Creating a Table from a Query Result


Sometimes you want to create a new table that contains both columns and rows that are derived from an existing table or set of tables. In this situation, you can submit one PROC SQL step that does both of the following:
  • creates a new table
  • populates the table with data from the result of a PROC SQL query.
To create a table from a query result, use a CREATE TABLE statement that includes the keyword AS and the clauses that are used in a query: SELECT, FROM, and any optional clauses, such as ORDER BY.
General form, CREATE TABLE statement with query clauses:
CREATE TABLE table-name AS
SELECT column-1<, ... column-n>
FROM table-1 | view-1<, ... table-n | view-n>
<optional query clauses>;
Here is an explanation of the syntax:
specifies the name of the table to be created.
specifies the column(s) that appear in the table.
specifies the table(s) or view(s) to be queried.
optional query clauses
are used to refine the query further and include WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY.
You should be familiar with the use of the CREATE TABLE statement to create a table from a query result. Here is a review of this method.
When a table is created from a query result,
  • the new table is populated with data that is derived from one or more tables or views that are referenced in the query's FROM clause
  • the new table contains the columns that are specified in the query's SELECT clause
  • the new table's columns have the same column attributes (type, length, informat, and format) as those of the selected source columns.
Note: When you are creating a table, if you do not specify a column alias for a calculated column, SAS assigns a column name, such as _TEMA001.
When query clauses are used within a CREATE TABLE statement, that query's automatic report generation is shut off. Only the new table is generated as output.


Suppose you want to create a new, temporary table that contains data for ticket agents who are employed by an airline. The data that you need is a subset of the data contained in two existing tables, Sasuser.Payrollmaster and Sasuser.Staffmaster. The following PROC SQL step creates the new table Work.Ticketagents from the result of a query on the two existing tables. The WHERE clause joins the table by matching EMPID and selects the subset of rows for employees whose JobCode contains TA.
proc sql;
   create table work.ticketagents as
      select lastname, firstname,
             jobcode, salary
         from sasuser.payrollmaster,
         where payrollmaster.empid
               = staffmaster.empid
               and jobcode contains 'TA';
Note: Because this query lists two tables in the FROM clause and subsets rows based on a WHERE clause, the query is actually a PROC SQL inner join.
The new table Work.Ticketagents is not empty; it contains rows of data. Therefore, you can submit a SELECT statement to display Work.Ticketagents as a report:
select *
   from work.ticketagents;
The first four rows of Work.Ticketagents are shown below.
The SAS log also displays a message, indicating that the table has been created.
Table 5.11 SAS Log
NOTE: Table WORK.TICKETAGENTS created, with 41 rows and 4 columns.

Copying a Table

To copy a table quickly, you can use the CREATE TABLE statement with a query that returns an entire table instead of a subset of columns and rows. The CREATE TABLE statement should contain only the following clauses:
  • a SELECT clause that specifies that all columns from the source table should be selected
  • a FROM clause that specifies the source table.
Note: Remember that the order of rows in a PROC SQL query result cannot be guaranteed, unless you use an ORDER BY clause. Therefore, a CREATE TABLE statement without an ORDER BY clause can create a table that contains the same rows as the original table, but the rows might be in a different order.


The following PROC SQL step creates the new table Work.Supervisors2, which is an exact duplicate of the source table Sasuser.Supervisors:
proc sql;
   create table work.supervisors2 as
      select *
         from sasuser.supervisors;
The first four rows of the two tables are shown below.
Figure 5.1 Source Table: Sasuser.Supervisors
Figure 5.2 New Table: Work.Supervisors2
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