
For alphabetization purposes, (a) differences in fonts and case are ignored; (b) quotation marks are ignored; (c) other punctuation symbols—hyphens, underscores, parentheses, etc.—are treated as blanks; (d) numerals precede letters; (e) blanks precede everything else.

= (equality), 3, 53

≠ (inequality), 54

:= (assignment), 3, 53

image (is defined as), 201, 254

| (Sheffer stroke), 403

↓ (Peirce arrow), 403

∈ (member of), 91

∉ (not member of), 92

≡ (equivalent to), 125, 209, 367, 400, 412

⇒ (implies), 366, 400

⇔ (bi-implies, equivalent to), 367

⊂ (properly included in), 93

⊃ (properly includes), 93

⊆ (included in), 93

⊇ (includes), 93

→ (functional dependency), 152, 291

→→ (multivalued dependency), 348

!! (image relation reference), 224

∃ (existential quantifier), 375

∀ (universal quantifier), 375

θ-join, 194-195

0-tuple, 85, 94

1NF, see first normal form

2NF, see second normal form

2VL, see two-valued logic

3NF, see third normal form

3VL, see three-valued logic

4NF, see fourth normal form

5NF, see fifth normal form

Abbey, Edward, 157, 411

access method, 16

ACID properties, 295

aggregate operators, 228-235

empty argument, 232, 233-235

relation valued, 252

vs. summaries, see summary

algebra, see relational algebra

“alias,” 350, 448

ALL BUT, 181-182

ALL or ANY comparison, 63, 432-436

ALTER TABLE, 32, 179, 199, 220

alternate key, 151

ambiguity, 364-365, 425-426

AND (aggregate operator), 229, 288, 391

antecedent, 368

Anthony, Susan B., 173

antijoin, 219

Appleby, Sir Humphrey, 443

architecture, 33

argument, 55, 72-73, 372

Aristotle, 467

arity, 18

arrow (FD), 152

AS (SQL), 97, 109, 240

required with subquery, 99, 213, 222, 315, 447, 508, 540


database, see database assignment

multiple, see multiple assignment

relational, see relational assignment

tuple, see tuple assignment

Assignment Principle, 149, 165, 341, 484

SQL violations, 162, 165

associativity, 199

Atkinson, Malcolm, 468


scalar value, 48-52

statement, 145

transaction, 295

attribute, 6, 7, 82

attribute-name: type-name pair, 18

extracting value from tuple, 85

heading, 82

“multivalued,” 49

pictured as column, 7

relation, 89

relvar, 141

tuple, 82

SQL, 313

attribute constraint, see constraint

attribute FROM, 85

attribute naming, reliance on, 199-201

attribute ordering (left to right)

in SQL tables, 19

not in relations, 20

attribute value, 82

axiom (database), 160

axiom (logic), 373

bag, 51

Bancilhon, François, 468

bang, 67, 167, 224

bang bang, 224

BASE properties, 523, 525

base relation, 23

base relvar, 141

see also base relation

base table constraint, 293-295

BCNF, see Boyce/Codd normal form

BETWEEN, 459, 460, 462

“Big Data,” 532

bill of materials, 162, 169

see also recursion

Billings, Josh, iii

binary relation (mathematics), 466

BNF grammar

SQL, 454-458

Tutorial D, 512-514

body, 89

relation, 18, 89

relvar, 141


relational model, 42, 475

SQL, 59-60

Boswell, James, 533

bound variable, 377-378

Boyce, Raymond F., 534

Boyce/Codd normal form, 166

Breazu-Tannen, Val, 200

Buneman, Peter, 200

Bush, George W., 374

business rules, 281, 398, 415

calculus, see relational calculus

California, 411

candidate key, see key

Cardelli, Luca, 41

cardinality, 89

body, 18, 89

relation, 18, 89

relvar, 141

Carroll, Lewis, 94, 461

cartesian join, 11

cartesian product, see product


CASE, 415

Celko, Joe, 333, 468-469

Chamberlin, Don, 133, 534

Chaudhuri, Surajit, 533

Chudnovsky, Gregory, 485

Closed World Assumption, 158, 163, 170, 483

closed expression, see expression

closure, 11, 173, 177-180, 202, 330

CNF, see conjunctive normal form

COALESCE, 125-126

CODASYL, 465, 467

Codd, E. F., passim

coercion, 47

SQL, 61-65

UNKNOWN to FALSE, 122, 317

UNKNOWN to TRUE, 122, 289, 317

collation, 63

column, see attribute

column constraint, 294

column naming, 97-100

commalist, 7-8

common attribute, 174

commutativity, 198

compensatory action, 337

component (tuple), 82

conjunct, 407

conjunction, 407

conjunctive normal form, 407

CONNECT BY (Oracle), 257

connective, 120, 366, 402-403

consistency, 295, 397-398

eventual, see eventual consistency

vs. correctness, 302

consequent, 368

constant, 72, 327

vs. literal, 72, 327

constraint, 9, 281

attribute, 286

base table, see base table constraint

column, see column constraint

database, see database constraint

inference, 340

is a proposition, 304

multirelvar, see relvar constraint

relvar, see relvar constraint

single relvar, see relvar constraint

state, 305

transition, 305

tuple, 288

type, see type constraint

vs. performance, 305-306

vs. predicate, 301-303

contradiction, 130, 137

contrapositive, 370-371

contrapositive law, 427

Cornford, Frances, 493

correlated subquery, see subquery


correctness, see consistency

correlated subquery, see subquery

correlation name, 176, 380, 446

not in Tutorial D, 176

cost based optimizing, 196


cross join, 11

cross product, 11

cursor, 143

CWA, see Closed World Assumption


expansion, 146

D_UNION, 146, 189

n-adic, 189

da Vinci, Leonardo, iii, 5

Darwen, Hugh, passim

data independence, 17

logical, 200-201, 349-350, 353, 354, 358-359

physical, 17, 24, 196

data model, 18

two meanings, 15

data type, see type

database, passim

collection of propositions, 157-158

logical system, 160

is a tuple, 481

vs. DBMS, 43

database administrator, 45

database assignment, 481

database constraint, 281, 287-295

checked immediately, 296-301

SQL, 293-295

the (total) database constraint, 303

database management system, 43

vs. database, 43

database statistics, 196

database variable, 478, 480-482

Date, C. J., passim

DBA, 45

DBMS, 43

dbvar, see database variable

DCO, 44

de Haan, Lex, iii, xiv, 295, 306, 546

De Morgan’s laws, 413, 414

declarative, 28, 281, 366

decomposition (missing information)

horizontal, 496-498

vertical, 495-496


deferred checking, 299


foreign key, 153

heading, 18, 82

key, 19, 149

relation, 18, 89

relvar, 141

tuple, 19, 82


expansion, 145, 147

via cursor (SQL), 143

delimited identifier, 313

Derbyshire, John, 217

dereferencing, 67

derived relation, 23

derived relvar, see snapshot; view see also derived relation

designator, 304, 399

DeWitt, David, 468

difference, 13, 190-191

see also semidifference

direct image, 24

direct SQL, 444, 452

disjoint INSERT, see D_INSERT

disjoint union, see D_UNION

disjointness of types, 52

disjunct, 407

disjunction, 407

disjunctive normal form, 407

DISTINCT, 119-120

“distinct, considered equal,” 64, 453

distributive law, 128, 414

distributivity, 198

Dittrich, Klaus, 468

divide, 11, 227-228


DNF, see disjunctive normal form

domain, 6, 31-32

SQL, 32, 60-61, 71, 312

see also type

domain calculus, 382

“domain check override,” 44

“don’t know” answers, 505-508

dot qualification, 176, 379-380, 445-446

not in Tutorial D, 176

double bang, 224

double negation law, 413

double underlining, 8, 19, 112, 163, 171-172, 231, 264


duplicate elimination, 181, 187

duplicates, 22, 86, 111-120

in SQL tables, 118-120

not in relations, 19

see also tuple equality

durability, 295

Efrem, Emil, 523

Einstein, Albert, 472

Eliot, T. S., 489

Elmasri, Ramez, 544

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 281

empty argument, see aggregate operator

empty heading, 85, 94

empty key, 163, 170, 171, 279

empty range, 388-389

empty relation, 90-91

empty set, 85

SQL, 454

empty tuple, 85

empty type, 77-78

encapsulation, 56

“entity integrity,” 9, 326

EQD, see equality dependency

equality, 22, 43-48, 476

relation, see relation equality

SQL, 60

table, 60, 460, 462-463

tuple, see tuple equality

see also “the same”

equality dependency, 337, 501

equijoin, 195

essentiality, 483

Euclid, iii

euclidean geometry, 469

eventual consistency, 525-527


exclusive union, 218-219

existential quantifier, 375


iterated OR, 390

SQL, 380-381, 395

vs. COUNT, 395, 428

see also existential quantifier

explicit table, 444-445


closed, 192, 238

open, 192, 238

vs. statement, 179

expression transformation, 112, 128-129, 131, 133-134, 411ff

expression vs. statement, 179

EXTEND, 220-222

multiple, 244

see also “what if”

Extensible Markup Language, see XML

extension vs. intension, 158, 170

factorial, 65, 83, 167

Faroult, Stéphane, xiii, 544

FD, see functional dependency

Fernandez, Iggy, 511, 527-532, 545

field (SQL), 65, 86

fifth normal form, 360

first normal form, 20, 48-52

relvar, 75

“flat relation,” 92


iterated AND, 390

not in SQL, 388, 395

vs. COUNT, 395

see also universal quantifier

foreign key, 8, 152-156

not fundamental, 156

shorthand, 293

values are tuples, 153

vs. pointers, 67, 73

fourth normal form, 348

free variable, 377-378

see also bound variable

function, 259, 466

function (SQL), 3, 260

functional dependency, 152, 243, 291-292

nontrivial, 167

functional segmentation, see segmentation

Gehrke, Johannes, 547

generated type, 58

generic type, 74

Gennick, Jonathan, 118

Gilbert, W. S., 511

Golden Rule, 303, 331, 484

googol, 130

googolplex, 130

Graunt, John, 81

Graves, Robert, 364

Gray, Jim, 295, 545

gross requirements, 255

GROUP, 246


no grouping columns, 231, 457

redundant, 240-241

Haldeman, H. R., 324

Hall, Patrick, 545

Hardy, G. H., iii

HAVING redundant, 242

heading, 18, 82

relation, 18, 89

relvar, 141

tuple, 18, 82

Held, G. D., 545

Hitchcock, Peter, 545

Hodge, Alan, 364

Hodges, Wilfrid, 546

hold (constraint), 282

horizontal decomposition, see decomposition see also sharding

Hynes, Ed, 116


expansion, 147

I_MINUS, 147, 190

idempotence, 203, 274, 278

identity (equivalence), 412

identity projection, 181

identity restriction, 180

identity value, 184-185

image relation, 223-226, 235-236

implementation, 15

vs. model, 15

implementation defined, 433

implementation dependent, 433

implication, see logical implication

implication law, 413

IMS, 276, 528

IN, 91, 363, 434

inclusion, 93

proper, 93

inflight checking, 144, 305

information equivalence, 106, 245, 326, 353, 360-361

Information Principle, 58, 113, 124, 477, 483

INSERT, 145-146

expansion, 146

SQL, 148

instantiation, 156, 372

integrity constraint, see constraint

intended interpretation, 156

intension, 156, 170

interpretation, see intended interpretation

intersection, 12, 189-190

special case of join, 183

interval, 486-487

introduced name, see WITH

involution law, 413

irrational number, 42

irreducibility (key), 149-150


IS_NOT_EMPTY, 93, 380

IS NOT NULL, 131, 137, 138, 502 see also NOT NULL

IS NULL, 107, 131, 137, 138

isolation, 295, 296

Jay, Antony, 443

Johnson, Samuel, 533

join, 13, 182

n-adic, 184, 213, 214

see also equijoin; θ-join

JOIN (SQL), 185-186

not at outermost level, 4

joinability, 182, 204

n-adic, 204, 213-214

key, 7, 149-152

alternate, see alternate key

for expression, 119, 336

foreign, see foreign key

irreducibility, 149-150

primary, see primary key

shorthand, 290

uniqueness, 149

values are tuples, 151-152

see also candidate key

Koppelaars, Toon, xv, 295, 306, 516

Korth, Henry F., 547

lateral subquery, see subquery

Lincoln, Abraham, 398

literal, 71

relation, 89-90

table, see VALUES

tuple, 83-84

see also selector

logical data independence, see data independence

logical difference, 21, 539

logical implication, 368-369

logical operator, see connective

logical system, 160

Lorentzos, Nikos A., 486, 544

Lynn, Jonathan, 443

Magritte, René, 20

Maier, David, 468

Marx, Groucho, iii


materialization (vs. substitution), 331

“materialized view,” see snapshot

MAYBE, 130

McGoveran, David, 493, 544, 546

Melton, Jim, 546

method (SQL), 3

MINUS, see difference

missing information (without nulls), 493-510

model, 18

vs. implementation, 14-18

modus ponens, 373

modus tollens, 373

Muir, John, 465, 475

multidimensional databases, 92

multirelvar constraint, 292

multiple assignment, 254, 300-301

multiple EXTEND, 236, 244

multiple RENAME, 236

multiple SUMMARIZE, 244

multiset, 51

multivalued dependency, 348

MVD, see multivalued dependency

n-adic predicate, 373

n-ary relation, 7

n-ary tuple, see tuple

n-dimensional, 92, 118, 207

n-place predicate, 373

n-tuple, see tuple

Nagel, Ernest, 364

named constant, 72, 327

NAND, 403-404

natural join, 13

SQL, 175-176, 183, 185

see also join

Navathe, Shamkant, 544

Newman, James, 364

Newton, Isaac, 472

niladic, 373


NO PAD, 64

nonscalar, 56

NOR, 403-404

normalized, see first normal form

“NoSQL,” 521-532

NOT IN, 92, 434


NOT NULL, 36, 66, 124-125, 139, 294

null, 9, 120-127

not a value, 9, 84

not in relational model, 9

not in relations, 84, 123

not in tuples, 84, 123

not in types, 123

“null value,” 84, 96, 132, 133, 139, 234, 495

nullary relation, 181

object ID, 326

“object oriented model,” 467

“object/relational,” 52

Ohori, Atsushi, 200

Open World Assumption, 163, 170

open expression, see expression

operator, passim

SQL, 3

optimization, 112, 116, 196

cost based, 196

see also expression transformation

ORDER, 259

ORDER BY, 19, 259-260, 263, 278

not in views, 259

ordinal position (SQL columns), 20

orthogonality (language design), 47

outer join, 125, 126-127, 249

OWA, see Open World Assumption


parameter, 55, 372

parameterized type, 74

part explosion, 256

part implosion, 256


not a model issue, 16, 17, 116, 189

vs. constraint, 305-306

see also optimization

Peirce arrow, 403

physical data independence, see data independence

physical representation hidden, 45-46, 54, 58, 282

physical storage

not in relational model, 23-24, 34

Pietarinen, Lauri, 364

pipelining, 177

placeholder, 372

PNF, see prenex normal form

pointer, 67

not in relational model, 67, 78

SQL, 66-67, 326

vs. foreign key, 67, 73

polymorphic type, 74

possible representation, 72, 282

possibly nondeterministic, 64-65, 341, 452-453

positioned update, 143

“possrep,” 72, 282

predicate, 156

compound, 373

n-adic, 373

n-place, 373

relational expression, 193-194

relvar, see relvar predicate

simple, 373

SQL, 158

vs. boolean expression, 379

vs. constraint, 301-303

predicate calculus, see predicate logic

predicate logic, 363, 373

“predicate transitive closure,” 131, 212

prenex normal form, 382

primary key, 8, 151

SQL, 151

primitive operators, 191

principle, 5

Principle of Identity of Indiscernibles, 133, 484

Principle of Interchangeability, 325-327, 484

procedural, 28

procedure (SQL), 3

product (cartesian), 11, 183-184

expanded, 11

extended, 11

special case of join, 183

projection, 181

precedence, 182

proper inclusion, see inclusion

proper subkey, see subkey

proper subset, see subset

proper superkey, see superkey

proper superset, see superset

proposition, 157, 366

compound, 367

simple, 367

proto tuple, 379

pseudovariable, 481-482

public table, 200, 354

QBE, see Query-By-Example

quantification, 374-378, 387-394

quantification law, 414


don’t need both, 387-388

existential, 374-375

other kinds, 391-394

sequence, 376

universal, 374-375

vs. connective, 375, 389-391


Quarles, Francis, 1

QUEL, 363, 545

query, 452

Query-By-Example, 363, 547

query expression, 3

query rewrite, 112, 411

quota query, 259, 262, 276-277

Ramakrishnan, Raghu, 547

range variable, 379, 382-383

RANK, 277

rational number, 42

Reagan, Nancy, 501

real number, 42

recommendations summarized, 516-519

recursion, 254-259

SQL, 256-259

reducibility, see irreducibility

REF type, 67, 326

referenced relvar, 153

referencing, 67

referencing relvar, 153

referential action, 155, 169

referential constraint, see foreign key

referential integrity, 9

metaconstraint, 304

refresh, see snapshot

Rel, 529

relation, 88-93

n-dimensional, 92

pictured as table, 6, 7

vs. relvar, 24-26

vs. table, 103-104

vs. type, 158-159

see also relvar

relation constant, 327-328

relation equality, 22, 92-93


relation heading, 89

relation literal, see relation selector

relation selector, 89, 108

relation type, 89, 476

inference, 178

name, 89

RELATION type generator, 57

relation value, see relation

relation valued attribute, 51, 105, 245-252

relation variable, see relvar

relational algebra, 10-13, 467

generic, 173

purpose, 479

read-only, 174

relational assignment, 10, 25, 145-147, 478-479

not in SQL, 26, 37-38

not part of algebra, 174

relational calculus, 13, 379-387, 467

relational comparison, 92-93, 251

relational completeness, 396-397, 479-480

SQL, 401, 409-410

relational database, see The Information Principle

relational inclusion, see inclusion

relational model, passim

formal definition, 473-480

informal definition, 6-13

objectives, 482-483

vs. other models, 467-468

relations, tuples, and attributes, 3

relcon, 328

relvar, 26

base vs. stored, 23

constraint, see relvar constraint

predicate, see relvar predicate

virtual, see view

vs. file, 161, 164

vs. relation, 26

see also relation

relvar constraint, 292

the (total) relvar constraint, 303

relvar predicate, 157

relvar reference, 174

RENAME, 178-179, 271

multiple, 236

SQL, 178, 409

repeating group, 49

representation vs. type, 45-46, 47, 68, 73

restriction, 11, 180

restriction condition, 180

Reuter, Andreas, 295, 545

rewrite rule, see expression transformation

rhetoric, 112

Riemann, Bernhard, 472

Robson, Peter, 544

Robinson, Ian, 523

routine (SQL), 3

row, 86-88

row assignment, 65-66, 91

row comparison, 87-88

row constraint, 288

row expression, 63

row extraction, 91

row ID, 4, 326-327

row literal, 86

row type (SQL), 65

row type constructor (SQL), 65

row value constructor (SQL), 86

row variable (SQL), 65

rules of inference, 160, 373

relation types, see relation type

Russell, Bertrand, 374, 473

RVA, see relation valued attribute

Sagan, Carl, 472

satisfy (constraint), 151, 282

satisfy (predicate), 372

scalar, 56

schema, 523

second normal form, 348, 360

segmentation, 524-525

SELECT *, 444


semantics, 195, 239

too rigid, 221

selection, see restriction

selector, 46, 71

relation, 89-90, 102, 108

scalar, 46, 54, 55-56, 283-284

tuple, 83

self-referencing relvar, 162

semantic optimization, 297-298

semidifference, see NOT MATCHING

semijoin, see MATCHING

“semistructured model,” 467

SEQUEL, 534-535

“set function,” 119, 124, 239

set level operations, 142-145, 304-305

set membership, 91

Shakespeare, William, 157

sharding, 525

Sheffer stroke, 403

Silberschatz, Avi, 547

Simon, Alan R., 546

single relvar constraint, 292

snapshot, 350-351

Snodgrass, Rick, 469

SQL, passim

departures from relational model, 489-492

expression evaluation, 195

legacy, 488

means the SQL standard, xiv

not the same as the relational model, 2

pronunciation, xiv

vs. Tutorial D, 174-176

SQL:1992, 3, 4, 59, 71, 124, 175, 222, 330 363, 449, 453, 478, 538, 546

SQL:1999, 3, 4, 71, 192, 546

SQL:2003, 3, 4, 59, 124, 342, 449, 538, 546

SQL:2008, 3, 192, 546

SQL:2011, 3, 192, 446, 546

state constraint, see constraint

statement (two meanings), 158, 372

statement vs. expression, 179, 372

Stoll, Robert R., 547

Stonebraker, Mike, 469, 545

strong typing, 47

Strozzi, Carlo, 521

subject database, 524

subject to (constraint), 282

subkey, 162, 167

proper, 167

subquery, 4, 79, 449-452

correlated, 380, 419-421, 450

lateral, 451

row, 63, 449

scalar, 63, 449

table, 63, 449

subset, 22

of a body, 21-22, 90

of a heading, 21, 84-85

of a tuple, 11, 21, 84-85, 86

proper, 22

substitution procedure, 330

subtuple, see subset

subtype, see type inheritance

Sudarshan, S., 547

summarization, 231, 237-245



summary, 238

superkey, 152

proper, 152

superset, 22

proper, 22

symmetric difference, see exclusive union


picture of relation, 20

SQL, 95-97

see also relation; relvar

TABLE (conversion operator), 97, 247

TABLE (explicit table), see explicit table


and TABLE_DUM, 74, 94-95, 108, 132, 181, 328, 505-507

identity with respect to join, 184-185

not in SQL, 410


table equality, see equality

table expression, 3

SQL, 4

table literal, see VALUES

table value, 26, 95, 141

table value constructor (SQL), 95

table variable, 26, 141

“tables and views,” 24, 323-324

tables, rows, and columns, 3

target key, 9, 153

target relvar

assignment, 141

foreign key, 153

tautology, 130, 136, 399

TCLOSE, 256, 409, 486

teddy bear, 171

temporal data, 486

THE_operator, 47, 283-285

“the same,” 132, 138

theorem (database), 160

theorem (logic), 373

theory, 471-473

theory is practical, xiii

Third Manifesto, 26, 77, 247, 271, 277, 287, 321, 409, 478, 480, 484-485, 488, 529, 542-543

third normal form, 167

three-valued logic, 120

truth tables, 121

TIMES, 183-184

Todd, Stephen, 545

total database constraint, 303

total relvar constraint, 303

transaction, 295-296

transition constraint, see constraint

transitive closure, 254-256

TransRelationalTM Model, 24, 33, 485, 523, 538

“trigger,” 155

triggered action, 144

truth functional completeness, 130, 369

truth table, see two-valued logic; three-valued logic

truth vs. consistency, see consistency

tuple, 7, 81-86

extracting attribute value from, 85

pictured as row, 7, 81

pronunciation, 3

tuple assignment, 58

tuple calculus, 382

tuple comparison, 86, 96-97

tuple constraint, 288

tuple equality, 22, 85-86, 152

TUPLE FROM, 58, 91


tuple heading, see heading

tuple join, 108

tuple literal, see tuple selector

tuple projection, 108

tuple selector, 83-84

tuple type, 83

name, 83

TUPLE type generator, 57

tuple union, 108

tuple value, see tuple

tuple valued attribute, 105

tuple variable, 57, 382

Tutorial D, passim

used in The Third Manifesto, 26

vs. SQL, 174-176

TVA, see tuple valued attribute

two-valued logic, 120

truth tables, 136, 367

type, 6, 41ff

scalar vs. nonscalar, 56-58, 475

types are disjoint, 52

user vs. system defined, 42

vs. physical representation, 53

vs. possible representation, see possible representation

vs. relation, see relation

type constraint, 281, 282-287

checked on selector invocation, 285

not in SQL, 286, 311-312

type constructor, 74

type error, 47

type generator, 57

CHAR, 59


ROW, 65


type inheritance, 52, 286, 287, 321

type template, 74

“typed table,” 66-67

U_operators, 487

Uhren, Thomas, xvi


union, 12, 187-188

disjoint, see D_UNION

n-adic, 189

SQL, 187-189, 477-478, 492

with coercion, 62

UNIQUE (quantifier), 391-392

SQL analog, see UNIQUE (SQL)

vs. COUNT, 395

UNIQUE (SQL), 138, 151, 290-291, 392-394, 430-431


uniqueness (key), 149

universal quantifier, 375

UNKNOWN, 120, 123, 381

see also coercion


expansion, 253-254, 321-322

via cursor (SQL), 143

update vs. UPDATE, 10

“updating attributes,” 144

“updating tuples,” 143-144

updating views, see view

value, 27

can’t be updated, 27

vs. variable, 27

value unknown, 9, 120

VALUES, 95, 98, 108

variable, 27

can be updated, 27

vs. value, 27

vertical decomposition, see decomposition

view, 23, 233

“materialized,” see snapshot

retrieval, 329-331

two different purposes, 349

updating, 336-349

view constraint, 331-336

view defining expression, 324

view predicate, 328-329

violate (constraint), 282

virtual relation, 23

virtual relvar, see view see also virtual relation

Voorhis, Dave, 529, 547

Webber, Jim, 523

Wegner, Peter, 41

Weikum, Gerhard, 533

“what if,” 252-254

Where Bugs Go, 111, 141

“where used,” 256

WITH, 191-192, 423

SQL, 192-193

WITH CHECK OPTION, 325, 341-342

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 21, 233, 363

Wong, E., 545

Wright, Andrew, 72

wrong answers, 123, 128, 381, 419

XML, 51, 52, 53, 276, 477, 522

XPath, 53, 522

XQuery, 53, 522


XUNION, see exclusive union

Zdonik, Stanley, 468

Zloof, Moshé, 547

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