DATASETS procedure.

PROC CONTENTS < options>;     PROC DATASETS < options>;

RUN;                                                         CONTENTS < options>;



The following SAS program prints centile information for the data set Company.Organization:

proc contents data=company.organization centiles; 

Partial output from this program is shown below. As indicated on the left, an index is defined on the variable Employee_ID. The 21 centile values are listed on the right.

Partial PROC CONTENTS Output

Figure 24.1. Partial PROC CONTENTS Output

The 21 centile values consist of the following:

Position in List

Value Shown in Output Above


1 (first)


the minimum value of the indexed variable (0% of values are lower than this value)


120152 - 121097

each value is greater than or equal to all other values in one of the 19 percentiles that range from the bottom 5% to the bottom 95% of values, in increments of 5%

21 (last)


the maximum value of the indexed variable (100% of values are lower than or equal to this value)


For information about updating and refreshing centiles for a data file, see the SAS documentation. Δ

Comparing Probable Resource Usage

Once SAS estimates the number of qualified observations and selects the index that qualifies the fewest observations, SAS must then determine whether it is faster (more efficient) to satisfy the WHERE expression by using the index or by reading all of the observations sequentially. Specifically, SAS predicts how many I/O operations will be required in order to satisfy the WHERE expression for each of the access methods. Then it compares the two resource costs.


Remember, if SAS estimates that a subset contains fewer than 3% of the observations in the data set, SAS does not need to estimate resource usage. In this situation, SAS will use the index to process the WHERE statement. Δ

How SAS Compares Resource Usage

To compare resource usage, SAS performs the following steps:

  1. SAS predicts how many I/O operations will be required if it uses the index to satisfy the WHERE expression. To do so, SAS positions the index at the first entry that contains a qualified value. In a buffer management simulation that takes into account the current number of available buffers, the RIDs (record identifiers) on that index page are processed, indicating how many I/Os will be required in order to read the observations in the data file.

  2. SAS calculates the I/O cost of a sequential pass of the entire data file.

  3. SAS compares the two resource costs and determines which access method has a lower cost.


If comparing resource costs results in a tie, SAS chooses the index. Δ

Factors That Affect I/O

Several factors affect the number of I/O operations that are required for WHERE processing, including the following:

  • subset size relative to data set size

  • number of pages in the data file

  • order of the data

  • cost to uncompress a compressed file for a sequential read.

These factors are discussed in more detail below.

Subset Size Relative to Data Set Size

As explained earlier in this chapter, SAS is more likely to use an index to access a small subset of observations. The process of retrieving data with an index is inherently more complicated than sequentially processing the data. This is why using an index requires more I/O operations and CPU time when a large subset is read.

For small subsets, however, the benefit of reading only a few observations outweighs the cost of the complex processing. The smaller the subset, the larger the performance gains. Remember that SAS will use an index if the subset is less than 3% of the data set, and SAS will probably use an index if the subset is between 3% and 33% of the data set.

Number of Pages in the Data File

For a small data file, sequential processing is often just as efficient as index processing. If the data file's page count is less than three pages, then sequential access is faster even if the subset is less than 3% of the entire data set.


The amount of data that can be transferred to one buffer in a single I/O operation is referred to as page size. To see how many pages are in a data file, use either the CONTENTS procedure or the CONTENTS statement in the DATASETS procedure. For more information about reporting the page size for a data file, see Chapter 20, "Controlling Memory Usage," on page 687. Δ

Order of the Data

The order of the data (sort order) affects the number of I/O operations as described below:

Order of the Data

Effect on I/O Operations

observations are randomly distributed throughout the data file

The observations are located on a larger number of data file pages. An I/O operation is required each time that SAS loads a page. Therefore, the more random the data in the data file, the more I/O operations are needed to use the index.

observations are sorted on the indexed variable(s)

The data is ordered more like the index (in ascending value order), and the observations will be located on fewer data file pages. Therefore, the less random the data in the data file, the fewer I/O operations are needed to use the index.


In general, sorting the data set by the key variable before indexing will result in greater efficiency. The more ordered the data file is with respect to the key variable, the more efficient the use of the index. If the data file has more than one index, then sorting the data by the most frequently used key variable is most efficient. Sorting the data set results in more efficient WHERE processing even when SAS does not use an index. To learn more about sorting and efficiency, see Chapter 23, "Selecting Efficient Sorting Strategies," on page 783. Δ

Cost to Uncompress a Compressed File for a Sequential Read

When SAS reads a compressed data file, SAS automatically uncompresses the observations as they are read into the program data vector. This requires additional CPU resources, but fewer I/O operations are required because there are fewer data set pages. When performing a sequential read of a compressed data file, SAS must uncompress all observations in the file. However, when using direct access, SAS must uncompress only the qualified observations. Therefore, the resource cost of uncompressing observations is greater for a sequential read than for direct access.


Compressing a file is a process that reduces the number of bytes that are required for representing each observation. By default, a SAS data file is not compressed. For more information about compressing files, see Chapter 21, "Controlling Data Storage Space," on page 705. Δ

Other Factors That Affect Resource Usage

Data type and length are two other factors that can affect index efficiency. Numeric key variables typically result in more CPU usage than character key variables, because numeric variables must be converted to collatable formats (formats that can be sequenced) when values are read into the index or retrieved from the index. Character values are already intrinsically collatable, so they do not have to be converted. A page cannot contain as many values if the values are longer. When the values are longer, the index structure is not as efficient, which might lead to more I/O and search time.

Deciding Whether to Create an Index

In previous sections, you learned how SAS determines whether sequential access or direct access is likely to be most efficient for WHERE processing. You also learned about a variety of factors that you can assess to determine which access method is most efficient. Once you have made your determination, you can use the following guidelines to decide whether it is efficient to create an index.

Guidelines for Deciding Whether to Create an Index

  • Minimize the number of indexes to reduce disk storage and update costs. Create indexes only on variables that are often used in queries or (when data cannot be sorted) in BY-group processing.

  • Create an index when you intend to retrieve a small subset of observations from a large data file.

  • Do not create an index if the data file's page count is less than three pages. It is faster to access the data sequentially.

  • Create indexes on variables that are discriminating. Discriminating variables have many different values that precisely identify observations. A WHERE expression that subsets based on a discriminating variable results in a smaller subset than a WHERE expression that references a non-discriminating variable (a variable that has only a few values).

  • To reduce the number of I/O operations that are performed when you create an index, first sort the data by the key variable. Then, to improve performance, maintain the data file in sorted order by the key variable.


    If you choose not to use an index and the data set is large, it is still more efficient to sort the data set on the variable(s) that are specified in the WHERE statement. Δ

  • Consider how often your applications use an index. An index must be used often in order to compensate for the resources that are used in creating and maintaining it.

  • Consider the cost of an index for a data file that is frequently changed.

  • When you create an index to process a WHERE expression, do not try to create one index that is used to satisfy all queries.

Consider three sample queries to see how you can apply the guidelines that are listed in the previous section. These queries illustrate the effect of one factor—the size of the subset relative to the size of the data set—on the choice of an access method. For each query, you will learn:

  • which access method SAS is likely to select

  • whether you could improve performance by creating an index.

Example: Selecting Subsets of Various Sizes from Data Sets of Various Sizes

Suppose you are working with the following two data sets, each of which contains information about a company's orders:

Data Set Name









You want to create queries to generate three subset detail reports, one for each of the following types of subsets:

  • small subset from a large data set

  • large subset from a large data set

  • small subset from a small data set.

In all three queries, the WHERE expression specifies the variable Order_Date.You know that this variable will be used frequently in queries for the company, and that it is a discriminating variable. According to the guidelines in the previous section, these are both criteria for creating an index on the variable. However, there is currently no index defined on this variable in either data set.

Query 1: Small Subset from a Large Data Set

The first report that you want to generate shows all orders in Company.Orders_large that were made on January 10, 1998. Your query is shown below, along with the subset size that you have estimated:


Subset Size

data _null_;
   set company.orders_large;
   where order_date='10JAN1998'd;

2232 observations (out of 19,033,380) = < .02% of the data set

Because the subset is less than 3% of the entire data set, using an index on Order_Date should be more efficient than using sequential access. SAS will use an index for WHERE processing, if an index is available. To improve performance, you should create an index on Order_Date before running this program.

Query 2: Large Subset from a Large Data Set

The second report shows all orders in Company.Orders_large that were made before January 1, 1998. Your query and the estimated subset size are shown below:


Subset Size

data _null_;
   set company.orders_large;
   where order_date<'01JAN2000'd;

12,752,365 observations (out of 19,033,380) = approximately 67% of the data set

Because the subset is more than 33% of the entire data set, using the index is probably less efficient than using sequential access. SAS will probably not use the index for WHERE processing.

Query 3: Small Subset from a Small Data Set

The third report shows all orders in the smaller data set Company.Orders_small that were made on June 30, 1998. Your query and the estimated subset size are shown below:


Subset Size

data _null_;
   set company.orders_small;
   where order_date'30JUN1998'd;

2 observations (out of 140) = <2% of the data set

Because the subset is less than 3% of the entire data set, SAS will use the index for WHERE processing. However, the data file's page count is less than three pages, so it is more efficient to use sequential access. In this situation, it is best not to create an index.

Using the Options IDXWHERE= and IDXNAME= to Control Index Usage

In most situations, it is best to let SAS determine whether or not to use an index for WHERE processing. However, sometimes you might want to control whether or not SAS uses an existing index. For example, if you know that your query will select a large subset and that indexed access will therefore not be efficient, you can tell SAS to ignore any index and to satisfy the conditions of the WHERE expression with a sequential search of the data set. Or, if your query will select a small subset and there are multiple available indexes, you can make sure that SAS uses a particular index to process your WHERE statement. Finally, you might want to force SAS to use (or not use) an index when you are benchmarking.

You should be familiar with the data set options IDXWHERE= and IDXNAME=, which you can use to control index usage:




specifies whether or not SAS should use an index to process the WHERE expression, no matter which access method SAS estimates is faster.

You cannot use IDXWHERE= to override the use of an index for processing a BY statement.


causes SAS to use a specific index.


You can use either IDXWHERE= or IDXNAME=, but not both at the same time, to control index usage. Δ


For more information about the IDXWHERE= and IDXNAME= data set options, see Chapter 6, "Creating and Managing Indexes Using PROC SQL," on page 221. Δ

Specifying MSGLEVEL=I to Determine Whether SAS Is Using an Index

To determine whether SAS is using an index to process a WHERE expression, you can specify I as the value of the MSGLEVEL= system option. Using MSGLEVEL=I causes SAS to display information about index usage in the SAS log.


To make the most efficient use of resources, use MSGLEVEL=I only for debugging and for verifying index usage. Δ


For more information about the MSGLEVEL= system option, see Chapter 13, "Creating Samples and Indexes," on page 449 or Chapter 6, "Creating and Managing Indexes Using PROC SQL," on page 221. Δ

Example: Using IDXWHERE=NO to Prevent Index Usage

Suppose you write the following query, which lists all employees who work in the Sales department of a company:

proc print data=company.organization;
   where department='Sales';

Now suppose an index is defined on the variable Department in the data set Company.Organization. You know that Department has the value Sales in 65% of the observations, so it is not efficient for SAS to use an index for WHERE processing. To ensure that SAS does not use an index, specify IDXWHERE=NO after the data set name. At the beginning of the program, you can also add an OPTIONS statement that specifies MSGLEVEL=I to display a message about index usage in the SAS log. The revised program is shown below:

options msglevel=i; 
proc print data=company.organization (idxwhere=no); 
   where department='Sales';

When you run this program, the SAS log indicates that the index was not used for processing.

Table 24.1. SAS Log


Comparing Procedures That Produce Detail Reports

When you want to use a query to produce a detail report, you can choose between the PRINT procedure and the SQL procedure:




  • produces data listings quickly

  • can supply titles, footnotes, and column sums


  • combines SQL and SAS features such as formats

  • can manipulate data and create a SAS data set in the same step that creates the report

  • can produce column and row statistics

  • does not offer as much control over output as PROC PRINT

To perform a particular task, a single-purpose tool like PROC PRINT generally uses fewer computer resources than a multi-purpose tool like PROC SQL. However, PROC SQL often requires fewer and shorter statements to achieve the results that you want.

To illustrate the differences in resource usage between PROC PRINT and PROC SQL, consider some sample queries.

Example: Using PROC PRINT and PROC SQL to Create Detail Reports

Suppose you are working with the data set Company.Products and that you want to generate four types of detail reports:

  • simple detail report

  • subset detail report

  • sorted detail report

  • sorted subset detail report.

For the first three reports, the PROC PRINT program is likely to use fewer resources than the PROC SQL program. For the last report, the resource usage for the two programs is likely to be about the same.

Report 1: Simple Detail Report

The simple detail report lists the product ID, product name, and supplier name for all products. The PROC PRINT program and PROC SQL program for producing this report are shown below:



Report 1: Simple Detail Report
Report 1: Simple Detail Report

In this situation, the PROC PRINT program is likely to use fewer CPU and memory resources than the PROC SQL program. The I/O resource usage should be approximately the same.

Report 2: Subset Detail Report

The subset detail report lists the product ID, product name, and supplier name for all products that come from Sweden (SE). The PROC PRINT program and PROC SQL program for producing this report are shown below:



Report 2: Subset Detail Report
Report 2: Subset Detail Report

Both steps use WHERE processing to subset the data. In this situation, the PROC PRINT program is likely to use fewer CPU and memory resources than the PROC SQL program. The I/O resource usage should be approximately the same.

Report 3: Sorted Detail Report

The sorted detail report lists the product ID, product name, and supplier name for all products, with observations sorted by the supplier country. The PROC PRINT program and PROC SQL program for producing this report are shown below:



Report 3: Sorted Detail Report
Report 3: Sorted Detail Report

To sort the data, a PROC SORT step has been added to the PROC PRINT program, and an ORDER BY clause has been added to the PROC SQL program. In this situation, the PROC PRINT program is likely to use fewer CPU and memory resources than the PROC SQL program. The I/O resource usage should be approximately the same.

Report 4: Sorted Subset Detail Report

The sorted subset detail report lists the product ID, product name, and supplier name for all products that come from Sweden (SE), with observations sorted by the supplier name. The PROC PRINT program and PROC SQL program for producing this report are shown below:



Report 4: Sorted Subset Detail Report
Report 4: Sorted Subset Detail Report

To sort the data, a PROC SORT step has been added to the PROC PRINT program. The PROC SORT step uses the KEEP= option to subset the observations, which improves efficiency. The PROC SQL step uses an ORDER BY clause for sorting and a WHERE clause for subsetting. In this situation, the CPU and memory usage for the PROC PRINT program and the PROC SQL program are about the same.

Comparing Tools for Summarizing Data

SAS provides a variety of tools for summarizing data. These summarization tools generate similar but not identical output, and they vary in efficiency. This section discusses the relative efficiency of the following summarization tools.


Throughout this section, all references to the MEANS procedure apply also to the SUMMARY procedure.




MEANS procedure or SUMMARY procedure

  • computes descriptive statistics for numeric variables

  • can produce a printed report and create an output data set

TABULATE procedure

  • produces descriptive statistics in a tabular format

  • can produce multidimensional tables with descriptive statistics

  • can also create an output data set

REPORT procedure

  • combines features of the PRINT, MEANS, and TABULATE procedures with features of the DATA step in a single report-writing tool that can produce a variety of reports

  • can also create an output data set

SQL procedure

  • computes descriptive statistics for one or more SAS data sets or DBMS tables

  • can produce a printed report or create a SAS data set

DATA step

  • can produce a printed report

  • can also create an output data set


You can also use the FREQ procedure and the UNIVARIATE procedure to generate summary data and create summary reports, but these procedures are not covered in this chapter. For more information about any of these summarization tools, see the SAS documentation. Δ

You can use these tools to summarize data at the following levels:

Level of Summarization


entire data set

any of the above

one class variable

any of the above

To group the data, PROC SQL uses the GROUP BY statement, and the DATA step uses the BY statement.

one or more combinations of class variables



Comparing Resource Usage across Summarization Tools

When summarizing data for one or more class variables, the tools in each of the following groups are similar in resource usage:


  • PROC SQL and the DATA step with PROC SORT.

However, the relative efficiency of the two groups of tools varies according to the shape of the data, as shown below:

Shape of the Data

Most Efficient Tools

a relatively small number of distinct combinations of values of the class variable—the summarized data contains 10% or fewer of the observations in the original data set




a relatively large number of distinct combinations of values of the class variable—the summarized data contains more than 10% of the observations in the original data set


  • DATA step and PROC SORT

Using a GROUP BY statement in PROC SQL is similar in CPU usage to a PROC SORT step followed by a DATA step.

Comparative Example: Displaying Summary Statistics for One Class Variable

Suppose you want to summarize the data set Retail.Orders by calculating the average quantity of products sold for each order type (each value of the class variable Order_Type). You can use the following techniques to produce the summary report:



  3. PROC SORT and a DATA step



The following programs show each of these techniques. You can use these samples as models for creating benchmark programs in your own environment. Your results might vary depending on the structure of your data, your operating environment, and the resources that are available at your site. You can also view general recommendations for summarizing data for one class variable.

Programming Techniques

General Recommendations

  • When summarizing data for one class variable, assess the shape of the data to determine which summarization tools are most efficient to use:

    • If there is a relatively small number of distinct combinations of values of the class variable (the summarized data contains 10% or fewer of the observations in the original data set), use one of the following tools: PROC MEANS (or PROC SUMMARY), PROC REPORT, or PROC TABULATE.

    • If there is a relatively large number of distinct combinations of values of the class variable (the summarized data contains more than 10% of the observations in the original data set), use one of the following tools: PROC SQL or the DATA step.

Using PROC MEANS to Display Summary Statistics for Combinations of Class Variables

To produce summary statistics for combinations of class variables, you can use PROC MEANS in the following ways. These techniques differ in resource usage.

Combinations of Class Variables



all possible combinations:





a* c

a* b

a* b *c

basic PROC MEANS step

Using PROC MEANS to Display Summary Statistics for Combinations of Class Variables

specific combinations:

a * b and a * c

TYPES statement in PROC MEANS

Using PROC MEANS to Display Summary Statistics for Combinations of Class Variables

specific combinations: a* b and a* c

NWAY option in multiple PROC MEANS steps

Using PROC MEANS to Display Summary Statistics for Combinations of Class Variables

specific combinations: a* b and a* c

WHERE= option in the OUTPUT statement in PROC MEANS

Using PROC MEANS to Display Summary Statistics for Combinations of Class Variables

Comparing Resource Usage across Three Techniques for Using PROC MEANS

The three techniques for summarizing data for specific combinations of class variables (all but the basic PROC MEANS step) differ in resource usage as follows:

  • The TYPES statement in a PROC MEANS step uses the fewest resources.

  • A program that contains the NWAY option in multiple PROC MEANS steps uses the most resources because SAS must read the data set separately for each PROC MEANS step.

  • The WHERE= data set option in a PROC MEANS step uses more resources than the TYPES statement in PROC MEANS because SAS must calculate all possible combinations of class variables before subsetting. However, the WHERE= data set option in PROC MEANS uses fewer resources than the NWAY option in multiple PROC MEANS steps.

We will learn how to use a basic PROC MEANS step and the three other techniques that are listed above.

Using a Basic PROC MEANS Step to Combine All Class Variables

By default, PROC MEANS (or PROC SUMMARY) creates the following:

  • an output report that groups data and displays summary statistics for the combination of all the class variables

  • an output data set that groups data and displays summary statistics for all possible combinations of the n class variables (from 1-way to n-way), as well as for the entire data set.

Example: Displaying Summary Statistics for All Combinations of the Class Variables

Suppose you want to calculate average employee salaries and to group results for the combination of the three class variables Employee_Country, Department, and Employee_Gender.

The following PROC MEANS program creates both a report and a SAS data set:

proc means data=company.organization mean;
   class employee_country department 
   var salary;
   output out=summary mean=average;

The report groups data and displays summary statistics for the combination of the three class variables. A partial view of the output report is shown below:

Example: Displaying Summary Statistics for All Combinations of the Class Variables

The output data set groups data and displays summary statistics for both of the following:

  • all possible combinations (1-way, 2-way, and 3-way) of the three class variables:

    Example: Displaying Summary Statistics for All Combinations of the Class Variables
  • the entire data set.

A partial view of the output data set is shown below:

Example: Displaying Summary Statistics for All Combinations of the Class Variables

Understanding Types

Each combination of class variables that is used to calculate and group statistics for PROC MEANS is called a type.

For example, the following basic PROC MEANS step specifies the three class variables a, b, and c:

proc means data=lib.dataset mean;
   class a b c; 
   var salary;
   output out=summary1

This PROC MEANS step generates seven possible types (combinations of the three variables):

Understanding Types

SAS uses the _TYPE_ variable to specify the combination of class variables that PROC MEANS uses to calculate the statistics for each observation in the output data set. The _TYPE_ variable has a unique value for each combination. SAS always combines the class variables in a particular sequence, based on the order in which they are listed in the CLASS statement, in order to assign the _TYPE_ values. For example, for each of the seven types (seven possible combinations of three class variables) shown above, SAS assigns a value to _TYPE_ as follows:


Description of Combination

Variables Combined



rightmost variable only




middle variable only




rightmost variable and middle variable

b * c



leftmost variable




leftmost variable and rightmost variable

a * c



leftmost variable and middle variable

a * b



rightmost variable and middle variable and leftmost variable

a * b * c


As the number of class variables increases, so does the number of types. However, the highest _TYPE_ value (7, in this example) always indicates the combination of all class variables.

SAS includes the _TYPE_ variable in the output data set that is generated by PROC MEANS. In the output from the basic PROC MEANS step that was shown in the previous section, you can see that the observations are listed in order of increasing values of the _TYPE_ variable:

Understanding Types

The first observation in the output data set has a _TYPE_ value of 0, which indicates that the statistics are generated for the entire data set.


SAS calculates the _TYPE_ variable even if no output data set is requested. Δ

By default, the output data set that is generated by PROC MEANS contains a separate observation for each unique combination of values of the class variables for each type. Each unique combination of values within a type is called a level of that type. In the output data set linked above (for example, there are 17 levels for type 2, 17 observations that have a _TYPE_ value of 2).

The output report that is generated by the basic PROC MEANS step contains only the observations that represent a combination of all of the class variables (the observations for which _TYPE_= 7). The _TYPE_ variable is not displayed in the report.

Using the TYPES Statement in PROC MEANS to Combine Class Variables

You can use the TYPES statement in PROC MEANS to specify which combinations of the class variables are used for grouping data and for calculating statistics. The CLASS statement is required in order to use the TYPES statement.

To request combinations of class variables more concisely, you can use a grouping syntax by placing parentheses around several variables and joining other variables or variable combinations. The following examples of TYPES statements illustrate the use of grouping syntax:

Example with Grouping Syntax

Equivalent Example without Grouping Syntax

types a*(b c);

types a*b a*c;

types (a b)*(c d);

types a*c a*d b*c b*d;

types (a b c)*d;

types a*d b*d c*d;

types () a*(b c);

types a*b*c a*b a*c;

Example: Using the TYPES Statement in PROC MEANS

Suppose you want to calculate average employee salaries, as in the previous example. This time, you want to group results for the two combinations of class variables shown below:

  • Employee_Country and Department

  • Employee_Country and Employee_Gender.

To do this, you can add a TYPES statement to the PROC MEANS step:

proc means data=company.organization mean;
   class employee_country department
   var salary;
   types employee_country*department 
   output out=summary mean=average;

This PROC MEANS step generates both an output report and an output data set. The report, shown below, has a separate table for each of the two combinations that were specified in the TYPES statement:

Example: Using the TYPES Statement in PROC MEANS

The output data set summarizes and reports data for only the combinations (types) that are specified in the TYPES statement. A partial view of the output data set is shown below:

Example: Using the TYPES Statement in PROC MEANS

Using the NWAY Option in PROC MEANS to Combine Class Variables

Another way to specify a combination of class variables is to use the NWAY option in PROC MEANS:

The NWAY option enables you to generate summary statistics for one particular combination of class variables— all of the class variables—in a single PROC MEANS step. Therefore, to generate statistics for different combinations of class variables, you can specify a separate PROC MEANS step that contains the NWAY option for each combination.

Example: Using the NWAY Option in Multiple PROC MEANS Steps

Suppose you want to calculate average employee salaries and to group results for the following combinations of class variables:

  • Employee_Country and Department

  • Employee_Country and Employee_Gender.

You can use two PROC MEANS steps, each containing the NWAY option, as shown below. The first PROC MEANS step generates statistics for the first combination of class variables, and the second PROC MEANS steps generates statistics for the second combination of class variables.

proc means data=company.organization nway; 
   class employee_country department; 
   var salary;
   output out=summary1

proc means data=company.organization nway; 
   class employee_country employee_gender; 
   var salary;
   output out=summary2

When processing this program, SAS must read the data set once for each PROC MEANS step.

This program generates an output report and two output data sets. The report, shown in part below, has a separate table for each PROC MEANS step:

Example: Using the NWAY Option in Multiple PROC MEANS Steps
Example: Using the NWAY Option in Multiple PROC MEANS Steps

Each output data set summarizes and reports data for one of the types that are specified in the TYPES statement. A partial view of each output data set is shown below:

SAS Data Set Work.Summary1

Figure 24.2. SAS Data Set Work.Summary1

SAS Data Set Work.Summary2

Figure 24.3. SAS Data Set Work.Summary2

Using the WHERE= Option in PROC MEANS to Combine Class Variables

Yet another way to specify a combination of class variables is to use the WHERE= data set option in the OUTPUT statement:

When you use the WHERE= option in the OUTPUT statement, SAS must calculate all possible combinations of class variables, and subsetting does not occur until the results are written to output.

Example: Using the WHERE= Option in PROC MEANS

Suppose you want to calculate average employee salaries and to group results for two 2-way combinations of the three class variables Employee_Country, Department, and Employee_Gender. All possible combinations of these variables are listed below, and the two combinations that you want are highlighted:

_TYPE_ Value

Variables Combined









Department * Employee_Gender






Employee_Country * Employee_Gender



Employee_Country * Department



Employee_Country * Department * Employee_Gender


To specify the types by _TYPE_ value, you can use the WHERE= option in the OUTPUT statement as shown below:

proc means data=company.organization;
   class employee_country department
   var salary;
   output out=summary
          (where=(_type_ in (5,6))) 

A partial view of the output report is shown below:

Example: Using the WHERE= Option in PROC MEANS

A partial view of the output data set Work.Summary is shown below:

Example: Using the WHERE= Option in PROC MEANS

Next, compare the resources that are used by these summarization techniques:

  • the TYPES statement in PROC MEANS

  • the NWAY option in multiple PROC MEANS steps

  • the WHERE= option in PROC MEANS.

Comparative Example: Displaying Summary Statistics for Combinations of Class Variables

Suppose you want to summarize the data set Retail.Organization by calculating average employee salaries for two 3-way combinations of four class variables:

  • Employee_Country, Department, and Employee_Gender

  • Department, Section, and Employee_Gender.

You can use the following techniques to produce an output report and one or more output data sets:

  1. TYPES Statement in PROC MEANS

  2. NWAY Option in Two PROC MEANS Steps

  3. WHERE= Option in PROC MEANS

The following programs show each of these techniques. You can use these samples as models for creating benchmark programs in your own environment. Your results might vary depending on the structure of your data, your operating environment, and the resources that are available at your site. You can also view general recommendations for summarizing data for combinations of class variables.

Programming Techniques

General Recommendations

  • To summarize data for particular combinations of class variables, use the TYPES statement in PROC MEANS.

Additional Features

The WAYS statement in PROC MEANS provides yet another way to display summary statistics for combinations of class variables. In the WAYS statement, you specify one or more integers that define the number of class variables to combine in order to form all the unique combinations of class variables.

For example, the following program uses the WAYS statement to create summary statistics for the following combinations of the three class variables Employee_Country, Department, and Employee_Gender:

  • each individual variable (all 1-way combinations)

  • all 2-way combinations ( Employee_Country and Department, Employee_Country and Employee_Gender, and Employee_Gender and Department).

    proc means data=company.organization mean;
       class employee_country department 
       var salary;
       ways 1 2; 
       output out=summary

The WAYS statement can be used instead of or in addition to the TYPES statement.


For more information about the WAYS statement, see the SAS documentation. Δ


Using an Index for Efficient WHERE Processing

When processing a WHERE expression, SAS determines whether it is more efficient to access observations in a data set sequentially, by searching through all observations, or directly, by using an index to access specific observations. Using an index to process a WHERE expression might improve performance and is referred to as optimizing the WHERE expression. By deciding whether to create an index, you play a role in determining which access method SAS can use.

In order to decide whether to use an index, you must evaluate the benefits and costs of using an index.

SAS performs a series of steps to determine whether to process a WHERE expression by using an index or by reading all the observations in the data file sequentially.

Identifying Available Indexes

First, SAS determines whether there are any existing indexes that might be used to process the WHERE expression. Specifically, SAS checks the variable in each condition in the WHERE expression to determine whether the variable is a key variable in either a simple index or a composite index. No matter how many indexes are available, SAS can use only one index to process a WHERE expression. So, if multiple indexes are available, SAS must choose between them.

It is most common for SAS to use an index to process just one condition in a WHERE expression. However, in a process called compound optimization, SAS can use a composite index to optimize multiple conditions on multiple variables, which are joined with a logical operator such as AND.

Identifying Conditions That Can Be Optimized

Second, SAS looks for operators and functions that can be optimized in the WHERE conditions that contain key variables. There are also certain operators and functions that cannot be optimized. For compound optimization, WHERE conditions must meet slightly different criteria in order to be candidates for optimization.

Estimating the Number of Observations

Third, SAS estimates how many observations will be qualified by the index. When multiple indexes exist, SAS selects the one that appears to produce the fewest qualified observations (the smallest subset). Whether or not SAS uses an index depends on the percentage of observations that are qualified (the size of the subset relative to the size of the data set). It is more efficient to use indexed access for a small subset and sequential access for a large subset. If SAS estimates that the number of qualified observations is less than 3% of the data file, SAS automatically uses the index and does not go on to compare probable resource usage.

To help SAS estimate how many observations would be selected by a WHERE expression, each index stores 21 statistics called cumulative percentiles, or centiles. Centiles provide information about the distribution of values for the indexed variable.

Comparing Probable Resource Usage

Fourth, SAS decides whether it is faster (cheaper) to satisfy the WHERE expression by using the index or by reading all of the observations sequentially. To make the decision, SAS predicts how many I/O operations will be required in order to satisfy the WHERE expression for each of the access methods, and then compares the two resource costs.

Several factors affect the number of I/O operations that are required for WHERE processing, including the following:

  • subset size relative to data set size

  • number of pages in the data file

  • order of the data

  • cost to uncompress a compressed file for a sequential read.

Data type and length are two other factors that affect index efficiency.

Deciding Whether to Create an Index

When you use a WHERE expression to select a subset, you can use specific guidelines to decide whether it is efficient to create an index. Depending on factors such as the size of the subset relative to the size of the data set, you might or might not choose to create an index.

In most situations, it is best to let SAS determine whether or not to use an index for WHERE processing. However, sometimes you might want to control whether or not SAS uses an existing index. You can use either of the data set options IDXWHERE= or IDXNAME=, but not both at the same time, to control index usage. You can specify MSGLEVEL=| to tell SAS to display information about index usage in the SAS log.

Comparing Procedures That Produce Detail Reports

When you want to use a query to produce a detail report, you can choose between the PRINT procedure and the SQL procedure. To perform a particular task, a single-purpose tool like PROC PRINT generally uses fewer computer resources than a multi-purpose tool like PROC SQL. However, PROC SQL often requires fewer and shorter statements to achieve the results that you want.

For detail reports, a PROC PRINT step often, but not always, uses fewer resources than a PROC SQL step:

  • PROC PRINT is usually more efficient than PROC SQL for generating a simple detail report, a subset detail report, and a sorted detail report.

  • PROC PRINT and PROC SQL will likely have similar resource usage for generating a sorted subset detail report.

Comparing Tools for Summarizing Data

SAS provides a variety of tools for summarizing data, including the MEANS procedure (or SUMMARY procedure), the TABULATE procedure, the REPORT procedure, the SQL procedure, and the DATA step.

If you are summarizing data for one class variable, the tools in each of the following groups are similar in resource usage:


  • PROC SQL and the DATA step.

However, the relative efficiency of the two groups of tools varies according to the shape of the data.

You can use PROC MEANS in a variety of ways to produce summary statistics for combinations of class variables. Each combination of class variables is called a type.

To summarize data for all combinations of class variables, you can use a basic PROC MEANS step (or PROC SUMMARY step). To produce summary statistics for specific combinations of class variables, you can use PROC MEANS in the following ways :

  • the TYPES statement in a PROC MEANS step

  • the NWAY option in multiple PROC MEANS steps

  • the WHERE= option in a PROC MEANS step.

These three techniques vary in efficiency; the TYPES statement in PROC MEANS is the most efficient.

You can also use the WAYS statement in PROC MEANS to produce summary statistics for specific combinations of class variables.

Review the related comparative examples:

  • "Comparative Example: Displaying Summary Statistics for One Class Variable" on page 856

  • "Comparative Example: Displaying Summary Statistics for Combinations of Class Variables" on page 870.


Select the best answer for each question. After completing the quiz, check your answers using the answer key in the appendix.

  1. Why can using an index reduce the number of I/O operations that are required for accessing a small subset?

    1. Using an index requires larger I/O memory buffers, which can hold more pages.

    2. The index does not have to be loaded into a memory buffer.

    3. The number of observations that SAS has to load into the program data vector (PDV) is decreased.

    4. The number of pages that SAS has to load into I/O buffers is decreased.

  2. You want to select a subset of observations in the data set Company.Products, and you have defined a simple index on the variable Rating. SAS cannot use the index to process which of the following WHERE statements?

    1. where rating is missing;
    2. where rating=int(rating);
    3. where rating between 3.5 and 7.5;
    4. where rating=5.5;
  3. In which of the following situations is sequential access likely to be more efficient than direct access for WHERE processing?

    1. The subset contains over 75% of the observations in the data set.

    2. The WHERE expression specifies both key variables in a single composite index.

    3. The data is sorted on the key variable.

    4. The data set is very large.

  4. You want to summarize data for one class variable, and you are trying to decide whether to use PROC MEANS (or PROC SUMMARY), PROC REPORT, PROC TABULATE, PROC SQL, or the DATA step with PROC SORT. Which of the following statements about the efficiency of these summarization tools is not true?

    1. PROC MEANS (or PROC SUMMARY), PROC REPORT, and PROC TABULATE have similar resource usage.

    2. The efficiency of all these tools is affected by the shape of the data.

    3. The SQL procedure is always the least efficient because it is a general-purpose tool.

    4. PROC SQL and the DATA step with PROC SORT have similar resource usage.

  5. Which of the following techniques is most efficient for summarizing data for specific combinations of class variables?

    1. the NWAY option in multiple PROC MEANS steps

    2. the TYPES statement in a PROC MEANS step

    3. the WHERE= option in a PROC MEANS step

    4. a basic PROC MEANS step

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