Combining Line Pointer Controls

The forward slash (/) line pointer control and the #n line pointer control can be used together in a SAS program to read multiple records both sequentially and non-sequentially.
For example, you could use both the / line pointer control and the #n line pointer control to read the variables in the raw data file Patdata in the following order:
1. ID
2. Fname
3. Lname
4. Address
5. City
6. State
7. Zip
8. Doctor
 data perm.patients; 
    infile patdata; 
    input #4 ID $5. 
          #1 Fname $ Lname $ /  
             Address $23. / 
             City $ State $ Zip $ / 
             @7 Doctor $6.; 
Figure 20.29 Raw Data File with the First Four Records Highlighted
Raw Data File with the first four records highlighted.
  • To read the values for ID in the fourth record, specify #4 before naming the variable and defining its attributes.
  • Specify #1 to move the input pointer back to the first record, where the values for Fname and Lname are read.
  • Because the next record to be read is sequential, you can use the / line pointer control after the variable Lname to move the input pointer to the second record, where the value for Address is read.
  • The / line pointer control in the next line directs the input pointer to the third record, where the values for City, State, and Zip are read.
  • The final / line pointer control moves the input pointer back to the fourth record, where the value for Doctor is read.
Alternatively, you can use just the #n line pointer control (as shown earlier in this chapter and below) to read the variables in the order shown above.
data perm.patients; 
   infile patdata; 
   input #4 ID $5. 
         #1 Fname $ Lname $  
         #2 Address $23. 
         #3 City $ State $ Zip $ 
         #4 @7 Doctor $6.; 
Figure 20.30 Raw Data File with the First Four Records Highlighted
Raw Data File with the first four records highlighted.
Last updated: January 10, 2018
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