Behavioral Competency 8—Critical Evaluation

Critical Evaluation is defined as the ability to interpret information with which to make business decisions and recommendations.

Key Behaviors for All HR Professionals (SHRM-CP & SHRM-SCP)

•  Make sound decisions based on evaluation of available information.

•  Assess the impact on organizational HRM functions of changes in the law.

•  Transfer knowledge and best practices from one situation to the next.

•  Apply critical thinking to information received from organizational stakeholders, and evaluate what can be used for organizational success.

•  Gather critical information.

•  Analyze data with a keen sense for what is useful.

•  Analyze information to identify evidence-based best practices.

•  Delineate a clear set of best practices based on experience, evidence from industry literature, published peer-reviewed research, publicly available web-based information, and other sources.

•  Identify leading indicators of outcomes.

•  Analyze large quantities of information from research and practice.

Q   SHRM-CP Questions

Scenario 44 (Questions 167–169): The HR staffing specialist was tasked with conducting an effective background investigation on the top candidate for the new software VP in engineering. Part of the check required her to request the transcripts from the candidate’s school. The school could not locate the candidate’s transcripts in their records search. The candidate listed a master’s degree from this university on his application, which he had signed during the interview process. The HR specialist requested the candidate supply a sealed copy of the transcript but did not get a response.

167.  What is the next action the HR specialist should take?

A.  The HR specialist should follow up with the candidate and also inform the hiring manager about the situation.

B.  The HR specialist should follow up with the candidate and also inform the director of staffing about the situation.

C.  The HR specialist should immediately recommend removing the candidate from consideration because of the situation.

D.  The HR specialist should make a physical trip to the university campus and attempt to get the transcript to resolve the situation.

168.  What other actions should the HR specialist take concerning the background check?

A.  The HR specialist should stop all other actions to save the company any additional expense until the problem is resolved satisfactorily.

B.  The HR specialist should continue the process as normal so that after the problem is resolved, there will be no delays in the process.

C.  The HR specialist should only complete additional background check activities that will result in minimal cost and continue the process.

D.  The HR specialist should stop all other actions, report the concerns, and continue to attempt to get the transcripts in the process.

169.  If the candidate did not graduate and is deceiving the company, what should the HR specialist recommend?

A.  The HR specialist should recommend ignoring the problem and hire the candidate anyway because everyone lies on their resume.

B.  The HR specialist should recommend immediate removal of the candidate from the hiring process and document the situation.

C.  The HR specialist should recommend determining whether the lack of a degree is really a critical qualification concern for the position.

D.  The HR specialist should recommend immediate removal of the candidate from the hiring process and focus on other candidates.

Scenario 45 (Questions 170–172): One employee is not succeeding as well as the other two employees in the department. The other two have exceeded the standard consistently for almost an entire year, and they were both promoted with a pay increase. The first employee complained because he did not understand. Based on the Adams Equity Theory, he wanted to get a promotion and pay increase as well. He believed he was doing the same level of work they were doing even through the data shows a different performance from the others. He claimed it was because of race and discrimination. The other two have significantly outperformed the minority employee, so there are no grounds for his complaint, but the manager is concerned because the employee is threatening to sue.

170.  How should HR advise the manager going forward?

A.  HR should advise the manager to take the concerns voiced by the employee seriously and allow an investigation to happen with full cooperation.

B.  HR should advise the manager to take the employee aside and convince the employee to drop the allegation based on data.

C.  HR should advise the manager to hear the concerns from the employee, show the employee the objective data, and cooperate with the investigation.

D.  HR should advise the manager to ignore the employee based on the data and facts available that can easily support the decisions.

171.  What is the key information to use when discussing the concerns with the first employee who is making the claim?

A.  The key information consists of the feelings and concerns behind the decision that can be shared with the employee.

B.  The key information consists of the objective data and facts supporting the decision that can be shared with the employee.

C.  The key information consists of the policies and procedures supporting the decision that can be shared with the employee.

D.  The key information consists of the standards and results supporting the decision that can be shared with the employee.

172.  What should HR recommend to reduce the negative effect of the Adams Equity Theory on future employment decisions?

A.  HR could recommend making policies, procedures, and practices clear and include MBO in the evaluation process to help the employee understand the standards expected.

B.  HR could recommend making time to interact with the employee and include a narrative in the evaluation process to help the employees understand how they are doing.

C.  HR could recommend making relationships and influence strong and include graphic ratings in the evaluation process to help the employee understand their success.

D.  HR could recommend making goals, objectives, and standards clear and including BARS in the evaluation process to help the employee understand their competency level.

Scenario 46 (Questions 173–176): Two employees are talking in the lunch room, and they are saying inappropriate things about one of their co-workers. The information is not true; they’re simply saying it to make that employee look bad because they’re jealous of that other employee’s success. As a result of the comments overheard and shared, many employees, supervisors, and managers think that those statements are true. The company leaders decide not to promote this employee because of the false, malicious comments that these two employees made about the employee.

173.  What are the potential liabilities created by this situation?

A.  The company could be exposed to a lawsuit resulting from libel of the employee.

B.  The company could be exposed to a lawsuit resulting from slander of the employee.

C.  The company could be held liable for the comments made by the employees.

D.  There are no liabilities that can be attached to the company.

174.  What should the HR team recommend once they are made aware of the facts about the situation?

A.  The HR team should recommend conducting an investigation and then take appropriate action based on the investigation.

B.  The HR team should recommend conducting an investigation and then take appropriate action and train the company.

C.  The HR team should recommend conducting an investigation and then ensure that the liability is targeted to the employees.

D.  The HR team should recommend conducting an investigation and then ensure the legal department protects the company.

175.  What type of training will be most beneficial to prevent this from happening in the future?

A.  The most beneficial training will be to focus on ensuring all employees understand the law regarding slander, libel, and false statements.

B.  The most beneficial training will be to focus on ensuring all employees understand the law regarding gossip, comments, and false statements.

C.  The most beneficial training will be to focus on ensuring all employees understand the law regarding EEOC, discrimination, and prejudicial statements.

D.  The most beneficial training will be to focus on ensuring all employees understand the law compared to the company policies and procedures.

176.  What should HR recommend happen to the employees who made the inappropriate and false statements?

A.  Conduct a full investigation, and then, if they are found to be in violation, they should be terminated.

B.  Conduct a full investigation, and then, if they are found to be in violation, they should be trained.

C.  Conduct a full investigation, and then, if they are found to be in violation, they should be counseled.

D.  Conduct a full investigation, and then, if they are found to be in violation, they should be put on a PIP.

Key Behaviors for Advanced HR Professionals (SHRM-SCP)

•  Maintain expert knowledge in the use of data, evidence-based research, benchmarks, and HR and business metrics to make critical decisions.

•  Maintain expert knowledge and the ability to interpret data and make recommendations.

•  Make decisions with confidence based on an analysis of available information to drive business success.

•  Set the direction of HR and the organization through evaluation of risks and economic and environmental factors.

•  Seek information in a strategic, systematic manner for use in decision making.

•  Analyze information necessary for evaluating and using data and additional information to make effective decisions.

•  Sponsor initiatives for process improvement using evidence-based solutions.

•  Communicate the impact on organizational strategy of relevant and important findings from data analysis.

•  Apply findings to build effective and creative polices within an organizational context.

•  Utilize one’s awareness and experience of external/environmental factors in decision making.

•  Challenge assumptions and critically examine all initiatives and programs.

•  Provide a strategic view to direct and prioritize decision making.

Q   SHRM-SCP Questions

Scenario 47 (Questions 177–180): During a vulnerability analysis, a banking and financial company determined that the biggest threat to the company and their staff is experiencing an earthquake, especially an earthquake over 6.0 on the Richter scale. The company is required to establish an alternative site to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley. So, the organization researched other locations that would meet their business needs. However, the alternative site is also in a bad earthquake zone. Other managers want the HR director to assist them in convincing the executive team to finalize the new location at a different site that is not in an earthquake zone. This will allow the company to be safer and still comply to ensure the company has a good continuity plan.

177.  What is the first thing the HR director should do concerning this situation?

A.  The HR director should meet with the executive team first to understand their decision to choose the location and then understand the other managers’ concerns.

B.  The HR director should meet with the managers to understand the concerns and then understand why the executive team chose the current alternative location.

C.  The HR director should investigate the requirements for compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley law and meet with the managers to understand the concerns.

D.  The HR director should investigate the requirements for compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley law and then understand the executive team’s decision.

178.  What are the main factors this organization should consider for the vulnerability analysis?

A.  The main factors the organization should consider are the likelihood the earthquake will happen and the severity of impact from an earthquake.

B.  The main factors the organization should consider are the likelihood the executive team will change the location and the impact of that decision.

C.  The main factors the organization should consider are the likelihood they will maintain their success with the business and potential for additional growth.

D.  The main factors the organization should consider is the likelihood various threats will happen and the severity of the impact of the various threats.

179.  How should the HR director approach the executive team to resolve the managers’ concerns?

A.  The HR director should approach the executive team with an open mind, open dialogue, and potential solutions for alternative locations.

B.  The HR director should approach the executive team with an understanding of the law, informed of managers’ concerns, and potential solutions.

C.  The HR director should approach the executive team with a business case for their choice and also potential solutions for alternative locations.

D.  The HR director should approach the executive team with a potential solution for alternative locations and preparation to escalate to the appropriate authorities.

180.  What should the company look for in the new location beyond strict business needs?

A.  The company should look for a safe location, ease of use and access, and vulnerability concerns that can be addressed that are not in an earthquake zone.

B.  The company should look for a safe location, with different vulnerability concerns that can be addressed so that the earthquakes will not impact both locations.

C.  The company should look for a safe location, in another state or county far from any earthquake zones, and then focus on business concerns.

D.  The company should look for a safe location, but beyond that, they should be concerned only about the ability to continue business operations.

Scenario 48 (Questions 181–183): Several highly qualified minorities have applied for a position in the company; however, only Caucasian males were selected for the final round of the interviewing. There have been some complaints by other individuals in the process that the qualified and suitable minority candidates were not considered seriously. They also complained that the actual selected white candidates were not the best qualified and in some cases had questionable qualifications. HR is also made aware that there have been some clear rating or interview errors and biases from specific hiring managers who are part of this selection process.

181.  What potential liability should the leadership team involved in the decision-making process be made aware of?

A.  Diversity and inclusion liabilities

B.  Valid complaints of discrimination in the selection process

C.  Violation of EEOC laws and also the appearance of disparate treatment

D.  The appearance of fraudulent misrepresentation of the company

182.  What nonlegal concerns should the HR team express to the managers involved?

A.  By not selecting the most qualified candidates, you might have degradation in the possible success of the company.

B.  Not having appropriate diversity and inclusion could result in the company missing valuable skill sets that could move the company forward.

C.  Concerns about the attitudes of other individuals in the company who share similar thoughts about the way things should be.

D.  Concerns about maintaining the culture exactly the way it is to get the same results the company is achieving.

183.  What action should HR recommend to deal with this circumstance?

A.  HR should recommend immediately hiring all the minority candidates who were eliminated from the process.

B.  HR should recommend having the process stay exactly like it is; it is too late to try to change circumstances.

C.  HR should recommend retraining the leaders and starting the process over, allowing the qualified candidates to reenter the process.

D.  HR should recommend working with all the stakeholders to try to correct the circumstances and prevent it from happening in the future.

Scenario 49 (Questions 184–187): The sales manager is failing at every level of his job. His performance is lacking leadership, and he complains to all stakeholders about the company, his co-workers, the clients, and the products. He has missed his sales quota consistently for three quarters, and he is not well liked by anybody. The failed sales performance has put the company in significant financial risk. He is clearly not a good fit for the role, and it is universally agreed that he should be terminated as soon as possible. However, the sales manager has been making serious allegations concerning the company. He has been complaining about the company falsifying tax information, making bribes to government officials, and abusing employees and clients. Their investigation found all claims to be unfounded and basically slanderous. He has also requested workers’ compensation time off for stress whenever he is counseled or given warning for poor performance. The leadership team is afraid to act because they feel the company will be sued.

184.  What are the possible liabilities that management is concerned about and that HR should use caution with?

A.  The HR team should be cautious about how sufficient the performance concerns are for termination.

B.  The HR team should be cautious about the protected rights under the NLRA for the employee to discuss working conditions.

C.  The HR team should be cautious about the fact that the employee made a workers’ compensation claim.

D.  The HR team should be cautious about the employee claiming retaliation because of his whistle-blowing on the company.

185.  What should the HR team recommend the leadership team do about this situation?

A.  The HR team should recommend immediate termination of the sales manager for poor performance.

B.  The HR team should recommend terminating the sales manager for slander and duty of loyalty.

C.  The HR team should recommend retaining the sales manager so he will not sue the company.

D.  The HR team should recommend putting the sales manager on suspension and then investigating the situation.

186.  What should HR do to improve confidence in the leadership team to reduce their fear in decision making?

A.  The HR team should do nothing because the management fears are valid and good for the protection of the company.

B.  The HR team should recommend training and development for the leadership team to reduce their fears.

C.  The HR team should recommend to the board of directors that the leadership team should be replaced.

D.  The HR team should conduct after-action sessions to discuss the legal concerns and role-play through case studies.

187.  If the company decides to retain the sales manager, will all company liability be eliminated for this matter?

A.  No. The company could still be liable for a claim of a hostile workplace.

B.  No. The employee can still sue even if the company were to retain him.

C.  Yes. The only real liability would be wrongful termination of the employee.

D.  No. The company could still be liable for unfair treatment for others and negligent retention.


1. A

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. B

9. B

10. D

11. B

12. A

13. C

14. B

15. D

16. A

17. B

18. A

19. D

20. A

21. B

22. B

23. C

24. B

25. C

26. D

27. B

28. D

29. A

30. C

31. B

32. D

33. B

34. B

35. C

36. C

37. D

38. A

39. C

40. D

41. D

42. D

43. B

44. D

45. D

46. A

47. A

48. A

49. B

50. B

51. C

52. A

53. D

54. A

55. A

56. A

57. A

58. C

59. C

60. A

61. C

62. D

63. C

64. C

65. A

66. D

67. A

68. D

69. A

70. C

71. A

72. D

73. C

74. D

75. A

76. C

77. D

78. C

79. C

80. C

81. C

82. B

83. B

84. B

85. C

86. C

87. B

88. A

89. C

90. B

91. C

92. A

93. C

94. A

95. A

96. B

97. C

98. C

99. B

100. D

101. B

102. A

103. C

104. C

105. A

106. A

107. A

108. A

109. A

110. C

111. A

112. A

113. A

114. D

115. B

116. A

117. D

118. B

119. D

120. C

121. C

122. C

123. A

124. B

125. A

126. B

127. A

128. C

129. D

130. C

131. A

132. B

133. C

134. A

135. A

136. B

137. A

138. B

139. C

140. A

141. D

142. B

143. A

144. C

145. D

146. D

147. B

148. D

149. B

150. B

151. C

152. A

153. D

154. C

155. D

156. A

157. B

158. D

159. D

160. C

161. A

162. A

163. A

164. A

165. A

166. C

167. A

168. D

169. B

170. C

171. B

172. D

173. B

174. B

175. A

176. D

177. B

178. A

179. B

180. B

181. C

182. B

183. C

184. D

185. A

186. D

187. D


Behavioral Competency 1—Leadership & Navigation: SHRM-CP

1.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because motivating the staff and key player will have a critical impact and move things in the right direction. Change management is key, as well, and should have a significant impact on the situation.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. B focuses on the communication and alignment with the strategy. Organizational learning techniques will not ensure change will occur, and rewards and recognition may help at some point in the future but not at this time.

2.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because it focuses on getting feedback from all stakeholders, which will get buy-in and critical information to ensure a successful implementation.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Communicating the reasons for the change is helpful in terms of stakeholder motivation and understanding. B and D are focused on roles and responsibilities and individual differences, which will not improve this situation; they may help later.

3.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because communicating vision and a reason for the change will assist in building support and get the necessary buy-in.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. B identifies the need to get all stakeholders on board with the program, and managing emotions during changes will make things transition better. C and D identify the wrong concerns. Sequence is a good thing, but communication, support, vision, involving everyone, and managing emotions are far bigger concerns.

4.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because HR must understand the strategy to know whether the change is aligned with the strategy.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. After understanding the strategy, HR will be able to recommend OD interventions. Performance is not going to impact this situation nor will SWOT analysis activities.

5.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because building support and actual change in behavior is more important than communication and feedback.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Communication feedback is still very important. Each stakeholder’s vision is not as important as the overall shared vision for all. Documenting is not important; it is managing emotions and the collective understanding of fairness, not individual fairness.

6.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the HR admin’s primary responsibility is to inform the HR leadership about the problem and be prepared to assist in corrective action.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. The HR admin can be part of the accountability to correct the problems. The responsibility should focus on correcting the problems for the organization and informing the HR leadership. If the HR leadership fails to act on the problems, then the HR admin might consider these actions.

7.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because the HR leadership has the responsibility to enforce the provisions of the law in the organization and protect both the employees and the success of the company.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. The HR leadership also has the responsibility to take steps that will get the mission accomplished, which includes compliance. A and D are not the concerns the HR leadership should focus on. It is the HR admin’s job to bring concerns forward and to conduct these types of audits. And what other departments think is not key in this situation. However, concern about what your customers think is important.

8.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because HR leadership should validate the HR admin’s findings and then take all appropriate corrective action, but it is also important to keep the company leadership informed.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. The HR leadership is still auditing and taking corrective action. It is premature to contact government agencies in the matter if the effort is being made internally to take corrective action. Benchmarking is not the issue or solution that will correct the concerns.

9.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because the HR admin’s primary responsibility is to inform the HR leadership; rationale, benefits, how to correct the problem, and procedures are all ways that the HR admin can assist in the corrective action.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. The HR admin is to inform; providing stakeholders with information and interacting will be appropriate. A and C are less critical actions to the resolution of the problem. This is a federal concern, not a state concern.

10.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because the CEO directed the HR director to investigate the situation. An honest assessment of the initial findings must be shared, and the HR director should be prepared to discuss how HR can assist.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Additional fact-finding and observation are important in the assessment and analysis. However, reporting nothing immediately does not provide the CEO with the transparency or immediate answers required. A and C are hasty and premature decisions without comprehensively analyzing the situation and allowing first for an HR intervention.

11.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because HR is the expert in people management within the organization. Providing coaching allows the manager to develop key competencies and ensure the alignment of work performance with organizational strategic goals.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Training is necessary and will be important in the near future but should not be given priority over the manager’s current challenges. A and C would not solve the immediate issues, and initial discipline should be left the manager.

12.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because it provides HR with an opportunity to begin to understand the dynamics and culture while developing how to efficiently use the resources to create maximum value in the firm to achieve organizational goals.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Involving internal and external stakeholders is critical to the change process. However, it is premature to do so before HR has the critical information needed to make an informed contribution. B and C do not address the issue. Hiring a temporary staff that requires training would take too long, and collaboration with other departments without first involving the client services employees will alienate them in a process for change.

13.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the HR director must investigate the circumstances and review records to make an accurate assessment of the situation in accordance with existing policy and then provide guidance on how to proceed.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Employee absenteeism can be caused by a myriad of issues, and the employee assistance program is an excellent confidential resource for employees to develop strategies on how best to deal with whatever is affecting their work. B wrongly takes a passive stance, and D proposes to act before all of the needed information has been analyzed.

Behavioral Competency 1—Leadership & Navigation: SHRM-SCP

14.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because completing a disciplined process for job analysis will yield objective information on each position and provide legal protections, and a job evaluation process will improve the understanding of the value and worth the job means to the company.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. D also includes a job evaluation process. However, a job description is a document that comes from a job analysis, and a job analysis is more complete and thorough. The description is more of a summary and will be helpful. Continuing the existing process will be expensive and yield erroneous information, and using the data from the candidates is subjective and inaccurate against the market.

15.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because there is little time, and completing just the job description may be faster and still work to yield objective information and still allows for job evaluation.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. A includes a job evaluation process, and a job analysis will take longer, but there needs to be this type of analysis (you may not complete the entire process but still have valuable information for the job evaluation process). B and C are in the wrong order, will waste a lot of time, and will create a lot of confusion; in addition, using the data from the candidates is inaccurate against the market.

16.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because providing a business case will frame the information correctly so that the leaders will understand the business reasons for the work. Analytics help organize information so that decisions are easier to make.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. C also provides information and data that will help the decision-making process and influence the leaders. The job evaluation is to be completed after the job analysis, so this is not helpful for this situation. Job descriptions, specifications, and competencies are documents that come from the analysis, so this will not influence the leadership.

17.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because completing a job evaluation process or benchmarking the salary information will increase the objectivity and make better pay decisions.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. D also includes a job evaluation process. B is a better choice than D because benchmarking with a salary survey is a quasi-method for job evaluation even though it is not a true job evaluation process. Continuing this subjective process from the candidates is not reliable, and it would be expensive and inaccurate against the market. Job analysis is for developing job descriptions, specifications, and competencies, not for making pay decisions or determining the relative worth of jobs to companies.

18.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because it focuses on the future, through strategy. The workforce plan must get the budget right, and managers will be influenced by the budget. The KSAs will ensure that all skills, and so on, are available for the company.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. The workforce plan must also be coordinated throughout the company, and the results mean all things are correct, but A is more specific.
B and D are short-term and tactical concerns; workforce planning is a longer-term planning concept.

19.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because making a business case and alignment with the strategy will create credibility and influence the managers to change their perspectives.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. It is ineffective to involve all the stakeholders in the plan. They limit involvement and are too tactical. They also focus on the wrong area for long-term planning.

20.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the HR manager must influence decision making and have a solid understanding of the company (business acumen). Critical evaluation will produce information that will assist with decision making.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. HR must play an important role in the process by providing consultation for the managers and also has the business acumen piece. Corporate social responsibility and diversity and inclusion are not the critical competencies for workforce planning. They should be considered, but they are not the most critical.

21.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because this process maximizes participation and communication between the various departments, increasing the likelihood of reaching a solution that helps the overall organization win and be successful.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. C is a strategy that will also open the minds of both departments so that they gain an understanding of the needs of each department, which could improve the process for the company. A and D do not involve all the parties, and they reduce the likelihood of cooperation and inclusiveness.

22.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because if both parties understand the other department’s needs, there is an increased chance for resolution that is best for all.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. HR does need to form and maintain relationships that will allow trust and influence in situations like this scenario. Manipulation and being forced by upper management to comply will not be the optimal solution, and you will get limited buy-in from the different departments.

23.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because getting both departments to understand the overall needs of the company and that everyone must align to those needs will increase cooperation. It is also important to ensure that the plan gets executed.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. B presents a strategy that will also have a positive impact on company needs. The company’s overall needs are more important than specific departmental needs; this will not ensure load balancing, and the business need is more important than the emotional feelings of the departments.

24.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because involving the appropriate stakeholder will have the most positive impact.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Both departments are the most critical to get to resolution and buy-in. C and D do not involve the departments who will have to live with the decisions, and they are limiting in terms of reaching a solution.

25.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because it demonstrates the leadership role that the CHRO plays in identifying the needs and gaps of the organization to connect the expansion to the organization’s structure and culture.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. A strategic planning team should involve the human resource officer of the organization. A and B marginalizes the role of the CHRO to monitoring and validating the strategic planning team.

26.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because collaboration is key to winning internal support for a successful plan and implementation.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Ongoing communication provides an excellent opportunity for employee buy-in. A and C are not logical next steps for the CHRO, as it is too premature to attempt one-on-one meetings or to delegate most tasks to the HR manager.

27.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer as successful strategic objectives connect the organization’s structure and culture.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Sharing the strategic plan to all stakeholders ensures buy-in and ownership. A and C do not reflect overall strategic objectives.

28.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because the technology company has not had an HR presence since its inception. Meeting employees early sets a positive tone for buy-in and begins to establish credibility and trust. HR is about people and collaboration. Building relationships is key to achieving this.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. An HR business plan helps the director chart the course for work to be completed based on recognized priorities. Reviewing the information would provide valuable information.

29.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the HR director must exhibit collaborative behaviors that build trust and establish credibility. Initiatives produced in conjunction with management demonstrate leadership and navigation.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. HR plays an important role in developing policies and procedures, but developing them too early without learning the organizational culture, past practices, issues, and challenges may send the wrong message and, without buy-in, damage credibility.

30.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the HR director must be viewed as a business partner. To create a vision and mission for HR, the HR director must be convincing and powerful and must align with the company’s culture. Speaking with the leadership, management, and senior employees will allow the HR director to gain an understanding of the company’s business, culture, past HR practices, and how managers manage without a formal HR management team.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. HR cannot begin a plan without understanding the mission, vision, values, and culture of the company. However, in addition to gaining an understanding, building relationships and credibility with employees must play an important role in the process.

Behavioral Competency 2—Ethical Practice: SHRM-CP

31.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because the issue in this situation is about inclusion, and the new hiring has already improved diversity; the training will help the organization understand the difference and the need for inclusion.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Training can be effective in changing employees’/leaders’ understanding of diversity and inclusion. Replacing the leaders will not affect the immediate concerns, and the issues with the new employees must be addressed with the leaders.

32.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because training is appropriate; starting the inclusion must occur, and alignment with core valves is also important.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Training and communication can be effective; interacting is good, but inclusion is better. Policies and procedures are effective only if people support them; diversity and inclusion must always transcend documentation, and people need to believe.

33.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because the training would impact the greatest number of employees and also facilitate alignment among and between departments.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. These experiences would impact leaders’ understanding of diversity and inclusion. Allowing only diverse managers to manage diverse employees or maintaining homogeneous groups would be a violation of the laws and poor management; this would also make matters worse from a diversity perspective.

34.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because the issue may make the diverse employees feel like they are in a hostile work environment because of the lack of inclusion.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. The diverse employees may feel they are being marginalized and attempting to be forced out. The issues identified are not highly correlated with workplace violence, and general discrimination is not clear in this situation.

35.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the HR manager will have the opportunity to discuss the matter with the executive team, ensuring they have all the facts and that they understand the law. They also have the responsibility to influence the execute team to comply with the law.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. The HR manager will have the opportunity to discuss the matter with the executive team, ensuring they have all the facts and the decision is their decision. These choices focus on interacting without the executive team, solving the problem externally, and protecting themselves rather than focusing on solving the actual problem for the good of the organization.

36.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because it is not appropriate to inform the employees early, and it is important for the leadership to know what is occurring.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Simply documenting is okay, but it is better to inform the executive team. There is no obligation to provide this list early, and it is not appropriate to give notification prematurely.

37.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because it is important to understand financial impact, business case, and risk analysis so that you know your options. It is also important to have correct ethics, code of conduct, and championing of corporate values.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. The values piece is ignored, but it does review past decisions, and the communication is with only one leader. Leaders may attempt to manipulate and pressure compliance rather than focusing on values and ethics.

38.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer; because of the information in the offer letter, this could occur.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. If the employee is terminated without employment at-will language, the exposure is present. There are exposures, and wrongful termination is not the legal concern.

39.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the annual salary in an offer letter is not appropriate, not a best practice, and could require the company to pay the entire annual salary.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. A lack of employment at-will language can also result in compensation issues developing indirectly. Avoiding an employment contract and ignoring company policy are less of a concern in this scenario.

40.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because training all managers will significantly reduce the likelihood of this happening again and impact a larger part of the company.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Updating documents will reduce liability. Reassigning the employee does not solve the problem, and terminating the employee would be inappropriate, resulting in more liability.

41.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because training all managers will take some time but will also significantly reduce the likelihood of this happening again.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Updating documents will reduce liability. Reassigning the employee does not solve the problem, and terminating the employee would be inappropriate, resulting in more liability.

42.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because employees should be trained to recognize unethical behavior and be empowered to report without fear of reprisal. This creates a workplace that supports ethical behavior.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. HR is typically entrusted to keep employee information confidential. However, HR should not promise strict confidentiality because to fully investigate a complaint, disclosing pertinent information on a need-to-know basis may be necessary. HR should not make a decision without all the facts, and even though the manager may have broad discretion, further action is needed to gather the facts.

43.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because the best decision is based on the relevant facts and details of the situation with people who need to know.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Training can be effective in reminding employees of ethical behavior and expectations. Not reporting the information breaks the trust and integrity of HR, and convening a meeting with staff is not the best next step.

44.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because HR must establish ethical criteria in which to evaluate the situation by applying relevant company policies, norms, and guidelines.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Consulting with colleagues who are trusted and known for their ethical behavior internal or external to the organization is a good idea. The utilitarian and virtue approaches are moral codes that one can use in evaluating ethical actions but should be in sync with the company’s values and policies.

45.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because HR must mirror the behavior expected from employees. Ethical behavior must be upheld in every situation to ensure an ethical culture is maintained.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Training for staff, complete with examples of unethical and ethical behavior, helps to reinforce and maintain an ethical workplace. Rewards and deterrents are helpful in ethical policies, but absolutes and extremes should be avoided.

Behavioral Competency 2—Ethical Practice: SHRM-SCP

46.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the multicultural decision tree is an excellent way to weight important factors and keep ethics in check.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Sustainability, child labor safety, and culture are some of the issues that should be considered. Corporate leadership philosophy and root-cause analysis are not on target for this decision and are the wrong focus. D focuses on other concerns with corporate social responsibility.

47.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because corporate accountability is one of the main tenants of CSR, and engagement, branding, and leadership development will all have positive impact on a CSR program.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Involving the employees will reinforce the CSR environment; recruiting the right attitudes in staff will also help the CSR. There are other programs (ADDIE) for instructional design, and B is the strategic planning process.

48.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because this is one of the major reasons why untrained managers and leaders confuse ethics and diversity.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. An important part of the decision-making process is to understand the other location’s developmental status. Personal beliefs are subordinated to collective ethical understanding, and performance results are the driver for ethical decisions.

49.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because HR can protect the victim from further harassment and retaliation and get critical information for the investigation.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. The focus is on the victims, and the information gathered will help with the investigation. A is focused on the sales process rather protecting the victims, and C is problematic because the focus is still on sales and does not address the protection or rights of the victims.

50.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because the HR team can protect the victim from further harassment and retaliation and can reduce further liability.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. After ensuring the victims are protected, an investigation must begin immediately. There are actions that should occur later in the process, and D should occur based on the findings from the investigation.

51.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because it meets the legal requirements, protects the victims, conducts the appropriate investigation, and has an appropriate investigator.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. B lacks the protection for the victims in contrast to C. The timing is wrong, and the focus is on the sales rather than protecting the victims.

52.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the HR team can protect the organization from legal harm, complete the required actions, and also have solutions to ensure the sales are successful.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. The legal concerns are real, and communicating this to the leadership is important. C and D are not necessary or appropriate for the situation and will not solve the concerns or have a significant influential impact on the management team. This is the responsibility of the HR team.

53.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because taking human life should be avoided.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. C is an issue of corporate greed. There is an ethical concern, and this is not a dilemma because there is a clear wrong action/choice.

54.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because taking human life should be avoided, and for risk management, understanding the likelihood of the loss of life is critical to determine.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. C is one of the primary processes and general exercises with risk analysis. Political backlash and emotional concerns should not drive the decisions from a risk management perspective.

55.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the company should protect human life above all other options.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Complying with just laws and socially responsible behavior is critical for an ethical company and over the long term will also support profitability. Values are important, and companies should consistently follow their values, but laws and human life take precedence over values and profitability.

56.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the organization will have revenue but prevent the loss of life as the main focus.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. The organization is focusing on the triple bottom line, which will ensure the loss of life is eliminated or greatly minimized and still keep an eye on profitability. Focusing solely on revenue and profitability in this situation could have a devastating impact on the environment and could have a significant loss of life.

Behavioral Competency 3—Relationship Management: SHRM-CP

57.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because an investigation is in order, team concerns matter, and feedback is required to understand the concerns.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. B addresses the team member concerns. C and D are not as critical, and it does not appear that the support for the supervisor’s rating is valid.

58.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the team lead cannot improve if he is not aware of the problem.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. D focuses on correcting concerns identified. Developing skills or conflict management is unclear if they would help without considering the feedback.

59.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the supervisor must communicate the concerns so that the team lead can improve.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. D focuses on correcting concerns identified. Developing skills or conflict management is unclear if they would help without considering the feedback.

60.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because it is important to validate any rumor through an accurate investigation to ensure the information is true and valid.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Even though they are rumors, they should be considered. ULP are not a concern in this scenario, and an investigation is needed. They are sometimes valid, but not often.

61.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the key to this situation is a change in behavior, and the team lead needs to improve his performance.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Group dynamics can also impact the situation positively. Change management and motivational theories are not the key actions to fix this problem.

62.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because an investigation should happen to understand the situation and get the facts. If the violation is truly against the policy and there is not a business need, the salesperson should be required to comply. The dress code is to support the overall success of the business.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. An investigation does happen, allowing the organization to understand why the salesperson was wearing the attire. These choices either compromise the company policy, which is not in the company’s best interest in terms of success, or are too strict without investigating. These choices do not consider extenuating circumstances that can be discovered during an investigation. This salesperson is important to the company.

63.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because it is important for organizations to follow their policies and procedures to achieve the success of the organization. Taking steps to ensure the salesperson is treated fairly is also important, but preparing for any shift is in order as well.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. It is important for organizations to consistently follow their policies, and policies should support the success of the company. The company should not allow the salesperson to inappropriately shift company policy. But removing the salesperson is also problematic because the salesperson is important to the company, and removing the salesperson does not fit the situation.

64.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because conducting a comprehensive analysis of the policy could determine there is a need for change if it is not having the desired impact. This process will also validate the concerns of the salesperson and make him feel heard.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Reviewing the policy will do the same thing from a general perspective. The salesperson is important to the company. Ignoring an important employee or making this a low priority is tempting fate and could result in losing that critical employee.

65.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because this policy allows employees to be adults and use good judgment, and management can intervene if needed. The company can still be successful because employees will need to dress appropriately for success when dealing with clients or customers.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. C will allow interaction with managers and employees who are appropriate for the situation. Having strict policies for the different departments could create confusion and a lack of communication. This solution does not solve the problem.

Behavioral Competency 3—Relationship Management: SHRM-SCP

66.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because it has all the components of what actions should be taken, including preventing further harassment and retaliation.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. A completes most of the actions required to be taken. The focus should not be on the way the peers are pressuring the victims; these are just some of the actions to take but are incomplete.

67.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because it is not possible to have total confidentiality because of all the individuals involved in the investigation. The more involved, the more difficult it is to maintain confidentiality.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Communicating limited confidentiality will set appropriate expectations. There can be confidentiality limited to the situation, and it is not appropriate to assure total confidentiality.

68.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because it has all the components of what actions should be taken, including allowing the victim to skip the supervisor and go directly to HR for their complaint, and it protects against further harassment and retaliation.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. This process allows the victim to go directly to HR. Role-playing is not the correct process or solution; an above-the-table investigation must take place and should focus on the investigation, not what the peers think.

69.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because there is nothing that should delay the investigation or immediately informing the leadership team. If the management or supervisors are involved, then the process should be modified.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Sometimes the leadership may want the initial process to begin so that the preliminary information can be shared. The leadership should be informed as soon as possible that there is a problem and the investigation has started.

70.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the HR team can use leadership and relationship management skills to influence the leader to comply with the law and still have successful business results.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. D also allows the company to comply with the law, but it requires senior leadership to act. A is unlawful, and there is no indication that the law is immoral or unethical. If the leader suffers consequences, so will the company. B is problematic because there is no reason the HR team should suffer because of doing the right thing.

71.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because this solution allows for critical evaluation, analysis, and actions to take to ensure success.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. D also allows for evaluation and solutions, but it is not as proactive as the A solution. B is not involving the stakeholders in the process. This might be a follow-on activity for the company, and C is incorrect because reducing the standard could compromise the success of the organization.

72.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because the HR team should involve senior management, gain support, focus on company standards/values, and then interact with the leader.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. C also allows the HR team to work with senior management and provide feedback. D is better because the communication and feedback focuses on company values as well. In this situation, the senior leaders should have an opportunity to participate in the solution and impact the positive needs of the company.

73.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because conducting this analysis will ensure various threats are determined and analyzed based on the likelihood of occurrence and the severity of impact.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. D uses some of the information from the vulnerability analysis but is less thorough. The CEO has not made up his mind and will need feedback/advice from the leadership team. The idea for a gun manufacturer to educate the employee is helpful but not the correct choice on how to proceed.

74.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because verification of permits will ensure that all employees have followed the lawful procedure to obtain the license to carry the concealed weapons if the company chooses to allow them in the workplace. Workplace violence prevention policies will also help manage the situation and ensure employee safety and violence prevention.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Gun management policies would be good to have in place and should be reviewed regardless of the decision, now that the complaint was made. OSHA compliance and manufacturing safety policies should already be in place. Weapons firing and conflict resolution are for solving other concerns or problems that might occur.

75.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because personal safety and direct threats are real when weapons or guns are available and of greater concern if they are concealed. Review of workplace violence concerns is also important in this scenario.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. The general OHSA safety clause would apply even though this does not give specifics. Employees could also feel that this would create a hostile work environment and be a distraction. A gun manufacturing company would be knowledgeable about Second Amendment rights. HIPAA, employee confidentiality, and religious accommodation are not major concerns for this situation.

76.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because resolving conflicts between the teams is needed, and the theory of constraints process will help the organization discover the bottleneck that can be corrected.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. B is the theory of constraints solution and then general OD, which is less specific than conflict management. Theories of leadership and performance management are not viable solutions.

77.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because these are the primary competencies that will have the biggest impact on the situation.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. These competencies are also similar and appropriate. Ethical practice is not a critical competency, and D&I and CSR competencies are not a top concern in this situation.

78.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because having the teams aligned and having group incentives will increase how well they work together and their motivation.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. A is similar to C. B and D focus too much on each separate team and individual goals and incentives that will have limited impact on the entire organization.

Behavioral Competency 4—Communication: SHRM-CP

79.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because it allows the communication to happen and the VP to be heard, and it also allows the potential for other ways to accomplish what the VP desires.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. B also allows the VP to communicate and manage the relationship. These choices fail to communicate effectively, and they do not manage/develop the relationship with the VP. Going over the head of the VP to the CEO and others is not an effective team strategy, and it is not necessary.

80.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because it creates many specific solutions for solving and addressing the concerns of the VP.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. B also creates potential solutions, but they are not specific options. These choices fail to communicate effectively, and they do not manage/develop the relationship with the VP. These choices either do not solve the problem of improving the understanding of what engineering does or they are not appropriate for the situation.

81.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because it allows the communication to happen, the other objectives the VP seeks will be addressed, and other departments and employees can be heard as well, potentially reducing issues.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. A communicates with other departments and might reduce the issues. B and D are not actions that can reduce the negative impact of the decision. Getting bonuses for other department is not the issue at hand. If other departments warrant a bonus, it should be determined by the needs of the company strategy and the desired motivation/incentive for other departments on their own merits.

82.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because it notifies the unions of the plant, allowing for an extension of the current positive relationships.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Recognizing the union will also maintain the relationships. A and D are focused on preventing and fighting the unionization, which could result in having an adversarial relationship with the union at the new plant.

83.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because it ensures a clear understanding of the law, allowing successful compliance, and the company will pursue positive relationships with the unions.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Contacting the union could start the positive relationship in the new location. Trying to avoid unionization internationally is not appropriate because of international union/management relations and legislation. Cooperation agreements are a little premature but may be useful for the future.

84.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because managers should be trained on the TIPS model, which addresses threatening, interrogating, promising, and surveillance, reducing the likelihood of ULPs.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. C will train them on general information about ULPs. It will not be possible to have no contact with the employees from the bargaining unit, and cooperation and interest-based bargaining (IBB) are for bargaining and negotiations.

85.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because violence with the unions will not be acceptable at any location and would violate law in all locations.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. It is not acceptable to spy on union activities and employees in the bargaining unit. International unions do not have the same concerns as in the United States for interactions with unions.

86.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the HR team must maintain confidentiality and limit the size of the team involved. Further, the HR team should use the critical evaluation competency by looking at actions from the past and then conduct an analysis of the legal and business concerns.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. HR is doing most of the actions needed from a general analysis but not specifying the legal and past layoffs. A and D both involve too many people and could compromise the information too soon. Also, getting the packets together at this point is premature.

87.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because getting things expedited reduces the opportunity of information getting out too soon.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. D will accomplish most of the same things as choice A. A and C both delay the decision, increase potential exposure to communication leaks, and therefore increase anxiety about the layoff, and there are too many people involved for the timing.

88.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because it includes all the most critical laws to review and consult. The most critical are the Warn Act, antidiscrimination laws, UGESP, and the OWBP Act.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. B has most of the critical and then the next level of laws to review: workers’ compensation, ADAAA, and COBRA. C and D both involve less critical laws for review and consultation. D lists laws to review if you are dealing with union activity. EDEA is not a law.

Behavioral Competency 4—Communication: SHRM-SCP

89.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because a quantitative survey will be quicker and easier to implement with the time frame and number of employees. The 12 questions from the Gallup organization are based on research that will understand and improve engagement and morale levels.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. A is still a quantitative survey, and keeping questions to a minimum is desirable. A qualitative survey will take too long, considering the short time frame and the number of employees.

90.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because it will be good to determine areas of concern rather than trying to understand everything. Communication with staff is also important because it will increase understanding and participation. Online surveys are easy to use and have had a lot of success and speed of completion.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. A also focuses questions and makes it easy to complete the survey. With the short time frame, getting employees to complete the survey is important, when ease of use and a short survey matter in terms of increasing participation rates.

91.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because opportunity for growth is a key indicator for morale and engagement, and it is important to have the correct compensation so compensation will not be a distraction to employees.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Rewards and recognition programs are one of the areas to understand as well. Performance management information will take a lot of time to compile, and it is not as likely to be from the employee perspective. Assessing KSAs will not likely improve an understanding of employee morale or engagement levels.

92.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because senior management should be involved in the process to create validation and an understanding that the survey is a priority that all will be accountable to complete. It always appropriate to give the results of a survey to the participants and to the leadership. If you are going to take the time to find out what the problems are, you should take the time to fix them.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Confidentiality and anonymity will get more accurate information, and you want to prevent “survey fatigue.” Leaders and managers must be informed of the results, and monthly surveys of the type needed for this situation would be too much, creating “survey fatigue.” Employees will not participate if they are tired of taking surveys.

93.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because reviewing the benchmark data and surveys will help the company determine the problem based on data.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Reviewing the company policies and procedures is a good idea to determine whether there are any problems in the process. Raising salaries based on inadequate data is problematic and could cost the company a lot of money. There should be some flexibility to ensure that the company can defend the raid on their employees.

94.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because allowing the teams to give feedback will give the leaders information they need to make an informed decision and learn what is happening. The employees will feel heard.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Working with the leaders will be positive, and building support will improve communications. Simply enforcing the policy will not improve communications, and working with the leaders will not improve information or communication.

95.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because this choice considers all the positions and locations, which will improve the integration of the system.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. D has a total company approach, which will also assist with integration. B and C are regional and multilocation responses.

96.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because the HR team must understand the current total rewards program to understand the effectiveness of the program, allowing them to know what must change to meet the current need.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Reviewing benchmark data will be helpful as well. Raising salaries based on inadequate data is problematic and could cost the company a lot of money. There should be some flexibility to ensure that the company can defend the raid on their employees.

97.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because this strategy will allow the COO to work with the CEO and then together present to the board the best strategy.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Making a business case will impact all decision makers. Avoiding the situation or relying on the COO’s own specific reasons are not appropriate or effective strategies.

98.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because it is most likely to occur.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. A is likely to happen as well. B and D are far less likely to occur even though they would be ideal.

99.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because this option removes the CEO but still retains him with the company so that his technical expertise can be preserved.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. A also removes the CEO, but it will allow some respect even though it does not leverage his expertise. Retaining the CEO in this critical position will be disastrous for the company.

100.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because if the leaders are following their own vision, the company will continue to be adrift, things will get worse, and the issues will be hidden, making things worse.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. The issues will at least be visible to all. Resignations are the next concern if things are not resolved in a timely manner.

Behavioral Competency 5—Global & Cultural Effectiveness: SHRM-CP

101.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because this is an example of not being inclusive.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. A is also an example of not truly valuing diversity; diversity and inclusion go together. This is more about diversity and inclusion than violations of EEOC laws or company policy.

102.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because immediate training will have the fastest immediate impact to correct the problem.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. An open communication strategy will have an impact on the culture and result in changes occurring. The employee should not have the burden to correct this problem, and developing or changing a culture takes a lot of time. Immediate action is required at this point to correct the problem.

103.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because this will allow the employee to be heard and allow him to share his thoughts in a safe forum.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. B will allow the employee to self-select but still keeps the opportunity for the employee to be heard available. Attempting to direct the comments of the employee will not be appropriate and could anger or incite the employee. Not involving the employee could be problematic as well, because he may have excellent recommendations and may want to be heard.

104.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because working with the entire staff will have the biggest impact immediately, and it will also impact the culture.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. D presents a strategy that will have an impact because of the ability of the executive team to influence others and enforce policy. These options are limited and will not likely have a larger impact on the entire organization.

105.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because this accommodation creates a direct threat to the employees, and the threat to safety and security overrides the right to religious accommodation and freedom. This decision has been supported by the courts in case law.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Being consistent with the actions and practices is critical for organizations to prevent other discriminatory practices. This is a direct threat to other employees, and this is not an appropriate measure to take if those employees are being threatened by others in the workplace. The organization should take other, more appropriate steps to protect all employees in the company.

106.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because this is a valid concern for the other employees. The weapons are on the premises, and therefore some violent action could happen.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. The company is unnecessarily exposing itself to legal issues because if the employees do commit a violent act against another employee, the courts will see this as negligence; it could have been prevented. There is no evidence to suggest that the employees will definitely attempt to do harm to other employees. Regardless of the legitimacy of the religious belief, the threat still exist, and the courts have agreed that it overrides the right to religious accommodation.

107.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because this allows for open communication and understanding between the various parties and will increase conflict resolution.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Helping the employees to understand company policy and what direct threat is about will help individuals to navigate through. The employees may not stop the practice voluntarily, which will not solve the direct threat concern. It could be insulting to the employee, and they may also feel they are being accused to say that violent action will happen.

108.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because getting feedback from both sides of the concern will ensure that everyone is part of the communication and can generate more potential solutions.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. D allows for more objectivity that could result in a new concept to solve the concern. These are both one-sided discussions and could limit diverse and inclusive ideas. These strategies could also polarize the different groups in this situation.

Behavioral Competency 5—Global & Cultural Effectiveness: SHRM-SCP

109.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the HR team can assist with the major concern, which is navigating through the global needs and the local needs.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Perlmutter’s orientation will assist the organization in the decision-making process. C and D are not the issues that must be addressed. HR can help in these areas, but that is not what is needed.

110.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the ethics of these decisions can be assisted by considering this information.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Alignment with core values is important for ethical decisions. A and D are not real methods or are not the right focus for consideration.

111.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the company wants to replicate the processes and operations across the entire company.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. D will maximize the local concerns and the need for a consistent global process. B and C are not the right strategies, considering the information provided.

112.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the strategy sets goals for global and local requirements and has a mechanism to provide feedback and evaluation to the decision makers.
Images   C and D are incorrect. B provides a feedback mechanism and a scorecard. C does not account for other locations and the HQ concerns. D focuses only on the global concerns.

113.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because it ensures that the compensation strategy is aligned with all parts of the company, which is the overall responsibility of the CHRO.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. B ensures alignment with the HR strategy, the CHRO’s primary focus of responsibility. The technology and sales strategy are important, but the HR strategy and overall company strategy are more critical for HR and are the CHRO’s areas of responsibility.

114.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because it ensures all locations are on the same par, resulting in both global and local concerns being addressed.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Polycentric can also ensure local and some global focus. Ethnocentric and regiocentric strategy will not sufficiently cover both global concerns and local concerns.

115.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because these cultures all have high-power distance dimensions.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Most of these have a long-term orientation dimension. C and D are incorrect because in these locations, a high degree of individualism and Western masculine traits are not concerns and are the opposite of the cultures.

116.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because it ensures that the resources and focus will support the geocentric approach.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. C ensures that the company will have the leaders to support the future and the geocentric approach. Quick-fix or short-term investment does not align with a geocentric strategy.

117.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because involving the entire group of stakeholders will get the most comprehensive input to identify and solve the problems. This will also increase ownership from the various locations.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. C presents a strategy that will at least complete an analysis to determine what the actual problem is before attempting to solve it. A and B are premature strategies without fully understanding the global problem first.

118.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because training all the customer service employees will improve the situation and will also result in continuous improvement over time, while retaining employees, promoting loyalty, and engaging the current staff throughout the globe.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Hiring employees who are fluent in the customers’ languages will improve the situation. Training and hiring employees to know the languages of the other global locations is helpful to the success of the company; the key in this situation is to focus on communication with the customers.

119.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because interacting between and among all the stakeholders will significantly improve communication, relationships, and understanding of each other.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Job rotations between the locations will help improve communication by learning about other locations. There is no evidence that suggests the concern is based on conflict between the groups, and root-cause analysis is more exploratory; we know that communication is the problem. Local training and off-site meetings will have limited impact of improving communication between the locations.

120.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because for visits, a structured plan will facilitate productivity, and home nation support will provide the general support employees will need during the visit. Getting a country culture orientation will also help improve the experience for the visiting global employee.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Providing information about the structure of the home country and personnel overview will assist the visitor in interacting and navigating a productive trip. Language training and working conditions training are more appropriate for long-term assignments. Host nation support is not helpful, and current employees will likely have experienced cultural orientation.

121.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because training will lead to compliance and direct improvement in quality and culture. Improving leadership will also result in improved culture and accountability.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Complying with ISO standards, company policy, and values will be positive and could possibly include training; C will clearly conduct training, however. SWOT analysis is focused on strategic planning, not quality control. Complying with or training on ISO standards is more valuable in terms of quality.

Behavioral Competency 6—Business Acumen: SHRM-CP

122.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because it is the first step in the OD intervention process and systems model.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. D is the next step in the process. A and B are steps that are later in the process.

123.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the efficient use of resources in this situation is important along with successful results.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. B identifies the need to correct the problem of sections operating in silos. C and D are important but not the critical concern beyond successful results.

124.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because vision, support, and monitoring emotional reaction are the most critical for this situation.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. OD interventions are next in importance, and fairness is also important. C and D are the wrong focus for this situation. Identifying high-potential leaders is not critical for this situation. C just identified the three levels of interventions.

125.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because teamwork, shared vision, and involving all the teams have the best opportunity to improve communication and the ability to work together.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. B has additional important actions, including coordination of teams and leadership. The actions in A will be more impactful, however. C and D focus more on individual support and differences rather than actions that will bring the organization together.

126.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because this process will put the R&D department as a priority and also align with the overall company direction.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. A will address the highest priority in the R&D department. The R&D department should have a higher priority than the other departments.

127.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because this process will put the R&D department as a priority and also ensure that the appropriate skills and development are addressed. This will also train other departments as needed.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. C will address the highest priority in R&D but not the other departments. The R&D department should be trained first, which should be the main focus for this situation, and they should have a higher priority than the other departments.

128.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because project management will have the biggest impact on the situation from a management prospective.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Training the manager to train their teams will improve R&D and other departments in terms of the success of the company. Financial management skills and change management are not the most critical skills for the needs of the company or the R&D department.

129.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because this process will efficiently provide needed information to help determine the need for training.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. A will take a lot more time, but it will still provide the information needed. A job evaluation is to determine pay practices, and previous training will provide some help but not as much as the other choices.

Behavioral Competency 6—Business Acumen: SHRM-SCP

130.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because making a business case will have a significant impact on influencing the team. Reminding them of the fact that they have missed their number is important to set the tone for a change, and these tools will definitely help with confusion and communication.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. D also speaks of communication, missing the numbers, and the approach. Even though these concerns can be important and critical toward an organization’s success, they are not identified problems, and they do not focus on the need for the balanced scorecard and QBR sessions.

131.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because these are the reasons a balanced scorecard approach is successful for organizations, and implementing these actions will also address the concerns of the organization.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. D shares other possible aspects to the approach that are valued. B and C do not state the actual value of the QBR system, and the balanced scorecard approach must have something like a QBR to be implemented correctly. The balanced scorecard approach is more comprehensive, including the QBR concept as part of the methodology.

132.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because cultivating the relationships with all of the stakeholders will maximize the understanding and maintain a “systems” view of the organization, greatly increasing credibility and likelihood for success. These relationships will allow for more influence over the leadership team.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. C also cultivates a relationship with the most important group that must be influenced through the process, and B is a more complete list of relationships that need to be cultivated. A and D exclude the relationships with the internal staff, the leadership team, and/or all the stakeholders that will assist in the influence and credibility needed to navigate through the process.

133.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the main purpose of the balanced scorecard is to focus on multiple areas within an organization, in a disciplined way that has specific measurable goals, aligned with the vision, mission, values, and overall strategy of the organization.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. D presents other “value adds” from the approach but not the “most” value-added ones. These are not the main ways that the balanced scorecard benefits an organization. The balanced scorecard’s main purpose is to measure beyond just the financials.

134.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because this is the most valuable information to gather and provide to the leaders.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Thinking strategically about options is good. The other choices focus only on the HR department and the implementation phase of strategic planning.

135.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because industry information and company high-level information will contribute to the SWOT analysis and add value to the strategic planning discussion.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Understanding the various functions of the company will allow her to interact with all stakeholders successfully. Tactical thinking will not add as much value to strategic planning or thinking, and HR is expected to know HR concerns, so it will not build credibility or influence.

136.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because metrics and analytics can add tremendous value to the planning process.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Influencing the leadership will be important to change behavior. Tactical concerns will not add a lot of value. Political savvy and networking are important, but metrics and analytics add more value.

137.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the HR manager must impact decisions before the overall strategy has been finalized if the critical HR concerns are to be properly addressed.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. HR will play a critical part in the implementation. The vision is for the senior leadership to develop and communicate. Evaluation is important for the process but less than development because it is after the fact, rather than before the strategy is determined.

138.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because contacting the other company to resolve the matter is the most likely avenue that can correct the problem. It is also right to inform the other company because they might not be aware of the activity.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. A is more general, but the company will still take appropriate action. This is a company B problem, and the local law enforcement would likely not have jurisdiction.

139.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because all employers are required to create and maintain environments free of harassment and must take steps to correct any complaints.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. B does not include correcting the problem but does identify that the company must maintain a harassment-free work environment. It is the responsibility of the company to maintain a harassment-free environment even if they do not have direct control.

140.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because meeting with company A after a full investigation and then working together to resolve the problem are wise steps.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. C is similar to A but does not include a formal investigation. B and D are heavy-handed and would likely create additional problems.

141.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because the company takes corrective action and informs the other company that they have corrected the problem.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. The company still corrects the problem even though they do not inform the other company about the correction. A and C do not take action, and they should act regardless of the policy because they must act.

142.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because these are the critical competencies needed.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. HR expertise is more important in this situation than corporate social responsibility. Business acumen is not critical for this situation.

Behavioral Competency 7—Consultation: SHRM-CP

143.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because having a sponsor or new-hire buddy has a significant impact on the new hire and will make the employee feel that the team cares, increasing productivity and assimilation. The sponsor explains how to get things done, work with the culture, and other values that result in success.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Meeting and interacting with all the stakeholders will ensure the new hire meets the other team members and learns the connections that will facilitate success. B and C are activities that will happen but do not specifically increase productivity. They are both important to the process and should be done but will not significantly improve teamwork directly.

144.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because having an assimilation plan with best practices, metrics, and measurable results will ensure there is an objective way to see progress in all areas, including productivity, goal accomplishment, and speed of assimilation.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. Information from the manager is an important part of creating an assimilation plan and it focuses on one of the critical areas to measure (productivity). A and D are basically orientation activities and do not focus on assimilation beyond orientation.

145.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because pay-for-performance systems increase productivity, raise accountability, and improve results. Specific targeted goals and objectives focusing on each employee’s contribution creates excellent “line of sight” for accomplishment and alignment toward company success. This also recognizes the correct results.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. B has accountability systems and senior leader–focused goals and objectives; on-boarding is also key. Companywide goals are important, but it is hard to see “line-of-sight” accomplishment, which is critical for creating a results-oriented culture over an entitlement culture. The recognition should focus on performing above and beyond, not simply doing your job.

146.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because having a consistent and valid process that includes team building will continually improve the process and productivity. Communication is an important value throughout all aspects of a company’s life cycle, and a results-orientation culture is a profitable culture.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. A promotes some of the key areas but not communication and validity. The focus is too narrow. Organizations seek to improve productivity through faster assimilation.

147.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because it identifies the most critical actions that will increase the speed of assimilation.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. A has many of the actions that will be important, but B has more of the key activities needed. Group goals and recognition are important for alignment throughout the company, but they will not continuously maximize the acceleration of assimilation.

148.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because there is no requirement to accommodate, but good communication is critical to get other leaders on board and to get their buy-in.
Images   A and C are incorrect. B correctly identifies that the accommodation is not required, and then it might be wise to delay or not conduct the training. A and C are not the best choices for the company or the CEO. Forcing the employees to take training is not the best strategy. The company is not required to honor the request.

149.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because this situation is showing risk avoidance by not training the supervisors.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. D identifies that the management is showing their level of risk tolerance. Poor leadership or governance or acceptable risk are not the behaviors demonstrated.

150.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because it will establish how the program will help improve the entire company from all aspects.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. A also shows the business case for the training and aligns with one area: profitability. C and D are incorrect because they either remove a valuable option of training or force employees to comply, which is a poor leadership tactic for this situation.

151.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because activity-based budgeting is established based on ongoing activities after the budgetary process has started.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. A focuses on justification for all activities and funding based on need. B and D require forward planning and are reserved for before the fact budgeting.

Behavioral Competency 7—Consultation: SHRM-SCP

152.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because it is important to communicate with the VP and allow the leader to consider options. This includes giving the VP acceptable alternatives to keep the hiring process moving.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. D also ensures communication with the VP and allows the organization to still take advantage of the talents of the candidate. The position does not qualify for a permanent visa with all of the fully qualified candidates available in the United States. Cost is not the main concern in this situation.

153.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because it is important to communicate with the VP and allow the leader to consider options. Hiring the candidate outside the United States will allow the organization to immediately take advantage of the candidate’s talents.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. A also ensures communication with the VP, and this includes giving the VP acceptable alternatives to keep the hiring process moving. The position does not qualify for a temporary visa with all of the fully qualified candidates available in the United States.

154.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the company can hire the candidate and transfer the employee after a year of working with the company.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. If the company can show cause, they might be able to succeed with this visa. The TN one is for Canada/Mexico, and there is no indication that this is where the candidate is located. The EB1 is a permanent visa.

155.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because it is important to communicate with the VP and allow the leader to consider options. Hiring the candidate outside the United States will allow the organization to immediately take advantage of the candidate’s talents.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. A also ensures communication with the VP, which includes giving the VP acceptable alternatives to keep the hiring process moving. B and C are incorrect because this position does not qualify for a permanent visa.

156.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the quickest intervention would be to have a team-building session and conflict resolution, which can happen immediately and will benefit the department regardless of the issues.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Part of this is a structural problem. Both individual counseling/coaching and workforce planning would take a lot more time and also may not be the best process to solve the problem. These interventions can also be tried at later dates if deemed appropriate.

157.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because it includes the following: the team, leaders, and the stakeholder will find the best solution; critical evaluation is used to determine problems; and a plan will be developed.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. The solution includes the leader and could solve the problem if the leader is the main concern. A and D fail to include the leaders and teams from the department in the process. It is helpful to get other stakeholder input, but it is far more critical to include the team members and leader within the department.

158.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because improving communication and problem solving will increase trust and assist in conflict resolution, with a lasting impact.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. An appropriately facilitated off-site meeting with the leaders and specific team members will improve trust and augment the team building and conflict resolution. Transferring troublemakers will not solve the underlying issues and will also pass on problems to other departments; 360-degree feedback is helpful at a later date when things are more stable within the department.

159.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because getting information and feedback from all stakeholders will result in comprehensive information and concerns that can be addressed during the process.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. The input from an external source and from internal staff will give wider perspectives than just one or the other sources. A and C limit the involvement of various stakeholders and perspectives by focusing on either an external consultant or the internal staff.

160.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the SWOT analysis is critical for this organization, and the balanced scorecard will operationalize and implement the strategy and process.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. The correct vision, mission, and values set the foundation for the rest of the process. A and D are not the activities that take place in these stages of the strategic planning process.

161.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because the L&D director is most experienced and skilled and has the most knowledge about the organization.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. A third-party consultant will allow internal staff to participate and also bring more objectivity. The members of the staff should focus on “participating in” the process rather than attempting to “lead or facilitate” the process.

162.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because maintaining relationships with all stakeholders will ensure understanding across the organization and therefore increase credibility for the L&D director.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. The management team will be the majority of the participants in the overall process and input. Having a relationship with HR or the executive team is important but too narrow a focus for maximum credibility in the process.

163.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because limiting the examination of extenuating and mitigating circumstances creates problems for the entire company and each situation that might occur, resulting in poor decisions. Limiting options for investigation is also unwise and could result in unlawful terminations.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. B is similar to A but a little more general. C and D are incorrect because even though these are issues that may be created by the CEO’s statement, they are not as likely to occur as problems compared to A and B.

164.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because these are the primary competencies that will have the biggest impact on the situation.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. Ethical practice is relevant regarding the son of the CEO. Critical evaluation is not a critical competency, and D&I and CSR competencies are not key to this situation.

165.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because this is a good process to make sound decisions that are defendable.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. The relationship with the CEO should not influence the decision within the company (this must be handled with care and to ensure that the employee was actually late). B and D are not good and defendable positions for the company. The company should consider extenuating facts in the situation before terminating the employee.

166.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the relationship with the CEO should not influence the decision within the company (this must be handled with care and to ensure that the employee was actually late).
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. A is a good process to make a sound termination decision that is defendable. B and D are not good and defendable positions for the company. The company should consider extenuating facts in the situation before terminating the employee.

Behavioral Competency 8—Critical Evaluation: SHRM-CP

167.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because it is important to allow the candidate an opportunity to respond and to ensure that the hiring manager is informed as well; the hiring manager should be involved with the decision.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. B also allows the candidate to respond, and the staffing director should be informed as well; however, it is more important for the manager to be involved. Traveling to the university is not necessary, and it is premature to remove the candidate.

168.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because it is important to not waste resources and to ensure appropriate individuals are informed and to attempt to get a resolution.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. C also allows the process to continue and minimizes cost, but it does not inform leaders. Stopping all processes could result in losing a qualified candidate, and continuing as normal is not appropriate because there is a clear concern.

169.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because it is important to have honest employees who can be trusted, and lying is not acceptable; it is also important to document these decisions.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. D also removes the candidate but does not recommend documentation. It is not okay to ignore the situation, and even if the qualification is not critical, the candidate still lied.

170.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because the manager and HR team will be able to understand the full concerns of the employee, have an investigation into the matter, and show the objective data to the employee.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. A allows an investigation to occur and takes the matter seriously. Ignoring the problem or trying to convince the employee to drop the concern will make matters worse and increase liability.

171.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because objectivity, facts, and data supporting the situation will make the most difference in a thorough investigation.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. It is important for everyone to understand the policies and procedures of the company. Feelings and concerns are important in the situation, but following policies and objective information will support the investigation and yield a better result for the company. Results will be determined by the policies, procedures, and objective facts.

172.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because the employees will have a clear understanding of the objective inputs and outputs of their goals versus their contributions.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. The employee can have good feedback sessions and discussions with their manager that will reduce the subjective perspective they may have about their performance. Graphic ratings are often subjective and hard to justify, and policies and procedure will have little impact on subjective thoughts of employees.

173.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because this is the legal concept that could validate a lawsuit, and employers are liable for the comments of their employees during work.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. C is correct, but it does not identify the actual legal concept. This offense is slander, not libel, and the company can be held liable for the comments and their decision to not promote the employee.

174.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because the company takes the correct action and trains employees to protect the company in the future, perhaps eliminating slanderous comments. Training in this space is always helpful, regardless of the findings of an investigation.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. The company still corrects the problem. C and D are incorrect because they have some merit but are not the main concern or the most effective strategies.

175.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because these are the key areas to training all employees about what not to do in the workplace.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. B also presents keys to correct and eliminate. C and D focus on training in areas that are not as effective.

176.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because if found to be in violation, a PIP is appropriate for this situation.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Training is important; the employees may have been ignorant of the law or company policy. Termination and counseling may not be as effective as training and performance improvement.

Behavioral Competency 8—Critical Evaluation: SHRM-SCP

177.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because both managers and the executives must be understood, and the compliance concern is not difficult to understand. Order matters in this situation; hearing the concerns of the manager should happen first and then interacting with the executives should happen.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Even though the order is not ideal, both the manager and the executive will be engaged. It is important to understand both the executive team and the managers in this situation.

178.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because a vulnerability analysis is identifying threats based on the likelihood of occurrence and the severity of impact. This choice does this for an actual known threat.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. In D his choice is generic rather than specific to the organization. Even though these thoughts are important to the scenario, they are not the factors for a vulnerability analysis.

179.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because the HR director must understand the requirements of the law, ensure that the managers’ input is clear and included, and have alternative potential solutions.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. Having an open mind and dialogue will facilitate good communication and allow for openness on the part of the executive team to hear alternative locations. Going to other authorities is counterproductive and will not resolve the concern, and justifying their choice is not appropriate for the risk and the vulnerability analysis.

180.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because along with a safe location, this option addresses the need to find a location that has a different vulnerability concern than earthquakes.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. It is not required to move to a different state or county, as long they change the vulnerability threat from an earthquake at the new location. Ease of use is not critical for the situation, and there is more that must be addressed than just a safe location.

181.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because this is a direct violation of EEOC laws; it creates liability because there appears to be disparate treatment.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. They can begin to understand the complaints and the potential liability with the selection process. This is not a case of fraudulent misrepresentation; no promises were made here. This is beyond diversity and inclusion issues; that’s a direct violation of the law.

182.  Images   B is correct. B is the best answer because it would be a shame to miss out on the best candidates and their skill sets and slow the successful movement of the company forward. Your competitors could hire them, and they would have an edge in terms of their success.
Images   A, C, and D are incorrect. A is incorrect because of the potential degradation to the success of the company. The concern is not about who is thinking the same way; it is about changing the thinking and changing the culture, not keeping it the same.

183.  Images   C is correct. C is the best answer because this process will reduce liability and has the greatest chance of correcting the problems.
Images   A, B, and D are incorrect. D will reduce the likelihood of the problem repeating itself and will protect the company in the future. It is not practical to hire all the candidates, and you should still follow your legal processes. The process clearly must change as well.

184.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because whistle-blowing is judged by whether the employee believes in the claim.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. Workers’ compensation claims are no-fault claims and are difficult to defend. There is sufficient cause for termination reference performance, and claims are not valid and untrue; he also shares with nonemployees, so the protections under the NLRA are not available.

185.  Images   A is correct. A is the best answer because there is sufficient causes to terminate the manager for poor performance, missing sales goals, and lacking leadership.
Images   B, C, and D are incorrect. You can terminate for these reasons (performance is the better reason for termination). There is sufficient cause to terminate the sales manager, and there is no need for additional investigations.

186.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because these actions will improve and provide confidence for future and current performance concerns.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. General training and development will also improve the situation. The management fears are not valid, and the board of directors does not need to be involved with this situation.

187.  Images   D is correct. D is the best answer because the company still has problems with the employee, and this could create fairness issues and potentially negligent retention.
Images   A, B, and C are incorrect. A is a claim for a hostile workplace. Wrongful termination is unlikely, and the right to sue in general is too vague.

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