There Are No Limits!

You have the skills and the ability right now to sell and earn twice as much as you are earning today, and probably much, much more. It has been said that “your attitude, more than your aptitude, determines your altitude.”

If you want to become physically fit, you engage in physical exercise each day. If you want to become mentally fit, you engage in certain mental exercises each day as well. There are seven things you can do to motivate yourself and to keep yourself performing at your best all day long. Here they are.

Be the Best

Make a decision to become excellent in the field of selling. Resolve to pay any price, make any sacrifice, invest any amount of time necessary, for as long as it takes, to get into the top 10 percent or 20 percent of income earners in your field.

The main reason that people don’t get into the top 10 percent in selling is because they never make a decision to do it. They think about it and dream about it and wish that they were up there earning the big money, but they never make a do-or-die decision that they are going to pay whatever price is necessary to excel in the field of selling.

The good news is that all sales skills are learnable. You can learn any skill you need to learn to achieve any sales goals you can set for yourself. There are no limits.

Learn the Key Skill

Identify your limiting skill to greater success in selling. Imagine you could wave a magic wand and, overnight, become absolutely excellent in any one skill in the field of selling. What one skill, if you were absolutely excellent at it, would help you the most to increase your sales and income?

The fact is that you could be only one skill away from doubling your income and becoming one of the highest-paid people in your industry. And when you answer this question, you’ll probably know what that skill might be.

Get Around Winners

Associate with positive people most of the time. Your choice of the people that you associate with at work, after work, and during evenings and weekends will have an enormous impact on your impact, your personality, and your level of achievement.

Preserve Your Health and Energy

Take excellent care of your physical health. People live longer and live better today than at any other time in human history. And most of what you do with your health is entirely under your control.

Improve Your Mental Pictures

Practice positive visualization: See yourself as the very best in your field. Remember that the person you see on the inside is the person you will eventually be on the outside. All improvement in your results on the outside begins with an improvement in your mental pictures on the inside. When you visualize yourself as confident, positive, and absolutely excellent in your field, your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions will express that mental picture in everything you do.

Speak Positively to Yourself

Talk to yourself positively. Control your inner dialogue. Fully 95 percent of your emotions are determined by the way you talk to yourself as you go through your day. Positive, happy people talk to themselves in a positive and constructive way.

Take Continuous Action

Become intensely action-oriented in everything you do. As Einstein said, “Nothing happens until something moves.”

Well, in sales, nothing happens until you move as well. Start earlier. Work harder. Stay longer.

Get going. Get busy. Move fast. Increase your speed and rate of activity.

Remember, the faster you move, the more people you see. The more people you see, the more sales you will make. The more sales you make, the more income you will earn. The more income you earn, the more motivated you will be to see even more people, make more sales, and earn even higher income.

When you begin practicing these ideas, hour by hour, day in and day out, nonstop, relentlessly, your sales will go up and up and up. Within a few months or even a few weeks, you will become one of the most successful and highest-paid people in your field. And I hope you do.

There are no limits!


1. Resolve today to engage in one continuous activity that will make you excellent in your chosen field of sales.

2. Practice one activity, such as visualization, affirmation, or continuous action, that will help you stay positive and motivated throughout the selling day.

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