Chapter 3. Combining Tables Horizontally Using PROC SQL



When you need to select data from multiple tables and combine the tables horizontally (side by side), PROC SQL can be an efficient alternative to other SAS procedures or the DATA step. You can use a PROC SQL join to combine tables horizontally:


A PROC SQL join is a query that specifies multiple tables and/or views to be combined and, typically, specifies the conditions on which rows are matched and returned in the result set.

You should already be familiar with the basics of using PROC SQL to join tables. In this chapter, you will take a more in-depth look at joining tables.


In this chapter, you learn to

  • combine tables horizontally to produce a Cartesian product

  • combine tables horizontally using inner and outer joins

  • use a table alias in a PROC SQL query

  • use an in-line view in a PROC SQL query

  • compare PROC SQL joins with DATA step match-merges and other SAS techniques

  • use the COALESCE function to overlay columns in PROC SQL joins.


Before you begin this chapter, you should complete the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1, "Performing Queries Using PROC SQL," on page 3

  • Chapter 2, "Performing Advanced Queries Using PROC SQL," on page 25.

Understanding Joins

Joins combine tables horizontally (side by side) by combining rows. The tables being joined are not required to have the same number of rows or columns.


You can use a join to combine views as well as tables. Most of the following references to tables are also applicable to views; any exceptions are noted. In-line views are introduced later in this chapter. For more information about PROC SQL views, see Chapter 7, "Creating and Managing Views Using PROC SQL," on page 243. Δ

When you use a PROC SQL query to join tables, you must decide how you want the rows from the various tables to be combined. There are two main types of joins, as shown below.

Type of Join


Inner join

Only the rows that match across all table(s)

Understanding Joins

Outer join

Rows that match across tables (as in the inner join) plus nonmatching rows from one or more tables

Understanding Joins

When any type of join is processed, PROC SQL starts by generating a Cartesian product, which contains all possible combinations of rows from all tables. consider how a Cartesian product is generated.

Generating a Cartesian Product

The most basic type of join combines data from two tables that are specified in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. When you specify multiple tables in the FROM clause but do not include a WHERE statement to subset data, PROC SQL returns the Cartesian product of the tables. In a Cartesian product, each row in the first table is combined with every row in the second table. Below is an example of this type of query, which joins the tables One and Two.

Generating a Cartesian Product

The output shown above displays all possible combinations of each row in table One with all rows in table Two. Note that each table has a column named X, and both of these columns appear in the output. A Cartesian product includes all columns from the source tables; columns that have common names are not overlaid.

In most cases, generating all possible combinations of rows from multiple tables does not yield useful results, so a Cartesian product is rarely the query outcome that you want. For example, in the Cartesian product of two tables that contain employee information, each row of output might contain information about two different employees. Usually, you want your join to return only a subset of rows from the tables.

The size of a Cartesian product can also be problematic. The number of rows in a Cartesian product is equal to the product of the number of rows in the contributing tables.

The tables One and Two, used in the preceding example, contain three rows each, as shown below.

Generating a Cartesian Product

The number of rows in the Cartesian product of tables One and Two is calculated as follows:

3 x 3 = 9 rows

Joining small tables such as One and Two results in a relatively small Cartesian product. However, the Cartesian product of large tables can be huge and can require a large amount of system resources for processing.

For example, joining two tables of 1,000 rows each results in output of the following size:

1,000 x 1,000 = 1,000,000 rows

When you run a query that involves a Cartesian product that cannot be optimized, PROC SQL writes the following warning message to the SAS log.

Table 3.1. SAS Log

NOTE: The execution of this query involves performing one or more Cartesian product joins that cannot be optimized.

Although you will not often choose to create a query that returns a Cartesian product, it is important to understand how a Cartesian product is built. In all types of joins, PROC SQL generates a Cartesian product first, and then eliminates rows that do not meet any subsetting criteria that you have specified.


In many cases, PROC SQL can optimize the processing of a join, thereby minimizing the resources that are required to generate a Cartesian product. Δ

Using Inner Joins

Introducing Inner Join Syntax

An inner join combines and displays only the rows from the first table that match rows from the second table, based on the matching criteria (also known as join conditions) that are specified in the WHERE clause. A join condition is an expression that specifies the column(s) on which the tables are to be joined.

The following diagram illustrates an inner join of two tables. The shaded area of overlap represents the matching rows (the subset of rows) that the inner join returns as output.

Introducing Inner Join Syntax


An inner join is sometimes called a conventional join. Δ

Inner join syntax builds on the syntax of the simplest type of join that was shown earlier. In an inner join, a WHERE clause is added to restrict the rows of the Cartesian product that will be displayed in output.


You can combine a maximum of 32 tables in a single inner join. If the join involves views (either in-line views or PROC SQL views), it is the number of tables that underlie the views, not the number of views themselves, that counts toward the limit of 32. In-line views are covered later in this chapter and PROC SQL views are discussed in Chapter 7, "Creating and Managing Views Using PROC SQL," on page 243. Δ


When a WHERE clause is added to the PROC SQL query shown earlier, only a subset of rows is included in output. The modified query, tables, and output are shown below:


Because of the WHERE clause, this inner join does not display all rows from the Cartesian product (all possible combinations of rows from both tables) but only a subset of rows. The WHERE clause expression (join condition) specifies that the result set should include only rows whose values of column X in the table One are equal to values in column X of the table Two. Only one row from One and one row from Two have matching values of X. Those two rows are combined into one row of output.


PROC SQL will not perform a join unless the columns that are compared in the join condition (in this example, One.X and Two.X) have the same data type. However, the two columns are not required to have the same name. For example, the join condition shown in the following WHERE statement is valid if ID and EmpID have the same data type:

where = table2.empid



The join condition that is specified in the WHERE clause often contains the equal ( =) operator, but the expression might contain one or more other operators instead. An inner join that matches rows based on the equal ( =) operator, in which the value of a column or expression in one table must be equivalent to the value of a column or expression in another table, is called an equijoin. Δ

Consider how PROC SQL processes this inner join.

Understanding How Joins Are Processed

Understanding how PROC SQL processes inner and outer joins will help you to understand which output is generated by each type of join. Conceptually, PROC SQL follows these steps to process a join:

  • builds a Cartesian product of rows from the indicated tables

  • evaluates each row in the Cartesian product, based on the join conditions specified in the WHERE clause (along with any other subsetting conditions), and removes any rows that do not meet the specified conditions

  • if summary functions are specified, summarizes the applicable rows

  • returns the rows that are to be displayed in output.


The PROC SQL query optimizer follows a more complex process than the conceptual approach described here, by breaking the Cartesian product into smaller pieces. For each query, the optimizer selects the most efficient processing method for the specific situation. Δ

By default, PROC SQL joins do not overlay columns with the same name. Instead, the output displays all columns that have the same name. To avoid having columns with the same name in the output from an inner or outer join, you can eliminate or rename the duplicate columns.


You can also use the COALESCE function with an inner or outer join to overlay columns with the same name. The COALESCE function is discussed, along with outer joins, later in this chapter.

Eliminating Duplicate Columns

Consider the sample PROC SQL query that uses an inner join to combine the tables One and Two:

Eliminating Duplicate Columns

The two tables have a column with an identical name (X). Because the SELECT clause in the query shown above contains an asterisk, the output displays all columns from both tables.

To eliminate a duplicate column, you can specify just one of the duplicate columns in the SELECT statement. The SELECT statement in the preceding PROC SQL query can be modified as follows:

proc sql;
   select one.x, a, b 
      from one, two
      where one.x = two.x

Here, the SELECT clause specifies that only the column X from table One will be included in output. The output, which now displays only one column X, is shown below.

Eliminating Duplicate Columns


In an inner equijoin, like the one shown here, it does not matter which of the same-named columns is listed in the SELECT statement. The SELECT statement in this example could have specified Two.X instead of One.X. Δ

Another way to eliminate the duplicate X column in the preceding example is shown below:

proc sql;
    select one.*, b 
        from one, two
        where one.x = two.x;

By using the asterisk (*) to select all columns from table One, and only B from table Two, this query generates the same output as the preceding version.

Renaming a Column by Using a Column Alias

If you are working with several tables that have a column with a common name but slightly different data, you might want both columns to appear in output. To avoid the confusion of displaying two different columns with the same name, you can rename one of the duplicate columns by specifying a column alias in the SELECT statement. For example, you could modify the SELECT statement of the sample query as follows:

proc sql;
    select one.x as ID, two.x, a, b 
        from one, two
        where one.x = two.x;

The output of the modified query is shown here.

Renaming a Column by Using a Column Alias

Now that the column One.X has been renamed to ID, the output clearly indicates that ID and X are two different columns.

Joining Tables That Have Rows with Matching Values

Consider what happens when you join two tables in which multiple rows have duplicate values of the column on which the tables are being joined. Each of the tables Three and Four has multiple rows that contain the value 2 for column X. The following PROC SQL inner join matches rows from the two tables based on the common column X:

Joining Tables That Have Rows with Matching Values

The output shows how this inner join handles the duplicate values of X.

Joining Tables That Have Rows with Matching Values

All possible combinations of the duplicate rows are displayed. There are no matches on any other values of X, so no other rows are displayed in output.


A DATA step match-merge would output only two rows, because it processes data sequentially from top to bottom. Later in this chapter, there is a comparison of PROC SQL joins and DATA step match-merges. Δ

Specifying a Table Alias

To enable PROC SQL to distinguish between same-named columns from different tables, you use qualified column names. To create a qualified column name, you prefix the column name with its table name. For example, the following PROC SQL inner join contains several qualified column names (shown highlighted):

proc sql;
title 'Employee Names and Job Codes';
    select staffmaster.empid, lastname, firstname, jobcode 
        from sasuser.staffmaster, sasuser.payrollmaster
        where staffmaster.empid=payrollmaster.empid

It can be difficult to read PROC SQL code that contains lengthy qualified column names. In addition, typing (and retyping) long table names can be time-consuming. Fortunately, you can use a temporary, alternate name for any or all tables in any PROC SQL query. This temporary name, which is called a table alias, is specified after the table name in the FROM clause. The keyword AS is often used, although its use is optional.

The following modified PROC SQL query specifies table aliases in the FROM clause, and then uses the table aliases to qualify column names in the SELECT and WHERE clauses:

proc sql;
title 'Employee Names and Job Codes';
    select s.empid, lastname, firstname, jobcode 
        from sasuser.staffmaster as s, 
            sasuser.payrollmaster as p 
        where s.empid=p.empid; 

In this query, the optional keyword AS is used to define the table aliases in the FROM clause. The FROM clause would be equally valid with AS omitted, as shown below:

from sasuser.staffmaster s, 
     sasuser.payrollmaster p 


While using table aliases will help you to work more efficiently, the use of table aliases does not cause SAS to execute the query more quickly. Δ

Table aliases are usually optional. However, there are two situations that require their use, as shown below.

Table aliases are required when...


a table is joined to itself (called a self-join or reflexive join)

from airline.staffmaster as s1airline.staffmaster as s2 

you need to reference columns from same-named tables in different libraries

from airline.flightdelays as afwork.flightdelays as wf 
where af.delay > wf.delay 

So far, you have seen relatively simple examples of inner joins. However, as in any other PROC SQL query, inner joins can include more advanced components, such as

  • titles and footers

  • functions and expressions in the SELECT clause

  • multiple conditions in the WHERE clause

  • an ORDER BY clause for sorting

  • summary functions with grouping.

Here are a few examples of more complex inner joins.

Example: Complex PROC SQL Inner Join

Suppose you want to display the names (first initial and last name), job codes, and ages of all company employees who live in New York. You also want the results to be sorted by job code and age.

The data that you need is stored in the two tables listed below.


Relevant Columns


EmpID, LastName, FirstName, State


EmpID, JobCode, DateOfBirth

Of the three columns that you want to display, JobCode is the only column that already exists in the tables. The other two columns will need to be created from existing columns.

The PROC SQL query shown here uses an inner join to generate the output that you want:

proc sql outobs=15;
title 'New York Employees';
    select substr(firstname,1,1) || '. ' || lastname
        as Name,
        int((today() - dateofbirth)/365.25)
        as Age
    from sasuser.payrollmaster as p,
        sasuser.staffmaster as s
    where p.empid =
        and state='NY'
order by 2, 3;
Example: Complex PROC SQL Inner Join

The SELECT clause, shown below, specifies the new column Name, the existing column JobCode, and the new column Age:

select substr(firstname,1,1) || '. ' || lastname
    as Name,
    int((today() - dateofbirth)/365.25)
    as Age

To create the two new columns, the SELECT clause uses functions and expressions as follows:

  • To create Name, the SUBSTR function extracts the first initial from FirstName. Then the concatenation operator combines the first initial with a period, a space, and then the contents of the LastName column. Finally, the keyword AS names the new column.

  • To calculate Age, the INT function returns the integer portion of the result of the calculation. In the expression that is used as an argument of the INT function, the employee's birthdate ( DateOfBirth) is subtracted from today's date (returned by the TODAY function), and the difference is divided by the number of days in a year (365.25).

The WHERE clause contains two expressions linked by the logical operator AND:

where p.empid =
    and state='NY' 

This query only outputs rows that have matching values of EmpID and rows in which the value of State is NY. You do not need to prefix the column name State with a table name, because State occurs in only one of the tables.

Example: PROC SQL Inner Join with Summary Functions

You can also summarize and group data in a PROC SQL join. To illustrate, modify the previous PROC SQL inner join so that the output displays the following summarized columns for New York employees in each job code: number of employees and average age. The modified query is shown below:

proc sql outobs=15;
title 'Avg Age of New York Employees';
    select jobcode,
        count(p.empid) as Employees,
        avg(int((today() - dateofbirth)/365.25))
        format=4.1 as AvgAge
    from sasuser.payrollmaster as p,
        sasuser.staffmaster as s
    where p.empid =
        and state='NY'
    group by jobcode
    order by jobcode;

To create two new columns, the SELECT clause uses summary functions as follows:

  • To create Employees, the COUNT function is used with p.EmpID ( Payrollmaster.EmpID) as its argument.

  • To create AvgAge, the AVG function is used with an expression as its argument. As described in the previous example, the expression uses the INT function to calculate each employee's age.

The output of this modified query is shown below.

Example: PROC SQL Inner Join with Summary Functions

Using Outer Joins

Introducing Types of Outer Joins

An outer join combines and displays all rows that match across tables, based on the specified matching criteria (also known as join conditions), plus some or all of the rows that do not match. You can think of an outer join as an augmentation of an inner join: an outer join returns all rows generated by an inner join, plus additional (nonmatching) rows.

Type of Outer Join



All matching rows plus nonmatching rows from the first table specified in the FROM clause (the left table)

Introducing Types of Outer Joins


All matching rows plus nonmatching rows from the second table specified in the FROM clause (the right table)

Introducing Types of Outer Joins


All matching rows plus nonmatching rows in both tables

Introducing Types of Outer Joins

The syntax of an outer join is shown below.


To further subset the rows in the query output, you can follow the ON clause with a WHERE clause. The WHERE clause subsets the individual detail rows before the outer join is performed. The ON clause then specifies how the remaining rows are to be selected for output. Δ


You can perform an outer join on only two tables or views at a time. Views are covered later in this chapter. Δ

Consider how each type of outer join works.

Using a Left Outer Join

A left outer join retrieves all rows that match across tables, based on the specified matching criteria (join conditions), plus nonmatching rows from the left table (the first table specified in the FROM clause).

Suppose you are using the following PROC SQL left join to combine the two tables One and Two. The join condition is stated in the expression following the ON keyword. The two tables and the three rows of output are shown below:

Using a Left Outer Join

In each row of output, the first two columns correspond to table One (the left table) and the last two columns correspond to table Two (the right table).

Because this is a left join, all rows (both matching and nonmatching) from table One (the left table) are included in the output (the first two columns). Rows from table Two (the right table) are displayed in the output (the last two columns) only if they match a row from table One.

In this example, the second row of output is the only row in which the row from table One matched a row from table Two, based on the matching criteria (join conditions) specified in the ON clause. In the first and third rows of output, the row from table One had no matching row in table Two.


In all three types of outer joins (left, right, and full), the columns in the result (combined) row that are from the unmatched row are set to missing values. Δ

To eliminate one of the duplicate columns (in this case, X) in any outer join, as shown earlier with an inner join, you can modify the SELECT clause to list the specific columns that will be displayed. Here, the SELECT clause from the preceding query has been modified to remove the duplicate X column:

Using a Left Outer Join

Using a Right Outer Join

A right outer join retrieves all rows that match across tables, based on the specified matching criteria (join conditions), plus nonmatching rows from the right table (the second table specified in the FROM clause).

Consider what happens when you use a right join to combine the two tables used in the previous example. The following PROC SQL query uses a right join to combine rows from One and Two, based on the join conditions specified in the ON clause:

Using a Right Outer Join

In each row of output, the first two columns correspond to table One (the left table) and the last two columns correspond to table Two (the right table).

Because this is a right join, all rows (both matching and nonmatching) from table Two (the right table) are included in the output (the last two columns). Rows from table One (the left table) are displayed in the output (the first two columns) only if they match a row from table Two.

In this example, there is only one row in table One that matches a value of X in table Two, and these two matching rows combine to form the first row of output. In the remaining rows of output, there is no match and the columns corresponding to table One are set to missing values.

Using a Full Outer Join

A full outer join retrieves both matching rows and nonmatching rows from both tables.

Combine the same two tables again, this time using a full join. The PROC SQL query, the tables, and the output are shown below:

Using a Full Outer Join

Because this is a full join, all rows (both matching and nonmatching) from both tables are included in the output. There is only one match between table One and table Two, so only one row of output displays values in all columns. All remaining rows of output contain only values from table One or table Two, with the remaining columns set to missing values.

Example: Outer Join

Now that you have seen how the three types of outer joins work, consider a realistic situation requiring the use of an outer join.

Suppose you want to list all of an airline's flights that were scheduled for March, along with corresponding delay information (if it exists). Each flight is identified by both a flight date and a flight number. Your output should display the following data: flight date, flight number, destination, and length of delay in minutes.

The data that you need is stored in the two tables shown below. The applicable columns from each table are identified.


Relevant Columns


Date, FlightNumber, Destination


Date, FlightNumber, Destination, Delay

Your output should include the columns that are listed above and all of the following rows:

  • rows that have matching values of Date and FlightNumber across the two tables

  • rows from Sasuser.Marchflights that have no matching row in Sasuser.Flightdelays.

To generate the output that you want, the following PROC SQL query uses a left outer join, with Sasuser.Marchflights specified as the left (first) table.

proc sql outobs=20;
title 'All March Flights';
            label='Flight Number',
            label='Delay in Minutes'
    from sasuser.marchflights as m
            left join
            sasuser.flightdelays as f
    and m.flightnumber=
    order by delay;

Notice the following:

  • The SELECT clause eliminates the duplicate Date and FlightNumber columns by specifying their source as Sasuser.Marchflights. However, the SELECT clause list specifies the Destination columns from both tables and assigns a table alias to each to distinguish between them.

  • The ON clause contains two join conditions, which match the tables on the two columns Date and FlightNumber.

The query output is shown below.

Example: Outer Join

The first 12 rows of output display rows from Sasuser.Marchflights (the left table) that have no matching rows in Sasuser.Flightdelays. Therefore, in these 12 rows, the last 2 columns are set to missing values.


The same results could be generated by using a right outer join, with Sasuser.Marchflights specified as the right (second) table. Δ

Creating an Inner Join with Outer Join-Style Syntax

If you want to use a consistent syntax for all joins, you can write an inner join using the same style of syntax that is used for an outer join.


An inner join that uses this syntax can be performed on only two tables or views at a time. When an inner join uses the syntax that was presented earlier, up to 256 tables or views can be combined at once. In-line views are covered later in this chapter. Δ

Comparing SQL Joins and DATA Step Match-Merges

You should be familiar with the use of the DATA step to merge data sets. DATA step match-merges and PROC SQL joins can produce the same results. However, there are important differences between these two techniques. For example, a join does not require that you sort the data first; a DATA step match-merge requires that the data be sorted.

Compare the use of SQL joins and DATA step match-merges in the following situations:

  • when all of the values of the selected variable (column) match

  • when only some of the values of the selected variable (column) match.

When All of the Values Match

When all of the values of the BY variable match, you can use a PROC SQL inner join to produce the same results as a DATA step match-merge.

Suppose you want to combine the tables One and Two, as shown below.

When All of the Values Match

These two tables have the column X in common, and all values of X in each row match across the two tables. Both tables are already sorted by X.

The following DATA step match-merge (followed by a PROC PRINT step) and the PROC SQL inner join produce identical reports.

Step Match-Merge


When All of the Values Match
When All of the Values Match
When All of the Values Match


The DATA step match-merge creates a data set whereas the PROC SQL inner join, as shown here, creates only a report as output. To make these two programs completely identical, the PROC SQL inner join could be rewritten to create a table. For detailed information about creating tables with PROC SQL, see Chapter 5, "Creating and Managing Tables Using PROC SQL," on page 159. Δ


If the order of rows in the output does not matter, the ORDER BY clause can be removed from the PROC SQL join. Without the ORDER BY clause, this join is more efficient, because PROC SQL does not need to make a second pass through the data. Δ

When Only Some of the Values Match

When only some of the values of the BY variable match, you can use a PROC SQL full outer join to produce the same result as a DATA step match-merge. Unlike the DATA step match-merge, however, a PROC SQL outer join does not overlay the two common columns by default. To overlay common columns, you must use the COALESCE function in the PROC SQL full outer join.


The COALESCE function can also be used with inner join operators. Δ

Consider what happens when you use a PROC SQL full outer join without the COALESCE function. Suppose you want to combine the tables Three and Four. These two tables have the column X in common, but most of the values of X do not match across tables. Both tables are already sorted by X. The following DATA step match-merge (followed by a PROC PRINT step) and the PROC SQL outer join combine these tables, but do not generate the same output.e COALESCE function can also be used with inner join operators.

DATA Step Match-Merge

PROC SQL Full Outer Join

When Only Some of the Values Match
When Only Some of the Values Match
When Only Some of the Values Match

The DATA step match-merge automatically overlays the common column, X. The PROC SQL outer join selects the value of X from just one of the tables, table Three,so that no X values from table Four are included in the PROC SQL output. However, the PROC SQL outer join cannot overlay the columns by default. The values that vary across the two merged tables are in bold above.

Consider how the COALESCE function is used in the PROC SQL outer join to overlay the common columns.

When Only Some of the Values Match: Using the COALESCE Function

When you add the COALESCE function to the SELECT clause of the PROC SQL outer join, the PROC SQL outer join can produce the same result as a DATA step match-merge.

The COALESCE function overlays the specified columns by

  • checking the value of each column in the order in which the columns are listed

  • returning the first value that is a SAS nonmissing value.


If all returned values are missing, COALESCE returns a missing value. Δ

Below is the SELECT clause from the PROC SQL full outer join shown in the previous section, with the COALESCE function added:

select coalesce(three.x, four.x) 
           as X, a, b

This SELECT clause overlays the X columns from tables Three and Four. The column alias X is assigned to the coalesced column.

When the COALESCE function is added to the preceding PROC SQL full outer join, the DATA step match-merge (with PROC PRINT step) and the PROC SQL full outer join will combine rows in the same way. The two programs, the tables, and the output are shown below.

DATA Step Match-Merge

PROC SQL Full Outer Join

When Only Some of the Values Match: Using the COALESCE Function
When Only Some of the Values Match: Using the COALESCE Function
When Only Some of the Values Match: Using the COALESCE Function

Understanding the Advantages of PROC SQL Joins

DATA step match-merges and PROC SQL joins both have advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the main advantages of PROC SQL joins.



PROC SQL joins do not require sorted or indexed tables.

Understanding the Advantages of PROC SQL Joins

PROC SQL joins do not require that the columns in join expressions have the same name.

Understanding the Advantages of PROC SQL Joins

PROC SQL joins can use comparison operators other than the equal sign (=).

Understanding the Advantages of PROC SQL Joins


Join performance can be substantially improved when the tables are indexed on the column(s) on which the tables are being joined. You can learn more about indexing in Chapter 6, "Creating and Managing Indexes Using PROC SQL," on page 221. Δ

You can learn more about the comparative advantages and disadvantages of DATA step match-merges and PROC SQL joins in Chapter 15, "Combining Data Horizontally," on page 511.

Using In-Line Views

Introducing In-Line Views

Sometimes, you might want to specify an in-line view rather than a table as the source of data for a PROC SQL query. An in-line view is a nested query that is specified in the outer query's FROM clause. (You should already be familiar with a subquery, which is a nested query that is specified in a WHERE clause.) An in-line view selects data from one or more tables in order to produce a temporary (or virtual) table that the outer query then uses to select data for output.

For example, the following FROM clause specifies an in-line view:

from (select flightnumber, dateboarded/passengercapacity*100 
        as pctfull 
        format=4.1 label='Percent Full' 
    from sasuser.marchflights

This in-line view selects two existing columns ( FlightNumber and Date) and defines the new column PctFull based on the table Sasuser.Marchflights.

Unlike a table, an in-line view exists only during query execution. Because it is temporary, an in-line view can be referenced only in the query in which it is defined. In addition, an in-line view can be assigned an alias but it cannot be assigned a permanent name.


In a FROM clause, you can also specify a PROC SQL view, which is a query that has been created (using the CREATE statement) and stored. You can learn more about creating PROC SQL views in Chapter 7, "Creating and Managing Views Using PROC SQL," on page 243. Δ


Unlike other queries, an in-line view cannot contain an ORDER BY clause. Δ

There are two potential advantages to using an in-line view instead of a table in a PROC SQL query:

  • The complexity of the code is usually reduced, so that the code is easier to write and understand.

  • In some cases, PROC SQL might be able to process the code more efficiently.

Referencing an In-Line View with Other Views or Tables

The preceding FROM clause is from a simple PROC SQL query that references just one data source: the in-line view. However, a PROC SQL query can join multiple tables and in-line views. For example, the FROM clause shown below specifies both a table (Sasuser.Flightschedule) and an in-line view.

from sasuser.flightschedule(select flightnumber, dateboarded/passengercapacity*100 
        as pctfull 
        format=4.1 label='Percent Full' 
    from sasuser.marchflights) 

Referencing Multiple Tables in an In-Line View

You can specify more than one table in the FROM clause of an in-line view, as shown in the following example:

from (select marchflights.flightnumber,,
        as pctfull
        format=4.1 label='Percent Full',
    from sasuser.marchflightssasuser.flightdelays 
where marchflights.flightnumber=

In other words, you can base an in-line view on a join.


Remember that each table that is referenced in an in-line view counts toward the 256-table limit for an inner join. Δ

Assigning an Alias to an In-Line View

You can assign an alias to an in-line view just as you can to a table. In the following example, the alias f has been added in the first FROM clause to reference the table Sasuser.Flightschedule and the alias m has been added in the second FROM clause to reference the in-line view. After the main FROM clause, a WHERE clause that uses both of the aliases has been added.

from sasuser.flightschedule as f,
    (select flightnumber, date
            as pctfull
            format=4.1 label='Percent Full'
        from sasuser.marchflights) as m 
where m.flightnumber=f.flightnumber

Example: Query That Contains an In-Line View

Suppose you want to identify the air travel destinations that experienced the worst delays in March. You would like your output to show all of the following data:

  • destination

  • average delay

  • maximum delay

  • probability of delay.

Your PROC SQL query uses an in-line view (shown highlighted) to calculate all of the new columns except for the last one:

proc sql;
title "Flight Destinations and Delays";
   select destination,
          average format=3.0 label='Average Delay',
          max format=3.0 label='Maximum Delay',
          late/(late+early) as prob format=5.2
          label='Probability of Delay'
     from  (select destinationavg(delay) as averagemax(delay) as maxsum(delay > 0) as latesum(delay <= 0) as early 
                   from sasuser.flightdelays 
                   group by destination) 
      order by average;

Consider each clause of the outer query, starting with the FROM clause, because PROC SQL evaluates the FROM clause before the SELECT clause.

The FROM clause specifies an in-line view rather than a table. The in-line view (nested query) specifies the following columns that are in the table Sasuser.Flightdelays or are based on a column in that table:

  • the existing column Destination

  • the new column Average

  • the new column Max

  • the new column Late

  • the new column Early.

The columns Average, Max, Late, and Early are all calculated by using summary functions.

In the calculation for the columns Late and Early, a Boolean expression is used as the argument for the summary function. A Boolean function resolves either to 1 (true) or 0 (false). For example, Late is calculated by taking the sum of the Boolean expression delay > 0. For every value of Delay that is greater than 0, the Boolean expression resolves to 1; values that are equal to or less than 0 resolve to 0. The SUM function adds all values of Delay to indicate the number of delays that occurred for each destination.

The in-line view concludes with the clause group by destination, specifying that the in-line view data should be grouped and summarized by the values of Destination.

If you submitted this in-line view (nested query) as a separate query, it would generate the following output.

Example: Query That Contains an In-Line View

Consider the outer query's SELECT and ORDER BY clauses (shown highlighted):

proc sql;
title "Flight Destinations and Delays";
    select destinationaverage format=3.0 label='Average Delay'max format=3.0 label='Maximum Delay'late/(late+early) as prob format=5.2 
        label='Probability of Delay' 
    from (select destination,
        avg(delay) as average,
        max(delay) as max,
        sum(delay > 0) as late,
        sum(delay <= 0) as early
        from sasuser.flightdelays
        group by destination) 
    order by average; 

The outer query's SELECT clause specifies columns as follows:

  • Destination is an existing column in the table.

  • Average and Max are calculated in the in-line view, and are assigned labels in this SELECT clause.

  • Prob (with the label "Probability of Delay") is calculated in this SELECT clause by using two columns that were calculated in the in-line view: Late and Early. The outer query's SELECT clause can refer to the calculated columns Late and Early without using the keyword CALCULATED because PROC SQL evaluates the in-line view (the outer query's FROM clause) first.

The outer query's last clause is an ORDER BY clause. The output will be sorted by the values of Average.

This PROC SQL query generates the following output.

Example: Query That Contains an In-Line View

Later in this chapter, you will see a PROC SQL query that combines multiple tables and uses an in-line view.

Joining Multiple Tables and Views

So far, this chapter has presented PROC SQL queries that combine only two tables horizontally. However, there might be situations in which you have to create complex queries to combine more than two tables. Here is an example of a complex query that combines four different tables.

Example: Complex Query That Combines Four Tables

Suppose you want to list the names of supervisors for the crew on the flight to Copenhagen on March 4, 2000. To solve this problem, you will need to use the following four tables.


Relevant Columns

Sasuser.Flightschedule identifies the crew who flew to Copenhagen on March 4, 2000

EmpID, Date, Destination

Sasuser.Staffmaster identifies the names and states of residence for the employees

EmpID, FirstName, LastName, State

Sasuser.Payrollmaster identifies the job categories for the employees

EmpID, JobCode

Sasuser.Supervisors identifies the employees who are supervisors

EmpID, State, JobCategory


Supervisors live in the same state as the employees they supervise. There is one supervisor for each state and job category. Δ

This problem can be handled in a number of different ways. Examine and compare three different techniques:

  • Technique 1: using PROC SQL subqueries, joins, and in-line views

  • Technique 2: using a multi-way join that combines four different tables and a reflexive join (joining a table with itself)

  • Technique 3: using traditional SAS programming (a series of PROC SORT and DATA steps, followed by a PROC PRINT step)

Example: Technique 1 (PROC SQL Subqueries, Joins, and In-Line Views)


List the names of supervisors for the crew on the flight to Copenhagen Task on March 4, 2000.


Sasuser.Flightschedule ( EmpID, Date, Destination)
Sasuser.Staffmaster ( EmpID, FirstName, LastName, State)
Sasuser.Payrollmaster ( EmpID, JobCode)
Sasuser.Supervisors ( EmpID, State, JobCategory)


Supervisors live in the same state as the employees they supervise. There is one supervisor for each state and job category. Δ

Completing the stated task requires a complex query that includes several subqueries, joins, and an in-line view. To make the task more manageable, build the complex query piece-by-piece in four steps:

  1. Identify the crew for the Copenhagen flight.

  2. Find the states and job categories of the crew members that were returned by the first query.

  3. Find the employee numbers of the crew supervisors, based on the states and job categories that were returned by the second query.

  4. Find the names of the supervisors, based on the employee numbers that were returned by the third query.

Note that at each of the four steps, a new piece of the final query will be added. The final query will include the four separate pieces.

Query 1: Identify the crew for the Copenhagen (CPH) flight

This query lists the employee ID numbers of all six crew members on the Copenhagen flight:

Query 1: Identify the crew for the Copenhagen (CPH) flight

Query 2: Find the states and job categories of the crew members

Query 1 becomes a subquery and returns the employee ID numbers of the six Copenhagen crew members to the outer query, Query 2. (Query 2 is shaded.) Query 2 uses an inner join to combine two tables. Query 2 selects the job category (by using the SUBSTR function to extract the job category from JobCode) and state for each of the six crew members.

Query 2: Find the states and job categories of the crew members

Query 3: Find the employee numbers of the crew supervisors

Query 2 becomes an in-line view within Query 3, and the alias c has been assigned to the in-line view. (Query 3 is shown in bold.) Query 2 returns to Query 3 the job category and state for each crew member. Query 3 selects the employee ID numbers for supervisors whose job category and state match the job category and state of a crew member.


Sasuser.Supervisors specifies the label Supervisor ID for the EmpID column, and this label appears in the output.


Query 3: Find the employee numbers of the crew supervisors

Note that two rows contain the same value of EmpID: 1983. This duplication indicates that two different crew members have the same manager. In all, there are five supervisors for the six crew members of the Copenhagen flight.

Query 4: Find the names of the supervisors

Query 3 becomes a subquery within Query 4. (Query 4 is shown highlighted.) Query 3 returns to Query 4 the employee numbers (supervisor IDs) for the supervisors of the Copenhagen crew. Query 4 selects the names of the supervisors.

Query 4: Find the names of the supervisors

Note that the output has five rows, one for each supervisor. The duplicate name of a supervisor has been eliminated.

Technique 1 produces a PROC SQL query that includes

  • four SELECT statements

  • four tables, each read separately.

This program is not optimized and, in addition, includes complex code that is likely to take a long time to write.

Example: Technique 2 (PROC SQL Multi-way Join with Reflexive Join)


List the names of supervisors for the crew on the flight to Copenhagen Task on March 4, 2000.


Sasuser.Flightschedule ( EmpID, Date, Destination)
Sasuser.Staffmaster ( EmpID, FirstName, LastName, State)
Sasuser.Payrollmaster ( EmpID, JobCode)
Sasuser.Supervisors ( EmpID, State, JobCategory)


Supervisors live in the same state as the employees they supervise. There is one supervisor for each state and job category. Δ

You can also solve this problem by using a multi-way join with a reflexive join (joining a table to itself). The code is shown below:

Example: Technique 2 (PROC SQL Multi-way Join with Reflexive Join)

Technique 2, which uses a multi-way join, provides a more efficient solution to the problem than Technique 1. In a multi-way join, PROC SQL joins two tables at a time and performs the joins in the most efficient order (the order that will minimize the size of the Cartesian product). This multi-way join code is more difficult to build step-by-step than the code in Technique 1.

Note that Sasuser.Staffmaster is read two separate times in this query: this is the reflexive join. As you can see in the FROM clause, Sasuser.Staffmaster is assigned a different table alias each time it is read: first b, then e. The table is read the first time (alias b) to look up the states of the Copenhagen crew members, the second time (alias e) to look up the names of the supervisors.

Example: Technique 3 (Traditional SAS Programming)


List the names of supervisors for the crew on the flight to Copenhagen Task on March 4, 2000.


Sasuser.Flightschedule ( EmpID, Date, Destination)
Sasuser.Staffmaster ( EmpID, FirstName, LastName, State)
Sasuser.Payrollmaster ( EmpID, JobCode)
Sasuser.Supervisors ( EmpID, State, JobCategory)


Supervisors live in the same state as the employees they supervise. There is one supervisor for each state and job category. Δ

For comparison, look at the traditional SAS programming that can be used to solve this problem. The code is shown below, followed by the output.

/* Find the crew for the flight. */

proc sort data=sasuser.flightschedule (drop=flightnumber)
            out=crew (keep=empid);
        where destination='CPH' and date='04MAR2000'd;
        by empid;

/* Find the State and job code for the crew. */

proc sort data=sasuser.payrollmaster
            (keep=empid jobcode)
    by empid;

proc sort data=sasuser.staffmaster
            (keep=empid state firstname lastname)
    by empid;

data st_cat (keep=state jobcategory);
    merge crew (in=c)
    by empid;
    if c;

/* Find the supervisor IDs. */

proc sort
        by jobcategory state;

proc sort data=sasuser.supervisors
    by jobcategory state;

data super (keep=empid);
    merge st_cat(in=s)
    by jobcategory state;
    if s;

/* Find the names of the supervisors. */

proc sort data=super;
    by empid;

data names(drop=empid);
    merge super (in=super)
        staff (keep=empid firstname lastname);
    by empid;
    if super;

proc print data=names noobs uniform;
Example: Technique 3 (Traditional SAS Programming)

This output is not identical to the output of the PROC SQL approaches (Techniques 1 and 2). The SQL queries eliminated the duplicate names that are seen here. When you use Technique 3, you can eliminate duplicates by adding the NODUPKEY option to the last PROC SORT statement, as shown below:

proc sort data=super nodupkey

Based on a mainframe benchmark in batch mode, the SQL queries use less CPU time, but more I/O operations, than this non-SQL program.


This section contains the following:

  • a text summary of the material taught in this chapter

  • syntax for statements and options

  • sample programs

  • points to remember.

Text Summary

Understanding Joins

A PROC SQL join is a query that combines tables horizontally (side by side) by combining rows. The two main types of joins are inner joins and outer joins.

Generating a Cartesian Product

When you specify multiple tables in the FROM clause but do not include a WHERE statement to subset data, PROC SQL returns the Cartesian product of the tables. In a Cartesian product, each row in the first table is combined with every row in the second table. In all types of joins, PROC SQL generates a Cartesian product first, and then eliminates rows that do not meet any subsetting criteria that you have specified.

Using Inner Joins

An inner join combines and displays the rows from the first table that match rows from the second table, based on the matching criteria (also known as join conditions) that are specified in the WHERE clause. When the tables that are being joined contain a column with a common name, you might want to eliminate the duplicate column from results or specify a column alias to rename one of the duplicate columns. To refer to tables in an inner join, or in any PROC SQL step, you can specify a temporary name called a table alias.

Using Outer Joins

An outer join combines and displays all rows that match across tables, based on the specified matching criteria (also known as join conditions), plus some or all of the rows that do not match. There are three types of outer joins:

  • A left outer join retrieves all rows that match across tables, based on the specified matching criteria (join conditions), plus nonmatching rows from the left table (the first table specified in the FROM clause).

  • A right outer join retrieves all rows that match across tables, based on the specified matching criteria (join conditions), plus nonmatching rows from the right table (the second table specified in the FROM clause).

  • A full outer join retrieves both matching rows and nonmatching rows from both tables.

Creating an Inner Join with Outer Join-Style Syntax

If you want to use a consistent syntax for all joins, you can write an inner join using the same style of syntax as used for an outer join.

Comparing SQL Joins and DATA Step Match-Merges

DATA step match-merges and PROC SQL joins can produce the same results, although there are important differences between these two techniques.

  • When all the values of the BY variable (column) match and there are no duplicate BY variables, you can use a PROC SQL inner join.

  • When only some of the values of the BY variable match, you can use a PROC SQL full outer join. To overlay common columns, you must use the COALESCE function with the PROC SQL join.

Using In-Line Views

An in-line view is a subquery that appears in a FROM clause. An in-line view selects data from one or more tables to produce a temporary (or virtual) table that the outer query uses to select data for output. You can reference an in-line view with other views or tables, reference multiple tables in an in-line view, and assign an alias to an in-line view.

Joining Multiple Tables and Views

When you perform a complex query that combines more than two tables or views, you might need to choose between several different techniques.



  SELECT column-1<,...column-n>

     FROM table-1 | view-1, table-2 | view-2<,...table-n | view-n>

     WHERE join-condition(s)

      <AND other subsetting condition(s)>

          <other clauses>;

  SELECT column-1<,...column-n>

     FROM table-1 | view-1


         table-2 | view-2

         ON join-condition(s)

     <other clauses>;

  SELECT column-1<,...column-n>

     FROM table-1 | view-1

         INNER JOIN

         table-2 | view-2

         ON join-condition(s)

     other clauses>;

  SELECT COALESCE (column-1<,...column-n>)

       <AS> column-alias><,...column-1< ,...column-n>>

     FROM table-1 | view-1


         table-2 | view-2

         ON join-condition(s)

     <other clauses>;


Sample Programs

Combining Tables by Using an Inner Join

proc sql outobs=15;
title 'New York Employees';
   select substr(firstname,1,1) || '. ' || lastname
          as Name,
          int((today() - dateofbirth)/365.25)
          as Age
      from sasuser.payrollmaster as p,
           sasuser.staffmaster as s
      where p.empid =
            and state='NY'
      order by 2, 3;

Combining Tables by Using a Left Outer Join

proc sql outobs=20;
title 'All March Flights';
        label='Flight Number',
        label='Delay in Minutes'
    from sasuser.marchflights as m
        left join
        sasuser.flightdelays as f
        and m.flightnumber=
    order by delay;

Overlaying Common Columns in a Full Outer Join

proc sql;
    select coalesce(p.empid, s.empid)
        as ID, firstname, lastname, gender
    from sasuser.payrollmaster as p
            full join
        sasuser.staffmaster as s
    on p.empid = s.empid
    order by id;

Joining Tables by Using a Subquery and an In-Line View

proc sql;
    select empid
        from sasuser.supervisors as m,
            (select substr(jobcode,1,2) as JobCategory,
                from sasuser.staffmaster as s,
                    sasuser.payrollmaster as p
                where s.empid=p.empid and s.empid in
                    (select empid
                        from sasuser.flightschedule
                        where date='04mar2000'd
                                and destination='CPH')) as c
        where m.jobcategory=c.jobcategory
                and m.state=c.state;

Points to Remember

  • In most cases, generating all possible combinations of rows from multiple tables does not yield useful results, so a Cartesian product is rarely the query outcome that you want.

  • You can combine a maximum of 32 tables in a single inner join. (If the join involves views, it is the number of tables that underlie the views, not the number of views, that counts toward the limit of 32.) An outer join can be performed on only two tables or views at a time.


Select the best answer for each question. After completing the quiz, check your answers using the answer key in the appendix.

  1. A Cartesian product is returned when

    1. join conditions are not specified in a PROC SQL join.

    2. join conditions are not specified in a PROC SQL set operation.

    3. more than two tables are specified in a PROC SQL join.

    4. the keyword ALL is used with the OUTER UNION operator.

  2. Given the PROC SQL query and tables shown below, which output is generated?

    1. Quiz
    2. Quiz
    3. Quiz
    4. Quiz
  3. Given the PROC SQL query and tables shown below, which output is generated?

    1. Quiz
    2. Quiz
    3. Quiz
    4. Quiz
  4. Which PROC SQL query produces the same output as the query shown here?

    proc sql;
        select a.*,
            from groupa as a,
                groupb as b
            where a.obs=b.obs;


    Assume that the table Groupa contains the columns Obs and Med. Groupb contains the columns Obs and Duration. Δ

    1. proc sql;
          select a.obs label='Obs',
                  b.obs label='Obs',
              from groupa as a, groupb as b
              where a.obs=b.obs;
    2. proc sql;
          select coalesce(a.obs, b.obs)
                  label='Obs', med, duration
              from groupa as a
              full join
              groupb as b
              on a.obs=b.obs;
    3. proc sql;
          select a.*, duration
              from groupa as a
              left join
              groupb as b
              where a.obs=b.obs;
    4. proc sql;
          select a.*, duration
              from groupa as a
              inner join
              groupb as b
              on a.obs=b.obs;
  5. Which output will the following PROC SQL query generate?

    1. Quiz
    2. Quiz
    3. Quiz
    4. Quiz
  6. In order for PROC SQL to perform an inner join,

    1. the tables being joined must contain the same number of columns.

    2. the tables must be sorted before they are joined.

    3. the columns that are specified in a join condition in the WHERE clause must have the same data type.

    4. the columns that are specified in a join condition in the WHERE clause must have the same name.

  7. Which statement about in-line views is false?

    1. Once defined, an in-line view can be referenced in any PROC SQL query in the current SAS session.

    2. An in-line view can be assigned a table alias but not a permanent name.

    3. In-line views can be combined with tables in PROC SQL joins.

    4. This PROC SQL query contains an in-line view that uses valid syntax:

      proc sql;
          select name, numvisits
              from (select name, sum(checkin)
                  as numvisits
                      from facility as f, members as m
                      where area='POOL' and
                      group by name)
              where numvisits<=10
              order by 1;
  8. Which PROC SQL query will generate the same output as the DATA step match-merge and PRINT step shown below?

    1. proc sql;
      title 'Merged';
          select a.g3, z, r
              from table1 as a
              full join
              table2 as b
              on a.g3 = b.g3
              order by 1;
    2. proc sql;
      title 'Merged';
          select a.g3, z, r
              from table1 as a
              table2 as b
              on a.g3 = b.g3
              order by 1;
    3. proc sql;
      title 'Merged';
          select coalesce(a.g3, b.g3)
                  label='G3', z, r
              from table1 as a
              full join
              table2 as b
              on a.g3 = b.g3
              order by 1;
    4. proc sql;
      title 'Merged';
          select g3, z, r
              from table1 as a
              full join
              table2 as b
              on a.g3 = b.g3
              order by 1;
  9. A PROC SQL inner join can combine

    1. a maximum of two tables or in-line views, but multiple joins can be chained together.

    2. a maximum of 32 tables or two in-line views.

    3. a maximum of 32 tables, which includes any tables referenced by an in-line view.

    4. a maximum of two tables and 32 columns.

  10. Which statement about the use of table aliases is false?

    1. Table aliases must be used when referencing identical table names from different libraries.

    2. Table aliases can be referenced by using the keyword AS.

    3. Table aliases (or full table names) must be used when referencing a column name that is the same in two or more tables.

    4. Table aliases must be used when using summary functions.

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