
Note: Page numbers in bold indicate tables; those in italics indicate figures.

ABFT (algorithm-based fault tolerance), 580, 748750

ABORT mode in FT-MPI, 746

AC (autonomic computing) systems, 438

accelerated processing units (APUs), 593, 594, 595, 607


and CPUs, 709

and DAGuE engine, 707709, 708, 721722,

and GPUs, 708709, 721722

hardware, 63

ACS (adaptive compression service), 352353, 352

A/D (analog-to-digital) converters, 636

adaptive compression algorithm, 344, 350, 352363

adaptive compression service, 352353, 352

information collection, 357

node state determination, 357359, 360

performance evaluations, 360362, 361, 362,

queueing model, 353357, 353, 356

adaptive compression service (ACS), 352353, 352

adaptive dynamic loop scheduling algorithms, 441

addition-based distributed algorithms for connected dominating sets, 1112

ADLB (asynchronous dynamic load balancing library), 771772

advanced anonymization technique for cloud computing, 287288

aerospace applications of embedded systems, 632

affinity-based partitioning approaches, 527, 528

aggregation patterns, 172, 173, 173, 174, 175, 178181, 180181, 182

algorithm overhead, 10

algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT), 580, 748750

Amazon product recommendation algorithm, 474, 488

AMD Magny-Cours-based system, 432434, 433

AMD Phenom II processor, 6566

AMG benchmark, 164, 164, 166167, 168, 168, 169, 170, 171

analog-to-digital (A/D) converters, 636 Android, 152

APM (automatic path migration), 741742

Apple, 153

application deployment in runtime environments, 566567, 571572

scalability, 575576, 576

topology, 573, 574

application kernels, 689, 691, 691, 691692, 693, 694, 695, 695

application software in embedded systems, 638

application start-up in communication infrastructure, 568

application-based fault resilience, 738, 748753, 751

application-level checkpointing, 750753, 751

application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) in embedded systems, 635, 636

APUs (accelerated processing units), 593, 594, 595, 607

ARM, 149, 152

Arnoldi algorithm, 480

Array Building Blocks, 70

array copying, 259‒260, 260

ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits) in embedded systems, 635, 636

asset custodian in cloud computing, 279

asset owner in cloud computing, 279

associative maps in POET, 266

asynchronous dynamic load balancing library (ADLB), 771772

atomic blocks, 72, 773

augmented cubes, diagnosability of, 120122, 120, 121

automatic fault tolerance, 579

automatic path migration (APM), 741742

automotive applications of embedded systems, 633634

autonomic computing (AC) systems, 438

autonomous embedded systems, 631

bandwidth allocation protocol (divide and 4344, 44

Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), 496, 497, 499, 500, 501, 751

Bayesian networks, 421, 421

BC (branch comparison) binary operator, 407, 408

BCET (best-case execution time), 391

behavior of users, modeling, 471, 472473, 473, 497, 498

best-case execution time (BCET), 391

BGM model for determining diagnosability 9798

biased neighbor selection (BNS), 42

biased unchoking (BU), 4243

big bang simulation, 40

binary trees, 573, 574

binomial graphs, 571, 578

binomial trees, 570, 571, 573, 574, 576

biosensors, 227

bitmap join indexes (BJI), 529, 544545, 545, 546, 547548, 548

BJI (bitmap join indexes), 529, 544545, 545, 546, 547548, 548

BLANK mode in FT-MPI, 746

BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool), 496, 497, 499, 500, 501, 751

block distribution, 214

blocking communication in MPI, 763

blocking coordinated checkpoint protocols, 744

BNS (biased neighbor selection), 42

boundary integral equations, 717

branch comparison (BC) binary operator, 407, 408

branch prediction, 58

Bricks, 780781, 781

Brook, in mobile multicore computing, 151

BU (biased unchoking), 4243

buffered send in MPI, 763

cache hierarchy, 256

cache memory, 58, 6263, 6567


in embedded systems, 637

and search engines, 469

shared, in multicore computing, 6263

CAF (Co-Array Fortran), 765, 767768, 767

call delivery. See terminal paging

call handling models

call plus location update (CPLU) model, 189, 190, 191, 192194, 197199, 201202, 202203, 203, 204205

call without location update (CWLU) model, 189, 190192, 194196, 199202, 202203, 203, 204205

call plus location update (CPLU) model, 189, 190, 191

and location update cost minimization with terminal paging constraint, 197199, 203, 204205

and terminal paging cost minimization with location update constraint, 192194, 201202, 202203

call without location update (CWLU) model, 189, 190192

and location update cost minimization with terminal paging constraint, 199201, 203, 204205

and terminal paging cost minimization with location update constraint, 194196, 201202, 202203

capacity, relationship with reputation, 312316, 312, 313, 314, 315

Catanzaro DSLs, 223

CDS-based topology control, 1012

CDSs. See connected dominating sets

Cell BE (Cell Broadband Engine), 590, 590591

Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE), 590, 590591

central processing units. See CPUs

centralized algorithms for connected dominating sets, 11

centralized approach for service provider selection, 664, 665, 666, 669

CG benchmark, 88, 9293, 92

CGs (computational grids), 395, 397398, 398

Chapel, 7273, 773774

chares, in Charm + + , 748, 769770

Charm + + , 222, 223, 748, 769770


at application-level, 750753, 751

at systems software level, 743745, 743, 748

chip multiprocessors

design space, 129, 129130

iterative procedure, 135136, 136, 138, 139

queuing network modeling, 132136, 133, 136, 139140, 141

simulation tools, 130131, 130, 136139, 140141

testing, 136139, 137, 138139

workload, 128129, 128

chip-kill, 740

chipsets, 148151, 149, 150

chipspare, 740

Cholesky factorization, 728, 729730, 730

chromosomes in genetic algorithms, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 23

CiLK-NOW, 748

circuit satisfiability, 216218, 217, 218, 221

Cisco Metro chip, 75

ClearSpeed CSX700 chip, 7576

cliques, in junction trees, 420, 421, 422, 424, 426, 429430


speed of, 5960

in X10, 773

cloud computing, 12, 277278, 282, 288, 613614

advanced anonymization technique, 287288

computational assets of stakeholders, 278, 279, 280, 282

confidentiality concerns, 277278, 282, 285, 286, 288

consumers, 279, 279, 282

efficiency, 282283

expenses related to, 626

growth prediction, 620625

and image processing, 285286

integrity of output, 282

and matrix multiplication, 281285, 282

privacy concerns, 277, 278, 280, 286, 288

providers, 279, 279, 282

and query processing on relational databases, 286288, 287, 287

server placement, 614620, 615

standards for, 23

Cloud@home, 367368

cluster storage subsystems, 325326, 325

cluster-based gossip protocols, 37

clusters, 9, 9, 397398, 398

CMPs. See chip multiprocessors

Co-Array Fortran (CAF), 765, 767768, 767

code encapsulation, 644

code generation, 639

code integration, 644

code templates in POET, 266

coding, multi-instantiation of, 535, 535

collective/group communications, 569, 764765

collusion, 292, 299, 300, 309, 310, 311

communication infrastructure in runtime environments, 566570, 575, 576

communication processors (CPs), organization of, 127, 127

communication-computation operations in MPI, 764765

communication-induced checkpoint protocols, 744745

communication-only in MPI, 764

communicators in MPI, 762

comparison algorithms BLAST, 496, 497, 499, 500, 501

comparative analysis of, 498499, 499, 499500, 501

Dice coefficient, 487488, 499, 500, 501

FASTA, 496, 497, 499, 501

Hamming distance, 489, 499, 500, 501

Jaccard similarity coefficient, 486487, 488, 489, 499, 499, 501

Levenshtein distance, 490492, 491, 497, 499, 500, 501

Monge-Elkan algorithm, 496497, 499, 501

Needleman-Wunsch algorithm, 492494, 493, 494, 497, 499, 500, 501

Smith-Waterman algorithm, 494495, 495, 496, 497, 499, 501

Tanimoto coefficient, 487, 489, 499, 500, 501

vector cosine, 483484, 484, 486487, 489, 499, 499, 501

Wagner-Fisher algorithm, 490491, 491, 495497, 499, 501

comparison diagnosis model for determining diagnosability, 97, 98, 101, 101

comparison schemes, 101, 101

complete checkpointing, 745

component implementation in embedded systems design, 639

component test/validation in embedded systems design, 639

composite partitioning, 530

composition plan in service composition framework, 662, 669670

compression, 344, 345, 362363

algorithms, 344, 345346, 346, 347, 347, 350, 352363, 352, 353, 356, 360, 361, 362

effect, 348350, 349, 351

Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm, 344, 345346, 346, 347, 347, 352

lossy/lossless, 345

no-compression scheme, 348, 350, 360362, 361, 362

packet delay, 348350, 349, 351, 358359

packet generation rate, 349, 350, 351 ratio, 344

scheme, 348, 350, 360362, 361, 362

in sensor nodes, 345

threshold rate, 350, 351

computation model in parallel programming models, 760

computation reordering, 257259, 258

computational grids (CGs), 395, 397398, 398

computational models in cloud computing, 280

Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA), 84, 151, 595598, 597, 599.

See also MPI + CUDA hybrid programming pattern; MPI + OpenMP/ CUDA hybrid programming pattern

computed output data in cloud computing, 280

concurrent CPU cores, 256

concurrent itinerary structures, 515, 515516

confidentiality concerns in cloud computing, 277278, 282, 285, 286, 288

connected dominating sets (CDSs), 9, 1011

algorithms for, 1012

CDS-based topology control, 1012

reliability, 14, 16, 17, 2122, 26, 27

See also reliable minimum-sized

connected dominating sets

connectivity, 9, 10, 9899

constant memory, 601, 601

content pollution, 294295

CoolStreaming mesh-pull overlay, 34

CoopNet multiple-tree streaming, 33

coordinated checkpoint protocols, 744

coordinated fault tolerance protocols, 579

Core i7 processor, 65

Core2Duo architecture, 256, 256


addition of in mobile multicore computing, 154

cost per core, 626

identical, 6364

in GPUs, 591592

correction schemes in genetic operations, 25

cosimulation, 644

cost optimization, 185190, 202, 206

location management, 185186, 187, 187191, 188

location update cost minimization with terminal paging constraint, 196201, 203, 204205

for single user, 190192

terminal paging cost minimization with location update constraint, 192196, 201202, 202203

trade-off between location update cost and terminal paging cost, 186

cost-based horizontal partitioning approaches, 527, 528

CPLU model. See call plus location update model

CPs (communication processors), organization of, 127, 127

CPSs (cyberphysical systems), 632

CPU/GPU systems, 8182

fused, 593, 594, 595

hybrid implementations, 8789

and legacy code, 82

programming models for, 8384

scalable programming patterns for, 8486

separate, 593, 594

TianHe-1A supercomputer, 8283, 83

workload distribution, 8687, 90, 9091, 91

See also CPUs; GPUs

CPUs (central processing units)

and accelerators, 709

memory types, 602, 602

See also CPU/GPU systems

CRCs (cyclic-redundancy checks), 741

Credence reputation management system, 294

crossed cubes, diagnosability of, 111, 111112

CSX700 chip, 7576

CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), 84, 151, 595598, 597, 599

See also MPI + CUDA hybrid programming pattern;

MPI + OpenMP/ CUDA hybrid programming pattern

cumulative objective function and scheduling, 401402

customized virtual clusters (CVCs), 367, 369, 370

CVCs (customized virtual clusters), 367, 369, 370

CWLU model. See call without location update model

CX (cycle crossover method) in combinatorial optimization problems, 403

cyberphysical systems (CPSs), 632

cycle crossover (CX) method in combinatorial optimization problems, 403

cyclic distribution, 214

cyclic-redundancy checks (CRCs), 741

D/A (digital-to-analog) converters, 637

DAC (divide and conquer) bandwidth allocation protocol, 4344, 44

DLS (dynamic loop scheduling) algorithms, 438, 440, 441, 444445.

See also DLS-with-RL approach to load balancing

DLS-with-RL approach to load balancing, 439, 444455, 446, 447, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 462463

application component, 448

experimental setup/results, 455462, 456, 457, 459, 460

RL component, 448449

scheduling component, 448

DM (deadline monotonic) algorithm, 388

DNM (deterministic network model), 1213

domain values, decomposition of, 531532, 531, 533, 533

domain-specific languages (DSLs), 212213, 212, 223

dominatees, 10

dominating sets (DSs), 89, 8, 238239

dominators, 10

DORMQR in QR factorization, 719

double-precision computations and VOCL, 692, 694, 695, 695

DPLASMA, 701, 718725, 720721, 723, 724.

See also DAGuE engine;PLASMA

DPnDP (Design Patterns and Distributed Process), 222, 223

DRAM, 739

DSI (distributed spatial index), 510

DSLs (domain-specific languages), 212213, 212, 223

DSs (dominating sets), 89, 8, 238239

DSSMQR in QR factorization, 719

DTSQRT in QR factorization, 719

DVFS. See dynamic voltage and frequency scaling

dynamic bandwidth auctions, 43, 45

dynamic concurrency throttling (DCT), 159160, 164165, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171

dynamic loop scheduling (DLS) algorithms, 438, 440, 441, 444445.

See also DLS-with-RL approach to load balancing

dynamic scheduling, 400, 408, 409, 410, 413, 414, 416, 416

dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS)

in mobile multicore computing, 147148, 149150

in MPI/OpenMP model, 159160, 161, 165166, 168, 169, 170, 171

dynamic-priority scheduling algorithms, 388

ECCs (error correction codes), 739740

EcoGrid, 787, 787788

ECUs (electronic control units), 633634

edge costs in task aggregation, 176177

efficient overlay construction, 47

EIB (element interconnect bus) in Cell CBE, 590, 591

EigenTrust reputation management system, 292293

electronic control units (ECUs), 633634

element interconnect bus (EIB) in Cell CBE, 590, 591

elitist generational replacement method, 403

embarrassingly parallel pattern, 216

embedded computing research initiatives in

mobile multicore computing, 153

embedded operating systems (EOSs), 637638

embedded systems, 34, 629630

applications, 631634

autonomous, 631

caches in, 637

hardware, 634637, 635

modeling of, 631, 638644, 640, 654655

multiunit, 629630, 646

design phases, 638639

scalability of, 630631, 645, 646

scale-out/scale-up, 630

single-unit, 629, 645

software, 634635, 635, 637638

verification, 646

See also wireless sensor networks

empirical tuning, 262263, 263, 264265, 265, 265272, 268, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 272

energy consumption. See power consumption

energy stretch factor and topology control, 10

environment partitioning, 670

Environment-Specific Service (ESS) in ORTE, 586

EOSs (embedded operating systems), 637638

EP benchmark, 8788, 92, 92

ERRMGR (Error Manager) in ORTE, 585

error correction codes (ECCs), 739740

error detection, 739740

Error Manager (ERRMGR) in ORTE, 585

error return handling, 687

ESRT (event-to-sink reliable transport), 245

ESS (Environment-Specific Service) in ORTE, 586

ETC (expected time to compute) matrix model, 399

event-to-sink reliable transport (ESRT), 245

evidence collection, 422, 424425, 430

evidence distribution, 422, 424425, 430

evidence propagation, 422, 423, 424425, 430

exact inference, 420, 421422, 421, 424, 425

pointer-jumping-based. See pointer jumping

scheduling-based (SEI), 429, 430433, 431433

execution time, 391392, 393

expected time to compute (ETC) matrix model, 399

explicit parallelization, 210211, 222224

and MPI, 210211

and FraSPA, 211219, 212, 214215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 221222, 223224

exponential failure law, 235

extended ECC, 740

factorization algorithms, 716718

fail-stop failure model, 577, 749

FASTA algorithm, 496, 497, 499, 501

fault diagnosis, 97, 122. See also diagnosability

fault tolerance

algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT), 580, 748750

automatic fault tolerance, 579

in density-aware itinerary-based KNN, 517

and hexagonal 1-fault-tolerant model, 232, 233, 234, 234235

and minimum coverage model, 234, 234, 235

and pivot routing, 238244, 243

probability to function, 234235

in runtime environments, 577581, 581, 585

and square 1-fault-tolerant model, 232233, 232, 234, 234, 235

in wireless sensor networks, 228, 231233 232, 234, 234235, 238244, 243, 647654, 648650

fault-resilience techniques, 737, 753

algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT), 580, 748750

application-based resilience, 738, 748753, 751

checkpointing, 743745, 743, 748, 750753, 751

cyclic-redundancy checks (CRCs), 741

error correction codes (ECCs), 739740

error detection, 739740

fail-stop fault recovery, 749

hardware resilience, 737743, 753

nonstop hot-replacement-based fault

recovery, 749750

reliability, 741

software resilience, 738, 743748, 743, 753

fault-resilient application environment, 4

fault-tolerant message-passing interface (FT-MPI), 579, 746

FCFS (first come, first served) memory, 133, 133

Fibonacci trees, 570, 571, 578

field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), 636637

file fragmentation/allocation, 321322, 324325, 326, 327328, 328, 339

fine-grained reputation system (Zhang/Fang), 306307

first come, first served (FCFS) memory, 133, 133


and genetic algorithms, 17, 18, 2123, 23

and scheduling, 399, 401402, 410, 411413

fixed-priority scheduling algorithms, 388

flash memory, 637

flat membership protocol, 36, 37, 38

FlexRay communication standard, 634

flowtime, 401, 402, 410, 414, 415, 416, 416

folded hypercubes, diagnosability of, 119120, 119

Fortress, 774

FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays), 636637

Framework for Synthesizing Parallel Applications. See FraSPA

FraSPA (Framework for Synthesizing Parallel Applications), 211213, 212, 215216, 216, 221222, 223224

circuit satisfiability, 216218, 217, 218, 221

data mapping in, 214

design templates in, 213

and DSLs, 212213, 212

evaluation/experimental setup, 218219

and explicit parallelization, 211219, 212, 214215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 221222, 223224

and High-Level Parallelization Language (Hi-PaL), 212213, 212, 214215, 214, 215, 217, 217, 219

and hooks, 213214

and Mandelbrot set, 218, 219, 220, 221

and MPI, 211

patterns in, 216

results/analysis, 219, 221, 221

rule generator, 212, 213

source-to-source compiler (SSC), 212, 212, 213


and MPI/OpenMP model, 161162, 165166

scaling, 5960

FT-MPI (fault-tolerant message-passing interface), 579, 746

fused CPU/GPU systems, 593, 594, 595

FuzzyTrust reputation management system, 294

GA (Global Arrays), 765, 768769

GA + TS hybrid grid scheduler, 396, 404406, 405, 414, 414, 415, 415, 416, 416, 417

GA scheduler. See single-population genetic schedulers

GA-CX-S-SS algorithm, 410, 410412, 411413, 414, 415, 415, 416, 416

game theory, 45, 48

and efficient overlay construction, 47

and incentive scheme design, 4546

and selfish overlay construction, 4647

GangSim, 784785, 785

GAs. See genetic algorithms

generalized bound, 390392, 393

generalized cubes, diagnosability of, 115116, 115, 116

general-purpose graphics processing units.See GPGPUs

generic programming, 73

genes in genetic algorithms, 17, 19

genetic algorithm and tabu search hybrid grid scheduler. See GA + TS hybrid grid scheduler

genetic algorithms, 13, 1718

chromosomes in, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 23

crossover operation, 18, 2325, 24

and fitness, 17, 18, 2123, 23

genes in, 17, 19

and genetic diversity, 19, 21

inheritance population initialization (IPI), 1921, 20

mutation operation, 18, 2324, 25, 25

performance evaluation, 2627, 26, 27

recombination in, 18

and reliable minimum-sized connected dominating set, 13, 1415, 1728, 18, 20, 23, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

replacement in, 18, 2526

reproduction in, 17, 2223

selection scheme, 2223, 23, 23

geographically scalable systems, 630

GFMC (Green's function Monte Carlo), 752753

global alignment, 492494, 493, 494, 497

Global Arrays (GA), 765, 768769

global memory, 601, 601602, 604, 605

global network positioning (GNP), 3940

global partitioned indexes, 530531

global variables in POET, 266

GNP (global network positioning), 3940

Google, 152, 469, 469, 480

gossip protocols, 36, 48

cluster-based, 37

HiScamp, 37

Scamp, 3637

system reliability of, 36

GossipTrust reputation management system, 295296

GPGPUs (general-purpose graphics processing units),

147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154155, 675. See also GPUs

GPU computing, 595596, 605607, 606607

GPUs (graphics processing units), 591593, 592, 595, 607, 675, 696697

and accelerators, 708709, 721722

cores in, 591592

fused CPU/GPU systems, 593, 594, 595

memory, 593, 600602, 601, 677


scalability of applications, 8182, 94

separate CPU/GPU systems, 593, 594

virtualization, 675676, 696

See also CPU/GPU systems; GPGPUs; GPU computing; VOCL

graph metrics and topology control, 10

graphics processing units. See GPUs

Green's function Monte Carlo (GFMC), 752753

grid simulation tools

Bricks, 780781, 781

EcoGrid, 787, 787788

GangSim, 784785, 785

GridNet, 788, 789

GridSim, 783, 783784, 784

MicroGrid, 781, 782

MONARC, 785786, 786

Opportunistic Grid Simulation Tool (OGST), 788789, 790

OptorSim, 786787, 787

Schelling Manager (SchMng), 789790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795

SimGrid, 781782, 782

SimJava, 779780, 780

Grid Uniandes Management Application(GUMA), 370

GridNet, 788, 789

grids, 777778. See also opportunistic grids

GridSim, 783, 783784, 784

Group Communications (GRPCOMM) framework, in ORTE, 586

growth prediction in cloud computing, 620625

GRPCOMM (Group Communications) framework, in ORTE, 586

GUMA (Grid Uniandes Management Application), 370

Habanero, 7374

Hamming distance, 489, 499, 500, 501

hard memory errors, 739

hard real-time systems, 387388

hardware accelerators, 63

hardware fault resilience, 737738, 753

memory resilience, 738740

network resilience, 740742

processor resilience, 738

storage resilience, 742743

hardware/software (HW/SW) partitioning, 639


heartbeat failure detection, 577578

heterogeneous computing, 589590, 595

APUs (accelerated processing units), 593, 594, 595

Cell BE (Cell Broadband Engine), 590, 590591

and CUDA, 595598, 597, 599

fused CPU/GPU systems, 593, 594, 595

GPUs, 591593, 592

and OpenCL, 598, 599

separate CPU/GPU systems, 593, 594

vulnerabilities, 322, 324, 327328, 328, 339

heterogeneous overlay construction and video streaming, 35, 3739

hexagonal cell structure for wireless networks, 187, 187

hexagonal 1-fault-tolerant model, 232, 233, 234, 234235, 237

HGS (hierarchic genetic strategy) model, 396

HGS-Sched (hierarchic genetic strategyscheduler), 396, 406408, 406, 412, 413, 414, 415, 415, 416, 416, 417

hierarchic genetic strategy (HGS) model, 396

hierarchic genetic strategy scheduler. See HGS-Sched

hierarchical membership protocol, 36, 37, 38

hierarchical software engineering, 4

High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) program, 772

high-dimensional problem sets, 34

High-Level Parallelization Language (Hi-PaL), 212213, 212, 214215, 214, 215, 217, 217, 219

highly dynamic problem sets, 34

high-performance computing (HPC), 209210

high-productivity parallel programming models, 772

Chapel, 7273, 773774

Fortress, 774

X10, 72, 772773

hill climbing algorithm, 538, 542, 542, 543, 549550, 549, 550, 551, 551

merge operations, 540542, 541

random distribution, 540, 549, 549, 550

vs. simulated annealing algorithm, 552, 552553, 553

split operations, 540541, 541, 542

uniform distribution, 538539, 539, 549, 549, 550

and Zipf distribution, 539540, 539540, 549, 549, 550

Hi-PaL. See High-Level Parallelization Language

HiScamp gossip protocol, 37

homomorphic encryption, 283

honest players reputation management system, 302303

hooks, 213214

hop stretch factor and topology control, 910

horizontal partitioning (HP), 524527, 559560

and bitmap join indexes, 529, 544545, 545, 546, 547548, 548, 553, 554

data mining-based approaches, 527, 528

and decomposition of domain values, 531532, 531, 533, 533

experimental studies, 549553, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554

fragmentation methodology, 532535, 533, 534

and hill climbing algorithm, 538542, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 549550, 549, 550, 551, 551, 552, 553

and index fragmentation, 530531

and interval composite mode, 530

one-domain HP problem, 535538

in Oracle, 529531, 529

physical design simulator tool (SimulPh.D), 553556, 555, 556558, 558559, 560

and simulated annealing algorithm, 543, 543, 550553, 551, 552, 553

threshold-based approaches, 527, 527, 528

unconstrained approaches, 527528, 527

HP. See horizontal partitioning

HPC (high-performance computing), 209210

HPCS (High Productivity Computing Systems) program, 772

HP-Palm, 153

H-Trust reputation management system, 296297

HW/SW codesign, 634635

hybrid approach for service provider selection, 666, 667668

hybrid genetic-based metaheuristic models, 404. See also GA + TS hybrid grid scheduler

hybrid implementations of CPU/GPU systems, 8789

hybrid programming models, 158159, 760. See also MPI/OpenMP model

hypercubes, diagnosability of, 110111, 111, 119120, 119

hyper-Petersen networks, diagnosability of, 118119, 118

IBM POWER7 processor, 66

IEEE standards, 23

ILP (instruction-level parallelism), 58

image processing in cloud computing, 285286

implicit parallelization, 210

incentive scheme design, 4546

incremental checkpointing, 745

index fragmentation, 530531

indistinguishable sets, 102

information collection in adaptive compression algorithm, 357

infrastructure-based KNN queries, 508

DSI (distributed spatial index), 510

KNN perimeter tree (KPT), 511, 511

peer-to-peer indexing structure, 509510, 510

infrastructure-free KNN queries, 508, 511

density-aware itinerary-based KNN (DIKNN), 516517

itinerary-based, 511520, 512515, 518

parallel concentric-circle itinerary-based KNN (PCIKNN), 518519, 518

inheritance population initialization (IPI), 1921, 20

in-network approach to k-nearest neighbor query processing, 508, 508509

infrastructure-based methods, 508, 509511, 510, 511

infrastructure-free methods, 508, 511519, 512515, 518

input data in cloud computing, 280

Input/Output Forwarding (IOF) Service, in ORTE, 586

instruction-level parallelism (ILP), 58

instructions per cycle (IPC) in task aggregation, 174175

Intel Array Building Blocks, 70

Intel Core i7 processor, 65

Intel Core2Duo architecture, 256, 256

Intel QuickPath Interconnect (QPI), 64

Intel Single-Chip Cloud Computer, 76

Intel Teraflops Research Chip, 60, 7677

Intel Threading Building Blocks, 7071

intelligent adversaries, 316

interactive embedded system, 629

interoverlay cooperation, 3536, 4345, 43, 44

interoverlay optimization (IOO), 42

interval composite mode and horizontal partitioning, 530

interval partitioning, 530

intrusion detection/tolerance, 323

inverse Zipf distribution, 539, 540, 549, 549, 550

IOF (Input/Output Forwarding) Service, in ORTE, 586

IOO (interoverlay optimization), 42

IPC (instructions per cycle) in taskaggregation, 174175

IPI (inheritance population initialization), 1921, 20

IRS benchmark, and MPI/OpenMP model, 166167, 167, 169, 170, 171

itinerary-based infrastructure-free KNN queries, 511516, 512515, 519520

concurrent structures, 515, 515516

DIKNN (density-aware itinerary-based KNN), 516517

KNN boundary estimation phase, 512, 512, 516, 518, 519

PCIKNN (parallel concentric-circleitinerary-based KNN), 518519, 518

query dissemination/data collection phase, 512, 512515, 513515, 517

routing phase, 512, 512, 516

Jaccard similarity coefficient, 486487, 488, 489, 499, 499, 501

Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence, 486

Job Data Flow (JDF) in DAGuE engine, 709712, 709, 710, 719720, 720721, 725, 726

job scheduling. See scheduling

JS (Jensen-Shannon) divergence, 486

junction trees, 420435, 421, 428, 432

k-ary sibling trees, 578, 580

k-ary trees, 570, 573, 578

k-dominating sets, 238

kernel argument caching, 684

kernel code in OpenCL, 604605, 607609

kernel execution in VOCL, 688

kernel-level threads, 69

kernels, 677

k-fold cover t-sets, 239244, 243, 250

k-fold dominating sets, 238239, 250

k-fold pivot routing, 238244, 243

KL (Kullback‒Leibler) divergence, 484486

K-means algorithm, 528

k-nearest neighbor, 474476, 475

centralized, 508, 508

and distance, 474475

in mobile sensor networks, 507508, 519520

in-network approach, 508, 508520, 510515, 518

KNN. See k-nearest neighbor

KNN perimeter tree (KPT), 511, 511

KNNB algorithm, 516, 517

KPT (KNN perimeter tree), 511, 511

Kullback‒Leibler (KL) divergence, 484486

Lanczos algorithm, 480

latency, 630

latent semantic indexing (LSI), 485486

leaf nodes, in video streaming, 31, 33

legacy code and CPU/GPU systems, 82

Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm, 344, 345346, 346, 347, 347, 352

Levenshtein distance, 490492, 491, 497, 499, 500, 501

linear ranking method in combinatorial optimization problems, 403

link quality index (LQI), 15

list partitioning, 530

LJFR-SJFR (longest job to fastest resource-shortest job to fastest resource) method, 403

load balancing, 438

DLS-with-RL approach to, 439, 444463, 446, 447, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 456, 457, 459, 460

and dynamic loop scheduling algorithms, 438, 440, 441

and reinforcement learning, 439, 444445

load imbalance, 437438, 439440

load-scalable systems, 630

local alignment, 494495, 495, 496, 497

local computation in mobile computing, 145146, 146

local memory, 601, 601, 604, 605, 608609

local partitioned indexes, 530531

local storage and many-core architectures, 7475

local variables in POET, 266

locales in Chapel, 7273

locality-aware overlay construction, 4243

locality-aware programming in Chapel, 73

localized approach for service provider selection, 667, 668, 669, 671

locally twisted cubes, diagnosability of, 114115, 115

location management, 185186, 187, 187191, 188

location registration. See location update

location update, 185186, 188189

location update cost minimization with terminal paging constraint, 196201, 203, 204205

terminal paging cost minimization with location update constraint, 192196, 201202, 202203

location-aware topology matching (LTM), 42

log-based checkpoint protocols, 745

longest job to fastest resource-shortest job to fastest resource (LJFR-SJFR) method, 403

longevity, relationship with reputation, 312316, 312, 313, 314, 315

longwave radiation process. See RRTM_LW scheme

loop blocking, 258, 258

loop fusion, 257, 258

loop interchange, 257, 258

loop parallelization, 258, 258259

loop scheduling algorithms, 438, 440, 441, 444445

loop unroll&jam, 258, 259

loop unrolling, 258, 259

loop-invariant code motion, 261, 262

lossy links, 13

lossy/lossless compression, 345

LQI (link quality index), 15

LSI (latent semantic indexing), 485486

LTM (location-aware topology matching), 42

LU factorization, 728

LZW algorithm. See Lempel-Ziv-Welchalgorithm

machine learning, 441442

reinforcement learning, 439, 442445, 443

supervised learning, 442

unsupervised learning, 442

makespan, 400401, 402, 410, 414, 415, 416, 416

manager-worker pattern, 216

Mandelbrot set and FraSPA, 218, 219, 220, 221

many-core computing, 5560, 57, 7477. See also multicore computing

MapReduce, 223

MAP3S, 222223

Markov models, 235, 236, 236, 237, 472473, 643

master, in Green's function Monte Carlo, 752

master-worker strategy in loop scheduling algorithms, 455

matching, 99

matrix computations and decomposition, 717718

matrix multiplication in cloud computing, 281285, 282

matrix transpose application kernel, 689, 691, 691, 691692, 693, 695, 695

Maze P2P file-sharing system, 299

MBRs (minimum bounding rectangles) in peer-to-peer indexing, 509510

MC (MPI + CUDA) hybrid programming pattern, 8485, 85

MCDSs (minimum connected dominating sets), 1011, 13

MCT (minimum completion time) heuristics, 403

mean time to failure (MTTF), 649, 650, 651653, 651653

medical applications of embedded systems, 632633

membership management protocols for random overlay construction, 3637, 38

memory, 58, 6263

in AMD Phenom II processor, 65

errors, 738739

fault resilience, 738740

in IBM POWER7 processor, 66

in Intel Core i7 processor, 65

in Intel Single-Chip Cloud Computer, 76

levels, 62

in many-core architectures, 74

in Oracle SPARC T3 processor, 6667

scrubbing, 740

and Sequoia programming model, 71

in Sony/IBM/Toshiba Cell BE processor, 67

subsystems, 637

merge operations and hill climbing algorithm, 540542, 541

Meridian proximity-aware overlay construction scheme, 4041, 41

mesh cell structure for wireless networks, 187, 188

mesh overlay structure in video streaming, 32, 3334, 35

mesh pattern, 216

message-logging fault tolerance protocols, 579

Message-Passing Interface. See MPI

Metro chip, 75

MicroGrid, 781, 782

microprocessors, 5556

Microsoft, 153

middleware, 638

minimum bounding rectangles (MBRs) in peer-to-peer indexing, 509510

minimum completion time (MCT) heuristics, 403

minimum connected dominating sets (MCDSs), 1011, 13

minimum coverage model, 234, 234, 235, 236, 236

minterm generation-based partitioning approaches, 527, 527

MM model for determining diagnosability, 97, 98, 101, 101

MM* model for determining diagnosability,

98, 101103, 101, 102, 103, 105110, 106, 107, 109, 110, 120, 122

MMC. See mobile multicore computing

mobile multicore computing, 145147, 154155

and ARM, 149, 152

chipsets, 148151, 149, 150

company-specific initiatives, 152153

cores, addition of, 154

dynamic voltage frequency scaling in, 147148, 149150

and embedded computing research initiatives, 153

GPGPUs in, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154155

multitasking applications, 148, 150151, 152, 153

and OpenCL, 151, 152

power scaling, 147148, 150151, 152, 153

software-driven energy efficiency, 153154, 154

streaming languages, 151152

mobile sensor networks, 507520, 508, 510515, 518

mobility issues in density-aware itinerary-based KNN, 517

Möbius cubes, diagnosability of, 112, 113

MOC (MPI + OpenMP/CUDA) hybrid programming pattern, 85, 8586

model encapsulation, 644

model translation, 644


of embedded systems, 631, 638644, 640, 654655

multiparadigm, 643

of user behavior, 471, 472473, 473, 497, 498

models, 638

MONARC, 785786, 786

Monge-Elkan algorithm, 496497, 499, 501

Moore's law, 5759, 57

move mutation in combinatorial optimization problems, 403

movement-based location update, 188

MPD (multipurpose daemons), 578

MPD runtime environment, 582583, 583

MPI (Message-Passing Interface), 68, 70, 8384, 211, 564, 761762

collective/group communication in, 764765

communicators, 762

and DAGuE engine, 722723, 724725

data types, 762

and explicit parallelization, 210211

and FraSPA, 211

ranks, 762

and software fault resilience, 746747

tags, 762

two-sided communication in, 763764

See also MPI/OpenMP model; MPI + CUDA hybrid programming pattern; MPI + OpenMP/CUDA hybrid programming pattern

mpiBLAST, 750752, 751

MPI/OpenMP model, 158160, 159, 160, 182

AMG benchmark, 164, 164, 166167, 168, 168, 169, 170, 171

and dynamic concurrency throttling, 159160, 164165, 164, 168, 169, 170, 171

and dynamic voltage and frequency scaling, 159160, 161, 165166, 168, 169, 170, 171

and frequency, 161162, 165166

IRS benchmark, 166167, 167, 169, 170, 171

performance evaluation, 166168, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171

and power consumption, 160, 160162, 168, 170

and profile-driven static mapping, 164165, 164

and THREAD_MASTERONLY model, 158159

time prediction, 162163, 163, 164

MPI + CUDA hybrid programming pattern, 8485, 85

MPI + OpenMP/CUDA (MOC) hybrid programming pattern, 85, 8586

M-to-N models, 69

MTTF (mean time to failure), 649, 650, 651653, 651653

multicore computing, 5560, 57, 77, 157, 181182, 699701, 732733

architecture examples, 6467

and communication efficiency, 700

identical cores, 6364

on-chip interconnection networks, 64

and power consumption, 60, 6566

programming models for, 6774, 77

shared caches, 6263

and simultaneous multithreading, 6162, 61 See also many-core computing

multi-instantiation of coding, 535, 535

multilevel genetic schedulers, 408412, 409414, 415, 414416, 416

multiparadigm modeling, 643

multipurpose daemons (MPD), 578

multiple issue of instructions, 5859

multiple leader distributed algorithms for connected dominating sets, 11, 12

multiple-tree overlay structure in video

streaming, 3132, 33, 35

multitasking, 148, 150151, 152, 153

multiunit embedded systems, 629630, 646

NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPBs), 8788

N-body application kernel, 689, 691, 691, 691692, 693, 695, 695

Needleman-Wunsch algorithm, 492494, 493, 494, 497, 499, 500, 501

neighborhoods of similarity, 472, 473, 474

data sparsity, 479480

k-nearest neighbor model, 474476, 475, 481

SVD (singular value decomposition) model, 476479, 476479, 480481, 481, 498

See also similarity metrics

Netflix, 480

network access time, 468

network coordinate systems, 3940

network fault resilience, 740742

network-aware overlay construction, 35, 3942, 41

networked embedded systems, 629630, 646

network-on-chip (NoC), 645

NoC (network-on-chip), 645

no-compression scheme, 348, 350, 360362, 361, 362

node reputation, time to estimate, 316

node state determination in adaptive compression algorithm, 357359, 360

node-to-node delivery ratio and probabilistic network model, 16

Nokia, 153

nonadaptive dynamic loop scheduling algorithms, 441

nonblocking communication in MPI, 763

nonblocking coordinated checkpoint protocols, 744

nonstop hot-replacement-based fault recovery, 749750

NPBs (NAS Parallel Benchmarks), 8788

NPS network coordinate systems, 40

numerical stability, 479


object-oriented programming in Chapel, 73

ODEs (ordinary differential equations), 641642

ODLS (Open RTE Daemon's Local Launch Subsystem) in ORTE, 585

off-chip memory in GPUs, 593, 677

OGST (Opportunistic Grid SimulationTool), 788789, 790

on-chip memory in GPUs, 677

on-demand approach to connecting processes, 568

(1, 2)-matching composition networks(MCNs), 99, 99, 103105

one-domain HP problem, 535538

one-hop neighborhood and probabilistic network model, 15

1-to-N/1-to-1 models, 69

OOB (out-of-band) messages, 566, 567

OOB framework in ORTE, 585586

Open Computing Language. See OpenCL

Open MPI, 583584, 584

Open RTE Daemon's Local Launch Subsystem (ODLS) in ORTE, 585

OpenCL (Open Computing Language), 598, 599, 602, 677

data partitioning, 599600

kernel code, 604605, 607609

local memory optimization, 604, 605, 608609

memory model, 600, 600

in mobile multicore computing, 151, 152

programming, 602605

threading model, 598599, 599

vectorization, 604605, 609

See also VOCL (virtual OpenCL)

OpenMP phase groups, 159, 159, 160, 161, 165

OpenMP programming model, 70, 84. See also MPI + OpenMP/CUDA hybrid programming pattern

operating systems (OS), 637638

Opportunistic Grid Simulation Tool (OGST), 788789, 790

opportunistic grids, 365366, 367, 382

Cloud@home, 367368

and dedicated clusters, 366

and power consumption, 366, 368369, 372374, 372373, 376380, 377, 377, 378, 378, 379, 380, 380, 382

scalable, 366368

and virtualization, 366, 367, 368, 369370, 382

See also UnaGrid

optimistic logging, 745

OptorSim, 786787, 787


horizontal positioning in, 529531, 529

SPARC T3 processor, 64, 6667

order graphs, 101102, 102

ordinary differential equations (ODEs), 641642

ORTE, 580, 581, 582585, 584

orthogonal matrices, 283284

OS (operating systems), 637638

out-of-band (OOB) messages, 566, 567

output devices in embedded systems, 637

Overcast single-tree streaming, 3233


of algorithm, 10

in VOCL, 682, 683, 683684, 684, 688, 688, 691692, 693694, 696

overlay structures in video streaming construction of, 3445, 38, 41, 43, 44, 4647

multiple-tree, 3132, 33, 35

single tree, 31, 3233, 35

unstructured meshes, 32, 3334, 35

owned test beds, 778

PA (paging area), 188189

packet delay, 348350, 349, 351, 358359

packet distribution game (PDG), 45, 46

packet exchange game (PEG), 4546

packet generation rate, 349, 350, 351

packet waiting time, 356

packets in chip multiprocessors, 127, 128

paging area (PA), 188189, 475

parallel computing, 563565

parallel concentric-circle itinerary-based KNN (PCIKNN), 518519, 518

parallel loop pattern, 216

parallel programming, 209210, 759760, 775

ADLB (asynchronous dynamic load balancing library), 771772

CAF (Co-Array Fortran), 765, 767768, 767

Chapel, 773774

Charm + + , 769770

computation model, 760

data model, 760

distributed-memory model, 564

expression of parallelism, 760761

Fortress, 774

GA (Global Arrays), 765, 768769

high-productivity models, 772774

MPI, 761765

PGAS (partitioned global address space)models, 765769, 765, 767

performance model, 761

Scioto (scalable collections of task objects), 770771

task-parallel models, 769772

UPC (Unified Parallel C), 765766

X10, 772773

ParaMEDIC framework, 751752

parity checking, 739740

partial differential equations (PDEs), 642

partially matched crossover (PMX) method

in combinatorial optimization

problems, 403

partition independence, 524

partitioned global address space models. See PGAS models

partitioning, 524

affinity-based approaches, 527, 528

composite, 530

hardware/software (HW/SW), 639

horizontal. See horizontal partitioning

interval, 530

list, 530

minterm generation-based approaches, 527, 527

range, 529530

virtual column, 530

partition-wise joins, 524

PASIS architecture, 324

payment protocols, 299, 300

P-bound, 390392, 393

PCIKNN (parallel concentric-circle itinerary-based KNN), 518519, 518

PCoord network coordinate systems, 40

PDEs (partial differential equations), 642

PDG (packet distribution game), 45, 46

peer selection, 32, 4749

and game theory, 4547

for overlay construction, 3445, 38, 41, 43, 44, 4647

peer-to-peer indexing structure, 509510, 510

peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, 31, 291

peer-to-peer video streaming systems, 31

peer-tree, 509510, 510

PeerTrust reputation management system, 293

PEG (packet exchange game), 4546

performance compared to scalability, 630

performance model, 761

permutation-based encoding, 402403

persistence-based service recovery method, 669

persistent communication in MPI, 763

Personalized Trust (PET) reputation management system, 296

pervasive computing environments (PvCEs), 659661, 661

dynamicity in, 663

scalability in, 660, 663664, 665, 666670

service composition in. See service composition

pessimistic logging, 745

PET (Personalized Trust) reputation management system, 296

Petri nets, 643

PGAS (partitioned global address space) models, 564, 765, 765

CAF (Co-Array Fortran), 765, 767768, 767

GA (Global Arrays), 765, 768769

UPC (Unified Parallel C), 765766

Phenom II processor, 6566

physical design simulator tool (SimulPh.D), 553556, 555, 556558, 558559, 560

PIC network coordinate systems, 40

pipeline pattern, 216

pipelines, 58

pivot routing, 238244, 243, 250

places, in X10 programming model, 72

PLASMA, 712, 713, 718725, 720721, 723, 724. See also DAGuE engine; DPLASMA

PLM (Process Life Cycle Management), in ORTE, 585

PMC model for determining diagnosability,

97, 100101, 100, 103105, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117119, 120121

PMs (process managers) in MPD runtime environment, 583

PMX (partially matched crossover) method in combinatorial optimization problems, 403

PNM (probabilistic network model), 13, 1417, 2728

POET, 255, 262263, 263, 264265, 265, 267268, 268, 268, 270, 271272, 272, 272, 273

associative maps, 266

code templates, 266

control flow, 267

correctness of optimized code, 271

lists, 265

parameterized optimizations, 268, 268, 270, 270271, 271

script, 267

tagging input code for optimization, 268, 269, 270

tracing optimizations of input code, 268, 269270, 269, 270

tuples, 266

variables, 266267

xform handles, 266

pointer jumping, 419421, 420, 422, 434

algorithm, 424, 424

and AMD Magny-Cours-based system, 432434, 433

complexity analysis, 424425

and directed acyclic graph (DAG)-structured computations, 427

and exact inference, 420, 421422, 421, 424, 426

experimental implementation, 428434, 428, 431434

and Intel Nehalem-EX-based system, 419, 428, 432, 431432, 434, 434

speedup, 425426, 434, 434

point-to-point communications, 569

pollution avoidance, reputation systems for, 294295

polymorphism, and Chapel, 73

polysemy, 476, 479, 485

POSIX Threads, 68

power consumption, 60, 158, 161162

in AMD Phenom II processor, 6566

and dynamic voltage and frequency scaling, 165166

in Intel Core i7 processor, 65

and KNN queries in mobile sensor networks, 512, 516, 517, 518519, 520

in many-core architectures, 74

and MPI/OpenMP model, 160, 160162, 168, 170

and multicore computing, 60, 6566

and opportunistic grids, 366, 368369, 372374, 372373, 376380, 377, 377, 378, 378, 379, 380, 380, 382

and task aggregation, 170, 172, 178, 179

in Teraflops Research Chip, 60

and UnaGrid, 372374, 372373, 376380, 377, 377, 378, 378, 379, 380, 380

in wireless sensor networks, 228, 229, 239, 240

power function model and growth prediction in cloud computing, 623

power processing element (PPE) in Cell CBE, 590, 590

Power Processor Element (PPE) in Sony/IBM/Toshiba Cell BE processor, 67

power scaling in mobile multicore computing, 147148, 150151, 152, 153

POWER7 processor, 66

PowerTrust reputation management system, 307309

PPE (power processing element) in Cell CBE, 590, 590

PPE (Power Processor Element) in Sony/IBM/Toshiba Cell BE processor, 67

PPLive, 34, 45

predicates clustering, and decomposition of domains, 532

predictive search engines, 470472, 497498

and behavior modeling, 471, 472473, 473, 497, 498

k-nearest neighbor model, 474476, 475

neighborhoods of similarity, 472, 473, 474481, 475, 476479, 481, 497498

product recommendation algorithm (Amazon), 474

prefetching approach to connecting processes, 567568

preliminary design in embedded systems design, 639

PRIME, 33, 34

privacy concerns in cloud computing, 277, 278, 280, 286, 288

private memory in GPUs, 600601, 601

private-memory data model, 760

probabilistic network model (PNM), 13, 1417, 2728

probability to function, 234235

problem sets, high-dimensional/highly dynamic, 34

Process Life Cycle Management (PLM), in ORTE, 585

process managers (PMs) in MPD runtime environment, 583

process-driven techniques for software fault resilience, 746747

processing units in embedded systems, 636

processor fault resilience, 738

processors in embedded systems, 635, 636

product recommendation algorithm (Amazon), 474, 488

production in embedded systems design, 639

profile-driven static mapping, 164165, 164

programming models, 6768, 77

Chapel, 7273, 773774

for CPU/GPU systems, 8384

defined, 759

directive-based, 6970

Habanero, 7374

Intel Array Building Blocks, 70

Intel Threading Building Blocks, 7071

MPI. See MPI (Message-Passing Interface)

for multicore computing, 6774, 77

Sequoia, 71

threads, 6869

X10, 72

programming paradigm, 3

provided services description in service composition framework, 661

proximity-aware overlay construction, 35, 3942, 41

Pseudo Trust (PT) reputation management system, 304

PT (Pseudo Trust) reputation management system, 304

P2301 standard, 2

P2302 standard, 23

P2P (peer-to-peer) networks, 31, 291

P2PRep reputation management system, 302

punishment mechanism in Sorcery, 302

PvCEs. See pervasive computing environments

Q-learning, 444, 446, 447, 456, 458, 459, 459, 460, 460, 461, 462

QPI (Intel QuickPath Interconnect), 64

QR factorization, 712, 713, 718727, 720721, 723, 724, 726, 727

query entry process in search engines, 469, 469

query processing on relational databases, in cloud computing, 286288, 287, 287

query-driven approaches to domain decomposition, 531, 532

query-response system in search engines, 468, 468

queueing models, 353, 353, 643

and adaptive compression algorithm, 353357, 353, 356

MAC model, 354355

network model, 353354

queueing analysis for sensor node, 355357, 356

queuing network modeling, 132136, 133, 136, 139140, 141

QuickPath Interconnect (QPI), 64

radar cross-section problem and dense linear system solvers, 717

RAID (redundant array of independent disks), 742743

random distribution

and hill climbing algorithm, 540, 549, 549, 550

and simulated annealing algorithm, 543, 550, 551

random overlay construction, 34, 3637

random Zipf distribution

and hill climbing algorithm, 539, 540, 549, 549, 550

and simulated annealing algorithm, 550, 551

range partitioning, 529530

ranks in MPI, 762

RAS (Resource Allocation System) in ORTE, 585

rate monotonic (RM) algorithm, 388

reactive embedded system, 629

ready send in MPI, 763

real test beds, 778

real-time application development and worst-case execution time, 638

real-time systems, 387389

real-time tasks, 387

execution time, adjustment of, 391392, 393

scheduling, 388, 389391, 393

REBUILD mode in FT-MPI, 746

reciprocative decision function, 300301

reconfiguration and composition plan, 669

recursive circulant, diagnosability of, 116118, 117

RedMPI, 747

redundancy elimination, 257, 261262, 261

redundancy-based service recovery, 669

redundant array of independent disks (RAID), 742743

redundant evaluation elimination, 261, 262

redundant execution, 738

referential partitioning mode, 530

regular send in MPI, 763

reinforcement learning, 439, 442445, 443

DLS-with-RL approach to load balancing, 439, 444463, 446, 447, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 456, 457, 459, 460

model-based, 442443

model-free, 443

in scientific applications, 444445

relevance, in search engines, 467468


and network fault resilience, 741

of wireless sensor networks, 227229, 235237, 236, 237, 653654, 654

reliable minimum-sized connected dominating sets

genetic algorithm, 13, 1415, 1728, 18, 20, 23, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

and PNM model, 1417, 2728

reliable rating aggregation system, 305

relocation-based service recovery method, 669

remote computation in mobile computing, 145146, 146

remotely accessible memory, 760

repair, in composition plan, 669

replicable pattern, 216

reputation, 312316, 312, 313, 314, 315. See also reputation management systems

reputation management systems, 291292, 316317

and accountability, 299

and accuracy, 292

accurate trust model, 312316, 312, 313, 314, 315

and causes of misbehavior, 316

and collusion, 292, 299, 300, 309, 310, 311

Credence, 294

decentralized recommendation chains, 305306

EigenTrust, 292293

fine-grained system (Zhang/Fang), 306307

FuzzyTrust, 294

GossipTrust, 295296

honest players, 302303

H-Trust, 296297

and intelligent adversaries, 316

Maze P2P file-sharing system, 299

node reputation, time to estimate, 316

PeerTrust, 293

Personalized Trust (PET), 296

pollution avoidance, 294295

PowerTrust, 307309

Pseudo Trust (PT), 304

P2PRep, 302

reciprocative decision function, 300301

and reliability, 299

reliable rating aggregation system, 305

reputation-based fines in electronic markets, 305

reputation-based trust management system, 298

robust system (Buchegger/Boudec), 306

and scalability, 292

Scrubber, 294

and security, 299

SFTrust, 303304

and social network environment, 309311, 311, 316

SocialTrust, 309311, 311

Sorcery, 301302

stamp trading schemes/protocols, 299300

trust inference system, 297

TrustGuard, 293294

TrustMe, 304

Xrep/ X2Rep, 301

reputation protocols, 299, 300

reputation-based fines in electronic markets, 305

reputation-based trust management system, 298

requirement description in service composition framework, 661662

requirement specifications in embedded systems design, 639

Resource Allocation System (RAS) in ORTE, 585

resource management and scalability, 157158

Resource Mapping System (RMAPS), in ORTE, 585

response time in search engines, 467468

restricted growth functions, 535, 536

r-hop neighborhood and PNM, 1516

ring topology, 570, 578, 582

risk evaluation and PET reputation management system, 296

RL. See reinforcement learning

RM (rate monotonic) algorithm, 388

RMAPS (Resource Mapping System), in ORTE, 585

RMCDS-GA (reliable minimum-sized connected dominating sets genetic algorithm),

13, 1415, 1728, 18, 20, 23, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

RML (Runtime Messaging Layer)framework in ORTE, 586

robustness to mobility, and topology control, 10

roulette wheel selection (RWS), 22, 23, 23

ROUTED framework in ORTE, 585

RRTM_LW scheme, 8889, 89, 89, 9091, 9091, 9394, 93

RTS/CTS mechanism, 355

rule generator in FraSPA, 212, 213

runtime environments, 563, 565566, 586

application deployment, 566567, 571576, 574, 576

communication infrastructure, 566570

daemons in, 566, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 576, 577, 578

error detection, 577578

and fault tolerance, 577581, 581, 585

MPD, 582583, 583

ORTE, 580, 581, 582585, 583

and parallel programming models, 564

and portability, 566

topologies in, 566, 569570, 573576, 574, 576, 577578, 582, 585

Runtime Messaging Layer (RML) framework in ORTE, 586

RWS (roulette wheel selection), 22, 23, 23

sample-and-hold circuits in embedded systems, 636

SAP (secure allocation processing) algorithm, 332333

SARSA, 444, 446, 447, 456, 458, 459, 459, 460, 460, 461, 462

scalability, xix, 1, 34, 157158

of application deployment in runtime environments, 575576, 576

of CG benchmark, 9293, 92

of Cholesky factorization, 730, 730

of communication infrastructure in runtime environments, 569570

of DAGuE engine, 731, 731

of embedded systems, 630631, 645, 646

of energy-saving opportunities, 167

of EP benchmark, 92, 92

geographically scalable systems, 630

of GPU applications, 8182, 94

load-scalable systems, 630

in modeling/verification, 639640

and opportunistic grids, 366368

performance compared to, 630

in pervasive computing environments, 660, 663664, 665, 666670

and reputation management systems, 292

and resource management, 157158

of RRTM_LW scheme, 9394, 93

of search engines, 467, 468

of service composition, 660, 663664, 665, 666670, 671

scalable computing/communications, xix, 14

scalable programming paradigm, 3

scalable programming patterns for CPU/GPU systems, 8486

ScaLAPACK numerical library, 728729, 728, 731

scalar replacement, 259, 260, 260261

scale-out/scale-up in embedded systems, 630

Scamp gossip protocol, 3637

SCC (Intel Single-Chip Cloud Computer)76

schedulability region, 390, 391

scheduling, 398

criteria, 400402

and cumulative objective function, 401402

dynamic, 400, 408, 409, 410, 413, 414, 416, 416

and fitness, 399, 401402, 410, 411413

and flowtime, 401, 402, 410, 414, 415, 416, 416

GA + TS hybrid grid scheduler, 396, 404406, 405, 414, 414, 415, 415, 416, 416, 417

HGS-Sched, 396, 406408, 406, 412, 413, 414, 415, 415, 416, 416, 417

and makespan, 400401, 402, 410, 414, 415, 416, 416

of real-time tasks, 388, 389391, 393

representation, 399400

single-/multilevel genetic schedulers, 408412, 409414, 415, 414416, 416

single-population genetic schedulers, 396, 402404, 402, 409411, 410, 414, 415, 415, 416, 416, 417.

See also GA + TS hybrid grid scheduler

static, 400, 408, 409, 410, 413, 414, 416, 416

scheduling-based exact inference (SEI), 429434, 431433

Schelling Manager (SchMng), 789790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795

SchMng (Schelling Manager), 789790, 791, 792, 793, 794, 795

scientific applications

iterative, 440

load imbalance in, 437438, 439440

and machine learning, 441445, 443

reinforcement learning in, 444445

time-stepping applications, 438, 440, 440

scientific codes optimization, 255, 256257, 272273

computation reordering, 257259, 258

data layout reordering, 259261, 260

empirical tuning, 262263, 263, 264265, 265, 265272, 268, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 272

redundancy elimination, 257, 261262, 261

Scioto (scalable collections of task objects), 770771

scratchpad memory, 637, 722, 723

Scrubber reputation management system, 294

SDC (silent data corruption), 747

search engines, 467470, 468

and data caching, 469

most popular searches, 501502, 502

network access time, 468

query entry process, 469, 469

query-response system, 468, 468

relevance in, 467468

response time in, 467468

scalability of, 467, 468

search time, 468, 469470, 470

and web caching, 469

See also predictive search engines

secret sharing, 321322, 324

secure allocation processing (SAP) algorithm, 332333

security in distributed storage systems, 321322, 323, 339

file fragmentation/allocation, 321322, 324325, 326, 327328, 328, 339

heterogeneous vulnerabilities, 322, 324, 327328, 328, 339

intrusion detection/tolerance, 323

secret sharing, 321322, 324

See also S-FAS fragmentation allocationscheme

seed daemons, 570, 571, 573, 575

SEI (scheduling-based exact inference), 429434, 430433

selfish overlay construction, 4647

sensor nodes, 343, 345

sensors, 228229, 245

biosensors, 227

in embedded systems, 636

smart, 227, 231

spatial distribution of, 229

separate CPU/GPU systems, 593, 594

sequence alignment with mpiBLAST, 750752, 751

Sequoia programming model, 71

server placement in cloud computing, 614620, 615

server type and security, 322, 323, 327328, 328

service adaptation in service composition framework, 662663

service composition, 659660, 671

composition plan, 662, 669670

dynamic, 663

framework, 660663, 661

and network size, 668

provided services description, 661

PvCEs, 660661

and request complexity, 668669

requirement description, 661662

scalability of, 660, 663664, 665, 666670, 671

service adaptation, 662663

service monitors, 663

service provider selection, 662, 664, 665666, 666670

static, 663

service locality and service composition, 670

service monitors in service composition framework, 663

service provider selection, 662, 664, 665666, 666670

service user in cloud computing, 279

SEs (SIMD Engines), 591592, 592

S-FAS fragmentation allocation scheme, 323, 339341

allocation principles, 332

design, 328329

dynamic assurance, 331332, 333, 337, 337338, 338

and file size, 338, 339, 340

and heterogeneity, 322, 323, 324, 328329, 332, 333, 334, 334335, 340341

and number of file fragments, 335336, 336, 338, 339, 340

and number of fragments transmitted across storage clusters, 337338, 338

performance evaluation, 338339, 340

and probability of fragment interception, 337, 337

prototype architecture/design, 333

secure allocation processing algorithm, 332333

and size of server groups, 335, 335

storage assurance, 330331, 333336, 334, 335, 336

system model, 325326

and system size, 333335, 334

threat model, 326327

and threshold, 336

SFTrust reputation management system, 303304

SGEMM/DGEMM application kernel, 689, 691, 691, 691692, 693, 695, 695

shared caches, in multicore computing, 6263

shared history and reciprocative decision function, 300

shared memory, 256, 564, 760

short-term history and reciprocative decision function, 300301

SHRINK mode in FT-MPI, 746

silent data corruption (SDC), 747

SIMD Engines (SEs), 591592, 592

SimGrid, 781782, 782

similarity coefficients, 487

similarity indices, 487488

similarity metrics, 481

string-based, 472, 481, 489497, 491, 493495, 497, 498, 499, 501

vector-based, 472, 481489, 482, 482, 484, 497, 498, 499, 499, 501

SimJava, 779780, 780

simulated annealing algorithm, 543, 543, 550, 551, 552, 552553, 553

simulation, 40, 777779

in chip multiprocessor performance analysis, 130131, 130, 136139, 140141

in grid testing, 777790, 780787, 789790, 791, 792, 793, 794795, 794

See also grid simulation tools

SimulPh.D (physical design simulator tool), 553556, 555, 556558, 558559, 560

simultaneous multithreading (SMT), 6162, 61, 132, 133

single leader distributed algorithms for connected dominating sets, 1112

single processor/uniprocessor systems, 5557, 6162, 61, 157

single tree overlay structure in video streaming, 31, 3233, 35

Single-Chip Cloud Computer (SCC), 76

single-level genetic schedulers, 408412, 409414, 415, 414416, 416

single-point crossover operation, 24, 25

single-population genetic schedulers, 396, 402404, 402, 409411, 410, 414, 415, 415, 416, 416, 417.

See also GA + TS hybrid grid scheduler

single-precision computations and VOCL, 691, 692, 693, 695, 695

single-program, multiple-data (SPMD) programming, 701

single-unit embedded systems, 629, 645

singular value decomposition (SVD) model, 476479, 476479, 480481, 481, 498

SL (supervised learning), 442

slim trees, 428434, 428, 432

smart sensors, 227

smartphones, 145, 149, 149, 150

Smith-Waterman algorithm, 494495, 495, 496, 497, 499, 501, 689, 691, 691, 691692, 693, 695, 695

SMP (symmetric multiprocessing), 152

SMT (simultaneous multithreading), 6162, 61, 132, 133

SNAPC (Snapshot Coordination Interface) in ORTE, 586

Snapshot Coordination Interface (SNAPC) in ORTE, 586

social network mechanism in Sorcery, 301302

social networks, and reputation management systems, 309311, 311, 316

SocialTrust reputation management system, 309311, 311

soft memory errors, 738739

soft real-time systems, 388

software engineering, 4

software fault resilience, 738, 743, 753

checkpointing, 743745, 743, 748

enhancements to parallel programming models, 745748

software-driven energy efficiency in mobile multicore computing, 153154, 154

solid-state drives (SSDs), 742

Sony/IBM/Toshiba Cell BE processor, 64, 67

Sorcery reputation management system, 301302

Sørensen index, 487, 489

source-to-source compiler (SSC) in FraSPA, 212, 212, 213

space/aerospace applications of embedded systems, 632

space-redundant execution, 738

SPARC T3 processor, 64, 6667

spatial irregularity in density-awareitinerary-based KNN, 516517

SPE (SynergisticProcessor Processor Element) in Sony/IBM/Toshiba Cell BE processor, 67

speedup, 425426, 434, 434


split operations and hill climbing algorithm, 540541, 541, 542

SplitStream multiple-tree streaming, 33

SPMD (single-program, multiple-data) programming, 701

sprouting operations, 407

SPs (stream processors), 591

SPUs (synergistic processing units), 590, 590591

square 1-fault-tolerant model, 232233, 232, 234, 234, 235, 236, 237

SSC (source-to-source compiler) in FraSPA, 212, 212, 213

SSDs (solid-state drives), 742

stamp trading schemes/protocols, 299300


for cloud computing, 23

FlexRay, 634

IEEE P2301, 2

IEEE P2302, 23

star schemas, 523524, 525526

star topology, 570, 573, 574, 575576, 576, 578

state machines, 642

static scheduling, 400, 408, 409, 410, 413, 414, 416, 416

STATIC scheduling algorithm, 458

static variables in POET, 266

steady-state strategy in combinatorial optimization problems, 403404, 410

ST-Ericsson/ARM/Google collaboration, 152

stochastic models, 642643

storage fault resilience, 742743

stream processors (SPs), 591

streaming languages in mobile multicore computing, 151152

StreamIt, 151

strength reduction, 261, 262

stretch factors and topology control, 910

string-based similarity metrics, 472, 481, 489, 497, 501

converting distance to similarity, 490

Levenshtein distance, 490492, 491, 497, 499, 500, 501

Needleman-Wunsch algorithm, 492494, 493, 494, 497, 499, 500, 501

Smith-Waterman algorithm, 494495, 495, 496, 497, 499, 501

string alignment, 492495, 493495, 496

Wagner-Fischer algorithm, 490491, 491, 495497, 499, 501

structural parallelism, 420435

subtraction-based distributed algorithms forconnected dominating sets, 11

supervised learning (SL), 442

SVD (singular value decomposition) model, 476479, 476479, 480481, 481, 498

swap mutation in combinatorial optimization problems, 403

symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), 152

synchronization in MPI, 764

synchronous send in MPI, 763

syndrome of diagnosis, 100, 101, 102

synergistic processing units (SPUs), 590, 590591

SynergisticProcessor Element (SPE) in Sony/IBM/Toshiba Cell BE processor, 67

synonymy, 476, 479, 485

system integration in embedded systems design, 639

system verification/evaluation in embedded systems design, 639

system virtual machines, 368

system-level checkpointing, 744745

systems software level checkpointing, 743745, 743, 748

tags in MPI, 762

Tanimoto coefficient, 487, 489, 499, 500, 501

task aggregation, 170, 172173, 173, 182

aggregation patterns, 172, 173, 173, 174, 175, 178181, 180181, 182

communication, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178

computation, 173, 174175, 178

and power consumption, 170, 172, 178, 179

task grouping, 175177, 182

task class, in DAGuE Job Data Flow, 709710, 711, 712

task execution time, adjustment of, 391392, 393

task grouping in task aggregation, 175177, 182

task-driven techniques for software faultresilience, 748

task-parallel programming models, 769

ADLB (asynchronous dynamic load balancing library), 771772

Charm + + , 769770

Scioto, 770771

t-diagnosable systems, 100103, 101, 102, 103

telemedicine, 633

Teraflops Research Chip, 60, 7677

terminal paging, 185186

location update cost minimization with

terminal paging constraint, 196201

terminal paging cost minimization with

location update constraint, 192196

test beds, 778

Texas Instruments, 152

TH-1A (TianHe-1A) supercomputer, 8283, 83, 90, 9091, 91


Threading Building Blocks, 7071

threads, 6869

kernel-level, 69

migration, 134

and MPI + OpenMP/CUDA hybrid programming pattern, 86

and multitasking, 148

and performance analysis of chip multiprocessor, 126, 127, 128, 129, 129, 130, 131, 132134, 133, 135, 136, 140


scheduling, 133, 133

simultaneous multithreading, 132, 133

user-level, 69

threshold rate, 350, 351

threshold-based approaches to horizontal partitioning, 527, 527, 528

throughput, 10, 630

TianHe-1A (TH-1A) supercomputer, 8283, 83, 90, 9091, 91

tile QR algorithm, 712, 713, 718727, 720721, 723, 724, 726, 727

TILEPro64 chip, 76

Tilera TILEPro64 chip, 76

time prediction, and MPI/OpenMP model, 162163, 163, 164

time-based location update, 188

time-redundant execution, 738

time-stepping applications, 438, 440, 440, 444, 445, 449451, 450, 451

topology control, 79, 8, 9

and algorithm overhead, 10

CDS-based, 1012

metrics for, 910

total search time in search engines, 468, 469470, 470

transformational embedded system, 629

transistors, 5760, 57

transmission range, 246249, 248, 249, 250, 251

transmission success ratio (TSR), 13, 15, 2122

tree-based topologies, 570571, 573576, 574, 576, 578

Trilinos, 4

trust inference system, 297

TrustGuard reputation management system, 293294

TrustMe reputation management system, 304

TS algorithm, 404406, 405, 412, 414, 414.

See alsoGA + TS hybrid grid scheduler

TSR (transmission success ratio), 13, 15, 2122

twisted cubes, diagnosability of, 112115, 114, 115

2-matching composition networks (MCNs), 105110, 106, 107, 109, 110

two-point crossover operation, 24, 25

two-sided communication in MPI, 763764

UL (unsupervised learning), 442

UML, 643

UnaGrid, 367, 368, 369, 374375, 382

architecture, 369370, 370

CPU performance, 375376, 376, 376

implementation, 371, 371

intrusion level, 375, 375376, 376, 376

I/O performance, 375, 375

performance degradation, 381, 381382

power consumption, 372374, 372373, 376380, 377, 377, 378, 378, 379, 380, 380

unconstrained approaches to horizontal partitioning, 527528, 527

uncoordinated checkpoint protocols, 744

Unified Parallel C (UPC), 765766

uniform crossover operation, 24, 25

uniform distribution

and hill climbing algorithm, 538539, 539, 549, 549, 550

and simulated annealing algorithm, 543, 550, 551

uniprocessor/single processor systems, 5557, 6162, 61, 157

unstructured mesh overlay structure in video streaming, 32, 3334, 35

unsupervised learning, 442

UPC (Unified Parallel C), 765766

user behavior, modeling, 471, 472473, 473, 497, 498

user-driven approaches to domain decomposition, 531532, 531

user-level threads, 69

variables in POET, 266267

VB (virtual backbone), 89, 10

vector cosine, 483484, 484, 486487, 489, 499, 499, 501

vector divergence, 484486

vector-based similarity metrics, 472, 481483, 482, 482, 488489, 497, 501

similarity indices, 487488

vector cosine, 483484, 484, 486487, 489, 499, 499, 501

vector divergence, 484486

vectorization in OpenCL, 604605, 609

very long instruction word (VLIW) architecture, 592

video streaming and heterogeneous overlay construction, 35, 3739

video-on-demand (VOD) systems, 34

view-upload decoupling (VUD), 4445, 44

virtual backbone (VB), 89, 10

virtual column partitioning, 530

virtual OpenCL. See VOCL

virtualization, 366, 367, 368, 369370, 382

Vivaldi network coordinate systems, 40

VLIW (very long instruction word) architecture, 592

VOCL (virtual OpenCL), 676677, 676, 696697

and application kernels, 689, 691, 691, 691692, 693, 694, 695, 695

buffers in, 681, 685686, 686

communication channels, 680681

data transfer in, 689, 690

data transfer pipelining, 684687, 685, 686

double-precision computations, 692, 694, 695, 695

experimental evaluation, 687689, 687, 688, 690, 691, 691, 691692, 693, 694, 694695, 695

framework, 677682, 678

kernel argument caching, 684, 684

kernel execution, 688

multiple virtual GPUs, 694695, 695

multiple-level handler translation, 680, 680

native OpenCL function calls, 681, 682

optimizations, 682687, 683, 684, 685, 686

and overhead, 682, 683, 683684, 684, 688, 688, 691692, 693694, 696

single-precision computations, 691, 692, 693, 695, 695

VOCL function operations, 679, 679

VOCL library, 677679, 678

VOCL proxy, 678, 678, 680681, 682, 692

See also OpenCL

VOD (video-on-demand) systems, 34

VUD (view-upload decoupling), 4445, 44

Wagner-Fischer algorithm, 490491, 491, 495497, 499, 501

walker Nodes in Green's function Monte Carlo, 752753

WCET (worst-case execution time), 387, 391, 638

web caching in search engines, 469

when clauses in X10, 773

wildcard receives

in MPI, 764

and software fault resilience, 746747

wireless communication networks

cost optimization in. See cost optimization

structure of, 187, 187, 188

wireless multicast advantage (WMA), 240, 246, 246

wireless sensor networks (WSNs), 239240, 245246, 245, 246, 248, 343, 646647, 647

compression in, 344

congestion in, 245

connectivity of, 228, 230231, 232, 239

coverage in, 228, 230237, 232, 234, 236, 237

delay-sensitive, 343344

deterministic network model, 1213

and event-to-sink reliable transport, 245

fault detection in, 647

fault tolerance in, 228, 231233, 232, 234, 234235, 238244, 243, 647654, 648650

mean time to failure in, 649, 650, 651653, 651653

nodes in, 228229, 231, 232, 238, 239, 240, 241, 245, 246, 247, 250, 251

and pivot routing, 238244, 243, 250

power consumption in, 228, 229, 239, 240

queueing model for, 353357, 353, 356

reliability of, 227229, 235237, 236, 237, 653654, 654

sensor nodes, 343

topology control in, 79, 8, 9, 1012

and transmission range, 246249, 248, 249, 250, 251

wireless multicast advantage, 240, 246, 246

WMA (wireless multicast advantage), 240, 246, 246

work stealing in Scioto, 771

worker nodes in Green's function Monte Carlo, 752

workload distribution in CPU/GPU systems, 8687, 90, 9091, 91

worst-case execution time (WCET), 387, 391, 638

WSNs. See wireless sensor networks

xform handles in POET, 266

Xrep/X2Rep reputation management system, 301

X10, 72, 772773

Zipf distribution

and hill climbing algorithm, 539540, 539540, 549, 549, 550

and simulated annealing algorithm, 543, 550, 551

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