
Text Summary

Basic Concepts

A macro program is created with a macro definition, which consists of a %MACRO statement and a %MEND statement. The %MACRO statement also provides a name for the macro. Any combination of macro language statements and SAS language statements can be placed in a macro definition. The macro definition must be compiled before it is available for execution. The MCOMPILENOTE= option causes a note to be issued to the SAS log when a macro has completed compilation. To execute a name style macro, you submit a call to the macro by preceding the macro name with a percent sign.

Developing and Debugging Macros

Two system options, MLOGIC, and MPRINT, are useful for macro development and debugging. The MLOGIC option writes messages that trace macro execution to the SAS log. The MPRINT option prints the text that is sent to the compiler after all macro resolution has taken place. The SYMBOLGEN option and macro comments are also useful for macro development and debugging.

Using Macro Parameters

You can use parameter lists in your macro definition in order to make your macros more flexible and easier to adapt. Parameters can be either positional or keyword. You can also use mixed parameter lists that contain both positional and keyword parameters. Parameters define macro variables that can take on different values when you call the macro, including null values. You can use the PARMBUFF option in conjunction with the automatic macro variable SYSPBUFF to define a macro that accepts a varying number of parameters each time you call it.

Understanding Symbol Tables

When a macro executes, it sometimes creates its own temporary symbol table, called a local symbol table. The local symbol table exists in addition to the global symbol table. If a macro creates or resolves macro variables, a local symbol table might be used. In order to fully control macro behavior, you must understand the basic rules that the macro processor uses to determine which symbol table to access under specific circumstances. Statements such as %GLOBAL and %LOCAL enable you to explicitly define where macro variables are stored. The %SYMDEL statement enables you to delete a macro variable from the global symbol table during a SAS session.
You can call a macro within a macro definition. That is, you can nest macros. When a nested macro is called, multiple local symbol tables can exist. The MPRINTNEST and MLOGICNEST options provide nesting information in the messages that are written to the SAS log for the MPRINT and MLOGIC options.

Processing Statements Conditionally

Conditional processing is available with the %IF-%THEN/%ELSE statements. These statements control what action the macro processor takes when an expression evaluates to true or to false. The action could be the execution of other macro programming statements or the placement of text onto the input stack. If the code that is used to describe this action includes multiple statements, you must enclose this code between a %DO statement and a %END statement.
It is possible to conditionally place whole SAS steps, whole SAS statements, or parts of SAS statements onto the input stack.

Processing Statements Iteratively

To perform repetitive actions, you can use %DO loops. You can use iterative processing to generate complete SAS steps, individual statements, or data-dependent steps.

Using Arithmetic and Logical Expressions

You use the %EVAL function to evaluate arithmetic or logical expressions that do not contain any non-integer or missing values. Macro language functions and statements that require a numeric or logical expression automatically use the %EVAL function. You use the %SYSEVALF function to evaluate arithmetic or logical expressions that contain non-integer or missing values.

Sample Programs

Defining a Basic Macro

%macro prtlast;
   proc print data=&syslast (obs=5);
   title "Listing of &syslast data set";

Defining a Macro with Positional Parameters

%macro printdsn(dsn,vars);
   proc print data=&dsn;
      var &vars;
      title "Listing of %upcase(&dsn) data set";

Defining a Macro with Keyword Parameters

%macro printdsn(,
              course_title days);
   proc print data=&dsn;
      var &vars;
      title "Listing of %upcase(&dsn) data set";

Defining a Macro with Mixed Parameters

%macro printdsn(dsn, vars=course_title course_code days);
   proc print data=&dsn;
      var &vars;
      title "Listing of %upcase(&dsn) data set";

Using the %IF-%THEN Statement

%macro choice(status);
   data fees;
      set sasuser.all;
      %if &status=PAID %then %do;
         where paid='Y';
         keep student_name course_code begin_date totalfee;
      %else %do;
         where paid='N';
         keep student_name course_code
              begin_date totalfee latechg;
      /* add local surcharge */
     if location='Boston' then totalfee=fee*1.06;
     else if location='Seattle' then totalfee=fee*1.025;
     else if location='Dallas' then totalfee=fee*1.05;
%mend choice;

Using the Iterative %DO Statement

%macro hex(start=1,stop=10,incr=1);
   %local i;
   data _null_;
   %do i=&start %to &stop %by &incr;
      put "Hexadecimal form of &i is " value hex6.;
%mend hex;
options mprint mlogic symbolgen;

Points to Remember

  • Macro programs are defined by using a %MACRO statement and a %MEND statement.
  • Macros are executed and called by entering a % before the name of the macro.
  • The MPRINT, MLOGIC, and SYMBOLGEN system options can be useful for developing and debugging macro programs.
  • Parameters can make your macro programs more flexible by creating local macro variables whose values can be updated by the macro call.
  • You can use the %IF-%THEN statement to conditionally process whole SAS steps, SAS statements, or parts of statements.
  • You can use the iterative %DO statement to create macro loops that can process repetitive tasks.
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